Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories by Thornton W. Burgess

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About this eBook

Author Burgess, Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo), 1874-1965
Illustrator Cady, Harrison, 1877-1970
Title Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories
Contents Why Striped Chipmunk is proud of his stripes -- Why Peter Rabbit cannot fold his hands -- Why Unc' Billy Possum plays dead -- Why Reddy Fox wears red -- Why Jimmy Skunk never hurries -- Why Sammy Jay has a fine coat -- Why Jerry Muskrat builds his house in the water -- Why Old Man Coyote has many voices -- Why Miner the Mole lives under ground -- Why Mr. Snake cannot wink -- Why Bobby Coon has rings on his tail -- Why there is a black head in the buzzard family -- Why Buster Bear appears to have no tail -- Why Flitter the Bat flies at night -- Why Spotty the Turtle carries his house with him -- Why Paddy the Beaver has a broad tail.
Credits Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Richard J. Shiffer and the PG Online
Distributed Proofreading Team.
Language English
LoC Class PZ: Language and Literatures: Juvenile belles lettres
Subject Animals -- Juvenile fiction
Subject Children's stories, American
Category Text
EBook-No. 14958
Release Date
Most Recently Updated Dec 19, 2020
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.
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