Once upon a time animal stories by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

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About this eBook

Author Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, 1875-1961
Title Once upon a time animal stories
Original Publication Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley, 1918.
Contents How the Eagle went hungry -- Little Footsteps Upon the Water -- The story of Lambikin -- Brother Wolf and the Rock -- Little Bear -- How the pigs can see the wind -- The talking grass -- How the Fox played herdsman -- Mr. Elephant and Mr. Frog -- How Drakestail went to the king -- The greedy cat -- The three Billy Goats Gruff -- The Hobyahs -- The kid who would not go -- The Robin's Christmas song -- The story of Ibbity -- The Chipmunk who chattered too much -- How the Squirrel got wings -- How they brought Hairlock home -- The Bear who lost his supper -- The Rabbit who was afraid -- How maple sugar came -- The Rabbit who wanted red wings -- How the first Mayflowers came -- How the Rabbit tried to coast -- Why the Field Mouse is little -- How the first bears came -- Why the bear has a stumpy tail -- Why the Bear sleeps all winter.
Credits Bob Taylor, WebRover, Tim Lindell, Suzanne Wheeler, Peter Vachuska and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.)
Language English
LoC Class PZ: Language and Literatures: Juvenile belles lettres
Subject Animals -- Folklore
Subject Animals -- Juvenile fiction
Subject Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction
Subject Children's stories
Subject Folk tales
Category Text
EBook-No. 72063
Release Date
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.
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