The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Volume 1, 1905 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Volume 1, 1905 Author: Various Editor: C. E. Fanning Release date: November 20, 2016 [eBook #53565] Most recently updated: October 23, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Richard Tonsing, Juliet Sutherland and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE CUMULATIVE BOOK REVIEW DIGEST, VOLUME 1, 1905 *** [Illustration: THE CUMULATIVE BOOK REVIEW DIGEST EVALUATION OF LITERATURE ] Volume I. 1905 Complete in a single alphabet THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cumulative Book Review Digest VOL. I. DECEMBER, 1905 NO. 10 PUBLISHED MONTHLY _The_ H. W. WILSON COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS New York office W. C. ROWELL, Manager 27 East 21st St. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Per volume, ending with the December number, $5 00 THE CUMULATIVE BOOK REVIEW DIGEST subscriptions will be taken for the volume only, the volume ending with the December number which is a full cumulation for the year. The DIGEST will be sent to subscribers until an order to discontinue is received with remittance for amount due. TERMS OF ADVERTISING ───────┬───────┬───────┬───────┬───────┬─────── SPACE │ 1 mo. │3 mos. │6 mos. │9 mos. │12 mos. ───────┼───────┼───────┼───────┼───────┼─────── 1 page │ $15 00│ $14 25│ $13 50│ $12 75│ $12 00 ½ page │ 8 00│ 7 60│ 7 20│ 6 80│ 6 40 ¼ page │ 4 50│ 4 25│ 4 05│ 3 80│ 3 60 ⅛ page │ 2 25│ 2 15│ 2 00│ 1 90│ 1 80 1 inch │ 1 25│ 1 15│ 1 10│ 1 05│ 1 00 ───────┴───────┴───────┴───────┴───────┴─────── Combined rate for The Cumulative Book Index, The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature and The Cumulative Book Review Digest: One page $25; one-half page, $12.50; one-inch, $2. Special rates on yearly contracts for a full page or more. Publishers’ Statement _THE CUMULATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY._ _SETS OF MAGAZINES FOR SALE._ We have purchased two large stocks of miscellaneous magazines which we are classifying and collecting into sets, especially for years 1900 to date. We shall not be able to print a list of these for several weeks but shall be glad to quote prices for any sets, volumes or odd numbers. _The Need._ THE READERS’ GUIDE TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1900-1904, and the current numbers open up a rich field to the investigator, but disappointment often results owing to the library’s not having the articles and if the articles are in the files, they are usually bound and do not circulate and the student can not use the material as advantageously as though it were in single article form. _How We Propose to Meet the Need._ We have already purchased large quantities of magazines and we propose to arrange articles cut from all magazines we index and many others in strict accordance with the subject classification of the READERS’ GUIDE. We shall be able to fill orders for certain articles or all articles on a subject. When requested, we shall be able to include much that is not indexed. Every article will be neatly stitched in a cover. _The Cost._ For the first article in each order the charge will be ten cents and for each additional article five cents. Articles may be _retained two weeks_ not including time in transit. _Ready January 1st, 1906._ We shall be glad to receive a trial order any time after January first. _Incidentally._ We shall collect many duplicate magazines and we propose to make up sets of magazines, especially for the five years covered by the READERS’ GUIDE TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE, 1900-1904. We hope to be able to supply odd numbers, volumes, or sets and shall be glad to receive lists of wants and also lists of duplicates which libraries may wish to dispose of. Lists of duplicates for sale should be accompanied by lists of wants since we can pay more in exchange than in cash. Announcements The University of Chicago Press announces the addition to its list of publications of two new journals, to be devoted to the interests of the Ancient Classics; viz. Classical Philology, published for the University of Chicago, and the Classical Journal, published for the newly formed Classical Association of the Middle West and South. The former will contain scientific articles and critical reviews; the latter, articles and reviews of a more general nature, with special reference to the needs of teachers. As usual, The Outlook’s illustrated Magazine Number for December is also its Annual Book Number, and this is in fact the seventeenth year of the appearance of such a yearly survey of the books of the season. In addition to a large number of pages devoted to a classified review of recent literature in its more important departments, there are special features dealing with notable literary personalities, and an article dealing with the American publisher and including a dozen or more portraits of the heads of the most famous American publishing houses. Half a dozen or more authors of note have been chosen as the subjects of personal articles, accompanied in each case with a portrait. “Russia under the Great Shadow,” by Luigi Villari, is not only one of the most readable of the recent books on the realm of the Czar, but decidedly valuable. In Mr. Villari’s handsome and generously illustrated volume the reader will find a most interesting and temperate account of existing conditions in Russia, based on the author’s recent journey throughout the empire. It is comprehensive, impartial, well-reasoned and trustworthy, and will undoubtedly attract wide attention. In the December issue of the “Political Science Quarterly” (Ginn & Company) Professor George H. Haynes of Worcester, Mass., discusses the tendency toward popular control of senatorial elections, and the methods taken in the various commonwealths for limiting the choice of the legislature in the selection of United States senators. Professor Frank Haigh Dixon of Dartmouth College describes recent attempts on the part of the states to regulate railways; and Mr. Royal Meeker analyzes the arguments advanced by supporters of the pending shipping subsidy bill. Other leading articles in the December Quarterly are “The Municipal Code of Indiana,” by Professor Fairlie of the University of Michigan; “Communistic Societies in the United States,” by Professor Bushe of Clark College; “Berlin’s Tax Problem,” by Professor Brooks of Swarthmore College; and “Private Property in Maritime War” by Giulio Marchetti Ferrante, Secretary of the Italian Legation at Berne, Switzerland. List of Publications from which Digests of Reviews are Made Acad.—Academy, London. Am. Hist. R.—American Historical Review, 66 Fifth Ave., N. Y. Am. J. Soc.—American Journal of Sociology. $2. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Am. J. Theol.—American Journal of Theology. $3. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Ann. Am. Acad.—Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. $6. Philadelphia. Arena.—Arena. $2.50. Albert Brandt, Trenton, N. J. Astrophys. J.—Astrophysical Journal. $4. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Ath.—Athenæum. $4.25. London, England. Atlan.—Atlantic Monthly. $4. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. Bib. World.—Biblical World. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Bookm.—Bookman. $2. Dodd, Mead & Co., 372 5th Ave., N. Y. Bot. Gaz.—Botanical Gazette. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Cath. World.—Catholic World. $3. 120-122 W. 60th St., New York. Critic.—Critic. $2. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New Rochelle, N. Y. Dial.—Dial. $2. Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Ill. Educ. R.—Educational Review. $3. Educational Review Pub. Co., Columbia University, N. Y. El. Sch. T.—Elementary School Teacher. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Eng. Hist. R.—English Historical Review. Engin. N.—Engineering News. 220 Broadway, N. Y. Forum.—Forum. $2. Forum Publishing Co., 123 E. 23d St., N. Y. Hibbert J.—Hibbert Journal. Williams & Norgate, London, England. Ind.—Independent. $2. 130 Fulton St., N. Y. Int. J. Ethics.—International Journal of Ethics, 1415 Locust St., Philadelphia. Int. Studio.—International Studio. $5. John Lane, 67 5th Av., N. Y. J. Geol.—Journal of Geology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. J. Pol. Econ.—Journal of Political Economy. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Lit. D.—Literary Digest. $3. 44-60 East 23d Street, New York. Lond. Times.—London Times (literary supplement to weekly edition), London, England. Mod. Philol.—Modern Philology. $3. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Nation.—Nation. $3. P. O. Box 794, New York. Nature.—Nature, 66 Fifth Ave., N. Y. N. Y. Times.—New York Times Saturday Review. New York. Outlook.—Outlook. $3. Outlook Co., 287 4th Ave., New York. Philos. R.—Philosophical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca. N, Y. Phys. R.—Physical Review, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Pol. Sci. Q.—Political Science Quarterly. $3. Ginn & Co., 29 Beacon St., Boston. Psychol. Bull.—Psychological Bulletin. Princeton, New Jersey. Pub. Opin.—Public Opinion, 44-60 East 23d St., New York. Reader.—Reader Magazine. $3. Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, Ind. R. of Rs.—Review of Reviews. $2.50. Review of Reviews Co., 13 Astor Place, New York. Sat. R.—Saturday Review (London). School R.—School Review. $1.50. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Science, n.s.—Science (new series). $5. Garrison-on-Hudson, N. Y. Spec.—Spectator (London). Yale R.—Yale Review, New Haven, Conn. OTHER ABBREVIATIONS: =Abbreviations of Publishers’ Names= will be found in the Publishers’ Directory at the end of The Cumulative Book Index. =An Asterisk (*) before the price indicates= those books sold at a limited discount and commonly known as net books. Books subject to the rules of the American Publishers’ Association are marked by a double asterisk (**) when the bookseller is required to maintain the list price; by a dagger (†) when the maximum discount is fixed at 20 and 10 per cent, as is allowable in the case of fiction. =The plus and minus signs= preceding the names of the magazines indicate the degree of favor or disfavor of the entire review. =In the reference to a magazine=, the first number refers to the volume, the next to the page and the letters to the date. =In cumulated numbers=, the new entries for that number are indicated by an asterisk (*). * * * * * The publications, named above, undoubtedly represent the leading reviews of the English-speaking world. Few libraries are able to subscribe for all and the smaller libraries are supplied with comparatively few of the periodicals from which the digests are to be culled. For this reason the digest will be of greater value to the small libraries, since it places at their disposal, in most convenient form, a vast amount of valuable information about books, which would not otherwise be available. We shall endeavor to make the descriptive notes so comprehensive, and the digests so full and accurate, that librarians who do not have access to the reviews themselves, will be able to arrive at substantially correct appreciations of the value of the books reviewed. This is particularly true in regard to the English periodicals, which are practically out of the reach of the ordinary library; we shall endeavor to make the digest of these reviews so complete that there will be little occasion to refer to the original publications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Cumulative Book Review Digest Devoted to the Valuation of Current Literature Digests of reviews appearing in January—December 1905, magazines A =Abbey, Henry.= Poems. 4th ed. *$1.15. Appleton. “The content-matter consists for the most part of simple ballads, lyrics and poems for special occasions. In the present edition the author has brought together all his verse that he cares to preserve from previous editions and to these poems he has added a number of new compositions.”—Arena. “The charm of his work lies rather in the pleasing lines that appeal rather to those who love the simple and quiet lays. Many of them are delightfully-told legends and ballads that will linger in the memory.” + =Arena.= 33: 341. Mr. ‘05. 460w. =Abbot, Henry L.= Problems of the Panama canal. $1.50. Macmillan. Dating this discussion from the failure of the De Lesseps company, Gen. Abbot who is consulting engineer of the new Panama company, makes a technical study of the whole problem. He includes a “summary comparison of the routes of the old and new companies, a description of the physical conditions existing on the isthmus, the Chagres river problem, the disposal of rainfall in the basin of the stream, and the last chapter explains the plans proposed for the canal by the French company and by the former Isthmian canal commission, and the construction of a sea-level canal.” (N. Y. Times). Everything relating to the best possible canal construction is covered, and to aid in clearness, there are added a number of tables, maps, diagrams, &c. “It would be difficult to find anywhere one better qualified to discuss the Panama problems than General Abbot.” + + =Engin.= N. 53: 645. Je. 15, ‘05. 340w. =Nation.= 80: 459. Je. 8, ‘05. 120w. + + + =Nature.= 72: 394. Ag. 24, ‘05. 860w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 249. Ap. 15, ‘05. 100w. (Statement of contents.) “Gen. Abbot has made a valuable contribution to the technical literature of the Panama canal.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 275. Ap. 29, ‘05. 830w. =Outlook.= 80: 394. Je. 10, ‘05. 130w. + + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 766. Je. ‘05. 300w. =Abbott, Jacob.= Rollo books. 14v. ea. 50c. Crowell. An attractive, new popular priced edition which retains the original “Rollo” illustrations and includes Rollo learning to talk; Rollo learning to read; Rollo at work; Rollo at play; Rollo at school; Rollo’s vacation; Rollo’s experiments; Rollo’s museum; Rollo’s travels; Rollo’s correspondence; Rollo’s philosophy—Water; Air; Fire; Sky. =Abbott, Lyman.= Christian ministry. **$1.50. Houghton. This new book of essays is based on two courses of lectures given by Dr. Abbott before the Yale and Pacific Theological seminaries. It answers the question, Why do people go to church? “Dr. Abbott writes with vision, power, tact, and rare literary felicity.” + + + =Critic.= 47: 384. O. ‘05. 180w. “It is a liberal view of the ministry and of the church, arising from a profound faith in Christianity, not merely as a form of teaching but as a power derived from a Person.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 390. Je. 10, ‘05. 270w. “The book is pervaded by that newer and higher conception of religion that is becoming more and more prevalent, viz.: that religion is not ecclesiastical or dogmatic, but a living power in the heart of every individual.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 413. S. 23, ‘05. 380w. * =R. of Rs.= 32: 752. D. ‘05. 160w. =Abbott, Lyman.= Industrial problem. **$1. Jacobs. The William Levi Bull lectures for 1905. “The first lecture endeavors to define the industrial problem: the other three propose as the political solution, regulation; as the economic solution, reorganization; and as the ethical solution, regeneration.” (Outlook.) =Ind.= 59: 811. O. 5, ‘05. 240w. =Outlook.= 80: 692. Jl. 15, ‘05. 170w. =Abbott, Lyman.= Personality of God. **30c. Crowell. A widely discussed sermon preached before the Harvard students, in which Dr. Abbott gives his definition of God. He aims to show the honest, sincere and rational man who is confused by the difference of opinion between a certain school of theologians and a certain school of scientists, that a belief in the Fatherhood of God is consistent with an acceptance of a thoroly modern scientific conception of the universe. The binding is uniform with the “What is worth while series.” =Outlook.= 79: 760. Mr. 25, ‘05. 30w. “The combined simplicity and the power of this address are great. It is interpretative to a rare degree. One breathes ‘an ampler ether, a diviner air’ while reading it.” + + — =Reader.= 6: 241. Jl. ‘05. 200w. * =Abraham, Rev. W. H.= Church and state in England. *$1.40. Longmans. This history of the relation of church and state is written to aid the student of their present relations. The period preceding the conquest is first treated and the chapters which follow cover the Norman period, the troubles with the papacy from Henry II to Richard II, the beginning of constitutional church government, the growth of abuses, the beginning of reform, the subjection of the church to the state and later temporarily to the papacy, the Elizabethan settlement, the Puritans, Latitudinarian troubles, and the growth of Erastian ideas. In a final chapter entitled, The next step, Dr. Abraham makes suggestions for the future. * “On the whole we cannot commend this book; it ministers to prejudice rather than to tolerance, and its author cannot be said to be inspired by the spirit of true historical investigation.” — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 590. My. 13. 180w. * “There is a little fault to be found with Dr. Abraham’s narrative of the past. The point at which we should part company with Dr. Abraham is to be found in his proposals for the future.” + — =Spec.= 94: 558. Ap. 15, ‘05. 240w. =Acworth, William Mitchell.= Elements of railway economics. *70c. Oxford. A preface states that this book is but a fragment of a complete work which the author has in mind, and is issued to meet the present need of an English text-book in railway economics. It deals with railways and railway business from an economic point of view and considers railway capital, expenditure, income, charges and rates, closing with a chapter upon the interference of parliament. Altho English experience furnishes the illustrations the discussion is applicable to all railways however owned or managed. “The ordinary reader, if he will take the trouble really to master the figures here tabulated and the close reasoning to which they lead, will find the admirable little book now at his disposal make him quite sufficiently conversant with the subject.” + + + =Sat. R.= 99: 849. Je. 24, ‘05. 430w. =Adam, Juliette Lamber (Mme. Edmond).= My literary life, **$2.50. Appleton. There is a fascination about Madam Adam’s intense, vivacious interpretation of the meanings of things that is not easily resisted. Her literary career, outlined here from the time of her unfortunate marriage to the founding of her salon, is linked with the life of France during the stormy days of the second empire, and reflects the temper of French society, thought and politics of the day. She rambles on delightfully about the personal qualities of George Sand, Daniel Stern, Edmond About, Gustave Flaubert, Madam Viardot, Jules Simon, and hosts of other notables, revealing ever and anon her own radical notions and violent tendencies. There are a number of full-page pictures of men and women of the times. “Altogether this is a most delightful, inspiring and informative book, worth all the recent volumes of memoirs put together; the translation is quite excellent; in fact, it does not read like a translation at all.” Frank Schloesser. + + =Acad.= 68: 34. Ja. 14, ‘05. 510w. + =Critic.= 46: 186. F. ‘05. 310w. “Chief defect (or excellence) is its haphazard garrulity. Reminiscences give the book its value, apart from our interest in the very communicative lady who writes it.” + =Dial.= 38: 21. Ja. 1, ‘05. 350w. “A very readable book. In parts jerky and incoherent.” + — =Spec.= 94: 121. Ja. 28, ‘05. 240w. =Adams, Andy.= The outlet. †$1.50. Houghton. The author, who saw the beginning of the custom of wintering Texan cattle in the Northwest, the measure which brought the extermination of the bison and the confinement of the Indians to their reservations, and who had some experience with railway companies and their methods of caring for cattle, and their prices with contractors, and with the Congressional lobbyist has woven all these things into his story. “The book needs a glossary if it is to be thoroughly understood by English readers.” — =Acad.= 68: 665. Je. 24, ‘05. 390w. “Not the least effective part of the book consists of the dialogue. The success of this book is the more notable from the entire absence of anything resembling a love story.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + + =Forum.= 37: 112. Jl. ‘05. 410w. “He tells of the dangers of the great drive, from stampedes, from alkali water, from drought, from flood and from men, in a straightforward and convincing way.” + =Ind.= 58: 1257. Je. 1, ‘05. 160w. “It is an out-door book, with no pretense to style or philosophy—a plain story that takes you into the herd and its daily happenings. The book is admirable of its kind.” + + =Nation.= 80: 422. My. 25, ‘05. 820w. “A genuine American story. There is no fiction in ‘The outlet,’ but a true, well-defined and entertainingly written narrative.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 276. Ap. 29, ‘05. 500w. “It is a fine picture of life on the plains, the relations of the men towards each other, episodes of treachery and sharp practices, and the fights against these evils.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 392. Je. 17, ‘05. 180w. “This is a striking foot-note to the study of conditions in the far West.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1015. Ap. 22, ‘05. 180w. “‘The outlet’ is first and foremost, a capital story; after that, it is a genuine contribution to the history of a typical American industry.” + + =Reader.= 6: 361. Ag. ‘05. 330w. * “The story is somewhat colourless and lacking in breadth of interest.” — =Sat. R.= 100: 630. N. 11, ‘05. 70w. =Adams, Frederick Upham.= John Henry Smith, a humorous romance of outdoor life. †$1.50. Doubleday. John Henry Smith tells his own story in diary form and also the story of other members of the golf club and their play, among them the heroine’s millionaire father, who becomes a golf enthusiast and partner with Smith in a Wall street operation, and farmer Bishop’s remarkable hired man who wins an heiress. There are various adventures, in one an automobile gets the better of a mad bull and in another it outraces a tornado. “An effective antidote to insomnia.” + + =Acad.= 68: 880. Ag. 26, ‘05. 480w. “Mr. Adams has other qualities besides humour and characterization.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 202. Ag. 12, 140w. “The story, told in Mr. John Henry Smith’s delightful and hearty style, is particularly suitable for summer reading.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 430. Jl. 1, ‘05. 670w. =Adams, Oscar Fay.= Dictionary of American authors. $3.50. Houghton. An outgrowth of the writer’s “Handbook of American authors,” published in 1884. This fifth edition contains over eight thousand five hundred names of recognized contributors to American literature, nearly three thousand more names than the first edition and over one thousand more than the fourth. The work is intended for critics, editors, and publishers, who have to do with contemporary literature, as well as for students of American literature and librarians. + + =Nation.= 80: 247. Mr. 30, ‘05. 120w. =Adams, Samuel.= Writings of Samuel Adams; ed. by H. A. Cushing. *$5. Putnam. “The editor of this volume properly says in the preface that the writings of no one of the leaders of the American revolution form a more complete expression of the causes and justification of that movement than do the writings of Samuel Adams. Such a collection has long been needed.... The present volume covers the period from 1765 to 1769, inclusive.... Nearly all the papers are of a distinctly public character.... Brought together from many places, from the manuscript collections of the Earl of Dartmouth, the collections in the Lenox library, the Massachusetts state papers, the Life by Wells, the Prior documents and other printed sources.”—Am. Hist. R. “Everything included here is so desirable for an understanding of the Revolutionary movement that the reviewer has not the courage to advise the omission of papers the authenticity of which is in doubt, but he does express the desire that succeeding volumes will make plain the basis of inclusion and that work of such importance as this should not be subjected to so serious a criticism.” + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 654. Ap. ‘05. 760w. (Review of v. 1.) =Adams, Thomas Sewall, and Sumner, Helen L.= Labor problems: a text book; ed. by Prof. R. T. Ely. *$1.60. Macmillan. The following extract from the preface of this work shows the author’s purpose: “The principal aim of this book is to furnish a convenient collection of facts that will facilitate the study and the teaching of the American labor problem.... Where it was necessary we have sacrificed both interest and general social philosophy in order to present concrete facts. We believe that the gravest differences of opinion about the labor problem and the most dangerous misapprehensions are caused by the failure to view the problem broadly, to consider its many phases and ramifications. The labor problem is greater than the problem of industrial peace. Impelled by this conviction, we have preferred to cover a broad field imperfectly rather than a narrow field in detail.” “It is written in a broad and sympathetic way, with every effort to state the facts fairly and clearly.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 586. My. ‘05. 190w. “It is professionally designed for undergraduates and teachers, but the general public may find in it also a range of subject-matter and a felicity of treatment which should make it popular.” + + — =Ind.= 59: 811. O. 5, ‘05. 300w. * “Is comprehensive in scope and thoro in treatment, and will be found indispensable to all students of industrial questions.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 1158. N. 16, ‘05. 20w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 63. Ja. 28, ‘05. 220w. (Statement of aim and scope.) “This last chapter ... is probably the one which is most open to the charge of providing students with ready-made opinions, though a similar charge may also be made in connection with Dr. Adams’s treatment of trade-unionism. It is, however, impossible to expect a treatise like this to be exhaustive, and nothing but praise can be given for the painstaking accuracy and wide research of the authors.” + + — =Outlook.= 79: 503. F. 25, ‘05. 460w. “Text-book on labor problems, whose existence is its own justification. The discussion is sane and necessarily inconclusive.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 215. F. 11, ‘05. 270w. “Contains much valuable information.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 382. Mr. ‘05. 70w. =Adamson, Rev. Robert M.= Christian doctrine of the Lord’s supper. *$1.50. Scribner. “This volume is historical, not dogmatic. It is written in a historical but not an indifferent spirit; it traces the history of the Lord’s supper, as a symbol of faith, in all the various changes through which it has passed—Primitive, Roman, Greek, Lutheran, Zwinglian, Anglican, Puritan, Quaker.”—Outlook. “In general the author’s historical treatment appears to be always fair and generally adequate. Without agreeing with all that the author says ... we recall no monograph on the subject so generally satisfactory.” + + — =Outlook.= 80: 138. My. 13, ‘05. 370w. =Addison, Daniel D.= Episcopalians. **$1. Baker. Uniform with “The story of the churches” series, this presentation of the Episcopalians is offered by a fair-minded student of the denomination’s history, in which are set forth the best elements of the religious life and character of the denomination. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 714. Ap. ‘05. 30w. “Is written with more than average literary power. The essential facts relative to the origin and growth of the body are to be found in this volume in an interesting narrative.” + + — =Am. J. Theol.= 9: 383. Ap. ‘05. 130w. =Addison, Joseph.= Selections from the writings of; ed. by Barrett Wendell and Chester Noyes Greenough. *80c. Ginn. Representative selections from Addison’s most characteristic works in prose and verse for use in the schools, for advanced students, or for the general reader. The text is that of Tickell’s edition of 1721 except for the correction of misprints. An introduction, full notes, and a bibliography are provided. * =Addison, Mrs. Julia de Wolf.= Art of the National gallery: a critical survey of the schools and painters as represented in the British collection. **$2. Page. “A plan of the gallery, showing the location of the different schools, follows the index. The pictures are discussed in the text as they are hung,—that is according to schools in their historic order ... the limitation in space and particularly in number of illustrations precludes this manual’s being a complete history of any school. It is rather a guide to the treasures of the gallery, almost every picture being at least briefly mentioned.” (Dial.) The author’s method is descriptive rather than technically critical. The volume contains nearly fifty illustrations in duo-gravure. * “A book that will be particularly welcome to those who are contemplating a visit to London’s art treasures, but one that has also plenty to offer the general reader.” + + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 190w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1377. D. 14, ‘05. 20w. * + =Nation.= 81: 468. D. 7, ‘05. 620w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 640. N. ‘05. 70w. * =Adler, Cyrus, and Szold, Henrietta.= American Jewish year-book (1905-1906). *75c. Jewish pub. “This is the seventh annual issue of this work, and its regular appearance is henceforth assured. The special feature of the present issue is a sort of ‘who’s who’ compilation of biographical sketches of Jewish communal workers in the United States. The review of the past year, by Mr. Max L. Margolis, is a record of melancholy interest.”—Dial. * + + =Dial.= 39: 314. N. 16, ‘05. 80w. * + + =Nation.= 81: 359. N. 2, ‘05. 100w. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 885. D. 9, ‘05. 270w. * + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 603. N. 4, ‘05. 120w. =Adler, Elkin Nathan.= Jews in many lands. $1.25. Jewish pub. The author has made a study of his coreligionists in many countries, at first visiting them professionally as an agent of the Holy Land relief fund, later to investigate their conditions for personal reasons. He went to Egypt in 1888, and later to Persia, the Holy Land, Russia and Argentina, where he studied the Hirsch colonies. He gives a full account of his people as he found them. “The author has made extensive travels and tells his story well, though omitting many details which would give greater value to his account.” + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 587. S. ‘05. 50w. “The work of a trained observer, and rich in curious interest for both Jews and Gentiles.” + =Dial.= 38: 391. Je. 1, ‘05. 50w. “Mr. Adler’s book has much interest to others besides Jews.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 277. Ap. 29, ‘05. 360w. “Is both interesting and enlightening.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 445. Je. 17, ‘05. 90w. “He has the journalist’s instinct, and knows how to describe what he has seen.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 125. Jl. ‘05. 100w. =Adler, Felix.= Essentials of spirituality. **$1. Pott. Dr. Adler says: “In the region of mental activity, which is called the spiritual life, vagueness is apt to prevail, the outlines of thought are apt to be blurred, the feelings aroused are apt to be indistinct and transitory. The word ‘spiritual’ becomes a synonym of muddy thought and misty emotionalism.” So its purpose is first to show the twentieth century need for the development of the spiritual sense, and to define clearly with illustrations drawn from Savonarola, Washington, John Howard and others the meaning of “spiritual.” (N. Y. Times.) =N. Y. Times.= 10: 606. S. 16, ‘05. 160w. “We commend the volume as one of very practical and very genuine spiritual value.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 575. N. 4, ‘05. 440w. =Adler, Felix.= Marriage and divorce. **50c. McClure. Two lectures delivered before the Society for ethical culture of New York city. They set forth Dr. Adler’s views upon the obligations of marriage and his strong opposition to divorce. “The subjects have been carefully considered, and are treated judicially and temperately.” + =Critic.= 47: 283. S. ‘05. 60w. “Dr. Adler holds higher ground than is taken even in the churches.” + =Outlook.= 80: 141. My. 13, ‘05. 100w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 188. Ag. 5, ‘05. 130w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 766. Je. ‘05. 40w. =Adler, Felix.= Religion of duty. **$1.20. McClure. A preface states that in response to a growing demand for a book setting forth the results of Prof. Adler’s work along ethical and religious lines, some of his lectures and papers have been gathered into this volume. They deal with such subjects as: First steps toward religion; Changes in the conception of God; Teachings of Jesus in the modern world; Standards of conduct, based on the religion of duty; The ethical attitude towards others; Pleasure; Suffering, and The essential differences between ethical societies and the churches. “An occasional good thing appears amid the long stretches of very ordinary paragraphs, and the general trend of the whole is toward noble and unselfish modes of thinking and living.” + — =Cath. World.= 81: 696. Ag. ‘05. 240w. “Dr. Adler speaks in clear voice and gives satisfactory answers in clear and concise language, that pulsates with the fire of a soul in earnest.” + + + =Critic.= 47: 384. O. ‘05. 260w. “Some of Dr. Adler’s most characteristic and vital lectures.” + + =Dial.= 39: 170. S. 16, ‘05. 320w. =Ind.= 59: 331. Ag. 10, ‘05. 100w. “Stimulating and delightful book.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 188. Ag. 5, ‘05. 110w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 126. Jl. ‘05. 70w. Adventures of King James the Second of England, by the author of “A life of Sir Kenelm Digby,” “Rochester,” etc. *$4.80. Longmans. An informal history which takes for granted the reader’s knowledge of the political events of the time, and presents in a wealth of anecdotes a characterization of the unfortunate James. His early military career on the continent under Condé and Turenne, his service to the English navy, his genuine religious convictions, are set forth, and he is shown to have been “a straightforward English gentleman, a courageous soldier, a skilful admiral, and an excellent man of business.” This may go far toward mitigating the world’s judgment of him, based on his three years of disastrous kingship. There are several beautiful portraits. “While it keeps James’s best side uppermost, and while it exhibits frankly Roman Catholic sympathies, the facts, except here and there where Restoration politics come in, are presented accurately and fairly. A book which, if not strikingly interesting, is nevertheless useful for bringing out features of James’s character which are not in general adequately recognized.” + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 648. Ap. ‘05. 860w. “We laid the book down with the conviction established that it is one of the most fascinating and withal instructive, historical works that have appeared for the past few years. For, notwithstanding its somewhat flippant title, it is a piece of serious work, though not precisely history. The narrative runs on, from first to last, in a brisk and lucid flow, upon the surface of which bubbles up from time to time a flash of the humor and good-natured sarcasm that we should expect from the pen that has given us the ‘Life of a prig.’ A fine introduction by Dom Gasquet adds another charm to the book.” + + + =Cath. World.= 80: 684. F. ‘05. 500w. “The work is slightly tinged with a Catholic bias, but is on the whole very fair in its statement of events and impartial, if sometimes original, in its judgment of men.” + + — =Dial.= 38: 159. Mr. 1, ‘05. 170w. “A pleasantly written life of King James, intended for the general reader and possessing no historical value.” C. H. F. + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 827. O. ‘05. 320w. “Uncommonly interesting throughout but unconvincing.” + — =Ind.= 59: 454. Ag. 24, ‘05. 190w. “While less convincing than Dr. Airy’s life of Charles II. this volume has the merits which are represented by a fulness of information and incisive writing.” + =Nation.= 80: 503. Je. 22, ‘05. 570w. * =Aesop.= Fables. *$2. Moffat. Miss Elizabeth Luther Cary furnishes a pleasing introduction to this new holiday edition of Æsop’s fables for which J. M. Condé has made many drawings, both in color and black and white. * + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 10w. * + =Dial.= 39: 446. D. 16, ‘05. 140w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1385. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * “On the whole we find the spirit of the artist too burlesque, especially for an edition in which the moral is carefully preserved and printed in boldface type.” — =Nation.= 81: 450. N. 30, ‘05. 70w. * — =Outlook.= 81: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 30w. =Aflalo, Moussa.= Truth about Morocco; an indictment of the British foreign office; with introd by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. *$1.50. Lane. This book “is in the main, an attack upon Lord Lansdowne’s policy in respect to Morocco and England’s commercial interests there, and devotes itself to showing how great the loss will be when France has assumed control, and how thoroughly everything done to raise British prestige through a long series of years has been overturned by a scratch of the pen.”—Dial. “The book presents a thorough statement of the attitude of Morocco toward the outer world, by one in possession of the facts.” Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 90. F. 1, ‘05. 150w. =Ainger, Alfred.= Gospel and human life: sermons. $2. Macmillan. “The dominant note of Canon Ainger’s posthumous book is sadness.... As we lay the book down we feel that in the eyes of the author the times are religiously out of joint. For while he cannot be said to dogmatise, he deplores deeply the ever-increasing disregard for dogma and what he calls ‘the decay of worship.’”—Spec. “These sermons are distinctly better than the average.” + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 598. Jl. ‘05. 180w. “There is much which is beautiful in these sermons, both from a literary and a religious point of view, much which must add warmth to the affectionate memory cherished by so many of this scholar and man of God.” + + =Spec.= 94: 16. Ja. 7, ‘05. 1260w. =Akers, Charles Edmond.= History of South America, 1854-1904. *$6. Dutton. The author, who has lived in South America for fourteen years and has had wide experience on the continent as a journalist, gives an account of the South American republics and their troubled history. He shows us the men who have made the politics of these states for the last fifty years and the general movements and tendencies which have been felt in the entire continent. Aside from his own observations he has drawn upon Spanish and Portuguese chroniclers for earlier history. There are interesting illustrations. “Thirty-four pages of historical introduction, in which the uninformed reader will be dismayed at the array of names and dates and misled by the generalizations. In fact the chief value of the book is that it can be used as a trustworthy contemporary history. It has the defects that the account of an eye-witness must have, even when he has been able to get the perspective of a few years and to hear the other side. But it has the advantage of being written by a writer trained to see clearly. The most welcome feature of the book is the comprehensive treatment of important events. Yet scarcely less valuable are the comments on existing conditions. Rarely does one find a book at once so useful to the specialist and so interesting to the tyro.” Hiram Bingham. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 671. Ap. ‘05. 770w. “The author tells his story clearly and with spirit, and adds some well condensed information about the present state of these countries.” E. M. Ll. + + — =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 615. Jl. ‘05. 250w. “There is nothing extant on this subject either so comprehensive or so reliable.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1189. My. 25. ‘05. 390w. “A useful and comprehensive volume. This is the first comprehensive history in English of the last half-century of the South American states—since they attained independence from Spanish control.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 247. F. ‘05. 190w. “A most readable, impartial, clear-sighted appreciation of political leaders and their motives.” + + =Spec.= 94: 112. Ja. 28, ‘05. 730w. =Alcott, Louisa M.= Jack and Jill. $2. Little. This new volume in the “Little women” series, is quite as attractive as its predecessors and contains eight full-page illustrations by Harriet Roosevelt Richards which show us Jack and Jill just as Miss Alcott must have wished us to see them. =Outlook.= 81: 428. O. 21, ‘05. 40w. =Alcott, Louisa M.= Under the lilacs. $2. Little. Uniform with the other volumes of this new and elaborate edition of Miss Alcott’s famous stories, the “Little women” series, “Under the lilacs” contains eight full-page pictures by Alice Barber Stephens, which make Sancho and his friends seem, if possible, more real than ever before. =Outlook.= 81: 428. O. 21, ‘05. 40w. * =Nation.= 81: 406. N. 16, ‘05. 150w. * + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 766. D. ‘05. 120w. * =Alden, Isabella Macdonald (Mrs. George R.) (Pansy, pseud.).= David Ransom’s watch. †$1.50. Lothrop. “When Ben Ransom, David’s younger brother, left the old farm, he took $700 ... and he took his father’s old silver watch as well. David could ill spare the money. He had to wait another year before he could get married. And he was particularly sorry to part with the watch.... Ben’s life thereafter was full of ups and downs. His restlessness and fickleness were his ruin.... David and the old watch both figured conspicuously in his later misadventures.... Two threads of self-sacrifice run through the tale to meet at last, making ideal happiness for the group, from which all the unpleasant folk have been eliminated by chances which the unregenerate reader will call blessed.”—N. Y. Times. * “It has the best plot that she has ever devised.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 347. My. 27, ‘05. 250w. * “Is a well-told, pleasing story of commonplace, likable people, with plenty of wholesome sentiment flavored with the humor of the soil. It is a good book for old and young alike.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 447. Jl. 8, ‘05. 180w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 765. D. ‘05. 60w. =Alden, William Livingston.= Jimmy Brown trying to find Europe. 60c. Harper. “This new book of Jimmy’s adventures ... deals with the travels of James and his friend Mike ... from West Thompsonville, somewhere in New York state, to Paris, by way of the fields and country roads, the railroad, the canal, a steamboat, and finally a freighter from Montreal to Havre. Jimmy is in search of his father and mother, whose address, he knows, is ‘Grand Hotel, Europe.’”—N. Y. Times. =Critic.= 47: 381. O. ‘05. 70w. “Jimmy does not age or grow tiresome.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 398. Je. 17, ‘05. 710w. “Jimmy Brown’s fortunes and the manner of telling, while quite frothy, are excellent vacation reading.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 252. Ag. 19, ‘05. 160w. * =Aldrich, Richard.= Guide to The ring of the Nibelung. $1.25. Ditson. A trustworthy guide to Wagner’s trilogy for the student and music lover. Part I. touches upon Wagner, the man and composer, and the circumstances leading to the composition; also gives a resume of the legendary sources from which material was drawn; Part II. is an authoritative essay upon Wagner’s musico-dramatic system; Part III. presents a careful analysis of the three dramas of the trilogy. =Aldrich, Thomas Bailey.= Judith of Bethulia; a tragedy. $1. Houghton. A drama in four acts, written for Nance O’Neil, whose photograph appears as the frontispiece. Mr. Aldrich builds the drama from his poem, “Judith,” in which the heroine, a strong, just, refined woman, is impelled by her religion and patriotism to a deed of unwonted daring. He introduces here and there new portions which “show no decline of the power to evoke pictorial images and touch deep sources of feeling by which the early work of Mr. Aldrich was distinguished.” (N. Y. Times). “In its compact dramatic action, set forth in verse of a firm yet delicate beauty, it has the perennial significance that attaches to sincere and masterly workmanship.” Ferris Greenslet. + =Atlan.= 96: 422. S. ‘05. 80w. “As a play, ‘Judith of Bethulia’ fails to hold the interest, and as a poem it fails to reach inspired heights. But it is well worth reading in a quiet hour, because of its simplicity, its chasteness and its serenity.” Clayton Hamilton. + =Bookm.= 21: 101. Mr. ‘05. 520w. “A book that is dignified and impressive throughout, a book not unworthy of the trained artistic hand which brings it to us as a gift.” + + =Dial.= 38: 48. Ja. 16, ‘05. 420w. “Mr. Aldrich’s mastery of poetic atmosphere is so easy, his metrical gift so constant, that he accomplishes a feat difficult for most writers of modern poetic drama, and weaves his melody and color around speeches of mere theatric necessity, and even around broken lines of swift dialogue.” + + =Nation.= 80: 73. Ja. 26, ‘05. 520w. “We are the richer for a truly poetic drama, not quite so felicitous in imagery and expression as the earlier version and without the swift dramatic movement of inevitable events that marks the perfectly successful play upon the theatrical side, but dignified and imaginative and with the author’s unfailing insight into the passionate emotions of human nature.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 18. Ja. 14, ‘05. 400w. =Alexander, Lucia.= Libro d’oro of those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life; tr. from the Italian by Mrs. Francis Alexander. *$2. Little. A collection of a hundred and twenty-four miracle stories and sacred legends written by fathers of the church and published in Italy during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The four divisions are: I. Selections from the lives of the holy fathers together with the spiritual field; II. Selections from the lives of the saints and Beati of Tuscany; III. Selections from the wonders of God in His saints, Bologna, 1593; IV. Flowers of sanctity, Venice, 1726. =Alexander, Thomas, and Thomson, A. W.= Graphic statics; a graduated series of problems and practical examples, with numerous diagrams, all drawn to scale. *50c. Macmillan. “The authors first give a set of sixteen graduated problems on coplanar forces, solved by means of force and link polygons.... Then follows a set of seventeen examples showing application to roof trusses, girders, wall, and masonry arches.... The book is intended more particularly as an introduction to the author’s Elementary applied mechanics.”—Nature. =Acad.= 68: 962. S. 16, ‘05. 90w. “The treatment is somewhat fragmentary and arbitrary, but, if supplemented by the teacher, the course would prepare a student for a systematic study of graphic statics.” + =Nature.= 71: 507. Mr. 30, ‘05. 100w. =Alexander, William.= Life insurance company. **$1.50. Appleton. A book adapted “to the needs of the average business or professional man.... It is a simple, straightforward exposition of the principles on which all sound insurance is conducted, including a fair and impartial statement of those facts in the history and present management of the great American companies which every prospective policy-holder should know.”—R. of Rs. “The book is certainly informing. It is not altogether solemn either. It has its humors, both intentional and unintentional.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 339. My. 27, ‘05. 1030w. “A careful and informative treatise on the general subject of life insurance.” + =Outlook.= 80: 392. Je. 10, ‘05. 50w. + + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 767. Je. ‘05. 130w. =Algue, Jose.= Cyclones of the Far East. 2d (rev.) ed. Bureau of public printing, Manila, P. I. This pamphlet issued from the Manila Central observatory, “is printed in both English and Spanish, and contains data for the month of July upon atmospheric pressure, rainfall, relative humidity, winds, magnetic disturbances, earthquakes (including microseismic movements), and crop-service reports from four districts and about twenty-five towns.” (Nation.) “A valuable pamphlet.” + + =Nation.= 80: 94. F. 2, ‘05. 520w. =Allaben, Frank.= Concerning genealogies. **50c. Grafton press. Suggestions of value for all who are interested in tracing their family history. As stated in the preface, the book aims to cover every phase of the subject, the sources of information, the methods of research, the compiling, the printing, and the publishing of a genealogy. “It is a volume of practical suggestions, pleasantly worded, and embodies the results of much experience in the work.” + =Dial.= 38: 276. Ap. 16, ‘05. 50w. “One finds little that is new or striking in these rather cleverly written pages.” + — =Nation.= 80: 191. Mr. 9, ‘05. 80w. =Allbutt, Thomas Clifford.= Historical relations of medicine and surgery to the end of the 16th century: an address delivered at the St. Louis congress, 1904. *$1. Macmillan. A plea for the “unity of medicine,” especially in England where medicine and surgery “have been so radically separated as to be regarded as two professions.” “The address is well written and interesting.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 788. Je. 24, 430w. “The lectures are, of course, largely technical in their treatment ... but the general purport is clear enough.” + + =Spec.= 94: 719. My. 13, ‘05. 210w. =Allen, Charles Dexter.= American bookplates. *$2.50. Macmillan. A new and less expensive edition of a work which appeared ten years ago. It is hoped that its reappearance will revive and increase interest in book-plate collecting, which fashion has waned perceptibly. The book contains the bibliography of Eben Newell Hewins, and the rare and interesting book-plate, with few omissions, that appeared in the first edition. “A work of permanent value for guidance and reference, and freely illustrated with examples.” + + =Nation.= 81: 278. O. 5, ‘05. 120w. “The book is simply a reprint, with all the imperfections of the first edition reproduced.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 726. O. 28, ‘05. 330w. + + =Outlook.= 81: 277. S. 30, ‘05. 180w. =Allen, Frank Waller.= Back to Arcady. †$1.25. Turner, H. B. The Kentucky rose-garden which furnishes the setting for this June-time idyl is a fit place for the day dreams of a lonely man who had “gone softly” all his days. One day he welcomes to his garden his “Lady of Roses,” the daughter of the only woman he had ever loved. Here under the jacqueminots he guards with a fatherly eye the love-making of this fair Marcia and his neighbor Louis. The very summer sunshine and rose garden perfume pervade the story thruout. * “It is a tender, graceful little love-story, quaintly told by a third person.” + =Dial.= 39: 448. D. 16, ‘05. 150w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 832. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. * “A sentimental romance which depends for much of its effect upon annoying and artificial phrases.” — =Outlook.= 81: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 70w. =Allen, Gardner W.= Our navy and the Barbary corsairs. **$1.50. Houghton. An account of this interesting period of American history written from original sources. The events which are scattered over a period of forty years (1778-1818) are brought together and tell the story of how the United States, in the first years of her national existence, rebelled at paying the tribute which all Europe paid to the Mohammedan states of north Africa. The story of the success of our little navy, the wars with Tripoli and Algiers, the deeds of Preble and Decatur, and the adventures of our seamen with the famous pirates is all the more romantic because it is true. “A good example of a book that is scientific and at the same time popular. It is popular by reason of the dramatic quality of the information that it contains. Its interest lies in the intrinsic interest of its facts. The narrative is plain, simple and straightforward.” Charles Oscar Paullin. + + + =Am. Hist.= R. 11: 174. O. ‘05. 770w. “Dr. Allen has made his work thorough and authoritative, but betrays a needless distrust of his own descriptive powers, leaving the more dramatic events to be described almost entirely in the words of eye-witnesses.” + + =Dial.= 38: 359. My. 16, ‘05. 290w. “Dr. Allen’s story is really as engrossing as a romance. It is safe to say that, for the history of the movement as a whole, Dr. Allen is not likely to have a successor.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 420. My. 25, ‘05. 1870w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 197. Ap. 1, ‘05. 970w. “It is also a historical treatise of no small value, colligating clearly and compactly the results of much original as well as secondary research, and embodying a survey of astonishingly wide range. The work is well written and well balanced throughout.” + + + =Outlook.= 79: 707. Mr. 18, ‘05. 280w. =Alston, Leonard.= Modern constitutions in outline: an introductory study in political science. *90c. Longmans. “Mr. Alston, who is Deputy professor of history in Elphinstone college at Bombay, has written a brief but lucid sketch of the constitutions of the chief political communities of the modern world. His little book was planned to meet the needs of university students; but it will have a wider field.... [It] consists of three opening chapters dealing respectively with Federalism, and the Two-chamber system, Party government, and the Demarcation of powers; and of a second part in which a special and more detailed account is given of the constitutions of the chief powers of the world.”—Spec. “Mr. Alston has done a useful piece of work, which, in its brevity and clearness, is a model of the expository functions of a professor.” + + =Spec.= 94: 620. Ap. 29, ‘05. 410w. =Altsheler, Joseph A.= The candidate. †$1.50. Harper. In this political novel the hero, who is a presidential candidate, is accompanied by his niece on a speech-making tour through the West. A newspaper correspondent, also in attendance, loves the girl, and is largely responsible for the triumph of the candidate. The path of love is not smooth, however, for the girl is the betrothed of a distinguished politician, whose enmity her uncle has no wish to incur. “Mr. Altsheler has given us a thoroughly readable story.” W: M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 38: 391. Je. 1, ‘05. 550w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 135. Mr. 4, ‘05. 120w. “‘The candidate’ is by no means an unreadable book, but it is not in Mr. Altsheler’s previous best style, nor is it up to his usual level of interest. The various elements of plot somehow lack the cohesion necessary to weld them into a convincing whole.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 451. Jl. 8, ‘05. 570w. “From a literary point of view there is little to be said of the book, which merits attention chiefly through giving publicity to campaign methods from apparently authentic ‘inside’ information.” + =Outlook.= 79: 960. Ap. 15, ‘05. 60w. “There are certain crudities of plot and language, but one readily pardons them because it is a good story and does not turn out in the last chapter to be a brief for political reform.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 676. Ap. 29, ‘05. 320w. “That story is told with an almost prodigal display of intelligence and power.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 760. Je. ‘05. 180w. =Altsheler, Joseph A.= Guthrie of the Times: a story of success. $1.50. Doubleday. “Mr. Joseph A. Altsheler has deserted the field of warfare for that of present-day journalism and politics, and has given us in his ‘Guthrie of the Times,’ an interesting and straightforward story of modern life—‘a story of success,’ he calls it, and the description is true in more senses than one. The scene of the novel is a state unnamed, but easily identifiable as Kentucky; the hero is a newspaper writer of resource and high ideals; the heroine is a young woman who has to become re-Americanized after a life spent mainly abroad. How the hero defeats the attempt to impeach a public officer in the interests of a corrupt financial enterprise, how the heroine witnessing, admires, and how in the end he wins both her love and an unexpected nomination for congress, are the chief matters which enlist our interest.”—Dial. “One cannot criticize this type of story, however. It is to be enjoyed or laid aside, according to taste and temperament. It is very American.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 555. My. 6. 370w. “The whole story is told to direct and workmanlike effect.” W. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 38: 15. Ja. 1, ‘05. 220w. “Admirable story of southern life. The fresh sane optimism of the book is very appealing.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 117. Ja. ‘05. 220w. =Ames, Joseph Sweetman.= Text-book of general physics, for high schools and colleges. *$3.50. Am. bk. “The general plan of treatment appears to be a general popular enunciation of the matter of a section, followed by the more detailed discussion of the experiments, apparatus, etc., and ending with a historical review and bibliography. This excellent plan has, however, at times fallen into the natural mistake of making the popular introduction so full as to result in an unnecessary and rather confusing repetition of matter, often leaving the reader uncertain as to whether he has read all on a given topic or not.”—Educ. R. “In spite of the shortcomings in many of the details, the book contains very much valuable matter and will prove a desirable addition to the library of every physicist.” William Hallock. + + — =Educ. R.= 29: 319. Mr. ‘05. 1640w. (Detailed review of contents.) “The combination of simplicity with accuracy of statement is the essential feature of a practicable book for use with beginners in college, and it may justly be said of Professor Ames’ volume that it possesses this combination of qualities to an unusual degree.” E. L. N. + + + =Phys. R.= 20: 63. Ja. ‘05. 160w. “A distinct defect in this otherwise excellent book is the complete absence of illustrative problems.” W. Le Conte Stevens. + + — =Science.= n. s. 22: 175. Ag. 11, ‘05. 630w. =Ames, Oakes.= Orchidaceae: illustrations and studies of the family orchidaceae, issuing from the Ames botanical laboratory, North Easton, Mass. **$3. Houghton. “This fascicle includes descriptions and plates of five new and fourteen old species, a descriptive list of orchids collected in the Philippine islands by the United States government botanists, a description and figure of a hitherto unrecorded orchid in the United States, and a paper entitled ‘Contributions toward a monograph of the American species of spiranthes.’”—Science. =Bot. G.= 39: 431. Je. ‘05. 160w. + + =Country Calendar.= 1: 492. S. ‘05. 50w. “The volume is a valuable and interesting contribution to the knowledge of a part of one of the most attractive orders of flowering plants.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 436. Je. 1, ‘05. 250w. “Taken all in all this work is one which must be very highly commended.” Charles E. Bessey. + + + =Science.= n.s. 21: 786. My. 19, ‘05. 520w. =Ames, V. B.= Matrimonial primer; with a pictorial matrimonial mathematics and decorations by Gordon Ross. *75c. Paul Elder. Humorous, epigrammatic bits of advice for husband and wife are found in this little volume. Its friendly shafts frequently strike home, and one may both laugh and profit by them. * “The wit sometimes falls to commonplaceness but never to anything more objectionable.” + =Dial.= 39:384. D. 1, ‘05. 80w. =Amsden, Dora.= Impressions of Ukiyo-ye, the school of Japanese colour-print artists. **$1.50. Elder. “This study treats of the whole school of Japanese color-print artists, and is appropriately illustrated with half-tone reproductions of famous paintings. The whole is printed on Japanese paper, and an appendix shows facsimiles of the most famous signatures of color-print artists, presented in this volume for the benefit of collectors.”—R. of Rs. “The frequent occurrence of such misstatements as these mar what would otherwise be a very acceptable essay, readable, and giving in compact form much information useful to those who are becoming interested in Ukiyo-ye prints.” — — + =Dial.= 39: 16. Jl. 1, ‘05. 520w. Reviewed by Charles de Kay. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 445. Jl. 8, ‘05. 1630w. “A sympathetic, suggestive analysis of Japanese paintings.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 127. Jl. ‘05. 110w. * =Andersen, Hans Christian.= Ugly duckling. *75c. Moffat. This “centenary edition ... is a small quarto in boards, printed on a sort of buff paper, with the added distinction of illustrations by M. H. Squire, four colored plates and some pen-drawings.”—Nation. * + =Ind.= 59: 1385. D. 14, ‘05. 30w. * + =Nation.= 81: 450. N. 30, ‘05. 70w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 744. N. 4, ‘05. 40w. =Anderson, Edward L., and Collier, Price.= Riding and driving. **$2. Macmillan. “How to select, train and ride a saddle horse is clearly and practically explained by Mr. Edward L. Anderson by means of print and photography, and in the latter half of the same volume Mr. Price Collier not only tells how to drive single, double and four, but also gives a large amount of practical information on the care of horses in sickness and in health, shoeing, harnessing, feeding and stabling.”—Ind. + + =Ind.= 58: 1253. Je. 1, ‘05. 70w. + + =Nature.= 72: 197. Je. 29, ‘05. 350w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 389. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 640. N. ‘05. 80w. + + — =Spec.= 95: 471. S. 30, ‘05. 430w. =Anderson, Frank Maloy.= Constitutions and other select documents, illustrative of the history of France, 1789-1901. *$2. Wilson, H. W. Professor Anderson says: “The practice of studying documents in connection with the history courses given in American universities, colleges and high schools, has now become so general, and the results attained so satisfactory, that the method no longer requires any defense.” This document-book has been the outgrowth of personal need with classes in the University of Minnesota, when work has been hampered by the lack of a convenient collection of documents; also the suggestion of compiling such a work was stimulated by the fact that French documents are more attractive than any others, and that the period of the French Revolution “deserves a volume in English presenting as large a portion as possible of the important documents.” The book is well printed and strongly bound. “The work of the teacher of modern French history will be rendered easier and more effective by the publication of Professor Anderson’s volume. Professor Anderson’s selection has been made with special reference to the requirements of practical work.” Henry E. Bourne. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 407. Ja. ‘05. 530w. =Andrews, Rev. Samuel James.= Man and the Incarnation; or, Man’s place in the universe as determined by his relations to the Incarnate Son. **$1.50. Putnam. The author’s discussion of the creation of man, his fall, and his redemption through the Incarnate Son of God, is based upon “Premises and presupposition belonging to another age,” says the Independent, “an age which even saintly character and pathetic pleading cannot call back from its tomb.” The outlook for inharmonious man according to the author is nothing short of the “great tribulation” which marks the end of the world. — =Ind.= 59: 152. Jl. 20, ‘05. 70w. “He stands entirely outside of our modern way of looking at things.” — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 413. S. 23, ‘05. 190w. =Angell, James Rowland.= Psychology: an introductory study of the structure and function of human consciousness. *$1.50. Holt. Professor Angell sets forth first of all in an elementary way the generally accepted facts and principles bearing upon the functional and genetic rather than the structural phases of psychology. “In the second place, since the real field of psychology is consciousness, the purpose of the author is to show how consciousness in cognitive, affective and volitional aspects originates and develops.... The third division takes up the elementary features of volition, and follows this general introduction with a treatment of the relation of volition to interest, effort and desire, character and the will, and finally the self.” (Pub. Opin.) “The book under consideration is one which fills a very genuine and widely felt need in the psychological world. Its great merit can be stated in a word. It is a treatise sufficiently elementary to be used as a textbook for an introductory class, which succeeds in co-ordinating the outcome of the analysis of the content of consciousness with the functional interpretation of those contents which alone can give them rational organization and meaning. The influence of Dewey is most evident in the general standpoint, and that of James in many of the details of treatment. In comparison with James’s classic textbook, it has, however, two advantages—in its completeness and in its systematic unity. The affective processes, which James nowhere mentions, here receive due treatment, and many minor omissions in the older textbook are filled in. The unity of all conscious processes is made a central idea in the treatment of each one.” Helen Bradford Thompson. + + + =Am. J. Soc.= 10: 691. Mr. ‘05. 2240w. “The book is essentially a text-book, and has been arranged so as to be flexible to emphasis laid on various desired portions.” + + =Critic.= 46: 382. Ap. ‘05. 90w. “The text is readable, the doctrine sound, the teaching effective.” + + + =Dial.= 38: 273. Ap. 16, ‘05. 440w. “One of the very best of elementary textbooks of the subject.” R. S. Woodworth. + + — =Educ. R.= 30: 312. O. ‘05. 860w. “Numerous works on psychology have appeared in recent years, but this, in our opinion, is not only the latest but also the most satisfactory of them all. Every sentence in this volume shows the careful investigator, who has not only got results, but has also made himself so familiar with these results that apparently without effort he expresses them in words that are simple and in sentences that are clear. Technical readers will not object to this, and untechnical readers will especially appreciate it.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 255. F. 18, ‘05. 540w. “It is essentially a text-book, and is abundantly supplied with cross-references.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 255. F. ‘05. 50w. “We feel the gratitude and satisfaction which are due to a thoroughly capable thinker who gives us a solid, careful and, so far as is desirable in a text for students, original book. There is no need to note in detail the many excellent features in content and form or the few cases of questionable facts and methods of presentation.” Edward L. Thorndike. + + + =Science.= n.s. 21: 468. Mr. 24, ‘05. 620w. =Angus, D. C.= Japan: the eastern wonderland. $1. Cassell. “Supposedly ‘Japan, the eastern wonderland,’ was written by a Japanese for the amusement and instruction of his friends in England where he had received the finishing touches of his education.” (N. Y. Times). The narrator, Kotaro, and his sister Hana furnish representative Japanese types, in the portrayal of whose lives from infancy up, the reader gains a clear idea of conditions, customs and methods of Japanese education. “The past of Japan and much of its history is dwelt upon in this volume. Wonderful have been the changes made during the second half of the last century. There has been the regeneration of Japan, feudalism has been abolished, the samurai have had their privileges curtailed.... There are no tortures for petty crimes. All religions are tolerated. The school children learn their lessons from Japanese translations of foreign text books. Native literature is not neglected, but it is no longer used as a guide.” (N. Y. Times). + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 45. Ja. 21, ‘05. 540w. =Angus, Joseph.= Cyclopedic handbook to the Bible: an introduction to the study of the Scriptures. *$2. Revell. “Originally published in 1853, this has been an eminently useful book. In its present revised form much has been dropped from it, and much added from the gains acquired by a half-century of increasing knowledge, while the original plan, with some rearrangement, remains the same. Its two divisions, treating the Bible first as a book and next as a series of books taken separately, go into manifold details.”—Outlook. “With some concessions to modern criticism, the general view maintained is strongly conservative. For practical uses the old book seems likely to remain for long a favorite.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1058. Ap. 29, ‘05. 80w. =Annandale, Nelson.= Faroes and Iceland. *$1.50. Oxford. This book is “occupied chiefly with natural history and ethnology ... and ... may be regarded as a series of sociological studies of isolated and rather primitive though civilized communities. As such it has exceptional interest and value, especially since the communities selected for study are of ancient establishment, and have not, in recent years, been the subject of any analogous description.”—Nation. + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 271. Ag. 26, 700w. “Instructive little volume on these islands of the Far North.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 282. S. 8, ‘05. 1100w. “On the whole the book reaps an interesting harvest in a new field.” + + =Nation.= 81: 225. S. 14, ‘05. 1010w. “A most admirable little work,” R. L. + + =Nature.= 72: 506. S. 21, ‘05. 580w. “The book is an admirable specimen of careful and intelligent observations.” + + =Spec.= 95: 159. Jl. 29, ‘05. 160w. =Annesley, Charles.= Standard opera glass. $1.50. Brentano’s. A new and revised edition of a useful book of reference. It contains sketches of the plots of 123 famous operas, with critical and biographical notes, dates of production, etc. There are indexes of titles and names, and 26 portraits of composers. The contributor of the preface, James Huneker, says: “‘The standard opera glass’ is much in miniature. It may be put in your pocket and read at home or abroad. The author does not burden you with superfluous comment and he tells his story neatly, rapidly and without undue emphasis. He reverences the classics, admires Wagner, and is liberal to the younger men. What more can one ask?” “A useful book of reference.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 40. Ja. 21, ‘05. 140w. =Anthony, Gardner C.= Elements of mechanical drawing. *$1.50. Heath. “‘Elements of mechanical drawing’ takes the pupil in hand before he has seen a single instrument, and in 152 pages teaches him to make full-sized sectional drawings of a complete commutator from a rough working sketch jotted down free hand. The author is professor of drawing in Tufts college and dean of the department of engineering; his textbook, first issued ten years ago as a strictly elemental work, is now revised and changed for use in evening drawing schools and technical colleges.”—N. Y. Times. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 11. Ja. 7, ‘05. 230w. =Antrim, Mrs. Minna Thomas (Titian, pseud.).= Knocks—witty, wise and—. *75c. Jacobs. Cynical observations and “dark glass” digs based upon men and women’s foibles and weaknesses. =Apperson, G. L.= Bygone London life: pictures from a vanished past. *$1.50. Pott. “An industrious collection of odds and ends illustrative of the life of London in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.... The restaurants and coffeehouses, and their frequenters, the swells and beaus and macaronies, are depicted by aid of the memoirs, letters, and society verse of that day. The effect is much like that of a visit to one of the quaint old museums described in chapter IV.”—Am. Hist. R. “The especial value of Apperson’s treatment is the literary point of view.” Katharine Coman. + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 687. Ap. ‘05. 320w. =Archbald, Anna, and Jones, Georgiana.= Fusser’s book. 75c. Fox. An enlarged edition of the “Fusser’s book” which gives advice to fussers or flirts in epigrammatic phrases. “Angle for a lady’s hobby, and when you’ve hooked it play her. If the lady in turn angles for yours, don’t jump at the bait.” =Aristotle.= Politics; tr. by B. Jowett. *$1. Oxford. In an introductory discussion, Aristotle’s relation to his “Politics” is clearly defined as that of the utilitarian philosopher, and student of human nature, with due emphasis on ethical values as he “treats of the state as one of the chief means thru which the individual obtains to happiness.” “The object of the ‘Politics’ is both practical and speculative; to explain the nature of the ideal city in which the end of happiness may be fully realized; to suggest some methods of making existent states more useful to the individual citizen than they were in Aristotle’s time, or had been in the past.” “The analysis and the index are well done.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 463. Ap. 15, 130w. “The reprint, which is in a small and convenient volume, will be found especially useful by students of political science who are not students of Greek.” + + =Nation.= 81: 96. Ag. 3, ‘05. 430w. =Armstrong, Sir Walter.= Gainsborough and his place in English art. $3.50. Scribner. A biography which furnishes in nine short chapters a well-ordered analysis of the work of perhaps the greatest painter technically. “Best of all parts of the book for public guidance is the introduction, in which much of the best modern thought on esthetics is presented in a concise and clear form. There is discussion of the idea that ‘art is the use for subjective expression of a power which displays itself objectively in what we call beauty,’ and we are reminded that ‘mere correctness of imitation holds no higher place in a picture than grammar does in a poem.’ ... An interesting chapter on the precursors of Gainsborough traces some characteristics of British art back through the seventeenth century to miniaturists of a time even before Holbein.... The landscapes and portraits are, properly, treated together, for Gainsborough’s art was always that of the impressionist who paints hotly under the stimulus of any vision fitted to appeal, whether in the shape of a lovely scene in nature or a beautiful woman.” (Ind.) + + =Ind.= 59: 157. Jl. 20, ‘05. 390w. =Armstrong, Sir Walter.= Peel collection and the Dutch school. $2. Dutton. As director of the National gallery of Ireland, the author knows well how to interpret and value the ideals and success of a school of painting. The artists represented in the Peel collection “give to him an opportunity of writing a monograph on Dutch painting which, we are glad to note, includes several Flemings directly affected by Holland.” (Outlook). He uses for illustration the works of Metsu, Terborch, Vermeer, Hooghe, Jan Steen, Ostade, Willem and Adrien van de Velde, Wouwerman, Hobbema, Ruisdael, Cuijp, Koninck, and Hals. The book is interesting in itself, and of value to those who wish a better understanding of Dutch art. “An acute and valuable critical essay on the Dutch school.” + + =Nation.= 80: 194. Mr. 9, ‘05. 670w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 591. S. 9, ‘05. 440w. “A particularly important contribution to the better understanding of Dutch art.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 452. F. 18, ‘05. 200w. * =Armstrong, Sir Walter.= Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the Royal academy. *$3.50. Scribner. “A popular reprint of a monumental work on the English portrait painter, first published five years ago, by the greatest living authority on the subject.... Particularly is Sir Walter Armstrong to be congratulated for his fine sense of selection, by which he has drawn what is truthful and distinctive from the early biographies; also for his critical estimates, which have stood the most searching and eager tests of five years of criticism.”—N. Y. Times. * “Presents in conclusion to a thorough and interesting biography a sympathetic picture of an unsympathetic man, a guarded estimate of a deliberate artist.” + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 31. D. ‘05. 220w. * “The public is to be congratulated on having so authoritative a work thus brought within reasonable reach while maintaining a high standard of manufacture.” + + =Nation.= 81: 445. N. 30, ‘05. 110w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 796. N. 25, ‘05. 230w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 704. N. 25, ‘05. 110w. * =Arnim, Mary Annette (Beauchamp) gräfin von.= Princess Priscilla’s fortnight. †$1.50. Scribner. The author of “Elizabeth and her German garden” has written of an experience in the life of her grand ducal highness, the Princess Priscilla. “Aided and accompanied by the good old ducal librarian, Priscilla, feeling her ‘soul starved’ in the dull little court, runs away and lives for two miserable weeks the life of a nobody-in-particular. Just what happened, what mischief she did, and how it all ended, the author tells with her own arch humor.... She pricks pretty effectually the cult and cant of ‘simple life,’ its natural collapse being ‘a by-product of the vivacious tale.’” (N. Y. Times.) * “We may as well confess at once that Elizabeth has enchanted us again. Either she throws her spell over you, and then you follow with delight wherever she leads: or your temperament resists her spell, and then you take umbrage at her airs, and, in the present volume, at her ragged plot and occasional heaviness of phrase.” + — =Acad.= 68: 1229. N. 25, ‘05. 570w. * + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 682. N. 18. 230w. * “This volume is highly characteristic of its writer. We get the usual epigrammatic humor, not without cynicism, the usual liveliness of narration and dialogue, and, it must be confessed, the usual absurdities and exaggerations. The characters, though overdrawn, are full of interest.” + — =Nation.= 81: 488. D. 14, ‘05. 370w. * “Is well worth reading, not only for the genuine enjoyment it will give, but for its sensible and logical ‘conclusion of the whole matter.’” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 794. N. 25, ‘05. 650w. * “The story, although slight and farcical, is very amusing and good reading for a leisure hour.” + =Outlook.= 81: 708. N. 25, ‘05. 180w. =Asakawa, Kanichi.= Early institutional life of Japan. *$1.75. Scribner. “The author devotes his first and longest chapter to a description of Japanese institutions as they existed about 500 A. D. Then follow two chapters, one on the events leading up to the reform, the other, a particularly good one, on the political doctrine of the Chinese by which the reformers were so strongly influenced. Next comes a long chapter on the new institutions introduced under Kotoku and his successor; and lastly a short chapter sketches the subsequent development.”—Nation. “Next to Mr. Chamberlain’s translation of the ‘Kojiki’ with its invaluable introduction and notes, this volume by Dr. Asakawa is first in importance of works in English upon the period of which it treats.” George William Knox. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 128. O. ‘05. 590w. “It seems hardly too much to say that he has here laid the foundation stone for the critical study of early Japanese institutions. The author’s style is clear for the most part. The author is to be congratulated on having successfully accomplished a difficult piece of pioneer work.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 57. Ja. 19, ‘05. 1060w. =Asakawa, K.= Russo-Japanese conflict: its causes and issues. **$2. Houghton. Dr. Asakawa “has made a most illuminating and complete statement of the needs and aspirations of the Japanese people, which led them to take up arms against Russia.” (R. of Rs.) “He accepts tacitly the economic interpretation of history upon which Karl Marx and his followers insist, proving that the vast increase in the population of Japan requires an outlet on the Asiatic mainland, and setting forth the right and interests recently acquired by Japan in both Manchuria and Korea.... The book contains portraits of the statesmen who figure in its pages and may be taken as a valuable contribution to contemporary history from the end of the war with China through the diplomatic correspondence immediately following the outbreak of hostilities.” (Dial). The author is lecturer on the civilization and history of East Asia at Dartmouth college. “No subject of a neutral power could have written a more impartial account of the long diplomatic engagement which preceded the outbreak of hostilities in the far East. The special and quite unusual virtue of this book is the elimination of moral standards and patriotic sentiment from the discussion of a present-day conflict.” Ferdinand Schwill. + + + =Am. J. Soc.= 10: 701. Mr. ‘05. 170w. “His whole statement is cool, temperate, and wonderfully free from heat or special pleading.” + + =Critic.= 47: 92. Jl. ‘05. 200w. “A clear and logical presentation of the cause of his native land, with an endeavor to make an unprejudiced statement of the side of its adversaries also. In the latter effort he is as successful as anyone could reasonably expect, his desire to quote from Russian authorities wherever they have spoken amounting to solicitude. Of the broad causes leading up to hostilities, Dr. Asakawa tells us little not already known. But in details and the marshalling of facts he is far fuller than anyone preceding him.” Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 9. Ja. 1, ‘05. 760w. “It is a statement ... remarkable for both its brevity and its restraint. The book is so dispassionately written that the nationality of the author if not disclosed would hardly have been guessed. It is one of the strong points of Dr. Asakawa’s argument that he does not take very high moral ground. His statement of causes leading to the war is rather political than moral.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 98. F. 2, ‘05. 1060w. “Another thoughtful philosophical work.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 124. Ja. ‘05. 70w. * “His book should be indispensable to all who study the outbreak of one of the greatest wars, in effect as well as extent, of which history tells us.” + + + =Spec.= 95: 695. N. 4, ‘05. 210w. “A real and permanent contribution to historical and political science, as well as an interesting and timely book. The map leaves much to be desired.” Amos S. Hershey. + + — =Yale R.= 14: 92. My. ‘05. 940w. =Asbury, Francis.= Heart of Asbury’s journal; ed. by Ezra Squier Tipple. *$1.50. Eaton. “The memory of this main pioneer and organizer of American Methodism is now honored by substantial extracts, covering the forty-five years of his ministry in this country, in a revised and corrected text.... The author wrote by fits and starts, under all the difficulties of a laborious and constant itinerary, and the compiler has not improved his unpretentious jottings beyond recognition, but one may find items of antique or curious interest.”—Nation. “Its chief interest is in connection with a history of early Methodism, with side-lights on manners and customs.” + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 716. Ap. ‘05. 70w. “It is a fascinating ecclesiastical romance which all Christian folk will enjoy.” + + =Critic.= 47: 189. Ag. ‘05. 60w. + =Nation.= 80: 153. F. 23, ‘05. 220w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 99. F. 18, ‘05. 540w. “The best and almost the only record of the infancy of his church on this continent.” + =Outlook.= 79: 449. F. 18, ‘05. 100w. =Ascham, Roger.= English works of Roger Ascham: ed. by William Aldis Wright. $1.50. Macmillan. Included in the “Cambridge English classics,” this volume contains “Toxophilus,” “Report of the affaires and state of Germany,” and “The scholemaster,” all of which appear in the original spelling. “The scholemaster” has long been “one of the original documents” in educational literature, but the most popular portion of the volume is “Toxophilus,” a treatise on archery. “No better edition of Ascham’s text is ever likely to be printed.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 144. F. 4. 250w. “Mr. Wright’s task has been to ensure the purity of the text. The curious and readable part of this collection is in the teaching of bow shooting; the immortal part lies in the chapters on education.” + =Nation.= 80: 112. F. 9, ‘05. 120w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 168. Mr. 18, ‘05. 340w. “The name on the title-page is sufficient guarantee of the care with which the text has been reproduced and of the editorial work done on the volume.” + =Outlook.= 79: 349. F. 4, ‘05. 110w. “Edited by a true scholar.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 406. Mr. 18, ‘05. 1600w. =Ashe, Sydney Whitmore, and Keiley, J. D.= Electric railways theoretically and practically treated. **$2.50. Van Nostrand. The plan of this text-book is “to cover first a few essential principles of motor and car operation, including the testing of equipments. Next the component parts of the car equipment are treated in detail.” (Engin. N.) There are six folding plates and 172 text illustrations. “A general criticism which may be made on all parts of the work is that every subject is treated too briefly, in fact, one might almost say hurriedly. The material is excellent, and it is well arranged for general reading and for reference. It is undoubtedly more complete than any other concise treatment of the subject.” Henry H. Norris. + + — =Engin. N.= 53: 532. My. 18, ‘05. 950w. =Ashley, Percy.= Modern tariff history: Germany, United States, France. *$3. Dutton. The tariff histories of Germany, France, and the United States are offered in brief form “for the purpose of showing how these countries have met the problems of free trade and protection. It is the work of a politician and an economist, who felt the necessity of coming to a clear and unprejudiced understanding of the great problem.” (N. Y. Times). The tariff history of Germany is outlined from the formation of the Zollverein to the present time. The lesson which the author draws from his investigation of the experience of Germany is summarized as follows: “Changes in tariff policy have been only one, and commonly not the most important, among the many causes of her economic progress.” “Of the French tariff legislation,” says Mr. Ashley, “it can be said with some confidence that, whatever it may have done to maintain agriculture—and even there it is arguable that it has encouraged the continuance of old fashioned methods—it has wrought little good and in various ways much harm to industry and commerce.” The tariff legislation in the United States is traced from its beginning, and in conclusion he argues that while America has in the past benefited by a protective policy, the time has come when the abandonment promises greater results. “Mr. Ashley’s style is remarkable for a certain freshness and vitality which makes his book easy reading in spite of the abstruseness of the subject. Taking it altogether the book is well worth while.” J. E. Conner. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 598. S. ‘05. 330w. “Derived almost wholly from secondary sources intelligently selected, they afford in short compass a good sketch of the history of the tariff during the past century in the three countries. It suffices to say that Mr. Ashley employs the historical method judiciously and effectively, with an evident knowledge of its limitations. Instructive as is this comparative tariff history in many other respects, it is peculiarly excellent as affording an insight into what is called neo-mercantilism, and its correlative—which might perhaps be called neo-libertarianism.” + + =Nation.= 80: 138. F. 16, ‘05. 1040w. “He has given an interesting history of the tariff in three great countries, but we cannot see how the results of his studies are going to enlighten his countrymen very much.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 7. Ja. 7, ‘05. 1480w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 510. Ap. ‘05. 120w. =Ashley, William James.= Progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. *60c. Longmans. A good economic monograph written in a spirit of moderation and of especial value to those who are interested in the fiscal controversy. “It is very readable.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 587. My. ‘05. 170w. =Nation.= 81: 266. S. 28, ‘05. 550w. “In a small compass he has collected most of the facts bearing on the question, and he has handled his statistics with the skill and the fairness which are to be expected from him.” + + =Spec.= 94: 618. Ap. 29, ‘05. 440w. =Ashmore, Sidney Gillespie.= Classics and modern training. **$1.25. Putnam. “A series of addresses suggestive of the value of classical studies to education, published in the hope of interesting the general reader in a few matters connected with the study of Greek and Latin, and, if possible, to call attention to the value of the ancient language and literature to education.”—Bookm. =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 587. My. ‘05. 30w. + =Dial.= 39: 70. Ag. 1, ‘05. 330w. “Professor Ashmore’s plea for the classics in modern training is well considered and presented, but, naturally, does not contribute anything very novel to the discussion.” + =Ind.= 59: 273. Ag. 3, ‘05. 20w. + + =Nation.= 81: 119. Ag. 10, ‘05. 610w. “Taken together, the papers have more to do with Greek than with Latin.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 85. F. 11, ‘05. 120w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 219. Ap. 8, ‘05. 650w. + =Outlook.= 80: 390. Je. 10, ‘05. 120w. “Mr. Ashmore’s attitude is philosophic rather than polemic.” + =Sat. R.= 99: 676. My. 20. ‘05. 90w. + =Spec.= 94: 791. My. 27, ‘05. 360w. At the sign of the fox, by the author of The garden of a commuter’s wife. †$1.50. Macmillan. At the Sign of the fox a girl who has been an art student tries to retrieve her father’s shattered fortunes by serving tea to travelers passing in carriage or motor car. Two men enter into the story, an artist who had painted the heroine’s portrait unknown to her, and a silent sad man with a haunting past, a dog and a gun. There are other characters and other dogs, and much that is chatty and domestic. “The author has a strong love of nature, and her sketches of outdoor life have atmosphere and charm.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 397. S. 23. 230w. “The book is one of those that leave a pleasant taste behind them.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + =Bookm.= 22: 134. O. ‘05. 280w. + =Critic.= 47: 381. O. ‘05. 60w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 394. Je. 17, ‘05. 150w. “In short, a very feminine sentimental book, but not nearly so good reading as, say, the same author’s ‘Woman errant.’” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 476. Jl. 15, ‘05. 500w. “But, apart from plot, there is much to admire and enjoy in this spirited and cleverly written book—notably its honest thrusts at social pretentiousness and humbug.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 835. Jl. 29, ‘05. 160w. “It is all very sweet and wholesome, though we find parts of it a heavy tax on credulity.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 504. O. 14, ‘05. 150w. “The story is eminently readable, although it has not, perhaps, quite the subtle charm which distinguished the first book by this author.” + =Spec.= 95: 434. S. 23, ‘05. 140w. =Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Frank Lin, pseud.).= Bell in the fog, and other stories. †$1.25. Harper. Ten stories which deal with both the natural and the supernatural. Besides the title story they include: ‘The striding place,’ ‘The dead and the countess,’ ‘The greatest good of the greatest number,’ ‘A monarch of a small survey,’ ‘The tragedy of a snob,’ ‘Crowned with one crest,’ ‘Death and the woman,’ ‘A prologue (to an unwritten play),’ ‘Talbot of Ursula.’ “The stories are not bad, considered as magazine stories. They show, most of them, something of Mrs. Atherton’s characteristic qualities—a certain rough power of presentation and an insight into character, especially feminine character. But there is no unifying thought running through all this miscellany. In some we are taken to that mysterious borderland, the ‘great pale world.’ But Mrs. Atherton’s art is not delicate enough for such a theme; neither, to speak plainly, is her mastery over the English language sufficient.” + — =Acad.= 68: 127. F. 11, ‘05. 260w. “All are characterized by the sort of passionate virility, the picturesque materialism, with which Mrs. Atherton’s previous books have made us familiar. Its faults are want of balance, judgment and restraint.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 238. F. 25. 390w. “The dominant note of the book is—uncanny. The stories, needless to say, are told by one who can tell them well, but they are the result of introspection rather than of observation.” + =Cath. World.= 29: 129. Ap. ‘05. 140w. “The method is careless, there is no delicacy of touch, and the dialogue in almost all the stories is preposterous.” — — =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 150w. “[The first is] a charming tale, having that touch of the occult always so fascinating—a faraway suggestion of Poe’s ‘Lady Ligeia.’ The other nine stories vary in everything save in the artistic manner of their handling.... Like Mr. Howells, Mrs. Atherton gives such imaginings the perfect touch by leaving everything vague and unexplained, and by placing them in a setting of real people and things thrown upon her canvas with her own surpassing skill.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 114. F. 25, ‘05. 600w. =Outlook.= 79: 704. Mr. 18, ‘05. 40w. “If anyone can tell what they are all about or why they were written it is Mr. James, and professional ethics will probably seal his lips.” — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 298. F. 25, ‘05. 140w. =Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Frank Lin, pseud.).= Travelling thirds. †$1.25. Harper. Mr. Moulton, the reader for a publishing house, with his wife and two daughters, who have become accustomed to a literary atmosphere, and his niece, Catalina, a madcap California girl, decide to tour the continent. The story concerns the romances which they meet with and the grand passion which comes to Catalina, who finally quarrels with her relatives and is left the sole interest of the closing pages of the book. The story derives its name from the fact that the party traveled third class thru Spain. * “The story as a story is of no importance. As an invitation to travel in Spain it is persuasive and alluring.” + — =Acad.= 68: 1263. D. 2, ‘05. 230w. * “Can scarcely be considered with its writer’s more serious work.” Olivia Howard Dunbar. + — =Critic.= 47: 510. D. ‘05. 190w. * + =Lond. Times.= 4: 383. N. 10, ‘05. 370w. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 671. O. 14, ‘05. 390w. + — =Outlook.= 81: 530. O. 28, ‘05. 60w. Athlete’s garland. Rice, W., comp. **80c. McClurg. The compiler has gathered together from many sources, verses relating exclusively to athletic sports. There are no restrictions as to authorship, and the volume includes translations from Homer, Pindar and Virgil, verses by Byron, Swinburne, Emerson, Stevenson, Kipling, Whitman and many others, and several anonymous selections. “Good taste and judgment characterize this selection throughout.” + =Dial.= 38: 423. Je. 16, ‘05. 160w. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 332. My. 20, ‘05. 270w. =Atkins, James.= Kingdom in the cradle. $1.25. Pub. house of M. E. church S. After a preliminary discussion of the problems confronting the Christian world, the author shows that ultimate spiritual triumph will result only from proper “growth of the seed.” Chapters follow outlining the course of child development spiritually, including Christ’s doctrine of the child and the kingdom, The child as the subject of religious education, The church and the home, The child in the home and The Sunday school as a field of training. =Atkinson, Edward.= Facts and figures: the basis of economic science. **$1.50. Houghton. “In a volume published under the title ‘Facts and figures,’ Mr. Edward Atkinson has collected several essays on the protective tariff and the cost of war and warfare.”—R. of Rs. Reviewed by Winthrop More Daniels. — =Atlan.= 95: 561. Ap. ‘05. 420w. “It may also be doubted whether the science of economics will be greatly advanced by papers which the author admits were sent to press without such complete revision and condensation as would have been suitable.” Arthur B. Woodford. — =Dial.= 39: 111. S. 1, ‘05. 400w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 455. Jl. 8, ‘05. 720w. =Atkinson, Fred Washington.= Philippine islands. *$3. Ginn. “The material for this book was gathered by the author when he was at the head of public education in the Philippine islands. Its information is of the encyclopaedic sort, conveyed clearly and pleasantly. About a quarter of the book is given to a brief summary of the geography and history of the islands. The rest of the book is devoted to an account of the people and the conditions under which they live. The author’s views of the character of the people and of the proper mode of government for them are in harmony with the present administration. The book is illustrated with half-tone reproductions of photographs.”—Outlook. “It is a sort of popular presentation of the subject that the ordinary reader will find intelligible.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 528. O. 28, ‘05. 180w. * “Professor Willis and Doctor Atkinson complement each other’s work. Profit may be drawn from both books. More specifically, however, we are compelled to admit that Dr. Atkinson is too complaisant as to present administrative tendencies.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 667. N. 18, ‘05. 250w. * “Of recent publications on the Philippines, one of the most useful from the point of view of the general reader is the work by Fred W. Atkinson.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 638. N. ‘05. 130w. =Atkinson, George Francis.= College textbook of botany. *$2. Holt. In expanding his elementary botany of 1898 into a college text, Prof. Atkinson leaves many chapters on the physiological part practically untouched, while others are thoroughly revised especially on the subjects of nutrition and digestion. One subject elaborated for the purpose of bringing it abreast of the times is morphology of fertilization in the gymnosperms and angiosperms. Chapters on the classification of algæ and fungi, and on ecology have also been changed and added to. The treatment falls into five parts, Physiology, Morphology and life history of representative plants, Plant members in relation to environment, Vegetation in relation to environment, and Representative families of angiosperms. “Professor Atkinson has covered the whole general field in a way that indicates an unusually wide familiarity with the various divisions of the subject.” J. M. C. + + =Bot. G.= 39: 424. Je. ‘05. 310w. “It is certainly an excellent text-book for a general introductory course in college.” + + =Ind.= 59: 270. Ag. 3, ‘05. 40w. =Atkinson, Thomas D.= English architecture. $1.25. Dutton. The author aims to give the mere elements or grammar of the great subject of English architecture. There are chapters on Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance art, on churches, monasteries, and houses; each subject is treated historically. A conclusion deals with the French influence. There are 200 tiny illustrations. “Succinct outline to the vast subject of English architecture, on its structural and what may be called its actual aspects.” + + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 89. Je. ‘05. 230w. “This book is notably sensible in its historical and critical remarks.” + + =Nation.= 80: 291. Ap. 13, ‘05. 620w. + =Outlook.= 79: 759. Mr. 25, ‘05. 60w. =Auchincloss, W. S.= Book of Daniel unlocked. *$1. Van Nostrand. A new edition of this study of the book of Daniel which shows the sidereal year to be God’s own standard of time and thereby “vindicates the statements of Daniel and fixes on them the seal of truth.” The text of the book of Daniel is given, interspersed with comments in red. “Is an interesting specimen of ingenious exegesis.” + =Outlook.= 81: 134. S. 16, ‘05. 110w. + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 540. O. 21, ‘05. 190w. * =Austin, Alfred (Lamia, pseud.).= Garden that I love. *$2. Macmillan. A new edition of the poet laureate’s sketches and poetical essays first published ten years ago. “This is an illustrated edition, the pictures being reproductions in colour of work by Mr. George S. Elgood, R. I. These are sixteen in number, and are for the most part what we may call ‘flower landscapes.’ ... But whatever their character, the pictures are most attractive.” (Spec.) * + + =Acad.= 68: 1134. O. 28, ‘05. 60w. * “The binding is not wholly to our taste.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 475. O. 7. 70w. * “The color designs of George S. Elgood, R. I., are quite out of the common—exquisite, indeed; and in the end the purchaser may prefer them to the touch-and-go discursiveness of the text.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 381. N. 9, ‘05. 90w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 834. D. 2, ‘05. 170w. * “This edition is illustrated in color with drawings that are as delightful as the text.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 889. D. 9, ‘05. 50w. * + + =Spec.= 95: 573. O. 14, ‘05. 160w. =Austin, Alfred (Lamia, pseud.).= Poet’s diary. $2. Macmillan. “Italy and things Italian—a fertile theme—are the principal topics discussed; and well does the diarist know his Rome and Florence.... Changing one word of the poet’s warning to orators, we may say, ‘The gift of diary-writing, like the gift of writing mellifluous poetry, is a sorry and dangerous one unless inspired, sustained and restrained by ‘Reason in her most exalted moods.’’”—Dial. “Dexterously spinning out sentence after sentence and paragraph after paragraph with a facile grace of composition, a deft interweaving of literary allusion and quotation, a ready succession of pleasing ideas, that cannot but excite our admiration. The diarist’s manner is winsome, and it seems ungracious to damn his book with faint praises; but not even the most gifted of us, not even a poet laureate, can always attain perfection.” + =Dial.= 38: 129. F. 16, ‘05. 330w. + =Westminster Review.= 163: 115. Ja. ‘05. 400w. =Austin, Martha Waddill.= Tristam and Isoult. $1. Badger, R: G. “Instead of the German legend which pictures the character of Mark as a mild, noble, benign old man,” Mrs. Austin uses the text of Mallory which views King Mark as a “base, crafty, false-hearted scheming coward,” and “tells how, wearied in the struggle against Mark’s unremitting treachery Sir Tristam after the vile betrayal and battle behind the chapel on the rocks, in which he came so near to losing his life, bore Queen Isoult into her Launcelot’s country, and there lived with her in the castle of Joyous Garde.” =Austin, Mary. Isidro.= †$1.50. Houghton. “A tale of love and spring in Old California,” and of Isidro, whose proud determined father had vowed his son to the church while still in his cradle. The boy on his way to begin his novitiate with the fathers of St. Francis, meets a shepherd lad who proves to be “the one woman in the world.” He suffers hardships thru a series of adventures into which a delightful old priest, a fugitive, and a halfbreed of wild passion and heroic spirit enter. “The story is well imagined and told with a delightful swing in a style that is vigorous, though at times too mannered.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 810. Ag. 5, ‘05. 150w. “Mary Austin has achieved that admirable success, which is none too common, of telling a romantic tale with such vivid realism, a tale of bygone years with such graphic assurance of detail, as to make even the most melodramatic of her episodes seem quite within the range of credibility.” F. T. Cooper. + + =Bookm.= 21: 601. Ag. ‘05. 530w. + =Ind.= 59: 210. Jl. 27, ‘05. 90w. * “Is a masterpiece in the particulars of literary style, and time-old spirit.” + =Ind.= 59: 1154. N. 16, ‘05. 30w. “That language has a character of its own and a fitness to the honorable service of the romance of old California. Mary Austin has the gift of the witchcraft of romance.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 285. Ap. 29, ‘05. 570w. “Not a great piece of fiction, but carefully written, and presenting interesting types of character well-drawn, and a charming background of landscape.” + =Outlook.= 80: 445. Je. 17, ‘05. 50w. “A novel that will have a permanent place, not as a masterpiece, but as a well-wrought story of another ‘phase of American existence that, within the touch of present time, has passed away.’” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 974. Je. 24, ‘05. 200w. “Aside from the considerable charm of the story, the account given of the relation existing between the missions and their converts, and of the breaking up of these religious settlements, is well worth while.” + + =Reader.= 6: 239. Jl. ‘05. 340w. “The story is pleasantly told with a wealth of local colour, and will please lovers of romantic adventure.” + + =Sat. R.= 100: 122. Jl. 22, ‘05. 170w. Auto fun. **$1. Crowell. A collection of drawings and skits, jibes and jests taken from “Life.” The artists contributing are Gibson, Kemble, Cushing, Bayard Jones, C. F. Taylor, and others. It is a novelty and sure to please the motor car devotees. * + + =Dial.= 39: 389. D. 1, ‘05. 130w. “The level of these caricatures is uncommonly high in respect of invention and artistic technique.” + + =Nation.= 81: 360. N. 2, ‘05. 70w. =Avery, Elroy McKendree.= History of the United States and its people. In 12 vol. Vol. 1., $6.25. Burrows. Mr. Avery aims to cover the entire ground of American history from the earliest records to the present time. It is intended as a popular history, but there is supplied an abundance of bibliographical data which all students and those who wish to pursue historical investigations will find particularly useful. The maps, also, are more satisfactory than those which commonly appear in American works of this character. The style is easy, flowing, sometimes conversational. Graphic anecdotes or storiettes enliven the serious matter. Among the features demanding special praise the technical make-up must not be forgotten. The size is convenient, the paper excellent, the type clear and large, and there is a broad margin with notes. “Both in statement and conclusion, furthermore, the text is generally in accord with the best literature of the subjects treated. Some obscurities, errors, and other defects have escaped detection.” William R. Shepherd. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 852. Jl. ‘05. 2140w. “While the style has a certain pleasing smoothness, the reluctance of the author to interrupt this compels him to fail, at crucial points, to state explicitly what he is talking about, and the result for the reader is perplexity. Our verdict regarding Dr. Avery’s bibliography must also be that it might be improved.” Edward S. Corwin. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 596. My. ‘05. 1000w. “We incline to the belief that on the whole no treatment of the period of discovery has been more satisfactorily prepared. If the succeeding volumes equal in excellence the present book, this history will be the best complete history of our country yet written.” Amy C. Rich. + + + =Arena.= 33: 447. Ap. ‘05. 2160w. =Critic.= 46: 190. F. ‘05. 120w. “In a general way Dr. Avery is fully abreast of modern scholarship. Of really serious errors in the book there are none. The great weakness of the book lies in the absence of page references. Dr. Avery’s style of writing is smooth and flowing. It is altogether too flowery either for a permanent classic or for a serious piece of historical work.” Anna Heloise Abel. + + — =Dial.= 38: 262. Ap. 16, ‘05. 1150w. “The advance sheets have been submitted to special students on the subjects treated. But they could not, without rewriting his book, correct his point of view. Rarely takes the trouble to come to a conclusion of his own. On the whole the book is well and attractively written and is accurate as to fact.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 380. F. 16, ‘05. 800w. * “While accuracy of detail has been secured thru several revisions by specialists, the emphasis is bad and the literary style is often stilted.” + + — =Ind.= 59: 1156. N. 16, ‘05. 50w. “Dr. Avery’s text stands well the test of critical examination. The narrative ... is systematically compressed, but it is well proportioned, and gives evidence throughout of careful use of authorities and of intelligent and restrained judgment. From a literary point of view, the history is eminently readable, though the style shows a tendency to ornateness.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 69. Ja. 26, ‘05. 360w. “Reasonably full, critical, and even iconoclastic in many respects. To judge then, from vol. I. this history bids fair to become popular in the best sense of the term. It is certainly not dry—parts of it reading like a stirring romance. Now and then he goes perhaps a trifle too far in his impartiality.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 20. Ja. 14, ‘05. 1420w. “He is, then, accurate. He is also the possessor of a very agreeable style.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 41. S. 2, ‘05. 580w. Reviewed by H. Addington Bruce. + + =Reader.= 6: 588. O. ‘05. 560w. + + =R. of Rs.= 30: 756. D. ‘04. 230w. B =B., T.= Upton letters. **$1.25. Putnam. “To those of us who, with Stevenson, pray for the quiet mind, ‘The Upton letters’ by ‘T. B.’ are a help in that direction. Simple and natural, sane and human, these reflective utterances on literary, moral, and educational themes, and on the commonplaces of daily life, have the charm that belongs to the genuine expression of a good mind and heart. They are the letters of a master in an English public school to a friend (’Herbert’) sojourning in Madeira for his health; and they run through the year 1904, being brought to a close by the friend’s death.”—Dial. “For all its timidity the book is a bugle-call.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 703. Jl. 8, ‘05. 1420w. “The comments on certain aspects of modern life are always very readable, sometimes valuable; but the book is notable mainly for its poetical outlook and unfailing facility of expression.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 742. Je. 17. 1280w. * “The book is delightful enough to stand on its own merits.” H. W. Boynton. + =Atlan.= 96: 849. D. ‘05. 580w. “It is an intimate narrative, but the intimacy is of a highly self-respecting sort, and the picture of the writer which the book leaves upon the reader’s mind is very winning.” + =Critic.= 47: 476. N. ‘05. 110w. “The little volume will create no sensation (heaven forbid!), but it will greatly content a choice few among the readers of books.” + + =Dial.= 39: 212. O. 1, ‘05. 310w. * “The letters are truly literature, and every page gives evidence of broad and careful scholarship, wide reading and a soul concerned with high and serious things. As a whole the volume is intensely satisfactory and is one that may be read and read again by those who care to think and know how to think.” + + =Educ. R.= 30: 530. N. ‘05. 310w. “‘The Upton letters’ makes excellent quiet reading for those to whom such a mind as the author’s is attractive.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 195. Je. 16, ‘05. 370w. “These letters depend solely upon their intrinsic merit. This is unquestionably high. Without literary affectation, the style is that of a literary man.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 283. S. 30, ‘05. 200w. “Barring a slight stiffness and an occasional assumption of weariness and ennui, the letters are as good as anything of the kind that have appeared since Huxley’s were given to the world.” + + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 601. N. 4, ‘05. 140w. * + =Spec.= 95: 289. Ag. 26, ‘05. 1740w. =Bacon, Benjamin Wisner.= Story of St. Paul. **$1.50. Houghton. This book is the outgrowth of a series of university extension lectures delivered at Providence, R. I., and New Haven, Conn. It is a comparison of the accounts of the life of St. Paul, as found in the acts and the epistles, and Professor Bacon’s object is to point out the differences in these two sources in order that the records may later be harmonized. + + — =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 542. Jl. ‘05. 920w. “Excellent book.” + + =Atlan.= 95: 704. My. ‘05. 390w. “Although intended for popular reading, is less a life of the great apostle than a critical inquiry into the disputes and controversies connected with his life.” + =Cath. World.= 80: 540. Ja. ‘05. 550w. * “Is the clearest and ablest presentation of this subject yet made by an American.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 1160. N. 16, ‘05. 40w. “A misnomer. It should rather be called A study in St. Paul, for Dr. Bacon is a critic rather than a historian. Certainly his mind is analytical rather than dramatic. For the student who desires to get the latest information which a fearless and reverent scholarship has to give respecting our sources of information concerning Paul and his Epistles, we know of no book better than this volume of Dr. Bacon, but it is distinctly the work of a student, and requires for its appreciation a student’s thoughtfulness.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 192. Ja. 21, ‘05. 310w. “Although this is in the province of criticism, Professor Bacon’s treatment is of a popular nature. His book is, indeed, a union of constructive biography and scientific criticism.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 253. F. ‘05. 120w. “Dr. Bacon observes carefully and writes well; but he seems to us to be constantly getting a little more out of the text than is warranted; while the amount and complication of the alterations made in the history by ‘Luke’ (as he is called, in inverted commas) form a very serious objection to his theory.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: 532. O. 21, ‘05. 430w. “His book will make the student think, and so far will be of service; but he is not a safe guide.” + — =Spec.= 94: 444. Mr. 25, ‘04. 420w. =Bacon, Dolores M.=, ed. Diary of a musician. †$1.50. Holt. A record of the experiences, hopes, and longings which lie all the way from the depths to the heights of a genius’ career. Short, terse sentences that sum up a heart full of joy or anguish, characterized all thru by Bohemian irresponsibility, are no more brief than were the moods of this interesting Hungarian. With all his musical power, he is human enough to say: “I adore my father; but who could keep faith with his father when such a woman smiles.... It is Marie Alexeievna. There is no superior allegiance.” “A decidedly clever and piquant tour de force. In very few books is the note struck at the beginning successfully kept up to the end, as here. Of its not ambitious order, the book is admirable.” + =Critic.= 46: 285. Mr. ‘05. 110w. =Bacon, Edgar Mayhew.= Narragansett bay; its historic and romantic associations and picturesque setting. **$3.50. Putnam. This sumptuous volume is “illustrated by the author’s sketches and a few photographs, and is well indexed. As the title implies, it is a collection of superficial descriptions and colonial legends woven into readable form.” (Nation.) “Is a worthy successor to the author’s attractive work in a similar style on the Hudson river.” + =Critic.= 46: 479. My. ‘05. 100w. “The book is chiefly deficient in failing to show the powerful influence of the bay on the social and economic development of the state. The volume contains many egregious lapses from fact.” — + =Nation.= 80: 299. Ap. 13, ‘05. 540w. =Bacon, Gertrude.= Balloons, airships and flying machines. *50c. Dodd. “The plainest narrative of a balloon trip told strictly from the airman’s point of view, in perfect equanimity, never mounting into any purple clouds, never soaring above any reader’s head, but sticking to the terra firma of plain fact, makes a far stronger impression upon the imagination than in any other style it ever could.” (Nation.) Such a narrative is Miss Bacon’s. “Is a little triumph, due to a bright fresh mind drawing from the headwaters of information ideas that sparkle with genuine interest in the subject, which is allowed to run on in its own natural babble.” + + =Nation.= 81: 33. Jl. 13, ‘05. 330w. “Her story is well told, and, as technicalities are avoided, is interesting as well.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 441. Jl. 1, ‘05. 320w. =Baddeley, St. Clair.= Recent discoveries in the Forum. $1.25. Macmillan. Books and pamphlets have appeared in great numbers furnishing technical details, measurements, etc., of the “revelations of pick and spade” about this historic site. “But the average English or American traveler has very much needed a smaller work, of equal accuracy but more popular and practicable, as a guide among these new-old stones and pillars and pavements. Such a book is now to be had in Mr. Baddeley’s ‘Recent discoveries.’ The author has been in close touch with all the work as it went on, and fortunately has seen fit to give us many incidents of the eventful days, and illustrations showing the scenes of transition.” (Dial). “He is wanting in style and scholarship; almost every page is disfigured by odd mistakes in English or inaccuracies of reference.” — + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 598. My. 13. 270w. “The book is interesting beyond the rule of guide books.” + + =Dial.= 38: 129. F. 16, ‘05. 520w. “The expression is so poor that one rarely reads so small a book with such great difficulty.” + — =Ind.= 58: 1366. Je. 15, ‘05. 180w. =Baedeker, Karl.= London and its environs: a handbook for travellers. *$1.80. Scribner. “The fourteenth edition, fortified with four maps and twenty-four plans, its list of the principal streets, public buildings, etc. The total bulk has been but slightly increased. It is almost a pity that these successive editions could not graphically record the chief changes in the general aspect of the metropolis, which of late have been as imposing as they are extensive.”—Nation. =Nation.= 80: 228. Mr. 23, ‘05. 70w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 278. Ap. 29, ‘05. 180w. =Outlook.= 79: 760. Mr. 25, ‘05. 20w. =Baedeker, Karl.= Northern France: handbook for travellers. *$2.10. Scribner. “A new edition (the fourth) of this well-known handbook, brought up to date with such revision regarding hotels, routes, and places of interest to travelers as has been made necessary by the changes of the last four or five years.”—Outlook. =Nation.= 80: 289. Ap. 13, ‘05. 60w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 278. Ap. 29, ‘05. 60w. =Outlook.= 79: 1060. Ap. 29, ‘05. 40w. =Bagley, William Chandler.= Educative process. *$1.25. Macmillan. A lucid exposition of the basal principles of pedagogy with illustrative matter showing the limits and methods of the application. “Its fundamental theses are, that the function of the educative process is to secure the transmission to each generation of the experience of the race, and that its end in view is to secure the development of socially efficient individuals—an end inclusive, as here defined, of livelihood, knowledge, culture, harmonious development, and morality.” (Outlook.) “His exposition of the responsibilities and duties of parents and teachers can be accepted with little or no reservation, but some of his illustrative statements and subsidiary generalizations are open to question.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 395. S. 23. 1080w. “All in all, it must be considered one of the best contributions of its kind to the literature of educational theory and should find an extensive use as a text-book in normal schools and colleges for covering the ground of general method.” Guy Montrose Whipple. + + =Educ. R.= 30: 418. N. ‘05. 1650w. “While Dr. Bagley is mainly concerned to teach the principles of pedagogy he has not failed in adequately illustrating the limits and methods of their rational application.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 883. Ag. 5, ‘05. 290w. “In spite of these and some other less important mistakes and misplacements of emphasis, the book is a fresh, stimulating and generally correct organization of the principles of education.” Wilbur S. Jackman. + + — =Science.= n.s. 22: 565. N. 3, ‘05. 1730w. * =Bagot, Richard.= Italian lakes; painted by Ella Du Cane, described by Richard Bagot. *$6. Macmillan. “In the pages of this beautiful book there have been gathered enough pictures of the Italian lakes ... to make those who read ... realize at least somewhat of the wonderful beauty of the lakes of Italy, even when they have not seen them.” (Ind.) “The lakes of Como, Lugano, Lecco, Maggiore, Orta, Isco, and others of northern Italy are described and painted.”—N. Y. Times. * “The illustrator ... has given us a series of pictures which, though quite pretty, do not help the reader to realise the general character of the North Italian lakes. The material with which Mr. Bagot had to deal was far too extensive for the space at his disposal; and on the whole he has made a wise selection.” + — =Acad.= 68: 1236. N. 25, ‘05. 340w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1377. D. 14, ‘05. 140w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 809. N. 25, ‘05. 470w. =Bagot, Richard.= Passport. †$1.50. Harper. “Mr. Richard Bagot has written a stirring melodrama of love and intrigue. He has laid on his colours with a trowel. He gives us the lovely maiden wooed by the handsome lover whose suit is forbidden by the stern stepmother. He tells of wicked priests, cynical and scheming villains, faithful servants, secret hiding-places and sliding panels—all the stock-in-trade of regulation melodrama.... The scene of the book is laid in Rome and the ‘local colouring’ is admirable.”—Sat. R. “It is a pleasure to read so well-conceived and well executed a tale as this. This is a book that will certainly bear reading twice.” + + =Acad.= 68: 927. S. 9, ‘05. 500w. + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 539. O. 21. 200w. “Frankly, the story makes rather better reading than an epitome of it would warrant one to expect.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + =Bookm.= 22: 234. N. ‘05. 280w. * “A conscientious, elaborate and able narrative. Within certain limits, ‘The passport’ may be honestly commended.” + =Critic.= 47: 577. D. ‘05. 90w. “The characters in ‘The passport’ stand out very well in the Italian ‘atmosphere’ which Mr. Bagot has the secret of portraying.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 287. S. 8, ‘05. 330w. “The book is one of much interest.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 726. O. 28, ‘05. 420w. “Is unusual in the strength of its plot and the artistic and continuous development of the story. Here, as in former books, Mr. Bagot occasionally offends the taste of his readers quite unnecessarily.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 335. O. 7, ‘05. 100w. “But he writes well and picturesquely and his characterization, although totally devoid of subtlety, abounds in cleverness.” + =Sat. R.= 100: 442. S. 30, ‘05. 90w. * =Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin.= Peter Newell Mother Goose. †$1.50. Holt. A prose Mother Goose which contains some of the old rhymes as Debby, “a real little girl with gingham aprons and stubby shoes and sunbonnets,” hears them in her wanderings among the Gooselanders. She meets the same old people of Gooseland: Dame Trot; Wee Willie Winkie; Jack Horner; Bo Peep; Simple Simon; and all the rest, but they are modernized and made almost too commonplace for imaginative children. There are twenty-two illustrations by Peter Newell. * “The text rings so true in spirit that one cannot tell which way first to look, at the printed pages or at the woodcuts. All in all the combination forms a most happy volume for children.” + + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 70w. * “Altogether a very excellent Peter Newell book with a good story to picture.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 795. N. 25, ‘05. 540w. =Bailey, Liberty Hyde.= Outlook to nature. **$1.25. Macmillan. “The outlook to nature is, of course, the outlook to optimism, for nature is our governing condition and is beyond the power of man to modify or to correct.... The outlook to nature is the outlook to what is real and hearty and spontaneous.” The author applies the foregoing text to the four essays: The realm of the commonplace, Country and city, The school of the future, and Evolution: the quest of truth. “They exhort to public-spirited endeavor in the cause of rural education and they tend to foster a wholesome love of the soil and to replace the restlessness and discouragement of the country-bred boy and girl with a reasonable contentment and an impulse to improve existing opportunities.” + + =Country Calendar.= 1: 330. Ag. ‘05. 90w. “Some of the passages are delightful. Nor is it a one-sided view of life that is presented.” + =Critic.= 47: 479. N. ‘05. 250w. * “If there is nothing altogether new in the book, there is nothing that is not sensible, and very little that is not also inspiring.” + =Dial.= 39: 312. N. 16, ‘05. 370w. + + — =Nation.= 81: 306. O. 12, ‘05. 590w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 573. S. 2, ‘05. 500w. “His exhortations ... are hearty, spontaneous, and optimistic, and full of the love of nature which he wants all the world to share.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 886. Ag. 5, ‘05. 70w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 188. Ag. 5, ‘05. 120w. =Bain, Alexander.= Autobiography. *$5. Longmans. “The autobiography, as Professor Bain left it, ended with an account of the events of the year 1890; a supplementary chapter, relating to the last thirteen years of his life, has been added by his literary executor, Prof. W. L. Davidson. The chief feature of interest in this volume is its clear and candid account of the stages in the writer’s mental growth, under the circumstances of the time.” (Int. J. Ethics). His early religious life was one of unrest and doubt, but coming under the influence of Comte’s teachings, he soon rejected all theology, and found himself a thorogoing empiricist. His greatest originality lies in the realm of analytic psychology, and his works on this subject are among the classics. In logic, he was a close follower of Mill, also his two volumes show some important advances on the Mill method. In ethics, too, he is consistently empirical and utilitarian, believing that “General happiness or welfare is a sufficient statement of the final end.” “The plan is logically formed and elaborately carried out.” + + =Critic.= 46: 283. Mr. ‘05. 150w. “Will undoubtedly be a disappointment to the reader who is looking for literary charm or for any strong infusion of human interest. It is a dry, concise chronicle, in which first place is given to facts about the writer’s own scientific activity and published work—professedly a record of his intellectual history first of all.” + =Dial.= 38: 94. F. 1, ‘05. 440w. “Curious lights are also thrown on the past history of university education in Scotland. Specially attractive is the account given in the first two chapters of the way in which the difficulties of the author’s early education were overcome, and of the manner in which his native intellectual tendencies began to show themselves.” S. H. Mellone. + =Int. J. Ethics.= 15: 241. Ja. ‘05. 1600w. (Abstract of book.) “The autobiography is much too long. What is really valuable in it is overlaid by a multitude of details which can interest but few.” + — =Spec.= 94: 616. Ap. 29, ‘05. 720w. =Bain, F. W.= Digit of the moon, and other love stories from the Hindoo. $1.50. Putnam. “A digit of the moon,” “A heifer of the dawn,” “The descent of the sun,” and “In the great God’s hair” are four stories found in this volume, translated and adapted from the Hindoo by one who professes to have received the manuscript from a Brahman. “They possess a somewhat greater refinement, according to Western notions, than one often finds in tales of Oriental life and love as told by Orientals.” (Outlook.) “The fascination of the stories lies in their almost hypnotic slowness of movement, their lavish use of color, and the delicate mixture of wit and sentiment that animate them.” + =Critic.= 47: 476. N. ‘05. 90w. “The native atmosphere has been rather cleverly caught, and the author has adopted several Hindu tricks of story-telling. Many persons will deem his stories charming. At any rate, they are touchingly sentimental and written in extra-florid English.” + =Nation.= 81: 183. Ag. 31, ‘05. 290w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 453. Jl. 8, ‘05. 380w. “The stories have an undeniable charm both of matter and of language.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 511. Ag. 5, ‘05. 580w. “Are characteristically Eastern in delicacy, tenderness, vividness, gorgeousness of imagination, and floridity of language.” + =Outlook.= 80: 836. Jl. 29, ‘05. 60w. “Mr. Bain has made us all his debtors by presenting us with this book.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 350. S. 9, ‘05. 370w. =Bain, Robert Nisbet.= First Romanovs, 1613-1725. *$3.50. Dutton. An account of “the rise of socialism in Russia in its early days, coming down to the end of the reign of Peter the Great. So far as we know, the book takes new ground in that it is less a history of war and political convulsions than of the underlying conditions—social, racial, and moral as well as political—which give shape and form to the Muscovite civilization. Dramatic episodes and incidents have large place in the narrative.... There are several portraits and maps.”—Outlook. “Mr. Nisbet Bain is too faithful a chronicler. He tells his story in such detail that we miss the broad features and lack some perspective of Russia’s relationship to the rest of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 799. Ag. 5, ‘05. 1010w. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 940. Jl. ‘05. 40w. “But is perhaps unfair to carp at these minor inaccuracies (as they seem to us), and it is a more congenial task to praise this interesting book for the many pictures of old Russian life with which it abounds.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 133. Jl. 29. 1770w. “It is seldom that a book combines in so high a degree the charm of imaginative writing with the graver interest of history.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 246. Ag. 4, ‘05. 2040w. “‘The first Romanovs’ is a work which covers less ground than is traversed in the Scandinavian volume, and is marked not only by a greater fulness of detail, but by greater concentration of purpose. The present volume is in many respects the best he has given us.” + + + =Nation.= 81: 151. Ag. 17, ‘05. 530w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 345. My. 27, ‘05. 390w. “It is a conscientious, well-balanced history of that remarkable century. The whole story is well and interestingly told in fluent and often pictorial English.” Wolf von Schierbrand. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 386. Je. 17, ‘05. 1140w. “The work is essentially readable. Such a book as this is valuable as affording insight into what was really a formative period of European history.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 391. Je. 10, ‘05. 130w. “Upon the reader’s acceptance or rejection of Peter’s role as a mighty regenerator will necessarily depend the value and interest of Mr. Bain’s work. At the same time we fail to find that he brings any really new light to bear upon the subject.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: 23. Jl. 1, ‘05. 1330w. =Bain, Robert Nisbet.= Scandinavia: a political history of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. $2. Macmillan. The period from 1513 to 1900 is treated in this volume which deals with the rise, decline, and fall of Denmark, Norway and Sweden as powers. “The most comprehensive that has yet been written.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 172. F. 25, ‘05. 1000w. “In his conclusions he frequently differs from earlier writers, but, though his generalizations are often dangerously bold, his statements, as a rule, are well supported.” Laurence M. Larson. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 190. O. ‘05. 470w. “We have found Mr. Bain’s narrative clear and very readable. It is throughout a scholarly production.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 773. Je. 24, 2120w. “Mr. Bain’s narrative, however, is usually vivid and sometimes even eloquent. Inaccuracy rather than obscurity is the fault of the book. As is natural when the scope of the work is so wide, many of the author’s views are open to question.” W. F. R. + + — =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 608. Jl. ‘05. 590w. “His epitome of Scandinavian annals is clear and well arranged giving about equal prominence to Denmark and Sweden.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 150. Ag. 17, ‘05. 520w. “Mistakes are rare, and those that may be found are too insignificant for exposure. And he tells a good story. This failure of Mr. Bain to enter into the spirit of the time is glaringly apparent in his treatment of Christian II. of Denmark. On the whole his judgments of present-day men and measures are correct and well balanced.” Edwin Bjorkman. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 508. Jl. 29, ‘05. 1760w. “Keen insight into causation is manifest; social as well as political movements are studied, not a little light being thrown on hitherto neglected phases of Scandinavian history; and the facts presented have been carefully verified. The style, without being impressive, is fluent and agreeable.” + + — =Outlook.= 79: 1061. Ap. 29, ‘05. 290w. “A very useful historical volume.” + + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 123. Jl. ‘05. 230w. “Mr. Bain’s story is, by force of circumstances, highly compressed, but he has succeeded in making it both clear and attractive.” + + =Spec.= 95: 435. S. 23, ‘05. 170w. =Baker, Cornelia.= Queen’s page. †$1.25. Bobbs. This story is all about Pedro and Petronilla, twins of Béarne, who at the start could not understand why when Aunt Catalina said that they had some blue blood in their veins should see only red blood start from a knife wound. They themselves thus remind the reader that they are very much flesh-and-blood little mortals. Their experiences at the court of Francis the First, and their travels and adventures are full of interest for the young reader. The illustrations are the clever work of Fanny Y. Cory. “A pleasant way for any boy or girl to get acquainted with the sixteenth century is to read ‘The queen’s page.’” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 708. O. 21, ‘05. 140w. =Baker, George P.= Forms of public address. **$1.12. Holt. This little volume is offered by Mr. Baker as a needed supplement to the ordinary oratorical work done in colleges. It is designed for school use, and sets forth its purpose in an introduction addressed to teachers. The book consists of famous historical letters, both private and open, editorials, inaugural addresses, speeches of eulogy, commemoration, dedication, welcome and farewell, and after-dinner speeches. There are an appendix and explanatory notes. + + =Nation.= 80: 445. Je. 1, ‘05. 550w. “The selections presented as models give a value to the volume that the general reader, as well as instructors and students, will appreciate for their historical or personal as well as literary worth.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 195. Ja. 21, ‘05. 120w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 250. F. ‘05. 50w. =Baker, Henry B.= Relation of preventable disease to taxation. Michigan State board of health. “We have here a valuable analytical study of local expenditures in Michigan during 1903 on account of indigent sufferers from dangerous communicable diseases: also computations of the money values of the lives apparently saved in 1903 through the lowered death rate from smallpox, typhoid fever, scarlet fever and consumption since the organization of the State board of health.”—Engin. N. + + + =Engin. N.= 53: 185. F. 16, ‘05. 210w. =Baker, Louise R.= Mrs. Pinner’s little girl $1. Jacobs. A pretty story of a little orphan, Mary Daingerfield, who is separated from her sister and brothers and adopted by the rich and kind-hearted Pinners. Thru her sweet unselfishness she succeeds in bringing home to them their son, Dave, and also in reuniting her orphaned family—Kit, Buz, the baby, and their faithful old black Aunty. =Baker, Moses Nelson.= Sewerage and sewage purification. 50c. Van Nostrand. A second revised and enlarged edition of this valuable little volume which was first published in 1895. =Baker, Rev. P.= Short instructions; or, Meditations on the Gospels for each day in Lent; ed. by Rev. W: T. Conklin. 75c. Christian press. “These instructions were first published in 1834 ... [and] are based on the holy Gospels for every day in Lent. The Gospel for the day is given; then follows a short instruction on the same, concluding with a prayer.”—Cath. World. + + =Cath. World.= 80: 691. F. ‘05. 180w. =Baker, William Henry.= Cement-worker’s handbook. 50c. W. H. Baker, Wadsworth, O. More than 50 most important subjects on cement and its uses in construction are covered in this volume, which is compiled to meet the requirements of the common workman. “The description of the proper way to make cement walks is the best that we have seen in print.” + + — =Engin. N.= 53: 636. Je. 15, ‘05. 200w. =Baldwin, Charles Sears,= ed. American short stories. See Wampum library of American literature, v. I. =Baldwin, Charles Sears.= How to write, *50c. Macmillan. Taking the English Bible as a model of style, the author has written a practical little book which tells “plain people” how to prepare essays, how to tell stories, and how to describe. “The book will be very useful as a practical rhetoric.” + + =Ind.= 59: 217. Jl. 27, ‘05. 130w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 169. Mr. 18, ‘05. 150w. “The author has succeeded in making his directions practical and untechnical enough really to help the people for whom they are designed.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 192. My. 20, ‘05. 130w. * =Baldwin, May.= Girls of St. Gabriel’s. †$1.25. Lippincott. “A sprightly story of the experiences of an English girl of fourteen, who spent two years at a convent school in the north of France, on the Belgian frontier.... The heroine’s interests were varied by the neighborhood of a French uncle with a haunted château.... There are illustrations and a good deal of minor detail of the life of a French country house.”—Nation. * “The tale has incident enough to make it good reading for any girl under eighteen.” + =Nation.= 81: 489. D. 14, ‘05. 130w. * “The theme is a good one, and well worked out.” + =Spec.= 95: 693. N. 4, ‘05. 120w. =Baldwin, Simeon Eben.= American judiciary and judicial system. *$1.25. Century. This is the sixth volume in the “American state series” whose object is to describe “comprehensively the manner in which the Governmental agencies of the American state are organized and administered.” The subject matter falls under two heads: Part 1. The nature and scope of the judicial power in the United States, and Part 2. The organization and practical working of American courts. * “So far as description goes, it is here and there loosely written.” + — =Nation.= 81: 471. D. 7, ‘05. 310w. “His work maintains the high standard set by the other published volumes of the ‘American state series.’” Robert Livingston Schuyler. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 480. Jl. 22, ‘05. 600w. “Is characterized by thoroughness, accuracy, and readableness. Laymen and jurists alike will find this book interesting and helpful.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 590. Jl. 1, ‘05. 390w. “He has accomplished his difficult task admirably.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 317. S. 2, ‘05. 140w. =Balmforth, Ramsden.= Bible from the standpoint of higher criticism. 2v. ea. *$1.25. Dutton. Two volumes devoted respectively to the Old and New Testament, which discuss in popular and non-technical form the results of the higher criticism. “The true basis of religious union is shown to be where Jesus put it, not in the speculative doctrines which divide men, but in the moral effect which unites them.” (Outlook.) Illustrations are drawn from the various classes of literature and periods of history. “Its object is to show that, after all, the Bible is worth studying.” + =Am. J. Theol.= 9: 742. O. ‘05. 190w. “Some of the principal facts brought to light in recent study are presented fearlessly and with no little skill.” + + =Ind.= 58: 1131. My. 18, ‘05. 60w. (Review of v. 1.) “Mr. Balmforth’s discussions are bold, almost blunt, but they are reverent and well considered, and they will do good service in promoting familiarity with the achievements of Biblical scholarship in its most important field.” + + =Ind.= 59: 640. S. 14, ‘05. 210w. (Review of v. 2.) “A lucid and popularly written account of the results of modern critical study.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 757. Mr. 25, ‘05. 50w. (Review of v. 1.) + + =Outlook.= 80: 694. Jl. 15, ‘05. 240w. (Review of v. 2.) =Bandelier, Fanny,= tr. Journey of Cabeza de Vaca. **$1. Barnes. A new volume in the “Trail-makers library” which narrates the experiences and adventures of the first white man to cross the continent. “His journey begun in Florida in 1528 ended on the Pacific in 1536. The translator and editor have had a valuable idea in extracting from the original confused and garrulous narrative what was essential and important.” (Outlook.) + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 217. O. ‘05. 60w. + + =Critic.= 47: 382. O. ‘05. 160w. =Nation.= 80: 458. Je. 8, ‘05. 90w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 399. Je. 17, ‘05. 300w. “The work is edited by no less an authority than Ad. F. Bandelier, the foremost in this line, and the translation is by his wife, whose quick intelligence and absolute familiarity with the Spanish language has enabled her to fathom many intricacies of the vague and confused record.” F. S. Dellenbaugh. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 509. Ag. 5, ‘05. 2070w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 693. Jl. 15, ‘05. 50w. * =Bangs, John Kendrick.= Mrs. Raffles; being the adventures of an amateur cracks-woman narrated by Bunny. †$1.25. Harper. “In his well-known humorous style Mr. Bangs has portrayed Mrs. Raffles, the widow of the famous cracksman, and her never-to-be-consoled admirer ‘Bunny.’ The yarns ... contain material for detective stories that quite surpass the plots invented for the original thief by Mr. Hornung.”—Critic. * “The yarns one and all are amusing.” + =Critic.= 47: 577. D. ‘05. 80w. * “A parody of Mr. Hornung’s stories of Raffles, the amateur cracksman, very badly done.” — =Outlook.= 81: 527. O. 28, ‘05. 15w. =Bangs, John Kendrick.= Worsted man: a musical play for amateurs. †50c. Harper. Eight lonely women at a summer hotel in New Hampshire attempt to get even with Fate for not sending a single youth their way. They construct a worsted man from an afghan, stuffing it with cotton. A certain famous spring-water brings this man of wool to life, and he becomes an unmanageable flirt. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 349. My. 27, ‘05. 210w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 61. Jl. 8, ‘05. 80w. =Banks, Nancy Huston.= Little hills. †$1.50. Macmillan. Phoebe Rowan is widowed shortly after the ceremony which joins her in a loveless marriage with the village minister. It becomes a duty to her to call to her “wren’s nest” the destitute parents of her husband,—a father who is a cripple and a drunkard, and a step-mother “austere, ignorant, narrow-minded, with a faculty for ruling all around her with an iron will.” The story follows a thorny path with a triumphant turn out into the open. “It is not given to her, as it is to Mr. Howells, to write an interesting story about nothing. The various characters to which Mrs. Banks introduces us are not convincing.” — + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 171. Ag. 5. 260w. “The score of characters who move through Mrs. Banks’s pages are quaint, charming, whimsical, by turns, but never exaggerated or burlesqued. The central thread of the story, which binds the whole together with a strength surprising in a plot of such fragile delicacy, is imbued with a simple pathos that at times evokes an almost painful sympathy.” F. T. Cooper. + =Bookm.= 21: 599. Ag. ‘05. 510w. “The author has a riotous sentimentality, no sense of humor, and an over-worked knack of detaching scenic bric-a-brac from the landscape.” + — =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 90w. + =Ind.= 59: 209. Jl. 27, ‘05. 150w. “The book is somewhat cumbered with description, and several of its characters have toppled over into caricatures, but it will be read with interest both because of a plot out of the ordinary and of the freshness and spontaneity of its treatment.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 479. Jl. 22, ‘05. 230w. “There are bits here which are gently provocative of a smile, and always the sentiment is sweet and gracious, but the total effect is rather faint.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 693. Jl. 15, ‘05. 50w. + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 504. O. 14, ‘05. 160w. “Appears as a frank imitator of Miss Mary Wilkins, and the imitation is not very successful.” — =Sat. R.= 100: 283. Ag. 26, ‘05. 170w. =Barbour, Ralph Henry (Richard Stillman Powers, pseud.).= Orchard princess. †$2. Lippincott. How Miles Fallon, bachelor, becomes a ready target for Cupid’s dart when April sunshine and the scent of apple blossoms lure him on to the orchard princess is lightly sketched in this love tale with a pastoral setting. The man is a novelist, and the girl is an artist, yet these two idealists are very human in the “little nothingnesses” that pave the way for their romance. * =Critic.= 47:577. D. ‘05. 10w. * + + =Dial.= 39: 388. D. 1, ‘05. 160w. * “The heroine is a real girl, which cannot always be said of romantic heroines.” + =Ind.= 59: 1378. D. 14, ‘05. 30w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 10w. =Bard, Emile.= Chinese life in town and country. **$1.20. Putnam. Viewing China and the Chinese “with the eyes of a man of affairs,” and avoiding “exaggerated optimism”, the author has treated of Chinese traits, customs and character, of their religions, education, government, history and economic and social life. The book is concise and interesting, and contains over a dozen illustrations and a good index. “Altogether this is a clever and readable book.” + + =Critic.= 47: 266. S. ‘05. 160w. “The book has no air of hasty generalization; the chapters, though brief, are full of information, set forth in the clearest possible manner.” + + =Dial.= 39: 245. O. 16, ‘05. 200w. “The characteristic and chief value of the book is its freedom from bias. The little volume is singularly free from inaccuracies.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 753. S. 28, ‘05. 210w. “The translation, or rather adaptation, is one that takes away all stiffness and puts the reader at his ease. With index and illustrations, this makes one of the books on China most pleasant for reference and reading.” + + =Nation.= 81: 227. S. 14, ‘05. 1210w. “He is a kindly, though just, observer.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 466. Jl. 15, ‘05. 2100w. “The translation seems well done.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 642. Jl. 8, ‘05. 250w. “He has come as near to an understanding of the Chinese character as is possible for an occidental.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 382. S. 16, ‘05. 300w. =Barnes, James.= Blockaders. 60c. Harper. Thirteen short stories for girls as well as boys. The “Blockaders” is a tale of a Confederate blockade runner which is captured by the Federals and turned into a United States gunboat. Then there are stories of flying machines, cannibal kings, and adventures in Africa, where savages pursue the finders of certain diamonds. There is a story of an ice boat, where two boys carry a bag of money fifty miles to save a bank, and of harrowing experiences in an apparently inaccessible village of the cliff dwellers. There are many others equally varied. “The stories are well written; the plots are worth writing about; the boys who figure in them are real flesh and blood boys; and the style is crisp, direct, and natural.” + + =Cath. World.= 81: 408. Je. ‘05. 130w. “The sort of thing boys like to read.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 148. Mr. 11, ‘05. 210w. “They are of all sorts—adventurous, amusing, and pathetic—and all good.” + =Outlook.= 79: 652. Mr. 11, ‘05. 30w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 508. Ap. 1, ‘05. 60w. =Barr, Martin W.= Mental defectives; their history, treatment, and training. *$4. Blakiston. An interesting and practical treatment of the subject by one who has had long and successful experience in the training of the mentally deficient. The modern methods of sifting and classifying these children, are given in detail, and the work suitable for each class is described. It is an interesting book for everyone, but is intended primarily for teachers and parents. There are 152 illustrations. “In his interesting study, Dr. Barr has spoken to an audience of teachers and parents, rather than to scientists.” Albert Warren Ferris. + + =Bookm.= 21: 65. Mr. ‘05. 700w. (Abstract of book.) “It is by all odds the most thorough and well written treatise upon the subject with which we are familiar, not excepting those of Ireland, Doun, or Seguin; besides it is modern.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 287. Mr. ‘05. 210w. + + =Nation.= 80: 524. Je. 29, ‘05. 460w. =School R.= 13: 649. O. ‘05. 10w. =Barr, Robert.= Speculations of John Steele. †$1.50. Stokes. John Steele, the hero of this story, runs the entire gamut of financial adventure. He starts as station master in the “lone shanty” known as Hitchen’s Siding where his bravery in side-tracking a freight train without the dispatcher’s orders, thus averting a collision, was the beginning of a series of promotions. He becomes the owner of a railroad, dabbles in wheat, loses a fortune, wins it again with the woman he loves thru a coup de force. =Barrett, Mrs. Charlotte,= ed. See =Burney, Frances.= Diary and letters of Madame D’Arblay. =Barrington, Mrs. Russell.= Reminiscences of G. F. Watts. *$5. Macmillan. Conversational reminiscences of the sculptor-artist jotted down by one who was his friend and neighbor. Many interesting details are given, which reveal his character and his attitude toward his own work and the work of other artists. “An extremely readable story of her long and intimate friendship with Watts.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 790. Je. 24. 1820w. “Comprehensive volume.” + + =Critic.= 47: 474. N. ‘05. 170w. “At times it must be admitted she rather overloads her pages with minor details. The book is written pleasantly, interestingly, tho without any great distinction of style—but it is only fair to add that there is no pretension to style.” + + — =Ind.= 59: 809. O. 5, ‘05. 800w. * “The most important book about that painter yet published.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1162. N. 16, ‘05. 30w. * “Mrs. Barrington combines in an unusual degree the literary and artistic gift.” + + =Int. Studio.= 27: 181. D. ‘05. 390w. “We cannot help thinking that the author would have done better to hand over her notes to the biographer who, under the general direction of Mrs. Watts and with access to the painter’s private papers, is at work upon a complete biography.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 183. Je. 9, ‘05. 720w. “Mrs. Barrington’s book, with all its enthusiastic fervor and intimate outpourings, adds practically little to what has already been published.” + =Nation.= 81: 367. N. 2, ‘05. 830w. “Mrs. Barrington’s is not a biography, but a personal work, which incidentally reveals a good deal of the writer’s personality.” Charles de Kay. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 617. S. 23, ‘05. 2230w. * “A noble biography of a noble man.” + =Outlook.= 81:703. N. 25, ‘05. 420w. * “This volume, while perhaps not exhaustive, is certainly accurate.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 751. D. ‘05. 100w. + =Sat. R.= 100: 150. Jl. 29, ‘05. 1110w. =Spec.= 95: 158. Jl. 29, ‘05. 210w. =Barritt, Leon.= How to draw. **$2. Harper. The author “here sets forth, in a simple and practical manner, the basic principles of illustration in pen and ink and pencil.” After describing fully the materials necessary, he outlines the steps of procedure. The first lesson is on a block letter alphabet. Next are rules for drawing the human head and features, the hands, feet, and the human figure. “How to measure an object by the eye” is followed by an explanation of how to draw from life, studies in expression, animal drawing, perspective, landscape drawing, spatter work, water studies, comics, cartoons, wash lampblack drawing, drawing on silver prints, distemper drawings, lettering, foliage study, and the reproduction of drawings. The last part of the book is devoted to the well-known American illustrators and cartoonists. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 22. Ja. 14, ‘05. 260w. =Barren, Leonard,=, ed. Roses and how to grow them. **$1. Doubleday. Omitting everything that does not bear directly upon the subject of practical rose growing, this manual teaches the American amateur all that is necessary for him to know “in order that he may intelligently make a rose garden, select his varieties and grow a harvest of bloom.” A number of half-tone illustrations accompany the text. The book belongs to the “Garden library.” “The book is freely and attractively illustrated, most of the inscriptions being amply descriptive of the purpose of the pictures.” Edith Granger. + + =Dial.= 39: 110. S. 1, ‘05. 310w. “To those who desire roses and know nothing about them this little volume will be an especial boon, so precise and unveiled by the drapery of unnecessary words are the instructions.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 537. Ag. 19, ‘05. 1170w. =Barry, Richard.= Port Arthur: a monster heroism. *$1.50. Moffat. Under such chapter headings as, The city of silence, A battle in a storm, Cost of taking Port Arthur, and A contemporary epic, are told the horrid things, pitiless and true, which the author saw in the East on the field and in the trenches where the little brown men fought so bravely. “Barry knows how to tell a story in words and sentences that seem part of the war itself.” William Elliot Griffis. + + =Critic.= 47: 265. S. ‘05. 140w. “This book is that of an eye-witness profoundly and sympathetically impressed, still young enough to have every impression deep and clear, and old enough to set it down justly and vividly.” Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 417. Je. 16, ‘05. 900w. “Not strictly a well-written book, this is nevertheless full of the vitality of the field, and the impression that it gives of a record made on the spot is heightened by the numerous illustrations from the author’s own camera.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 144. Ag. 17, ‘05. 520w. “The book is on the whole more to be commended for its material than the manner in which the material is used.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 310. My. 13, ‘05. 470w. “He gives a series of vivid pictures of Japanese methods of warfare, of life in the besieging trenches, of the characteristics of the Japanese soldier and his commanding officers.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 246. My. 27, ‘05. 120w. =Barry, William (Francis).= Life of Ernest Renan. **$1. Scribner. Beginning with a chapter which discusses the widely known scholar and writer as “The Breton peasant,” Mr. Barry traces the career of Renan, describing his youthful struggles to understand the Catholic faith, his giving up the priesthood, his lectures as a teacher of Hebrew, the influence of his sister, his travels and his work upon his “Life of Jesus,” and his other books. “Is in many respects an excellent and most instructive biography, but he is somewhat too prone to argue with Renan’s opinions without trying to ‘place’ him amid the powerful influences of the nineteenth century.” + + =Acad.= 68: 585. Je. 3, ‘05. 1060w. “It chiefly consists of translation or paraphrase of books within reach of every one, and the moment Dr. Barry essays to be original he falls into blunders.” — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 271. Ag. 26, 1000w. “This work is finely wrought as a piece of literature, is judicious, brave, and reverent.” + + + =Cath. World.= 81: 527. Jl. ‘05. 1220w. “From the able pen of a keen and sympathetic critic.” + + =Critic.= 47: 283. S. ‘05. 40w. “He has written a superficial book on a subject worthy of more intelligent treatment.” — =Lond. Times.= 4: 169. My. 26, ‘05. 650w. “The thesis is cleverly maintained, and the book, in spite of its obvious dogmatic purpose, is interesting throughout.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 36. Jl. 13, ‘05. 270w. “Falls several points short of being satisfactory as an exposition of the reality behind the man who was an atheist, ‘devoutly and with a sort of unction.’” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 316. My. 13, ‘05. 1220w. “Interesting, well written, appreciatively critical.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 191. My. 20, ‘05. 210w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 766. Je. ‘05. 120w. =Sat. R.= 100: 278. Ag. 26, ‘05. 1290w. “It says much for the wealth and variety of Dr. Barry’s resources, both as a scholar and as a literary artist, that he has achieved this task with eminent success.” + + + =Spec.= 95: 526. O. 7, ‘05. 1000w. =Barton, George Aaron.= Year’s wandering in Bible lands. *$2. Ferris. This volume is made up of home letters written by the director of the American school of Oriental research, and it contains no dry archaeological detail, but is an account of the experiences of the author and his party, and a description of the localities visited, including Athens, Corinth, the churches of Asia, the Holy land, Alexandria, Italy, and the Alps. There are 145 illustrations in half-tone, from views taken during the trip. Reviewed by Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 385. Je. 1, ‘05. 140w. + + =Ind.= 58: 901. Ap. 20, ‘05. 190w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 150. Mr. 11, ‘05. 350w. (Survey of contents). “Its fine and numerous illustrations give it special value as a pictorial companion book to the Bible.” + =Outlook.= 79: 655. Mr. 11, ‘05. 40w. =Barton, Samuel Marx.= Elements of plane surveying. *$1.50. Heath. To form a connecting link between the mathematical branches as taught in the secondary schools and the practical work of surveying is the author’s chief purpose in presenting this text. It is subdivided into the following chapters: (1) Instruments, their adjustments and uses; (2) Chain surveying; (3) Compass surveying; (4) Computation of areas; (5) Transit surveying; (6) Leveling; and (7) Tables. The last 111 pages are devoted to several useful and practical tables: a table of squares, cubes, square roots, and cube roots; of chords; stadia tables; six-place logarithms of numbers and of trigonometric functions; the natural functions to five places; and an auxiliary table for small angles. The author enters a plea against the insertion of six-place tables in texts on plane surveying as wasteful of time and labor. “He has quite well met the needs of one class. The class whose interests seem to have been consulted, in the main, is that of the strong high-school, or early college, student of mathematics who feels he would like to know for what all these years of barren formalism are supposed to prepare one, at any rate. From a mathematical student’s point of view the book is a clear, simple, and educative treatment of the fundamental problems of surveying.” G. W. Myers. + + =School R.= 13: 85. Ja. ‘05. 550w. (Detailed statement of contents.) =Bashore, Harvey Brown.= Sanitation of a country house. $1. Wiley. “This little volume tells simply and clearly how to locate and build a country house to insure the most healthful conditions, how to provide a pure water supply, and how to dispose of the waste in an economical and sanitary manner.”—Outlook. “The suggestions that he offers to the prospective builder of a country house are eminently practical, based on a scientific study of rural conditions.” + + =Country Calendar.= 1: 492. S. ‘05. 80w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 935. Ag. 12, ‘05. 40w. * =Bassett, Mrs. Mary E. Stone.= Little green door. †$1.50. Lothrop. “A French romance of the time of Louis XIII. The scene is partly placed in a retired garden belonging to the King and entered by a ‘little green door.’ The book is not of the swashbuckling type, although there is an occasional clash of swords.”—Outlook. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 557. Ag. 25, ‘05. 220w. * “The attempt is for quiet charm rather than for strenuous dramatic effect.” + =Outlook.= 81: 44. S. 2, ‘05. 50w. =Bate, Percy.= English table glass. *$2.50. Scribner. “The early pages tell of the author’s own proceedings as a collector and his growth as a connoisseur.... There are 254 separate glasses illustrated, all arranged upon the black backgrounds of sixty-seven half-tone plates.... There are many historical curiosities among these pieces, and of course Jacobitism in abundance.” (Nation.) 1586 is the date of the earliest glass shown. “A book at once pleasing and packed with information, personal and yet of broadest application.” + + =Acad.= 68: 521. My. 13, ‘05. 440w. “The author is very enthusiastic, and has much knowledge of his subject, and his guidebook will be a welcome help to the large body of students of an attractive subject. We rarely find Mr. Bate at fault.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 442. S. 30. 510w. “As far as it goes, however, the book is a careful account, rather by way of classification than of historical or technical discussion, of English table glass up to 1800.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 219. Jl. 7, ‘05. 260w. “Full of the knowledge and the insight of the enthusiastic collector.” + + =Nation.= 80: 530. Je. 29, 05. 1130w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 405. Je. 17, ‘05. 430w. =Bates, Oric.= Madcap cruise. †$1.50. Houghton. The story of a young Harvard man whose uncle refused to supply him with funds for a trip to Europe. As the girl he loves is already there, nothing can stop him, so he takes his chum with him, steals his uncle’s yacht, cruises from Maine to the Mediterranean, wins the girl and comes home to be forgiven. There are many amusing and stirring adventures, such as a race with an English yacht, smuggling art treasures out of Italy, and a storm at sea. Reviewed by Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 115. S. 1, ‘05. 170w. “Lively narrative and clearcut description, written for the most part in excellent English. A thoroughly wholesome and readable book.” + + =Nation.= 80: 378. My. 11, ‘05. 200w. “It is light, but simple and pretty.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 244. Ap. 15, ‘05. 460w. “The story is cleverly told, remarkably so for the author’s first attempt, and is entertaining in spite of the superabundance of slang.” + =Outlook.= 79: 961. Ap. 15, ‘05. 80w. “The author’s style is buoyant, and he rides blithely over choppy seas that have brought to grief many an older writer.” + =Reader.= 6: 360. Ag. ‘05. 310w. =Batten, Rev. Loring W.= Hebrew prophet. $1.50. Macmillan. “Dr. Batten seeks to realise the actual conditions under which the Jewish prophets lived and worked. He inquires how they gained a subsistence, what they did for their countrymen, what was thought and expected of them, and whether they wrote down their utterances in advance.... These and other questions are discussed with an open-mindedness and sobriety which are not always in evidence on either side of the ‘Higher criticism controversy.’”—Spec. “An excellent handbook for the use of intelligent Bible students. The method of presentation is clear and simple, and the underlying principles are scholarly and safe.” + + =Bib. World.= 26: 239. S. ‘05. 30w. “The book is popular yet critical, neglecting neither the problems of scholars nor the practical applications of the history.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 279. S. 30, ‘05. 140w. “A very sensible and seasonable book.” + + =Spec.= 95: 229. Ag. 12, ‘05. 110w. =Battine, Cecil.= Crisis of the confederacy: a history of Gettysburg and the Wilderness. $5. Longmans. “This volume is substantially a history of the American civil war, though special attention is given to the Gettysburg campaign (June 27th-July 14th, 1863), and to Grant’s operations in the Wilderness in May and June, 1864.... The story of years of serious fighting is compressed into something less than four hundred pages. Then comes a chapter in which the lessons of the war are drawn in a very instructive way.” (Spec.) There are six maps in the book, and a colored frontispiece showing the battle flags of the confederacy. “Captain Battine has done faithful and able work in his book, and it must remain a permanent contribution to the history of the crisis of the Confederacy.” J. P. S. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 178. O. ‘05. 1330w. “If he has nothing very new to say on the subject, he has the gift of writing a clear narrative. Would be improved by a better index and by more references to authorities.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 195. Je. 16, ‘05. 590w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 201. Ap. 1, ‘05. 350w. “Capt. Battine tries to be fair, and is on the whole.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 258. Ap. 22, ‘05. 1270w. “Excellently lucid narrative. Our readers can hardly find a more satisfactory narrative, with so much matter in so moderate a space.” + + =Spec.= 94: 411. Mr. 18, ‘05. 100w. Battle of Maldon, and short poems from the Saxon chronicle, ed. by Walter John Sedgefield. 40c. Heath. A volume in section I. of the “Belles-lettres” series. The text of The battle of Maldon has been collated with Hearne’s transcript of the lost Cotton MS. and the variants noted. Notes, bibliography and glossary are provided. =Bauer, G.= Marine engines and boilers; their design and construction: a handbook for the use of students, engineers and naval constructors, based on the work, “Berechnung und konstruktion der schiffsmachinen und kessel.” *$9. Henley. “The work as a whole is divided into eight parts.... Part 1. deals with the main engine.... Part 2. deals with pumps.... Part 3 takes up shafting, resistance of ships and propulsion.... Part 4. treats of piping and connections.... Part 5. deals with steam boilers.... Part 6. is occupied with measuring instruments.... Part 7. deals with various details.... Part 8. comprises a large collection of tables and tabular matter.... Illustrative material has also been most generously furnished.”—Engin. N. + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 115. Jl. 22, ‘05. 1040w. “This work constitutes an addition of the highest value to the available literature on the subject.” W. F. Durand. + + + =Engin. N.= 53: 636. Je. 15, ‘05. 1270w. “The book has been excellently and competently translated. The general arrangement of the book is convenient.” + + + =Nature.= 72: 453. S. 7, ‘05. 1100w. =Baum, Lyman Frank.= Queen Zixi of Ix. †$1.50. Century. Printed in large type, which will attract child readers, and profusely illustrated in color by Frederick Richardson, this story of the magic cloak which gave to each of its wearers the fulfilment of one wish will delight all who read about the fairy-folk, the witch queen, Bud, the little boy who became king of Noland, his charming sister, the invading Roly-rogues, Aunt Rivette, who wished for wings and got them, and all the rest. * “Is more of real fairy-tale than the ‘Wizard’ but just as delightful.” + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 40w. * =Ind.= 59: 1387. D. 14, ‘05. 40w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 744. N. 4, ‘05. 50w. “It bids fair to be a popular holiday book for children.” + =Outlook.= 81: 383. O. 14, ‘05. 60w. * + — =R. of Rs.= 32: 768. D. ‘05. 100w. * =Bayliss, Sir Wyke.= Seven angels of the renascence. **$3.50. Pott. “The ‘Angels,’ or messengers, are: Cimabue, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Titian, Raphael, Correggio and Claude. The author opens his book where his earlier volume, ‘Likeness of Christ Rex Regum,’ closed.... Each chapter has prefixed to it a portrait of the artist discussed, with a facsimile of his signature. The other illustrations (all are, by the way, in half-tone) are reproductions of some of the works of the masters.”—N. Y. Times. * + =Critic.= 47: 572. D. ‘05. 150w. * “It is also a pity that he clings to convention and regards Cimabue as ‘the first painter of the renaissance,’ when that honor rightly belongs to Giotto.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 796. N. 25, ‘05. 470w. =Bayly, Elizabeth Boyd.= Under the she-oaks. †$1.25. Union press. Opening with a bushman’s hut and ending with a heaven sent rain which delivers the parched country from the great drought, this love story of Australia tells of the hardships which the gently-bred English gallantly encounter in that new country, where the wind wails drearily thru the long spines of the she-oaks. =Beach, Rex Ellingwood.= Pardners. †$1.50. McClure. Ten stories of life in Alaska and the West, including besides the title story, The test, North of forty-three, The scourge, The shyness of Shorty, The thaw at Silsco’s and others. “There is no faint-hearted mincing of words in them, the pictures they present are sometimes repulsive, but always virile.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 380. Je. 10, ‘05. 560w. “Strenuous tales of the wild West and the frozen North, ranging from the grimly tragic to the grimly humorous.” + =Outlook.= 80: 394. Je. 10, ‘05. 20w. + =R. of Rs.= 31: 761. Je. ‘05. 60w. * =Beach, Seth Curtis.= Daughters of the Puritans. *$1.10. Am. Unitar. The group of women whose biographies are sketched here includes Catherine Maria Sedgwick, Mary Lovell Ware, Lydia Maria Child, Dorothea Lynde Dix, Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Louisa May Alcott. * “In writing about them, therefore, the author assumes a frankly New England point of view, judges men, women, and things by New England standards, and takes all his saints seriously.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 895. D. 16, ‘05. 420w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 887. D. 9, ‘05. 140w. =Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, earl of.= Endymion; with a critical introd. on his writings by Edmund Gosse. $1.50. Cambridge soc., 135 5th av., N. Y. “In ‘Endymion’ ... the hand of the author has dealt with matters with which he was more than familiar, the political complications and developments of the thirties and forties of the last century. It is in reality an autobiography, and the figures which move through the varied scenes of the story are thinly disguised personages of high rank and great importance.”—Pub. Opin. “Despite its priggish tone and frequent sneers, the book has a human quality which is likely to give it a life that even the great fame of its author could not have assured it had those qualities been wanting.” + + — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 549. Ap. 8, ‘05. 290w. =Beale, Joseph Henry, jr.= Law of foreign corporations and taxation of corporations both foreign and domestic. sh. *$6. W: J. Nagel, 6 Ashburton place, Boston. “In this country alone of great modern commonwealths, every state jurisdiction is a ‘foreign’ jurisdiction in every other state; and every corporation chartered by one state is a foreign corporation in every other.... It is made more complicated still by the concurrent existence of still a third (federal) jurisdiction.... The subject of taxation is naturally involved.... The author has devoted considerable space to the statutory provisions of states and territories, as well as of Great Britain and Canada.”—Nation. “There is, we believe, no other which covers the field explored by Mr. Beale, to the exclusion of other topics, and this fact alone would make the work professionally important.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 339. Ap. 27, ‘05. 590w. =Beard, Lina, and Beard, Adelia.= Indoor and outdoor handicraft and recreation for girls. **$1.60. Scribner. “When the eye and hand can be trained, the mind informed, and the child at the same time entertained, a needed work is indeed being accomplished; and in ‘Handicraft and recreation for girls,’ the parents will find a valuable aid in accomplishing this triple task. The first half of the volume ... is devoted to the handicrafts. Here the most explicit directions are given for spinning, weaving, ... as well as for making complete miniature copies of a Japanese village, a Russian village, an Indian village and an old colonial kitchen.... Besides these there are numerous suggestions for the very tiny folk.... The second half ... contains many delightful suggestions for Easter and Hallowe’en games as well as for simple amusements for very small children.”—Arena. “All the directions in the book are so detailed and simple, and the illustrations are so copious that the work is far more valuable than many similar volumes. One would search far to find a book of this kind so varied in its interests and so clear and explicit in its practical directions.” Amy C. Rich. + + =Arena.= 33: 221. F. ‘05. 440w. =Beardsley, Aubrey.= Last letters of Aubrey Beardsley: with an introductory note by the Rev. John Gray. *$1.50. Longmans. “A series of notes and letters written by Aubrey Beardsley during the last three years of his life.”—N. Y. Times. + =Cath. World.= 81: 250. My. ‘05. 240w. “In a sketchy way, these indicate something of the writer’s mind and tastes.” + =Critic.= 46: 379. Ap. ‘05. 130w. “Altogether the book seems to throw some light on the artistic temperament in general, as well as upon the character and ways of thought of the young artist. For all that, it is quite impossible to see how the inclusion of many of the utterly trivial notes of thanks or regret adds to the light the book affords, and the trouble is that such idle conclusions are apt to make the reader scoff at the rest, much of which is not matter for scoffing.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 68. F. 4, ‘05. 660w. “These letters are interesting as throwing side-lights upon that remarkably sensitive, artistic soul.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 381. Mr. ‘05. 60w. =Becke, (George) Louis.= Tom Gerrard. †$1.50. Lippincott. A series of episodes in the life of an Australian stockman who, after many and varied misfortunes, finds happiness thru a lovely girl whom he has rescued from an alligator. The setting is Queensland, and there is much local color. “His new manner, because of its inequality, is inferior to the old: here and there he climbs almost to the heights; a moment later he has fallen into the mud of the ridiculous.” — =Acad.= 68: 857. Ag. 19, ‘05. 320w. “If his people are stereotyped, the incidents of Mr. Becke’s tale are numerous, and mostly picturesque.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 74. Jl. 15. 300w. “The story contains the usual Australian elements of interest.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 404. Je. 17, ‘05. 330w. “But for the local colour, in fact, the novel would be entirely commonplace.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: 251. Ag. 19, ‘05. 230w. =Becke, Louis.= Under tropic skies. †$1.50. Lippincott. “Mr. Becke, like Mr. Kipling, Mr. Lafcadio Hearn, Mr. Norman Duncan, and some few other fortunate ones in this generation, discovered a new corner of the earth with which he had a special talent for making the rest of mankind acquainted.... His element is, without doubt, the throwing of just such flashlights upon the far Paumotos, the Carolines, Fiji, and other fascinating dots in the Pacific solitudes as fill the pages of the volume which is called ‘Under tropic skies.’”—N. Y. Times. “Has returned to the writing of those delightful sketches of life in the remote islands of the South Pacific that first brought him into favorable notice. But one cannot read through to the end of this volume without coming to the conclusion that Mr. Becke still writes very good stories, that his store of incidents is simply enormous, and that he knows the South Sea Islands—natives, traders, and all their ways, past and present. He makes us know them too.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 27. Ja. 14, ‘05. 500w. =Beebe, C. William.= Two bird-lovers in Mexico. **$3. Houghton. These two bird-lovers, the writer and his wife, spent a winter camping in the Mexican interior and here they found not only birds, but mammals, insects, flowers, and scenery worth observing. This record of the things they saw includes ornithological information, new material upon the food-habits of the Mexican species, and also incidents of travel and camp life and glimpses of the natives whom they met while “roughing it.” * “His observations and his pictures will be of great value to the scientist as well as a pleasure to the untrained reader.” May Estelle Cook. + + =Dial.= 39: 373. D. 1, ‘05. 230w. “He has aimed at an interesting running narrative and commentary, rather than an exhaustive study. He may justly be proud of the information gathered on the habits of birds.” + + =Nation.= 81: 341. O. 26, ‘05. 270w. “The whole story is told with much good humor and with evident enthusiasm.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 726. O. 28, ‘05. 940w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 943. D. 16, ‘05. 50w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 636. N. 1, ‘05. 130w. =Beecher, Willis Judson.= Prophets and the promise. **$2. Crowell. The substance of this theological text-book is that of the lectures delivered by the author 1902-03 on the L. P. Stone foundation in the Princeton theological seminary. It presents a scholarly study of the prophets of the Old Testament and their messages relating to the coming of the Messiah. The author has searched for the truth unhampered by considerations of the orthodoxy of the results; but he feels that the truth as he found it while it contains some new elements is “simply the old orthodoxy, to some extent transposed into the forms of modern thought.” “The point of view is essentially conservative.” + =Bib. World.= 26: 398. N. ‘05. 40w. “Among recent books adverse to the modern critical view of the Old Testament, Dr. Beecher’s work has the rare and distinctive merit of commanding the respect of the critics whom he opposes.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 630. N. 11, ‘05. 230w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 752. D. ‘05. 80w. * =Beeson, Rebecca Katharine,= comp. Child’s calendar beautiful. $1. Burt-Terry-Wilson co., La Fayette, Ind. A collection of poems and prose selections to be memorized by children. The selections are arranged to cover the eight years of the grammar school course and each of these years is divided into months beginning with the first school month, September. This arrangement makes the book ideal for a teacher’s use. The selections are not only appropriate to the time of year but they include the thoughts of our best English writers upon subjects which appeal to the child’s patriotism, love of nature, human sympathy, and ideals. =Beldam, George W., and Fry, Charles B.= Great batsmen: their methods at a glance. *$6.50. Macmillan. A series of six hundred instantaneous photographs illustrating the stages by which the best cricket batsmen make their most characteristic strokes. “It is the most scientific work and the most practical work on batting that has yet appeared, a combination of example and precept which could not be bettered.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 1036. O. 7, ‘05. 260w. * “An intensely interesting book, and it will be found invaluable by all who are concerned with the higher philosophy of cricket.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 683. N. 18, 680w. “The cricketers of the future, when the present giants of the game are but memories, may find in Mr. Beldam’s marvellous photographs and Mr. Fry’s concise and lucid descriptions much fascination.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 275. S. 1, ‘05. 440w. * “The book is full of a great variety of most interesting and instructive points.” C. G. K. + + =Nature.= 73: 82. N. 23, ‘05. 1680w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 625. S. 23, ‘05. 310w. =Beldam, George W., and Vaile, P. A.= Great lawn-tennis players. *$4. Macmillan. A book of action photographs illustrating the positions taken by players for particular strokes, with comments by Mr. Vaile, who calls attention to their good or bad points. There is a chapter on “advanced tactics of the single game,” by Mr. E. G. Meers, and one upon “The half-volley,” by Mr. C. A. Caridia. “Mr. Vaile can play lawn-tennis and can talk about it, but he certainly cannot write. However, Mr. Beldam’s photographs make an excellent album.” + — =Acad.= 68: 148. F. 18, ‘05. 790w. * “The book is in fact spoilt by the text.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 683. N. 18, 420w. “Valuable contribution to the literature of lawn tennis. The lawn tennis reader will find, therefore, much to think over in these pages, and particular attention is drawn to the first chapter, in which the racket, per se, and the methods of holding it are discussed.” + + =Nature.= 71: 436. Mr. 9, ‘05. 160w. + =Spec.= 94: 186. F. 4, ‘05. 160w. =Bell, Archie.= Scarlet repentance. 50c. Broadway pub. A beautiful Italian woman plays upon the weakness of a young American whom she meets in a sleeping car in the Rockies, “where the mountains cover their sins.” They spend one day at Banff together, a day in which the young man learns much, and, having eaten of this tree of good and evil, he returns to the East where, at the written command of the woman he has left, he confesses all to his innocent young fiancee, and receives her forgiveness and, incidentally, an Italian estate. =Bell, John Joy.= Mr. Pennycook’s boy, and other stories, †$1.25. Harper. A dozen short stories of Scottish child life. Wee Macgreegor himself reappears in this volume, and there are others as wee and canny as he. * + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 80w. “They are very good stories of their kind—informed by the appropriate sentiment and not too much obscured by dialect—humorous also in the sad Scottish fashion of humor.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 291. My. 6, ‘05. 220w. “The undercurrent of tenderness serves to bring out in higher relief the sometimes unconscious humor of the sketches.” + =Outlook.= 80: 141. My. 13, ‘05. 60w. “It would be difficult to find a volume more refreshing than ‘Mr. Pennycook’s boy.’” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 758. Je. ‘05. 130w. =Bell, Lilian Lida.= At home with the Jardines. †$1.50. Page. “In this volume the heroine of ... ‘Abroad with the Jimmies’ appears in the role of a young matron seeking to establish a home in New York city. The efforts of herself and her husband to secure ... peace and quiet amid the vicissitudes of flat-life in the great metropolis prove so futile that at last they conceive the idea of withdrawing to a beautiful little town on the Hudson, where they find a delightful old-fashioned house which they transform into an ideal country home.”—Arena. “The book is written in a bright, breezy style and abounds in humorous situations. It is just the volume for an idle summer afternoon.” Amy C. Rich. + =Arena.= 33: 455. Ap. ‘05. 180w. =Bell, Malcolm.= Sir Edward Burne-Jones. $1.25. Warne. A volume in the “Newnes’ art library.” The book contains a tinted half-tone frontispiece and fifty-seven plates in black and white illustrating Burne-Jones’ work. There is an introductory essay by Malcolm Bell, who describes the pictures and tells of the artist’s struggles for public recognition. =Critic.= 46: 379. Ap. ‘05. 50w. “In his undoubtedly triumphant accomplishment of the difficult task of writing with freshness on a subject he has already treated exhaustively, the author ... assumes, perhaps, rather too much knowledge on the part of his readers. But for this small drawback, ... the brief account of the prolific artist must satisfy his most ardent admirers.” + + =Int. Studio.= 25: 181. Ap. ‘05. 110w. “... Ten page preface, lightly but clearly, sketching his life and work.” + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 39. Ap. ‘05. 190w. “As the text is the work of Mr. Malcolm Bell, however, it bears the marks of the same authority and illumination which we find in his other and larger volumes. The execution of the illustrations is of rather unequal merit, but they are well chosen and are deeply interesting.” + =Outlook.= 79: 398. F. 11, ‘05. 80w. =Bell, Nancy R. E. Meugens (Mrs Arthur Bell) (D’Anvers, pseud.).= Paolo Veronese. $1.25. Warne. An addition to the “Newnes’ art library.” The volume contains a sketch of Paolo Caliari, called Veronese, and his works, a list of his paintings and their present locations, and sixty-four illustrations in half-tone, reproduced from photographs. “Here the introduction by Mrs. Bell is clear and direct. The half-tones do not average as well as in other volumes.” + + — =Critic.= 46: 379. Ap. ‘05. 110w. “Is typical of that writer’s clear insight into the salient characteristics of the painter.” + =Int. Studio.= 24: sup. 100. F. ‘05. 130w. “This text is much above the average of these publications, and gives some real idea of the range and force of Paolo’s genius, though Mrs. Bell seems entirely to have missed the humor of the artist’s defence of himself before the Inquisition, and to sympathize altogether with the inquisitors.” + =Nation.= 80: 194. Mr. 9, ‘05. 60w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 150. Mr. 11, ‘05. 260w. “Interesting text. We could wish that the many illustrations in the present volume were more adequate in quality.” + =Outlook.= 79: 401. F. 11, ‘05. 230w. =Bell, Nancy R. E. Meugens (Mrs. Arthur Bell) (N. D’Anvers, pseud.)= Tintoretto, bds. $1.25. Warne. About sixty illustrations well reproduced, with an introductory essay on the painter and his work. “In the introductory essay Mrs. Arthur Bell, from her extensive knowledge of Italian painting, throws much light on the surroundings of the painter, giving, by her interesting way of writing, a chapter which adds greatly to the value of the book.” + =Int. Studio.= 25: 180. Ap. ‘05. 120w. “The text is of no value.” — =Nation.= 80: 523. Je. 29, ‘05. 470w. + =Outlook.= 80: 696. Jl. 15, ‘05. 50w. =Belloc, Hilaire.= Emmanuel Burden, †$1.50. Scribner. The days of Butler and his memorial “Hudibras” are suggested thruout Mr. Belloc’s brilliant satire with its exaggerated gravity. It satirizes the speculative methods developed by the modern imperialistic movement in England. “No small part of the humor of his satire lies in its travesty of many contemporary biographies, in which the values of small incidents is greatly exaggerated, uninteresting details of family are furnished, and insignificant pedigrees traced back as if they led to royal sources.” (Outlook). “Mr. Belloc has drawn his characters with a delicate irony.” + + + =Cath. World.= 81: 407. Je. ‘05. 310w. “No piece of social and political satire was ever more elaborately worked out in each incident, reference and detail, even to the titles of the amusing pencil sketches.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1191. My. 25, ‘05. 100w. “A brilliantly written satire. An Englishman would appreciate the satire much more than an American, because of more intimate knowledge of the conditions with which it deals; but the story is sufficiently distinct in its satirical outlines to make the purpose of the author clear to an American reader and to give the story, for an American, interest.” + =Outlook.= 79: 94. Ja. 7, ‘05. 120w. =Bennet, Robert Ames.= For the white Christ; a story of the days of Charlemagne. $1.50. McClurg. Oliver the northman, and his foster brother, Roland, are the heroes of this dramatic story, which is filled with stirring scenes and wartime adventures. The Danes, joining with the Franks in their cry of “Christ and the king,” repulse the Saracens; and Oliver, by his chivalrous daring, wins King Karl’s daughter, in spite of the beautiful and wicked Fastrada, who, by means of spells and poisons, succeeds in making herself a queen. It is a story true to those rough times in all details, and is an old time romance rather than an historical novel. “The author has taken pains over his work, and should content readers who enjoy that kind of fare. The delineation of character is conventional. A defect ... is the tendency to force the heroic note too insistently.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 75. Jl. 15. 280w. “All this portentous historical material, blended with much intrigue and passion, together with some of the gentler elements of romance, is skilfully brought into a tale of much action and dramatic vigor, couched in language that makes a fair pretense of archaism (of the conventional type, naturally), and brought to a satisfactory issue.” Wm. Morton Payne. + =Dial.= 38: 390. Je. 1, ‘05. 250w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 237. Ap. 8, ‘05. 260w. “This story is somewhat high-flown and super-romantic in style, but its intensity is not without dramatic force.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 856. Ap. 1, ‘05. 50w. “He has covered dry bones with rosy flesh.” + =Reader.= 5: 788. My. ‘05. 610w. =Benson, Allan L.= Socialism made plain. Social Democratic publishing company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “A simple explanation of the principles of socialism as advocated by American socialists—a work suited for the busy man on the farm, in the shop, the factory and the store, who has little time to give to abstract treatises.... This work contains fifteen chapters” in which “the various phases of socialism are so elucidated as to be easily grasped by the individual.”—Arena. “The treatment of the subject is so admirable that we take pleasure in recommending it to our readers.” Amy C. Rich. + + =Arena.= 33: 454. Ap. ‘05. 350w. =Benson, Arthur Christopher (Christopher Carr, pseud.).= Life of Edward FitzGerald. **75c. Macmillan. A volume recently added to the “English men of letters” series. The life of the man known to the world mainly thru his “Omar Khayyám” is a “fair subject of public discussion, not only because he was a poet of special charm and fineness, but also because he was a peculiarly interesting specimen of human nature.” (Outlook.) “Mr. Benson has analyzed the mind of FitzGerald with rare penetration.” + =Acad.= 68: 677. Jl. 1, ‘05. 1390w. “Mr. Benson has perhaps made of the brief biography required by the scheme of this series all that could be made of it.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 198. Ag. 12. 1610w. “Mr. A. C. Benson was a capital choice for the writing of this book. Not only is he sympathetic with FitzGerald, but he is a delightful writer.” Jeanette L. Gilder. + + =Critic.= 47: 158. Ag. ‘05. 1090w. “This new life of FitzGerald ... meets no crying need. The literary strictures, however just, seem not exactly called for in ‘Old Fitz’s’ case; and all else is a twice-told tale.” + — =Dial.= 39: 69. Ag. 1, ‘05. 480w. “The biographical sketch and general characterization are excellent, the specific criticisms of FitzGerald’s writings sound and fair.” + + =Ind.= 59: 697. S. 21, ‘05. 200w. “If he is not quite a satisfying biographer, he is certainly a satisfying editor, and often a very clever commentator upon FitzGerald’s literary achievements.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 197. Je. 23, ‘05. 2760w. “Mr. Benson’s book will be found to contain all that any reader needs to know about FitzGerald, and it is an excellent cheap substitute for those who cannot afford Mr. Wright’s massive illustrated volumes.” + =Nation.= 81: 126. Ag. 10, ‘05. 1340w. “His treatment on the whole, scarcely touches us with quite that personal and affectionate feeling for FitzGerald that doubtless most of us have involuntarily formed.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 560. Ag. 26, ‘05. 840w. “A literary portrait simple and direct in its method of treatment, but full of expression and character.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 837. Jl. 29, ‘05. 450w. “Mr. Benson sets forth very clearly and succinctly the noteworthy facts in a career that was decidedly lacking in the spectacular, whatever may be said of its deeper notes.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 509. O. ‘05. 120w. “We do not of course deny to Mr. Benson’s work such merits as may always be found in his biographical efforts—care in the weighing of facts, an educated taste, and a practised hand in the manipulation of phrases.” + =Sat. R.= 100: 500. O. 14, ‘05. 1410w. “He has marshalled the facts which are already known with considerable skill; he has criticised FitzGerald’s few works with sound judgment and surprising moderation.” + + =Spec.= 95: 48. Ag. 8, ‘05. 1540w. =Benson, Arthur Christopher (Christopher Carr, pseud.).= Peace and other poems. *$1.50. Lane. “Mr. Benson’s verse resembles Matthew Arnold’s not only in its culture, but in its gentle brooding over the dark and mysterious facts of life, and in the strong resolution which confronts the mischances of human experience.... Most of the poems in this volume [about forty in number] record Mr. Benson’s own reflections upon nature and life.”—Forum. “The longer poems as a rule are the most successful, elegy and not epigram being Mr. Benson’s forte.” + =Ath.= 1905: 2: 107. Jl. 22. 300w. “Tender, sincere, and refined, Mr. Benson’s verse appeals to our highest spiritual nature, and delivers its message with persuasive grace.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 272. N. 1, ‘05. 460w. “Mr. Benson’s verse resembles Matthew Arnold’s: there is in it a warmth of sympathy redeeming it from austerity and even imparting to it a tone of friendliness and geniality.” Herbert W. Horwill. + =Forum.= 37: 247. O. ‘05. 560w. “Mr. Benson maintains a deliberately chosen level of good verse. He is always correct, always perfectly plain.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 267. Ag. 25, ‘05. 320w. “Maintains the even comfortable level of his earlier books.” + =Nation.= 81: 303. O. 12, ‘05. 380w. =Benson, Edward Frederic.= Act in a backwater. $1.50. Appleton. “Mr. Benson has given us a slight but pleasing study of life in a small cathedral town. The brother and sister of a poor nobleman settle there, and introduce a novel element into the placid life of the place which gives many opportunities for comedy. The son of a canon, an artist, and therefore a rebel against the tyranny of the close, falls in love with the sister, and the progress of their romance is the main interest of the book.”—Spec. “All this has the makings of a capital light comedy, which no one could have done better than Mr. Benson. But for some obscure reason he has seen fit to introduce episodes entirely out of all harmony that ruin his effect. They give the impression of heartlessness and, what is worse, are bad art.” + — =Acad.= 68: 106. F. 4, ‘05. 300w. + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 203. F. 18. 590w. “A flat little story without construction or sustained interest.” — =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 80w. “As an example, not of Mr. Benson’s power, but of his wit, cleverness, and knowledge of human nature, ‘An act in a backwater’ is a delightful bit of work.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 149. Mr. 11, ‘05. 1030w. “It has some pleasant bits of human nature and one or two lovable characters, but, considered as a novel, it is wretchedly constructed.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 604. Mr. 4, ‘05. 60w. “A novel which starts out admirably and ends in sheer vacuity.” + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 757. Je. ‘05. 100w. “It is a pleasant, wholesome story.” + =Spec.= 94: 184. F. 4, ‘05. 260w. =Benson, Edward Frederic.= Image in the sand. †$1.50. Lippincott. A love story dealing with the occult. “It is in fact the old story of the struggle between the powers of light and darkness, the black magic and the white for the possession of a girl’s soul—a Faust legend in effect, or its parallel expressed in terms of ancient and modern occultism.” (Acad.) “The climax, itself, however, the struggle of Ida’s friends and household with the demoniac, has a vivid force, and, if the tale is to stand by its power to conjure up horror, Mr. Benson must be credited with a considerable success in a difficult ‘genre.’ His detail is effective, his society sketches are admirable.” + — =Acad.= 68: 710. Jl. 8, ‘05. 520w. “The story is carefully conceived and well written, and with excellent restraint. Mr. Benson wanted to ‘make our flesh creep,’ and he has not.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 73. Jl. 15. 200w. “That he has failed ludicrously, pathetically, merely marks his limitations by proclaiming his total innocence of the one quality that would make success possible. The machinery of the story is clumsy, its progress slow, and its conclusion an absurd evasion of whatever problem might conceivably be raised. Whether from carelessness or sheer ignorance, the book is a storehouse of weak, awkward, slovenly writing.” Edward Clark Marsh. — — =Bookm.= 22: 69. S. ‘05. 1560w. “The reason why Mr. Benson has not succeeded better is that he lets us too much behind the scenes.” — =Ind.= 59: 575. S. 7, ‘05. 190w. “In the would-be serious parts the author carries no conviction, and in lighter passages he is far below his own best level.” — =Lond. Times.= 4: 209. Je. 30, ‘05. 540w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 392. Je. 17, ‘05. 120w. “The quiet, intense conviction of Mr. Benson’s pages cannot fail entirely of a certain impressiveness.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 479. Jl. 22, ‘05. 1100w. “This tale is cleverly written, but disappointing.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 884. Ag. 5, ‘05. 150w. “His quick, vivacious talent is not well adapted for a tale of intangible mystery, which wants an atmosphere beyond Mr. Benson’s powers. The second part of the story would be convincing and powerful were the reader properly impressed by the first.” + — =Spec.= 95: 261. Ag. 19, ‘05. 400w. =Benson, Rev. Robert Hugh.= By what authority? *$1.60. imp. Benziger. “Mr. Benson, after making an effort at religious impartiality, abandons the attempt, and frankly turns his novel into a Roman Catholic historical pamphlet.... [He] takes for his subject the religious persecutions of the Roman Catholics in the reign of Elizabeth.... The greater part of the novel is occupied by theological discussions.... Mr. Benson has a gift of word-painting which enables him to give vividly lifelike pictures of the court of Elizabeth, and particularly of the queen herself.”—Spec. “Is an unusually fine piece of work. In fact we regard it as one of the most excellent Catholic stories that we possess in English, and by far the best that has appeared for a long time.” + + + =Cath. World.= 81: 403. Je. ‘05. 970w. “On the whole, the book is well worth reading, though spoilt, if judged from the standpoint of a work of fiction, by the intrusion of too much theology.” + — =Spec.= 94: 221. F. 11, ‘05. 340w. =Benton, Josiah H.= Notable libel case: the criminal prosecution of Theodore Lyman, jr., by Daniel Webster, in the Supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, November term, 1828. **$3.50. Goodspeed. “The trial here described was on an indictment alleging that Lyman had charged Webster with having conspired with other leading Federalists in 1807-‘08 to break up the union on account of the Embargo acts, and to re-annex the New England states to the mother country.” (Dial). The case was submitted to the grand jury in the supreme judicial court, and an indictment returned. It was then tried with the result that the jury disagreed, and when the solicitor-general proclaimed that every resource had been exhausted, the case was dropped. The trial, based as it was upon political rather than personal motives, did not disturb the relation of friendship between the two men. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 718. Ap. ‘05. 100w. “The history of the episode is well worked out by Mr. Benton, and the letters and other documentary materials are so skillfully employed in the text that the story almost tells itself from the records.” + =Dial.= 38: 128. F. 16, ‘05. 590w. =Berenson, Bernard.= Lorenzo Lotto: an essay on constructive art criticism. *$2.50. Macmillan. A reprint of a book which was first published ten years ago. It catalogs and describes Lotto’s paintings and attempts to present the man, Lotto, altho there is little material available for his re-construction. There are a large number of full-page reproductions of Lotto’s works. + =Acad.= 68: 368. Ap. 1, ‘05. 190w. “A model of systematic investigation.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 398. My. 18, ‘05. 270w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 450. Jl. 8, ‘05. 600w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 141. My. 13, ‘05. 100w. =Bernheimer, Charles Seligman,= ed. Russian Jew in the United States: studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements. **$2. Winston. A series of papers contributed by well-known Jewish writers who “present the rise and development of the Russian Jews who have come to the United States during the past twenty-odd years, to show the qualities they brought with them, to present the facts as to their adjustment to the conditions here, and to look a little into the future.” “The manner of presentation of the papers is not uniformly happy, and for the whole we wish for a specific statement of dates. In spite of this, however, Dr. Bernheimer has undoubtedly done a service in bringing out this book. Considering its structure, he is to be congratulated on having it so free of injudicious statements and as complete as it is in the important matter on this serious subject of the assimilation of so alien a people.” Walter E. Kruesi. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 598. S. ‘05. 560w. =Critic.= 47: 380. O. 90w. “It is a splendid argument for the Jew.” + =Ind.= 59: 579. S. 7, ‘05. 240w. * “Naturally, the authors speak from the inside, and as each deals with conditions which have come within his own observation and experience, there is a variety of intimate information not easily obtainable by alien investigators.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 785. N. 18, ‘05. 300w. =Outlook.= 80: 839. Jl. 29, ‘05. 70w. * =Bernstein, Hermann.= Contrite hearts. †$1.25. Wessels. The life of a group of Russian Jews is here pictured in a fashion simple to the point of crudeness. The two daughters of the orthodox cantor, Isroel Lambert, follow their own hearts and become outcasts from both the faith and the home of their father. Later, contrite in heart and chastened in spirit, they are reunited with him in America. Thruout the book strict observance of Jewish rites seems to bring a happiness denied to those who merely love. =Berry, Charles William.= Temperature-entropy diagram. $1.25. Wiley. “Mr. Berry’s book ... presupposes a knowledge of thermodynamics, also of the working and behavior of the various kinds of heat engines, ... it ... is divided into twelve chapters. The first chapter treats of reversible processes and cycles, and in the following eleven chapters the T Phi diagram is applied to the following processes and engines: perfect gases, saturated steam, superheated vapors, the flow of fluids, hot-air engines, the liquefaction of gases, compressors and refrigeration, the actual steam-engine cycle as recorded by the indicator.”—Engin. N. “The book is very clearly written. The author has covered quite an extensive field, and on the whole he has done it very well.” Storm Bull. + + =Engin. N.= 53: 527. My. 18, ‘05. 420w. =Berton, Guy.= Art thou the man? †$1.50. Dodd. A Denver murderer who daintily strangles a trio of women and in each case leaves behind thirteen carnations as a clue is sought thruout this detective story. The adventures of a “cub reporter” who becomes involved in the search, the clearing of an innocent man by a skilful lawyer who holds a mob at bay to protect his client, and the influence of Elise, the wicked and beautiful woman of the French quarter, are vividly drawn. “The gloom is not lightened by any gleam of humor, but the style has the force which comes from a lurid intensity of feeling.” + — =Ind.= 58: 844. Ap. 13, ‘05. 140w. “Local color has been laid on here in great crimson splashes.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 237. Ap. 8, ‘05. 380w. “A rather clever detective story couched in somewhat overwrought language.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 906. Ap. 8, ‘05. 30w. “The tale is lacking in action, compactness, and sequence.” — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 714. My. 6, ‘05. 110w. “Lacks neither freshness nor power.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 763. Je. ‘05. 110w. =Bertouch, Beatrice, Baroness de.= Life of Father Ignatius, O. S. B. *$3. Dutton. The life of this “devout but pugnacious Anglican monk” is interwoven with questions of church doctrine and church union so as to represent an episode in church history. His biographer reveals him as “a son of thunder,” “magnificently human,” and with an “oceanic personality.” “Will be received with grains by those not of the fold.” + — =Nation.= 80: 154. F. 23, ‘05. 750w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 172. Mr. 18, ‘05. 630w. “The story of his life is a curious episode in the history of the modern church, an interesting study for the psychologist, and an instructive commentary on the worth of a formal sort of church union that is too much thought of.” + =Outlook.= 79: 450. F. 18, ‘05. 150w. “A book which, so far as it is a narrative of facts and an exposition of opinions, has an unquestionable interest. It, too, answers in its way the question about the Anglican ideal. The author has a copious vocabulary of slang, but cannot write English.” + — =Spec.= 94: 180. F. 4, ‘05. 170w. =Besant, Walter.= London in the time of the Tudors. *$7.50. Macmillan. “The gravitating point in this great historical period lay principally in London.... As London was England to so large an extent, we are naturally curious to learn all that we can about the city at that interesting period. The late Sir Walter Besant’s quarto volume on ‘London in the time of the Tudors’ goes far towards gratifying our curiosity. It is in the same sumptuous form as the same author’s ‘London in the eighteenth century’.... The illustrations are for the most part reproductions of contemporary prints; chief among them is a panorama of the city, extending over three double pages of the book, originally drawn by Anthony Van den Wyngaerde, in 1543, well illustrating the map folded into the cover, embracing 12 pages, and being a reduced reproduction of Ralph Agas’s map of about 1560.”—Dial. “Work is rightly called a survey. It is not a history; it is not a story. It is especially happy in its accounts of how people lived and dressed, what they ate and drank, what customs they pursued at their weddings and at the burial of their dead,—from the king and queen down to ‘prentice. The author has drawn largely upon contemporary authors.” Arthur Howard Noll. + + =Dial.= 88: 121. F. 16, ‘05. 1230w. + + =Spec.= 94: 143. Ja. 28, ‘05. 1450w. =Best, Kenelm Digby.= Rosa mystica: the fifteen mysteries of the most holy rosary, and other joys, sorrows and glories of Mary. *$6. Herder. A book written in honor of the Immaculate conception jubilee. It is illustrated with 46 full-page illustrations, copies of the rosary frescoes of Giovanni di San Giovanni and other artists. “It contains nothing fresh, original, or thoughtful that we have discovered. Its occasional references to history are grotesquely false: its theology is often repulsively extravagant; and its general method and spirit make it impossible for intelligent people to read it with either profit or patience.” — — — =Cath. World.= 80: 830. Mr. ‘05. 220w. =Bevan, Edwyn Robert.= Jerusalem under the high priests. $2.50. Longmans. Five lectures on the period between Nehemiah and the New Testament. “Into his attractive narrative of political events Mr. Bevan weaves a sketch of the development of Jewish thought, including therein notices of the Book of Daniel and of all the great Apocryphal works of the time except the Wisdom of Solomon.... One of the most noteworthy works of the period is Ben-Sira or Ecclesiasticus.... Mr. Bevan’s account of the book is full and interesting. He properly devotes much space to the invasion of Jewish society by Hellenism, including the attempt of Antiochus Epiphanes to Hellenize his realm.... Other important points forcibly brought out are: the character of Judas Maccabæus, the results of the Hasmonean rule, the conflicts between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the policy and character of Herod. The volume is provided with an index and tables of the Hasmoneans and the Seleucids.”—Am. Hist. R. “Mr. Bevan’s picture of the period, while popular in style, is thorough and accurate in matter.” C. H. Toy. + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 681. Ap. ‘05. 320w. “The style is clear and sympathetic, and occasionally even brilliant. The topics dealt with by Mr. Bevan are so successfully worked out that we should have liked to see the book enlarged so as to embrace other pertinent points as well.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 522. Ap. 29. 610w. “It is not a comprehensive work; but a scholar who knows a period of history deeply and scientifically, can put a great deal of information into a small book. And beyond doubt, Mr. Bevan’s acquaintance with his subject is thorough and methodical. We only regret that he did not add a little bibliographical detail to his interesting pages.” + + =Cath. World.= 80: 829. Mr. ‘05. 230w. “The author has certainly succeeded in his purpose of giving ‘in a few strokes the general outline and colour’ of the period.” G. B. G. + + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 604. Jl. ‘05. 180w. =Beveridge, Albert J.= Young man and the world. **$1.50. Appleton. “The young Indiana senator writes of young men from the point of view of a young man who has found success coming his way. These papers are collected from the periodical in which they first appeared.... Learn your limitations, and start out in the direction for which you are fitted, is his first suggestion. Also keep working, and working hard, and don’t worry. Read, and mingle with people, and cultivate nature. Take vacations. Courage, nerve, faith in one’s self are necessary. Mr. Beveridge has given a great deal of good advice that ... will stimulate and help to strengthen.”—N. Y. Times. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 669. O. 14, ‘05. 530w. * “It is all on good, safe, and sound commonplace ground.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 777. N. 18, ‘05. 370w. * “His book covers a great deal of ground, and covers it well; it contains sayings to think over, sayings to remember, sayings to follow; it is a book decidedly worth having.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 140w. “The writer’s terse, vigorous style is well suited to his text.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 530. O. 28, ‘05. 40w. * “Will occupy a permanent place with books of their general character.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 639. N. ‘05. 100w. =Beveridge, W.= History of the Westminster assembly. *$1. imp. Scribner. “In a very clear and orderly manner, within a brief compass, this volume sets forth the events leading up to the calling of the assembly, its character, deliberations, and findings.”—Bib. World. “The calling, the personnel, and proceedings of the assembly are concisely related.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 376. Ap. ‘05. 170w. “Of the many histories of the assembly this seems to us best suited to the needs of the general reader.” + + =Bib. World.= 25: 316. Ap. ‘05. 80w. =Bharati, Baba Premanand.= Sree Krishna, the Lord of love. *$2. Lane. This work prepared by the distinguished Brahman of Calcutta, who was recently elected vice-president of the Peace congress, is intended to interpret the Hindu belief as to the origin and meaning of life and the evolution of the universe. It purports to be “the history of the universe from its birth to its dissolution. Baba Bharati has aimed to impress his readers with the substance of Hindu thought on religion and philosophy, in purely Eastern dress. The volume is really a clear history of the origin, nature, and evolution of the universe as the Oriental mind perceives it; it is a clear statement of the doctrine of Karma; an exposition of the caste system; a beautiful story of the Oriental Christ, and perhaps the clearest statement ever published of the Hindu cosmogony.” (R. of Rs.) “Style is direct, simple, and clear, and his thinking high and sane. It is an extraordinary book,—the fascinating exposition of an exalted philosophy.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 255. F. ‘05. 250w. Bible. Book of Ecclesiastes: a new metrical translation, with an introduction and explanatory notes by Paul Haupt. 50c. Hopkins. “A rhythmical rendering and rearrangement of the contents of Ecclesiastes, involving many transpositions of verses and many excisions of glosses. The notes are numerous and suggestive. The book belongs to the ‘Polychrome’ series.”—Bib. World. + =Bib. World.= 26: 398. N. ‘05. 30w. “A highly valuable companion to the popular versions.” + =Outlook.= 81: 574. N. 4, ‘05. 170w. Bible, Twentieth century New Testament *$1. Revell. “‘The twentieth century Testament’ is a translation into modern English made from the original Greek by a company of about twenty scholars representing the various sections of the Christian church.” (N. Y. Times). In spite of the radical efforts of religious and literary formalists the world over to oppose modernizing the form of the Scriptures, “the demand of the people for a Gospel in their own tongue is too strong to be checked.” (Ind.) “There can be no question that this work is equaled by few, if any, in its earnestness, scholarship, and success. It deserves to be studied and publicly read, not in the place of, but along side of, the American standard revision.” C. W. V. + + =Bib. World.= 26: 76. Jl. ‘05. 350w. “The most popular [modernized translations], and in our opinion deservedly so, is the Twentieth century New Testament. It is not an old version patched up so as to last a little longer, but a new rendering expressed in words and style such as might be used if it were written for us of to-day, as, indeed, we believe it was. The translators write idiomatically, not pedantically.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 435. F. 23, ‘05. 360w. “There need, we suppose, be no real fear that this book will make any progress in displacing that of which it is in effect a part burlesque, or that it will be otherwise valued than as a literary curiosity.” — — — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 88. F. 11, ‘05. 143w. =Bicknell, Edward.= Territorial acquisitions of the United States, 1787-1904: an historical review. 3d ed. rev. and enl. **50c. Small. “A clear and concise statement of the superficial facts concerning our accessions of territory.”—Am. Hist. R. “It contains a few errors. The style is too colloquial, but as a whole the book is better than many more pretentious ones.” + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 445. Ja. ‘05. 160w. * =Bigelow, Poultney.= History of the German struggle for liberty. v. 4. **$2.25. Harper. With the appearance of this fourth volume of its series the “History of the German struggle for liberty” stands complete from the battle of Jena in 1806, to the rebirth of national spirit in 1848. This latest volume contains a spirited account of the stirring events in Germany during 1844-1848, culminating in the declaration of Frederick William IV. and the meeting of the German national assembly at Frankfort. It brings out the similarity in the character of the Vienna, Berlin, and Munich revolutions, and discusses the growth of the influence of the laboring classes, and of socialistic doctrines. * “Is refreshingly unconventional, spasmodically clever, and interesting throughout. Taken as a whole, this latest piece of work of Poultney Bigelow’s is most stimulating, breezy, entertaining, and yet instructive as well.” Wolf Von Schierbrand. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 846. D. 2, ‘05. 1600w. (Review of v. 4.) * “Comprises a succession of vivid pictures of persons and events rather than a sober, detailed, and connected history.” + =Outlook.= 81: 889. D. 9, ‘05. 120w. (Review of v. 4.) * “A return to the orderly arrangement of the earlier volumes of the history would afford a deserved relief to those who have been forced to flounder about in the disorder, back tracks, and false leads of Mr. Bigelow’s fourth volume.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 796. D. 16, ‘05. 470w. (Review of v. 4.) =Bigg, Charles.= Church’s task under the Roman empire. *$1.75. Oxford. The four lectures brought together here are “Education under the empire,” two on “Religion under the empire,” and “Moral and social conditions of the empire.” The object is the directing of attention “to the extreme importance of studying the relation between the Empire and the Church even in those days which preceded the recognition of Christianity by Constantine, and further, of ascertaining as clearly as possible the conditions, intellectual, moral and material of the people who filled the rank of the church.” “Written with an ease of style which at times almost disguises the author’s profound knowledge and with a charm that rarely falls to the lot of scholarly writers.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 262. Ag. 26. 1010w. “Dr. Bigg is, of course, master of his subject, and able to handle it with lightness of touch, breadth of sympathy, and gentle humour.” Alice Gardner. + + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 547. Jl. ‘05. 510w. =Bilse, Oswald Fritz (Fritz von der Kryburg, pseud.).= Dear fatherland. $1.50. Lane. “The story of a young lieutenant in the German army, from the time he entered the service to his downfall, the result of a debt brought upon him by the false standard of living prescribed by army life. The novel is a pen picture of the evil social and moral effects of army life existing in Germany.”—Bookm. “Besides being an interesting story of the realistic school, the work has a two-fold value. It presents a striking picture of present-day garrison-life in Germany and illustrates how degrading and subversive of all that is worthiest in man is such an existence.” + =Arena.= 33: 673. Je. ‘05. 350w. “The chief interest and the strongest conviction are found less in the story than in the talk.” + =Nation.= 80: 234. Mr. 23, ‘05. 400w. “Its revelations are sordid and sickening to the last degree, and there is no obvious excuse for its English publication, except as that of giving an awful warning to the English-speaking nations to guard their own war machines from ever sinking into such abysmal depths of immorality and inefficiency as are here charged against the soldiery of Germany. The book seems to be written by a man of devoted and intelligent patriotism, who has risked what he prized most in order to remedy the evils which he deplores. To say that the narrative is of any value as an example of the novelist’s art would be a decided stretching of the truth.” — + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 50. Ja. 28, ‘05. 740w. =Bingham, Joel Foote,= tr. See =Manzoni, Allessandro.= Sacred hymns and Napoleonic ode. * =Birrell, Augustine.= Andrew Marvell. **75c. Macmillan. This volume in the “English men of letters” series, contains a biography of the man who is remembered as “a colleague and friend of Milton, a wit, a diplomat, a traveler, and a member of Parliament from the Stuart Restoration until his death in 1678.... But ... ‘a more elusive non-recorded character,’ laments Mr. Birrell, ‘is hardly to be found.’ Consequently, it is not surprising to find the biographer dwelling mainly on his subject’s writings, quoting from them freely, and relating much of the history of the day necessary to explain them and assist in forming some idea of the writer’s personality.” (Outlook.) * “On the whole, it may be said that ‘Andrew Marvell’ holds its own successfully against any other volume in the new series of Messrs. Macmillan’s ‘English men of letters.’” + + — =Acad.= 68: 976. S. 23, ‘05. 1440w. * “We have not space here to enter into his treatment of Marvell; it is admirable; we should end by quoting too much from Mr. Birrell himself, as a delightful performer in the intimate style.” H. W. Boynton. + + =Atlan.= 96: 844. D. ‘05. 360w. * “But the book is not a good one for it falls between two stools. If it was to deal only with the permanent part of Marvell’s charming poetry it is nearly two hundred pages too long; if it was really to explain the politics of his day (which heaven forbid!) it is not long enough. And we resent some of the conversational ease of Mr. Birrell’s manner.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 303. S. 22. ‘05. 840w. * “Whatever may be thought of the truth of this style of biographical writing, it must be admitted that Mr. Birrell is master of its art, and that when provided with a favorable opportunity he is at least invariably entertaining.” Wm. A. Bradley. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 842. D. 2, ‘05. 3010w. * “A study which is not so much a biography as a contribution to the history of English politics and literature. As such it deserves a cordial greeting, for it is scholarly and sound.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 714. N. 2, ‘05. 260w. * “A pleasant ramble with an intelligent and illuminating guide through a time of great interest.” + =Pub. Opin.= 34: 765. D. 9, ‘05. 170w. =Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto Eduard Leopold von.= Bismarck’s speeches and letters; by Herman Schoenfeld. *$1.50. Appleton. A worthy addition to historical literature. The introduction is a biography and a philosophic interpretation of the character of Bismarck, and is supplemented by a chronology and a bibliography. The book is indispensable to the study of contemporary history as affected by Germany, but especially to the study of the unification of Germany itself, an accomplishment due, in most part, to Bismarck’s genius. Much has been learned about Bismarck’s personality thru the various biographies by Lowe, Headlam, Stearns, and Jacks by M. Adler, by Herr Busch, thru Mr. Ford’s edition of “The correspondence of William and Bismarck.” and thru Bismarck’s own “Reflections and reminiscences,” above all thru his “Love letters,” but no one serves to sum up Bismarck’s life work as does Schoenfeld’s. + + =Outlook.= 79: 448. F. 18, ‘05. 190w. * =Blackmar, Frank Wilson.= Elements of sociology. *$1.25. Macmillan. This working manual for students is divided into seven parts: Nature and import of sociology; Social evolution; Socialization and social control; Social ideals; Social pathology, dealing with practical subjects such as charity, poverty, crime, social degeneration; Methods of investigation; and History of sociology, in which are brought out the ideas found in the works of Spencer, Gumplowicz, Schaeffle, Lilienfeld, Mackenzie, Tarde, Le Bon, Letourneau, De Greef, Giddings, Small, Ward, Ross, Ely, Mill, Malthus, Warner, Henderson and others. * “The chief merit of the book from the theoretical side is that it gives an intelligent statement of the view-points of all the leading sociological writers. The chief merit from the practical side is that it touches upon a variety of vital and interesting problems in such a way as to tempt the student to go forward and specialize. The style of the book is easy, and free from any ambitious flights or phrasing, but clear and agreeable.” Jerome Dowd. + + + =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 422. N. ‘05. 720w. * “It is comprehensive in scope, is written in simple and direct diction, and the arrangement of its parts is sequential and orderly.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1157. N. 16, ‘05. 40w. * =Outlook.= 81: 888. D. 9, ‘05. 30w. =Blackmore, Richard D.= Lorna Doone. $1.25. Crowell. This tale of the deeds of the outlaw Doones sheltered in the depths of the Bagworthy Forest appears in new dress almost every year. Here the reader has it in handy volume form, bound in limp leather, with clear type and thin paper. =Blair, Emma Helen, and Robertson, James Alexander,= eds. Philippine islands, 1493-1898. 55 v. ea. *$4. Clark, A. H. The purpose of these 55 volumes is to set forth as briefly as possible from original sources the whole history of the Philippine islands and their people, that all who are interested in their future may be able to form their own opinions with a full understanding of the conditions that exist to-day and that have existed since the discovery of the islands. To this end the volumes are mainly devoted to exact translations from rare original manuscripts, Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, etc., illustrated with facsimiles of manuscripts, portraits, maps, and views. There is an analytical index, and notes and an historical introduction have been provided by Edward Gaylord Bourne, and special contributions by well known scholars and bibliographers. The whole covers the history of the islands from their discovery to the present time, including explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history, and records of the Catholic missions as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the end of the nineteenth century. “The work of the editors has ... shown steady improvement. The translating staff is, ... as nearly as one may judge without having the original texts for comparison, doing more effective work than at the beginning.” James A. Le Roy. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 392. Ja. ‘05. 1230w. (Review of XVI, XVII and XVIII.) Reviewed by James A. Le Roy. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 875. Jl. ‘05. 1140w. (Review of v. 19 and 20.) “It is an indispensable addition to every large library and collection of American or Spanish history.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 94. Ja. ‘05. 50w. “Much of this matter is by no means light reading, but it is all a valuable contribution to the early history of the islands.” + + + =Critic.= 47: 190. Ag. ‘05. 80w. (Review of v. 21.) =Ind.= 58: 264. F. 2, ‘05. 650w. (Review of vols. XVIII, XIX and XX.) =Nation.= 80: 231. Mr. 23, ‘05. 430w. (Review of v. 19.) =N. Y. Times.= 10: 21. Ja. 14, ‘05. 510w. (Survey of contents of vols. XIX and XX.) * =Blake, J. M.= Reasonable view of life. *35c. Meth. bk. Essays towards the understanding of the methods and working of eternal love. A late addition to the “Freedom of faith” series. =Blake, Katherine Evans.= Heart’s haven. †$1.50. Bobbs. The Rappite community of celibates first in Pennsylvania and later in Indiana furnishes the setting for this story. It portrays the struggle between the Rappite conscience which repudiates all sentiment relating to ties of flesh, and the natural cravings of the human heart. First in the love of a parent for her child, later in this son’s love for a fair girl, is shown the triumph of governable sanity over religious fanaticism. * “There are a number of flaws easily apparent in Miss Blake’s scheme of the Harmonists. The author has made the mistake of padding too heavily in spots.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 857. D. 2, ‘05. 450w. + =Outlook.= 81: 576. N. 4, ‘05. 100w. =Blanchard, Amy Ella.= Frontier knight. †$1.50. Wilde. Miss Blanchard’s new “Pioneer series” story follows the fortunes of a young man and his two sisters who emigrate from Kentucky to Texas shortly before the Mexican war breaks out. There is excellent use made of the opportunities to portray border life, in which the Mexican peasant, the rancher, and the Texas ranger all have part. =Blanchard, Amy E.= Little grandmother Jo. $1. Jacobs. A story of school life fifty years ago, when a grandmother of to-day left a happy southern home to endure the hardships of the old-fashioned boarding-school where the methods were cruel, the teachers unjust, and many of the little girls, the products of this system, were spiteful. =Blanden, Charles Granger.= Chorus of leaves. **$1.25. Elder. In this gift-book, artistic and attractive in both print and binding, are to be found some fifty verses very slight and very sentimental. * “It strikes no lofty note, but it is singularly graceful in rhythm and dainty in conceit, and makes no pretension to be more.” + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 60w. * “Has written some pleasing verse under the title of ‘A chorus of leaves.’” + =Ind.= 59: 1379. D. 14, ‘05. 60w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 892. D. 16, ‘05. 100w. =Blind, Mathilde.= George Eliot. $1.25. Little. This new edition of Mathilde Blind’s “George Eliot” “has been greatly enhanced in value by the introduction of able and carefully prepared chapters by Frank Waldo, and G. A. Tarkington, in which we have a charming description of the friends and home-life of George Eliot, and a critical estimate of her place in literature, together with an exhaustive bibliography.” (Arena). “The excellent life of George Eliot, by Mathilde Blind, will remain a standard biography. It is a volume that we take pleasure in recommending to our readers as a book which should find a place in all well-ordered libraries and a work that every young person should read as a part of his general culture.” + + =Arena.= 33: 109. Ja. ‘05. 260w. “The very full bibliography, filling some thirty pages, is to be particularly noted and commended.” + + =Critic.= 46: 563. Je. ‘05. 60w. =R. of Rs.= 30: 755. D. ‘04. 90w. =Blondlot, (Prosper) Rene.= “N” rays, tr. by J. Garcin. *$1.20. Longmans. A collection of papers communicated to the academy of sciences; with additional notes and instructions for the construction of phosphorescent screens. =Nation.= 80: 374. My. 11, ‘05. 400w. Reviewed by John G. McKendrick. =Nature.= 72: 195. Je. 29, ‘05. 780w. =Spec.= 94: 780. My. 27, ‘05. 100w. =Bloomfield, Maurice.= Cerberus, the dog of hades: the history of an idea. 50c. Open ct. “This essay ... is concerned with the origin and meaning, judged by comparative mythology, of Cerberus.”—Acad. “Interesting and suggestive little essay.” + =Acad.= 68: 337. Mr. 25, ‘05. 260w. + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 227. Jl. 14, ‘05. 590w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 568. Ag. 26, ‘05. 90w. =Blundell, Mary E. (Sweetman) (Mrs. Francis Blundell; M. E. Francis, pseud.).= Dorset dear: idylls of country life. $1.50. Longmans. “The seventeen tales reprinted here from various periodicals ... embrace a variety of incidents and emotions, grave and gay, no one trenching upon the borders of another; and the characters are distinct types of Dorset-folk.... ‘Witch Ann’ gives a pretty and touching account of the way a harmless old woman came to be considered a witch.... ‘The spur of the moment,’ and ‘The worm that turned,’ present amusing pictures of unromantic rustic wooings. ‘A woodland idyll’ and ‘Postman Chris’ are charming love-stories.”—Acad. “There is something in it better than cleverness and skill: the truth, charm, and goodness of it leave a grateful memory of pleasant hours in delightful company.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 494. My. 6, ‘05. 480w. “All the stories are well worth reading.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 716. Je. 10. 200w. “They are fascinating from their unpretending simplicity, their pure goodness, and their warm, human interests.” + + =Cath. World.= 81: 543. Jl. ‘05. 130w. * + =Critic.= 47: 477. N. ‘05. 20w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 371. Je. 10, ‘05. 340w. “The movement of the tale is slight, but not without its dramatic incidents and occasional tragedies.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 395. Je. 17, ‘05. 140w. “It has a charm and interest.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 391. Je. 10, ‘05. 70w. “It is a book into which one may dip with pleasure, but the stories are for the most part so slight that it is unwise to handle the whole string of beads at once.” + =Sat. R.= 99: 813. Je. 17, ‘05. 150w. “Seldom has it been the present writer’s fate to read so delightful a collection of country idylls as Mrs. Francis Blundell’s new volume of short stories, ‘Dorset dear.’ ... The characters in the little sketches are vividly drawn.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 789. My. 27, ‘05. 170w. =Bocock, John Paul.= Book treasures of Maecenas. $1. Putnam. “It is rather startling to pick up a volume with this title and open immediately to a poem on ‘Funston of Kansas.’ It appears, however, that the book’s title is that of the first poem, and that the volume includes many fugitive verses on all sorts of topics, which have been welcome to the columns of many newspapers and magazines.”—Outlook. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 133. Mr. 4, ‘05. 280w. =Outlook.= 79: 501. F. 25. ‘05. 60w. * =Bölsche, Wilhelm.= Evolution of man; tr. by Ernest Untermann. 50c. Kerr. “This is a little work of real value in which an able German scholar gives a succinct, graphic and general outline of the evolution of man. It contains in the briefest possible compass a summary of the demonstrations brought out by the revolutionary school of physical scientists.”—Arena. * “The subject matter is presented in lucid style, easy of comprehension, and the book is valuable as a short exposition of a subject about which no well-informed man of the present day can afford to be ignorant.” + + =Arena.= 34: 553. N. ‘05. 80w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 256. Ag. ‘05. 40w. =Bolton, Charles E.= Harris-Ingram experiment. $1.50. Burrows. By far the greater portion of Mr. Bolton’s book is devoted to an account of the domestic, social and financial affairs of the Harris and Ingram families. The process of accumulating millions, descriptive journeys thru Europe, matrimonial schemes, a strike which involves the use of dynamite and firebrands furnish subjects for the first 395 pages. The remaining forty pages are occupied with the “Experiment,” a Utopian scheme for establishing mills on the co-operative plan to demonstrate that capital and labor can unite on a common basis. The reader is introduced to a “Utopian mill in a Utopian village where there were no politicians, no saloons, no graft, no crime, nothing but that which was serene and restful and frightfully educational and instructive ... in that land of Somewhere to which there are no railroad guides.” (N. Y. Times). — — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 112. F. 18, ‘05. 690w. =Bolton, Henry Carrington.= The follies of science at the court of Rudolph II., 1576-1612. *$2. Pharmaceutical review pub. co., Milwaukee. A book which “occupies itself with a medley of charlatans and charlatanism in the sixteenth century and with the most splendid patron of such matters, Rudolph II., King of Bohemia and Hungary, and Emperor of Germany.” (N. Y. Times). This ruler, a contemporary of Queen Elizabeth, neglecting his royal duties, drew around him a strange company of men, more or less learned in the occult sciences. These various personages, couched in the oriental luxury of the court, work amazing tricks of alchemy, discover formulas for wonderful elixirs, and claim a recipe for the philosopher’s stone. Incidentally, there is given much information concerning the manners of the time, the people, and their mental characteristics. =Ind.= 58: 1073. My. 11, ‘05. 160w. “Rather extraordinary volume. Altogether the book contains a deal of queer information about queer people and things of a time (in some ways) more credulous than ours. Readers with a taste for the out-of-the-way, for historical junk, in short, will find much to entertain them.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 39. Ja. 21, ‘05. 350w. * =Bolton, Sarah Knowles (Mrs. Charles E. Bolton).= Famous American authors. $2. Crowell. These essays were first published in 1887, and they are now re-issued “in a handsomely bound volume with two dozen illustrations portraying in fine half-tone reproductions the persons and the homes of six representatives of the old New England school, ... Emerson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, and Holmes.” (Dial.) * “Aside from its literary interest, it ought to be popular as a holiday gift-book.” + =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 30w. * “She manages to tell the familiar facts in a genial, lively way, interlarding them with anecdotes or personal impressions, and making her main theme in every case the essential quality of the author discussed.” + =Dial.= 39: 387. D. 1, ‘05. 160w. * =Bombaugh, Charles Carroll.= Facts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature. **$3 Lippincott. “Forty-five years ago Dr. Bombaugh published the first edition of his famous book, ‘Gleanings for the curious.’ ... An entertaining collection of curious things in letters. His book lasted for nearly fifty years; it would have lasted longer had not its plates been destroyed by fire. Instead of merely resetting the book, Dr. Bombaugh has made a second volume along the same lines only with more recent matter.... The new volume contains the results of the most recent discoveries in many branches of literature ... and presents various jokes that have a very recent ring.”—N. Y. Times. * “The total amount of curious information is so vastly greater than the amount compressible within a single volume that a book of this type is more useful for random reading than for reference purposes.” + =Dial.= 39: 391. D. 1, ‘05. 140w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 845. D. 2, ‘05. 220w. * + + =Outlook.= 81: 834. D. 2, ‘05. 150w. =Bonner, Geraldine.= Pioneer. †$1.50. Bobbs. A story of the early days of California and Nevada when fortunes were made and unmade daily among the mines. There are many characters typical of those mixed times, but the real hero is the old colonel, who for the sake of his love for the woman who jilted him twenty years before, devotes himself to her two daughters, and allows their weak father to unscrupulously rob him. He finds happiness in serving the girl who resembles her mother, and seeing her safely thru a heart crisis. “Though her treatment is perhaps too conventional to please the realist the story is thoroughly unhackneyed, while the human interest is strong throughout.” + =Arena.= 34: 551. N. ‘05. 420w. “It is an unpleasant and rather sensational narrative.” — + =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 50w. * =Bonner, Robert John.= Evidence in Athenian courts. *75c. Univ. of Chicago press. “Mr. R. J. Bonner, ‘formerly of the Ontario bar,’ deals with the subject from the point of view of a man trained in English law. The material is classified accordingly under such heads as Irrelevant, Hearsay, Written, Oral, Real, and Expert evidence, Evidence of slaves, Competency of witnesses, Challenges, Oaths, etc. In a number of cases the view presented in Meier-Schömann’s ‘Der Attische process’ is disputed.”—Am. Hist. R. * “The work is carefully done, and will be found interesting and suggestive by teachers who have not had the advantage of a legal training.” A. G. L. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 187. O. ‘05. 180w. * “Mr. Bonner seems to have exhausted his sources, both original and secondary. He has shown acuteness in his deductions. The only real doubt as to his conclusions arises from the fear that he was overzealous in his search for a body of law on evidence in Athens.” Clarke B. Whittier. + + — =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 424. N. ‘05. 880w. =Boole, Mrs. Mary E.= Preparation of the child for science. *50c. Oxford. The author’s purpose thruout this volume is to offer “suggestions as to the means by which the scientific condition of mind can be induced” in children. Five chapters deal respectively with the scientific mind, the unconscious mind, hygienic sequence in development, mathematical imagination, and ethical and logical preparation. “Information and salutary wisdom are to be drawn from it everywhere.” + + =Nation.= 80: 18. Ja. 5, ‘05. 1570w. “Her book may be warmly recommended to parents anxious to adopt sane methods of educating their children and to teachers responsible for the training of the lowest classes of schools.” + + =Nature.= 71: 316. F. 2, ‘05. 300w. =Booth, William H.= Steam pipes: their design and construction. $2. Henley. “This book ... is a compilation of various formulas and tables having to do with steam piping, together with such individual practice or designs as have been adopted by several large English corporations or manufacturers.... The author does not attempt to give any but English practice, and the book would not necessarily meet the exact demands of American engineers.”—Engin. N. “For the American engineer the perusal of the book, considering that the title seems to promise well, leaves a keen sense of disappointment, and a feeling that little of value has been added to our scanty knowledge of steam piping.” Charles K. Stearns. + =Engin. N.= 53: 340. Je. 15, ‘05. 970w. =Borrow, George.= Romano lavo-lil; word book of the Romany or English-Gypsy language. $2. Putnam. “‘Romano lavo-lil’ contains not only Borrow’s remarks on the history of Romany, and his vocabulary of the language, occupying fifty-odd pages, but a batch of Gypsy proverbs, in Romany and English, some scraps of the scriptures rendered into Gypsy, the “Book of wisdom of the Egyptians,” a list of favored Gypsy names of countries and towns, and many quaint odds and ends of folk-lore.” (N. Y. Times.) + =Acad.= 68: 751. Jl. 22, ‘05. 2260w. “It is in fact, a book in which the admirer of Isopel Berners may find much to entertain him for an hour or so.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 656. O. 7, ‘05. 180w. “A very serviceable edition in size, weight, and typography.” + =Outlook.= 81: 384. O. 14, ‘05. 170w. =Bosanquet, Rev. Bernard Hugh, and Wenham, Reginald A.= Outlines of the synoptic record. *$1.70. Longmans. This volume “sets forth present opinion as to the synoptic question, and gives an outline of the life of Jesus and a summary of his teaching according to the first three gospels.”—Ind. * “The object of the writers of the book was to prepare a narrative based strictly on the three gospels which would embody the results of recent investigations in England unobtrusively and impartially, and their efforts have been successful.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 460. Ap. 15. 470w. =Ind.= 58: 1013. My. 4, ‘05. 40w. “A reticence is observable in dealing with miraculous narratives which contrasts with the freedom exercised in the non-miraculous. With this limitation, the book, while not professing to be a life of Jesus, is a good critical outline of his career as exhibited in the first three Gospels.” + + — =Outlook.= 79: 196. Ja. 21, ‘05. 70w. =Bosworth, Edward Increase.= Studies in the life of Jesus Christ. 90c; pa. 60c. Y. M. C. A. “In two parts: the first based on the synoptic Gospels, following Mark with supplementary references to the other two Gospels; the second based on the fourth Gospel, well planned, neglectful neither of the historical growth of Judaism nor of the literary character of the different Gospels.”—Outlook. + + =Outlook.= 79: 654. Mr. 11, ‘05. 50w. * =Boulton, William B.= Sir Joshua Reynolds. **$3. Dutton. “Mr. Boulton’s work is the fullest in biographical interest of any of those which have appeared since Leslie and Taylor in 1865. To the students of technical processes of Reynolds’ art the book makes but slight appeal.... Reynolds entered very fully into the social and intellectual life of his time, and the wealth of anecdote of contemporary diarists and letter-writers has been aptly laid under contribution.... The illustrations ... are well selected and excellently reproduced.”—Ath. * + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 652. N. 11. 1180w. * “Mr. Boulton has written a most useful handbook, entirely trustworthy and keen on the elaboration of what others have suggested. Of a wealth of material he has also made splendid and always proportionate use.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 796. N. 25, ‘05. 180w. * “In saying that the present volume is less interesting than Sir Walter’s we do not say that it is less valuable. More people probably will agree with Mr. Boulton’s critical estimate of the great president of the Royal academy than with Sir Walter Armstrong’s estimate. Sir Walter’s book is only the more interesting of the two because it is less conventional and more original.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 892. D. 9, ‘05. 170w. =Bourget, Paul (Charles Joseph).= Divorce. $1.50. Scribner. “The scenes of this novel are laid in France. It concerns Gabrielle, a woman divorced from her husband, whose remarriage to another man is one of highest ideals. Owing to religious fervor, however, Gabrielle becomes estranged from her second husband. The other thread in the story deals with the love affair of the heroine’s son, who has been as thoroughly educated and cared for by his mother’s second husband as by an own father.”—Bookm. “M. Bourget has constructed a diagram to illustrate his view of the sacredness of marriage, and has called it a novel.” — =Critic.= 46: 380. Ap. ‘05. 110w. “M. Bourget sketches his characters and states their opinions with great fairness.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 1005. My. 4, ‘05. 1490w. “Distinctly the strongest piece of fiction which M. Bourget has written. Whether the reader agrees with its extreme position or not, he cannot fail to be impressed by its sincerity of conviction, its powerful analysis, and its admirable style. It is a piece of fiction of very unusual strength and dignity.” + + + =Outlook.= 79: 142. Ja. 14, ‘05. 270w. “There is a certain finesse about the plot that is commendable with the mental reservation that only a Frenchman will commend it. There is not enough beef and iron in Paul Bourget’s psychology to commend him to the average American.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 25. Ja. 5, ‘05. 410w. “Paul Bourget’s latest work is ostensibly a novel, but to English readers it will appear as a purely pathological presentation of the relation between the Roman church and its adherents in the matter of divorce. It is really the story of an intense mental and moral struggle between religion and love.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 383. Mr. ‘05. 100w. =Bourne, Robert William (John Wright, pseud.).= Home mechanic: a manual for industrial schools and amateurs. *$2.50. Dutton. An English book, the usefulness of which in the United States is qualified by the necessity of making allowances for the difference in prices, measures, and shop practice. It teaches the use of tools and the construction of machines. There are many diagrams and cuts. “Very comprehensive and practical work.” + =Ind.= 58: 270. F. 2, ‘05. 50w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 199. Ap. 1, ‘05. 310w. (Survey of scope). “Carefully designed to teach the use of tools and the construction of machines.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 245. Ja. 28, ‘05. 20w. =Boutmy, Emile.= English people: a study of their political psychology from the French by E. English; with an introd. by J: E: Courtenay Bodley. *$2.50. Putnam. “This work is divided into five distinct parts: (1) the national type, (2) the human environment, (3) the Englishman—moral and social, (4) the Englishman as a politician, (5) the individual and the state. At the very outset the author sounds the keynote of his book in pointing out the disdain of the English people for abstractions and their love of fact.... While primarily a psychological analysis of the English people, at the same time the author gives a considerable insight into French character.”—Ann. Am. Acad. “While there is too much of generalization, which detracts greatly from the scientific value, the book is full of interest, and possesses an easy flowing style which will commend it to the majority of readers.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 335. Mr. ‘05. 350w. “It is piquant, varied, plausible in spots, interesting all over,—and fatally unconvincing. The solution is too neat to be true. The English dress which the work bears is fair on the whole, but the translator’s unsure foothold in the region of idiom occasionally reminds one of its Gallic origin.” Winthrop More Daniels. + — =Atlan.= 95: 551. Ap. ‘05. 390w. =Bouton, Archibald Lewis.= See Lincoln and Douglas debates. =Boyd, James E.= Differential equations, 60c. James E. Boyd, Columbus, O. A little book well adapted to serve as a basis for the study at home of this branch of calculus which is often not fully covered in the engineering courses of the technical colleges. “It is clear in its exposition.” + + + =Engin.= N. 53: 641. Je. 15, ‘05. 200w. * =Boyesen, Bayard.= Marsh: a poem. $1. Badger, R. G. A tragedy in poem-drama form. A gaunt mother and an aged father are left alone in the castle of Nyarva by Luxander, their only son, who, followed by Nyassa, “a vague faint flower on a waving stem” who loves him, goes out into the darkness accursed of God at the call of the “blind marsh and restless surge,” led by a spirit within him “stronger than life, or Christ, or love.” =Boyle, Mrs. Virginia (Fraser).= Serena †$1.50. Barnes. “A story of the South during the Civil war, thoroughly provincial. The plot turns upon the cowardice of the twin brother of the heroine. The latter takes her brother’s place in the Confederate army, leading his deserted men to victory. This is the one blot upon Southern chivalry in the tale, while the author evidently holds that both civilians and soldiers north of Mason and Dixon’s line were knaves and coarse mercenaries.”—Outlook. “Is written in a spirit that few readers nowadays will find sympathetic.” — =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 40w. — =Ind.= 59: 210. Jl. 27, ‘05. 70w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 324. My. 20, ‘05. 250w. + =N. Y. Times.= 16: 390. Je. 17, ‘05. 150w. + — =Outlook.= 80: 247. My. 27, ‘05. 70w. “The plot is conventional, the love affair ordinary, and the whole story commonplace. Its atoning feature is its easy wording.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 869. Je. 3, ‘05. 90w. ... “The amateurish plot construction, the lack of connection between parts, the absence of a well-defined story motive.” — + =Reader.= 6: 596. O. ‘05. 220w. =Brace, Benjamin.= Sunrise acres. †$1.50. Dodd. A young athlete and football player is made heir to half a million dollars by his uncle on condition that he seek out and thrash a man who had once beaten this uncle in fair fight for a lady. The nephew finds his man and also finds him to be the father of a pretty daughter, but the fight takes place nevertheless with amusing complications. “The author has an excellent idea for a farce comedy. He has unfortunately lacked some skill in execution.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 651. O. 7, ‘05. 190w. + — =Outlook.= 81: 579. N. 4, ‘05. 50w. =Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. John Maxwell).= Rose of life. †$1.50. Brentano’s. “Miss Braddon must be congratulated on having described a real human being in her new novel. Daniel Lester, the poet, to whom the reader is introduced in the very first line, is a remarkable creation, and a creation which would only have been possible in the present day.... Indeed, readers of the book will almost be persuaded that they are familiar with his personal appearance, so intimately will they seem acquainted with the huge man whose delicate tact, colossal selfishness, unfailing amiability, and atrocious greed make him such an amusing companion.... The book, beyond the figure of the poet, is a little commonplace, and the beautiful but unscrupulous Lady Beauminster is entirely conventional and melodramatic. But the novel as a whole is a not uninteresting background to its principal figure, and is worth reading solely for the one admirable piece of character-drawing which it contains.”—Spec. + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 651. My. 27. 210w. “This latest of many canvases is as big as any.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 161. My. 19. 490w. “The merit of the story lies in the first part, and particularly in the artistic perfection of the character of Daniel Lester.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 555. Ag. 26, ‘05. 350w. + — =Spec.= 94: 717. My. 13, ‘05. 370w. =Bradford, Amory H.= Inward light. **$1.20. Crowell. The author says: “The teaching of the book may be condensed as follows: There is in every man light sufficient to disclose all the truth that is needed for the purpose of life: that light is from God who dwells in humanity as He is immanent in the universe; therefore the source of authority is to be formed within the soul and not in external authority of church, or creed or book: that light being divine must be continuous; it will never fail; it will lead to all truth and show things to come; and it may be implicitly trusted.” * “The analytical critic will pass it by because it is neither analytical nor polemical, but the devout soul will find spiritual nutriment in it, and for the devout soul it has been written.” + =Outlook.= 81: 835. D. 2, ‘05. 160w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 752. D. ‘05. 70w. =Bradford, Gamaliel, jr.= Pageant of life. $1.25. Badger, R: G. Poems for book lovers grouped under the headings: A pageant of life; The villa of Hadrian; Song of the sirens to Ulysses; A verse of Isaiah; Leopardi; Sonnets; Songs and lyrics; Prologue and lyrics from a mad world; Translations. “Besides these, and other sonnets, Mr. Bradford’s volume gives us some charming lyrics, a deeply-sympathetic poem placed upon the lips of Leopardi, and two successful translations from that world-wearied singer.” Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 39: 68. Ag. 1, ‘05. 180w. “‘A pageant of life’ ... is the intelligent verse of a scholarly man of fine sensibilities, who has meditated the literary history of the world long and minutely.” + + =Nation.= 80: 294. Ap. 13, ‘05. 130w. “Although he occasionally sinks into ... banality ... his muse is on the whole sturdy and self-respecting.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 406. Je. 17, ‘05. 390w. =Bradford, Gamaliel, jr.= Private tutor. †$1.50. Houghton. “An artist manqué” accompanied by “the graceless son of an American millionaire,” makes a tour thru Europe, and records his experiences in a manner to call forth the following statement from the Dial: “‘Glorified Baedeker or Hare’ would do fairly well as a characterization of these pages, which are the result of a sympathetic intimacy with the scenes described.” “Is an amateurish production, without much to tell in the way of a story, but having some very pretty pages descriptive of Rome, where the action is laid. The author exhibits no power of characterization worth mentioning, and therein is the essential failure of his novel. This defect is hardly to be offset by style and observation, which qualities are in fair measure his.” W. M. Payne. — =Dial.= 38: 128. F. 16, ‘05. 230w. “It is a very good story, told with sufficient humor to make it almost a comedy.” + =Ind.= 59: 394. Ag. 17, ‘05. 130w. =Bradley, A. C.= Shakespearian tragedy: lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. $3.25. Macmillan. “Besides the lectures on the tragedies themselves, Prof. Bradley, of the University of Oxford, writes on ‘The substance of Shakespearean tragedy,’ ‘Construction in Shakespeare’s tragedies,’ and ‘Shakespeare’s tragic period.’ His purpose in presenting these four tragedies is, as he states, ‘to increase our understanding and enjoyment of these works as dramas; to learn to apprehend the action and some of the personages of each with a somewhat greater truth and intensity, so that they may assume in our imagination a shape little less unlike the shape they wore in the imagination of their creator.’ “To the single task of interpretation he accordingly devoted himself, examining each of the tragedies individually, after a preliminary inquiry into such questions germane to all four as Shakespeare’s conception of tragedy and the form in which he expressed that conception.”” (Outlook). “Every question, every controversy, theory, view, or supposition which arises, he subjects to the same test. It is another merit of the book that every question is submitted to common-sense argumentation. The arrangement of the book is admirable.” R. Y. Tyrrell. + + =Acad.= 68: 229. Mr. 11, ‘05. 2240w. “In our opinion a book like that which is before us is not much less essential for the complete comprehension of Shakespeare’s tragedies than an atlas is for the fruitful study of geography.” R. Y. Tyrrell. + + =Acad.= 68: 266. Mr. 18, ‘05. 1350w. “In thoroughness of workmanship the book recalls German models.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 602. My. 13. 2270w. “But there can be no doubt as to the gratitude which every student who has been puzzled by these familiar problems must feel to Professor Bradley for the help afforded by his careful and sympathetic volume.” R. W. Chambers. + + + =Hibbert J.= 4: 213. O. ‘05. 1630w. “Is an excellent example of sedate English critical scholarship.” + + =Ind.= 58: 839. Ap. 13, ‘05. 440w. * “It is the best piece of Shakespearean criticism published for some time.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 1163. N. 16, ‘05. 110w. “The book is worthy of its theme; and it will carry the reader deeper into the mind of Shakespeare—deeper, I believe, than of any other commentator.” Henry Jones. + + + =Int. J. Ethics.= 16: 99. O. ‘05. 2920w. “A great mass of erudition, thoroughly digested, reasoned, and ordered, is brought to bear not merely on the four tragedies professedly dealt with, but incidentally on the other plays as well; the ideas are expressed in a style always admirably clear and often of a finely restrained eloquence.” + + =Nation.= 80: 506. Je. 22, ‘05. 1890w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 24. Ja. 14, ‘05. 340w. “An intellectual treat. The originality, the analytical ability, the poetic perception.... Into all phases of his task he throws himself with enthusiasm. If he is not always convincing, he is always helpful, the sum total of his efforts being to produce a work which is really a welcome and distinctly useful addition to the already voluminous literature on the subject.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 247. Ja. 28, ‘05. 190w. “From the beginning to the end the level is sustained, exact criticism never sinks, and at times there is in the interpretation an imagination and a poetry which make the book in the truest sense a work of creation. His explanations are so lucid, so compelling that, novel though many of them are, we are almost invariably convinced. We have no hesitation in putting Professor Bradley’s book far above any modern Shakespearean criticism that we know, worthy to rank very near the immortal work of Lamb and Coleridge.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 138. Ja. 28, ‘05. 2120w. =Bradley, Henry.= Making of English. *$1. Macmillan. The avowed object of this book is “to give educated readers unversed in philology some notions of the excellencies and defects of modern English as an instrument of expression.” The author discusses first the grammar, second the vocabulary, of our language. The history of the decay of inflection and the development of the new machinery which took its place is given, and the principles of composition, derivation and root creation are discussed at length. The closing chapter deals with the contribution of individual writers. “English-speaking people, especially Americans, whose interest in their own language has always been conspicuous, will ask nothing better than to study its history under Dr. Bradley’s guidance.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 1054. Ap. 29, ‘05. 2060w. =Bradley, William Aspenwall.= William Cullen Bryant. **75c. Macmillan. A volume in the “English men of letters series.” While he deals particularly with Bryant as the “poet and man of letters, Mr. Bradley touches upon his qualities as a man of affairs and his participation in the politics of the time; and as the beloved citizen and foremost figure at the civic celebrations of New York city.” (N. Y. Times.) “Is what seems a perfectly reasonable estimate of Bryant as a poet.” H. W. Boynton. + + =Atlan.= 96: 275. Ag. ‘05. 600w. “The story of Bryant’s life is told plainly and succinctly, accompanied by very sensible comment on his writings and a not illiberal estimate of his position in literature.” Edward Fuller. + + =Critic.= 47: 246. S. ‘05. 480w. “A convenient, clear, and thoroughly readable biography.” + + =Dial.= 39: 116. S. 1, ‘05. 560w. “Is more critical than sympathetic.” + =Ind.= 58: 1128. My. 18. ‘05. 150w. “While his story lacks something of the ‘detailed verisimilitude of his predecessors,’ it does present a view of Bryant the poet that is, perhaps, a little more integral and impressive. No one has yet written at length of Bryant with a firmer hold on the American origins of his poetry or a wider perspective of general literature.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 443. Je. 1. ‘05. 1010w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 200. Ap. 1, ‘05. 180w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 338. My. 27, ‘05. 1280w. + =Outlook.= 80: 144. My. 13, ‘05. 150w. “Little that is valuable or striking is added to the sum total of estimates of Bryant’s place in American literature. From the biographical side the book deserves great praise.” + + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 94. Jl. 15, ‘05. 90w. =Brady, Cyrus Townsend.= Conquest of the Southwest: the story of a great spoliation. **$1.50. Appleton. “A story of the struggle for independence in Texas, also, of the Mexican war, beginning with the Treaty of 1819 and concluding with the Compromise of 1850. The volume, which is well illustrated with drawings and maps, is an addition to ‘The expansion of the republic series.’”—Bookm. “The author has made a careful study of the vast literature bearing upon the subject.” + + + =Critic.= 47: 190. Ag. ‘05. 80w. “It is written simply and effectively, and with less elaboration of detail than previous works from the same hand.” + =Dial.= 38: 275. Ap. 16, ‘05. 220w. =Ind.= 58: 727. Mr. 30, ‘05. 60w. “The book is written in an easy, pleasant, and decidedly popular style. It is, indeed, a popular account of the Mexican war and events leading up to it, rather than what the author insists on calling it—a monograph.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 156. Mr. 11, ‘05. 1050w. “... An outline narrative in which shall be presented, lucidly, impartially, and in proper proportion, the salient aspects, episodes, and personalities. Such a presentation may fairly be said to be embodied in Dr. Brady’s book.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 604. Mr. 4, ‘05. 260w. =Brady, Cyrus Townsend.= Indian fights and fighters. **$1.30. McClure. “The material for this book has been secured from various documents, and from officers and men who were in the engagements. It is divided into two parts: Protecting the Frontier, and the War with the Sioux. An account of Custer’s defeat is given in the appendix. It is an addition to the ‘American fights and fighters’ series.” (Bookm.) “Mr. Brady seems a bit hampered as a story teller in many of the chapters by the wealth of facts he has to deal with and cling to, but is at his best in the description of the battle of the Wichita, where Custer led his troops against the Cheyennes under the leadership of Black Kettle.” (N. Y. Times). =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 720. Ap. ‘05. 130w. “The book, like its three predecessors, is fairly authentic history, and every endeavor has been made to set down the facts without fear or favor.” + + =Dial.= 38: 202. Mr. 16, ‘05. 300w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 52. Ja. 28, ‘05. 1160w. * =Brady, Cyrus Townsend.= My lady’s slipper. **$1.50. Dodd. “Francis Burnham, an American midshipman, finds himself in the power of the villainous Marquis du Tremigon, and is forced to assume a disguise and enter the apartments of the beautiful Comtesse de Villars to steal a token for the Marquis—a slipper worn by her, if possible, ... and because he refuses to do the Marquis’s bidding there are dark days in prison and other dangers in store for him. But the slipper is a talisman of good fortune, and ... the Comtesse is made happy for life, and so is Burnham. The book is in a pretty binding of blue and gold, the illustrations are gracefully designed by Charlotte Weber Ditzler.”—N. Y. Times. * =Critic.= 47: 577. D. ‘05. 30w. * “The story of their love affairs is a pretty trifle, well adapted to its ornate setting.” + =Dial.= 39: 447. D. 16, ‘05. 140w. * =Ind.= 59: 1377. D. 14, ‘05. 80w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 3, ‘05. 180w. * =Outlook.= 81: 683. N. 18, ‘05. 30w. =Brady, Cyrus Townsend.= Three daughters of the Confederacy. †$1.50. Dillingham. The history and romance of three Southern girls with the Civil war setting which Mr. Brady is past master of. The adventures of the first take place on the Atlantic coast during the blockade at the beginning of the war, while the Mississippi river furnishes the background for the experiences of the second who marries a Yankee non-combatant and straightway rues it. The third is a girl of such great daring that she faces the enemy with her lover on the battlefield during “Stonewall Jackson’s greatest day.” =Brady, Cyrus Townsend.= Two captains. †$1.50. Macmillan. “A story of Nelson and Bonaparte in the troubled times of France’s struggle to free herself from monarchy. The long, detailed accounts of sea fights and naval maneuvers will doubtless interest some readers, but the popular taste will find more gratification in the love story of the bold young Irish sea captain and the unhappy French countess whom he rescues from many perils and finally wins for his wife.”—Outlook. “A brightly contrived romance of an interesting period, which suffers somewhat from the intrusion of the two gigantic historical figures.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 460. Ap. 15. 310w. Reviewed by Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 38: 390. Je. 1, ‘05. 260w. — + =Ind.= 59: 582. S. 7, ‘05. 250w. “A very creditable and entertaining book.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 126. F. 25, ‘05. 560w. =Outlook.= 79: 505. F. 25, ‘05. 70w. “The story itself is not of great significance. Mr. Brady has a sure touch in his pictures of battles, whatever one may think of his romantic passages. Nelson, too, is impressively presented. If it does nothing else, the book may at least inspire some of its readers with the desire to study in sober history the progress of the events which are here so rapidly but glowingly sketched.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 391. Mr. 11, ‘05. 260w. =Brain, Belle Marvel.= All about Japan; stories of the sunrise land told for little folks. **$1. Revell. “Miss Brain is already favorably known as a writer of ‘missionary’ stories for children, and in her present volume she manages to incorporate, in a style peculiarly adapted to the juvenile mind, a great variety of interesting facts concerning the history, life, customs and manners of the Japanese, as well as brief biographies of some of the most successful of those who have given themselves to the task of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the islands.”—Lit. D. “An excellent gift-book in every sense.” + + =Lit. D.= 31: 626. O. 28, ‘05. 110w. “In it we have not only a capital book for little folks but a welcome volume for their elders.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 234. S. 23, ‘05. 110w. =Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt.= Concerning Belinda. $1.50. Doubleday. The experiences of an attractive western girl as “Youngest teacher” in a fashionable New York finishing school for girls are most entertainingly narrated here. Belinda’s initiation into the mysteries of responsibility took place the night of her arrival when she was delegated to chaperone twelve strange maidens to the theatre, whom at the close she utterly forgot when Jack Wendell dropped into the midst of her homesick gloom. The chapters all furnish disconnected bits taken from life in a fashionable school, with now and then the least suggestion of romance. “Is written with the same lightness and sprightly humor that characterized the author’s previous stories.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 651. O. 7, ‘05. 150w. * “There are a number of other stories, all equally bright and entertaining, and a private love affair or two for the pretty Belinda herself.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 210w. =Brainerd, Henry C.= Old family doctor. *$1. Clark, A. H. It might be fancied that this family doctor is some kin to Dr. McLaren’s much beloved old Scotch doctor. At least there are characteristics, sacrifices and experiences in common. One chapter of the six, “Views,” showing the superstitious beliefs of a quack concocter of unheard-of remedies, is exceedingly clever. =Braithwaite, William Stanley.= Lyrics of life and love. **$1. Turner, H. B. “The poems of that rising young negro poet, William Stanley Braithwaite have been collected under the general title ‘Lyrics of life and love.’”—R. of Rs. “A poet of the race in which both the gloom of life and its wildest joys meet with prompt response. Neither his metres nor his moods are classic in suggestion, and his wayward rhythms have the attractiveness of undisciplined grace, but his melody is unmistakable and his images are haunting.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 50. Ja. 28, ‘05. 150w. “Verse is musical, clear, and forceful.” + =R. of Rs.= 30: 759. D. ‘04. 30w. =Branch, Anna Hempstead.= Shoes that danced and other poems. **$1.10. Houghton. “In the present volume ... there are sinewy dramatic sketches, meditative monologues, child verses, lyric odes, and fragments of dramatic narrative, all marked by fluent, unconventional music, and strong, unconventional phrase. Yet the mood of wonder that underlies all of it is singularly integral.”—Nation. “Poetry that is at once full, sometimes a little too full, of temperament, and in the truest sense of the word, ‘significant’, both in its own quality, and in its relation to some of the deeper moods of the hour.” Ferris Greenslet. + =Atlan.= 96: 421. S. ‘05. 680w. “Miss Branch’s work exhibits a mind saturated with English poetry—particularly its naive older forms—and prettily echoes a variety of manners. It is touched with mysticism, and has considerable imaginative reach. Many of the pieces are marred by obscurity and an obvious straining for effect.” Wm. M. Payne. + — =Dial.= 39: 64. Ag. 1, ‘05. 220w. “For all the intellectual energy and sincerity of Miss Branch’s work, and its frank preoccupation with the more passionate issues of life, it never ceases to be finely feminine in a certain lurking wistfulness and tenderness in little things.” + + =Nation.= 81: 16. Jl. 6, ‘05. 750w. “Miss Branch is extremely fortunate in her descriptions of life in studios and courts, and strikes a deeply poetic note in her unpretentious drama of the time of Watteau which she calls ‘The shoes that danced.’” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 406. Je. 17, ‘05. 340w. =Brandenburg, Broughton.= Imported Americans: the story of the experiences of a disguised American and his wife studying the immigration question. **$1.60. Stokes. “The author, a newspaper correspondent, with his wife, lived for a time in the Italian quarter of New York. Thence they go in the steerage to Italy, and make a study of the districts from which emigration is most pronounced.... Then with a group of Sicilians, Mr. and Mrs. Brandenburg return in the guise of immigrants, observing the snares laid for the credulous incomer whose great fear is that he may be kept out of America, suffering the ill treatment meted out to steerage passengers on board ship, and learning the laws of this country are constantly evaded.... The revelations made of the debasement of our naturalization papers furnish food for thought.” (Ann. Am. Acad.) “The most interesting and important study yet made of present-day immigration into the United States.” + + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 125. Ja. ‘05. 320w. “A most interesting narrative of, really, the epitomized experiences of thousands of Italian wayfarers.” + + + =Charities.= 14: 641. Ap. 1, ‘05. 880w. “The book is not remarkable either in a sensational or a scientific sense.” + =Critic.= 46: 382. Ap. ‘05. 160w. “The most earnest efforts to provide proper laws for the exclusion of undesirable aliens, with an efficient system for securing the enforcement of such laws, has resulted in little more than an evasion of them by the least desirable emigrants. Mr. Brandenburg traces the causes of this failure by an investigation as thorough and complete as it perhaps is possible to make.” + + =Dial.= 38: 52. Ja. 16, ‘05. 200w. “Is of special interest for the reason that it offers a radical remedy for existing immigration evils.” + + =Reader.= 5: 625. Ap. ‘05. 270w. =Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen.= Main currents in nineteenth century literature. 6v. v. 4. Naturalism in England. *$3. Macmillan. The period known as the romantic movement in English poetry at the beginning of the nineteenth century is treated in this volume. “Mr. Brandes seems to approach literature not wholly from the side of art.... He is concerned rather with the moral and spiritual progress of the world ... he ... takes poet after poet, and, with a skilful handling of biographical material and an ardent critical appreciation makes a rapid and interesting sketch of the motives and performances of the particular writer.” (Acad.) “As one reads one becomes aware that the volume is rather a sympathetic interpretation of certain great figures, from Mr. Brandes’ point of view, than a piece of masterly generalisation. It is a mine of apposite biographical illustration, of delicate appreciation and of felicitous criticism of a high order.” + + =Acad.= 68: 583. Je. 3, ‘05. 1260w. “Dr. Brandes is marvelously well read, illuminating in analysis, comprehensive and balanced in his historic outlook. Always searching for the leading idea, he is guilty at times of reading into an author what he is determined to find.” + + — =Ath.= 1905 2: 168. Ag. 5, 1040w. “It is one of its author’s most brilliant performances.” + + + =Dial.= 39: 18. Jl. 1, ‘05. 310w. “There is no attempt in Mr. Brandes’ case to suppress the personal equation, or to conceal the bias.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 157. My. 19, ‘05. 2290w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 345. My. 27, ‘05. 290w. “It is as candid as the ‘tendenz’ will allow, very well informed, highly entertaining, frequently striking, and even useful.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 360. Je. 3, ‘05. 960w. “As a proof of Prof. Brandes’s specific judgments of poets and of poems which are chosen for individual mention, they do not always commend themselves as agreeing with the opinion which English critics have given authority.” H. W. Boynton. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 461. Jl. 15, ‘05. 3010w. “The chapters on Byron are the best part of Dr. Brandes’s book; they will be read with pleasure by Byron’s countrymen.” + + — =Spec.= 95: 429. S. 23, ‘05. 1970w. =Brastow, Lewis Orsmond.= Representative modern preachers. **$1.50. Macmillan. “Nine notable men are considered ... five broad churchmen, Schleiermacher, Robertson, Beecher, Bushnell, and Brooks; two high churchmen, Newman and Mozley; two low churchmen, Guthrie and Spurgeon. The book is the result of repeated studies of these men with classes of students of the Yale Divinity school.”—Atlan. “The estimates of these various masters are made with deep sympathy and substantial justice.” + + =Atlan.= 95: 706. My. ‘05. 180w. =Breal, Auguste.= Velazquez, tr. by Mme. Simon Bussy. *75c; lea. *$1. Dutton. This volume declares itself to be merely an invitation to visit Madrid and see the works of the great Spanish painter, but it also serves as an inspiration for the journey. There are many illustrations. “He does succeed in giving a clear idea of the nature of Velazquez’s genius, of what he was, and what he was not, together with all that is necessary of biographical information regarding an entirely uneventful life. Mme Bussy is as accurate as readable.” + + =Nation.= 80: 440. Je. 1, ‘05. 630w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 515. Ag. 5, ‘05. 210w. “A good little guide.” + =Outlook.= 80: 542. Je. 24, ‘05. 20w. * =Breasted, James Henry.= History of Egypt from the earliest times to the Persian conquest. **$5. Scribner. This volume, designed for the general reader as well as the scholar, traces the history of Egypt from earliest times thru the days of the Old kingdom, the Middle kingdom, and the New empire, down to the Persian conquest. There are many new translations from original documents in the book and two hundred illustrations and maps. “Nowhere can we find a clearer account of the general history of Egypt, as known to us by the latest studies and excavations carried on by the numerous societies and individuals at work in the Nile valley.” (Ind.) * “This is a most valuable and interesting work.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1109. N. 9, ‘05. 660w. * “A history that may fairly claim to be, for the immense period which it covers, more close to facts than any of its predecessors.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 940. D. 16, ‘05. 490w. =Brewer, David Josiah.= United States: a Christian nation. *$1. Winston. The first of these three lectures, “The United States a Christian nation,” shows that our Republic should be so called because it has been so declared by the Supreme court of the United States, by many of the highest state courts, by colonial charters, by nearly all of the state constitutions, by state legislatures, and by popular sentiment and practice: the second, “Our duty as citizens,” discusses the compatibility between Christianity and patriotism, and the reasons why Christianity is entitled to the tribute of respect: the third, “The promise and the possibilities of the future,” is an eloquent appeal to young men to temper their devotion to country with fidelity to the teachings of the Gospel. “We do not think, however, that these addresses represent the eminent jurist at his best.” + — =Arena.= 34: 557. N. ‘05. 280w. “The three chapters of this volume are three lectures delivered at Haverford college. We are glad that they now command a wider audience.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 530. O. 28, ‘05. 140w. =Brewster, H. Pomeroy.= Saints and festivals of the Christian church. **$2. Stokes. “This single volume of hagiology is conveniently arranged in calendar form, giving for each day in the year some details of the life and legends of the saints whose festivals are celebrated according to the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches. A great deal of curious information, difficult to find elsewhere, is here given on sacred art and the symbols, ceremonies, superstitions, stones and colors associated with saints and their days.”—Ind. “Mr. Brewster is not a Catholic, but he endeavors to tell the story of the saints in a devout spirit, and he succeeds.” + + =Cath. World.= 81: 256. My. ‘05. 130w. “Is an unusually terse and at the same time comprehensive church year-book. The greatest merits of the work are its entire freedom from denominational bias, and the wide knowledge which it shows of profane and ecclesiastical history and canon law.” + + =Dial.= 38: 203. Mr. 16, ‘05. 170w. =Ind.= 58: 673. Mr. 23, ‘05. 70w. =Brewster, William Tenney,= ed. See =Representative= essays on the theory of style. =Briggs, Le Baron Russell.= Routine and ideals. **$1. Houghton. Perhaps no man in America is better fitted to write authoritatively on the subject of college routine than Dean Briggs of Harvard and Radcliffe. There are included in the volume with the title essay, A school and college address, Harvard and the individual, Address to the school children of Concord, Commencement address at Wellesley college, Discipline in school and college, The mistakes of college life, and Mater fortissima. “Admiration of the author’s style should not blind the reader to his essentially one-sided presentation of an intricate subject.” Henry D. Sheldon. + + — =Dial.= 38: 271. Ap. 16, ‘05. 210w. “The essays and addresses that compose his little volume are therefore more than they seem: they state his creed; they are the guiding laws of one of the most powerful influences brought to bear, within our generation, on college students in the United States.” G. R. Carpenter. + + + =Educ.= R. 29: 422. Ap. ‘05. 640w. + + =Ind.= 59: 95. Jl. 13, ‘05. 830w. “One that all who have to do in any way with college or school administration may profitably read.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 128. Ja. ‘05. 190w. =Bright, James Wilson,= ed. Gospel of St. John in West-Saxon. 60c. Heath. A volume in the Belles-lettres series. The text of the gospel of St. John, based upon the original manuscripts, also an exhaustive introduction, full notes, and a glossary. =Nation.= 80: 436. Je. 1. ‘05. 70w. =Bright, James Wilson,= ed. Gospel of St. Matthew in West-Saxon. 60c. Heath. This little volume belongs to section I, English literature from its beginning to 1100, of the Belles-letters series. It contains the text of the gospel of St. Matthew in West-Saxon, as found in the copy of the version preserved in Ms. CXL of the library of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge; the rubrics have been carried into the text from Ms. A. The variant readings of all other surviving copies of the version are subjoined to the text. =Ath.= 1905, 1: 529. Ap. 29. 150w. =Nation.= 80: 436. Je. 1, ‘05. 70w. =Bromley, George Tisdale.= Long ago and later on; or, Recollections of eighty years. *$1.50. Robertson. The autobiography of a happy-go-lucky soul, who began work at the age of ten in his father’s ropewalk. His callings were many and varied, he worked on whalers, steam boats, and railroads, dabbled in politics and ran a hotel. Born in Connecticut, he made his home on the Pacific coast, and spent two years in China as consul to Tien-Tsin. The story of his long and eventful career is full of interesting detail and anecdote. + + =Nation.= 80: 296. Ap. 13, ‘05. 650w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 141. Mr. 4, ‘05. 1030w. (Abstract of book). =Bronson, Walter Cochrane=, ed. See =English= essays. =Brontë, Charlotte.= Jane Eyre. $1.25. Crowell. “Jane Eyre” proves a better companion than ever in the handy form of the “Thin paper classics” series. * =Brooke, Stopford Augustus.= On ten plays of Shakespeare. *$2.25. Holt. A delightful discussion of ten plays of Shakespeare in which is reflected a wealth of suggestion from extended research and sound judgment. The author’s side light revelations of Shakespeare himself are suggestively framed in the following: “Deeply as Shakespeare felt the woe, wickedness and weakness of humanity, he was still their master.... This power to stand outside as well as inside of human sorrow belonged to Shakespeare, because at the deepest root of him, was, I repeat, delight of life; even rapture—the word is not too strong—with the playfulness of its spring and the fulness of its summer.” * “Will be sure of a welcome when he comes forward with these acute, thoughtful, sympathetic studies in the plays of Shakespeare.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 406. N. 24, ‘05. 970w. * =Brookfield, Charles, and Brookfield, Frances.= Mrs. Brookfield and her circle. 2v. **$7. Scribner. Mrs. Brookfield, the charming, witty and beautiful niece of Hallam, the historian, and her well known husband, William Henry Brookfield, fashionable preacher and ready writer, were the center of an exclusive intellectual circle and numbered among their friends Thackeray, Carlyle, FitzGerald, Tennyson, Mrs. Proctor, Lady Ashburton and many other interesting people. In this account of them which has been prepared by their son Charles and his wife, extracts from letters and diaries aid in furnishing much chatty information and many anecdotes concerning the social and literary London of their time. * “This is one of the most delightful books of memoirs which we have seen for many years.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 1143. N. 4, ‘05. 1740w. * “As illustrative of a great and vigorous age which has passed away, these letters possess no inconsiderable value.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 678. N. 18. 1030w. * “We close the volumes, feeling that it is well to have been admitted, even for a few hours, to the bright and joyous company of a merry-hearted husband and wife and their brilliant circle of high-souled friends.” Percy F. Bicknell. + + =Dial.= 39: 370. D. 1, ‘05. 2070w. * “The letters and anecdotes which Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brookfield have here collected are so rich and abundant that the most copious extracts must give an inadequate idea of what they contain.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 382. N. 10, ‘05. 1760w. * “Whether it be grave or gay, the book is always interesting, and we are peculiarly grateful to it, for it has added to our literary acquaintance one of the best men who ever published a book, and a lady whose charm of manner and quick sensibility are evident in every letter she wrote, in every line of her diary.” + + =Spec.= 95: 929. D. 2, ‘05. 370w. =Brooks, Elisabeth Willard.= As the world goes by. †$1.50. Little. Bohemia with much of its usual abandon is pictured here, but there is reared in its surroundings a clever, philosophical girl who after eighteen years of loyal devotion to her worldly actress mother none the less finds it natural to fit into the cultured corner of her father’s world. Her romance forms the undercurrent of the story—a romance of the intense subjective order which thru its misunderstandings tries and purifies. “It’s rather a dim, inconclusive sort of story, the heroine being particularly dim.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 404. Je. 17, ‘05. 360w. “The author ... keeps a quiet control over her material, and produces a decidedly interesting and valuable study of character development.” + =Outlook.= 80: 190. My. 20, ‘05. 180w. “The lack of a villain, the complex psychology and rarefied philosophy carry no great appeal to the multitude, but the reflections will attract the thoughtful, and the musical interpretations charm the initiated.” + =Reader.= 6: 359. Ag. ‘05. 210w. =Brooks, Geraldine.= Dames and daughters of the French court. **$1.50. Crowell. These women, who for brilliancy, courage, charm, and occasionally intrigue, cannot be surpassed have been much written about as salonists, and literary successes, but the personal side of their lives has been omitted. These sketches aim to supply the inner view, and trace the motives and formative influences from their source. In the group are Madame de Sevigné, Mademoiselle de Lespinasse, Madame Roland, Madame de Staël, Madame de Rémussat, Madame Le Brun, Madame de Lafayette, Madame Geoffrin, Madame Recamier, and Madame Valmore. “About these women ... much has already been written, and better written than in the present volume.” — =Critic.= 46: 187. F. ‘05. 70w. “Readable sketches of Mesdames de Staël, de Lafayette, Récamier, Le Brun, and other notable French women. Charmingly written.” + =R. of Rs.= 30: 755. D. ‘04. 70w. “Interesting and instructive volume.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 249. F. ‘05. 140w. =Brooks, Rt. Rev. Phillips.= Christ the life and light. **$1. Dutton. “A group of selections from the writings of Phillips Brooks, chosen and arranged with reference to their use for Lenten readings, the whole collection having as its keynote Christ as the life and light of the world.”—Outlook. =Outlook.= 79: 855. Ap. 1, ‘05. 60w. =Spec.= 94: 750. My. 20, ‘05. 320w. =Brooks, Sarah Warner.= Garden with house attached. $1.50. Badger, R. G. It is of a Cambridge garden that the author writes which “for twenty years was the property of one who had in the Harvard botanical garden ‘a friend at court,’ and was able thus to obtain choice shrubs and herbaceous plants. The author describes the rose, foxglove, iris, Canterbury bells, violets, hollyhock, and other plants in this garden.” (N. Y. Times). “The general theme is plant and plant-life. It contains good suggestions in regard to the cultivation of flowers.” (Bookm.) “The style is somewhat diffuse and parenthetical, except where direct advice is given, in which case it is clear enough.” Edith Granger. + =Dial.= 38: 382. Je. 1, ‘05. 330w. “Writes in a semi-practical, semi-meditative manner in regard to the comforts and enjoyments of a small country home.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 6. Ja. 7, ‘05. 300w. “Instructive and entertaining. The healthy love of nature which outdoor life awakens in most of us has pervaded it and has transferred itself to the reader.” + =South Atlantic Quarterly.= 4: 95. Ja. ‘05. 180w. * =Brooks, William Keith.= Oyster, The; a popular summary of a scientific study. *$1. Hopkins. “Fourteen years ago Prof. Brooks made a rational appeal to Marylanders on the subject of oyster culture, in the hope of reviving a decaying and contentious industry. His tract ... failed, as he sorrowfully admits in his preface to a second and revised edition, to penetrate the ignorant conservatism of a State ruled hitherto by Gorman. However, in returning to the fray, he adds a chapter on the peril of the oyster as a vehicle of collection for cholera and typhoid germs, and perhaps this aspect will do something to help the economic reform.”—Nation. * =Dial.= 39: 449. D. 16, ‘05. 50w. * =Nation.= 81: 463. D. 7, ‘05. 100w. * “It is written in an interesting manner. An index would increase the value of the book many times; it deserves to have one.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 871. D. 9, ‘05. 940w. =Broughton, Rev. Leonard Gaston.= Soul-winning church. **50c. Revell. Some of the most effective addresses of the well-known revivalist are found in this volume. They have been delivered here and in England, and concern the work and workers of the church to-day, its doctrine and its hope. “They are plain, pungent, and spiritually quickening, though blended with archaic matter that is intellectually offensive to the educated.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 1016. Ap. 22, ‘05. 50w. * =Broughton, Rhoda.= Waif’s progress. $1.50. Macmillan. The waif is a young minx of eighteen who, learned in the ways of the French demi-monde, is brought to England on her mother’s death and saddled upon the relatives of her father, a lax lord. She creates havoc in the straight-laced families which shelter her, but the end of all her schemes being to win a permanent home or to make a creditable match, she finally marries a peer, the widower of her first hostess. * “Her new novel shows the old daring and spirit in the dialogue, though not quite the old raciness and spontaneity that kept everything and everybody alive.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 503. O. 14. 400w. * “Miss Broughton herself is more puzzled to know what to make of her and what to do with her than all the people in the book put together.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 383. N. 10, ‘05. 360w. * “While not up to her best work, it is still Rhoda Broughton—and that is a guarantee of interest and of quality unusual and piquant.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 759. N. 11, ‘05. 370w. * “A good many of the details introduced to complete the picture are frankly repellant. It is rather melancholy to see Miss Broughton’s fine talent wasted on the conscientious delineation of ineffectual or uncomely types of goodness and decadence.” + — =Spec.= 95: 531. O. 7, ‘05. 1000w. =Brouner, Walter Brooks, and Fung Yuet Mow.= Chinese made easy; with an introd. by Herbert A. Giles. *$6. Macmillan. “This is a handsomely got-up book, with a red cloth cover and a gilt dragon impressed on it. The title-page is on the right hand and the pages of the book follow from right to left as in a Chinese book.... What ‘Chinese made easy’ teaches is one of the dialects spoken in the Canton province.... To be pronounced useful the book should have for title ‘Cantonese made easy,’ and the spelling should be made to correspond with that adopted in all other works on the subject, local deviations and solecisms being changed into their proper equivalents in standard Cantonese.”—Nation. “Only those who are to work among the Cantonese natives, including many of the Chinese residents in the United States, may find it of some use.” F. Hirth. + — =Bookm.= 20: 457. Ja. ‘05. 1160w. + — =Nation.= 80: 179. Mr. 2, ‘05. 510w. * =Brown, Abbie Farwell.= Star jewels, and other wonders. †$1. Houghton. “A collection of original, modern fairy stories, with the starfish as the theme—five stories, five little poems, and five pictures, like the points of the starfish.”—Critic. * “Will be liked by children.” + =Critic.= 47: 576. D. ‘05. 30w. * “A collection of wonder stories told in a simple and familiar way, but with a touch of poetry, a little play of imagination, and a refinement of feeling which separate them from most works of the same kind.” + =Outlook.= 81: 631. N. 11, ‘05. 40w. * =Brown, Alice.= Paradise. †$1.50. Houghton. “Here, in a little story of country life and country character, we have at least five personalities clearly and entertainingly sketched, with a story of love, disappointment, and sacrifice, at times poignant in its depth of feeling, but nevertheless always treated with an underlying sense of humor.... Almost all of the characters are quaint and in a gentle way queer.” (Outlook.) The heroine is an orphan, who, after a varied experience is trying to train herself as a nurse. * “The end rallies to a justification of the beginning, and stamps the whole as a little human document of fine quality.” + =Nation.= 81: 488. D. 14, ‘05. 280w. * “The present story is not quite as ambitious to fill the place of a fully rounded-out novel as some of its predecessors, but it is perhaps none the less acceptable for that reason.” + =Outlook.= 81: 578. N. 4, ‘05. 140w. =Brown, Anna Robeson (Mrs. C. H. Burr, jr.).= Wine-press. †$1.50. Appleton. The daughter of a New England mother and an Italian poet who deserted his wife for an actress who could interpret his dramas, meets her irresponsible half sister, the child of her father and this actress, at a woman’s college, and after graduation takes charge of her and witnesses her tragic end. Disillusioned, disgusted with both men and women, she is brought back to a normal attitude thru the influence of a nice young doctor. “It is a study in feminine psychology carried out with uncommon insight, and deserves to be read with attentive interest.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + + =Bookm.= 22: 38. S. ‘05. 230w. “The book is unconventional in its interest, and above the average of contemporary fiction.” + =Dial.= 38: 392. Je. 1, ‘05. 190w. =Ind.= 59: 208. Jl. 27, ‘05. 200w. “It is due to Miss Brown to say that she has been most conspicuously successful where her task has been hardest; namely, where the homely and the tragic confront one another. Where weakness chiefly lies is in the limp into commonplace situation which all her ability has not averted.” + — =Nation.= 81: 123. Ag. 10, ‘05. 750w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 362. Je. 3, ‘05. 440w. “The author has developed an idea, not novel in itself, in a striking and unusual way.” + =Outlook.= 80: 346. Je. 3. ‘05. 100w. =Brown, Arthur Judson.= New forces in old China: an unwelcome but inevitable awakening. **$1.50. Revell. A study of the new forces now developing in China. The work “has for its object the description of those features which he thinks are to effect changes in China, and this will be due to Western trade, Western politics, and Western religion. D. C. Boulger’s words are: ‘the grip of the outer world has tightened around China. It will either strangle her or galvanize her into fresh life.’” (N. Y. Times). “Dr. Brown deals with many timely points in this book. Among them are the stupendous proportions of the economic revolution in China; the growth of the newspaper, of which there were none a decade ago and nearly a hundred to-day; Japan’s plan to arouse, organize and lead China; a question as to the responsibility of the missionaries for the trouble in China; the rapid development of American trade with China; an up-to-date statement of the Chinese railway system, and many other salient points.” (Bookm.) “In rapid and highly interesting style, and in compact form, he arrays the evidences that make for the preservation, on a nobler plane, of the best ideas and the nobler outlook of the oldest of empires.” + + =Critic.= 47: 91. Jl. ‘05. 130w. “Mr. Brown’s volume deserves general reading.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 3. Ja. 7, ‘05. 1280w. (Summary of ideas of book.) “This is a volume which will well repay careful study.” + + =Spec.= 94:23. Ja. 7. ‘05. 550w. =Brown, E. Burton-.= Roman Forum, *$1. Scribner. “A popular account of the excavations in the Roman Forum from 1898 to 1904 in handy form.... The book is intended not only to present information concerning the excavations, but also an account of the light they have thrown upon the religion and history of the Romans and through these upon the character of the people.... Well-known facts contained in the many previous publications about the Forum have been omitted; but the monuments that were not recently excavated have been noticed in their place, in order to make the little volume a complete handbook.”—N. Y. Times. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 182. Mr. 25, ‘05. 350w. “Summarises in a clear, methodical and scholarly way all the latest discoveries.” + =Sat. R.= 99: 602. My. 6, ‘05. 90w. =Brown, G. Baldwin.= William Hogarth. *$1.25. Scribner. “A fresh and independent treatment of Hogarth’s life and art.” As his life was spent at his work save for his runaway marriage, his French visit and arrest at Calais, and some sharp political controversy, the book deals chiefly with his paintings, their value, influence and humor. There are many illustrations. “Mr. Brown gives a fairly satisfactory and correct summary of the leading incidents in the painter’s life but he has little that is original or enlightening to say concerning his art.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 839. Ag. 12, ‘05. 220w. “Concise, yet, within its necessary limits, really admirable monograph.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 248. Ag. 19. 1780w. + + =Critic.= 47: 474. N. ‘05. 70w. * + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 31. D. ‘05. 150w. “Professor Baldwin Brown has written a very good book on Hogarth, and one which, in spite of its moderate size and price, will give the general reader a juster understanding of the true nature of Hogarth’s art than he is likely to get elsewhere.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 249. Ag. 4, ‘05. 1760w. “The volume is much better than the average of the series to which it belongs.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 187. Ag. 31, ‘05. 1860w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 861. D. 2, ‘05. 600w. =Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes.= In and around Venice. *$1.50. Scribner. Mr. Brown’s new volume has characteristics in common with his “Life on the lagoons,” viz., full sympathy with the people, love for their customs, their legends and their life. “The short papers vary as widely in subject as in treatment. Here one finds a careful account of the Campanile of San Marco and the loggetta of Sansovino, followed by a diagrammed description of the columns of the Piazzetta, which an architect might prize.... His trips to the mainland, including a voyage to Istria, furnish several papers on out-of-the-way places, which one is glad to see through his eyes.” (Nation.) * “His book is compact enough to be taken abroad as a companion to the ordinary guidebooks, and may be heartily commended to the tourist as well as the general reader.” + + =Critic.= 47: 579. D. ‘05. 70w. “Has made a charming book out of a number of facts about Venice, soberly told.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 339. O. 13, ‘05. 350w. “Some of his papers are slight, and in others there are repetitions; but, taken as a whole, this volume is a worthy successor to ‘Life on the lagoons.’” + + =Nation.= 81: 189. Ag. 31, ‘05. 490w. “If the publishers had provided an index, or even a table of contents, its value, already considerable, would have been enhanced greatly.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 675. O. 14, ‘05. 630w. + + — =Outlook.= 81: 576. N. 4, ‘05. 160w. + + =Spec.= 95: 432. S. 23, ‘05. 1470w. =Brown, John.= See =MacBean, L.=, jt. auth. Marjorie Fleming. =Brown, Katharine Holland.= Diane. †$1.50. Doubleday. “‘A romance of the Icarian settlement on the Mississippi river’: a small body of French colonists with communistic views who had been brought to America by Pére Cabet; the story opens in 1856, when most of them were thoroughly tired of him.... But the schisms of the commune pale in interest beside the affairs of the American abolitionists who come into the story.... In one chapter Robert Channing is carrying runaway slaves to safety; in the next Pére Cabet is preaching his flock into rebellion. The petty affairs of the Icarians and the quarrel that shall shake the states run side by side. Their separate currents meet in the loves of Robert and Diane.”—Acad. “The value of the story depends on its description of the commune, and to English readers on its sympathy with the intimate, tremendous issues forced on American men and women by the abolition of slavery. The novel is worth reading for the sake of its pictures of people so near us in point of time, so immeasurably removed from us in sentiment and surroundings. They have charm.” + =Acad.= 68: 128. F. 11, ‘05. 240w. “But the tale, though full of faults, is a creation, and not a mere echo.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 237. F. 25. 330w. “Diane is thoroughly lovable; other characters are vividly drawn and full of genuine pathos. The book is well written.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 117. Ja. ‘05. 50w. “There is, altogether, a great deal to read in ‘Diane,’ and although it suffers a little from faults of construction, it is on the whole a very good story.” + — =Spec.= 94: 519. Ap. 8, ‘05. 150w. =Browne, George Waldo.= St. Lawrence river: historical, legendary, picturesque. **$3.50. Putnam. The great river is described from the ocean to the lake, and the men who were connected with it are brought in in chronological order, Cartier, Champlain, Frontenac, LaSalle, Wolfe, Montcalm, and the early voyageurs. There is an account of Indian wars, and a fine blending of past scenes and present scenery. There are one-hundred full page illustrations. “The text appears not to be inadequate, ... but no one can think the style good or graceful.” + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 949. Jl. ‘05. 110w. + + =Critic.= 47: 286. S. ‘05. 70w. “Within its limits the book is satisfactory, and a good map adds to its value.” + =Dial.= 39: 210. O. 1, ‘05. 420w. “The author of the book before us has told the story of the St. Lawrence and of early Canada in a most interesting manner.” + =Engin. N.= 53: 642. Je. 15, ‘05. 460w. “Mr. Browne manifests no great originality or literary power, but he weaves together history and geography, legend and description with sufficient skill to make it all readable to one who has any interest in the subject.” + =Ind.= 58: 1256. Je. 1, ‘05. 180w. “It is a choice company of readers who will hail its appearance with cordial greetings.” + =Lit. D.= 31: 497. O. 7, ‘05. 800w. “Of course in a book of 365 pages there are some good things; the index, for example, so far as it goes, is one of them.” — + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 375. Ja. 10, ‘05. 620w. + =Outlook.= 80: 394. Je. 10, ‘05. 80w. + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 60. Jl. 8, ‘05. 190w. =Browne, Henry.= Handbook of Homeric study. *$2. Longmans. Opening with a discussion of the Homeric poems this volume contains commentaries on the Homeric bards; historical outlines of the Homeric controversy, chapters on Homeric life, the Homeric people, and “The epic art of Homer.” There are twenty-two illustrations in half-tone, an “approximate” chronology, and an index. “It is an honest, candid, careful, and within its limits, it is a lucidly arranged book.” Andrew Lang. + + =Acad.= 68: 487. My. 6, ‘05. 1540w. “The book would have gained greatly had the author waited a few years to digest his material. We also complain that there is no bibliography.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 39. Jl. 8, 840w. “Deserves the highest commendation.” + + + =Cath. World.= 81: 842. S. ‘05. 350w. “An eminently modern, although probably not final, word on the study of Homer.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 573. S. 2, ‘05. 410w. “Treated with conspicuous judgment and moderation the complex topic of the Homeric literature.” + + =Sat. R.= 99: 814. Je. 17, ‘05. 300w. =Browne, John Hutton Balfour.= South Africa: a glance at current conditions and politics. $2.50. Longmans. A description of a voyage from England to Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Pretoria with a rather superficial treatment of present social and political questions. “A two-hundred-page volume of impressions, views, opinions, deductions, and half-baked facts which can only be characterized as superficial and misleading when they are not absolutely inaccurate. Has committed to paper a vast amount of untrustworthy information.” — — — =Acad.= 68: 242. Mr. 11, ‘05. 270w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 210. Ap. 8, ‘05. 220w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 459. Jl. 8, ‘05. 670w. “His book is very loosely put together. Mr. Balfour-Browne often fails either in observation or in accurate description.” — — + =Sat. R.= 99: 743. Je. 3, ‘05. 1060w. * “Whatever he says is forcible and lucid.” + + =Spec.= 95: 503. O. 7, ‘05. 560w. =Browne, Mary.= Diary of a girl in France in 1821; with introd. by Euphemia Stewart Browne. *$2.50. Dutton. The self-illustrated diary of a little fourteen year old English girl, who spent the summer of 1821 in France. She regards her fine scorn for all things French as loyalty to everything that is English. At times her comments run close to humor though no one tells her that they do, and she could not discover the fact herself. “This is a perfectly irresistible book, a pure delight to all lovers of children and quaintness.” + + =Acad.= 68: 708. Jl. 8, ‘05. 740w. =Ath.= 1905, 2: 175. Ag. 5. 510w. * “Incidentally the book is an interesting picture of French life almost a century ago as seen through juvenile British eyes.” + =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 90w. “Since Marjorie Fleming wrote the ill-spelled pages of her delightful journal, no child’s diary has been published more fascinating, because none have been more unconscious or sincere, than ‘The diary of a girl in France in 1821.’” + + =Dial.= 39: 244. O. 16, ‘05. 300w. “Little Mary is an accomplished grumbler.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 211. Je. 30, ‘05. 570w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 609. S. 16, ‘05. 160w. + =Outlook.= 81: 278. S. 30, ‘05. 120w. =Brownell, Leverett White.= Photography for the sportsman naturalist. **$2. Macmillan. A book describing hunting with a camera in all its details, and illustrated with pictures made from life. There is much practical information concerning camera plates, the best methods to use in taking pictures, and the best processes to employ after they are taken. “In the present work Mr. Brownell has gone into the subject thoroughly. The book may be called a first-rate guide to hunting with the camera.” + + =Baltimore Sun.= : 8. Mr. 8. ‘05. 440w. “This book is packed full of practical directions.” + + =Country Calendar.= 1: 221. Jl. ‘05. 70w. + + =Ind.= 58: 900. Ap. 20, ‘05. 270w. “It is essentially a book for the novice.” + =Nation.= 81: 263. S. 28, ‘05. 490w. “The book is by no means dry reading, the technical details being enlivened with numerous and appropriate anecdotes. Mr. Brownell has, in fact, succeeded in producing a treatise on practical field photography which it will be very hard to beat.” R. L. + + =Nature.= 71: 483. Mr. 23, ‘05. 600w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 255. F. ‘05. 30w. =Brownell, William Crary.= French art; classic and contemporary painting and sculpture. $1.50. Scribner. This new and enlarged edition contains a chapter on “Rodin and the institute” and the identical text of the illustrated edition of 1901. =Dial.= 38: 396. Je. 1, ‘05. 50w. + — =Nation.= 80: 440. Je. 1, ‘05. 230w. =Browning, Elizabeth Barrett.= Sonnets from the Portuguese. $1. Century. These sonnets which have had so large a share in immortalizing one of the “most exquisite love-histories of which the world has knowledge,” once more make their appearance with a few of the love poems of Robert Browning, and this time in the dainty workmanship of the “Thumb nail series.” A frontispiece of Mrs. Browning, and an introduction by Richard Watson Gilder add to the value of the volume. * + + =Critic.= 47: 582. D. ‘05. 30w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 682. O. 14, ‘05. 80w. =Browning, Oscar.= Napoleon: the first phase: some chapters on the boyhood and the youth of Bonaparte, 1769-1793. *$3.50. Lane. Napoleon’s boyhood in Corsica, his education at Brienne and Paris, his relations with Paoli, and his career down to Toulon are given in detail. Appendices contain three selections from Napoleon’s writings and some original documents from the British museum concerning the siege of Toulon. The illustrations are largely taken from old paintings and drawings. “Comparison is inevitable, and recent Napoleonic literature has established so high a standard in this branch of history that Mr. Oscar Browning suffers by being inopportune.” + — =Acad.= 68: 694. Jl. 1, ‘05. 360w. “In regard to historical accuracy as distinct from literary presentment, the volume is, on the whole meritorious.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 774. Je. 24. 1140w. “Altogether this is an important contribution to the study of Napoleon’s early career, clearing away the accretions of legend and presenting the known facts with satisfactory fulness.” Henry B. Bourne. + + =Dial.= 39: 241. O. 16, ‘05. 920w. “The author tells his story in a business like way, with no superfluous adornments save in the matter of panegyric, and that he leaves on the reader’s mind a distinct impression of the young Bonaparte as a brave, eager, lovable, and virtuous youth. Whether the picture is altogether true to life will perhaps be doubted by those who weigh carefully the evidence, even as here presented in the narrative and in Appendix I.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 226. Jl. 14, ‘05. 930w. “Carelessness, to use no more unpleasant word, is the predominant note of the book.” — + =Nation.= 81: 151. Ag. 17, ‘05. 730w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 399. Je. 17, ‘05. 330w. “There is in it practically nothing new, nothing that has not been told earlier and told better.” — — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 571. S. 2, ‘05. 450w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 509. O. ‘05. 50w. “If Mr. Browning had refrained from pushing his hero-worship to such extravagant lengths, he might have written a book of greater weight, but in spite of these slips he has given us a treatise of deep interest which will not detract from the reputation he has already attained in this field of historical inquiry.” + — =Sat. R.= 99: 811. Je. 17. ‘05. 1610w. “Presenting his results in a readable and lively style which marked his ‘Age of the Condottieri’ and his notable little biography of ‘Swedish Charles.’” + + =Spec.= 95: 495. O. 7, ‘05. 2780w. =Browning, Robert.= Select poems; ed. with introd. and notes, biographical and critical, by Andrew Jackson George. $1.50. Little. The poems selected here range from “Pauline” to “Asolando”, and are so chosen as to reveal the principles which formed the mind and fashioned the art of Browning. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 892. D. 16, ‘05. 200w. * “Browning has everything to gain and nothing to lose from such intelligent editorship as that shown in this volume.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 837. D. 2, ‘05. 230w. =Browning, Robert.= Blot in the ‘scutcheon, Colombe’s birthday, A soul’s tragedy, and In a balcony. 60c. Heath. This is a volume in section 3, “the English drama from its beginning to the present day,” in the Belles-lettres series. The texts are those of the latest editions, and there is a scholarly introduction and brief biography, bibliography, and glossary. “If Browning is to be considered as a dramatist, and by an editor who is willing to accept him as a dramatist, perhaps the present edition is all that we have the right to expect.” Brander Matthews. + — =Educ. R.= 29: 198. F. ‘05. 340w. =Browning, Robert.= Pied piper of Hamelin. $1.25. Wessels. Browning’s poem made attractive for children by numerous ingenious colored illustrations, the work of Van Dyck. * + =Critic.= 47: 576. D. ‘05. 30w. =Brudno, Ezra Selig.= Little conscript. †$1.50. Doubleday. The little conscript is a Jew pledged to the synagogue whose life is devoted against his will to the service of the czar. A truthful picture of Russia of to-day is presented, including military and peasant life. There is sidelight information on the methods of force and fraud employed in organizing and maintaining the army. “Throughout his book, Mr. Brudno’s style is deliberately simple at times to the verge of crudeness. It would have been improved by a certain amount of relentless pruning.” + — =Bookm.= 22: 37. S. ‘05. 280w. =Ind.= 59: 581. S. 7, ‘05. 90w. “He is a Russian who has much English yet to learn. Is not a novel, though it may contain some ugly chapters of Russian history.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 444. Jl. 1, ‘05. 660w. “The end is black and depressing but the value of the book as a great human document and as a strong indictment of the political and military methods of a great nation remains with the reader.” + + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 60. Jl. 8, ‘05. 190w. “Is a much more appealing piece of literature than ‘The white terror and the red,’ but not, we suspect, so trustworthy an account of actual conditions.” + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 763. Je. ‘05. 140w. =Brumbaugh, Martin Grove.= Making of a teacher. $1. S. S. times co. “This book is on ‘How to teach.’ Its emphasis all through is where the emphasis needs to be laid, upon the trained teacher. The first part of the book is a simple, clear series of lessons on pedagogy; then follow chapters on the Teacher, the Courses of study, the Educational principles of Jesus; and finally several wise chapters on the scope of religious education. The illustrative materials, the captions, and the arrangement are excellent, and the book is made admirable as a text-book for normal classes by suggestive questions at the close of each chapter.”—Bib. World. “It is no exaggeration to say that the book by Dr. Brumbaugh is just now the one most needed in the Sunday-school world.” Wm. Byron Forbush. + + + =Bib. World.= 26: 395. N. ‘05. 170w. “He has done his work well.” + + + =Ind. 59=: 811. O. 5, ‘05. 140w. =Bryan, Michael.= Dictionary of painters and engravers. 5v. subs. *$30; hf. mor. *$50. Macmillan. The present volume (S-Z) is the fifth and last of the 1904-5 edition of this valuable reference work, and contains over a hundred full-page illustrations. This is the fourth edition of the work which has appeared since 1816 when it was first published, and it includes 1200 new biographies. “The revision has been very thorough throughout the volume.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 368. Ap. 1, ‘05. 210w. “The dictionary is now as complete as it can be made, and the work has been done with the greatest care.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 379. Ap. ‘05. 140w. “A work which should be absolutely indispensable to every one interested in art or artists.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1480. Je. 29, ‘05. 300w. * “Another great and invaluable work of historical narrative and critical comment, ranking in its field with Grove in the field of music.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 1161. N. 16, ‘05. 40w. (Review of v. 5.) + + + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 87. Je. ‘05. 340w. “Thoroughness of research and fulness of detail are the most salient characteristics of the text of a work that will be an inexhaustible mine of wealth to all future students of art history.” + + + =Int. Studio.= 27: 88. N. ‘05. 210w. (Review of v. 4 and 5.) “The conclusion must be that the great new ‘Dictionary’ is not well and strongly edited; that no proportionate scale has been maintained. In spite of all that, it is still the most useful dictionary of painters we have, and also a relatively good dictionary of engravers.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 488. Je. 15, ‘05. 1200w. (Review of v. 5.) “We may be pardoned, therefore, in the face of the fulsome praise already uttered, if we make two items of adverse criticism—one is in regard to judgment and the other concerns facts. The biographical sketches attached to the names actually included in the volumes are meagre, careless, and inaccurate.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 401. Je. 17, ‘05. 340w. “The fifth volume has the merits and defects of the rest.” + + — =Sat. R.= 100: 187. Ag. 5, ‘05. 140w. =Bryce, James.= Constitutions. *$1.25. Oxford. This volume includes six of the sixteen essays by Mr. Bryce, published in 1901 under the title, “Studies in history and jurisprudence.” The essays are as follows: Flexible and rigid constitutions: The action of centripetal and centrifugal forces on political constitutions; Primitive Iceland; The constitution of the United States as seen in the past; Two South African constitutions; The constitution of the commonwealth of Australia. =Nation.= 81: 75. Jl. 27, ‘05. 190w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 613. S. 16, ‘05. 560w. =Bryce, James.= Holy Roman empire. *$1.50. Macmillan. “Not only has Mr. Bryce rewritten the work with a view to a clearer presentation of the theories it elaborates, but he has met and admirably overcome the criticisms to which it was formerly exposed—the seeming neglect of certain striking personalities and events, the inadequate treatment of the Byzantine empire, and the expression of views rendered untenable by the political developments of the past quarter of a century.... The more important changes ... of his work may be briefly summarized. In chapter V. Mr. Bryce, discussing the reluctance of Charles the Great to assume the imperial title, incorporates the theories of Dahn and Hodgkin; in chapter VII, he enters into a broader explanation of the theories that went to sustain the empire through the middle ages; chapter XIII., on ‘The fall of the Hohenstaufen,’ he considerably enlarges by the inclusion of a fuller account of the momentous struggle between Louis IV. and Pope John XXII.; in chapter XIV. he develops the early electoral system under the Germanic constitution; in chapter XV. the theories regarding the source of civil authority, a vexed question subsequent to the struggle of the investitures, are discussed more largely; chapter XVI., ‘The city of Rome in the middle ages,’ contains new studies of Arnold of Brescia and Cola di Rienzo. Chapter XVII. is entirely new, embodying an account of the Eastern empire and affording a comprehensive idea of the impress made on history by the people and rulers of New Rome; finally, in Chapter XVIII., the attempts to reform the Germanic constitution are disclosed in greater detail. To this it should be added that the text is more fully annotated, that greatly needed maps are supplied, and that, in addition to the chronological list of popes and emperors found in previous editions, there is a compact and helpful table of salient events connected with the empire.”—Outlook. + + + =Critic.= 47: 94. Jl. ‘05. 50w. “The two new chapters exhibit Mr. Bryce’s capacity for brilliant historical generalisation at its best.” H. A. L. F. + + + =Eng. Hist.= R. 20: 605. Jl. ‘05. 320w. “The identity of the book is by no means lost in the revision, for the changes have not been such as to alter the general mode of treatment, nor to increase the size of the work beyond the limits of a single volume.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 234. Mr. 23, ‘05. 560w. “But not since the edition of 1873 has it shown such changes as are now apparent—changes which, while not materially affecting the main argument, are nevertheless of a character and extent that make the present edition completely supersede its predecessors. He has met and has admirably overcome the criticisms to which it was formerly exposed. The revision he has found it necessary to make in his exposition of the rise, decline, and fall of the ancient empire is of an elucidatory rather than a corrective nature.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 443. F. 18, ‘05. 2010w. “Now more than ever before deserves high rank as a text-book. It is still centered upon a single idea and institution, empire and popedom in the middle ages. On this subject it is the standard English authority.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 26. Ja. 5, ‘05. 250w. “This latest edition has taken into account fully the results of modern historical research. A concluding chapter, sketching the constitution of the new German empire and the forces which have given it strength and cohesion, has been appended. A chronological table and three maps have also been added, and the book has been revised throughout. Typographically it is very satisfactory.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 247. F. ‘05. 100w. + + + =Spec.= 94: 408. Mr. 18. ‘05. 2120w. =Buchanan, Thompson.= Judith triumphant. †$1.50. Harper. The siege of the Assyrians under Holofernes against the Jews of Bethulia is the field of this romance. Judith, its heroine, goes forth into the camp of the enemy at the risk of her life and honor, in the hope of saving her people. The dangers she encountered, the brutality of Holofernes, the intrigues of Nin-Gul, the dancing girl, whom she has supplanted in the affections of Holofernes and her love for the Ammonite captain, who devotes himself to her interests, form the theme of the story. “Appears to possess no unusual or particular qualities to distinguish it from the vast number of other equally interesting and entertaining narratives of the same period. For quick and easy reading, however, with plenty of spirit and no little action it can be highly commended.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 279. Ap. 29, ‘05. 190w. “Told with some skill and much vigor.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1059. Ap. 29, ‘05. 60w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 27. Jl. 1. ‘05. 120w. =Buckham, James.= Wayside altar. *$1. Meth. bk. A collection of poems which contain a mellow philosophy and treat of the hereafter, and the deep contentment attending true Christian living. =Buckmaster, Martin A.= Descriptive handbook of architecture. *$1.25. Dutton. There is a strong plea in Mr. Buckmaster’s preface for the study of historical architecture in our elementary schools. “Though this historian of architecture does no more than merely to outline the various styles and briefly to trace their development, he does this in such untechnical, though not over-picturesque language, that those who read his text to the end will wish to learn more about architecture and in greater detail.” (Outlook.) * “As a popular elementary text-book on the history of architecture this little book is certainly welcome. It is brightly and clearly written.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 475. O. 7. 550w. * “It would probably have been better had the author dealt with one period of architecture, and have done that thoroughly, rather than have taken up so large a field. It has resulted in an essay which is ‘scrappy.’” + — — =Nature.= 73: 52. N. 16, ‘05. 370w. * “A valuable vade mecum for the student of the history of architecture.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 861. D. 2, ‘05. 330w. “To the average reader Mr. Buckmaster’s text is particularly useful; first, because he has appended thereto a glossary of architectural terms, and secondly, because he has illustrated that glossary.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 381. O. 14, ‘05. 270w. =Buell, Augustus C.= History of Andrew Jackson, pioneer, patriot, soldier, politician, president. 2v. **$4. Scribner. A comprehensive biography based upon public and private documents, and personal recollections of eminent men and women. The long life of the man of many-sided character and varied activities is given in full with the history of his time in the background. “Against Mr. Buell’s style of expression one cannot bring the charge of dullness. He has written with alertness and clearness. He has given us a personal biography in which an abundance of incident and many amusing anecdotes are introduced. Mr. Buell’s facile narrative is full of errors great and small. There are in the book serious omissions of facts.” John Spencer Bassett. + + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 667. Ap. ‘05. 450w. “Mr. Buell gives the fullest and most elaborate description [of the battle of New Orleans] which we have seen.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 76. Jl. 15. 540w. “From such tokens—as from laxities of style sufficient to rouse a suspicion that every statement will not bear scrutiny—the reader finds his confidence in the historical value of the book impaired. To the author’s credit it must also be said that he has performed with marked success the difficult task of giving a fairly intelligible account of the two great battles of Jackson’s life,—the battle of New Orleans, and the fight against the United States bank. This is manifestly one of the works to which future students of the man and period must have recourse.” M. A. De Wolfe Howe. + + — =Atlan.= 95: 132. Ja. ‘05. 710w. “The work is written in a spirit that may well be characterized as judicial, although in places the author leans far too heavily on Parton. We are inclined to class the work, at this writing, as the best biography of Jackson that has appeared.” + + + =Baltimore Sun.= :8. Mr. 8, ‘05. 810w. “As a mass of biographical material, pleasantly and honestly presented, these volumes have a real value, especially to the student who can remove the chaff.” + — =Ind.= 59: 152. Jl. 20, ‘05. 710w. “There are occasions also, it is to be feared, where Mr. Buell suffers his personal Anglo-phobism to interfere with his facts.” — =Lond. Times.= 4: 231. Jl. 21, ‘05. 460w. “It is not a balanced work in execution. It exhibits a singular incapacity to weigh testimony and to judge the contemporaries. It would be a fruitless task to follow Mr. Buell in his many errors of statement, for no chapter is free from them.” — — — =Nation.= 80: 77. Ja. 26, ‘05. 1460w. =Bullen, Frank Thomas.= Denizens of the deep. **$1.75. Revell. “A study-built book.... The subjects of Mr. Bullen’s collection of short stories are animals that cause the reader to have a vivid conception of the life of the inhabitants of the deep. There are many different specimens of these denizens considered, whales and sharks and seals and sea lions, or sea elephants, as Mr. Bullen calls them, and the birds of the sea as well as the fishes. We find that there is a story about every one of the more important birds.... And the narratives are not all fictional.”—Baltimore Sun. “When the narrative is not fiction it is full of information conveyed in a delightful manner. The author writes easily and accurately, and his work, whether taken as a collection of interesting stories of fish and of bird life or as contribution to popular natural history, is deserving of praise.” + + =Baltimore Sun.= :8. Mr. 8, ‘05. 380w. + =Dial.= 38: 242. Ap. 1, ‘05. 250w. “Is certainly as charming in style and graphic in description. All sorts of representatives of the reptilian and finny tribes are introduced and made as familiar as men we know.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 124. Ja. ‘05. 110w. * =Bumpus, T. Francis.= Cathedrals of England and Wales. **$4. Pott. “This volume is a detailed account of the architectural features of a number of English cathedral churches, prefaced by a sketch of the general characteristics of cathedrals and of the development of cathedral building in England and Wales. It is, of course, copiously illustrated from photographs of the exteriors and interiors of the edifices treated, and the author takes up each cathedral historically.... The book is intended for students (or at any rate connoisseurs) of cathedral architecture.”—N. Y. Times. * “The book has all the marks of close observation and a real knowledge of what is and what is not good art and good archaeology.” + =Nation.= 81: 426. N. 23, ‘05. 430w. * “It is not a popular but a serious work.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 824. D. 2, ‘05. 230w. * “Mr. Bumpus’ style has a refreshing air of the gossiping antiquary.” + =Sat. R.= 100: 528. O. 21, ‘05. 1140w. * + =Spec.= 95: 324. S. 2, ‘05. 150w. =Bunyan, John.= Pilgrim’s progress: from this world to that which is to come. $2. Macmillan. Just the text and Gertrude Hammond’s eight pictures, “good in themselves, and excellent examples of modern processes of color printing” make up this new edition of “The Pilgrim’s progress.” “We are inclined to doubt whether Mr. White, in his otherwise admirable monograph, need have given a fifth of his space to what is really an abridgement of the famous narrative.” + + — =Bookm.= 21: 358. Je. ‘05. 460w. “Attractive edition.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 87. F. 11, ‘05. 290w. “This is an admirable edition, so far as paper type, and size go.” + =Outlook.= 79: 504. F. 25, ‘05. 40w. =Burdett, Sir Henry.= Hospital and charities annual, 1905; being the year book of philanthropy and the hospital annual. *$2. Scribner. An account of the hospitals and charities of the United Kingdom, India, the British colonies and the United States. The work of various branches, such as free dispensaries and military hospitals is described, and hospital administration, officials, details of staff, the number of patients and the income of each institution are given. A copious index renders the book convenient for reference. “A wonderfully complete record of hospitals and charitable undertakings.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 144, Mr. 4, ‘05. 130w. =Burgoyne, Frank J.=, ed. History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart, and the Earl of Leicester: being a reprint of “Leycester’s commonwealth,” 1641. *$2.50. Longmans. This work, of unknown authorship, was first printed 1584, it was translated into French and Latin, was proscribed by the queen in England and burned whenever found, by the officers of the law. It depicted Leicester as an “inhuman monster” and charged him with many crimes among them the murder of Amy Robsart. The queen officially denied the charges and Leicester’s nephew, Sir Philip Sidney, wrote an indignant answer to them. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 708. Ap. ‘05. 130w. =Critic.= 46: 383. Ap. ‘05. 190w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 11. Ja. 7, ‘05. 300w. “The editor has done little beside write a necessary introduction.” + =South Atlantic Quarterly.= 4: 93. Ja. ‘05. 260w. =Burke, Edmund.= American taxation: ed. by James Hugh Moffatt. 25c. Ginn. A fully annotated copy of Burke’s speech for class room use. =Burkitt, F. Crawford.= Early eastern Christianity: St. Margaret’s lectures, 1904, on the Syriac speaking church. *$2. Dutton. “It is far Eastern Christianity with which these lectures are concerned, not that of the Greek and other Eastern churches within the ancient Roman world. Its chief seat was Edessa, in the Euphrates valley, the ancient ‘Ur of the Chaldees, the fatherland of Abraham.’ ... Into this unfamiliar field these lectures conduct the reader, through an interesting account of the Bible, the theology, and the internal life of a long extinct but once flourishing and distinctively characterized church.”—Outlook. =Ind.= 58: 1367. Je. 15, ‘05. 90w. “It is, then, especially in this fertility of ideas and suggestion that the value of Mr. Burkitt’s book lies.” + + =Nation.= 81: 105. Ag. 3, ‘05. 1360w. “The task is difficult, and despite the careful study made by Prof. Burkitt the result leaves much to be desired. The data is uncertain and mixed up with legend and fable. Lectures have their value, if only to make comparisons between the beliefs of to-day and those of the past.” + — =N. Y Times.= 10: 92. F. 11, ‘05. 580w. + =Outlook.= 79: 245. Ja. 28, ‘05. 120w. =Burland, Harris.= Black motor car. †$1.50. Dillingham. An exciting story of a man who, when young, stole some money for a woman’s sake and on the death of his neglected wife turned against her. She in anger betrayed him to the police. He serves his term in prison, and twenty years later builds the black motor car, commits burglaries and murders, captures and tortures a man who turns out to be his own son, and seeks out the woman who had ruined his life to kill her, but is foiled in his revenge, for she is already dead. The whole thing culminates one night in a race for life, he in his black car, the whole country aroused and armed and waiting for him. The criminal maniac escapes them all, however, but meets his death in a quicksand. “Mr. Burland does not waste words in his story. He has a good yarn to tell, and does not stand on art to do it.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 197. Ap. 1, ‘05. 480w. “It is a story with thrills and shivers.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 393. Je. 17, ‘05. 130w. “For those who love horrors and melodrama, this book will furnish a feast.” — =Outlook.= 79: 906. Ap. 8, ‘05. 70w. “May be characterized as a freak tale.” — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 714. My. 6, ‘05. 90w. =Burnaby, Andrew.= Travels through the middle settlements of North America; ed. by Rufus Rockwell Wilson. **$2. Wessels. “Another volume of the ‘Source books of American history,’ and a notable one; first published in 1775, reprinted the next year, soon translated into French and German, and reissued in enlarged form in 1798, from which this new reprint is made. It is hardly necessary to say that a book with such a history, and long out of print, richly deserves to be rescued from the obscurity into which it had fallen in the lapse of more than a century.”—Critic. “Of critical notes there are none, which seems unfortunate. The form of the book is, however, very attractive, and the narrative was well worth reprinting even without editorial annotations.” F. H. H. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 445. Ja. ‘05. 220w. =Critic.= 46: 286. Mr. ‘05. 80w. + =Ind.= 58: 1016. My. 4, ‘05. 130w. =Nation.= 80: 51. Ja. 19, ‘05. 200w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 509. Ap. ‘05. 220w. =Burne-Jones, Georgiana.= Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones. 2v. **$6. Macmillan. While the attitude of the real man towards his thoroly idealized art fills the pages of Lady Burne-Jones’s “Memorials,” “it is not the painter to whom we are introduced so much as the man, and a very straightforward, single-minded and lovable character we find him.” (N. Y. Times). “The author has very wisely avoided any artistic appreciation of her husband’s work as a painter, but has taken great pains to collect all the facts relating to his family, its origin, his education and early tendencies, his friendships and ideas, often quoting his own words from letters to friends.” (Nation). “The whole book is filled with the poet’s personality, and little anecdotes of his sayings and doings. G. B.-J. has worthily carried out her task, and the world is the richer for the story of a great artist and a lovable and much-loved man.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 24. Ja. 7. 2290w. “She presents him in a wise Boswellian way, mainly by the record of his daily speech and acts. The result is a very clear impression of a personality of great, of surprising power and charm.” H. W. Boynton. + + + =Atlan.= 95: 423. Mr. ‘05. 1130w. “It is a wonderful revelation of an intensely interesting and lovable personality. A striking feature of these volumes is the never-failing humour of Burne-Jones’s letters and of the many comic sketches that enliven the text. Lady Burne-Jones has given us a biography that is at once a life record of deep human interest and an invaluable contribution to the history of English painting in the Victorian era.” + + =Contemporary R.= 87: 294. F. ‘05. 1980w. “It is a true and an appreciative record of the man and his life-work.” Jeanette L. Gilder. + + =Critic.= 46: 118. F. ‘05. 1090w. “It is only fair to Lady Burne-Jones to say at once that she has avoided every pitfall that lay along her path, and has made the most of every pleasure that the excursion afforded.” Edith Kellogg Dunton. + + + =Dial.= 38: 145. Mr. 1, ‘05. 1930w. “She reveals in this book a skill in construction and a charm of style that would do credit to a writer of established reputation.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + =Forum.= 36: 553. Ap. ‘05. 2170w. “She would have shown a finer devotion to his memory had she reduced the bulk of these two volumes to one. Having made our own abridgement, we have little but praise for Mrs. Burne-Jones’s work. To our mind the best part of the narrative is that which contains the experiences of Burne-Jones at Oxford and during the first years in London, while the Oxford influence was still upon him. Mrs. Burne-Jones has a happy knack, all the more artful for its extreme simplicity, of hitting off the great men of the day as they come into her circle.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 263. F. 2, ‘05. 720w. * + + =Ind.= 59: 1162. N. 16, ‘05. 40w. “No more deeply interesting biography has appeared of late years than this tribute to the memory of Sir Edward Burne-Jones from the pen of his widow. Its one drawback is the fact that the illustrations are not in the least representative of Sir Edward Burne-Jones.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 24: 367. F. ‘05. 420w. “Lady Burne-Jones seems especially endowed with the qualities needed for the task; she writes with convincing sincerity and a sense of humor, and has the gift of literary style. Her readers cannot fail to get a vivid impression of Burne-Jones’s fascinating personality.” + + =Nation.= 80: 115. F. 9, ‘05. 2780w. + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 383. Mr. ‘05. 140w. “Lady Burne-Jones writes from a standpoint of knowledge and sympathy impossible to anyone else, and we can but admire the skill with which she has arranged the material. The narrative is full, but never confused, and the characters of the men and women who pass through the pages are drawn with rare ease and distinctness.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 111. Ja. 28, ‘05. 1920w. =Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townesend).= In the closed room. †$1.50. McClure. The father and mother of Judith, a strange visionary child of the tenements, are called to be caretakers of the big empty house with the closed room where a little girl has died. Judith mysteriously passes thru the locked door and plays with the child who is dead and her toys until this strange spiritual bond is tightened and little Judith is drawn into the land of spirits. “She is artistically vague and not dogmatic. The story is accomplished with a fleeting, caressing touch; it has a considerable charm and is very suggestive.” + =Reader.= 5: 785. My. ‘05. 370w. =Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townesend).= Little princess: being the whole story of Sara Crewe now told for the first time. †$2. Scribner. The story of Sara Crewe and what happened at Miss Minchen’s school, which charmed its young readers years ago, appears once more in holiday garb with a dozen beautiful colored plates by Ethel Franklin Betts. The book has grown and the present volume includes all the new matter which was put into the successful play called the “Little princess,” and also much matter newer still which was inserted when the play came to be transformed once more into a story. * =Critic.= 47: 576. D. ‘05. 40w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1389. D. 14, ‘05. 60w. + + — =Nation.= 81: 406. N. 16, ‘05. 230w. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 708. O. 21, ‘05. 380w. + + =Outlook.= 81: 527. O. 28, ‘05. 110w. * “Is the leading child’s book of the year.” + + + =R of Rs.= 32: 764. D. ‘05. 470w. =Burney, Frances (Madame D’Arblay).= Diary and letters of Madame D’Arblay; ed. by her niece, Charlotte Barrett. 6v. ea. *$2.50. Macmillan. A new edition of the famous diary, with preface and notes by Austin Dobson, photogravure portraits and other illustrations. It extends from the issue of “Evelina” to the author’s death (1778-1840). =Acad.= 68: 16. Ja. 7, ‘05. 240w. (Review of Vol I.) =Acad.= 68: 331. Mr. 25, ‘05. 620w. (Review of Vols. II and III.) + + + =Acad.= 68: 743. Jl. 15, ‘05. 250w. (Review of v. 6.) =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 709. Ap. ‘05. 50w. + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 233. Ag. 19. 2870w. =Nation.= 80: 92. F. 2, ‘05. 70w. (Reviews of vols. 1-3.) =Nation.= 80: 317. Ap. 20, ‘05. 1510w. (Reviews of Vols. I.-III.) “The foot-notes are precisely what one must desire for such a text.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 113. F. 25, ‘05. 1910w. (Reviews of v. 1 and 2.) =N. Y. Times.= 10: 213. Ap. 8, ‘05. 640w. (Review of Vols. III. and IV.) =N. Y. Times.= 10: 343. My. 27. ‘05. 160w. (Review of v. 5.) + =Outlook.= 79: 349. F. 4, ‘05. 210w. (Reviews of v. 1 and 2.) “The value of this edition is greatly increased by the complete general index in the last volume, each volume having its own index as well. On the mechanical side the edition leaves nothing to be desired, while on the editorial side Mr. Austin Dobson has brought thorough knowledge and ... sympathetic appreciation.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 245. My. 27, ‘05. 160w. (Review of v. 5.) “Madame D’Arblay’s diary is her masterpiece, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is as good as a novel, for it is composed in all respects like a work of fiction. The diary from beginning to end is written in Miss Burney’s characteristic style; it is not marred in a single page by Johnsonese, and we believe that it will be read even when ‘Evelina’ itself has become a curiosity.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 141. Ja. 28, ‘05. 1340w. (Review of v. 1 and 2.) * =Burr, William Hubert, and Falk, Myron Samuel.= Design and construction of metallic bridges. $5. Wiley. This book is based upon the ninth edition of Prof. Burr’s standard work, “The stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs and suspension bridges.” “The book consists of ten chapters, the first of which is A historical sketch of bridge building.... Chapter II. is devoted to the general types of trusses, loads and specifications, and contains the most recent practice in railroad and highway bridges.... Chapter III. treats of moments and shears, and of the design of plate girders.... Chapter IV. and V. treat of all kinds of trusses with parallel and horizontal chords and with chords not parallel.... To the chapter on swing bridges has been added the treatment of these bridges by the method of deflections, with examples in each case.... The book concludes with chapters on wind stresses and details of construction.”—Engin. N. * “It may be stated that the book reflects well the advance in the design of metallic bridges, and is a worthy successor to the old standard which it replaces.” Leon S. Moisseiff. + + =Engin.= N. 54: 531. N. 16, ‘05. 930w. =Burrage, Champlin.= Church covenant idea: its origin and its development. **$1. Am. Bapt. “Mr. Burrage has reproduced a great many covenants of the early Baptist and Congregational churches. They are, like the early Christian oaths, pledges of loyalty to standards of right living to a remarkable degree. The beginnings of the covenant idea are found among the German Anabaptists of the reformation period. Mr. Burrage is very modest in the claim he makes for any Anabaptist roots of the Scotch covenants. These, culminating in the Solemn league and covenant of 1643, were quite apart from the main course of the development of the covenant idea. They were all covenants to maintain a fixed order of belief and worship. In conclusion, it is confessed that ‘the covenant idea has ceased almost entirely to have for us the great significance it had for the early New England colonists.’”—Nation. “It is a splendid specimen of scholarly method and interest.” + + =Am. J. Theol.= 9: 383. Ap. ‘05. 110w. + =Nation.= 80: 135. F. 16, ‘05. 370w. =Burrage, Henry Sweetser.= History of the Baptists in Maine. $2. Marks ptg. house, Portland, Me. This history “covers the period from about 1675 to the present time. It treats freely the educational and temperance activities of the denomination, its connection with the anti-slavery agitation, its missionary labors, and the growth of its church organizations.”—Am. J. of Theol. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 720. Ap. ‘05. 50w. “Leaves little to be desired by persons interested in the Baptist history of the state of Maine.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 383. Ap. ‘05. 90w. =Burrill, Katharine.= Corner stones. *$1.25. Dutton. A book which pleads for the old-time leisurely courtesy and a home education for girls. “The volume is made up of essays, several of which appeared in a London magazine, to girls on friendship, cleanliness, duty to parents, letter writing, cooking, etc. In her ‘Foreword,’ the author speaks of the modern girl. She does not believe in sending a girl away from home for her education. The mother is the best teacher. ‘It is better,’ she writes, ‘to keep a girl at home, if all she learns is spelling and simple arithmetic.’” (N. Y. Times). While it appeals strongly to English girls, it is no less a book with a mission for the American girl. “The ethical purpose of the book and its pleadings for sweeter manners are sufficiently plain, and are handled so wittily, with such lurking fun and brimming humor, that their assimilation is an easy and pleasant process. In its pages it never outsports discretion. As a gospel of goodness it is eminently reasonable, and its style has the charm of unconsciousness.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 107. F. 18, ‘05. 450w. “It is a series of monitory chapters upon all sorts of social and moral observances delivered in slangy English.” — =Outlook.= 79: 348. F. 4, ‘05. 100w. =Burroughs, John.= Far and near. **$1.50. Houghton. “My life has gone on, my love of nature has continued, my habit of observation has been kept up, and the combined result is another collection of papers dealing with the old, inexhaustible, open-air themes.” So says Mr. Burroughs. The “far” scenes described are those in “green Alaska” and Jamaica. The “near” pictures are of the wild life around his home on the Hudson river. Nearly half of the book is devoted to an account of his Alaskan trip in 1899 as a member of the Harriman expedition. The only heretofore unpublished essay of the group is that in which he tells how he lost February and found August in Jamaica. Mr. Burroughs’s northern soul however, takes little pleasure in nature in her tropical aspect. He “cannot make love to her there.” She “has little winsomeness or tenderness. She is barbaric; she is painty and stiff; she has no sentiment; she does not touch the heart.” “Humdrum, undistinguished style. It is kindly wholesome stuff.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 271. F. 25. 180w. * “He records impressions however slight and incidents however trivial, but it is all done with that charming double gift of his for seeing everything as if for the first and only time, and of making others see it in the same way.” F. M. Colby. + + =Bookm.= 20: 475. Ja. ‘05. 190w. “The records of far journeys in this new book may not add greatly to his reputation, but they serve the gracious purpose of showing us an old friend in new surroundings.” + =Dial.= 38: 19. Ja. 1, ‘05. 440w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10:5. Ja. 7, ‘05. 300w. =R. of Rs.= 30: 757. D. ‘04. 100w. + + =Spec.= 94: 223. F. 11, ‘05. 300w. * =Burroughs, John.= Ways of nature. **$1.10. Houghton. In these essays Mr. Burroughs, who has ranged himself upon the side of those who protest against animal stories which humanize animal life, not only sets forth his own views, in which he declares that animals share our emotional but not our intellectual nature, but also defends himself from recent attacks upon his theories and gives counter arguments. * “This book succeeds in presenting what may be judged as a rational view of Nature’s methods.” + =Critic.= 47: 581. D. ‘06. 70w. Reviewed by May Estelle Cook. * + =Dial.= 39: 374. D. 1, ‘05. 420w. * “One reads the little volume with extreme pleasure, drawing from its pages an uplifting sense of air and light.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 601. N. 4, ‘05. 80w. * “The whole discussion is pervaded by Mr. Burroughs’ well-known charm of style and clearness of statement.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 754. D. ‘05. 130w. =Burton, Charles Pierce.= Boys of Bob’s hill; adventures of Tom Chapin and the “band” as told by the “secretary.” †$1.25. Holt. The summer vacation of eight healthy-minded boy bandits who live at home and are petted and disciplined by turns, like most everyday boys, but when they climb Bob’s hill and enter their cave they are outlaws. They do many plucky things, and incidentally they start a forest fire, almost wreck a train, call out the fire department on the Fourth of July, and try to smoke real tobacco. The reader, whether he be boy or a grown-up, will follow their adventures with interest and will agree with the band that the hermit’s gold rightfully belongs to Tom. =Outlook.= 79: 1012. Ap. 22, ‘05. 40w. =Burton, E. D.= Short introduction to the Gospels. *$1. Univ. of Chicago press. An introduction to Biblical literature which may become a distinct treasure to the student. Dr. Burton’s work is concise, and reveals a careful examination of the four gospels. There is added a chapter on the synoptic problem. “The chapter of ‘the gospel according to Matthew’ closing with a table of contents which exhibits excellently its general plan, will be welcome to all students of that difficult New Testament book.... The notes appended to the chapter on Luke’s gospel merit particular attention. Note II is on ‘The enrolment in the governorship of Quirinius.’ ... Dr. Burton’s view of the Johannine problem will command attention.” (Bib. World). “Has a definite aim, and without superfluous words goes straight to its mark. It uses chiefly internal evidence, and asks each gospel to disclose its own secret. To expound the synoptic problem in less than twenty small pages of English is to do the impossible. No other book that the reviewer knows of does it so well as this.” Wm. Arnold Stevens. + =Bib. World.= 25: 150. F. ‘05. 610w. =Burton, E. D.= Studies in the Gospel according to Mark. *$1. Univ. of Chicago press. The “Studies” in Mark’s gospel is a book “for secondary classes.” “The lessons have already borne the test of actual use by experienced teachers, and all the material appears to be admirably arranged. The appended dictionary, filling twelve pages, is an important feature.” Wm. Arnold Stevens. + =Bib. World.= 25: 150. F. ‘05. 80w. =Ind.= 58: 1012. My. 4, ‘05. 40w. =Bury, John B.= Life of St. Patrick and his place in history. *$3.25. Macmillan. “The book opens with a chapter on the diffusion of Christianity beyond the Roman empire, followed by the story of the life of St. Patrick. The appendices contain the descriptions of the writings of St. Patrick and other documents from which the author drew the material for his biography; notes on the different chapters, and an excursus.”—N. Y. Times. “Speaking generally, what chiefly impresses us in narrative and appendices alike is the constant presence of a wide and just sense of historical perspective which should not in the least dwarf the particular interest of the book.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 899. S. 2, ‘05. 2250w. “A life of St. Patrick in which careful and minute research has not quenched a bold and vivid imagination. The index ... is wholly insufficient and not prepared with a fraction of the care required.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 101. Jl. 22. 2360w. “Although, as we have seen, the Professor is absolutely beyond suspicion of any religious bias in favor of his hero, he gives us a picture of Patrick which may be called sympathetic.” James J. Fox. + + =Cath. World.= 82: 145. N. ‘05. 5550w. “Perhaps some readers regret that Professor Bury has found it necessary to reject so much picturesque material, but students of the middle ages are likely to agree that in writing this biography the author has done a real service to the cause of Irish history.” + + =Dial.= 39: 277. N. 1, ‘05. 490w. “The appendix ... is in many respects better reading than the body of the book. For the main portion is a little confusing from the way in which it gives all the legends and no clear criticism of them.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 239. Jl. 28, ‘05. 2390w. “The volume is built of hypotheses.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 619. S. 23, ‘05. 980w. “A work whose technical merit is commensurate with its intrinsic interest. The main part of the work spreads before the general reader the sifted results of historical criticism.” + + + =Outlook.= 81: 280. S. 30, ‘05. 240w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 509. O. ‘05. 100w. “The sources are meagre, and Dr. Bury’s examination of them is masterly.” + + + =Sat. R.= 100: 438. S. 30, ‘05. 2270w. =Butcher, S. H.= Harvard lectures on Greek subjects. *$2.25. Macmillan. If in the intense modernism of the present century we sometimes vaingloriously forget the debt we owe to the ancients, such scholars as Mr. Butcher do a real service in commanding a mindful attitude. While given at Harvard, the author addresses himself not only to scholars but to a mixed audience. “The first lecture compared in a singularly able and effective fashion the Greek spirit with the Jewish spirit, the Greek influence and the one other comparable with it.... Then he passes in the next lecture to a comparison of the Hellenes and the Phoenicians. These represent the pure commercial spirit. The next lecture deals specifically and enlighteningly with the quality of the Greek passion for knowledge. Still further lectures deal with ‘Greek art and inspiration,’ and with ‘Greek literary criticism.’” (N. Y. Times). “These lectures are not only full of thought, they are also written, it is superfluous to say, in admirable English.” + + =Acad.= 68: 48. Ja. 14, ‘05. 320w. * “The style throughout is admirable. It would be difficult to say too much in praise of this most scholarly book.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 717. N. 25. 1500w. “Mr. Butcher’s own style is admirably suited to such essays as these. No one can read them without recognizing how desirable it is that a synthetic mind like his should handle these larger questions of classical scholarship.” + + =Nation.= 80: 233. Mr. 23, ‘05. 1700w. “The title of Greek to retain its ancient place in education of the broader kind is convincingly supported by Mr. Butcher in this volume. The book needs no recommendation to Hellenists. It may be cordially commended to the attention of the more open-minded and liberal of those who consider Greek a cumberer of the modern stage.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 52. Ja. 28, ‘05. 600w. “So illuminating an interpretation of the Greek spirit. Knows his subject, and he deals with it in the freshest way and in the most human spirit.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 449. F. 18, ‘05. 260w. “It is their naturalness, their contagious freshness and vivacity, rather than their learning, which strike the reader first.” + + =Spec.= 94: 179. F. 4, ‘05. 1630w. =Buxton, E. M. Wilmot.= Ancient world: outlines of ancient history for the middle form schools. *$1. Dutton. A “wonderful story” of the civilization of bygone days. The “author writes about the first ages of man, the history of Egypt, ancient Babylonia, the Medes and Persians, Phoenicia, the land of the merchant carriers, the Hebrews, the story of Carthage, the Hindu people, China, the story of Alexander, and of Parthia, and gives some glimpses of the ancient Romans and Greeks.... For those who wish for a bird’seye view of the great landmarks of the history of the ancient world, the author has provided a full summary, with approximate dates, embracing the period from 4400 B.C. to the Christian era.” (N. Y. Times.) “Gives a striking picture of the mind, manners, customs, myths and legends of the different ancient nations and describes the influence exercised by these nations on one another.” + + =Ind.= 59: 265. Ag. 3, ‘05. 30w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 89. F. 11, ‘05. 280w. =Byles, C. E.= Life and letters of Robert Stephen Hawker. *$5. Lane. “A visionary, a poet, a humorist, a priest.... His love of fighting was perhaps the only quality in which he differed from the gentlest of the saints. There are still some who believe that modern science is a tool the devil has put into the hands of sinners, but Hawker’s certainty of that is only equalled by his belief in witchcraft, charms, pixies, mermaids, evil eyes, the immediate answer of prayers, the damnableness of dissent, and much else allied to these. But he made his parish of Morwenstow. He rescued and tended the shipwrecked, he consoled the wicked, he spent his income on charity.... He was a very wild, naughty boy, and, as a youth, full of practical jokes and uncomfortable animal spirits.”—Acad. “The Reverend R. S. Hawker has left behind him no literary remains which point to the possession of any extraordinary genius, and yet a baffling and beautiful soul leads us to examine every record and study every poem for a key. In ‘The life and letters of R. S. Hawker’ just published we turn page after page and only manage to catch the flying skirts of the vicar. Of Hawker’s own poems, his fragment of the ‘San Graal’ is worthy to be compared with Tennyson’s treatment of the subject, and his ballads earned the praise of Sir Walter Scott.” + + =Acad.= 68: 168. F. 25, ‘05. 2310w. “Mr. Byles has performed his task—by no means an easy one—with skill and good taste.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 363. Mr. 25. 1070w. “Its contents are a product of unusual skill and discretion.” H. W. Boynton. + + =Atlan.= 96: 277. Ag. ‘05. 710w. “Must be regarded as one of the best biographies of recent years.” H. W. Boynton. + + + =Bookm.= 21: 358. Je. ‘05. 810w. “Mr. Byles has given us an excellent presentment of a most interesting and picturesque figure of the last century.” + + =Critic.= 46: 563. Je. ‘05. 100w. Reviewed by Percy F. Bicknell. + + =Dial.= 38: 308. My. 1, ‘05. 2260w. “His ‘Life and letters,’ by his son-in-law, C. E. Byles, leaves nothing to be desired.” + + =Nation.= 80: 292. Ap. 13, ‘05. 350w. “His book therefore, demands acceptance as the real biography of the Vicar of Morwenstow.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 222. Ap. 8, ‘05. 850w. “This book, written by Hawker’s son-in-law with such fairness and discretion as may well eradicate even the memory of an unhappy effort by another hand.” + + =Sat. R.= 99: 778. Je. 10, ‘05. 750w. =Byron, George Gordon.= Complete poetical works; ed. by Paul Elmer More. $3. Houghton. For this Cambridge edition of Lord Byron’s poems, the editor has chosen the text of 1832-33 in preference to that of 1831 because of its more satisfactory use of capitals, italics and punctuation marks. It is unexpurgated and contains the recently resurrected poems of Byron. * + + =Critic.= 47: 582. D. ‘05. 15w. * + + =Dial.= 39: 391. D. 1, ‘05. 70w. “A thoughtful and scholarly estimate of Byron’s genius and character introduces the volume.” + + =Ind.= 59: 875. O. 12, ‘05. 310w. + + =Nation.= 81 :278. O. 5, ‘05. 90w. “Mr. Paul Elmer More edits the book with judgment and restraint.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 332. O. 7, ‘05. 110w. =Byron, George Gordon.= Confessions of Lord Byron; sel. and arr. by W. A. Lewis Bettany. *$2.50. Scribner. In discussing this compilation the London Times says: “There is nothing new in it; but it gives a convenient synoptic view of the poet in his various relations with his times and his contemporaries. Thus seen, Byron strikes one chiefly as that distinctively English product—the brilliant amateur who can beat the professionals at their own business, likes to do so, but absolutely refuses to take the business seriously.” “The whole tone of his writing is more that of the literary ‘gobemouche’ than of the man of letters. The reader gains no very clear idea of Lord Byron as a letter-writer, and may be well advised to skip the introduction and proceed to the letters themselves. Mr. Bettany’s volume is only a piece of book-making pure and simple, and has very little claim to be dignified by the title of a scientific analysis of correspondence.” — + =Acad.= 68: 653. Je. 24, ‘05. 1410w. * “These excerpts give a rather more favorable impression of him as a man and a man of letters than he desired to give his contemporary public.” H. W. Boynton. + =Atlan.= 96: 846. D. ‘05. 560W. Reviewed by Anna B. McMahan. + + =Dial.= 39: 235. O. 16, ‘05. 1530w. “These editorial lapses are not, however, very numerous; and the compilation is on the whole satisfactory and instructive.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 217. Jl. 7, ‘05. 1030w. * “Mr. Bettany’s selections are, however, judicious, and, in spite of frequent detachment from illuminating context, do the writer no injustice.” + + =Nation.= 81: 450. N. 30, ‘05. 940w. “The selections are full of interesting matter for those who wish to approach Byron’s personality in this way.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 618. S. 23, ‘05. 970w. “Mr. Bettany has made an excellent arrangement of the matter with which he deals.” + =Spec.= 95: 21. Jl. 1, ‘05. 170w. =Byron, George G. N.= Love poems of Byron. 50c. Lane. Among the sixty poems found in this group are “When we two parted,” “She walks in beauty,” “Maid of Athens,” “Stanzas written on the road between Florence and Pisa,” “She walks in beauty like the night,” and “There be none of beauty’s daughters.” “This volume is one of a series of little works entitled ‘The lover’s library’ which constitutes a veritable treasure-house of poetry sentiment.” (Arena). “Love poems of Byron is a dainty little volume, bound in flexible violet cloth, stamped in gold, with gilt edge, and of vest-pocket size, contains more than sixty poems and selections from Byron’s verse devoted to love.” + =Arena.= 33: 222. F. ‘05. 140w. C * =Cabell, James Branch.= Line of love. †$2. Harper. “The tales have been culled from French ‘romans’ and dull English chronicles, and the mediaeval atmosphere has been preserved by the quaintly, though never obscurely, archaic style of narration. Ten pictures and cover vignette by Mr. Pyle, richly colored and ... perfectly in keeping with the literary atmosphere, together with conventional floral borders in color, make a singularly attractive giftbook.”—Dial. * + + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 130w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1378. D. 14, ‘05. 90w. * “Is worthy of its predecessors.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 824. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. * “They are written in the richly colored, tapestry-like style. Unfortunately in the present volume the tapestry gives the impression of being machine-made and a little threadbare.” — =Outlook.= 81: 682. N. 18, ‘05. 70w. * “A collection, told in exquisite poetical way, of some of the most picturesque but less-known love-stories of history.” + =R. of Rs.= 32 :752. D. ‘05. 100w. * =Cadogan, Edward.= Makers of modern history: three types: Louis Napoleon, Cavour, Bismarck. **$2.25. Pott. “The struggle between conservative principles and revolutionary forces constitutes the framework of the history of the nineteenth century. With this great movement are closely associated the names of Louis Napoleon, Cavour, and Bismarck, the subjects of the three essays included in this volume.... It is on the epoch making, the history making, actions of these men that emphasis is here laid.”—N. Y. Times. * “The volume contains no new materials, but it summarises the careers of the three Machiavellian personages in question clearly and sensibly.” W. M. + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 615. Jl. ‘05. 100w. * “In general, however, these essays may safely be recommended to the unprofessional reader, who will be dull indeed if he does not discover in them the absorbing interest of the three dissimilar men whom they describe.” + =Nation.= 81: 492. D. 14, ‘05. 680w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 671. O. 14, ‘05. 130w. * “The faults of the book are greatly those of immaturity, and the writer may possibly in time produce historical work of permanent value.” — =Sat. R.= 100: 311. S. 2, ‘05. 860w. * “The author’s statements and interpretations of facts are clear, vigorous, original, and sufficiently tinctured with philosophy, and he never slides into what Mommsen called the ‘dressing-gown’ style of narrative.” + =Spec.= 95: 123. Jl. 22, ‘05. 1820w. =Caffin, Charles Henry.= How to study pictures. **$2. Century. Mr. Caffin unfolds the gradual progress of art from its liberation from the shackles of Byzantine traditions down to the impressionist school of Monet. A comparative method of study is employed, contrasting the motives and methods of two artists in each of the twenty-eight chapters, sometimes of the same school, often of different schools. And the author maintains that the first necessity for the proper seeing of a picture is to try and see it thru the eyes of the artist who painted it, that it is an understanding of the individuality of the artist’s experience and feeling that enables one to be an intelligent judge of merit. + + =Critic.= 47: 474. N. ‘05. 160w. * “While possessing a simplicity of method which conveys to the average reader a general insight into pictorial methods and motives, the author’s work is characterized by elegance of style, grace of feeling, and elevation of thought; it will do as much good in the direct service of art as any treatise published in recent years.” + + =Dial.= 39: 311. N. 16, ‘05. 400w. * “Mr. Caffin’s book was needed and will be found to contain much information not easily obtainable elsewhere.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1375. D. 14, ‘05. 80w. * “Except for this driving ideas in double harness, the material and judgments are not unfamiliar; but the task is done thoroughly and many things are happily put.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 31. D. ‘05. 190w. “What Mr. Caffin has to say is always worth reading, for he puts each painter’s character forcibly before one, and manages to be entertaining as well as instructive.” Charles de Kay. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 742. N. 4, ‘05. 570w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 834. D. 2, ‘05. 260w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 704. N. 25, ‘05. 160w. * “It is the one most completely adapted to the needs of the person entirely ignorant of art, its history and its development.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 665. N. 18, ‘05. 240w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32 :640. N. ‘05. 90w. =Caffyn, Mrs. Kathleen Mannington (Iota, pseud.).= Patricia, a mother. †$1.50. Appleton. Patricia, whose husband, a hypocrite and a humbug, leaves both his son and his estate to the guardianship of his mother, goes to live with her mother-in-law and sees her son slowly estranged from her because she will not speak and blacken the character of her dead husband to the mother who reveres his memory. There is much of gossipy country society and in the end an old family servant sets things right and Patricia comes to her own. “A most moving story, full of feeling and insight into human character. Certainly it is a story that ‘counts.’” + + =Acad.= 68: 397. Ap. 8, ‘05. 650w. “The cleverness of the novel lies not so much in its plot as in the graphic characterization. It is a piece of work of which the author has reason to be proud.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 492. Ap. 15. 300w. * “Her story makes a thoroughly interesting book.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 310. N. 16, ‘05. 240w. “There is considerable strength in this novel. There is some lack of artistic proportion in the general working out of the story.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 578. N. 4, ‘05. 100w. =Cahan, Abraham.= White terror and the red. $1.50. Barnes. A story of inner Russia by a member of the Revolutionary party who was forced to flee from Russia to avoid Siberia. The plot concerns the tragic events of a quarter of a century ago, when czar Alexander II. was assassinated by the Nihilists and an antisemitic outbreak followed, but it is the Russia of to-day that we see, drawn from a practical knowledge of the subject. The hero of the book is a Russian prince who steps out of his class to uphold the cause of the people, marries a Hebrew woman and finally suffers imprisonment. “The intelligent reader will find in it much sound workmanship and no little insight into the psychology of the Russian intellectuals.” + =Acad.= 68: 472. Ap. 29, ‘05. 430w. “But the style has a curious impenetrability about it, which reminds one of a bad translation.” — + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 588. My. 13. 240w. “In ‘The white terror and the red’ we have something far more interesting than a narrative of sensational episodes, or a gallery of interesting types, more valuable than a vivid picture of melodramatic history in the making. We have a work of art of the highest class. As a guide to the full understanding of Russian political and social life it is probably the most valuable ever written in the English language.” Edwin Lefevre. + + + =Bookm.= 21: 186. Ap. ‘05. 1380w. “It is a sound, firm piece of work; and it shows an easy familiarity with the subject and with the method. As an addition to its historical importance, a sweet, fully realized piece of fiction.” Hutchins Hapgood. + + =Critic.= 46: 560. Je. ‘05. 860w. “This book gives one a more realistic and vivid impression of the Terrorist movement than any we have read. It has no definite plot or literary coherency, but consists of a series of sketches written in an unexaggerated and impassioned style.” + + =Ind.= 58 :502. Mr. 2, ‘05. 250w. “To those who seek an education on underground’ Russia Mr. Cahan’s latest novel can be recommended.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 258. Ap. 22, ‘05. 450w. “A well-constructed, forceful, and ably sustained piece of work. Has given us a picture of Russian conditions which we may accept as essentially correct. Of no small merit from the purely literary standpoint.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 654. Mr. 11, ‘05. 140w. “It would be more exact to characterize this book as a study of Russian social conditions than as a work of fiction, although there is a story as a whole.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 430. Mr. 18, ‘05. 280w. “The book is written in an admirable style,—keen, quiet, full of reserve power. The book is a valuable contribution to present-day literature, considered either as fact or fiction. It tells with judgment, with conviction, with emotion, the sad story of a sad people.” + + =Reader.= 5: 784. My. ‘05. 380w. “A book that impresses one with its power, competence, and fairness. It is a profoundly interesting sociological document that the public may thank Mr. Cahan.” + + — =R. of Rs.= 31 :763. Je. ‘05. 90w. =Caine, Hall.= Prodigal son. †$1.50. Appleton. This latest of Hall Caine’s novels has all the strength and the heart sadness found in his other works. Iceland is the home of the tragic story and its characters are the simple folk of the Northland: the factor and his daughters, Thora and Helga; the old governor and his sons, Magnus and Oscar. Magnus resigns Thora, his promised wife, to Oscar, his more fascinating brother, bearing the odium of the broken betrothal that they may be happy. Helga, however, breaks in upon this dearly bought joy, and wins Oscar’s love. The sad death of Thora and the wanderings of the exiled Oscar are strong and dramatic, and his final return home as the renowned Icelandic composer has not the joy of that first prodigal’s home coming, but holds the full sorrow of the years. “The story shows a confused sense of moral values, and fairly reeks with cheap sentimentality. Its style is common and its situations theatrical. Altogether it is a poorer performance than was to be expected even from the author of ‘The Christian’ and ‘The eternal city.’” W. M. Payne. — — =Dial.= 38: 17. Ja. 1, ‘05. 180w. “Though the plot is horribly tragic, there are no melodramatic climaxes to detract from the dignity of the style in which it is written. There are exquisite touches of pathos in the descriptions, and in the delineation of character the author shows a keen knowledge of the various phases of human nature. It is intensely emotional, and certainly the strongest book that Hall Caine has ever written.” + + =Reader.= 5: 499. Mr. ‘05. 450w. “Here, as in all his books, Mr. Caine has the power of wringing his readers’ vitals, yet not the power of convincing them that he is working out a tragedy rather than a melodrama.” + + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 116. Ja. ‘05. 230w. =Caird, Edward.= Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. *$4.25. Macmillan. This second course of Gifford lectures is closely allied to the first, delivered ten years earlier at the university of St. Andrew’s, which treated of the evolution of religion. This course treats of the evolution of theology in its first great period. There are lectures upon the relation of reason to religious faith; the three stages in the evolution of theology; the precursors of Plato, the two distinctive tendencies of Plato; Aristotle; post-Aristotelian philosophies; Stoicism; Neo-Platonism; Philo; and Plotinus. “The theology of the earlier Greek philosophers seems inadequately treated. There is at times a tendency to interpretation which seems formal and doctrinaire. The book is entirely free from pedantry. Nevertheless statements occasionally occur which stand much in need of a reference to authorities. It may be questioned whether the author’s horror of mysticism does not lead him into misunderstanding and exaggeration. The advantages of a point of view steadily maintained throughout a discussion ... gives lucidity to the exposition and is a constant challenge to investigation of its adequacy.” H. N. Gardiner. + + — =Philos.= R. 14: 204. Mr. ‘05. 3560w. =Cajori, Florian.= Introduction to the modern theory of equations. *$1.75. Macmillan. “The present work falls into two nearly equal parts. The first 103 pages treat the following topics: Elementary properties and transformation of equations; location and approximation of the roots of numerical equations; solutions of cubic, biquadratic, binomial and reciprocal equations; the linear and Tschirnhausian transformations. The remaining 120 pages are devoted to substitution groups and Galois’s theory of the solution of algebraic equations.”—Science. “The work has much that may be praised; in particular, its very moderate size, its choice of topics, copious references for further study, and a large number of illustrative examples and problems. Lack of explicitness is manifest.” James Pierpont. + + — =Science,= n.s. 21: 101. Ja. 20, ‘05. 850w. =Caldecott, Alfred, and Mackintosh, H. R., eds.= Selections from the literature of theism. *$2.50. Scribner. Professor Caldecott has edited selections from Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza, the Cambridge Platonists, Berkeley, Cousin, Comte, and Janet. While the sections under Professor Caldecott’s care include Kant, Schleiermacher, Mansel, and Latze. There are full notes and references. “A well-selected collection.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 401. Ap. ‘05. 30w. “The plan of this book, therefore, is excellent, and the careful notes and introductions show that it has been well carried out.” + + =Ind.= 58: 616. Mr. 16, ‘05. 150w. “The editing of these selections fell into excellent hands. The misgivings of the editors as to the wisdom of the selections made are quite needless, for nothing better could have been desired. The notes and biographical notices are very fine—fresh, scholarly, interesting. Though I have deemed it necessary to say some things of more or less critical character, yet, taking the work as a whole, it is a welcome and highly useful addition to theological literature.” James Lindsay. + + — =Int. J. Ethics.= 15: 247. Ja. ‘05. 1610w. (Survey of contents.) =Caldecott, Rev. W. Shaw.= Tabernacle—its history and structure; with a preface by Rev. A. H. Sayce. *$1.75 Union press. A study of the Old Testament itself has furnished the material for this unconventional, original, and withal, scholarly work on the history and architecture of the tabernacle. The book is divided into four parts: The history of the tabernacle. The triple cubit of Babylonia, The triple cubit of Babylonia as used in the construction of the tabernacle. The triple cubit in Babylonia and in Palestine. The index is complete and the illustrations are good. + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 139. Jl. 29. 460w. =Caldwell, Otis William.= Handbook of plant morphology. *$1. Holt. This volume is based upon the handbook of plant dissection, by J. C. Arthur, Chas. R. Barnes, and John M. Coulter, which Prof. Caldwell has revised, rewritten and extended in order to bring it down to date. There is a preliminary chapter for both teacher and students upon the use and equipment of the laboratory. Eight lessons are devoted to the cyanophyceæ and chlorophyceæ, five to the fungi and lichens, five to the bryophyta, three to the pteridophyta and five to the spermatophyta. “The types selected illustrate very well the probable steps in the evolution of plants, and the discussions are exceedingly clear and suggestive.” R. B. Wylie. + + =Bot. G.= 39: 424. Je. ‘05. 260w. “A preliminary chapter on the use and equipment of the laboratory contains some very practical suggestions for the teacher and student. The comparison of the morphological characters that appear in the concise annotations attached to each exercise materially enhances the value of the book.” Carlton C. Curtis. + + =Educ. R.= 29: 425. Ap. ‘05. 270w. “It is an excellent guide for study of plant structures in a college course.” + =Ind.= 59: 270. Ag. 3, ‘05. 40w. =Calhoun, Alice J.= When yellow jasmine blooms. $1.50. Neale. A story of the southland, with a heroine of the old-fashioned type, of rare beauty and unyielding pride, and a hero who, when he is not trusted without explanation, seeks to hide his wounded heart at the ends of the earth. By the aid of an opal which foretells disaster, and a railroad wreck, all is happily ended “when the jasmine blooms.” =Calkins, Ernest Elmo, and Holden, Ralph.= Modern advertising. **$1.50. Appleton. “‘According to various estimates the amount of money spent to-day in America for advertising ranges from six hundred to one thousand million dollars a year.’ This statement gives some measure of the important part which the art of advertising has come to play in the methods of business in the twentieth century. This volume gives an interesting account of the methods of modern advertising, and attempts to formulate some of the principles which underlie successful publicity.” (Outlook.) The volume belongs to Appleton’s “Business series.” “Is overloaded with a special plea for the general advertising agent. Yet the authors have their subject practically and thoroughly in hand, and supply an illustrated manual that will be of value particularly to the business man who is planning a campaign of publicity.” + + — =Critic.= 47: 383. O. ‘05. 60w. “It is as interesting to read as a novel.” + + =Ind.= 58: 1074. My. 11, ‘05. 180w. + — =Nation.= 80: 340. Ap. 27, ‘05. 540w. “Though the authors have not succeeded in supplying a concise and altogether satisfactory definition of their subject, they have certainly produced a very readable book.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 195. Ap. 1, ‘05. 610w. + =Outlook.= 79: 909. Ap. 8, ‘05. 80w. “The book is written primarily for the general reader, and as such it will be found to be a most interesting exposition of the subject of advertising and sales-management.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32:128. Jl. ‘05. 390w. * =Calkins, Harvey Reeves.= Mind of Methodism. *25c. Meth. bk. “This little tractate was written by a British Wesleyan missionary for his people in India. It is an excellent description of a catholic Christianity that in general is not particularly distinctive of Methodism from other evangelical ‘isms’ as known among us.”—Outlook. * + =Outlook.= 80: 839. Jl. 29, ‘05. 40w. =Call, Annie Payson.= Freedom of life. **$1.25. Little. “Interior freedom rests upon the principle of non-resistance to all things painful to our natural love of self,” sums the trend of Miss Call’s arguments. Many of the chapters contain comfort, and good advice, and are the result of sure insight: among them are ‘Self-consciousness,’ ‘Human sympathy,’ ‘Dependence and independence,’ ‘Self-control,’ ‘About Christmas,’ and ‘To mothers.’ Reviewed by Edward Fuller. + — =Critic.= 47: 248. S. ‘05. 80w. “Contains sound logic—and some sophistries; much good sense—and just a little nonsense. Although we have entered a demurrer in regard to certain parts of the book, be it understood that we criticise only the universal application which the author makes of her fundamental principle of non-resistance. The excellent little volume should be widely and thoughtfully read; it is written in a style at once succinct and limpid, and it holds much truth upon which it is safe to build.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 204. Ap. 1, ‘05. 660w. “‘The freedom of life’ is directed not so much against the bondage of doing wrong as against the bondage of doing right in the wrong way.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 634. Ap. 22, ‘05. 200w. “It is a pity that a book always excellent in intention and usually in performance should be marred by such absurdities.” + — =Reader.= 6: 591. O. ‘05. 390w. =Call, Annie Payson.= Man of the world. **50c. Little. The man of the world as Miss Call characterizes him is one who must know evil in order to renounce it, must be capable of understanding all phases of life, must recognize the beauty and power of the things of this world as servants to our highest law, must be in the process of gaining freedom from the world’s evils, must be a citizen of the world sustained by the mind and heart of God. * “A little book, but sound and sensible as its larger predecessors.” + =Critic.= 47: 572. D. ‘05. 50w. =Calthrop, Samuel R.= God and his world: sermons on evolution. *$1.25. Ellis. Eight scholarly sermons by this venerable Unitarian minister which set forth the doctrine of evolution and “fill that idea full of God.” The sermons are entitled: God, Religion and evolution, One Lord and His name One, Jesus and the evolution of the kingdom of God, Experimental theology and experimental religion, Fate and freedom, God minus man and God in man, and Immortality. “Dr. Calthrop is a theist, and more thoroughgoing than very many theists. He is also a Christian theist, and distinct as such from many who share with him the name of Unitarian.” + =Outlook.= 80: 837. Jl. 29, ‘05. 300w. =Calvert, Albert F.= Life of Cervantes. $1.25. Lane. This story of Cervantes’ romantic life and adventures was written for the tercentenary of the publication of the first part of “Don Quixote.” The illustrations of the first edition of that book are reproduced, and there is a bibliography, a list of proverbs traceable to Cervantes, and a table giving the editions of “Don Quixote” as brought out in various countries. “Is a little too obviously written for the tercentenary.” + — =Acad.= 68: 99. F. 4, ‘05. 130w. “Mr. Calvert is evidently unacquainted with the recent literature of his subject.” — — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 366. Mr. 25. 500w. “The first brief and satisfactory monograph to be written in English. This narrative is compact and well considered.” H. W. Boynton. + + + =Atlan.= 96: 280. Ag. ‘05. 120w. “With some simulation of scholarship, however, this ‘Life’ lacks its essence.” — + =Nation.= 80: 355. My. 4, ‘05. 580w. “It contains a good short account of Cervantes’s adventurous and romantic life, about the only one of convenient size and real fullness known to us.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 296. Ap. 15, ‘05. 450w. Reviewed by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. * — =Sat. R.= 100: sup. 3. O. 14, ‘05. 2650w. * “The ‘Life’ is sufficiently well done.” + =Spec.= 95: sup. 798. N. 18, ‘05. 210w. * =Calvert, Albert Frederick.= Moorish remains in Spain. **$15. Lane. A brief record of the Arabian conquest and occupation of the peninsula with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decoration in the cities of Cordova, Seville, and Toledo, illustrated with eighty-four colored plates and over four hundred black and white illustrations and diagrams. A series of two hundred designs to illustrate the composition and development of various schemes of Arabian ornament, will be found of especial interest to students of Moorish art. * + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 36. D. ‘05. 280w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 837. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. Cambridge modern history; planned by Lord Acton; ed. by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, and Stanley Leathes. 12v. ea. **$4. Macmillan. A comprehensive history of modern times which will be complete in twelve volumes. Two volumes will be published each year, appearing in two series beginning respectively with vol. I and vol. VII. Volumes I, II, III, VII, and VIII have already appeared. The series will consist of—vol. I, The renaissance; vol. II, The reformation; vol. III, Wars of religion; vol. IV, The thirty years war; vol. V, Bourbons and Stuarts; vol. VI, The eighteenth century; vol. VII, The United States; vol. VIII, The French revolution; vol. IX, Napoleon; vol. X, Restoration and reaction; vol. XI, The growth of nationalities; vol. XII, The latest age. (Vol. II). “The present volume is quite up to the standard of the first: it has the same virtues and the same defects. In only two of the chapters, the first and the last, are those results of clarification which come from the highest kind of specialization really clear.” J. H. Robinson. + + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10:382. Ja. ‘05. 1420w. (Vol. VIII). “Whatever doubts remain concerning the construction of the book, it should be welcome for the wealth of information it supplies and for the impartial review of fiercely-debated questions which it affords. As a rule it exhibits the tested results of sound scholarship.” A. L. P. Denis. + + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 403. Ja. ‘05. 1770w. “The length of some of the chapters and paragraphs is somewhat disproportionate to the importance of the matters of which they treat. And there are some rather startling omissions. There are moreover a considerable number of misprints and minor errors. Despite all these minor defects, however, there can be no doubt that the third volume of this great work is in every way worthy of the high standard set by the earlier ones.” Roger Bigelow Merriman. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 145. O. ‘05. 960w. (Review of v. 3.) (Vol. VIII). “No single-volume history of the French revolution in the English language, and possibly none in the French, contains so much and such well-organized information as that embodied within the compass of this book. In breadth and accuracy of treatment, in the opinion of the reviewer, it is superior to any that has yet appeared in the series.” James Westfall Thompson. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 139. Ja. ‘05. 2110w. “Presents too much accidental selection and grouping. The paramount excellence of some of the chapters is so evident that the weakness of the others is made especially evident.” Wm. E. Lingelbach. + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 598. My. ‘05. 1010w. (Review of v. 3.) “The index of the present volume is, we are glad to see, a great improvement on its predecessors.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 583. My. 13. 2520w. (Review of v. 3.) “With one exception, beyond painstaking fidelity and unflagging industry which gathers in every scrap of fact that can be crammed into the work, there is nothing remarkable in the treatment of the subjects. And the devotion to detail seems to have been carried too far.” + + — =Cath. World.= 82: 91. O. ‘05. 3900w. (Review of v. 8.) “There is a certain lack of homogeneity, produced partly by divergencies both in opinion and in style, and partly by repetitions due to the treatment of a single subject in its different phases. A graver objection is the absence, both from this volume and from that devoted to ‘The reformation,’ of a sufficient statement of the Roman Catholic side. The work would be indispensable to students for its bibliographies alone.” + + — =Critic.= 46: 278. Mr. ‘05. 1280w. (Review of v. 3.) Reviewed by E. D. Adams. + + — =Dial.= 39: 165. S. 16, ‘05. 1140w. (Review of v. 3.) Reviews Vols. III and VIII. =Ind.= 58: 669. Mr. 23, ‘05. 700w. * “A fine, scholarly catalog of events, with little sense for literary form or emphasis. It is learned and fair, but cold and unsympathetic; useful as an encyclopedia, and having little dramatic interest.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1155. N. 16, ‘05. 60w. (Review of v. 3.) “It is generally accurate; it is critical; it is clearly written; it is dispassionate. The attitude of pure science is worthily maintained.” + + =Nation.= 80: 314. Ap. 20, ‘05. 2930w. (Review of Vol. III.) “It is everywhere conscientious and never hurried.” Christian Gauss. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 209. Ap. 8, ‘05. 4100w. (Detailed review of Vol. III.) + + =Outlook.= 79: 398. F. 11, ‘05. 250w. (Review of v. 3.) Cambridge natural history. *$4.25. Macmillan. This new work upon systematic ichthyology, “in line with modern concepts respecting the vertebrates or chordates, includes not only the lower types of the vertebrates of the old naturalists, but also the hemichordata and urochordata or tunicates. The old class of fishes ... is replaced by the three classes for more than a generation past adopted in America, that is, the ‘cephalochordata’ (leptocardians), the ‘cyclostomata’ (marsipobranchs) and the ‘pisces’ (teleostomes or fishes proper).” (Science.) “As a whole the work is good; it ranks higher than any of its forerunners on the same lines of comprehensiveness and in the general quality of its contents. The third section ... is most open to attack; in places it bristles with vexatious little errors, indicating lack of acquaintance with the subject, and shaking one’s faith in portions better treated.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 423. My. 25, ‘05. 1140w. “Surveyed as a whole, both authors and editors alike are to be congratulated on having produced a work of sterling merit. The psychologist and the student of evolution will find in these chapters of Mr. Boulenger a perfect mine of information.” + + + =Nature.= 72: 103. Je. 1, ‘05. 1990w. “We shall be grateful, also for the new light which the co-authors of the ‘Cambridge natural history,’ and especially Dr. Boulenger, have thrown and will continue to throw on mooted questions of morphology and classification.” Theo. Gill. + + — =Science=, n.s. 21: 653. Ap. 28, ‘05. 5080w. =Campbell, Gerald=, comp. See =Fitz Gerald, Edward and Pamela.= Letters and portraits of. =Campbell, Reginald John.= Sermons addressed to individuals. **$1.25. Armstrong. As the author states in his preface, these eighteen sermons “are not literature, they are extempore speech.” Each one was suggested by some life story or called out by some confession, or some cry for pastoral aid, and to the text of each sermon is prefixed a short account of the particular case which it was designed to meet. Mr. Campbell is an evangelist, and minister of the City Temple of London. “But these occasional sermons are not sermons for an occasion merely. Their appeal is a very wide one.” + + =Bib. World.= 26: 154. Ag. ‘05. 130w. =Ind.= 58: 897. Ap. 20, ‘05. 80w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 149. Mr. 11, ‘05. 200w. + =Outlook.= 79: 453. F. 18, ‘05. 220w. =Candler, Edmund.= The unveiling of Lhasa. $5. Longmans. An account of the Lhasa mission from the standpoint of the correspondent of the Daily Mail. He relates the predetermining causes, the diplomatic and historical matters bearing upon the expedition, and a detailed account of the actual journey and of the encounters with the Tibetans. A vivid description of Lhasa, of the monasteries, and of the people follows. + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 147. F. 4, 2320w. “A series of clear-cut sketches depicting the every-day life of the people ... form the most striking feature of that portion of Mr. Candler’s book given over to Lhasa.” H. Addington Bruce. + + =Bookm.= 21: 305. My. ‘05. 490w. Reviewed by Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 384. Je. 1, ‘05. 490w. “There is in his pages a breezy personal element, which lends the charm of reality to all he sees and does. His descriptions are brief, and his summing up of the results of the mission clear and forcible.” + + =Nation.= 80: 273. Ap. 6, ‘05. 440w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 116. F. 25, ‘05. 1080w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 427. Mr. 18, ‘05. 670w. “A book of remarkable interest. The manner of writing is as admirable as the matter. Other books on the expedition may be written fuller of detailed information, but none can be more thoroughly imbued with its romance. One of Mr. Candler’s most notable gifts is a power of vivid, sympathetic delineation of scenery.” + + =Spec.= 94: 178. F. 4. ‘05. 1260w. =Canfield, Dorothea Frances.= Corneille and Racine in England: a study of the English translations of the two Corneilles and Racine with special reference to their presentation on the English stage. **$1.50. Macmillan. “A valuable feature of this book is the presentation of well-chosen excerpts from the various translations, illustrative of the author’s critical comments. These selections are accompanied by the original text.... Pleasantly suggestive sketches are given of the writers who figured as translators from the time of Charles I to the earlier years of the nineteenth century. Among a crowd of obscure hacks may be noted the names of Katharine Philips (the ‘Matchless Orinda’), Waller, Cotton, Otway, Steele, Young (of the ‘Night thoughts’), and Colley Cibber.”—N. Y. Times. “A quiet, high-bred humor and a marked felicity of phrase brighten many of these pages.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 205. Ap. 1, ‘05. 320w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 250. F. ‘05. 50w. =Canfield, William Walker.= Legends of the Iroquois: told by the Cornplanter. **$1.50. Wessels. The legends and bits of folk-lore here reproduced were told by the Seneca chief, the Cornplanter, to a pioneer of western New York, whose note-book with the valuable jottings came into the possession of Mr. Canfield. Enough of the wild poetry, religious undertone, and imagination was transmitted to enable the author to catch the spirit of the tales, which he has preserved with full understanding and sympathy. “A valuable and entertaining edition to the literature of our aboriginal folk-lore.” + + =Critic.= 46: 191. F. ‘05. 30w. “Present what is from several points of view the most fascinating side of Indian character, the poetic and imaginative side. It has a distinct value to the student of ethnology, or anyone who is interested in the study of Indian life and character, it will also appeal with equal force to the reader who seeks only entertainment; for we venture to say that anyone who dips into this book of legends will find them as fascinating as a book of verses or a metrical romance.” L. J. Burpee. + + =Dial.= 38: 121. F. 16, ‘05. 290w. =Canning, Albert Stratford George.= Literary influence in British history. *$2.25. Wessels. In a prefatory note the author states that “In this republished and revised volume I endeavor to trace the influence of literature in British history, with the hope that the book may be of use to readers not familiar with larger works on the subject.” Then follows a review of representative English literature in every period of England’s history from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Scott and Froude. There is much not only of historical and literary but also of biographical interest. =Cannon, Edwin=, ed. See Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. =Capart, Jean.= Primitive art in Egypt; tr. * by A. S. Griffith. *$5. Lippincott. “This exhaustive volume dealing with the early decorative work of the Egyptians on implements and buildings, deals with its subject more from an archaeological than from an artistic standpoint.” (Critic.) The work is largely based upon the discoveries of Prof. Flinders Petrie, and is richly illustrated. * “Has been ably translated.” + + =Acad.= 68: 599. Je. 3, ‘05. 530w. * “M. Capart’s own part in the book appears to have been mostly confined to the selection of the matters to be reproduced, and this task has been discharged with both skill and judgment. The translation by Miss Griffith is adequate to its purpose.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 557. My. 6. 170w. * “For the student of the problem of the origin of art the author has probably made a valuable contribution, with his clear text, and plentiful illustrations. For the casual reader, however, the often insisted upon details are liable to become wearisome.” + + — =Critic.= 47: 572. D. ‘05. 70w. * “A distinctive up-to-date book.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 861. D. 2, ‘05. 500w. * “Is full of curious and interesting reading.” + + =Spec.= 95: 261. Ag. 19, ‘05. 120w. =Capen, Edward Warren.= Historical development of the poor law of Connecticut. *$3.50. Macmillan. Volume XXII. of the “Columbia university studies.” An historical study of the treatment of the poor in Connecticut from the earliest colonial period to the present day, in which the town system of relief is considered as opposed to the state and county systems. There is an excellent bibliography, and there are indexes covering not only the subjects treated but the decisions and statutes cited. + + + =Acad.= 68: 496. My. 6, ‘05. 220w. “The history is interestingly set forth, each statement of fact is verified by references.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 587. My. ‘05. 140w. =Dial.= 38: 276. Ap. 16, ‘05. 50w. + =Ind.= 59: 933. O. 19, ‘05. 40w. “In his present monograph Dr. Capen has provided us not only with a most exhaustive exposition of the development of the law from early colonial days, but also with a useful commentary on its workings, pointing out clearly its advantages and defects.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 960. Ap. 15, ‘05. 220w. * =Capen, Oliver Bronson.= Country homes of famous Americans. **$5. Doubleday. “The profusion of pictures large and small with which the book is embellished ... throws a welcome light upon the surroundings of many of our celebrated men, representing, as Mr. T. W. Higginson says in his introduction, ‘not merely the tastes and habits of the man’s household, but the private background of his public life.’ Not all the houses chosen are of equal interest, nor are their owners of equal celebrity.... In all, the homes of eighteen men are chosen, including those of Lee at Arlington, of Jefferson at Monticello, Lowell’s Elmwood, Longfellow’s Craigie house, and Madison’s Montpelier.”—Nation. * “There has, of late, been much journeying (on paper) to the homes of great men, but none of these journeys has ended in such a fortunate meeting of text and pictures as have those of Mr. Capen.” + + =Nation.= 81: 492. D. 14, ‘05. 460w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 769. N. 11, ‘05. 200w. * =Capes, Bernard.= Lohengrin. $2. Page. “This is the third of a series of romances founded on the themes of grand operas.... The illustrations, in black and white, are by Sarcadi Pogany, and fancifully, yet not without plenty of vigor and action, depict the dramatic incidents of the legend, which is repeated in description and dialogue and dramatic succession in the form of the modern historical romance.”—N. Y. Times. * “Mr. Capes tells his story well and strongly, his descriptions are vivid and significant, and all the drama of the story clearly brought out. But because you are writing of distant days, need your style be such ‘genuine antique’ stuff as this?” + — =Acad.= 68: 833. Ag. 12, ‘05. 300w. * “This is monstrous fine writing; so fine that for the life of us we cannot tell whether it is meant to be in blank verse or not. Much of it is; some of it is not; and the mixture is merely annoying. There are, too, the inevitable lapses of one who sets out to play a part without conviction.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 233. Jl. 21, ‘05. 400w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 707. O. 21, ‘05. 140w. =Capwell, Irene Stoddard.= Mrs. Alderman Casey. 75c. Fenno. In rich Irish brogue the wife of Alderman Casey tells of her experiences in trying to keep up with the social aspirations of her pretty daughter, Mary Ann, who in the end forsakes tennis clubs, Browning clubs, summer hotels and euchre parties for Tom Donovan, the pride of the police force. * =Carey, Rosa Nouchette.= Household of Peter: a novel. (†)$1.50. Lippincott. “A story of life in a small English country town. Peter is a young doctor, and his household consists of himself, his three sisters, and a faithful serving-woman. There is the usual complement of nobility and gentry.”—Outlook. * “Altogether this is a soothing and cheerful story.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 539. O. 21. 130w. * “Peter’s household is a wholesome, affectionate set of folks; but at times they are tiresome, and their conversations are too long drawn out.” — =Outlook.= 81: 382. O. 14, ‘05. 60w. =Carl, Katherine A.= With the empress dowager. **$2. Century. Miss Carl, thru the influence of Mrs. Conger, wife of the United States minister, was called to Pekin in the summer of 1903 to paint a portrait of the empress dowager. She remained eleven months, and painted four portraits one of which was exhibited at the St. Louis exposition, and during all this time she lived at the Chinese court, and came in daily contact with the empress dowager and the court ladies. She gives a simple, straightforward account of her unique experiences, telling with frank enthusiasm all about her life and the life of those around her in the summer and the winter palaces, until her readers also come under the spell of the empress dowager’s fascinating personality and come to see the Chinese social customs and religious rites in all their picturesque dignity. * =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 150w. * “There is much entertaining tittle-tattle in the volume about Chinese court life, but Her Majesty is lost in the distant perspective.” H. E. Coblentz. + — =Dial.= 39: 379. D. 1, ‘05. 440w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1378. D. 14, ‘05. 100w. “Unfortunately Miss Carl is not an observer or a writer; she was very greatly affected by the divinity that hedges royalty; and her book of more than 300 pages is much such a record as a school girl with an easy pen might send to an admiring club of friends.” — + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 752. N. 4, ‘05. 670w. * “Her book is of great interest.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 820. D. 2, ‘05. 160w. “It is believed that the present volume contains the first accurate and satisfactory information concerning the personal appearance and characteristics of an interesting imperial personage.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 580. N. 4, ‘05. 190w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 755. D. ‘05. 140w. =Carling, John R.= Weird picture. (†)$1.50. Little. A story concerned mainly with the machinations of an Italian artist whose madness and villainy actuate him to follow the Giotto method of stabbing his model to produce a realistic picture. There are some weird effects, exciting discoveries, and thru it all runs the romance of a matter-of-fact Englishman and his beautiful cousin. “A well conceived and constructed story, which contains some crisp dialogue and characterization.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 139. Jl. 29. 150w. “Those whose blood is yet uncurdled and whose detective sense has never been baffled by literary mystery might try this.” — =Ind.= 59 :753. S. 28, ‘05. 40w. =Outlook.= 80: 395. Je. 10, ‘05. 80w. “The plot is absorbing and well-concealed.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 868. Je. 3, ‘05. 110w. =Carlyle, R. W., and Carlyle, A. J.= History of mediaeval political theory in the West. 3v. v. I. **$3.50. Putnam. “The object of the joint authors of the present work is to carry in several volumes the history of political theory down to the early seventeenth century.... It is to be strictly a ‘history of theory, not of institutions.’ ... Part I or the introduction of the work devotes two chapters to the political theory of Cicero and Seneca.... Part II is devoted to the political theory of the Roman lawyers.... Part III has for its subject the political theory of the New Testament and the Fathers.... Part IV, the political theory of the ninth century.... Each chapter and each part is followed by a very useful summary, and at the foot of each page are given very lengthy extracts from the sources.”—Am. Hist. R. “The author of the present volume has brought to his work a thorough knowledge of the early church writers ... and has succeeded in expressing himself in such admirable and lucid English, free from all philosophical abstractions and obscurities, that at no time does his exposition fail to instruct and to interest the reader. This clearness is largely due to the admirable arrangement of the subject-matter and to the method of treatment. No claim could be made that the author has discovered any new theories or new theorists, but he has certainly put many matters in a new light. Throughout his work he seldom shows any familiarity with the researches of modern scholars in the field of political theory, and with but few exceptions he never refers to any secondary authorities. This is a glaring and inexcusable fault in an otherwise highly meritorious work.” James Sullivan. + + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 629. Ap. ‘05. 780w. =Carlyle, Thomas.= French revolution. *$1.50. Macmillan. Three volumes uniform with “Bohn’s historical library,” edited by John Holland Rose. The text and foot notes of the author are reproduced verbatim, and there are in addition notes by the editor which supplement the text with more modern information. There is an introduction, and there are appendices and numerous illustrations. =Nation.= 80: 229. Mr. 23, ‘05. 60w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 123. F. 25, ‘05. 260w. “An excellent library edition.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 705. Mr. 18, ‘05. 4w. =Carlyle, Thomas.= Oliver Cromwell; with a selection from his letters and speeches. *60c. McClurg. “An abridged and newly edited volume of Carlyle’s Cromwell.” It is uniform with “Standard biographies.” =Carman, Albert Richardson.= Ethics of imperialism; an enquiry whether Christian ethics and imperialism are antagonistic. **$1. Turner, H. B. “This is a defense of imperialism by a very radical method of discrediting altruism as an ethical ideal and extolling egoism, personal and national, as the best of all possible principles. This, of course, leads to extreme libertarian views of social policy.”—Ind. Reviewed by John J. Halsey. =Dial.= 39: 270. N. 1, ‘05. 1000w. =Ind.= 59: 818. O. 5, ‘05. 90w. =Nation.= 81: 287. O. 5, ‘05. 340w. * =Carman, (William) Bliss.= Poems. 2v. *$10. Page. This sumptuous edition has been compiled from Mr. Carman’s various published works, and includes a number of poems which have seen print in magazines but have never before appeared in book form. * “His work is done so much in the open, his qualities are so frankly and immediately affirmed in it, he is so free from subtleties and intricacies of meaning, that the province of the reviewer properly ends with pointing the way to his books as a source of many kinds of intellectual and emotional pleasure—all wholesome, rich, and strong.” Elisabeth Luther Carey. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 849. D. 2, ‘05. 1140w. * “He has a true gift of song, an artist’s joy in beautiful words, and that passion for the moods of Nature which of itself transmutes verse into poetry. His defect is to fall occasionally into facile jingles, and now and then into inapposite conceits.” + + — =Spec.= 95: 192. Ag. 5, ‘05. 140w. * =Carman, (William) Bliss.= Poetry of life. **$1.50. Page. A volume of essays which contains besides the title essay, The purpose of poetry; How to judge poetry; The poet in the commonwealth; The poet in modern life; The defence of poetry; Distaste for poetry; Longfellow; Emerson; Mr. Riley’s poetry; Mr. Swinburne’s poetry; The rewards of poetry; Cheerful pessimism; Masters of the world; The poetry of to-morrow; The permanence of poetry. * “That Mr. Carman is a master of a stimulating style in verse and prose alike is evidenced by this sane, hopeful, yet discriminating study of varied phases of art and life.” + =Dial.= 39: 312. N. 16, ‘05. 380w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 786. N. 18, ‘05. 170w. * “Its value is permanent by reason of the broadly comprehensive treatment which he has given to the subject of poetry in its larger aspects. I am not sure but he is at his best as a critic.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 910. D. 23, ‘05. 1290w. =Carnegie, Andrew.= James Watt. **$1.40. Doubleday. Mr. Carnegie has woven into his biography of the inventor of the steam-engine, out of which he made his fortune, his own philosophy of success, drawing upon his personal experience to point the morals found in his hero’s life. “In Mr. Carnegie he has found a worthy and sympathetic biographer.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2:115. Jl. 22. 880w. “The wonderful career of James Watt is here ably retold by a most appreciative countryman with a wealth of comment bearing on or suggested by Watt’s life or inventions, which is scarcely less interesting than the narrative itself.” + =Engin. N.= 53: 625. Je. 15, ‘05. 220w. + =Ind.= 59: 991. O. 26, ‘05. 350w. “It is in the expression of the author’s views of life and the world that the work’s value mainly lies, for as a biography, it adds naught to the store of available information. Extremely interesting and helpful.” + + =Lit. D.= 21: 94. Jl. 15, ‘05. 560w. “Its lively, not to say jerky, style would hardly be a sufficient inducement to read this book. The preface names two highly competent engineers as having revised the technical passages, but here and there a sentence may be found to which they can hardly have lent their deliberate approval.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 527. Je. 29, ‘05. 1600w. “Mr. Carnegie has written a really helpful book, and one which is especially helpful to the young man entering into life’s battles.” + =Outlook.= 80: 246. My. 27, ‘05. 320w. “There is a good deal of useful information in the book, but the best feature of it is the romantic cast that the author has given to an intrinsically dry subject.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 837. My. 27, ‘05. 180w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 124. Jl. ‘05. 50w. “Mr. Carnegie’s book is of the kind to put in the hands of a promising boy. It will stimulate him to work, but not at the expense of the simple moralities and pleasures of a well-regulated life.” + + =Spec.= 95: 396. S. 16, ‘05. 200w. * =Carpenter, Joseph Estlin.= James Martineau: theologian and teacher. *$2.50. Am. Unitar. A book written “at the invitation of the British and Foreign Unitarian association, to describe the life and work of Dr. Martineau in briefer compass than was possible to his first biographers.... Professor Carpenter has had the advantage of the use of certain additional letters which have become available since the publication of the Life and has utilized other papers and correspondence hitherto unused.... The result is an exceedingly valuable ‘study,’ in which the incidents of the life and the characteristics of the man and the thinker are made to throw light upon one another in a way which is possible only to one who, having mastered every detail of his subject, is able to select the essential and significant elements in every case.”—Hibbert J. * “It is difficult to imagine any class of readers who will easily set down this biography when once they have opened it. The stress of interest will indeed vary, but the admirable lucidity of Mr. Carpenter’s arrangement will render the process of skipping easy and comparatively safe.” Philip H. Wicksteed. + + =Acad.= 68: 560. My. 27, ‘05. 1530w. * + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 623. My. 20. 150w. * “The book is written in a style which, while it gives the impression of perfect accuracy, is yet so clear and graceful that the reader is never either puzzled or wearied.” James Seth. + + =Hibbert J.= 4: 210. O. ‘05. 2150w. * “It is an original study, based to some extent on new materials, and everywhere showing care and ripe reflection.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 219. Jl. 7, ‘05. 910w. * “Appearing in Dr. Martineau’s centenary year, it is a timely and permanent memorial of a spiritual leader unsurpassed in the English speaking world.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 941. D. 16, ‘05. 250w. * “This admirable work is a worthy memorial of a great man. His development is traced with such skill that Mr. Carpenter makes us realize the continual interplay of the outer and inner life. We see in these pages the organic growth, not only of a great intellect but of a great moral force.” + + =Spec.= 95: 757. N. 11, ‘05. 2340w. =Carpenter, Rt. Rev. William Boyd, bp. of Ripon.= Witness to the influence of Christ; being the William Belden Noble lectures for 1904. **$1.10. Houghton. Six lectures entitled—Two aspects of Christ’s influence; Christ the perfect type of consciousness; Christ the teacher of principles; Christ the law of the soul; Christ verified in experience; Christ as authority. “The thought is worthy and is set forth with exceptional literary skill, with recurring pregnant expressions of much suggestiveness.” + + =Ind.= 59: 152. Jl. 20, ‘05. 100w. * “Exhibits his well-known versatility and literary skill.” + =Ind.= 59: 1160. N. 16, ‘05. 30w. “A happy combination of poetic feeling and logical clearness characterizes the entire argument.” + =Outlook.= 80: 248. My. 27, ‘05. 150w. + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 188. Ag. 5, ‘05. 70w. =Carr, Clark.= Illini. $2. McClurg. “A story of the prairies, written from the memories of over half a century lived in Illinois. The author has endeavored to present his views of the position and influence of Illinois among the states, to give an estimate of events, and of those Illinoisans who were conspicuous actors in them, from 1850, the year in which the Fugitive-slave law was enacted, to the opening of the Civil war.”—Bookm. “Is a pleasant combination of history, biography, and romance.” + =Critic.= 46: 564. Je. ‘05. 80w. “The story is not sufficiently interesting to have any advantage over the ordinary historical form.” — =Ind.= 58: 844. Ap. 13, ‘05. 160w. =Carroll, John S.= Exiles of eternity: an exposition of Dante’s Inferno. *$3. Gorham. “‘Exiles of eternity’ is an exposition canto by canto, in a simple, popular, yet thoroughly literary style, reaching the aim of bringing before the reader, who may or not be acquainted with the Italian language, the general scope of Dante’s ethical teaching as studied from a broad Anglican point of view, not uncolored by an intense poetical appreciation. This exposition is preceded by a brief sketch of the poet.” (N. Y. Times). The book makes no attempt at special research from original sources, hence there are reproduced several errors of earlier commentators. The author states, however, that his purpose is rather to present his subject in its “broad outlines” than to go into those “mere niceties, ingenuities and intricacies of interpretation” which too often lead Dante scholars astray. “Characterized by broad general reading among English and American commentators rather than by special research. An English reader who wishes to make the acquaintance of the ‘Inferno’ through a broad and pleasant way with Dante’s ethical rules of action brought strictly up to date, cannot do better than to read Mr. Carroll’s book.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 38. Ja. 21, ‘05. 310w. =Carryl, Guy Wetmore.= The garden of years, and other poems. **$1.50. Putnam. A volume of genuine poetic value, posthumously published, is the gift of Guy Wetmore Carryl to the literature of our time. “In the long poem which lends its title to the present collection, we have a true love poem marked by exquisite feeling and rare felicitous grace of execution. We may but say retrospectively, using Mr. Stedman’s so fitly characterizing words,—‘Still in the strength of youth, he seemed quite equal to either experiences or work, and likely to take his fill of both.’” (Critic). “Its varied but everywhere irrefragable proofs of poetship. There is abundant evidence in ‘The garden of years’ that Guy Carryl had received the muse’s accolade; and we might add, that, in his own range of inspiration and execution, this young Lycidas ‘hath not left his peer.’” E. M. T. + + =Critic.= 46: 182. F. ‘05. 220w. “It is a volume of manly sentiment embodied in facile and vigorous measures.” + =Dial.= 38: 199. Mr. 16, ‘05. 270w. =Carson, Thomas G.= Man’s responsibility; or, How and why the Almighty introduced evil upon the earth. **$1. Putnam. “All of Mr. Carson’s argument is to the effect that phrenology is an exact and useful science, and that it should be used in the government of the world and the reclamation of mankind.”—N. Y. Times. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 258. Ap. 22, ‘05. 390w. =Carter, A. Cecil=, ed. Kingdom of Siam. **$2. Putnam. A volume prepared by native Siamese in connection with the commission to the St. Louis exposition. “The materials used by the author are largely furnished by high officials in different departments of government service.” (N. Y. Times). The view of Siam includes a sketch of King Chulalongkorn, and his son, the Prince Maha Vajiravudh, a description of Siam itself,—“the Land of the White Elephant,” a summary of its resources, and a glimpse of the capital city, Bangkok, where modern invention has given crowning touches to the city’s mechanism. The chapter on agriculture is perhaps the best in the book. There are many illustrations, chiefly, however, of temples and public buildings. “The style will not interest the general reader.” + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 125. Ja. ‘05. 70w. “Well-written and skilfully arranged work.” + + =Critic.= 46: 381. Ap. ‘05. 110w. “It contains everything that a stranger needs to know of a fascinating country. The book has no literary endeavor manifest in its pages, being rather a complete handbook of the kingdom, with numerous illustrations of persons and places,—an encyclopedia in little.” Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 91. F. 1, ‘05. 150w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 36. Jan. 21, ‘05. 620w. =Carter, Thomas.= Shakespeare and the Holy Scriptures, with the version he used. *$3. Dutton. “Following the plays of Shakespeare in the probable order of their composition, Dr. Carter exhibits the extent to which Biblical ideas and phraseology appear in them. Citations from Shakespeare are from the text of the First folio, published in 1623; citations from the Bible are from the Genevan version (edition of 1598), the popular version of that time, and from the Genevan New Testament of 1557. ‘No writer,’ says Dr. Carter, ‘has assimilated the thoughts and reproduced the words of the Holy Scripture more copiously.’”—Outlook. “In consequence of this fatal want of judgment, the book may be pronounced to be practically valueless.” — =Nation.= 81: 388. N. 9, ‘05. 600w. “To say the best for it, it is a curious book and a monument of industry.” — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 682. O. 14, ‘05. 250w. “Dr. Carter proves a parallelism between Shakespeare and the Bible abundantly sufficient for his purpose, and need not have overloaded his book with much that is conjectural and doubtful.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 529. O. 28, ‘05. 160w. “Dr. Carter’s book, in fact, though it displays a minute familiarity with the text of the Bible and puts before the student the full materials for judging for himself, is an absurd overstatement.” — =Sat. R.= 100: 437. S. 30, ‘05. 1560w. * “Enough has been said to show that this large book, notwithstanding the labour spent upon it, is entirely useless for its main purpose; while for the further purpose of estimating Shakespeare’s knowledge of the Bible it is almost as useless, since nine-tenths of the parallels suggested are not parallels at all.” — — =Spec.= 95: 687. N. 4, ‘05. 2010w. =Cartwright, Julia (Mrs. Henry Ady).= Life and art of Botticelli. *$4. Dutton. This is an expansion of a study published a year or so ago, and is copiously illustrated with reproductions from the famous works of the painter. “This clear narrative restates the results of modern research and gives a trustworthy account of the Florentine painter’s career. What he owed to Savonarola and Dante is set forth in straightforward fashion, and his works are surveyed in chronological order, one by one.” (Atlan.) Reviewed by Royal Cortissoz. + =Atlan.= 95: 278. F. ‘05. 90w. “Her work forms ... a homogeneous whole, that is, however, somewhat marred here and there by certain strange mannerisms.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 24: 369. F. ‘05. 200w. “A notable contribution to the descriptive literature of art. The author is evidently steeped in artist-lore, and in this handsome volume has presented a treatise of an art school as well as a biography of Botticelli.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31 :252. F. ‘05. 70w. =Carver, Thomas Nixon.= The distribution of wealth. **$1.50. Macmillan. In treating the value-and-distribution problem, “Professor Carver has earned high praise in that he has, with perfect clearness, defined precisely his point of view, systematically presented his doctrinal position, and carried it out with consistent argument.” The relation between values and distributive shares is traced out by Professor Carver as follows: “The value of the agent is determined by the value of the product. But what determines the value of the product? The relative want. And what determines the relative want? The relative supply. And what determines the relative supply? The cost of production. And what determines the cost of production? The value of the agents employed. And what determines the value of the agents? The value of the product; etc., etc.” The foregoing questions are discussed and answered. The law of diminishing returns is made the central feature of the theory of distribution. The author “pronounces strongly in favor of preserving the distinction between land and capital both for static and dynamic purposes; he sees, indeed, as bearing upon the relations of land and capital to cost, no significance in the distinction between static and dynamic.” Quotations from J. Pol. Econ. “The reader has only to study a few pages before the earnestness with which the subjects are expounded infects him. The exposition is clear, and occasionally graphic representations are given to make it impossible for the student to escape comprehension.” + + =Acad.= 68: 51. Ja. 14, ‘05. 110w. “The work under consideration is admirable as a theoretical discussion in that it is centralized about the shares in distribution, preceded by what the author considers necessary by way of introduction, namely ‘value,’ ‘diminishing returns,’ and ‘forms of wealth and income.’ The concrete is everywhere uppermost throughout the book. The style is characterized by a certain vivacity which greatly enlivens the discussion and claims the attention of the reader whether he agrees or disagrees with the conclusions.” J. E. Conner. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 346. Mr. ‘05. 540w. “The book is in the main a clear and careful restatement of the prevalent ideas on the theory of distribution as now accepted. The book is moderate in tone and in conclusions.” H. Parker Willis. + + =Dial.= 38: 266. Ap. 16, ‘05. 790w. “The power and significance of the work. Too much can hardly be said in commendation of the book for its clarity and simplicity of style, its skill and effectiveness of statement, and its logical and attractive arrangement of material. It seems worth while to express forthwith the conviction that Professor Carver’s theoretical position is untenable, for the reason that he attempts to make of value and distribution two distinct problems.” H. J. Davenport. + + — =J. Pol. Econ.= 13: 131. D. ‘04. 3050w. + + =Nation.= 80: 290. Ap. 13, ‘05. 120w. * =Gary, Elisabeth Luther.= Novels of Henry James: a study. **$1.25. Putnam. “An attractive volume illustrated with a new portrait of Mr. James and an etching of his home at Rye in England; and supplemented by a bibliography zealously compiled by Mr. Frederick A. King.... Miss Carey ... reviews all his work from the beginning; traces his development step by step, and treats in separate chapters of the power of his imagination and the value of his philosophy.”—N. Y. Times. * “If there is weakness anywhere in this interesting and luminous study it is in the chapter on ‘Philosophy.’ One wishes that more expansion of Mr. James’s moral and psychologic messages had been included.” Annie Russell Marble. + + =Dial.= 39: 441. D. 16, ‘05. 820w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 782. N. 18, ‘05. 160w. * “A remarkably interesting and well-rounded piece of contemporary criticism.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 890. D. 9, ‘05. 290w. =Castaigne, Andre.= Fata Morgana. †$1.50. Century. This romance of art student life in Paris easily draws into one circle a circus rider, the daughter of a Chicago millionaire, the Duke of Morgana, the various critics, models, artists and poets of greater or lesser degree. The setting is Bohemian rather than artistic, and the characters are often coarse. The career of Phil Longwell, a young American painter, is followed through years of struggle from the time when he first falls in love with Hella, the pretty circus-girl friend of his boyhood, to the time when he wins honors, success and the admiration of the young American heiress. His paintings of the Fata Morgana, its strange legend and the simple faith of the people of Morgana, form striking contrast to the cynicism of Parisian life. The book is illustrated by the author. “Unquestionably the plot is thin and the construction faulty. Is a typical artist’s book, full of life and colour.” + — =Bookm.= 21: 183. Ap. ‘05. 280w. “Charming as is Monsieur Castaigne’s narrative, the chief interest will probably centre in the illustrations. In it the layman ... will find a rich store of interest and entertainment.” + =Int. Studio.= 24: sup. 104. F. ‘05. 400w. “No less striking in plot than in title, it rests the reader wearied of stereotyped and hackneyed situations.” + =Reader.= 6: 116. Je. ‘05. 320w. * =Castle, Mrs. Agnes (Sweetman), and Castle, Edgerton.= Heart of Lady Anne. †$1.50. Stokes. In the time of powder, masks and patches, Squire Day married the spoiled beauty, Lady Anne, and the story of her heart is the story of how she chafed at life on her young husband’s estate, how she went up to London as guest of Lady Kilcroney, who was Kitty Bellairs, and how she encountered the scheming, cruel world of fashion which taught her that her husband, who knew how to reveal himself as an heroic figure at the critical moment in each of her sad experiences, and who even aroused her jealousy toward the last, was the real master of the situation and of her heart. * “A tale in Dresden china, so dainty and clever as fully to satisfy the taste for Dresden, but arousing no very strong feeling.” + =Acad.= 68: 1154. N. 4, ‘05. 510w. * “No authors know better how to use romance than Mr. and Mrs. Castle, and none can give the air of this artificial century with so excellent a grace.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 680. N. 18. 340w. * “Dainty bit of eighteenth century romancing.” + =Dial.= 39: 448. D. 16, ‘05. 110w. * “‘Tis a beguiling tale.” + =Ind.= 59: 1483. D. 21, ‘05. 250w. * “Has quite the dash of the authors’ earlier stories.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. * “Has, in a less degree, the sparkle and liveliness of the authors’ former work.” + =Outlook.= 81: 1040. D. 23, ‘05. 90w. =Castle, Agnes, and Castle, Egerton.= Rose of the world. †$1.50. Stokes. “The story opens in India, where the reader has a glimpse of official English life. The tragedy of widowhood descends upon a girl wife, who lives to realize the meaning of her sorrow.”—Outlook. “This is, perhaps, the finest book that Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Castle have as yet produced—daring, original, moving. The plot is developed with that reticence which is the soul of art; the tension is relieved by delightful touches of humor, charming descriptions of scenery, clever character-drawing.” + + =Acad.= 68: 519. My. 13, ‘05. 1170w. “If this is not the best of their novels, it takes high rank among them.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 713. Je. 10. 500w. “At one stroke a delicate psychological study is metamorphosed into a Wilkie Collins melodrama.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + — =Bookm.= 21: 366. Je. ‘05. 710w. “As a piece of story-telling, it is almost good. Only, unfortunately, the heroine does not in the least belong to this era of the world.” + — =Critic.= 46: 563. Je. ‘05. 200w. “The charm is essentially one of style, for the plot is not remarkable, and the situations verge upon the melodramatic.” W. M. Payne. + + — =Dial.= 38: 388. Je. 1, ‘05. 270w. “In this second and more critical reading the careful workmanship of the writers is everywhere apparent.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + + =Forum.= 37: 109. Jl. ‘05. 670w. “A tale which, had it but broken off 100 pages from the end, might have ranked with the few things which bear reading more than once.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 153. My. 12, ‘05. 580w. “In their latest book they have lost none of their brilliancy of description.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 322. My. 20, ‘05. 430w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 392. Je. 17, ‘05. 170w. “The tale is well written, with touches of comedy in minor characters.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1061. Ap. 29, ‘05. 40w. “A story that is touched by a rosy glamor and strengthened by apt characterization.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 796. My. 20, ‘05. 190w. “The story, in fact, for all its wildness, claims attention as a serious study in character, while the events are sensational enough to attract the unpsychological.” + — =Sat. R.= 99: 778. Je. 10, ‘05. 310w. — =Spec.= 94: 789. My. 27, ‘05. 280w. * =Castle, Frank.= Machine construction and drawing. *$1.25. Macmillan. “The author first describes the necessary drawing instruments, and explains their use. He then sets out in detail, with proportional dimensions, various forms of common fastenings, such as rivets, bolts, keys, etc. Then come some chapters containing examples of mill work, followed by others dealing with steam-engine details. The final chapter gives a short account of the physical properties of materials used in construction. Sets of useful exercises occur at intervals, and a few calculations of strengths are given.... The drawings which abound throughout the work represent good practice, are fully dimensioned, very clearly printed, and will be appreciated, by teachers and students alike.”—Nature. * + =Acad.= 68: 962. S. 16, ‘05. 160w. * “While not free from minor defects, the book can be cordially recommended for use in drawing classes, and to young engineers who are seeking after knowledge on which to base subsequent work in machine design.” + + — =Nature.= 72: 533. S. 28, ‘05. 280w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 710. O. 21, ‘05. 210w. Casual essays of The Sun; editorial articles on many subjects, clothed with the philosophy of the light side of things. $1.50. Priv. ptd. Extracts from the editorial pages of the New York Sun, which “touch lightly upon many subjects—upon the passing of the negro minstrel and the banjo, upon mince pie, ... famous men and institutions ... upon college yells, hairpins, Solomon, and the impropriety of addressing the president of the United States as ‘Excellency.’ There is some delectable and curious matter about poets old and new.... You may find also essays on English and reformed manners of spelling it, ... essays upon women of all ages, upon sweethearts and loves, essays upon mothers-in-law, and even essays upon the cup that cheers.” (N. Y. Times.) “One likes to save it for the choice hours, when one is really alone.” Edward Fuller. + + =Critic.= 47: 247. S. ‘05. 280w. “There is no evidence that the writer is restrained by any limitations of conscience, consistency or charity from putting down anything interesting or amusing that comes into his head.” + — =Ind.= 59: 639. S. 14, ‘05. 160w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 388. Je. 17, ‘05. 200w. “There is much excellent fooling here.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 92. My. 6, ‘05. 130w. Catch words of cheer, compiled by Sara A. Hubbard. **$1. McClurg. Printed in dark green ink with green marginal decorations and a touch of red in the headings, this attractive little volume pleases the eye, while the catch words culled from St. Paul, Cicero, Maeterlinck, Carlyle, Tennyson, Shakespeare, Helen Keller, Ruskin, Goethe, Longfellow, and a host of other writers of all ages, are wisely chosen to bring help and comfort. There is a quotation for each day of the year. * “An excellent combination of high seriousness and enlivening humor.” + + =Dial.= 39: 448. D. 16, ‘05. 80w. * “A collection of bright, comforting, helpful sayings.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 640. N. ‘05. 40w. =Cather, Willa Sibert.= Troll garden. †$1.25. McClure. Seven short stories of artist life, emotional psychological, and pathetic, under the titles: Flavia and her artists, The sculptor’s funeral, The garden lodge, A death in the desert, The marriage of Phædra, A Wagner matinee, and Paul’s case. “Is a collection of freak stories that are either lurid, hysterical or unwholesome, and that remind one of nothing so much as the colored supplement to the Sunday papers. The ‘purple patches’ of learning in the book, like the thrills, seem sewed on here and there, with one eye closed to get the effect.” Bessie du Bois. — — + =Bookm.= 21: 612. Ag. ‘05. 1320w. * “There is real promise in these half-dozen stories. Miss Cather has sincerity and no small degree of insight.” + + =Critic.= 47: 476. N. ‘05. 200w. “Taken as a whole, the book indicates more than usual talent for close delineation.” + =Dial.= 38: 394. Je. 1, ‘05. 140w. “There is promise of something greater in them all.” + — =Ind.= 58: 1482. Je. 29, ‘05. 260w. “In this collection of seven stories the author has shown a great deal of deep feeling and real ability, but many of the stories are too ambitious, and seem to be more the work of promise than of fulfillment.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 303. My. 6, ‘05. 230w. “They are singularly vivid, strong, true, original, and they have withal a richness of quality one might almost say of timbre, like a contralto voice.” + =Reader.= 6: 477. S. ‘05. 170w. Catherine of Siena, St., tr. by Vida D. Scudder. *$2.50. Dutton. Selections from the letters of Catherine for long counted among Italian classics. “Mystics are not good letter writers, for mystics are bound to be without humor, and Catherine’s are all religious letters, full of obscure and jarring medieval imagery. But they are human documents. She only learned to write by miracle three years before her death, and until then she employed young aristocrats as secretaries. Her correspondence was wonderfully varied. ‘She wrote to prisoners and outcasts; to great nobles and plain business men; to physicians, lawyers, soldiers of fortune; to kings and queens, and cardinals and popes; to recluses ... and to men and women of the world.’” (Lond. Times.) “Excellent, too, are the small forewords to the various letters, giving vivid glimpses of the young saint’s various correspondents, and incidentally of the composite society of that time.” + + =Acad.= 68: 681. Jl. 1, ‘05. 1880w. “For once we are in the pleasant position of finding nothing to blame; and this because the editor has not only done what was needful, but also (a rarer thing in editors) refrained from doing what was unneedful.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 430. S. 30. 1390w. “Miss Scudder’s translation is finely made; and, in the passages we have compared with the original, is perfectly faithful. A more readable version could hardly have been attempted.” + + + =Cath. World.= 82: 112. O. ‘05. 1430w. + + =Dial.= 39: 278. N. 1, ‘05. 360w. “Miss Scudder has done her task admirably both as translator and as editor.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 224. Jl. 14, ‘05. 1400w. “The perfervid language of religious ecstacy in which they are couched does not fit the English tongue.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 499. Jl. 29, ‘05. 480w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 1073. Ag. 26, ‘05. 180w. “It would be difficult to praise Miss Scudder’s work too highly.” + + + =Spec.= 95:497. O. 7, ‘05. 1630w. =Cator, Dorothy.= Everyday life among the head-hunters, and other experiences from East to West. $1.75. Longmans. “We needn’t pretend here to follow Mrs. Cator in her wanderings, but she spent two years in Borneo and lived among the gruesome ‘head-hunters’ while her husband dealt with lawbreakers among them. She visited China and Japan, (before the last war) and has spent several years upon the worst parts of the African west coast, living there much of the time in mud huts among the natives and seeing them as they are.” (N. Y. Times.) Her narrative is of exceptional interest. Many photographs illustrate the volume. “Mrs. Cator writes simply and straightforwardly, just, we should imagine, as she talks: and her book is not only chatty and amusing, but contains some very fresh and clear-sighted comments on government, civilization, foreign missions, etc.” + + =Acad.= 68: 1111. O. 21, ‘05. 230w. * “Her narrative has sufficient charm and vivacity to justify its publication.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 759. D. 2. 370w. “Writes with a mixture of girlish simplicity and womanly shrewdness which is nothing short of charming.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 745. N. 4, ‘05. 840w. =Cattell, Henry Ware.= Post-mortem pathology: a manual of post-mortem examinations and the interpretations to be drawn therefrom. *$3. Lippincott. A second revised and enlarged edition of this “practical treatise for students and practitioners,” copiously illustrated. “Several improvements over the first edition have been introduced, including the chapter on the bones and joints, and nearly thirty new illustrations. Important changes have also been made in various chapters during the revision.” (Science.) “There are but few things connected with autopsies that will not be found mentioned in the volume.” Lewellys F. Barker. + + + =Science=, n.s. 21: 784. My. 19. ‘05. 1340w. * =Cavendish, George.= Life and death of Cardinal Wolsey. *$7.50. Houghton. “A large and handsome quarto, printed on light, English made paper, in large, clear type, and bound in green boards with buckram back, the Wolsey arms being stamped in gold on the cover. The edition is believed to be from the most authoritative text and contains the full-page photogravures, reproduced in sepia and red chalk tints, of Wolsey, Henry VIII., Thomas Cromwell, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Mary Tudor, and Charles Brandon, and others mentioned in the book, reproduced from paintings by Holbein and others.”—N. Y. Times. Reviewed by H. W. Boynton. * + + =Atlan.= 96: 842. D. ‘05. 230w. * “The volume is of interest not only as an unusually early biographical attempt, but as well because of its dramatic presentation of this great chapter in English history.” + + =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 110w. Reviewed by Edward E. Hale, jr. * + + =Dial.= 39: 375. D. 1, ‘05. 650w. * “It is certainly a work of great interest for the historical student, and is now presented in a most beautiful and appropriate setting.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 654. O. 7, ‘05. 350w. * + + =Outlook.= 81: 715. N. 25, ‘05. 240w. =Cawein, Madison Julius.= Vale of Tempe. *$1.50. Dutton. “‘The Vale of Tempe,’ by Madison Cawein is a volume which, along with some crudities and weakness, has both the old glamour of poesy and an individual tang, so to say, that is uncommon in contemporary verse. Mr. Cawein draws his inspiration in equal draughts from the Kentucky landscape and from the world of pagan poetry, and in at least two of the aptitudes of the poet he stands pretty much by himself. His turn for vivid imaginative phrase is of the first order.... His command of the technique of tone-color is also exceptional.”—Nation. * — =Critic.= 47: 583. D. ‘05. 90w. * “Mr. Cawein is a ‘true poet,’ both in his art and in his inspiration.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 302. O. 12, ‘05. 560w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10:593. S. 9, ‘05. 280w. =Chadwick, H. Munroe.= Studies on Anglo-Saxon institutions. *$2.50. Macmillan. Mr. Chadwick says that his book “makes no claim to offer a comprehensive survey of the problems of ancient English sociology,” that his object has been “to call attention to those branches of the subject which seemed not to have been sufficiently regarded by previous writers. For example, in sketching the history of the kingdoms I have given special attention to the evidence relating to Kent, Sussex, Essex, and the Hwicce. On the other hand Mercian and Northumbrian history has been treated of more briefly, because I had little or nothing to add to what had already been said.” Following a discussion of the monetary system, he describes the coins, their values, terms for money, etc. He also discusses the social system, the administrative system, and the origin of the nobility. “Too many of his conclusions are based on very little or very questionable evidence; some are probabilities merely. Mr. Chadwick’s work is a remarkably suggestive study: new interpretations are proposed and the possibilities of certain neglected materials are clearly indicated.” Laurence M. Larson. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 135. O. ‘05. 660w. + + + =Ind.= 59: 333. Ag. 10, ‘05. 340w. “For the Heptarchic period in particular Mr. Chadwick’s results are of real value.” + + + =Nation.= 81 :185. Ag. 31, ‘05. 580w. “Great caution marks all of Mr. Chadwick’s work.” + + =Nature.= 71: 380. F. 23, ‘05. 290w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 118. F. 25, ‘05. 340w. “He has handled some of the most perplexing problems of ancient English sociology with painstaking industry.” + + + =Sat. R.= 100: 252. Ag. 19, ‘05. 210w. “He investigates the subject with the most scrupulous care, accurately weighing the evidence of various documents, and maintaining an entirely scientific attitude. His book is a valuable contribution to the study of historical origins.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 222. F. 11, ‘05. 250w. =Chadwick, John White.= Later poems. *$1.25. Houghton. The best verses in this volume deal with the common weal and woe of humanity, and the “deep things of God.” The poet also sings of the lighter phases of human existence, “his thoughtful love of nature finds charming expression in many fugitive pieces” (Outlook). In others, especially in “Timeo Danaos,” a high and nobly exigent patriotism shines forth. + =Critic.= 46: 565. Je. ‘05. 130w. “A pleasing addition to our store of occasional and memorial verse.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 66. Ag. 1, ‘05. 370w. “It is some compensation for the over-polemical character of Mr. Chadwick’s verses that their serious thoughtfulness leaves an impression of sobriety and dignity.” Herbert W. Horwill. + — =Forum.= 37: 246. O. ‘05. 700w. “His poetic product was of a ripeness which shows, if not genius, at any rate talent of the first order.” + + =Nation.= 81: 18. Jl. 6, ‘05. 290w. “As they stand, however, they represent the fine warm masculine intellect of which they, with many other virtues and felicities, are the fruit.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 264. Ap. 22, ‘05. 350w. “His poems are not without their singing quality, but this is never merely the lilt of the care-free warbler. The mystery and wonder and tragedy and spiritual meaning of life are ever with him.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1060. Ap. 29, ‘05. 560w. =Chadwick, Samuel.= Humanity and God. **$1.50. Revell. “The author ... is known in England for his success as a Wesleyan missioner.... A vein of mysticism runs through his thought, but his speech is pointed and vigorous. He is a skillful Biblical expositor, and his discourse on ‘The extra mile’ is one of the best in the multitude of those on Jesus’ doctrine of non-resistance. The theology underlying all is a blend of old and new, largely old, but on the bed-rock of the new, the identity of the human and the divine. This gives to the collection its title.”—Outlook. =Outlook.= 79: 450. F. 18, ‘05. 100w. * =Chamberlain, Charles Joseph.= Methods in plant histology. *$2.25. Univ. of Chicago press. A two-part work which has grown out of a course in histological technique conducted by the author at the University of Chicago. The first part deals with the principles of fixing and staining, and the various other processes of microtechnique; the second, with the application of these principles to specific cases. =Chamberlain, Esther, and Chamberlain, Lucia.= Mrs. Essington. †$1.50. Century. The scene of the little drama enacted in this story is a hospitable California country house, and the actors are mainly the daughter of the hostess, young, strong, athletic, and a charming widow, who side by side run an altogether modest race for the affections of the one ineligible young man of the party, a poor composer. “‘Mrs. Essington’ is a book which commands the reader’s interest—nay, more, his admiration.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 365. Je. 3, ‘05. 310w. “It is a story filled with dramatic possibilities, and of these the authors ... have taken ample advantage.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 390. Je. 17, ‘05. 180w. “This is a clever book in several ways, with plenty of atmosphere and nothing out of drawing, but this study of loss and renunciation carries it beyond cleverness into quite another class.” + =Outlook.= 80: 393. Je. 10, ‘05. 100w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 93. Jl. 15, ‘05. 230w. =Chamberlain, Georgia Louise.= Introduction to the Bible for teachers of children: a manual for use in the Sunday schools or in the home. $1. Univ. of Chicago press. “A most admirable elementary course in Biblical introduction, designed to give children of the fourth grade, or about ten years of age, familiar acquaintance with the various books of the Bible and their varied character, and the ability to use the Bible intelligently.”—Ind. “The most prominent—and evidently the most purposeful—omission is that of any reference to the inspiration of the Bible.” — — =Cath. World.= 80: 820. Mr. ‘05. 780w. “The lessons are well arranged, the suggestions to teachers are clear and stimulating, and the entire work shows diligence and thoroughness in preparation.” + + =Ind.= 58: 1012. My. 4, ‘05. 320w. =Chambers, Robert William.= Iole. †$1.25. Appleton. A rather gushy poet with soft white fingers brings up his eight lovely daughters to roam the fields in pink pajamas, talk Greek, and keep near to nature. When the mortgage on his home is to be foreclosed the agent falls in love with the oldest daughter, the owner with the second one, and they all leave nature for the city. The remaining daughters also have romances. + — =Ind.= 59: 395. Ag. 17, ‘05. 110w. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 366. Je. 3, ‘05. 710w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 390. Je. 17, ‘05. 220w. “Originally a fantastical bit of extravaganza printed as a short story, this has been expanded into a book, and thereby much of its cleverness and freshness lost.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 392. Je. 10, ‘05. 140w. * “Skipping boldly, now, from Japanese ancestor-worship to contemporary satire, we hail Robert Chambers prince of the last half-year’s production.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 760. D. ‘05. 190w. =Chambers, Robert William.= Reckoning. †$1.50. Appleton. “The city of New York, loyal at heart, and sorely besieged by the English, within and without, is the scene of this romance.... A brave youth is selected by his Excellency, Mr. Washington, acts as a spy in the city, and finally escapes the peril of his position, to be rewarded as a courageous soldier in open battle. The heroine, a belle in the gay Tory circles, bewitches the hero, after much banter and playing at love-making. Emerging from a tangle of cross-purposes, she proves herself a noble woman, brave enough to sacrifice all for her lover and his country.”—Outlook. “This is emphatically the best work yet done by that very promising author. But for one fatal blot it might almost be counted a masterpiece, as in writing, vigour, interest and the other attributes of a good novel it far excels any former attempt of the writer. But he has had the perversity to make his hero a spy.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 1026. O. 7, ‘05. 270w. “A stirring romance, full of action and of the savor of the period and scenes described.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 504. O. 14. 260w. * “The new work is as good as ‘Cardigan.’ He gives us historical truth, wholesome excitement, and no small measure of literary art all at once; and for so much of good it would be churlish not to give thanks.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 309. N. 16, ‘05. 120w. “Incidents, after all, never make up for people; and the end of the war, which ends the book, comes as a very considerable relief. The tale is an anti-climax only because the author struggles too frantically to urge the pace and exhausts our energies prematurely.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 341. O. 13, ‘05. 440w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 823. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. + =Outlook.= 81: 383. O. 14, ‘05. 110w. “In spite of unreality and preposterous over-coloring, he gives the impression of reality. It is good reading for a quiet evening.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 504. O. 14, ‘05. 310w. * “Exceedingly good reading.” + =Spec.= 95: 762. N. 11, ‘05. 240w. * =Chamblin, Jean.= Lady Bobs, her brother and I: a romance of the Azores. †$1.25. Putnam. “A pleasant little romance told in letters to her friend by the girl most involved. Incidentally some graphic descriptions of the Azores and their inhabitants are introduced among the junketings of a group of American and English visitors to the islands.”—Outlook. * “Besides this pleasing little romance, however, the story has its charm in witty descriptions and quaint turns of phrases.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 825. D. 2, ‘05. 230w. * “Kate is a witty letter-writer and is capable of flashing out bits of spontaneous humor.” + =Outlook.= 81: 836. D. 2, ‘05. 80w. =Champlin, John Denison, and Lucas, Frederic Augustus.= Young folks’ cyclopaedia of natural history. $2.50. Holt. Taking its place with the Champlin cyclopaedias of “Literature and art,” “Common things,” “Persons and places,” and “Games and sports,” this work “includes in a single compact volume, at a moderate price, an outline of the entire animal kingdom, from the largest mammal down to the tiniest insect that has to be studied under a magnifying glass.” “The book will be most useful to children, who will find it too interesting to be considered mere study.” + + + =Critic.= 47: 287. S. ‘05. 50w. * “A treasure-house for the young naturalist.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1390. D. 14, ‘05. 20w. “The text in general shows little systematic grasp in the arrangement of facts, either in the articles as a whole or in any article in particular. The text throughout bears testimony to painstaking compilation rather than to ready knowledge.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 509. Je. 22, ‘05. 510w. “Is a mine of information.” + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 491. Jl. 22, ‘05. 380w. “The articles are clearly written and the subjects are treated in good proportion as to relative importance.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 196. My. 20. ‘05. 100w. + + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 252. Ag. 19, ‘05. 70w. =Champney, Elizabeth Williams.= Romance of the French abbeys. **$3. Putnam. Mrs. Champney gives the result of last summer’s wanderings among the abbeys of France. She weaves into her descriptions the history and romance that cling to these fast decaying relics of the life and culture of the mediaeval times. The illustrations are many and excellent, including photogravures from historical paintings, and architectural half-tones. * “The author is neither archaeologist nor sociologist, but a woman who has placed her descriptions and told her stories with unusual charm of manner.” + =Critic.= 47: 579. D. ‘05. 110w. * + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 170w. “A pleasantly readable mixture of history and legend.” + =Ind.= 59: 815. O. 5, ‘05. 240w. “The book, then, will hold its own as a collection of attractive and instructive pictures, while the text is found to be just such a collection of fantastical, pathetic, and half-humorous stories as tradition associates with the monasteries of France.” + =Nation.= 81: 299. O. 12, ‘05. 250w. “She tells fourteen stories.... All are picturesque and are told with ingenuity and with a certain fidelity to the atmosphere and spirit of the times to which they relate.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 654. O. 7, ‘05. 320w. * “The combination of Mrs. Champney’s art with history and romance is beyond measure taking; the book is irresistible.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 820. D. 2, ‘05. 100w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 732. D. 2, ‘05. 150w. * “Mrs. Champney writes pleasantly and has a good subject—though sometimes she is tiresome, especially in her treatment of legends in the picturesque style.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: sup. 14. D. 9, ‘05. 200w. =Chancellor, William E.= Our schools. $1.50. Heath. “In this treatment of school management, the subject is defined, not as the control and the instruction of individual pupils, but as the organization, maintenance, administration, direction, and supervision of schools, and the planning of schoolhouses. The book is designed for all persons interested in the control of schools and school systems.” “Mr. Chancellor’s style throughout the volume is direct and practical. His composition is inelegant, if not occasionally ungrammatical.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 78. Jl. 15. 650w. “As a guide to the novice, the work will undoubtedly prove useful. As a study in social control, it is a masterpiece. Anyone interested in knowing the schools as part of the social machinery of the country will find the work profitable.” + + + =Dial.= 38: 270. Ap. 16, ‘05. 290w. “All persons engaged in the practical work of administrating and managing schools will be glad to get hold of this volume, and will be grateful to its author for the vast wealth of concrete instances which he has adduced to illustrate the attitudes and conduct of those with whom school officers have to deal in their work of directing public schools.” Samuel T. Dutton. + + =Educ. R.= 29: 195. F. ‘05. 1210w. (Survey of contents.) “It is a book of high ideals and much common sense.” + + =Ind.= 59: 273. Ag. 3, ‘05. 60w. “It impresses us as being crammed full of suggestive material that will prove of great value for classroom use in departments of education and in normal schools.” + + =School R.= 13: 274.* Mr. ‘05. 110w. “The greatest weakness is in the method of treatment. This is strikingly unscientific. The second great weakness in this work is the narrow point of view. A third characteristic weakness is seen in the trivialities with which the book is loaded.” Junius L. Meriam. — — — =School R.= 13: 517. Je. ‘05. 1350w. =Chancellor, William Estabrook, and Hewes, Fletcher Willis.= United States: a history of three centuries, 1607-1904; population, politics, war, industry, civilization. 10 pts. pt. 1. **$3.50. Putnam. The purpose of the joint authors in offering a new work on American history is “to present in a comprehensive and carefully proportioned narrative an account of the beginnings of the national existence and of the successive stages in the evolution of our distinctive national qualities and institutions.” Colonization, 1607-1697, forms the subject matter of this first part, which is divided into four sections: “Population and politics,” “War,” “Industry,” and “Civilization.” “The second section presents the record of war and of conquest, chiefly in their military phases,” while the fourth section is devoted to “religion and morality, literature and art, education and social life.” “In none of the four divisions [of Vol. I] is anything like a serious study of institutions attempted. The unique separateness of treatment is so faithfully observed that the historical trains on this four-track road of American development rarely graze one another in passing. They appear to run quite free from any essential interconnection. The Bibliography is a hodgepodge. The titles of the ‘authorities’ are frequently misquoted, none of the references cite pages, and the notes are numbered consecutively. As the work progresses the number of notes steadily decreases, but the grade of intelligence displayed in their selection remains the same. The index ranges itself alongside of the notes and references. As for literary composition, whatever be the claims of the publishers, the book abounds in cheap comments, efforts at fine writing and big words. Of the making of positive errors, misstatements, and slipshod phrases there is no end. Wrong dates, misspellings, and misuse of proper names and places are so common as to call for no special remark.” William R. Shepherd. — — — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 642. Ap. ‘05. 1130w. “It would hardly be correct to say that it makes no contribution to historical literature; in parts three and four, ‘Industry’ and ‘Civilization,’ a good many interesting facts have been brought together, but it would be difficult to say who will profit by them.” David Y. Thomas. + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 601. S. ‘05. 350w. (Review of v. 1.) “The ‘Perspectives’ at the close of certain chapters are more valuable than the chapters themselves, being completer chronologies. Dark sayings, easy verdicts, drippings of philosophy and misquotations in the style of ‘popular lecturers’ are characteristic of the book.” + — — =Ind.= 59: 814. O. 5, ‘05. 630w. Reviewed by H. Addington Bruce. — — =Reader.= 6: 588. O. ‘05. 560w. =Chancellor, William Estabrook, and Hewes, Fletcher Willis.= United States; a history of three centuries. 10 pts. pt. 2, Colonial union, 1698-1774. **$3.50. Putnam. Part 2 is divided into five sections which cover the western movement of the people and their political history, wars, industries and agriculture, religions and social conditions, and contemporaneous European history. “The volume is on the whole an interesting result of much labour, written with considerable vigour and insight, and summing up better than any other work yet produced the various phases and aspects of that surprising development—the birth of a new race.” + + =Acad.= 68: 851. Ag. 19, ‘05. 1230w. (Review of v. 2.) =Critic.= 47: 190. Ag. ‘05. 80w. (Review of v. 2.) “It is to be regretted that a work so attractively got up should thus far exhibit so slight intrinsic merit of either substance or form.” — =Nation.= 80: 435. Je. 1. ‘05. 280w. (Review of v. 2.) “In short, the style of Messrs. Chancellor and Hewes grows monotonous and fatiguing. They occasionally get hopelessly entangled in the meshes of inaccuracy and irrelevancy. Historical errors are extremely common.” — — — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 434. Jl. 1, ‘05. 750w. (Review of v. 2.) “It is defective in almost every essential.” — — =Outlook.= 81: 42. S. 2, ‘05. 610w. (Review of v. 1. and 2.) “Full of great and varied interest.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 900. Je. 17. ‘05. 270w. =Chandler, Mrs. Izora Cecilia, and Montgomery, Mary W.= Told in the gardens of Araby. *75c. Meth. bk. Nine stories translated from the Turkish. The emerald roc; The story of the beautiful girl who had her wish; The story of the beautiful one who did not have her desire; Story of the crying pomegranate and the laughing bear; Story of the bird of affliction; Story of the water-carrier; Story of the coffee-maker’s apprentice; The crystal kiosk and the diamond ship. A prelude gives a description of the manners and customs of the people with whom the stories deal. “Told with varying success.” + — =Nation.= 80: 481. Je. 15. ‘05. 310w. “Neither very good nor very bad.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 358. Je. 3. ‘05. 290w. =Chandler, Katherine.= In the reign of coyote. 40c. Ginn. A little book of folk-lore from the Pacific coast, in which the coyote, the wisest and most efficient of the four-footed creatures, occupies the chief place. The setting of the book gives a glimpse of child life in colonial California. * + =Ind.= 59: 1387. D. 14, ‘05. 30w. * + =Nation.= 81: 450. N. 30, ‘05. 90w. =Channing, Edward.= History of the United States. 8v. v. I, Planting of a nation in the New world. **$2.50. Macmillan. Volume I., of a history of the United States which is designed to trace as one unbroken development the founding of the thirteen colonies by immigrants, mainly from England, the achievement of independence from English control, the Union under the Constitution, the growth of the United States, territorially and socially, and the final welding of the American people into a great nation. The present volume carries the account down to 1660. At the end of each chapter have been placed for advanced students in history technical discussions and bibliographical matter. “In scholarship the work easily leads any other attempt of the kind. The style is clear, pleasing and admirably simple. If it lacks the literary flavor of some of the more popular histories, there is the compensating charm of deep knowledge and plain-spoken truth. The only adequate estimate of this work is to state frankly that it stands in the forefront of scholarly efforts to tell the history of this country.” C. H. Van Tyne. + + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 602. S. ‘05. 420w. “Professor Osgood’s ‘American colonies in the seventeenth century’ is far more detailed on the institutional side, and upon some points gives what seems to the reviewer a better interpretation of the documents. On the other hand, President Tyler’s ‘The English in America’ is richer in detail of narrative, but is by comparison much less accurate in parts,—in the treatment, for example of the Dutch colonies.” St. George L. Sioussat. + + — =Dial.= 39: 83. Ag. 16, ‘05. 1580w. “The scholarship easily surpasses that in any other undertaking of the kind, and the clear, pleasing and simple style makes the book eminently readable.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 1479. Je. 29, ‘05. 510w. * “As a study of the growth of the nation, from the political, institutional, industrial and social point of view, it stands without a rival.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 1155. N. 16, ‘05. 80w. “We do not know of a better brief discussion of the discovery of America, nor any so good of the intimate relation between the English-Spanish commercial rivalry of the sixteenth century and the English colonizing enterprises of the seventeenth.” + + =Nation.= 81: 40. Jl. 13, ‘05. 1500w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 225. Ap. 8, ‘05. 260w. “It is thoughtful and well written, and deserves the attention which should be accorded to the work of any scholarly man whose writing is the result of careful study and mature reflection.” Robert Livingston Schuyler. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 464. Jl. 15, ‘05. 1360w. “It is in this constant striving to grasp the spirit of the times and to assist to a better understanding of movements and events as they appeared to those participating in them that the special significance of Professor Channing’s work lies.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 41. S. 2, ‘05. 640w. + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 188. Ag. 5, ‘05. 220w. “Professor Channing’s treatment of the colonies and their social institutions, is interesting throughout, but is especially strong in those chapters which deal with New England.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 765. Je. ‘05. 170w. =Chapin, Anna Alice.= Makers of song. **$1.20. Dodd. “A collection of sketches, the aim of which is to point out the men who have in the most marked degree influenced the development and to enable students to understand more thoroughly the history of song.”—Bookm. “Miss Chapin’s work is both statistical and narrative, and her well-written story of the origin of song will be read with interest.” Ingram A. Pyle. + + =Dial.= 38: 237. Ap. 1, ‘05. 220w. * =Chapin, Anna Alice.= True story of Humpty Dumpty, how he was rescued by three mortal children in Make Believe Land. **$1.40. Dodd. This brand new story of Humpty Dumpty is illustrated with “many delightful full-page colored pictures and black and white sketches ... by Ethel Franklin Betts. It is long, in prose, a history of the experiences of Meg, Bab, and Dick. The three are not the best children that ever were, they complain about always having eggs for tea—that is where Humpty comes in—and through this they have many novel experiences.” (N. Y. Times.) * “It is a good modern fairy tale for very little folk.” + =Critic.= 47: 576. D. ‘05. 40w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1386. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * “Marks an advance in matter and manner over her last year’s ‘Babes in toyland.’” + + =Nation.= 81: 489. D. 14, ‘05. 140w. * “A very nice new book.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 744. N. 4, ‘05. 210w. =Chapin, Henry Dwight.= The theory and practice of infant feeding. *$2.25. Wood. “The second edition of Dr. Chapin’s book on infant feeding contains what appears to the layman to be an extremely clear and sensible exposition of the conditions which have to be met in providing a proper diet for very young children.”—N. Y. Times. “The book is plentifully provided with scientific data, tables, and facts, but it is neither technical nor dull. On the contrary, it makes rather good reading for anybody with an appetite for curious and useful knowledge.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 103. F. 18, ‘05. 300w. =Chapin, Henry Dwight.= Vital questions. **$1. Crowell. Dr. Chapin’s prominence in the medical world argues much for the authoritativeness of this little volume which in plain terms sets forth some of the “vital questions” of society and the individual. Among them are Inequality, The unfit, Poverty, Health, Education, Success, Happiness, Religion and Death. “Altogether, one must account the book exceedingly readable, earnest and useful.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 664. O. 7, ‘05. 550w. “Dr. Chapin’s book is a valuable help to the thoughtful living which is the proper basis both of the simple and the strenuous life.” + =Outlook.= 81: 580. N. 4, ‘05. 180w. =Chapman, Edward Mortimer.= Dynamic of Christianity. **$1.25. Houghton. This study of the vital and permanent elements in the Christian religion takes the stand that an effort to reconcile science and religion would be “like an attempt to harmonize the fact of sunrise with the joy of walking and working in the light.” “The inevitable conclusion of his study is the conviction of the truth and value of Christ’s own doctrine of the spirit as the imminent and resident force in the universe, the ground of phenomena, physical and spiritual.” (Pub. Opin.) “In the first place, its style is excellent, possessing the easy dignity of true culture, and the simple directness of a finished instrument of English expression; in the second place, the book shows wide reading in the modern literature of religious experience and criticism. Mr. Chapman’s philosophy is not solid enough, and his history is totally inadequate.” + + — =Cath. World.= 80: 541. Ja. ‘05. 780w. “Is a valuable addition to current religious thinking.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 58. Ja. 12, ‘05. 160w. “While it appeals at the same time to the religious people and to the men of science, is written with the assumption that there is no quarrel between the two. Mr. Chapman develops his theme in an interesting way through citations from the writings of famous men.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 254. F. ‘05. 130w. =Chapman, George.= Bussy D’Ambois and The revenge of Bussy D’Ambois, ed. by F: S: Boas. 60c. Heath. A volume in section III. of the “Belles-lettres” series, the English drama. In it “an attempt is made for the first time” to edit these plays “in a manner suitable to the requirements of modern scholarship.” The texts are from the quartos of 1641, 1646, and 1657 collated with those of 1607, and 1608, with variants noted. A biography of Chapman, an introduction, full notes, bibliography and glossary are provided. =Charlton, John.= Speeches and addresses: political, literary, and religious. $2. Morang & co. “John Charlton, member of the Canadian house of commons from 1872 to 1904 ... has collected some of his speeches and addresses on various subjects. Those which will be of special interest here are those on the National transcontinental railway; the Brown draft reciprocity treaty of 1878, which failed to be ratified by the United States senate; Self-protection, reciprocity and British preference. There is also an able parliamentary speech on ‘Irredeemable currency,’ and in the platform addresses there are two of interest as giving a Canadian’s view of Washington and Lincoln.”—Ind. * “His speeches are marked with vigor and common-sense argument.” + + =Ind.= 59: 933. O. 19, ‘05. 220w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 636. S. 30, ‘05. 690w. “Mr. Charlton is qualified to speak with authority on all matters pertaining to the political and economic life of the country he has served so well.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 136. S. 16, ‘05. 320w. =Chase, Arthur Wesley.= Elementary course in mechanical drawing for manual training and technical schools; with chapters on machine sketching and the blueprinting process. 2 pts. Pt. 1. $1.50. H. Speakman, Congress and Honore sts., Chicago. “As its title implies, this work presents in the usual style an introduction to the elements of mechanical drawing. The problems have been arranged so as to omit all finished sheets; the student is given the layout of a drawing only; in this way any direct copying of finished work is prevented. Specifications are fully given in every case so the student receives a drill similar to the experienced in practical work.”—Engin. N. “The text is lucidly but not always concisely written.” + + =Engin. N.= 53: 186. F. 16, ‘05. 90w. =Chaucer, Geoffrey.= Facsimile reproduction of the first folio of Chaucer, 1532; with an introduction by Prof. Skeat. *$50. Oxford. “The folio of 1532, compiled by William Thynne, clerk of the kitchen to Henry VIII, a man of means and an ardent admirer of Chaucer, was the first collection which claimed on its title-page to be the works of Geoffrey Chaucer; and this it is which is here reproduced. As the First folio, it possesses great bibliographical interest.”—Nation. =Nation.= 80: 251. Mr. 30, ‘05. 1530w. “Dr. Walter Skeat has added largely to the literary value of the book by his biographical introduction.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 333. Mr. 4, ‘05. 140w. * =Cheney, John Vance.= Poems, **$1.50. Houghton. Mr. Cheney “has now brought together in a single volume of ‘Poems’ all of his work that he wishes to preserve.... It is a limited achievement, no doubt, for few of the pieces extend beyond a single page, and many of them are but the briefest bits of song.... His lyrics are of acceptance, coupled only with the gentlest and most apologetical sort of questioning ... but they ... should endear the author to us, at least in our less strenuous moods.”—Dial. Reviewed by Wm. M. Payne. * + =Dial.= 39: 274. N. 1, ‘05. 640w. * “The selected collection of his ‘Poems’ is remarkable for its variety and readability.” + =Nation.= 81: 508. D. 21, ‘05. 390w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 798. N. 25, ‘05. 240w. =Cheney, Warren.= Way of the North: a romance of the days of Baranof. $1.50. Doubleday. A young Russian doctor, deported to Sitka, tells the story of life in this Alaskan town while the country was still under Russian rule. He falls in love with a girl who goes to Alaska to fulfil a childhood betrothal, and in relating the events which lead up to his happiness, he gives vivid descriptions of the lives of the settlers and of the civil and military personages prominent in that wild country. “Handling his material simply and unaffectedly, as befits the bold and sturdy pioneer spirit, but not without a certain monotony of style.” + — =Bookm.= 21: 652. Ag. ‘05. 220w. + — =Ind.= 59: 335. Ag. 10, ‘05. 170w. “The reader’s interest is awakened at the outset and fairly well sustained. The characters are sharply drawn and the style is simple and entertaining. As a whole, however, the book is not of unusual interest.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 214. Ap. 8, ‘05. 250w. “A novel of unusual setting and some extraordinary power.” + =Outlook.= 79: 910. Ap. 8, ‘05. 100w. “Book that can be enjoyed for its style alone. ‘The way of the North’ is, beyond doubt, the best written American book of the season.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 761. Je. ‘05. 150w. =Chesebrough, Robert A.= Christmas guests and other poems. $1.50. Little, J. J. The author has dedicated these eighteen poems to his granddaughter, but they are verses which appeal to his age rather than to hers, the ghosts of the past flit thru them, regrets, happy memories, thoughts of death and the hereafter, while they all breathe forth the mellow philosophy which comes with years. =Chesnut, Mary Boykin.= Diary from Dixie: being her diary from November 1861 to 1865; ed. by Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary. **$2.50. Appleton. The author was the wife of James Chesnut, jr., United States senator 1859-1861, and afterwards aide to Jefferson Davis, and a brigadier general in the confederate army. The diary gives a clear picture of the social life during the war, and of the events which took place in Charlestown, Montgomery and Richmond. “It is for the picture of social life in the South under the stress of an unsuccessful struggle that this lively and fascinating book will be chiefly read.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 76. Jl. 15. 90w. “Her diary could not have been more entertainingly written if she had intended it for publication.” + + =Critic.= 46: 507. Je. ‘05. 460w. “Full of vivid pictures of the social life of the time and of the varied experiences of the war.” + + =Critic.= 47: 95. Jl. ‘05. 60w. “The style is crisp and bright, and the tone frank and good tempered. It is on the subject of negroes and slavery that Mrs. Chesnut’s diary will prove most valuable to historians, but the general reader will be chiefly interested in the accounts of the home life of the beleaguered people.” Walter L. Fleming. + + =Dial.= 38: 347. My. 16, ‘05. 1060w. + — =Nation.= 80:485. Je. 15, ‘05. 2230w. “This diary has decided historical value. Further, it is an intimate record of an intelligent looker-on in Richmond during a greater portion of the war. There are some discrepancies.” William E. Dodd. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10:260. Ap. 22, ‘05. 1910w. “The two editors of the book are to be congratulated on having discovered and having thrown into such readable form this biographical material.” + =Outlook.= 79: 907. Ap. 8, ‘05. 230w. =Chesnutt, Charles Waddell.= Colonel’s dream. (†)$1.50. Doubleday. The story of an ex-Confederate officer who when the war is ended, seeks his fortune in New York, and twenty years after returns to the South to enjoy life and incidentally to put into practice some of his Northern business training. “It is frankly up to the times, with the clash of race and the convict camp, and the decayed old gentry.” (Ind.) “The style is easy, apparently practised, and the story does not lack for abundant incident.” + =Ind.= 59: 816. O. 5, ‘05. 130w. “It must be acknowledged that the author does not spare the faults of the negro any more than he spares those of the white man—and in both cases many of his pictures are true.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 605. S. 16, ‘05. 360w. “Taken all in all, the book is not as successful as one could wish, and certainly is distinctly inferior to the author’s earlier work.” + — =Outlook.= 81 :278. S. 30, ‘05. 140w. =Chesterton, Gilbert Keith.= Club of queer trades. (†)$1.25. Harper. No one is eligible to this club unless he has invented a brand new occupation by which he earns a living. The members include a man who offers himself to dinner hosts as a butt for repartee, another who guarantees to provide any commonplace soul as well as the more gifted, with a suitable romance. The founder of the club earns his livelihood by seeking out new members and has all sorts of unique experiences. “It is neither here nor there; neither veritable romantic extravaganza, true detective literature, nor consistent satire upon either of those forms of fiction.” H. W. Boynton. + — =Bookm.= 21: 614. Ag. ‘05. 930w. * “Clever and amusing as the stories are, the book is not altogether happy.” + — =Critic.= 47: 453. N. ‘05. 260w. “Funmaking of the most fantastic kind characterizes the six short stories.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 332. My. 20, ‘05, 610w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 392. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. “Mr. Chesterton is undeniably clever. These stories are whimsical and ingenious rather than humorous. The stories are uneven in merit.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1058. Ap. 29, ‘05. 80w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 796. My. 20, ‘05. 80w. “Utter and unredeemed extravaganza.” + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 758. Je. ‘05. 90w. “With the exception of the first episode the execution is hardly up to the level of the conception. The book, in fine, gives one the impression rather of a series of brilliant improvisations than of a finished work of art.” + — =Spec.= 94: 597. Ap. 22, ‘05. 1000w. =Chesterton, Gilbert Keith.= Heretics. *$1.50. Lane. Mr. Chesterton “has described nearly every strong man of our day,” and in these essays “he is calling out from the housetops to happier uncontemplative men, to come out and be sad, like himself, in thinking of supreme happiness.... He praises an abstract Chestertonian man of whom he is hopelessly and continually in pursuit. That everything he recommends is right, we indeed believe; but he cries in the wilderness, and with no human voice, no trace of suffering or experience at all, but only an anchorite’s imagining.” (Acad.) + — =Acad.= 68: 655. Je. 24, ‘05. 930w. * “‘Heretics’ goes farther than any of its forerunners toward convincing us that the humorist really has something worth saying and worth understanding. The trouble with his method is that while it is infallible for getting the attention, it is not well calculated to keep it.” H. W. Boynton. + — =Atlan.= 96: 848. D. ‘05. 500w. “With all his daring, he succeeds in keeping to windward of sheer silliness and mere sensationalism.” H. W. Boynton. + =Bookm.= 22: 165. O. ‘05. 1580w. * “Between the covers of ‘Heretics’ there is not a little excellent critical doctrine. Yet the writer ought to trust his readers to understand him without preliminary shouts to attract their attention.” Edward Fuller. + =Critic.= 47: 565. D. ‘05. 640w. “One page amuses by its originality of conception and expression, the next provokes by its insecurity of argument, the third charms by its suggestiveness. It is a book to be relished, not as a whole, but in snatches. With all its half-playful cynicism, it seems to be in the main sincere.” Edith J. R. Isaacs. + + — =Dial.= 39: 204. O. 1, ‘05. 1560w. “The general comment on Mr. Chesterton is that he is extremely ingenious, but so inordinately whimsical that it would be absurd to take him seriously. The true account of him is that he is not ingenious at all, but exceptionally straight forward and matter-of-fact.” Herbert W. Horwill. + =Forum.= 37: 255. O. ‘05. 1660w. “Mr. Chesterton is quite as trenchant and exuberant as he was, and we are, after all, not much older than we were; yet we join in the fun with perceptibly less eagerness now. The truth is that Mr. Chesterton has done in this book what he always did ostensibly, and always avoided really; he has given himself away.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 183. Je. 9, ‘05. 1140w. * “His ideas are sounder than many a casual reader will be willing to admit. They are sound in spite of Mr. Chesterton’s perversity.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 728. D. 2, ‘05. 490w. “For in the things that really matter Mr. Chesterton is on the side of the angels. He is orthodox. He handles his heretics sometimes like Bishop Bonner, with firmness and jocosity; sometimes like Socrates, turning their pet phrases inside out, and showing their hollowness; but all are handled paradoxically.” + — =Spec.= 95: 224. Ag. 12, ‘05. 1150w. =Cheyne, Thomas Kelly.= Bible problems and the new material for their solution. *$1.50. Putnam. A lecture which “is in part a presentation of the new facts which require better attention, and in part a plea for bolder Biblical criticism, as justified by these facts, and as necessary to the now imperative work of theological restatement.” (Outlook). Among the strongly insisted upon “new facts” are the study of the New Testament in the light of mythology, and due regard for Winckler’s discovery in Assyrian inscriptions of North Arabian names that suggest numerous corrections in our present text of the Old Testament. On the other hand, Professor Cheyne states that his views “tend to increased conservatism in the rendering of the text of the Jewish Old Testament.” Reviewed by A. Jeremias. + + — =Hibbert= J. 4: 217. O. ‘05. 1550w. =Ind.= 58: 1131. My. 18, ‘05. 50w. + =Outlook.= 79: 398. F. 11, ‘05. 250w. (Statement of Cheyne’s position.) =R. of Rs.= 31: 384. Mr. ‘05. 40w. =Cheyney, Edward Potts.= Short history of England. *$1.40. Ginn. In making clear the fundamental facts of English history, Professor Cheyney emphasizes full descriptions of early institutions and conditions, the study of really great movements and influential men, and the necessity of adhering to the thread of one’s country’s history. Each chapter is followed by a list of works and portions of works suggested for general reading. “It has many good points, one of which is that Professor Cheyney has very definite ideas of what a school-book should include.” + + =Acad.= 68: 47. Ja. 14. ‘05. 240w. “The book is well planned throughout. From printers’ and other errors the work is remarkably free.” Norman MacLaren Trenholme. + + + =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 851. Jl. ‘05. 650w. “Apparently this one is better in the earlier than in the later portions. The book ... must be regarded as a compendium, rather than as an original inquiry, and, as such, it will be found useful.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 333. Ap. 27, ‘05. 410w. + + =R. of Rs.= 31:510. Ap. ‘05. 80w. Reviewed by W. H. Cushing. + + =School R.= 13: 356. Ap. ‘05. 110w. Child and religion. See =Stephens, Thomas.= ed. =Christian, Eugene, and Christian, Mrs. Eugene.= Uncooked foods and how to use them. $1. Health culture. The authors contend that “the application of heat in the cooking of food destroys some of the important food elements that were vital and organic by rendering them inorganic, including those that are needed in the building up of the system and the maintenance of bodily and mental health.” Recipes for the preparation of uncooked food, healthful combinations and menus for the benefit of those who wish to try the experiment, follow the arguments. =Arena.= 33: 565. My. ‘05. 290w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 479. Jl. 22, ‘05. 200w. * Christmas carols, ancient and modern, ed. by Joshua Sylvestre. $1. Wessels. Illustrated from photographs of well known paintings, and with marginal decorations of conventionalized Christmas greens, this collection of carols, many of which are reprinted from old broad-sides, begins with In excelsis gloria, and includes Welcome yule, sung in the time of Henry VI; several Elizabethan carols; Herrick’s Ode on the birth of our Saviour; The three kings, in the version of Henry VII’s time; Joy to the world, a popular favorite in Devon and Cornwall; and many popular carols whose time and authorship are unknown. The explanatory note given at the head of each carol, telling all that is known of its history adds much to the interest of the collection as its value is historical rather than poetical. * =Ind.= 59: 1379. D. 14, ‘05. 60w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 892. D. 16, ‘05. 120w. =Christy, Robert=, comp. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages; classified subjectively and arranged alphabetically. **$3.50. Putnam. In this new edition, the first since 1887, the two original volumes have been compressed into one, the work is apparently otherwise unchanged. =Nation.= 81: 240. S. 21, ‘05. 90w. “The collection needs careful revision, and is worth it even as it stands; it contains the material for a good treasury of proverbial sayings.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 726. O. 28, ‘05. 350w. Church of Christ. See =Phillips, Thomas W.= Cincinnati southern railway (The): a history; edited by Charles G. Hall. A novel municipal experiment is recorded in the history of the origin, construction and financial organization of this railroad. As early as 1836 the need of a railway between Cincinnati and the South was felt so strongly that at a mass meeting held in Cincinnati one million dollars was subscribed for the enterprise. Before anything definite could be accomplished, the Civil war came and checked all such projects. After many delays, authority was secured from the legislature of Ohio as well as from those of Kentucky and Tennessee, and in 1873 the actual work of construction began, necessary funds being lent by the trustees from their own pockets. In July, 1877, the first division of the road was opened for business. Millions of dollars were raised by the sale of bonds, and the road is at present in the possession of the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific railway co. as lessee, while the Cincinnati Southern holds the legal title for the city of Cincinnati. The lease expires in 1906. =Dial.= 38: 130. F. 16, ‘05. 330w. =Cipperly, John Albert.= Labor laws and decisions of the state of New York. pa. *$1. Banks & co. This compilation includes statutes as well as cases. “Besides its value for purposes of reference, it shows almost at a glance what has been done in this state for ‘Labor,’ and how far we have advanced (or fallen away) from a state of society in which the laborer shifts for himself. On paper our laws are very paternal.” (Nation.) “A useful compilation.” + + =Nation.= 80: 312. Ap. 20, ‘05. 310w. =Clark, Charles Heber (Max Adeler, pseud.).= Quakeress. †$1.50. Winston. A pathetic story of a Quaker maid, living the quiet life of the Friends and all but betrothed to a serious minded young neighbor. A dashing southerner and his frivolous sister come into the peaceful community, the sister to prove to the stern young Quaker that he has his frailties, and her brother to win the heart of the little Quaker maid. There is a description of a visit to their southern plantation, and then comes the war—and heart break and disaster. An Anglican minister and his devoted wife add humor to the story. “Taken as a whole, the book is weak and commonplace. Max Adeler should by all means go back to his old humorous methods.” — =Acad.= 68: 880. Ag. 26, ‘05. 410w. “The character drawing is excellent. There are some highly dramatic passages and the story is replete with incidents and adventures. Perhaps its greatest value lies in its worth as a careful, interesting and faithful psychological study.” + + + =Arena.= 34: 108. Jl. ‘05. 460w. * + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 681. N. 18. 200w. + =Dial.= 38: 393. Je. 1, ‘05. 150w. “One of the best novels of the season. This book is remarkable because it is not viciously witty, altho it comes from the pen of a professional wit.” + + =Ind.= 58: 1420. Je. 22, ‘05. 600w. “About the book as a whole there is a kind of sweet, old-fashioned fragrance which inclines one, no doubt for sentimental reasons, to look back on it kindly.” — + =Lond. Times.= 4: 279. S. 1, ‘05. 300w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 275. Ap. 29, ‘05. 420w. “The usual intermingling of joy and sorrow, love and life, appears in the quiet story, simply told.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1061. Ap. 29, ‘05. 60w. “It cannot be said that the story as a whole is evenly strong, or that it realizes all the climaxes that its plot affords. It is never dramatic, and it is often amateurish.” + =Reader.= 6: 243. Jl. ‘05. 180w. + =Sat. R.= 100: 442. S. 30, ‘05. 110w. “The book leaves a tranquilly sad impression on the reader’s mind, the workmanship is highly finished and the plot is well thought out.” + =Spec.= 95: 532. O. 7, ‘05. 340w. =Clarke, James Langston.= Eternal Saviour-judge. *$3. Dutton. “The familiar principle that the proper design of punishment is reformatory, not vindictive, is here applied in a new line of argument to the problem of retribution. Mr. Clarke works out a Biblical doctrine that aims to avoid the objections made severally to the theories of endless retribution, annihilation, and universalism. Substantially, it is a purgatorial scheme. In this the Biblical antithesis to ‘salvation’ is not ‘damnation’ but ‘judgment,’ corrective as well as punitive.”—Outlook. =Outlook.= 79: 652. Mr. 11, ‘05. 160w. “This thesis is stated with much ability.” + =Spec.= 94: 368. Mr. 11, ‘05. 290w. * =Clarke, William Newton.= Use of the Scriptures in theology; the Nathaniel William Taylor lectures delivered at Yale university in 1905. **$1. Scribner. The fundamental premise of this volume is “that a rationally sound theology depends on the soundness of the method of using the Bible as a source of theology. Dr. Clarke shows that the traditional method is unsound, and what mischief has been done by it. He then discusses the problem created by the search for a sound method, what this method is, and what its results, both negative and positive.”—Outlook. * “Dr. Clarke has written a book which every minister should buy or beg or borrow.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1229. N. 23, ‘05. 620w. * “Though this is a small book, it may be reckoned equal to the best productions of its author.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 336. O. 7, ‘05. 240w. * =Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.).= Editorial wild oats. †$1. Harper. This volume contains half a dozen short stories all of which bear upon the general subject of youthful journalistic experiences, which Clemens has been pleased to call, Editorial wild oats. The sketches are entitled: My first literary venture; Journalism in Tennessee; Nicodemus Dodge—printer; Mr. Bloke’s item; How I edited an agricultural paper; and The killing of Julius Caesar “localized.” * “Mark Twain’s fund of humor seems inexhaustible, so here again it remains at its old-time high level.” + + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 60w. * “Extravagant tales of newspaper life.” + =Outlook.= 81: 524. O. 28, ‘05. 15w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 637. N. 11, ‘05. 140w. =Clement, Clara Erskine.= Women in the fine arts. **$2.50. Houghton. “A compendium of miscellaneous information about all the women artists that the author could discover between the seventh century B.C. and the twentieth, A.D. Among the thousand names included, the late nineteenth century is the most fully represented. As the greater part of the material about contemporary painters was furnished by themselves, we may assume that it is correct.... Being alphabetically arranged, the book is a convenient manual from which to extract information about artists who have not yet got into the encyclopedias. A number of full-page illustrations add interest to the text, and a fifty-page introduction gives a general idea of what women have accomplished in art.”—Dial. =Dial.= 38: 22. Ja. 1, ‘05. 160w. + — =Spec.= 95: 262. Ag. 19, ‘05. 30w. =Clement, Ernest Wilson.= Christianity in modern Japan. **$1. Am. Bapt. “Professor Clement ... here attempts a survey of the moral forces which are now in full energy in Japan.” (Nation.) The book gives a “bird’s-eye view of the work of Christianity in Japan. It is not intended to cover the work in great detail; it is rather planned to be a general outline with reference to books, pamphlets, and magazines, where more complete information can be obtained on each special topic.” (Pub. Opin.) “With index, tables and other equipment for a book to be studied, this has also a decided literary charm.” William Elliot Griffis. + + =Critic.= 47: 265. S. ‘05. 200w. * “Orderly arrangement, historical development, engagingly shown, philosophical insight, and a brisk luminous style make this a model handbook, pleasing and valuable.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1478. D. 21, ‘05. 80w. * + + =Lit. D.= 31: 626. O. 28, ‘05. 270w. “In literary proportion and breadth of view and in keenness of insight, this book is a model. It is all the more likely to be permanent in its influence because of its cool, judicial temper.” + + =Nation.= 81: 63. Jl. 20, ‘05. 1090w. “The book is intended for mission-study classes, and is interesting.” + =Outlook.= 80: 591. Jl. 1, ‘05. 180w. “Mr. Clement’s book is a comprehensive discussion of the development of Christianity in Japan.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 160. Jl. 29, ‘05. 80w. + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 253. Ag. ‘05. 120w. =Clement, Ernest Wilson.= Handbook of modern Japan. **$1.40. McClurg. The introduction states: “The book endeavors to portray Japan in all its features as a modern world power: It cannot be expected to cover in great detail all the ground outlined, because it is not intended to be an exhaustive encyclopedia of ‘things Japanese.’ It is expected to satisfy the specialist, not by furnishing all materials, but referring for particulars to works where abundant materials may be found. It is expected to satisfy the average reader, by giving a kind of bird’s-eye view of modern Japan. It is planned to be a compendium of condensed information, with careful references to the best sources of more complete knowledge.” * + =Nation.= 81: 945. N. 30, ‘05. 80w. =Clement, Ernest W.= Japanese floral calendar. 50c. Open ct. A prettily illustrated book showing the flowers popular each month of the Japanese year. Descriptive bits, snatches of folk-lore, and poems with a chapter on Japanese gardens make the whole a charming book. The flowers for the months, beginning with January and ending with December, are the pine, plum, peach, cherry, wistaria, iris, morning-glory, lotus, “seven grasses,” maple, chrysanthemum, and camellia. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 11. Ja. 7, ‘05. 360w. =Clements, Frederick E.= Research methods in ecology. $3. Univ. pub., Neb. “This work ... is intended ... as a handbook for investigators and for advanced students of ecology, and not as a text book on the subject.... The book is presented in four chapters ... the first of which deals with the scope, historical development, present status and important applications of ecology.... The second chapter is concerned with the habitat and methods of its investigation.... The third chapter has to do with the plant, the stimuli which it receives, the nature of its response, its adjustment and adaptation especially to water and light as stimuli.... The fourth chapter ... has for its general subject the formation or vegetation unit consisting essentially of plants in a habitat.”—Science. “Altogether, Clements’s ‘Research methods in ecology’ is a notable contribution to the literature of ecology.” Conway MacMillan. + + + =Science=, n.s. 22: 45. Jl. 14, ‘05. 670w. =Cleveland, Frederick Albert.= Bank and the treasury. *$1.80. Longmans. “Timely and valuable is this critique of the American currency and banking system.... Holding that the time has come when changes in the National bank act are imperative, in the direction both of securing more effective governmental control and of insuring greater currency ‘elasticity,’ Dr. Cleveland contends that whatever financial reforms be undertaken, they should be in the way of adapting, not revolutionizing, the existing system.”—Outlook. “There is no disputing the fact that it is a contribution, and indeed a very worthy one, even if it does not contain the final word on the subject. As to the ground covered, however, those who are interested in such problems cannot do better than to consult this volume; indeed, they cannot afford not to do it.” J. E. Conner. + + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 603. S. ‘05. 430w. “The instructed reader will find not a few things in the book that will arouse his wonder.” — + =Nation.= 81: 61. Jl. 20, ‘05. 800w. “The work of an acute observer and careful reasoner, of one who has gone deeply and intelligently into every phase of his subject.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 190. My. 20, ‘05. 520w. + =R. of Rs.= 32: 509. O. ‘05. 80w. =Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover.= Presidential problems. **$1.80. Century. If in times of weighty new matters, there are any who have a moment for a backward glance, they would do well to review with Mr. Cleveland some of the problems of his administration which “illustrate the design, the tradition, and the power of our government.” The chapters are four: “Independence of the executive,” “The government in the Chicago strike of 1894,” “The bond issue,” and “The Venezuelan boundary controversy.” Reviewed by Winthrop More Daniels. + + + =Atlan.= 95: 552. Ap. ‘05. 800w. =Clifford, Chandler Robbins.= Philosophy of color. 50c. Clifford & Lawton. The treatise is an attempt to analyse and understand the law which governs the use of colors, so that we may know how to produce harmony and not strike a jarring note. The author makes practical suggestions for the use of colors in house furnishings. There are many illustrations. “The author of this interesting little treatise has brought the subject within the understanding of any one.” + + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 17. Mr. ‘05. 310w. =Clifford, Ethel.= Love’s journey. **$1.50. Lane. “The rustle and patter of leaves, the trilling of birds, the whisper of rain make April music in Miss Clifford’s poetry; for all that these sounds have been caught and tamed in rhyme and measure, it is still the natural elementary melodies of the earth, not the artificial music of man, that her songs suggest. Lyric succeeds lyric and mood follows mood like sun and shade in the forest on a day in spring.”—Lond. Times. “But it is difficult to quote enough to convey the faint charm of these poems, a charm which is diffused rather than distilled. As a maker of haunting refrains Miss Clifford is often felicitous.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 107. Jl. 22, ‘05. 510w. “The charm of Miss Clifford’s poetry lies in the woodland simplicity. She is at her best when she pays no heed to the works of man.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 168. My. 26, ‘05. 350w. =Nation.= 81: 303. O. 12, ‘05. 190w. “Miss Clifford’s new volume is less interesting than her first. The dramatic poems are the best; few of the other pieces are more than merely pretty and tuneful.” + — =Spec.= 95: 50. Ag. 8, ‘05. 260w. =Clouston, J. Storer.= Lunatic at large. $1. Buckles. also pub. by Brentano’s. A young doctor without a practice receives a tempting offer of £500 and expenses to travel with a wealthy youth mentally unbalanced. Fearing to trust himself to the caprice of a lunatic, a friend of his represents the patient, while the “sane lunatic” is drugged and left in a private asylum. The amazing doings of this clever and worldly wise young man constitute the book. His methods of escape, his escapades in London, his periodical change of name, scene, and history are skilfully and amusingly handled. + =Ind.= 59: 44. Jl. 6, ‘05. 70w. “Is not at all probable, and not very edifying, but it is certainly well written and entertaining.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 148. Ag. 17, ‘05. 310w. =Clute, Willard Nelson.= Fern allies. **$2. Stokes. A well-illustrated manual of the families of non-flowering plants, other than the ferns, found in North America north of Mexico. “The book is a valuable addition to our literature of less-known American plants.” + + =Dial.= 39: 278. N. 1, ‘05. 380w. “There can hardly be a more convenient guide for the beginner who, having busied himself somewhat with ferns, wishes to glance at their relatives. The text is interesting and the drawings are clear.” + + =Nation.= 81: 382. N. 9, ‘05. 100w. + =Outlook.= 81: 525. O. 28, ‘05. 20w. =Coates, Florence Earle.= Mine and thine (poems). **$1.25. Houghton. A volume of eighty sonnets and poems including personal tributes to Mr. Stedman, Mr. Yeats, Madame Bernhardt, and Helen Keller, Beethoven, Picquart, Whistler, E. N. Westcott, Stevenson, Millet, and Joan of Arc, and verses to England, Paris, and Buffalo, and to the “War for the liberation of Cuba.” “Their chief merit is not spontaneity but thoughtfulness.” + =Critic.= 46: 288. Mr. ‘05. 30w. “Of the excellence of Mrs. Coates’s sentiments there can be no doubt; her nature is warmly responsive to whatever is worthy in life and beautiful in art. But her expression does not often exhibit spontaneity or achieve distinction.” + =Dial.= 38: 200. Mr. 16, ‘05. 250w. “Miss Coates’s verses may be described in a general way as topical.” + =Ind.= 59: 218. Jl. 27, ‘05. 190w. “The best of the poems ... are those which deal with persons. These are always sympathetic to the essential quality of the man.” + =Nation.= 80: 294. Ap. 13, ‘05. 160w. “The distinguishing marks of Mrs. Coates’ verse are simplicity and an unashamed gravity.” + =Reader.= 5: 619. Ap. ‘05. 340w. =Cobb, Benjamin Franklin.= Business philosophy. **$1.20. Crowell. A clear, level-headed exposition of the problems facing every business man from the least to the greatest, and suggestions regarding how to meet and handle them. Such subjects are treated as choosing a profession, system, credit, collections, office management, relations to employes, advertising, use of trading stamps, etc. + =Outlook.= 81: 524. O. 28, ‘05. 10w. * “A little volume of practical suggestions, written from personal experiences.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 639. N. ‘05. 20w. Cobden club. Burden of armaments; a plea for retrenchment. 90c. Wessels. In view of the steady increase in military and naval expenditure by the British government, the Cobden club has issued this volume which deals with the subject in the spirit of Cobden and carries his narrative and arguments down to the present date. Part 1, is a condensed restatement of Cobden’s arguments in “The three panics” (1863), part 2, Retrenchment, deals with the economic reaction between 1863 and 1884, part 3, The growth of militarism, gives an account of the relapse into extravagance, part 4, is a plea for disarmament. “The book under consideration is much more than a mere recall to right feeling: it is no less than an appeal to common sense.” + + =Dial.= 39: 18. Jl. 1, ‘05. 390w. + + + =Nation.= 80: 421. My. 25, ‘05. 1200w. =Cochrane, Charles H.= Modern industrial progress. **$3 Lippincott. “The tremendous industrial progress of the past few decades is recorded in this volume in brief descriptions of many inventions and discoveries and new applications of old discoveries.” (Outlook). “Among the numerous subjects discussed are electricity, including the progress made by Marconi, great canals and tunnels, bridges, tools of destruction, great farms and farming machinery, the iron horse and the railways, foods, engineering enterprises, newspapers and periodicals, instruments of science, cotton, wool, and texture manufactures, etc.” (Bookm.) There are over four hundred illustrations. + + + =Acad.= 68: 496. My. 6, ‘05. 300w. + =Critic.= 46: 95. Ja. ‘05. 60w. “In a straightforward, practicable manner, makes clear the recent steps in the field of mechanics and invention.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 383. Ap. ‘05. 80w. + + + =Dial.= 38: 203. Mr. 16, ‘05. 230w. “Such books as this are especially useful in school and public libraries. Not as interestingly written as might be, but full of information.” + — =Ind.= 58: 270. F. 2, ‘05. 70w. “The work is therefore encyclopædic in scope, and, as it is the production of a single mind, is neither profound in treatment nor remarkable for accuracy. Carelessness in composition and revision makes many of the sentences, to say the least, ambiguous. As a scientific treatise, the book is worthless. As a popular survey of modern progress, were it more carefully written and more generously indexed, it would be useful.” + — =Nation.= 80: 191. Mr. 9, ‘05. 240w. “Mr. Cochrane’s subject is large, and he has pretty well covered it. His book is as full of meat as an egg; and good meat it seems to be, too.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 147. Mr. 11, ‘05. 260w. “The volume is obviously intended for popular consumption, having no orderly or logical arrangement of subjects, and the treatment being absolutely untechnical.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 451. F. 18, ‘05. 70w. “A book full of attractive materials.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 512. Ap. ‘05. 80w. “A remarkable piece of work, encyclopaedic in its scope.” + + =Spec.= 94: 619. Ap. 29, ‘05. 620w. =Coe, George Albert.= Education in religion and morals. **$1.35. Revell. Professor Coe finds the essence of religious education “on the part of the teacher self-revelation and self impartation; on the part of the pupil, self-expression and self-realization.” In other words, all religious education is the “genuine mingling of a developed life in the interests and occupations of an undeveloped life.” (Bib. World). The best field for religious training is in the home, where the most free and natural relations exist. It is by revealing a sincere and self-sacrificing attitude toward life that a religious influence can be exerted. “It is in the breadth, courage and sanity of his survey of the social situation that the chief merit of his work is found.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9:388. Ap. ‘05. 300w. “This is a great book—the greatest on its subject since Bushnell’s ‘Christian nurture’ in 1847. It takes religious education off its apex of formal dogmatic instruction, and sets it down on the broad, stable base of sharing the concrete experiences of life. It gives us a point of view; and in the light of that point of view goes forth to challenge all unreality and insincerity. This book should be in the hands of every Christian.” William DeWitt Hyde. + + + =Bib. World.= 25: 154. F. ‘05. 1300w. (Statement of its teachings.) “The treatment of the problem in hand is thoroughly in accord with good psychological and pedagogical practice. The whole work, a worthy complement to Professor Coe’s previous publication on ‘The religion of a mature mind,’ is vitalizing and illuminating in its character and effect.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 1011. Ap. 22, ‘05. 910w. =Cohen, Alfred J.= (Alan Dale, pseud.). Wanted, a cook. (†)$1.50. Bobbs. A humorous account of the trials and tribulations of a newly married couple. “Two babes in the woods in this wilderness of flats make a pathetic attempt to have a real home, which comes to grief through a succession of disasters in the shape of incompetent or dishonest or impossible cooks. The mistress of the tiny ‘flat’ knows many things, but not how to cook; her experiences are enough to have turned her pretty hair gray, and one wonders if there is for her and women like her any other solution than the ‘apartment hotel,’ which is the only one the book offers.” (Ind.) =Acad.= 68: 366. Ap. 1, ‘05. 510w. “Seldom has it been our pleasure to read a more delightful satire on one phase of our present-day urban life. Has treated the servant-girl question in an inimitable manner. Though exaggerated at times as is the wont of the humorist, it is from first to last broadly true, and on the whole the story will prove as excellent a cure for the blues as the first reading of Mark Twain’s ‘Innocents Abroad.’” + + =Arena.= 33: 222. F. ‘05. 140w. “There is a fund of humour and entertainment in ‘Wanted a cook’ which makes it delightful reading.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 493. Ap. 15. 200w. “An airy variation of a very well-worn theme.” — =Critic.= 46 :480. My. ‘05. 50w. “Perhaps the most feeling, altho somewhat farcical, presentment of the vexed problem is the latest by Alan Dale.” + =Ind.= 58:210. Ja. 26, ‘05. 210w. =Cohen, Isabel E.= Legends and tales in prose and verse. 75c. Jewish pub. A compilation of prose and verse on Jewish subjects, most of which concern Bible characters. “Pleasant and instructive reading for the young.” + =Dial.= 38: 277. Ap. 16, ‘05. 60w. =Colby, Frank Moore.= Imaginary obligations. *$1.20. Dodd. A volume of dogmatic essays. “Some of his best chapters have to do with ‘The business of writing,’ and ‘Literary compulsion.’ ‘The literary temperament’ is treated in a way that makes the reader squirm in his chair. ‘The temptation of authors’ contains a warning to successful and prolific writers. ‘The danger of spreading oneself thin is that the time surely comes when it is done unconsciously. A man thinks it his thought flowing on like that, when it is only his ink.’ The fitness of Mr. Colby’s title, ‘Imaginary obligations,’ is somewhat imaginary.... But a book must have a title, and for a collection of loosely related essays one will serve about as well as another.” (Dial). “The range of topics is wide, the comments are pointed, and the style is, on the whole, decidedly racy. No reader can fail to enjoy the wit and the satire even when they are directed against some pet hobby of his. The fun is harmless and it may be found to be accompanied by wisdom.” + =Boston Evening Transcript.= :7. F. 10, ‘05. 250w. “Mr. Colby possesses a good measure of shrewd sense, a wholesome hatred of humbug and a keen eye to detect it, a practised pen, and a knack of terse, incisive, and often striking expression. But with these qualities go their defects: aiming to be brilliant and sententious, he occasionally exaggerates and makes phrases.” + — =Dial.= 38: 20. Ja. 1, ‘05. 430w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 126. Jl. ‘05. 60w. =Cole, Samuel Valentine.= Life that counts. **75c. Crowell. This book grew out of a series of addresses given before young people. It deals with some aspects of service but chiefly with certain qualifications of the useful life; viz. sympathy, courage, perseverance and aspiration. These are symbolized by four faces, the face of a man, a lion, an ox, an eagle, the emblem of the four evangelists. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 733. D. 2, ‘05. 70w. =Coleridge, Samuel Taylor.= Select poems; ed. by Andrew George. 60c. Heath. This volume of the Belles-lettres series contains select poems of Coleridge arranged in chronological order, with introduction and notes by the editor. =N.Y. Times.= 10: 104. Ap. 1, ‘05. 180w. =Collier’s self-indexing annual for 1905=: a contemporaneous encyclopedia and pictorial history of men and events of the past year as recorded and described by the world’s foremost specialists in every department of human progress. $5. Collier. Here the time saver finds in ready-to-use form the “political history of the world and of important current events in the fields of labor, industry, science, invention, the arts, sport, education, religion, and sociology.” “The material has been collated from ‘Collier’s Weekly,’ is preceded by a sketch review of the year 1904, which is to be highly praised as a model of condensed statement, and is arranged in alphabetical order, with many illustrations.” (Outlook). + =Outlook.= 79 :501. F. 25, ‘05. 100w. + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 768. Je. ‘05. 80w. =Collins, F. Howard.= Author and printer: a guide for authors, editors, printers, correctors of the press, compositors and typists. *$2.25. Oxford. “The want of uniformity in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and use of italic type causes continual trouble to all who are responsible for the editorial supervision of scientific literature in any form.... Mr. Collins has prepared his book to help in this end.... The volume contains more than twenty thousand separate entries of words arranged alphabetically. Included among these are abbreviations, disputed spellings, foreign words and phrases, divisions of words, and various rules and explanations which should prove of service to authors and editors.”—Nature. + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 560. My. 6. 450w. =Critic.= 47: 383. O. ‘05. 70w. “In conclusion we can pronounce this compilation useful, if almost without rhyme or reason and certainly not highly authoritative.” + — =Nation.= 81: 203. S. 7, ‘05. 1220w. + + + =Nature.= 72: 100. Je. 1, ‘05. 200w. * =Collyer, Robert.= Augustus Conant, Illinois pioneer and preacher. *60c. Am. Unitar. This second volume in “True American types” series contains the charmingly simple record of the plucky career of a typical New Englander who was born in Vermont in 1811, went west in the early days as an Illinois pioneer and later became a minister with the staunch support of his young wife. After triumphing over circumstances he met his death in the Civil war as chaplain in the Union army. The author’s account is supplemented by quotations from the quaintly brief entries in his various journals, and the whole forms a significant story of the life of man who wrested happiness and success from a barren environment. =Colton, Arthur Willis.= Belted seas. (†)$1.50. Holt. Captain Buckingham enlivens a winter afternoon by recounting his adventures in South America and elsewhere. Leaving the town of Greenough and the girl he had “agreed” to marry, he traversed the belted seas for thirty years, drifting back at last to his old harbor to gaze on the tombstone of his sweetheart, and assist in her daughter’s elopement. His story includes humorous yarns of hotel keeping in a ship carried inland by a tidal wave, of a hidden treasure over which a squatter had calmly built his cabin, and of a whale which put forth to sea with a hen roosting on a harpoon embedded in its side. “His work is never commonplace, but never before has he been so light-hearted, so effervescent of spirit as here.” + =Critic.= 47: 382. O. ‘05. 160w. “Some of his turns of thought are provocative of the heartiest laughter, and he never permits his auditors an instant of boredom.” + =Dial.= 38: 394. Je. 1, ‘05. 150w. “The dry, whimsical old captain spins a yarn worth hearing.” + =Ind.= 58: 1250. Je. 1, ‘05. 230w. “It is a toy, very ingenious and puzzling, we must admit, but not a genuine specimen of literary handicraft.” + =Lit. D.= 31: 318. S. 2, ‘05. 340w. “Captain Tom’s description of his eccentric mates is occasionally exaggerated to the point of caricature, and his style is inconsistent, wavering between the style of the plain mariner and that of a clever, versatile, even brilliant writer.” + — =Nation.= 80 :442. Je. 1, ‘05. 370w. “A certain knack of conversation and characterization, a certain largeness of view where the differing morals and madnesses of men are concerned, which gives them not only interest, but a sort of oneness.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 222. Ap. 8, ‘05. 450w. “Its humor is both spontaneous and demure, and its comedy pointed and subtle.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 394. Je. 17, ‘05. 150w. “This is of the grotesque, distorted type of humorous story. His observations on human nature are often shrewd and amusing.” + =Outlook.= 79: 959. Ap. 15, ‘05. 110w. “Mr. Colton’s sailor men are flesh and blood, though their adventures are the wildest flights of fancy.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 633. Ap. 22, ‘05. 150w. + =Reader.= 6: 241. Jl. ‘05. 150w. =Colton, Olive A.= Rambles abroad. $2. Franklin ptg. and engr. co. The author “recounts at the outset her visit to Naples and Rome, interspersing her narrative of travel with historical discussion.... From Rome she takes us to Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Wartburg and Weimar, thence to Paris. A visit to England and Windsor castle concludes the trip. The pictures are excellent throughout.”—Boston Evening Transcript. “Miss Colton has nothing new to tell, in this narrative of a brief European trip; but she tells her story simply and well.” + =Boston Evening Transcript.= F. 8, ‘05. 130w. =Colyar, Arthur St. Clair.= Life and times of Andrew Jackson; soldier—statesman—president. 2v. $6. Marshall & B. Mr. Colyar is a lawyer and an enthusiastic admirer of Jackson. His object in writing these books is to give a sympathetic account of the great Tennesseean, and he has produced a democratic biography which is at times historically biased. Reviewed by J. S. Bassett. + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 667. Ap. ‘05. 530w. =Coman, Katharine.= Industrial history of the United States for high schools and colleges. *$1.25. Macmillan. In this volume Prof. Coman aims “to bring the essential elements of the economic history of this country within the grasp of the average reader, and she has also adapted it for high school and college students.... There are many illustrations in half-tone in the book, as well as a number of maps and diagrams, and, besides the authorities given in the margin, the book is supplied with a list of books and their authors for the general reader.” (N. Y. Times.) * “It supplements in a highly interesting way the ordinary narrative text-book, and will prove a valuable adjunct in the teaching of the subject.” + + =Dial.= 39: 390. D. 1, ‘05. 40w. * “A carefully executed work, packed with information.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1158. N. 16, ‘05. 20w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 641. S. 30, ‘05. 280w. * “The book is exceptionally accurate in detail.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 775. N. 18, ‘05. 160w. “While the author has not always satisfactorily exhibited the economic forces underlying the great movements and events in the history of the United States, she has, on the whole, performed a difficult task well. It is by no means easy to marshal the facts in an interesting way and at the same time bring out their significance; but this the author has succeeded in doing to a praiseworthy degree.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 629. N. 11, ‘05. 180w. * “The book as a whole is a model of clear statement and systematized information.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 637. N. ‘05. 90w. =Commons, John Rogers=, ed. See =Trade= unionism and labor problems. Companion to Greek studies; ed. by Leonard Whibley. *$6. Macmillan. “‘The companion to Greek studies’ differs in scope from other books of the same class; for, besides a survey of Greek life, thought, and art in their different branches, it includes a chapter on the physical conditions of Greece, another containing chronological tables of politics, literature, and art, and a chapter on certain branches of criticism and interpretation. While each article has been intrusted to a writer who has made a special study of the subject, it has been the aim of the work to give the substance of our knowledge in a concise form.... It is hoped that the full table of contents and the indexes of proper names and Greek words will increase the value of the book for purposes of reference. Bibliographies have generally been appended to each article to help those who seek further information. Plans, views, and reproductions of ancient works of art have been carefully chosen and inserted in those articles in which illustration seems most necessary.” Preface. “The lack of references is a serious drawback. As a companion to the reading of Greek authors, a handbook for reference about Greek things, the book is convenient, well arranged and, in all essentials, trustworthy.” + + — =Acad.= 68 :102. F. 4. ‘05. 1270w. “It is not a book, but a compressed encyclopedia, a vast collection of facts crammed into the smallest possible compass. Almost the whole book is interesting, in spite of its compression.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 616. My. 20. 1010w. “Few volumes have a stronger claim to their places in the library of the classical scholar.” + + + =Nation.= 81: 120. Ag. 10, ‘05. 650w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 114. F. 25, ‘05. 340w. “What Dr. Smith’s ‘Dictionary of antiquities’ was for students half a century ago this is for those of to-day. In concise form it exhibits the larger and more accurate knowledge gained by recent research, and also treats of subjects not heretofore presented in works of this kind. As a book of reference it is all that could be desired. Its illustrations are both numerous and fine. In this work British scholars have again scored most creditably. In their index of scholars and modern writers Americans are scarcer than the facts require.” + + + =Outlook.= 79: 652. Mr. 11, ‘05. 250w. “If the object of the compilers was to give the maximum of information in the minimum of space, they have certainly succeeded in the attempt.” + + + =Sat. R.= 100: 152. Jl. 29, ‘05. 1400w. “Of its value there can be no question.” + + — =Spec.= 94: 919. Je. 24, ‘05. 940w. Compatriots’ club lectures. Compatriots’ club lectures: first series. *$2.75. Macmillan. The Compatriots’ club, a non-partizan body, was constituted in March, 1904, with the object of advancing the ideal of a united British empire. The present volume contains eight lectures. The principles of constructive economics as applied to the maintenance of empire, by J. L. Garvin; Tariff reform and national defense, by H. W. Wilson; Imperial preference and the cost of food, by Sir Vincent Caillard; The evolution of the empire, by Hon. St. John A. Cockburn, K. C. M. C.; The proper distribution of the population of the empire, by H. A. Gwynne; Political economy and the tariff problem, by Prof. W. J. Ashley; Colonial preference in the past, by John W. Hills, and Tariff reform and political morality, by the Rev. Dr. William Cunningham. “No better text-book could be accepted both by friends and opponents as a starting place for discussion.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 46. Jl. 8. 450w. + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 191. Je. 16, ‘05. 1170w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 347. My. 27, ‘05. 270w. “These lectures we believe will have a wide-reaching educative effect in preparing opinion for the part which the state will take in the future in many matters from which the individualist theory has excluded it.” + =Sat. R.= 99: 742. Je. 3, ‘05. 1450w. “It is the work of a group of well-known men, who obviously believe what they write, and who in many respects have advanced beyond the crude fallacies and cheap-Jack promises which have disfigured Mr. Chamberlain’s presentment of his own case. It is worth while to see why such men are protectionists, and where the flaw in their reasoning lies.” + — =Spec.= 95: 192. Ag. 5, ‘05. 2700w. =Condit, Edgar Mantelbert.= Two years in three continents: experiences, impressions and observation of two Americans abroad. **$2. Revell. The author and his wife, starting from Ireland, visited all the capitals of Europe, and then Russia and the Orient. The account of their journey is both humorous and interesting, and they give many valuable and homely details not found in the ordinary book of travels. “The book is replete with humor, and is all the better because it is so thoroughly American in quality. Mr. Condit’s descriptive powers are excellent. In this the good spirits of the writer always predominates and it is easy reading.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 128. F. 25, ‘05. 190w. =Condivi, Ascanio.= Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, tr. by Herbert P. Horne. *$7.50. Updike. “Condivi wrote a great biography, tho no longer than a Plutarch. It puts Michael Angelo before us a genius yet a man. It is rich in choice anecdote, it describes the rivalries and reverses, the successes and triumphs incident to one of power and resource and ambition, and over all its style and treatment give the time as Castiglione describes it. The work itself and Addington Symond’s praise should have before this prompted a popular English edition. Mr. Horne’s translation is close and con amore, but the book is published in a very limited edition.”—Ind. “Altogether, the volume is one in which the bibliophile no less than the art student will rejoice.” + + =Dial.= 38: 51. Ja. 16, ‘05. 290w. “The format is less notable than the biography of the translation. Mr. Horne designed the type which is here first used. It is chaste and clearly cut, yet the page is not clear.” + — =Ind.= 58: 569. Mr. 9, ‘05. 490w. “Condivi’s narrative is always delightful, it is so unaffected and sincere. The present translation is pleasant to read, having plenty of character.” + =Spec.= 94: 114. Ja. 28, ‘05. 110w. =Conley, John Wesley.= Bible in modern light: a course of lectures before the Bible department of the Woman’s club, Omaha. **75c. Griffith & R. In this series of lectures the author “treats the character and composition of the Bible, manuscripts, translations, light from the monuments; and deals with such problems as the relation of the Bible to science, art, ethics, woman, education, progress.” (Am. J. of Theol.) “A series of simple, clear and popular lectures.” Charles Richmond Henderson. + + =Am. J. Theol.= 9: 390. Ap. ‘05. 80w. “In a class where a competent leader could fill gaps and expand outlines, the book might serve as a suggestive textbook.” Henry M. Bowden. + + — =Bib. World.= 26: 157. Ag. ‘05. 280w. * =Connolly, James Bennet.= Deep sea’s toll. †$1.50. Scribner. Eight stories of the Gloucester fishermen entitled: The sail-carriers; The wicked “Celestine”; The truth of the Oliver Cromwell; Strategy and seamanship; Dory-mates; The saving of the bark Fuller; On Georges shoals; and Patsie Oddie’s black night. * “They are admirably drawn pictures of the hardest life a man can choose.” + =Nation.= 81: 448. N. 30, ‘05. 360w. * “Well sustains the reputation won for him by his previous stories in the same field.” + =Outlook.= 81: 712. N. 25, ‘05. 140w. =Connolly, James B.= On Tybee knoll: a story of the Georgia coast. †$1.25. Barnes. “This is a short, simple but interesting story of rivalry between some contractors on river and harbor work at Savannah, Ga. The young hero and his older partner have various exciting experiences in executing a contract that involved cutting and rafting some poles for dipper dredges. The rafts were stolen, rescued, cut adrift and finally rescued again. Incidentally there are races, fights and rescues on the water.”—Engin. N. “One forgives the extravagance of the story for the sake of the exhilarating sea breeze that seems to blow through all the pages.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + — =Bookm.= 21: 518. Jl. ‘05. 290w. + =Engin. N.= 53: 635. Je. 15, ‘05. 100w. — =Nation.= 81: 102. Ag. 3, ‘05. 300w. “The present tale might be an early effort.” — =Outlook.= 80: 194. My. 20, ‘05. 40w. =Connor, Ralph, pseud.= (=Charles William Gordon.=) Prospector. $1.50. Revell. The story of the life of a young minister who goes from the university of Toronto to his work of self-sacrifice in the wilds. He is affectionately called the Prospector because he untiringly seeks out lonely ranches and brings their owners into touch with their distant neighbors. There are vivid pictures of Canadian frontier life and character, and there is, of course, a love interest. “From cover to cover physical strength is glorified; but it is the physical strength of teachers and preachers, of earnest, deadly earnest, muscular Christians. Literary merit has nothing to do with the author’s success. His English is fairly sound, and that is as much as may be said for the writing.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 43. Ja. 14. 320w. “The vein is worked a little too hard, and the results forced.” + — =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 90w. “The splendors of home missionaries’ sacrifice have never been more vividly portrayed.” + + =Ind.= 58: 269. F. 2, ‘05. 170w. “Interesting as a novel as well as valuable as a picture of Canadian life.” + + =Spec.= 94: 57. Ja. 14, ‘05. 190w. =Conrad, Joseph (Joseph Conrad Korzenlowski).= Nostromo: a tale of the seaboard. $1.50. Harper. Late writers have often turned to the “new lands” of South America for picturesque settings for their stories. Mr. Conrad has laid the scene of his new novel in a republic on the western coast. “In this country an English family has long been settled and has had for its stake the government concession of a silver mine, handed down from father to son, and entailing much disagreeable ‘squeezing’ from successive presidents and dictators. The descendant to whom it has fallen when the present narrative opens is the first one to make it a really valuable property, and in the development he becomes the greatest power in the state, enlisting foreign capital, building railroads, and carrying governments on his pay roll. A final desperate effort on the part of greedy politicians to get control of the goose that lays his golden egg is the main feature of the plot ... but the psychological interest predominates over the adventurous or romantic interest which justifies the author in naming this novel after one of its characters ... one upon whom Mr. Conrad has concentrated his analytical powers.” (Dial). “A novel ought not to be a snap-shot, it should be a firmly and richly woven fabric. Such is ‘Nostromo.’ Flexible and vivid style.” O. H. Dunbar. + + =Critic.= 46: 377. Ap. ‘05. 480w. “Readers will find in the book ample reward for their pains in perusing it, will often reach the point of exasperation at its lengthy analyses, its interminable dragging-out of incident, and its frequent harking back to antecedent conditions. The work is a very strong one, and we can think of no other writer, unless it be Mr. Cunningham-Grahame, who could have done anything like as well with the same material.” W. M. Payne. + + — =Dial.= 38: 125. F. 16, ‘05. 420w. “As a study of South American revolution the book is a monument of realism. There is ever present a psychological question, a moral issue that is as modern as Ibsen.” + + =Ind.= 58: 557. Mr. 9, ‘05. 700w. “The love element is slight and in its development irregular, and the adventurous element is not absorbing. The stream of the story is always slender. It glimmers and shimmers most poetically—what there is of it—but even at its broadest and strongest it gives no hint of bearing the reader along with it, and again and again it sinks wholly out of sight amid the silver sands of picturesque description.” + — =Reader.= 5: 618. Ap. ‘05. 310w. =Conrad, Stephen, pseud. (Stephen Conrad Stuntz).= Mrs. Jim and Mrs. Jimmie. †$1.50. Page. A recital of the experiences of Mrs. Jim at quilting parties, picnics, sociables, weddings, commencements, and fires, interspersed by comments of Mrs. Jimmie. There is much real village life, much satire, and not a little homely philosophy. * “This story sustains the same relation to love that an old-fashioned ‘experience meeting’ sustains to religion.” — =Ind.= 59: 986. O. 26, ‘05. 130w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 513. Ag. 5, ‘05. 370w. “A tedious story of a country town.” — =Outlook.= 80: 935. Ag. 12, ‘05. 30w. =Conway, Moncure Daniel.= Autobiography, memories and experiences. 2v. **$6. Houghton. A frank autobiography of a long life. Mr. Conway says of himself: “A pilgrimage from pro-slavery to anti-slavery enthusiasm, from Methodism to Freethought, implies a career of contradictions.” Born in Virginia of a slave-holding family, 1832, he prepared for the Methodist ministry; but at twenty-one, alienated from his family and old beliefs, he turned to the Unitarian ministry and took an active part in the anti-slavery movement in the early fifties. In 1863 he went to England to lecture in behalf of the North, and remained in London, where he formed lasting friendships with the “good and great” of his time. His account of his experiences and his pictures of the people whom he knew are of exceptional interest. “Two very entertaining volumes that will prove of marked interest to the general reader, and may be of considerable service to the historical student. Commendation for their general readableness and attractiveness.” + + =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 701. Ap. ‘05. 170w. Reviewed by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. =Atlan.= 95: 128. Ja. ‘05. 1730w. * “On the whole Mr. Conway’s volume is the most important book of its kind that has been published during the present year.” R. W. Kemp. + + + =Bookm.= 20: 481. Ja. ‘05. 750w. “Two large volumes, and I do not think there is a dry page in either one of them.” Jeannette L. Gilder. + + =Critic.= 46: 120. F. ‘05. 920w. “He has, therefore, won the gratitude due for a compilation that makes easy and attractive reading. But it is emphatically the work of a clever journalist and genial clubman, not of a trustworthy historian. It will not be safe to use the material here collected unless it is otherwise confirmed. Mr. Conway is surprisingly careless even in matters closely connected with his own career.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + — =Forum.= 36: 564. Ap. ‘05. 1930w. “In a vivid and picturesque manner ... Mr. Moncure D. Conway tells the story of a strenuous life.” Walter Lewin. + + =Hibbert J.= 3: 614. Ap. ‘05. 1300w. “A man who has lived in such times and amid such associations must from the nature of the case have an interesting story to tell. Fortunately, Mr. Conway is too good a literary craftsman to let the story suffer in the telling.” + + =R. of Rs.= 30: 755. D. ‘04. 240w. “We may say without hesitation that it is an instructive, as it is a transparently sincere, record of human experience. The first volume is meant for American more than for English readers.” + + =Spec. 94=: 181. F. 4, ‘05. 230w. =Cook, Albert S.=, ed. See Judith. =Cook, Albert S., and Benham, A. R.= Specimen letters. *60c. Ginn. “The range of the selection is unlimited, since it includes Cicero, Pliny, Tragan, Mme. de Sevigné, and Voltaire.... The other eighty-eight letters ... are English or American, beginning with Addison and ending with ‘Ellen G. Starr.’”—N. Y. Times. “The collection is an admirable one, representative of every form of the epistolary art, and made particularly attractive to the general reader by its freedom from editorial encumbrances.” + + =Dial.= 38: 423. Je. 16, ‘05. 50w. “As an avowed supplement to Scoones, such of their work as he has not anticipated would have a distinct value.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 344. My. 27, ‘05. 880w. =Cook, Joel.= Switzerland; picturesque and descriptive. **$2.40. Coates. A book designed for students and tourists, as well as general lovers of fine book workmanship. Six sections of Switzerland are covered—Western Switzerland, Eastern Switzerland, the Upper Rhine, the Middle Rhine, the great Rhine gorge, and the Lower Rhine, and in addition to the descriptive matter, there are numerous half-tone illustrations. He opens with a rapid survey of the history of the Swiss confederation, followed by descriptions of the Lake of Geneva, Lausanne, Vevey, and Montreux, coming next to the Castle of Chillon. “He has here attempted to do for Switzerland what he has already done for America, England, and France, by emphasizing with personal impressions those points of human interest which usually receive mere perfunctory notice in the guide books.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 2. Ja. 7, ‘05. 330w. * =Cook, Theodore Andrea.= Old Provence. 2v. **$4. Scribner. “The first volume deals with Provence under the Greeks and Romans. Mr. Cook writes entertainingly of the traces of Marius in Provence. He follows his march, camp by camp, through the country until he met the Teutons and the Ambrons on the bank of the Lar.... Volume II of the account of Provence is no less discursive than the first, and no less interesting in the same discursive way. It covers the period from about the time of Charlemagne, say, 900 A. D., to the death of the good King Réné in 1480, with excursions back to Greek, Roman, and Teutonic days and forward to modern times.”—N. Y. Times. * “We heartily congratulate him on the interest of his book, but are not satisfied with it, for we feel certain that he can and will do better. The book seems to us wanting in plan, and from absence of design to be somewhat confused for the general reader.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 505. O. 14. 710w. “Mr. Cook has not achieved a history of Provence. But he offers us a guide, indefatigable, vigorous, vivacious, eager to discourse on every subject, and primed with valuable information.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 357. O. 27, ‘05. 940w. * “There is room for many books about a region so replete with interest, and it can do nobody any harm to read this one; but, while it will not spare the traveller abroad the need of his guide-books, it has not the light and graceful touch and the gift of vivid presentation that will satisfy the reader who stays at home—the ultimate test.” + — =Nation.= 81: 468. D. 7, ‘05. 1520w. “A work containing much of interest and importance, and little that is trivial in itself, yet all so badly arranged that the reader has to pick and choose to find what he wants.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 675. O. 14, ‘05. 1060w. * “Mr. Cook knows his Provence well, but he does not know how to tell about it. Nevertheless the volumes are worth buying and worth reading, for their contents cannot be obtained elsewhere.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 706. N. 25, ‘05. 110w. =Cooke, Grace MacGowan.= Grapple. †$1.50. Page. The principal figure in this labor-problem story is Mark Strong who from the ordinary miner’s lot rises to the ownership of a mine. Although once a member of the United mine workers, and still a believer in unions, he will not be bound by the inflexible rules of labor organizations, and employs non-union help. The struggle that ensues gives an opportunity for an exposition of arguments on both sides of the question. * “The seriousness of the book is relieved by an element of humor which is perhaps better than nothing, although it is a humor of a rather cheap sort.” Wm. M. Payne. + — =Dial.= 39: 307. N. 16, ‘05. 140w. =Outlook.= 81: 279. S. 30, ‘05. 110w. =Cooke, Marjorie Benton.= Dramatic episodes. $1.25. Dramatic. Ten short plays, each in a single scene, which satirize the follies of the foibles of to-day. =Dial.= 38: 276. Ap. 16, ‘05. 60w. =Cooper, Edward Herbert.= Twentieth century child. $1.50. Lane. A glimpse into the new nursery, where smart children who make epigrams dwell. Their prayers, lessons, play, social life, punishments and health are discussed. “The style is a mixture of slap-dash, slang, and fine writing.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 461. Ap. 15. 1020w. “It is rich in insight, sanity, a wise and sympathetic understanding of his delightful circle of juvenile acquaintance. The whole book is blessedly free from any touch of the patronizing.” + + =Critic.= 47: 475. N. ‘05. 170w. “The value of his book lies largely in its very personal tone.” + =Dial.= 39: 46. Jl. 16, ‘05. 360w. “Written in a pseudo-serious vein.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 332. My. 20, ‘05. 400w. “The volume as a whole is a clever and unusual combination of anecdote, fiction, biography, and serious discussion.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 511. O. ‘05. 110w. “We do not take Mr. Cooper seriously; and the whole performance has an air of artificiality which produces irritation at every page.” — — =Sat. R.= 99: 710. My. 27, ‘05. 220w. — =Spec.= 94: 398. Mr. 18, ‘05. 1640w. =Cooper, James Fenimore.= Last of the Mohicans. 80c; lea. $1.25. Crowell. In the thin paper and flexible cover of the “Thin paper classics” this favorite Indian story becomes a handy pocket companion. =Cooper, James Fenimore.= Spy. 60c; lea. $1.25. Crowell. A volume recently added to the “Thin paper classics.” =Cooper, Walter G.= Fate of the middle classes. *$1.25. Consolidated retail booksellers. “The only way to make sure of the general good is to guard the interests of every class with jealous care. This end is best attained when each class realizes that self-protection is the best protection, self-help the best help, and self-respect the surest guaranty of the respect of others.” This forms a part of the watchword of the volume. * “Force is not lacking in much of what Mr. Cooper advances.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 774. N. 18, ‘05. 540w. “Despite these criticisms, we think this volume a real contribution to the thought of the day, because characterized by three qualities not too often found in combination in treatises on our industrial problems, namely, a careful study of existing conditions, a sane and non-partisan judgment respecting them, and something of prophetic vision regarding the tendency of industrial progress and the direction in which it should be guided.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 524. O. 28, ‘05. 360w. * “He has no very definite plan of organization, but he has at least sounded a note of warning.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 763. D. 9, ‘05. 210w. =Cooper, William Colby.= Immortality: the principal philosophic arguments for and against it. $1. W: Colby Cooper, Cleves, O. “A serious and very able discussion, from the purely philosophical viewpoint, of the logical arguments for and against the theory of the persistence of life after the crisis of death.” (Arena.) The author is a physician. “The method of presentation, however, is less open to criticism than the typography.” + + — =Arena.= 33: 674. Je. ‘05. 590w. “The argument seems conclusive for the survival of life and consciousness, but less conclusive for the survival of the individuality.” + + — =Outlook.= 80: 93. My. 6, ‘05. 90w. =Corelli, Marie (Minnie Mackay).= Free opinions, freely expressed on certain phases of modern social life and conduct. **$1.20. Dodd. The essays collected in this volume attack newspapers, Americans, and certain unfortunate tendencies which the author discovers in modern English society. “The style of the essays ... is perhaps even more fervidly enthusiastic than that of the author’s fiction.” + — =Critic.= 47: 283. S. ‘05. 80w. “The disputatious, not to say censorious, tone of these essays moves the reviewer to remind the writer that people are seldom to be argued or scolded into wisdom. Have the merit of brevity and at times of sprightliness.” + — =Dial.= 39: 43. Jl. 16, ‘05. 530w. “Violence, prejudice, a painfully narrow view of life, and a lack of proportion ... shockingly mar her present book.” — — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 280. Ap. 29, ‘05. 850w. + — =Outlook.= 80: 191. My. 20, ‘05. 180w. * =Cornes, James.= Modern housing: houses in town and country, illustrated by examples of municipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tenement houses, model cottages and villages. *$3. Scribner. Mr. Cornes, who as a member of the Leek town council has made a study of the question of housing the working classes, and has conducted some interesting experiments in Leek itself, now writes of these experiments, makes suggestions which will lessen the cost of house construction and “furnishes some suggestive contrasts between the opportunities for building in town and country by the inclusion of some admirably executed plans and pictures of the cottages now on view at the Cheap Cottages exhibition at Letchworth.” (Spec.) * + =Int. Studio.= 27: 181. D. ‘05. 330w. * + =Nation.= 81: 347. O. 26, ‘05. 330w. * + =Spec.= 95: 191. Ag. 5, ‘05. 290w. =Coryat, Thomas.= Coryat’s crudities hastily gobbled up in five moneths’ travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of High Germany and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members of this kingdome; reprinted from the edition of 1611. 2v. *$6.50. Macmillan. Altho the humor of the three-score panegyrics which gave the book unusual vogue in its first appearance has somewhat faded with time, there remains much to interest and amuse in this quaint account of travels afoot, of dangers, and of butterflies, of manners and of customs. “Careful reprint.” + + =Acad.= 68: 488. My. 6, ‘05. 1360w. “His latest edition is luxuriously produced, and in every way worthy of him, given the publishers’ rule of not altering or pointing out his mistakes.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 394. S. 23. 920w. “Coryat’s style, whatever its defects, has often the true Elizabethan richness.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 213. Jl. 7, ‘05. 1600w. + + =Nation.= 81: 80. Jl. 27, ‘05. 1570w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 444. Jl. 1, ‘05. 670w. “The quaintness of the original has been preserved, and it would be difficult, indeed, to imagine anything exceeding this work in precisely that quality.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 138. My. 13, ‘05. 350w. “Those who go through these hundred pages of the ‘Crudities’ do penance indeed.” — + =Sat.= R. 99: 816 Je. 17, ‘05. 130w. =Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q,” pseud.=). Mayor of Troy. †$1.50. Scribner. “A quaint tale of the Cornish coast. The setting is historical, being that of the threatened Napoleonic invasion.... The mayor of Troy, who is also major of the volunteer artillery ... is ... snatched by ruthless fate from the scenes of his glory, seized by a press-gang ... and carried off to become an ornament of the British navy. The ship which bears him is blown up.... He is rescued by the enemy, and languishes ten years in a remote military prison. Meanwhile ... he is given up for dead, his wealth is distributed according to the terms of his will, and Troy does him all sorts of posthumous honors. When he returns—but we will not reveal what happens, remarking only that it is the unexpected.”—Dial. * “The book presents us with one humorous situation after another, crowned by an invention so extraordinary that the author may fairly be said to have surpassed his own best previous efforts.” Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 39: 309. N. 16, ‘05. 200w. * “Taken all in all, we should say that Mr. Quiller-Couch has never done much better work than in his ‘Mayor of Troy,’ and that is to praise it highly.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 839. D. 2, ‘05. 780w. =Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-.= Shakespeare’s Christmas and other stories. †$1.50. Longmans. “A collection of ripe and forcible stories, of which the least successful is the one which gives its name to the book.” (Lond. Times.) They “range in date from the sixteenth to the beginning of the nineteenth century, and range in characters from Shakespeare and Wellington to the fishwives of Saltash and the highwaymen of Tregarrick.” (Ind.) + + =Acad.= 68: 925. S. 9, ‘05. 710w. “We note the usual flavour of distinction in the writing, the scholarly attention to details, the little touches of observation which show how thoroughly the writer has identified himself with the beings of his invention.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 368. S. 16. 250w. “His abundant knowledge of archeology and local color is effectively used without being made unduly conspicuous.” + + =Ind.= 59: 580. S. 7, ‘05. 90w. “In most of these stories he does himself justice, and that is high praise.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 279. S. 1, ‘05. 480w. “Has become, for the moment and with exceptions, dull.” — + =Nation.= 81: 259. S. 28, ‘05. 200w. “Is as good a collection of stories as its title promises, and as this vivacious, ingenious, and voluminous writer always can be depended upon to furnish at wonderfully short intervals of time.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 636. S. 30, ‘05. 620w. “The material and setting of each story are striking and original, the manner of narration attractive and ingenious, yet the general effect is disappointing and unsatisfactory.” + — =Sat.= R. 100: 441. S. 30, ‘05. 270w. =Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q.” pseud.).= Shining ferry. †$1.50. Scribner. John Rosewarne, a stern, proud old man, looking back upon a reckless youth, his son, who follows the Bible after reading into it his own desires, the gentle Peter Benny and his eleven children, a blind boy, and many others enter into this story of a sleepy little sea port town. “In the last third or so of the book the interest, to our mind, suddenly filters away. The fault is one of structure. The interest of the novel dribbles out along several lines, none of which assumes a principal position and concentrates attention. And such is the reason why we are disappointed with what is in large measure a well-written book, with plenty of character and written in excellent English.” + — =Acad.= 68: 520. My. 13, ‘05. 460w. “In this book he seems, for the first time, to have achieved a novel really complete in character, incident, and construction.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 394. Ap. 1. 720w. “Admirable studies of character. Its charm resides in the touches of gentle sentiment, of quaint humor, and tender feeling with which it is enriched in every chapter. It is a wholesome and human book, to be read with keen delight from beginning to end.” Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 39: 41. Jl. 16, ‘05. 170w. “There is a savor in it—a distinction not only of style, but of thought and temper—which will enable it to outlive much fiction that is more strongly wrought.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + — =Forum.= 37: 111. Jl. ‘05. 270w. “Is one of the best stories of the year.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1071. My. 11, ‘05. 300w. “These figures are all well drawn—not over-drawn—neither too diabolical nor too angelic.” + + =Lit. D.= 21: 93. Jl. 15, ‘05. 810w. “Quiller-Couch has a deft hand at character sketching, and in this latest story of his, one finds many character sketches and little story. Mr. Quiller-Couch has a goodly humor which saves his story from a certain melancholy gloominess which it might otherwise possess too abundantly.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 244. Ap. 15, ‘05. 430w. + + — =Outlook.= 81: 712. N. 25, ‘05. 120w. “There is not a forced or a strained note anywhere. The sense of proportion is everywhere evident in the book, so that when one closes it one is in possession of a little corner of the tapestry of life where not a stitch has been dropped.” + + =Reader.= 6: 242. Ag. ‘05. 430w. “One of those novels made to be enjoyed rather than criticised.” + + =Sat. R.= 99: 636. My. 13, ‘05. 430w. =Coudert, Frederick René.= Addresses, historical—political—sociological. **$2.50. Putnam. The twenty-one addresses of this eminent international lawyer, which his editor has selected for this volume include: International arbitration; The Anglo-American arbitration treaty; The rights of ships; Christopher Columbus; Louis Kossuth; Andrew Jackson; Charles O’Conor, Montesquieu; Chief Justice Waite; France, Morals and manners; Reply to Dumas’s advocacy of divorce; Lying as a fine art; The bar of New York from 1792 to 1892; Young men in politics; and Columbia college. * “In selecting from among his subject’s addresses those for use in this book ‘P. F.’ has been wholly successful, and has made a volume of much interest.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 791. N. 18, ‘05. 860w. * “They are valuable as specimens of a style worth studying by nascent writers and speakers.” + =Outlook.= 81: 523. O. 28, ‘05. 170w. Course of Christian doctrine; a handbook for teachers. 50c. Dolphin press. “The aim of the new Sunday-school manual is, as stated in its preface, ‘to bring the new education to bear on the old sacred and unchangeable truths, and to lead the children not only to know, but to love and practice them.’ ... The book suggests such new features as blackboard work, historical tablets, the use of the sandboard, pictures, poems, and the like.... The course mapped out is divided into eight grades, each including instruction in prayers, catechism, Bible history—both Old and New Testament—and Catholic devotions and practices.”—Cath. World. “The scholarship and originality which mark the first chapter prevail throughout the work.” + + =Cath. World.= 80: 670. F. ‘05. 1540w. =Coutts, Francis.= Musa verticordia. *$1.25. Lane. From the first poem of this group the volume takes its name. The trial of Dreyfus furnishes the theme of one poem; two others are interpretations of Parsifal and Meistersinger; still others are commemorative in nature. There are also some interesting Spanish folk rhymes. “Mr. Francis Coutts stands out head and shoulders from the generality of our modern minor poets in that in addition to its technical excellence his verse strikes a strong individual note.” + =Acad.= 68: 61. Ja. 21, ‘05. 280w. “Mr. Coutts’ muse would to us be austere were he not somewhat too vague, too nebulous, for austerity. A mastership of whatever form of verse he essays, a lofty purpose, withal a rooted fealty to poetic sorrow, must be conceded to Mr. Coutts.” + + =Critic.= 47: 192. Ag. ‘05. 170w. “This attitude of intellectual challenge is characteristic of the entire volume, and it is such touches of ‘sæva indignatio’ that give the author’s work its most distinctive quality.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 273. N. 1, ‘05. 300w. “It is impossible to read Mr. Coutts without admiration. But he lacks, through nearly all this volume, the human sweetness that is the preservative of poetry.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 168. My. 26, ‘05. 400w. “Mr. Coutts is always thoughtful and always sensitive to the imaginative import of his ideas.” + =Nation.= 80: 293. Ap. 13, ‘05. 280w. “He has extreme simplicity and chastity of style, what Stevenson has called ‘the piety of speech,’ a perfect taste, and an instinct for rendering in delicate poetry, evasive moods and fancies. There is also a gravity and austerity. The slightly forced reflectiveness seems to us to be a blemish in much of his work.” + — =Spec.= 94: 114. Ja. 28, ‘05. 310w. =Cowan, Rev. Henry.= John Knox, the hero of the Scottish reformation, 1505-1572. **$1.35. Putnam. In this seventh volume in the “Heroes of the reformation” series, the writer has aimed to “describe those portions of the career of Knox which are most likely to be of general interest: to place his life-work in its historical setting.” This he has done, giving a clear picture of the reformer and his times. References to original authorities are given in foot-notes and there is a complete index. “Both popular and scholarly.” + + =Bib. World.= 26: 400. N. ‘05. 70w. “While less piquant than Lang’s, is perhaps the better book for the student. With a quick penetration into the particular subject or episode in hand, a strong grasp of the situation, and with clear and rapid movement of style, he makes a good story as well as a trustworthy one.” + + =Critic.= 47: 381. O. ‘05. 110w. “The author is an advocate, but he is fair, dignified, and moderate in his advocacy of Knox’s side of these questions and of the general course of his conduct as a Puritan leader.” Charles H. Cooper. + + — =Dial.= 39: 206. O. 1, ‘05. 840w. + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 190. Je. 16. ‘05. 210w. “Dr. Cowan’s way of looking at Knox is, of course, not Mr. Lang’s way. Naturally Dr. Cowan’s biography is less interesting.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 432. Jl. 1, ‘05. 650w. “Dr. Cowan’s work is that of a professor unable to apprehend the spirit of a religion outside his sphere of thought.” — =Sat. R.= 100: 440. S. 30, ‘05. 510w. =Cowen, Thomas.= The Russo-Japanese war: from the outbreak of hostilities to the battle of Liao Yang. *$4.20. Longmans. “A trained observer, for many years a war correspondent, describing for newspapers the Boer war, the Japanese-Chinese war, phases of the Spanish-American war, both in Cuba and the Philippines, the Boxer in China, and the siege of Peking, Mr. Cowen treats of the war in the East with exceptional facilities for getting at the facts.” (N. Y. Times). He analyses the reasons for Japanese success, he sums up the cause for Russia’s failures in the statement that “Indecision in emergency has been a characteristic weakness of Russia.” He follows the steps taken by Japan in her preparation for war, showing the methods adopted for meeting the peculiar difficulties to be overcome in opposing the host of Russia’s forces. “Remarkably effective as word pictures are his descriptions of the naval operations in the early days before Port Arthur.... And with it all there is a constant succession of pictures of army and navy life that is positively fascinating in the simple old-fashioned manner in which it is told with no attempt at ‘fine writing.’” (N. Y. Times). + + =Nation.= 80: 74. Ja. 26, ‘05. 3220w. “With the simplicity of a tactical primer the reasons for success and the causes of failure are alike made plain.” =N. Y. Times.= 10: 2. Ja. 7, ‘05. 1430w. “He writes with a graphic touch and an intimacy with affairs Japanese that give a value to his volume which it otherwise would not possess.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 57. Ja. 12, ‘05. 590w. * =Cowley, Abraham.= Poems: Miscellanies, The mistress, Pindarique odes, Davideis; verses written on several occasions. *$1.50. Macmillan. “A very convenient single-volume edition printed in large type, the text edited by Mr. A. R. Waller from the first collected edition of Cowley’s works, published in 1688, the year after his death. This volume presents the variations noted in a collation of the 1668 text with the folio of 1656, the volume of 1663, and the edition of ‘The mistress,’ which appeared in 1647. Errors which have been discovered in the poems are indicated by brackets and are explained in the notes.”—Outlook. * + + =Acad.= 68: 1026. O. 7, ‘05. 1370w. * + =Lond. Times.= 4: 309. S. 29, ‘05. 2110w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 631. N. 11, ‘05. 120w. =Cox, Kenyon.= Old masters and new: essays in art criticism. **$1.50. Fox. “This volume makes no pretensions to be a history of art. It is, as Mr. Cox explains, a series of appreciations of individual masters, and, incidentally, gives a view of the course of painting since the sixteenth century. The artists principally discussed are Michelangelo, Dürer, Rubens, Frans Hals, Rembrandt, William Blake, F. M. Brown, Burne-Jones, Meissonier, Baudry, Puvis de Chavannes, Whistler, Sargent, Saint-Gaudens, Veronese, Perugino, and the Venetian artists, the Pre-Raphaelites, some of the lesser painters of the nineteenth century, and the sculptors of the early Italian renaissance.”—N. Y. Times. “Kenyon Cox is a master of essays in art criticism, and this collection ... shows him at his best.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 563. Je. ‘05. 120w. “If his style lacks that brilliancy which marks the man of great genius ... we have in their stead the sound technical knowledge of the artist, coupled with a keen sense of discrimination.” Albert E. Gallatin. + + — =Critic.= 47: 259. S. ‘05. 520w. “Keen insight and a peculiar warmth of description.” + + =Dial.= 38: 422. Je. 16, ‘05. 240w. * “In its new dress, therefore, and with its score of excellent half-tones, the book should find a wider public than ever.” + + =Dial.= 39: 447. D. 16, ‘05. 130w. “Taken altogether, perhaps the most notable and significant book of art criticism pure and simple, not only of the year, but of several years.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 691. S. 21, ‘05. 640w. * “For incisive analysis and illuminative appreciation Mr. Cox’s little book of essays, ‘Old masters and new,’ is the most significant and the most valuable work in art criticism pure and simple issued in many a long day.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1162. N. 16, ‘05. 40w. “Mr. Cox’s ideas are sound and put with candour and balance.” + + + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 88. Je. ‘05. 190w. “Where Mr. Cox speaks as an artist (and he nearly always does), it is not easy to take issue with him, for he knows remarkably well what he is talking about. Now and then one may disagree with him about other matters.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 461. Je. 8, ‘05. 830w. + + =Nation.= 81: 299. O. 12, ‘05. 60w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 282. Ap. 29, ‘05. 300w. “Short as they are, these ‘Essays in criticism,’ expressed in an excellent style, may be warmly recommended to lovers of art.” Charles de Kay. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 741. N. 4, ‘05. 600w. * “The author knows his subject, and expresses his thoughts in simple and concise language, so as to make himself intelligible to those of limited observation and experience.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 834. D. 2, ‘05. 200w. “There is in all the essays a most unusual clarity of style and probity of judgment.” + + — =Outlook.= 80: 879. Ag. 5, ‘05. 760w. * “Mr. Cox’s essays are vivid, delightful, and spirited discussions of great events in art, and they have a vivacity and surety of judgment which can not but delight the more matured art student.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 666. N. 18, ‘05. 110w. * “Is a practical book of art criticism. It ought to be helpful to novices in art appreciation.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 751. D. ‘05. 30w. =Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud. (Mary Noailles Murfree).= Storm center. †$1.50. Macmillan. A Civil war story whose scene is laid in the mountains of Tennessee. “The Federal officers who court Southern women in Charles Egbert Craddock’s new story ... are more credible types, and it is the first time in its history that the Civil war has been reduced to a neighborhood affair, but the story of their wooings is the best this author has written in years.” (Ind.) “This sincere feeling for style, though occasionally it is overdone, is certainly the best thing about a story which barely misses being exceedingly dull. Suffers from a general vagueness and faulty construction.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 234. Ag. 19. 210w. “The outline of the story has scarcely a single point of novelty, and yet the narrative does maintain its interest.” + — =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 140w. “Slight in substance, and of moderate interest only.” Wm. M. Payne. + — =Dial.= 39: 116. S. 1, ‘05. 150w. + =Ind.= 59: 210. Jl. 27, ‘05. 50w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 395. Je. 17, ‘05. 160w. “The machinery of the story seems to creak at times. But there are elements of power in the novel; ‘it goes.’” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 480. Jl. 22, ‘05. 440w. “It hardly has the force and depth of the author’s earlier books. Its plot is a little conventional, but there are novel and entertaining incidents.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 695. Jl. 15. ‘05. 80w. =Crafts, Wilbur Fisk.= Successful men of today, and what they say of success. $1. Funk. A new edition, revised, enlarged, and made thoroughly up-to-date, of this popular description of the road to success, based on facts and opinions gathered by letters and personal interviews from five hundred prominent men who tell of their experience along this royal highway, and give helpful hints for those who would follow. =Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards) (John Oliver Hobbes, pseud.).= Flute of Pan. †$1.50. Appleton. The author has converted her play, which was produced in England with small success, into a novel, which, while entertaining, retains the weakness of the stage comedy. The plot hinges on a slight misunderstanding between a young English earl who has gone to Venice to paint and lead the simple life, and the Princess of Siguria who comes to ask him to be her prince consort; other aristocratic characters enter into and complicate the story. “From the beginning of the book to the end we have not met with a stroke of genuine drollery, or of the humour that is composed of mingled laughter and sympathy.” + — =Acad.= 68: 615. Je. 10, ‘05. 710w. “It is indeed, impossible to criticise ‘The flute of Pan’ away from the footlights. Its plot is thin, and it may be styled a comedy of intrigue. But it is very readable and bright and pleasant.” + — =Ath.= 1: 746. Je. 17, ‘05. 250w. “The story is without background; it is a collection of sketches and notes, giving the impression that the writer has never quite made up her mind as to what she is aiming at.” — =Lond. Times=, 4: 193. Je. 16, ‘05. 450w. * “In the present story we miss the clever epigrams and the brilliant dialogue which characterized much of her previous work, and there is nothing to take their place.” — + =Outlook.= 81: 681. N. 18, ‘05. 50w. “It is as a psychologist that she would make her appeal. But psychology is not her strong point. Her methods are those of the dilettante.” + — =Sat. R.= 99: 847. Je. 24, ‘05. 1070w. =Craik, Dinah Maria (Miss Mulock, pseud.).= John Halifax, gentleman. $1.25. Crowell. All friends of John Halifax will be pleased to see it as one of the attractive “Thin paper classics” series. =Cram, Ralph Adams.= Impressions of Japanese architecture and the allied arts. **$2. Baker. Ten papers which show the development of Japanese art and help the Western mind to a better understanding of it makes up “this series of impressions of the esthetic voicing of Japanese civilization.” Beginning with The genius of Japanese art, the author covers the early and later architecture of Japan; Temples and shrines; Temple gardens; and Domestic interiors. There are also chapters upon The minor arts; A color print of Yeizan; A note on Japanese sculpture; and the Future of Japanese art. The volume is illustrated with some original plans and many unusual pictures. * “At last we have a volume doing justice to Japanese architecture.” + =Ind.= 59: 1478. D. 21, ‘05. 100w. * + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 35. D. ‘05. 210w. * + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 796. N. 25, ‘05. 280w. * “It is rare that in a discussion of this sort one finds such brilliant diction, fervent imagery, and such a reverent attitude as Mr. Cram manifests. Judged from the standpoint of its purpose the book is beyond criticism. Mr. Cram’s book is one of the most important of the year.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 666. N. 18, ‘05. 220w. =Cram, Ralph Adams.= Ruined abbeys of Great Britain. **$2.50. Pott. “The ruins described and illustrated are Glastonbury, Whitby, Lindisfarne, Beaulieu, Netley, Tintern, Gisburgh, Bolton, Jedburgh, Kelso, Rievauix, Byland, Melrose. Dryburgh, Kirkstall, Malmsbury, York, and Fountains. In the concluding chapter Mr. Cram ... estimates the position of the abbeys in English social and economic life and the effect of their suppression upon the moral and religious condition of the people. The book is fully illustrated and has a full index of names and places.”—N. Y. Times. * “The subject is pursued rather with an interest in the significance of the religious houses in English life and their fortunes in their relations with the State than from an exclusively artistic standpoint.” + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 36. D. ‘05. 150w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 717. O. 21, ‘05. 140w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 821. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. =Cramp, Walter S.= Psyche, a romance of the reign of Tiberius. $1.50. Little. The horrid cruelty of Tiberius and his time is graphically set forth. The story is of Psyche, a beautiful Greek dancing girl, and her lover Gyges, a charioteer in the Roman circus, and the troubles which came upon them through their knowledge of a fatal secret connected with the ambitions of Sejanus, commander of the Praetorian guards, to make himself emperor. The story is the result of a careful study of the times, and consequently is unpleasant and full of horrors. “Mr. Cramp’s story is the result of considerable study and painstaking care, but it lacks ... that strong imaginative quality that makes its characters convincing.” + =Arena.= 34: 221. Ag. ‘05. 350w. “An ambitious and gratifying bit of interpretation.” + =Dial.= 38: 392. Je. 1, ‘05. 180w. “Written with conscientious care, but rarely touched by the charm of imagination.” + =Outlook.= 80: 94. My. 6, ‘05. 60w. =Craven, John J.= Prison life of Jefferson Davis. **$1.20. Dillingham. A former edition of this book was published in 1866. The author was surgeon at Fortress Monroe during the time of Mr. Davis’ imprisonment, and the volume gives a full account of the “details and incidents of his captivity, particulars concerning his health and habits, together with many conversations on topics of great public interest.” Copies of the official reports sent by the author to the commanding officer, concerning the prisoner’s physical and mental condition are given in full. =Critic.= 47: 188. Ag. ‘05. 50w. =Crawford, Francis Marion.= Fair Margaret: a portrait. †$1.50. Macmillan. “Margaret Donne is an English girl, daughter of an Oxford don and his American wife—a girl the description of whose parentage implies a career of unusual interest. When the book opens her parents are dead and she is in Paris with a close friend of her mother cultivating her voice. Three men figure as her admirers, one of them mysterious and probably royal. Margaret becomes an opera singer and meets with success.”—N. Y. Times. * “Abounds in action and shows its author at his best—and his best is very good.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 821. D. 2, ‘05. 120w. * “Mr. Crawford is a born story-teller, but a good deal of the writing in this volume is very commonplace and lacking in distinction of any kind; but the book is worth reading for the sake of the picture of the old artist.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 711. N. 25, ‘05. 120w. =Crawford, Francis Marion.= Salve Venetia: gleanings from history. 2v. **$5. Macmillan. “Brushing aside the didactic history formed by a rapid succession of events and the chronological sequence of great and little names, Mr. Crawford extracts from tradition and monument a narrative which reveals the life of the islanders, the causes of their rise and glory and of their dismal decay, far better than a formal history even when accompanied with skillful and enlightening commentary. Concerning the stories revealed by the monuments, Mr. Crawford’s text is set off with a series of illustrations by Joseph Pennell—splendidly true in their grasp of art and history and delightful as pictorial records of a dying race and its dead culture.”—N. Y. Times. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 834. D. 2, ‘05. 220w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 883. D. 9, ‘05. 310w. =Crawford, Francis Marion.= Southern Italy and Sicily and the rulers of the South; with 100 original drawings by Henry Brokman. *$2.50. Macmillan. “No one should by any chance visit Sicily or southern Italy without first having read Mr. Crawford’s book. This new edition puts into one volume, not at all bulky or inconvenient, what was formerly presented in two. The illustrations are capital and are well printed.”—Outlook. * “Countless touches show that Mr. Crawford thoroughly understands his ground and his people, with a psychological insight that renders especially interesting his theories and deductions.” + =Critic.= 47: 579. D. ‘05. 90w. * “Indeed, it is hard to see wherein, within the limits, the work could have been better done. Mr. Crawford’s work is an unexcelled resumé for the historical scholar, the student of history, or for just the lover of good literature.” + + + =Lit. D.= 31: 753. N. 18, ‘05. 550w. =Nation.= 81: 340. O. 26, ‘05. 40w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 892. D. 16, ‘05. 90w. “In every way the edition is satisfactory.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 336. O. 7, ‘05. 50w. =Crawford, F. Marion.= Whosoever shall offend. †$1.50. Macmillan. “Mr. Crawford’s technique becomes, if anything, more refined with each new work that he puts forth, but his substance grows thinner than ever. A forced mechanical invention marks the plot of ‘Whosoever shall offend,’ and the characters are but slightly modified variations of the types that he has been fashioning for the past score of years. The new novel is concerned with a polished villain, who murders his wife and seeks to murder his stepson, all with the sordid object of gaining their fortune for himself, and in the end is trapped and punished according to his deserts. It is all very cleverly managed, but the interest is of the mildest.”—Dial. “It is a well-written, highly interesting melodrama.... The characters are all good types, the plot is strong, and the Italian atmosphere tempers the sensational occurrences to the colder northern imagination.” — + =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 100w. Reviewed by W. M. Payne. =Dial.= 38: 16. Ja. 1, ‘05. 110w. “In this last novel Crawford is at his best. He writes with the charm and the originality of a man at the full tide of his powers.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1133. My. 18, ‘05. 260w. “The story is ingenious, the sketches of scenery and peasantry admirable, the comments by the way philosophic and thoughtful; the English, of course, of the best-regulated. The reader for the most part, however, remains outside.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 98. F. 2, ‘05. 320w. “Notwithstanding its horrors, and partly on account of them, ‘Whosoever shall offend’ is simply an agreeable and diverting story, the work of an accomplished writer, who always turns out his creations in graceful form and who has established the right to be called the ‘Norris’ of American fiction.” + =Reader.= 5: 496. Mr. ‘05. 370w. “His theme, as in not a few of his earlier books, is a particularly grewsome and mysterious crime. He appears to tell the story not for the sake of its sensational elements, however, but for the sake of character and social analysis. Contains a fascinating story, a puzzling mystery and its solution, elements in a book which, if well handled, as here, have never yet been known to fail of their effect.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 115. Ja. ‘05. 160w. =Crehore, Albert Gushing.= Synchronous and other multiple telegraphs: some methods of obtaining independent telegraph circuits on a single wire both with and without synchronism. *$2. McGraw pub. “The multiple telegraph systems other than synchronous systems discussed in the book are modifications of the Edison Phonoplex, the Varley and other somewhat similar systems; sometimes termed superimposed systems.... The first part of the book is taken up with a description and discussion of instances of the type of telegraph systems just mentioned. The second and third parts of the book relate to methods of obtaining synchronism at distant points; and to synchronous telegraphs, respectively.”—Engin. N. Reviewed by Wm. Maver. * =Engin. N.= 54: 535. N. 16, ‘05. 590w. =Creighton, Louise (Mrs. Mandell Creighton).= The life and letters of Mandell Creighton. *$9. Longmans. The “Life and letters” of Bishop Creighton, the English Phillips Brooks, given to the public by Mrs. Creighton, portray a broadminded, steadfast man, a man who was “intensely loyal to the church and its mission.” “It is a long time since there was published any memoir or volume of letters which shows the Church of England on its best and most lovable side than do these memoirs of Creighton. But their interest is by no means confined to the Church of England. They contain many social studies of England in the second half of the old century; and in particular the chapters which deal with Creighton’s life at Emberton will long be remembered as a classic study of mining, fishing and farm life in the villages on the bleak northeast coast of England.” (Ind.) “In the hands of Mrs. Creighton the English language is not as apt and flexible an instrument as in those of Lady Burne-Jones, but she shows an equal skill in the selection and arrangement of her material, and perhaps a somewhat greater readiness to admit the weaknesses and limitations of her subject.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + =Forum.= 36: 558. Ap. ‘05. 3120w. =Ind.= 58: 324. F. 9, ‘05. 670w. “His widow and biographer, ... has not, although a lady of distinguished literary ability, succeeded in presenting an entirely coherent and harmonious portrait. Mrs. Creighton’s biography is a model of sound literary judgment particularly in its accurate proportion. She has also displayed tact.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 95. F. 2, ‘05. 2120w. =Crewdson, Charles N.= Tales of the road. $1.50. Thompson & Thomas. “The author’s object is not merely to tell amusing anecdotes about his own and others’ experiences as commercial travellers ... but to give some practical hints and suggestions to young men just beginning to ‘go on the road’; yet the book is, after all, chiefly a collection of anecdotes.”—Outlook. * “Some of these are amusing; others are rather tedious. Perhaps it may most aptly be compared with such a book as ‘Letters from a self-made merchant to his son,’ but it lacks the originality and shrewd homely humor which made that book so deservedly popular.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 283. S. 30, ‘05. 120w. =Crockett, Samuel Rutherford.= Cherry ribband: a novel. †$1.50. Barnes. “Raith Ellison, the son of a grim, blind, old Scotchman, lets his eyes rest on Ivie Rysland, the daughter of Sergeant Grif Rysland of his majesty’s dragoons, quartered in Scotland for the express purpose of suppressing the conventicles. For this he is cast off by his father and enlists in Rysland’s troop. In the course of time he comes to be one of the jailers of his majesty’s prison on the Bass, where his own father and brother are confined. Later on, by an unexpected turn of events, he assists at a jail delivery by which his father and brother gain their freedom again. Of course it ends happily.”—Pub. Opin. * “Is a thrilling drama-novel of the joyous old type of Dumas and Hope—and Crockett.” + =Lit. D.= 31: 838. D. 2, ‘05. 470w. * “This romance is full of charm and vigor. The story shows the author at his best.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 574. N. 4, ‘05. 60w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 699. N. 25, ‘05. 160w. =Crockett, Samuel Rutherford.= Loves of Miss Anne. $1.50. Dodd. “The story is on the old theme of the apprentice’s love for his master’s daughter—in this case a shepherd boy and a very capricious and spirited girl, who treads the narrow path between fun and ill-breeding with rather uncertain steps. The boy becomes a land-agent, helps to rescue the girl from the insults of a drunken brother, and marries her after some pretty love-making on the hills by moonlight. The tale is told by Miss Anne’s faithful companion.”—Spec. “Her story may be read with a good conscience.” W. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 38: 126. F. 16, ‘05. 140w. “There is about the whole book a good humour and good health. It is a pity that Mr. Crockett will not realize that vulgarity is in itself bad art, and in no way contributes to the realism of a narrative.” + — =Spec.= 94: 145. Ja. 28, ‘05. 340w. =Crockett, Samuel Rutherford.= May Margaret. †$1.50. Dodd. The heroine of Mr. Crockett’s story is the Scottish May Margaret of the famous house of Douglas. The tale reveals how this high-spirited, quick witted maiden presides in turn over the destinies of three wooers. “It is all a fearful matrimonial tangle, but history and not Mr Crockett, is responsible for that, and canonical laws find a way for the legalizing of it—as is with much sly humor set forth in the text.” (N. Y. Times.) “Is in Mr. Crockett’s best vein. It may be doubted whether the author has made the most of this Æschylean drama; but he has emphasized the actors, and his additions to history tend to fix the picture in our memory.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 714. Je. 10. 170w. “While not a masterpiece, the tale is strong in its appeal to the two elemental human passions, war and love, viewed through the magic mirror of imagination and set in the enchanted land of Long Ago.” + =Lit. D.= 31 :666. N. 4, ‘05. 240w. “This is not, perhaps, one of his best, but it goes with the gait of the ‘true romance’ ... and is good to read.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 435. Jl. 1, ‘05. 440w. + =Outlook.= 80: 445. Je. 17, ‘05. 150w. “Liberties are taken with history, and there are a hundred flagrant anachronisms of style and matter; but the real blemish is that the whole atmosphere is sham antique, and aggressively false.” + — =Spec.= 95: 196. Ag. 5, ‘05. 1100w. =Crockett, Samuel Rutherford.= Raiderland: all about Grey Galloway, its stories, traditions, characters, humors. **$2. Dodd. “A sort of literary guide-book to that part of Galloway which is the locale of the bulk of his fiction. The result is a pleasant medley of facts and fiction, of descriptive touches and old legends, of character sketches and those intuitions which a land gray with history is certain to arouse.” (Pub. Opin.) Of his purpose, the author says: “It is my desire not so much to write a new book about Galloway as to focus and concentrate what I have already written for the use of Galloway lovers and Galloway travelers.” “A collection of more or less doubtful history but of excellent literary material. The drawings of Mr. Joseph Pennell are, as always, delightful.” Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 89. F. 1, ‘05. 150w. “To a native of Galloway, or to a person steeped in Mr. Crockett’s books as some are steeped in Stevenson or Scott or Thackeray, the whole may well be delightful. To the ordinary Philistinic reader much of it will appear superfluous—though even he must catch at times the infection of Mr. Crockett’s enthusiasm and feel the charm of this bit and that of panegyric, of reminiscence or local color.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 29. Ja. 14, ‘05. 560w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38 :26. Ja. 5, ‘05. 200w. * =Crockett, Samuel Rutherford.= Sir Toady Crusoe. (†)$1.50. Stokes. This new story for boys of all ages tells how that very charming little fellow, Sir Toady Lion, became Sir Toady Crusoe, and of the many remarkable adventures which he and Saucy and Dick and some others had on Isle Crusoe on the Scottish coast, how he befriended a poacher in his father’s covers, how he played the part of local assistant to Providence in behalf of his big brother, Hugh John, and Cissy Carter, by threatening Cissy’s father with two large pistols, and how he did many other strange things in a way very unlike any one else and very like Toady. There are many illustrations by Gordon Browne. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 895. D. 16, ‘05. 120w. * “He is an amusing, if improbable little chap, but other children will certainly learn from him neither good English nor good manners.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 1040. D. 23, ‘05. 80w. * =R. of Rs.= 32: 765. D. ‘05. 120w. * “Is superior to the ordinary story for children, in its style, humour, characterisation and atmosphere. And yet Mr. Crockett’s tale is not altogether satisfactory, there is too large a mixture of grown-up sentiment in it.” + — =Sat.= R. 100: sup. 10. D. 9, ‘05. 130w. * =Spec.= 95: sup. 907. D. 2, ‘05. 60w. =Croiset, (Marie Joseph) Alfred, and Croiset, Maurice.= Abridged history of Greek literature; authorized tr. by G. F. Heffelbower. **$2.50. Macmillan. “This manual is a compression of the great history of Greek literature, which the authors of this work have published in five volumes, appearing 1887-1899. In accord with this conception of Greek literature as a whole we find their admirable development of each period.... It is the peculiar excellence of this work that it gives no partial and incomplete view of Greek literature, but carries the account of it not only through the Hellenistic period, but through the Christian writers of the first three centuries as well.... Their closing chapters on the Hellenic revival and the last days of Hellenic literature are most illuminating and valuable.”—Educ. R. “The subject is developed with the beautiful French lucidity which makes readable an account of the dullest epoch, and the brilliant phrasing which is a Frenchman’s birthright cannot be altogether lost, even in translation. The translation by Professor Heffelbower exhibits some curious phenomena.” Grace Harriet Macurdy. + + — =Educ. R.= 29: 314. Mr. ‘05. 900w. + + — =Ind.= 58: 152. Ja. 19, ‘05. 1290w. “Mr. Heffelbower’s translation is fluent enough, but full of infelicities when reproducing MM. Croiset’s rendering of gems of Greek literature.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 38. Ja. 12, ‘05. 1440w. “The translation preserves the spirit, while giving us the idiomatic English so necessary for the young student.” + + =School R.= 13: 274.* Mr. ‘05. 140w. “In spite of these lapses—which, after all, are few in number considering the extent of the work—the book as a whole may be commended to students of Greek literature, who are unable to use the original, as a measurably satisfactory presentation in English of a work of unquestioned excellence.” John C. Rolfe. + + — =School R.= 13: 738. N. ‘05. 540w. =Crosby, Ernest.= Broadcast. *75c. Funk. Mr. Crosby, the poet reformer and Tolstoyan, shows thru his verses, pictures, messages and meditations, the tyranny which the world’s systems exercise over its powerless victims. His remedy for the times so out of joint lies in making “men pull together” as only “love, cooperation, equal service, true honor and honesty” can accomplish. “The present volume, though inferior to ‘Plain talk in Psalm and parable’, contains much that is thought-stimulating and helpful. The more we read Mr. Crosby’s writings, the more profoundly are we convinced that he is above all else a moralist and a teacher, and that prose is the field of literature in which he is most effective.” + — =Arena.= 34: 334. S. ‘05. 930w. “But in spite of unpoetic poetry and illogical logic to be found in abundance on the strident little pages of this outcry against our social organization, there are also the results of observation definitely outlined.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 678. O. 14, ‘05. 220w. * =Crosby, Ernest.= Garrison the non-resistant. 50c. Public pub. co. Mr. Crosby, the disciple of Tolstoy, has taken the facts relating to the life of Garrison as related in “The story of his life by his children” and explains thru them the anomaly that the cause of abolition fathered by a non-resistant was at last decided by the greatest war of history. =Crosland, Thomas William Hodgson.= Wild Irishman. **$1.25. Appleton. As Mr. Crosland has numbered the “Egregious Englishman,” and the “Unspeakable Scot” among the scalps of his satire, so now does he display just such designing intentions towards the “Wild Irishman.” His attacks are merciless, and “such chapters as those on ‘Pigs,’ ‘Potatoes,’ ‘Dirt,’ ‘Whiskey,’ and ‘Blarney’ are not exactly calculated to make the native of Erin enthusiastic in the writer’s praise.” (Dial.) — =Dial.= 39: 210. O. 1, ‘05. 520w. — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 620. S. 23, ‘05. 780w. — =Outlook.= 81: 336. O. 7, ‘05. 80w. “As an exercise in literary pyrotechnics the work is out of the ordinary—but we cannot help a disappointment in that Mr. Crosland has not devoted an unusual brilliancy to better uses than mere display.” — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 447. S. 30, ‘05. 210w. * + =R of Rs.= 32: 636. N. ‘05. 90w. =Cross, Wilbur Lucius.= Development of the English novel. **$1.50. Macmillan. The seventh edition of Professor Cross’ work which first appeared in 1900. Not only has use proven its principles authoritative, but judgments which the author offered five years ago have stood the test of change and advancement. “The best of its kind, no doubt, in the language.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 261. Ag. 3, ‘05. 20w. =Nation.= 80: 435. Je. 1, ‘05. 70w. =Outlook.= 80: 691. Jl. 15, ‘05. 30w. =Pub. Opin.= 39: 159. Jl. 29, ‘05. 310w. “Professor Cross has done a thorough and useful work.” + + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 254. Ag. ‘05. 50w. =Crowley, Jeremiah.= The parochial school: a curse to the church, a menace to the nation. $1. Published by the author, Chicago. In a chapter dedicating his work to the “Emancipate Catholic laity of tomorrow” the author makes an appeal to the laity. “‘The parochial school’ lays bare clerical immorality in the United States in a way to rival the story of the church in Latin countries or in Germany before Luther’s day. Sad as is this picture, it is, however, far less painful, than to read how thoroughly good men combine to hide, gloss over, or condone clerical crimes.... Father Crowley devotes much space to the dangers of the parochial school. They are an incubus on the church and a serious menace to her.... The surest way in the world to kill off Catholicism is to give over education to priests and nuns. Witness France.” (Ind.) + =Ind.= 58: 207. Ja. 26, ‘05. 1030w. “He does not attack the Catholic church, but arraigns its priests and prelates who have become corrupted.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 165. Mr. 18, ‘05. 350w. =Crowley, Mary Catherine.= Heroine of the strait. 75c. Little. A popular edition of this romance of Detroit in the time of the Ottawa chief, Pontiac. An account of the thrilling events connected with the pitiless siege of Detroit, through which runs the love story of the young Scotchman, Sterling, and Angelique Cuillerier, a brave daughter of the frontier. =Crowley, Mary Catherine.= Love thrives in war: a romance of the frontier in 1812; with front, by Clyde O. De Land. 75c. Little. A new popular edition of a lively romance in which Perry, Tippecanoe, and Tecumseh figure. The heroine, a Scotch girl, who has a trio of suitors, promises to marry the man she loathes in order to save the life of her lover. The author has made a thoro study of the scenes and times which she depicts. =Cruttwell, Maud.= Verrocchio. *$2. Scribner. “To her biographies of Mantegna and the Robbias our author now presents one of Verrocchio, perhaps the least known and appreciated of fifteenth century masters.” (Outlook). The biographer has aimed to show “upon what dubious evidence the attribution to Verrocchio of such work as the Tornabuoni relief and other inferior sculpture and painting is based, to trace his steady development from the immature work of the Baptism to the full burst of his powers in the statue of the Colleoni, and to arrive at a truer estimate of his artistic capabilities by the rejection of all inferior work, the attribution of which is merely hypothetical, taking as the standard of judgment only such works as are proved beyond possibility of doubt to be authentic.” The book is fully illustrated. “It is in her purely aesthetic judgments that we find Miss Cruttwell least satisfactory. Taken as a whole, Miss Cruttwell’s study is the most accurate, impartial, and complete that has yet been made on the subject; but it leaves room for some writer touched more deeply by the imaginative aspect of Verrocchio’s work to give him his exact place in the temple of fame.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 116. Ja. 28. 1670w. “It is a thorough-going essay, notable for its clarification of the master’s works. Her book has gusto; it is written with equal knowledge and enthusiasm. It is one of the best of those monographs to which I have referred as based on system and industry rather than on an original impulse.” Royal Cortissoz. + + =Atlan.= 95: 277. F. ‘05. 540w. “The author has grasped the value of giving attention to the study of the artist’s works at the expense of vague surmises as to his biography.” + + =Critic.= 46: 186. F. ‘05. 80w. “A scholarly and appreciative monograph of great importance.” George Breed Zug. + + =Dial.= 38: 320. My. 1, ‘05. 890w. “Her book is altogether the best on Verrocchio that we have, in English at least.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 1364. Je. 15, ‘05. 180w. + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 16. Mr. ‘05. 100w. “Generally speaking, Maud Cruttwell’s work is sober and well informed. One may regret the vagueness of her general views. Few comprehensive works of recent years are as useful.” + + =Nation.= 80: 77. Ja. 26, ‘05. 920w. “She leaves us with an impression not to be gained by other readings of the exaltation of the Verrocchio ideal. The biographer and critic renders an equally important service in discriminating between Verrocchio’s own work and those far feebler achievements of his followers sometimes attributed to him.” + =Outlook.= 79: 96. Ja. 7, ‘05. 240w. =Culbertson, Anne Virginia.= Banjo talks. $1. Bobbs. A group of about fifty negro dialect poems, some of which sing, others dream, and many talk sound common sense. “Here are many songs, poems and lullabies phrased in the homely terms and picturing the life and character of the Southern negro more accurately than labored essays. And more than this, these simple folk-lore songs, ditties and lullabies are composed with due regard to the laws of versification.” + =Arena.= 34: 554. N. ‘05. 990w. * “Showing very little of the philosophical temper that makes Mr. Dunbar’s work unique, and being considerably less perfect in dialect, they have to their credit a decided imaginative quality, much picturesqueness of diction, and a charming spontaneity of conception and treatment.” + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 200w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 746. N. 4, ‘05. 220w. * “The volume as a whole, with its humor, its pathos, its jumbled ratiocinations, gives a fairly complete portrait of the southern negro.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 699. N. 25, ‘05. 70w. =Cullum, Ridgwell.= In the brooding wild. †$1.50. Page. “The tragedy of ‘The brooding wild’ consists in the enmity sown between two brothers, trappers of a straightforward primitive type, by a woman whom they believe to be a mysterious white squaw, queen of an Indian tribe. She is really a very ordinary half-breed conspiring with a rascally trader to rob the brothers.... The climax, in which a lunatic filled with the lust of slaughter breaks away into the wilderness, unfortunately passes the border-line of the grotesque.”—Sat. R. “The human interest is subsidiary to the landscape. We wish the author had trusted for his effects to the realities of his mighty background, for his conspirators are made of pasteboard while his wolves and dogs and bears are of flesh and blood.” + — =Acad.= 68: 736. Jl. 15, ‘05. 310w. “Unfortunately his ambition has outsailed his power of execution, and from unskilful treatment the story loses the interest promised at the outset.” — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 619. My. 20. 300w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 457. Jl. 8, ‘05. 450w. “The story is told with fervor, with a rough, crude force.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 221. Ag. 12, ‘05. 130w. “The book is garishly melodramatic.” — =Sat. R.= 99: 745. Je. 3, ‘05. 270w. =Cunningham, William.= Growth of English industry and commerce during the early and middle ages. v. I. 4th ed. *$4. Macmillan. “In this new edition of the first volume ... substantial additions are found, together with corrections on various points of detail and increased precision of statement.... As it now stands, this volume, which traces the course of industrial progress through early and mediæval England, more nearly than ever before fulfills its author’s purpose of indicating clearly the interconnection between the economic and political facts of the periods reviewed, and of making plain not only the events but the ideas of the time.”—Outlook. =Nation.= 80: 373. My. 11, ‘05. 140w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 192. My. 20, ‘05. 180w. =Curtis, Francis.= Republican party. Vols. I and II. **$6. Putnam. “The work should command serious interest. The very fact that it is honored by a foreword over the name of President Roosevelt, and that the introductory notes ... were written by Senator William P. Frye and Speaker J. G. Cannon, at once arouses interest. By copious extracts from government documents, party platforms and newspaper files, the author shows first the republican party owes its origin neither to enthusiasts nor to a single movement. The party has been consistent through its career, and to-day stands for the three great policies for which it stood at its birth, ‘liberty, honor, and progress.’”—Ann. Am. Acad. “But in spite of the fact that the author is neither exact nor entirely conservative in all his statements, the work as a whole must command lasting respect.” + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 127. Ja. ‘05. 300w. “The period of the Civil war is handled skilfully and with less partisanship than might have been expected. It will be easily seen that Mr. Curtis’s work will be accepted only by loyal party men, and yet it is of great value to the historical student; in fact, it is a very elaborate historical argument.” + =Ind.= 58: 268. F. 2, ‘05. 400w. “It would be ridiculous to call this kind of stuff ‘history’, since it entirely lacks the historical spirit or sense of proportion, still Mr. Curtis has compiled a useful record.” + + — =Sat. R.= 99: 599. My. 6, ‘05. 1400w. =Curtis, William Eleroy.= Egypt, Burma and British Malaysia. **$2. Revell. “Another descriptive informational volume, so many of which have already come from the pen of the same author. Mr. Curtis tells of things he has seen, and garnishes his narrative with a great deal of historical and descriptive information which makes very interesting reading. There are a number of excellent illustrations in this volume.”—R. of Rs. * “To add anything new to these old familiars would be impossible; but Mr. Curtis’s view-point is at times refreshing.” H. E. Coblentz. + =Dial.= 39: 377. D. 1, ‘05. 380w. * “There is in the present book the same easy, confident, and confidential style of sketching and statisticizing (if the word may pass) that makes not unpleasant reading in Mr. Curtis’s previous volume.” + =Nation.= 81: 403. N. 16, ‘05. 210w. * “Its reading will amply repay any one interested in either the ancient or the modern development of the countries treated.” + =Outlook.= 81: 575. N. 4, ‘05. 210w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 755. D. ‘05. 70w. =Curtis, William Eleroy.= Modern India. **$2. Revell. A vast deal of information has been brought together here, and the author’s method “is to combine with a mass of observations and deductions of his own—the observations taken hastily upon his travels and the deductions—not too carefully checked—statistics, fragments of history, geography, ethnology, guide book information, and what not gathered together from all available sources.” (N. Y. Times.) “The author is happier in his delineation of modern life, and the casual reader will enjoy the descriptions of town and country, plague and famine, peasant and priest.” (Nation.) * “It is a strange medley of wit and wisdom with error and ignorance, of fun and burlesque with serious study, the good qualities, however, predominating.” + — =Ath.= 2: 639. N. 11, ‘05. 1560w. * “A very helpful book for those who wish data upon which to base a reasonable judgment of the actual state of affairs in that country.” H. E. Coblentz. + + =Dial.= 39: 377. D. 1, ‘05. 300w. “With much that is statistically accurate, the book unfortunately abounds in printer’s and author’s errors.” + — =Nation.= 81: 240. S. 21, ‘05. 180w. “It would, no doubt, be hard to find in another single volume such a variety of information about India and Indian affairs, but the assemblage with all its facts and figures, lacks that authority which is necessary to give full value to a work of this kind.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 636. S. 30, ‘05. 1160w. “A feature of particular value to Americans is the exposition of the activities of their countrymen in the religious, educational, economic and social life of India.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 135. S. 16, ‘05. 180w. * “Another of Mr. Curtis’ encyclopaedic but entertaining books.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 636. N. ‘05. 100w. =Cuthbert, Father.= Catholic ideals in social life. *$1.25. Benziger. Father Cuthbert’s “desire has been to give expression to the Catholic mind touching some of the most urgent questions of the hour in regard to social life and conduct.” His essays include: The church and personal liberty, The Christian state, The education of women, Marriage, The value of work, The priest and social reform, The responsibility of wealth, The idea of responsibility, Religious aspects of social work, The working man’s apostolate, and St. Francis and you. “Fresh, hopeful, and courageous essays.” + + =Cath. World.= 80: 681. F. ‘05. 540w. =Cuthell, E. H.= My garden in the city of gardens. **$1.50. Lane. Gardening in India from October to June furnishes the theme of this “memory with illustrations.” There is a goodly amount of incidental knowledge worked in, such as descriptions of prevalent Indian customs and bits of gossip concerning Hindu every-day life. “In spite of these faults and such others as an awkward style of writing and the lack of a glossary of Indian words, the book contains a good deal that is of interest in regard to life and nature in India.” + — =Dial.= 39: 243. O. 16, ‘05. 390w. “As garden-books go, this one is sufficiently entertaining, and the descriptions are as good as the photographs.” + =Nation.= 81: 183. Ag. 31, ‘05. 150w. “Much of it is good enough reading if the mood fits.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 478. Jl. 22, ‘05. 690w. “But good as much of the book is, it is a little spoiled by an excess of carelessness in style and a too pointed assertion of individual mannerisms.” + — =Spec.= 95: 291. Ag. 26, ‘05. 1470w. =Cutler, James Elbert.= Lynch law: an investigation into the history of lynching in the U. S. **$1.50. Longmans. Beginning with the origin of the term Prof. Cutler traces the development of the lynch law from 1830 down to date. He discusses the present situation, suggests remedies, and gives charts and statistics. “The volume will repay careful study, even if exception is occasionally taken to some of the author’s conclusions. The volume represents a great amount of research work and the author is to be congratulated upon the manner in which the material is presented.” Carl Kelsey. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 606. S. ‘05. 280w. + + + = Ath.= 1905, 2: 296. S. 2. 1860w. + =Cath. World.= 81: 543. Jl. ‘05. 510w. “The book is sane, temperate in tone, moderate in statement, and judicial in conclusions. It is the only really valuable treatise on the subject, and is not likely to be superseded.” Walter L. Fleming. + + + =Dial.= 39: 34. Jl. 16, ‘05. 1310w. “Dr. Cutler has done much to solve the problem by his laborious, careful, and candid study of the question, which has already made him the leading authority upon a dangerous social disease.” + + + =Nation.= 81: 57. Jl. 20, ‘05. 2110w. “In his final chapters on the justification of lynching and the remedies for it, Mr. Cutler shows a spirit remarkable for its fairness and an appreciation of the force of circumstances and the historical facts of the situation.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 374. Je. 10, ‘05. 1850w. “Careful and dispassionate study of the phenomenon known as lynching.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 393. Je. 10, ‘05. 380w. “A well-considered and thoughtful analysis of the facts and figures.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 911. Je. 10, ‘05. 470w. * “Mr. Cutler’s book should be valuable for its summary of facts, and for the solemn warning that thoughtful Americans may read between the lines.” + =Spec.= 95: sup. 909. D. 2, ‘05. 380w. =Cutting, Mary Stewart.= Little stories of courtship. †$1.25. McClure. “Tales of plain, everyday, middle-class people—people who are not overburdened with the world’s goods, but who are educated, cultured and refined—in short, the people we meet daily about us. The eight stories which make up this volume are very pleasant reading, indeed.”—N. Y. Times. “This collection does not fulfill all the expectations excited by its unique predecessor, ‘The little stories of married life.’” + =Bookm.= 21: 545. Jl. ‘05. 320w. + =Nation.= 80: 378. My. 11, ‘05. 180w. “Stories of the book are all simple in their theme, but they gain much by Mrs. Cutting’s sympathetic handling of them.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 276. Ap. 29, ‘05. 390w. “The charm of all the stories lies in their perfect naturalness.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 390. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. “Some of these ‘little stories of courtship’ are excellent in their way, indicating shrewd observation and a kindly sympathy. But they are of very uneven merit.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 796. My. 20, ‘05. 110w. “They are gracefully spun, and, without being intense, they have the human touch. They portray life in its usual phases, yet they are not without variety, and they are very genuine in feeling.” + =Reader.= 6: 358. Ag. ‘05. 220w. Cyclopedia of applied electricity; a practical guide for electricians, mechanics, engineers, students, telegraph and telephone operators, and all others interested in electricity. Prepared by a corps of experts, electrical engineers and designers. 5v. $30. Am. school of correspondence. The text is divided in five parts and contains over 2,000 illustrations. Part I. treats of current measurements, part II. of dynamos, part III. of lightning, part IV. of alternating currents and power transmission, and part V. of telephony. “We give, therefore, without comment on our part, the opinion passed by the publishers themselves: ‘The practical value of the work as a whole can hardly be questioned.’” + + — =Engin. N.= 53: 294. Mr. 16, ‘05. 990w. “A practical guide and encyclopedia of electrical knowledge that should be of great value to the everyday worker with electricity in all of its applications.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 428. Mr. 18, ‘05. 250w. =Cynewulf.= Dream of the rood: an old English poem attributed to Cynewulf; ed. by Albert S. Cook. *90c. Oxford. With the reproduction of this poem from the Vercelli book, the editor offers complete sidelight information including an introduction which discusses the manuscript, translations, authorship—sometimes attributed to Caedmon—and literary characteristics of the poem. There are full notes, an appendix and a glossary. “This little book is full of valuable and all but convincing facts.” + + =Acad.= 68: 445. Ap. 22, ‘05. 600w. “The notes proper are full and interesting, and the glossary unusually helpful.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 686. Je. 3. 280w. =Dial.= 38: 277. Ap. 16, ‘05. 60w. =Dial.= 38: 423. Je. 16, ‘05. 40w. D =Dale, Alan, pseud.= See =Cohen, Alfred J.= =Dale, Thomas F.= Polo, past and present. *$3.75. Scribner. An authoritative polo handbook. “Mr Dale has succeeded in accomplishing what no previous writer on polo has ever done, that is to present a concise, even graphic, view of the present status of polo throughout the world. The chapters on polo in England, America, India, Australia, and New Zealand, while technical, as the rules of each country are presented in full with illustrative comment, are of peculiar interest at the present time owing to a growing sentiment for an international code of rules.” (N. Y. Times.) “Mr. Dale has the happy faculty of writing entertainingly for the general reader as well as for the scientific student. His book combines both elements.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 482. Jl. 22, ‘05. 1090w. “A short chapter on the elements of polo is as instructive as it can be; and the later portions of the work, which deal with training ponies, stable management, and polo-pony breeding, contain much excellent matter.” + + =Spec.= 95: 471. S. 30, ‘05. 600w. =Daniels, Mabel W.= American girl in Munich. †$1.25. Little. A Boston girl’s account of a year spent as a student of music in Munich. The German life in the little pension, the trials and joys of her fellow students, her professors, and the operas and symphonies she enjoyed, are described in a series of chatty letters to her chum. She meets several real celebrities in the world of music, and weaves into her story a pretty little German love idyl. “Pleasantly written and full of delightful humor.” + + — =Dial.= 38: 326. My. 1, ‘05. 230w. “There is not a ponderous page, yet she has attempted to enliven her narrative by weaving into it a boarding-house love story. It would have been wiser to study her German and read her proofs carefully.” + + — =Nation=, 81: 83. Jl. 27, ‘05. 680w. “Delightfully readable are the letters. The book will be primarily interesting to another girl who has been or is thinking of studying abroad, but it is written in a chatty, gossipy manner which makes easy reading.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 198. Ap. 1, ‘05. 230w. “A series of bright and entertaining letters. They have a flavor of genuineness quite apart from their mention of real notabilities and places.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 959. Ap. 15, ‘05. 70w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 835. My. 27, ‘05. 70w. =Dante Alighieri.= Divina commedia; tr. by H. F. Tozer. *$1. Oxford. “A translation into English prose intended primarily for readers who are not acquainted with Italian. Mr. Tozer has endeavored to give Dante’s meaning as fully and clearly as possible without adhering too literally to the words; and at the same time to present the poem in a fairly readable form.”—Bookm. “In rendering the poem itself Mr. Tozer’s prose contrasts lamentably with the noble, beautiful, living English and the unerring good taste of Professor Norton.” Abbott Foster. — + =Bookm.= 21: 418. Je. ‘05. 970w. “The translator has coped successfully with the difficult task of rendering Dante in English prose suitable for the student. From an artistic standpoint, much is necessarily lacking in the way of music and connotation of style.” + — =Critic.= 46: 288. Mr. ‘05. 70w. “The most obvious quality of Mr. Tozer’s translation is its readableness; its inferiority to Mr. Norton’s lies in a less profound Dante scholarship, and in a certain looseness of style which springs from a tendency to paraphrase, and now from the use of inappropriate words.” + =Nation.= 80: 298, Ap. 13, ‘05. 750w. Reviewed by W. L. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 184. Mr. 25, ‘05. 700w. =Dante Alighieri.= Inferno: a translation and commentary, by Marvin R. Vincent. **$1.50. Scribner. “While owning up to the ‘disenchantment’ of any translation,” the author, who is professor of sacred literature in the Union theological seminary, offers his own as a help to ‘make the study of Dante what it should be—a part of the curriculum of every theological institution.’ The translation “is fortified with about 125 pages of notes which comprise a commentary on words and phrases and ideas gathered and sifted from H. F. Tozer’s convenient book of explanation, and from similar publications. The author has also scattered some things of his own with lavish hand—principally in the departments of religions and ethical interpretation, altho there are some of historical fact.” (N. Y. Times). “The student is led without useless ornamentation directly to the poet’s conception; and that is what most students want.” + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 379. Ap. ‘05. 210w. “Dr. Vincent has made a very strong, accurate and readable translation.” + + =Bookm.= 21: 418. Je. ‘05. 2890w. “It is far from being a successful translation, for the figurative meanings have almost entirely disappeared with the rhythmical. It is just as far from being a successful poem, for all that Dr. Vincent gives us has already been more concisely expressed in plain prose. These notes are of uniform excellence, and are, as the author intimates, the result of class-room debates. On the chance that there are certain intellects which will more rapidly grasp a blank verse ‘Inferno’ rather than one in genuine poetry like Cary’s or in rhetorical prose like Norton’s, Dr. Vincent’s book may not be deemed entirely superfluous. For such intellects his notes can hardly fail to be otherwise than enlightening and stimulating.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 38. Ja. 21, ‘05. 560w. “Dr. Vincent announces that he has made a literal translation based on the Oxford text of Dr. Moore.” + =R. of Rs.= 30: 759. D. ‘04. 80w. =D’Arblay, Madame.= See =Burney, Frances.= =Dargan, Edwin Charles.= History of preaching from the apostolic fathers to the great reformers. **$1.75. Armstrong. “This, the first of three volumes, carries the subject to the close of the Reformation period. The two that are to follow will treat of modern European preaching and the history of preaching in the United States. Thus a field at present but partially worked will be fully covered. The present volume treats successively of the patristic preaching, its decline after the fourth century, mediæval preaching from the eleventh to the fourteenth century, and the subsequent renaissance.”—Outlook. “Dr. Dargan gives us a careful view of the historic settings and abundant biographical detail.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 598. Jl. ‘05. 70w. “The author appears to have done very little original research, but he writes a readable style, and has made use of good sources of information.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 271. Ag. 26. 130w. “We know of no other work of this character in which the combination of pleasing diction and abundant information is more satisfactory. Our author has depended largely upon Protestant authorities on matters connected with the Catholic church. The erudition of the author, his pleasing style and his spirit of equity give to the book a large value.” + + — =Baltimore Sun.= : 8. Mr. 8, ‘05. 490w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 139. Mr. 4, ‘05. 370w. + =Outlook.= 79: 449. F. 18, ‘05. 190w. * “The book is a treasury of learning of a certain kind, but the learning is scarcely helpful. As a bibliography, indeed, the volume may be useful.” + — =Spec.= 95: sup. 910. D. 2, ‘05. 190w. =Dasent, Sir George Webbe.= Heroes of Iceland; adapted from the translation of Dasent by Allen French. $1.50. Little. A tale adapted from Dasent’s translation of “The story of burnt Njal,” the great Icelandic saga, with a preface, introduction and notes by Mr. French. It pictures Iceland in the tenth century, the old pagan life, the dawn of Christianity, and the struggle of mighty heroes. * “In his comprehensive introduction as well as his notes, the author gives a thoro setting.” + =Ind.= 59: 1387. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 471. Jl. 15, ‘05. 100w. “A very convenient form of the greatest of Icelandic stories.” + =Outlook.= 81: 526. O. 28, ‘05. 30w. * “We have no criticism to make on Mr. French’s execution of his task.” + + =Spec.= 95: sup. 904. D. 2, ‘05. 280w. =Dasent, Sir George Webbe.= Popular tales from the Norse. *$2.50. Putnam. The third edition of an 1859 English classic. “The book contains besides the ‘Tales,’ the introduction of the original edition, which considers broadly the origin and diffusion of folk tales in general, and of the Norse popular tales in particular.... A new part of the book is a memoir of the author by his son, Arthur Irwin Dasent, who gives an account of his father’s career from the time of his birth, on the island of St. Vincent, in 1817, to his death in England, in 1896. It is the story of an extraordinarily full and busy life, and a typically English record, at the same time, of recognition and merited reward.” (Nation). “These, because of their manner and matter, are as fresh as on the day when they were first given in English garb. Scarcely a writer of recent time has been the possessor of such an English vocabulary or the master of such an English style. Dasent’s ‘Tales’ are in this way not only a singularly remarkable instance of felicitous translation from a foreign language into our own, but are at the same time a well of English, pure and undefiled, and a model of what English prose happily may be.” + + =Nation.= 80: 114. F. 9, ‘05. 530w. =Daumier, Honore.= International Studio. Daumier and Gavarni. *$2; *$3. Lane. A number devoted to Daumier and Gavarni, the two great French cartoonists of the last century. There are two dozen reproductions of their work in color and photogravures, and a hundred illustrations in black and white. Critical and biographical notes on Daumier are translated from an essay of M. Henri Frantz, and there is an essay upon Gavarni by M. Octave Uzanne. “Will be greatly prized by collectors of the works of the great satirical cartoonists and illustrators. It will prove a valuable addition to the art-collector’s library.” Amy C. Rich. + + =Arena.= 33: 338. Mr. ‘05. 690w. “The essays are after all mere introductions to the plates. Incidentally the cartoons furnish a fascinating interpretation of Parisian life and manners. The special numbers of ‘The studio’ are always interesting, but this one is unusually unique and suggestive.” + + =Dial.= 38: 51. Ja. 16, ‘05. 260w. =Davenport, Frederick Morgan.= Primitive traits in religious revivals: a study in mental and social evolution. **$1.50. Macmillan. “This is a purely sociological interpretation of revivals, having no evangelistic bias or motive. In his development of this theme the author has introduced accounts of various revivals of this country and Great Britain.”—R. of Rs. “His collection of materials in this field is highly interesting, and a valuable supplement to Stoll’s ‘Suggestion and Hypnotismus in der Völker-psychologie.’” W. I. Thomas. + + =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 272. S. ‘05. 160w. * “It is a valuable contribution to our knowledge. Every minister should read it carefully and take its lessons to heart. The social student will find it helpful in explaining phenomena which have not received the attention they deserve.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 750. N. ‘05. 190w. Reviewed by E. T. Brewster. + — =Atlan.= 96: 688. N. ‘05. 500w. “The treatment of his subject is logical and fairly clear, though with a number of repetitions.” Rolvix Harlan. + + — =Bib. World.= 26: 237. S. ‘05. 570w. “The latter chapters of the book are somewhat disappointing. Instead of calm, scientific analyses or a logical drawing of conclusions, Prof. Davenport indulges in an exposition of his own theories and ideas.” + + — =Ind.= 59: 390. Ag. 17, ‘05. 580w. “The book is a valuable and highly interesting contribution to the many recent discussions of the place and value of the emotions in moral and religious development.” + + + =Nation.= 81: 20. Jl. 6, ‘05. 1080w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 437. Jl. 1, ‘05. 1660w. + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 767. Je. ‘05. 140w. =Davidson, Andrew Bruce.= Theology of the Old Testament. **$2.50. Scribner. Principal Salmond has compiled this treatise in Old Testament theology from the manuscripts left by Dr. Davidson. Under the doctrine of God, of man, of sin, of redemption, and of the last things, is given his theological interpretation of the Old Testament. “It is a pleasure to note throughout both volumes the keenness of observation, the gift of interpretative insight, and the incisive style which are conspicuous in all the writings of the lamented biblicist. It treats the Old Testament as not only a literary, but a moral unit. This is really the essence of the inadequacy and untimeliness of the book. The fact is that these lectures must be repudiated by biblical science in as far as they fail to indicate Israel’s progress in religious thought and make the Old Testament literature an illustration either of the New Testament teaching of our modern creeds. They must also be disowned by the ‘higher criticism,’ of which Mr. Davidson was more or less an exponent, because they fail to apply an ethical test to religious belief.” James Frederick McCurdy. + — =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 346. Ap. ‘05. 5160w. “There are many fine discussions of particular problems, and many brilliant individual passages that one would like to quote; but there is no history of the religion of Israel. Will be useful to the preacher who wishes to gather up the teachings of the Old Testament on any given point; but it will be of little value to the student who is trained in modern historical methods.” — + =Bib. World.= 25: 283. Ap. ‘05. 2340w. “Containing incisive, profitable, and helpful discussions of some of the fundamental doctrines of the Old Testament.” Ira M. Price. + =Dial.= 38: 45. Ja. 16, ‘05. 600w. “The book contains much good material and is of real value.” + =Ind.= 58: 327. F. 9, ‘05. 320w. =Davidson, Rev. John.= St. Peter and his training. *30c. Lippincott. “Following the New Testament account of the apostle, and setting aside the critical questions it raises, the author finds evidence of its truth in its consistent realism as a portrait from life.”—Outlook. “The psychological problem involved in the story of Peter’s denial of his Master is better handled, and more justly to Peter, than by most expositors.” + =Outlook.= 79: 452. F. 16, ‘05. 70w. =Davidson, John.= Selected poems. *$1.25. Lane. “Mr. Davidson has drawn from his seven earlier volumes with a shrewd critical sense.... Unusual mastery of narrative construction in verse, his energy of conception and readiness in the fundamental mind-work of poetry, are all shown here at their best in the ‘Ballads,’ which make the bulk of the book.”—Nation. “He handles the metre with masterly skill, filling it with imaginative life and power. The chief virtue of his ballads is the virile energy of the shaping strength that we feel working in them.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 329. Mr. 18. 850w. “Mr. John Davidson’s poetic view of the world is as tragical as Ernest Dowson’s; but there is a grim irony of intellectual strength in his work that marks him of a different race of men.” Ferris Greenslet. + =Atlan.= 96: 417. S. ‘05. 340w. “Uncommonly masculine volume.” + =Nation.= 80: 293. Ap. 13, ‘05. 330w. =Davidson, Rt. Rev. Randall Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury.= Christian opportunity. **$1.50. Macmillan. The sermons, addresses and speeches delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury during his recent visit to America make a volume not only temporarily significant but monumental. “The most interesting contents of the volume, of course, are the sermons in Trinity church in Boston, and the address at Faneuil hall. None however, surpasses in excellence of material or stamps Dr. Davidson as a broader scholar than his cordial address to the evangelical ministers at Boston university. ‘We in England,’ he said, ‘have learned in these latter days to recognize better than ever before how splendid an element in the growth of English life and character is due to our Puritan forefathers, and you in New England have come to see that even among those whom your great-great-grandfathers thought were very black, there is something worth having and holding and thus we join hands in behalf of the common cause—the setting forward of our Master’s kingdom in the old world and in the new.’” (Pub. Opin.) =Atlan.= 95: 705. My. ‘05. 180w. “The title is happy, for the burden of them all is the greatness of the opportunity here in this new continent. Their level judgment, catholic spirit, and fraternal feeling ...” + + =Boston Evening Transcript.= : 7. F. 10, ‘05. 160w. + =Ind.= 58: 500. Mr. 2, ‘05. 90w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 58. Ja. 12, ‘05. 190w. + =R. of Rs.= 31: 252. F. ‘05. 90w. =Davidson, Thomas.= Education of the wage earners. *75c. Ginn. “The record of a unique experiment among the Russian Jews of New York city. As the result of a challenge at the close of a lecture, Professor Davidson organized a class composed almost exclusively of wage-earners from the tenement houses. With them he successfully studied the history of civilization, modern literature, and the history of philosophy.... The volume which is edited by Mr. Charles M. Blakewell, contains a brief biography and characterization of Professor Davidson by the editor.”—Dial. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 128. Ja. ‘05. 80w. “With the interpreting touch of the editor, the inspiring letters of Davidson, and the final words from the pupils, we have a book of very real and personal force.” Lucy Wright. + + =Charities.= 14: 642. Ap. 1, ‘05. 540w. Reviewed by Henry D. Sheldon. =Dial.= 38: 271. Ap. 16, ‘05. 210w. Reviewed by J. Lawrence Laughlin. * + + =J. Pol. Econ.= 13: 611. S. ‘05. 370w. =Davies, D. Ffrangçon-.= Singing of the future; with an introd. by Edward Elgar. *$2.50. Lane. “In the old warfare between technique and intelligence as regards musical interpretation, Mr. Ffrangçon-Davies declares himself, as we might expect, on the side of intelligence. With him the meaning is everything, and he contends that if the singer thinks the words he is singing, all the rest will follow of itself.... Far from despising vocal technique, the author lays great stress on a sound method, and explains what the basis of that method should be.”—Lond. Times. “It is a pity that by the copious use of footnotes and parentheses the author should have weakened his case, for by these and other means he qualifies almost everything he says till the reader is at a loss to keep the main drift of his argument in view.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 306. S. 22, ‘05. 610w. * + + =Nation.= 81: 467. D. 7, ‘05. 420w. =Davies, Gerald Stanley.= Franz Hals. $1.75. Macmillan. This latest addition to the “Great masters in painting and sculpture series” is devoted to that Dutch artist of the early 17th century, Franz Hals. All that is actually known or surmised concerning his life is given and there are 35 half-tone reproductions of the author’s best known paintings. There is also a chronological list of his most important pictures, and a catalog of his works arranged according to the galleries in which they are hung. “Mr. Davies’s work is a fine example of what a sympathetic, imaginative, and withal a learned man may produce from very slender accepted data.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 157. Mr. 11, ‘05. 520w. =Davies, Rev. John Llewelyn,= ed. Workingmen’s college, 1854-1904. *$1.25. Macmillan. Records of its history and its work by members of the college. For half a century the workingmen’s college has played an important part in the sociological evolution of England, and its history and development are of general interest. The editor has written a chapter on F. D. Maurice, who was the real founder of the college. Mr. G. W. Trevelyan writes a chapter on “The college and other universities.” Mr. J. P. Elmslie describes “Art teaching in early days,” Mr. C. B. Lucas tells of “The college clubs.” There are many other chapters illustrating the development of this great work from a simple night school to a model institution of its kind. “The value of the book is enhanced by some excellent portraits; but it lacks an index.” + =Acad.= 68: 35. Ja. 14, ‘05. 200w. =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 337. Mr. ‘05. 100w. =Nation.= 80: 290. Ap. 13, ‘05. 120w. =Spec.= 94: 18. Ja. 7, ‘05. 1520w. =Davies, W. W.= Codes of Hammurabi and Moses. *75c. Meth. bk. A comparison of the laws of Hammurabi and Moses which is designed to help all Bible students. To this end the text of the Hammurabi code is given in small pica type, selected parallels from the Old Testament in long primer, and remarks and comments in brevier. =Outlook.= 81: 332. O. 7, ‘05. 150w. =Davis, Foxcroft.= Mrs. Darrell. †$1.50. Macmillan. In this novel of Washington life Elizabeth Brandon marries Darrell and finds out too late that she loves his friend and cousin Hugh Pelham. Upon Darrell’s death his estate goes to Pelham, who is in Africa, and his lawyers press Elizabeth sorely. This destroys her faith in Pelham and she all but falls into the clutches of an unscrupulous senator, who wishes to divorce his wife and marry her, when Pelham returns. The senator’s daughter also plays an important part in the story. “The story is slight, the characters shadowy, and the style, except for a strange abundance of ‘non-sequiturs,’ exceedingly commonplace.” — =Nation.= 81: 148. Ag. 17, ‘05. 310w. “Not only does he reveal the actions of his characters, but also the train of thoughts that lead up to those actions. Nevertheless ‘Mrs. Darrell’ is a book full of interest.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 379. Je. 10, ‘05. 610w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 391. Je. 17, ‘05. 210w. “The book as regards plot and constructive power and development cannot be praised highly, but the love story is in some ways unusually interesting.” — + =Outlook.= 80: 393. Je. 10, ‘05. 80w. * =Davis, John Patterson.= Corporations: a study of the origin and development of the great business combinations and their relation to the authority of the state. 2v. **$4.50. Putnam. “This treatise is of great helpfulness to the student of what is now familiarly known as the ‘corporation problem.’ ... The subject is here attacked chiefly from the historical standpoint, from the earliest manifestations of corporate activity in the ecclesiastical organizations of the primitive Christian church to the colonial companies, forerunners of the development companies of to-day. There are, however, chapters dealing with contemporary phenomena at a length sufficient to make the writer’s views concerning the structure, operation, and future of the modern corporation clear.”—Lit. D. * “Without fully concurring with him, we find his views highly suggestive and stimulating, and ... ‘a particularly welcome addition to economic literature.’” + + =Lit. D.= 31: 798. N. 25, ‘05. 580w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 654. O. 7, ‘05. 680w. =Davis, Norah.= Northerner. †$1.50. Century. The hero of Miss Davis’ first published book is a young New York capitalist who buys a street railway and a lighting plant in an Alabama town. Titanic and aggressive, young Falls underrates the momentum of sectional prejudice even where it carries with it the sanity of a whole town. Mob violence, strikes, and a lynching form the dramatic phase of the story whose other side portrays the loyalty and courage of Joan Adair. This southern girl, tho reared to the fanatic prejudice of her townsmen, could, one is led to believe, champion right and justice impersonally, even tho the process had not been terribly confused with her love for the much misunderstood and ostracized hero. * “The supreme merit of the book lies, however, in the subtle delineation of Southern life with its love, its fear, its pride, its idealism, and its prejudice.” + =Arena.= 34: 664. D. ‘05. 500w. * “The serious questions of the Northerner are vigorously stated, and some characters and scenes very forcibly presented. The construction is bad, and there is a lot of tiresome talk.” + — =Nation.= 81: 510. D. 21, ‘05. 340w. “The principal value of the story is in its depicting of the life of the half-asleep, half-awake southern town with its new-formed ambitions obscured by the rubbish of old traditions.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 601. N. 4, ‘05. 200w. =Davis, Richard Harding.= Miss Civilization. **50c. Scribner. “A comedy in one act, founded on a story by the late James Harvey Smith. By means of strategy, the daughter of a wealthy man succeeds in holding three thieves in her home until the arrival of the police, whom she had summoned by telephone when she first heard the burglars trying to file their way into the house.”—Bookm. “This playlet is admirably suited for parlor and amateur theatricals, where it will furnish both to actors and audiences unalloyed delight.” + =Ind.= 58: 783. Ap. 6, ‘05. 80w. “This is a lively and amusing play. It is not badly suited for amateur rendering.” + =Outlook.= 79: 605. Mr. 4, ‘05. 30w. =Davison, Charles.= Study of recent earthquakes. $1.50. imp. Scribner. “This copiously illustrated volume ... gives a popular account of the results which have been arrived at by modern seismology.... Rather than grouping seismic phenomena, as we should expect to find them in a text-book, the author has given a concise history of eight disturbances, each of which has a special interest.... A subject attractive to the general reader which is referred to in several chapters as an account of signs which have given warning of a coming earthquake.”—Nature. + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 404. Ap. 1. 710w. “Mr. Davidson’s book is well worth reading, whilst the manner in which its contents have been arranged should obtain for it a circulation amongst those who seek for general information.” + + =Nature.= 71: 532. Ap. 6, ‘05. 630w. + + =Spec.= 94: 677. My. 6, ‘05. 290w. =Davitt, Michael.= Fall of feudalism in Ireland. **$2.50. Harper. “The land league revolution of the Irish people, their struggles to regain possession of the lands confiscated under Cromwellian settlement,—which was virtually continued during two hundred and fifty years,—is set forth in this book.... Parnell is, of course, Mr. Davitt’s hero; and the personal portraiture he gives is both interesting and valuable.”—Critic. “He writes from a partisan viewpoint and, as might have been expected, makes no attempt to conceal his partisanship. Despite this fact he has done good service to contemporary history by the care he has bestowed on the documentary part of his exhaustive work.” E. P. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 454. Ja. ‘05. 230w. “Is of great value both as a record and as literature.” + =Critic.= 46: 95. Ja. ‘05. 230w. * =Dawson, Miles Menander.= Business of life insurance. **$1.50. Barnes. “Mr. Dawson writes as an actuary of long experience, addressing himself primarily to those holding or contemplating the purchase of life insurance. The comparative merits and defects of the various systems of insurance and forms of policy, the methods whereby rates are or should be fixed, the ‘schemes’ adopted by companies to increase their business—in short, almost every topic connected with the subject is discussed with a mingling of criticism, advice, and warning.”—Outlook. * “Practical suggestive, and soundly informative, this book should find a wide audience.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 680. N. 18, ‘05. 320w. =Dawson, Samuel E.= Saint Lawrence, its basin and border-lands. *$1.35. Stokes. “In orderly fashion and in often luminous phrase Dr. Dawson sets forth the story of the discovery, exploration, and occupation of the northeastern part of the North American continent. The text is accompanied by some good illustrations and by some especially good maps.”—Outlook. “This learned Canadian not only enjoys a wide personal knowledge of the region he deals with but is likewise possessed of the critical faculty, which has enabled him to deal satisfactorily with a subject involving a good many disputed points.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 116. Jl. 22. 1210w. + + =Critic.= 47: 382. O. ‘05. 90w. + + =Ind.= 49: 876. O. 12, ‘05. 230w. “His present volume is a critical and scholarly study of the most fruitful era of early North American exploration.” Cyrus C. Adams. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 585. S. 9, ‘05. 1920w. “This volume should appeal to the student of history and to the lover of romance.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 839. Jl. 29, ‘05. 60w. “It is a rare treat to read Dr. Dawson’s scholarly and delightful volume.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 478. O. 7, ‘05. 160w. =Dawson, Thomas C.= South American republics, pt. 2. **$1.35. Putnam. “Descriptive rather than analytical,” this work presents “an excellent summary of the events leading up to the independence of the South American republics. The first volume, dealing with Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil, was written during the period when he [Mr. Dawson] was secretary of the United States legation to Brazil. During the interval between the appearance of the first and second volumes the author was appointed minister to Santo Domingo. This second volume deals with Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela.”—Ann. Am. Acad. “His exposition of contemporary history is disappointing. There are too many names and dates and too few explanatory remarks. There is a tendency to dwell on the period of the conquest and to leave untouched the difficult business of untangling the innumerable revolutions of the past eighty years. Even as a collection of historical primers its value is seriously impaired by evidences of hasty or inaccurate compilation. To attempt to read the volume through is sufficiently confusing, but the publishers have not improved matters. The illustrations do not illustrate. Moreover, the maps are inadequate and out of date.” Hiram Bingham. + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 671. Ap. ‘05. 520w. “The author has shown great skill in the presentation of the economic situation in compressing the history of eleven republics into two small volumes. In the presentation of the political situation the author has been careful to keep himself free from partisanship or bias. This work when read in connection with Stanford’s ‘Geographical compendium of South America,’ will furnish a clear-cut picture of the present situation in the South American republics.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 338. Mr. ‘05. 250w. + =Ind.= 58: 1189. My. 25, ‘05. 200w. * “Excellent, useful, and most readable book. Mr. Dawson, however, largely owes the remarkable completeness of this work to his familiar acquaintance with the Spanish literature on the subject, and his great personal opportunities for compiling the history of the nineteenth century in South America.” + + =Spec.= 95: 696. N. 4, ‘05. 330w. =Dawson, W. J.= Evangelistic note, *$1.25. Revell. A book of addresses on evangelical topics by a man well known as a successful international revivalist. He resigned the pastorate of the Highburg quadrant church in England to enter a more evangelistic field, and his sermons defend liberal theology and set forth the value of his work. “His sermons are models of manly appeal to the thinking people of to-day.” + + =Ind.= 58: 897. Ap. 20, ‘05. 180w. + =Outlook.= 79: 958. Ap. 15, ‘05. 230w. “Among the various essays, addresses and sermons in the book the one which gives the whole its title is the best and most adequate, with the additional advantage of being written in clear, forceful, convincing English such as is seldom found in current literature.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 390. Mr. 11, ‘05. 640w. =Dawson, William James.= Makers of English fiction. *$1.50. Revell. Dr. Dawson begins with Daniel Defoe and discusses the writers of novels of sentiment from Richardson to Fielding, and to Jane Austen, then he takes up the works of Sir Walter Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot, Charles Reade, Charles Kingsley, George Meredith, Thomas Hardy, Robert Louis Stevenson, and others, closing the book with chapters on “Religion in fiction” and a “Concluding survey.” “He is a patient and systematic reader; his powers of analysis are considerable, his sympathies are broad, and he has, what is an extremely valuable gift, the historic sense.” E. C. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 757. N. 11, ‘05. 1070w. + + =Outlook.= 81: 429. O. 21, ‘05. 220w. * “The book is well worth reading, as a comprehensive survey of a development, and as painstaking a work of criticism as has come to us for many a day.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 664. N. 18, ‘05. 280w. =Day, Emily Foster.= Menehunes. *75c. Elder. A folklore tale of the Menehunes, the tiny dwarfs of Hawaii, illustrated by Spencer Wright. * + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 90w. * + =Nation.= 81: 450. N. 30, ‘05. 100w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 892. D. 16, ‘05. 210w. =Day, Thomas Fleming.= Hints to young yacht skippers. $1. Rudder pub. Mr. Day says this handbook is offered in response to many letters from boys and young men “asking for hints on all manner of subjects relating to the care, handling, buying and equipping of small yachts.” Being a practical sailor and yachtsman himself, he knows the necessity of the sort of information he compiles, in fact declares that had he owned such a book in the beginning, it would have saved him time, money, hard work and anxiety. “The book is full of useful information.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 39. Ja. 21, ‘05. 330w. (Detailed statement of contents.) =Dealey, James Quayle, and Ward, Lester Frank.= Text book of sociology. *$1.30. Macmillan. A text book founded upon the sociological writings of Dr. Ward, and especially upon his work, “Pure sociology.” This epitome is stamped with the same characteristics that are emphasized thruout Dr. Ward’s study, viz., the mastery of the impersonal tone over the human. “He carries from his work in physical science a certain abstractness of statement which is partly inseparable from all generalization, but which has the effect of holding the interpretation farther aloof from actual life than is desirable or necessary.” (Am. J. Soc.) “Comes nearer than any predecessor to satisfying reasonable demands for an elementary textbook in general sociology.” Albion W. Small. + + — =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 266. S. ‘05. 1190w. * “The abridgment has been excellently done.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1157. N. 16, ‘05. 30w. “It is therefore a wide field that is traversed here under the lead of a stimulating if not always convincing teacher.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 887. Ag. 5, ‘05. 290w. Decennial publications of the University of Chicago. 1st series, 10v. *$40. Univ. of Chicago press. Ten imposing quarto volumes, well bound in red cloth, compose the first series of the Chicago university decennial publications and contain two volumes of reports and eight volumes of investigations, the latter consisting of a collection of articles representing the work of research of the several departments of the university, organized during the decennium. Vol. I and II contain President Harper’s report for the first ten years of the life of Chicago university; vol. III contains, part I, Systematic theology, Church history, Practical theology; part II, Philosophy, Education; vol. IV is devoted to Political economy, Political science, History, and Sociology; vol. V includes the Semitic languages and literature, Biblical and patristic Greek; vol. VI deals with the Greek language and literature, the Latin language and literature, Sanskrit and Indo-European comparative philology, classical archæology; vol. VII turns to the province of Romance languages and literatures, the Germanic languages and literatures and to English; vol. VIII invades the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics; vol. IX treats the subjects of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology; and vol. X deals with Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, Botany, Pathology, and Bacteriology. =Bib. World.= 25: 240. Mr. ‘05. 50w. (States contents of v. 5.) + + + =Ind.= 59: 44. Jl. 6, ‘05. 410w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 164. Mr. 18, ‘05. 760w. (Survey of contents). “The whole series is a remarkable presentation of the intellectual activity which has prevailed at this youthful university during the brief period of its existence.” + + + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 593. Ap. 15, ‘05. 410w. =Deecke, W.= Italy: a popular account of the country, its people, and its institutions (including Malta and Sardinia); tr. by H. A. Nesbitt. $5. Macmillan. A book which gives a German professor’s account of Italy. “Beginning with the boundaries of the country and the ancient attempts at geographical description, it proceeds to treat of the orography and general features of the surface, goes on to the geology and the climate, giving incidentally an account of the volcanic phenomena and touching briefly on the animals and plants. The various elements of the population are then described, with a short sketch of the history, and a fuller account of products, trade and manufactures, political institutions, finance, internal communications, and education, the church, language, and science, and a topographical description of various parts of the peninsula and the adjoining isles.” (Nation.) “It is popular in the very best sense of the word. In the first place, it is comprehensive. In the second place, it is compact. The work is simply a marvel of condensation. In the third place, the book is exceedingly readable. The only adverse criticism we have is that the statistics are not quite up to the present, and the reader will want constantly to refer to later tables. But in other respects we do not know of another book on Italy at once so comprehensive, so accurate, and so interesting.” + + — =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 378. Ap. ‘05. 250w. (States contents of Vol. V.) “Is all done carefully and well.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 588. My. ‘05. 100w. “That the book is dull is therefore not surprising; but that it is also full of errors is both surprising and inexcusable.” — — =Dial.= 38: 95. F. 1, ‘05. 410w. “It is really nothing more than a compilation of the facts that may be found in condensed form in a half dozen well selected books.” + — =Ind.= 58: 1070. My. 11, ‘05. 170w. “When we turn to subjects wherein the element of time does not enter so immediately we find reason for little save praise.” + + — =Lit. D.= 31: 498. O. 7, ‘05. 760w. “An elaborate account of Italy, worked out with true German thoroughness. It covers pretty nearly every aspect in which the land and its inhabitants can be regarded. Taking the book as a whole, it is a careful and intelligent piece of work, clearly and simply written, and generally accurate. We have noted a certain number of errors in fact, but none of great importance, though there are some errors in nomenclature, and some mistakes in the accounts given of particular places. A book which amounts to an encyclopaedic description of Italy from so many points of view. The topographical part is really something between a gazetteer and a guidebook, fit to be used for reference rather than to be read continuously.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 250. Mr. 30, ‘05. 2290w. =Deeping, Warwick.= Slanderers. †$1.50. Harper. “Gabriel Strong is the son of a tea merchant ... is a dreamer, an idler.... Partly to please himself, partly to please his father, partly to save trouble, he makes love to and marries a fine sleek tiger-cat of a woman, and as soon as it is too late repents.” He finds that he loves the daughter of a miser, but swears to love this Joan only in spirit. “Meanwhile the sleek, handsome wife gets bored, goes off elsewhere, and the gossips of the village get busy with the greenwood meanderings of Gabriel and Joan. Hence the name of ‘The slanderers.’ ... They are the parson’s wife, the doctor’s wife, the members of the church guilds, and like fine charitable organizations. And these women are allowed no virtues at all to temper the malignity of their tongues and their feminine proneness to think evil of other people.” (N. Y. Times). “The style is good and the texture of the English is durable.” + =Critic.= 47: 93. Jl. ‘05. 110w. “Mr. Deeping is somewhat crass and crude in his methods with these slanderers. You get the idea that Mr. Deeping imagines religion is a mere cloak for hypocrisy, or a grindstone for sharp knives to slay the reputations of indiscreet idealists. Really the trouble with Mr. Deeping is the lack of enough humor to adjust his burning ethical sentiments, his opulent fleshly imaginings, to each other and to the meridian of average sanity. The story is dragged violently by the hair of its head into an ending which satisfies—if it does nothing else—the average reader’s supposed demand for a happy outcome, but it is distinctly disappointing in spite of patches of purple language.” — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 117. F. 25. ‘05. 610w. + — =Outlook.= 79: 654. Mr. 11, ‘05. 120w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 429. Mr. 18, ‘05. 290w. “Mr. Deeping’s tapestry has not acquired that soft glory which makes its best beauty. And as for the modern design, it is quite atrocious.” — — =Reader.= 6: 92. Je. ‘05. 370w. “Many of his pages glow with genuine romantic beauty.” + =Reader.= 6: 477. S. ‘05. 170w. =Dekker, Eduard Douwes.= (Multatuli, pseud.). Walter Pieterse: a story of Holland. $1.50. Friderici & Garies. “Walter is in a way a Dutch ‘Sentimental Tommy,’ and the growth of his vivid imagination and literary aspiration among rather sordid surroundings and stolid people is told with minuteness and perhaps a little over-elaborated humor. ‘Multatuli’ is not exactly a Dutch Dickens, but he has some Dickensy qualities.”—Outlook. “His story is immensely detailed and told in a bygone style of confidentialness, but a style highly animated and frequently witty. The translator, though a Ph. D., affronts style and even grammar at moments.” + — =Nation.= 80: 234. Mr. 23, ‘05. 520w. “In fact, you may see in Dekker now touches of Fielding, now of Heine, (he has been called the Holland Heine), now the contemporary iconoclast. Bernard Shaw, whose hatred of ‘respectability’ he shares. Adherents of the new school of novelists, Ibsenites, &c., who are not already familiar with Dekker’s work will not regret a perusal of Mr. Evans’s rendering, nor will the more catholic seekers after real life in fiction—real, yet divorced from sentiment.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 39, Ja. 21, ‘05. 430w. + =Outlook.= 79: 248. Ja. 28. ‘05. 50w. =De la Pasture, Mrs. Henry.= Peter’s mother. †$1.50. Dutton. “The realm of the wholesome commonplace” is chosen for this story. There is Peter’s widowed mother, Lady Mary, whose gentleness is contrasted with the tyrannical selfishness of her son; there is the brilliant Sarah who adores the mother, and to spare her the suffering inflicted by the caddish son, sets to work to wind the youth about her finger. How she succeeds forms one side of a story whose other phase deals with a middle-aged romance involving Lady Mary and two men—“one strong, serene, patient, understanding, the other with a passion so lofty as to sacrifice itself upon its own altar.” “It is a delightful story, told with a certain distinction and much charm. The whole thing is in harmony.” + + =Acad.= 68: 149. F. 18, ‘05. 210w. — =Critic.= 47: 477. N. ‘05. 30w. =Ind.= 59: 986. O. 26, ‘05. 120w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 510. Ag. 5, ‘05. 430w. “This book is a good illustration of the fact that normal characters can be made interesting.” + =Outlook.= 80: 984. Ag. 19, ‘05. 100w. “An excellent entertainment in which sentiment and humour are most agreeably blended.” + =Spec.= 94: 258. F. 18, ‘05. 720w. =Deledda, Grazia.= After the divorce. †$1.50. Holt. The author, a young Sardinian, has written a sad story of Italian peasant life. The hero is condemned to twenty-seven years imprisonment for the murder of his uncle. During his confinement, before the confession of the real murderer frees him and establishes his innocence, his baby dies and his pretty young wife, who lacks both money and character, secures a divorce, under the new law which liberates the wife of a convict, and marries a wealthy lover whom she had once rejected. The story is a pitiful one, and when at last the two are reunited they are saddened, disillusioned, and their young happiness is gone forever. “In style she is as simple and unaffected as Verga himself. She effaces herself almost wholly, she makes you see the primitive life of her little island almost as vividly as though you were there in person.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + + =Bookm.= 21: 270. My. ‘05. 400w. “The translation appears competent and sympathetic.” + =Critic.= 47: 93. Jl. ‘05. 340w. “As a picture of peasant characteristics and modes of thought it is perfect.” + + =Ind.= 58: 1007. My. 4, 05. 270w. “As a thing of beauty and a joy forever, the book is a failure; as a manifesto against divorce, it might be adopted by all good Catholics.” — + =Nation.= 80: 378. My. 11, ‘05. 190w. “It is a human story, and the fact that it apparently has lost something in the translation does not alter the fact that it is still well worth reading.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 267. Ap. 22, ‘05. 690w. + =Outlook.= 80: 92. My. 6, ‘05. 20w. “The translator has apparently preserved the color and flavor of the original; her chief fault is a too slavish following.” + + — =Reader.= 6: 592. O. ‘05. 390w. =Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel.= Breaking the wilderness: the story of the conquest of the far West. **$3.50. Putnam. It is the aim of this book to “present a review in chronological order of the important events which contributed to breaking the wilderness that so long lay untamed west of the Mississippi, mentioning with as much detail as possible in a single popular volume the principal persons and happenings in proper sequence, but paying special attention to the trapper and trader element, which, more than any other, dispelled the mysteries of the vast region.” “Barring the deficiencies which mar its critical value, Mr. Dellenbaugh has produced a fairly satisfactory work.” Isaac Joslin Cox. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 169. O. ‘05. 840w. + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 183. Ag. 5. 620w. “The greatest interest of the book will probably be found to lie in the innumerable and fully authenticated tales of trappers and traders with which its pages abound.” + =Dial.= 38: 274. Ap. 16, ‘05. 290w. “In most, if not all, respects Mr. Dellenbaugh’s book is admirable. The text is a rare combination of history, observation and story telling, and it is beautifully illustrated. The ‘breaking of the wilderness,’ the once savage region west of the Mississippi, by explorer, fighter, trapper and settler is pictured to us as by a vitascope.” + + =Ind.= 58: 727. Mr. 30, ‘05. 50w. “Is naturally one of great interest and value.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 140. Mr. 4, ‘05. 1110w. “The chief value of Mr. Dellenbaugh’s work is the presentation of the chronological review of Western exploration in unbroken sequence.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 508. Ap. ‘05. 250w. “His style is too abrupt, and the separate phases of the history have the appearance of being thrown together.” + — — =Spec.= 94: 923. Je. 17, ‘05. 270w. * =Denk, Victor Martin Otto (Otto von Schaching, pseud.).= Violin maker; trans, by Sara Trainer Smith. 45c. Benziger. The story of the gentle, pious Matthias Klotz, son of a poor tailor of Mittenwald, of how he herded his father’s goats and how Jacob Strainer found him, discovered his ambition to become a violin maker, and took him away to his own school at Absam. From him Matthias went to other masters in Italy, and after years of faithful work returned to his father and his old home and founded his own celebrated school in Mittenwald. =Dent, Edward J.= Alessandro Scarlatti: his life and works. *$3.50. Longmans. “An ambitious work dealing with the Neapolitan composer.... Without blind adoration of his hero, he has brought himself into thorough sympathy with Scarlatti’s personality, and has studied all his circumstances and his relations to Italian art.”—Acad. “Appreciation of Mr. Dent’s adventurous excursion into a new path is called for by the attempt as such, and the result of his labours is a handsome volume which should find a place in every music-lover’s library. Accuracy, not elegance of style, has been aimed at, yet there are occasional sentences where Mr. Dent has endeavoured to impart interest to the manner as well as the matter.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 147. F. 18, ‘05. 1470w. + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 538. Ap. 29. 470w. * “A work of high importance, which must be accepted as the standard authority on the life and writings of the Verdi of his time.” W. J. Henderson. + + + =Atlan.= 96: 852. D. ‘05. 240w. “An exhaustive study at first hand from original documents and scores.” Richard Aldrich. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 308. My. 13, ‘05. 780w. =De Pue, Edward Spence.= Dr. Nicholas Stone. †$1.50. Dillingham. An exciting detective story in which Dr. Stone and the Pacific coast manager of a great life insurance company discover that several policy holders have been skilfully murdered. Their investigations bring them thrilling adventures in the Chinese quarter, Dr. Stone narrowly escapes cremation; but they relentlessly follow the strange evidence of strange drugs until they discover the criminal, a wealthy and respected old man, who devises unusual methods of murder for the mere joy of achievement without detection, letting the life insurance money go to an accomplice. There is also a love interest. “To those who crave in the reading the temporary excitement that attends the perusal of a story filled with murders and murder plots, the detection of crimes in spite of highly scientific methods employed to divert suspicion, and the tragic self-death of the murderer when he discovers that his deeds are known, this book may possess interest.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 204. Ap. 1, ‘05. 420w. =De Selincourt, Beryl D.= Home of the first Franciscans in Umbria, the borders of Tuscany and the Northern Marches. *$1.50. Dutton. “The author describes Assisi, the district of Lake Thrasymene, Monte Casale, and Vallingegno, two Umbrian solitudes, the valley of Rieti, the Marches and La Verna. She has also written an introduction in which she touches on the influence of the personality and temperament of St. Francis, of the places to which he retreated. The thirteen half-tone illustrations are reproductions of photographs taken by Mildred Bicknell.”—N. Y. Times. “Discriminating and sympathetic introduction. Mrs. de Selincourt’s style, in any liberal spirit of criticism, is of a high average.” + + =Acad.= 68: 387. Ap. 8, ‘05. 1190w. + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 143. Jl. 29. 340w. “A successful attempt to show to what a degree the character and teachings of St. Francis of Assisi were shaped and illustrated by his surroundings.” + + =Dial.= 39: 120. S. 1, ‘05. 170w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 225. Ap. 8, ‘05. 260w. “A manifest labor of love.” + =Outlook.= 80: 344. Je. 3, ‘05. 100w. “Shows much diligence and contains some interesting and out-of-the-way information.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: 502. O. 14, ‘05. 970w. “The book is full of beauty and pathos, but it leaves us with but a vague idea of what St. Francis really thought.” + — =Spec.= 94: 598. Ap. 22, ‘05. 320w. =Deutsch, Leo.= Sixteen years in Siberia, tr. by Helen Chisholm. $3. Dutton. A new and cheaper edition of “this well-written and convincing account of penal methods and conditions in Siberia by one who has known them to his cost ... the new edition contains ... a preface, in which the translator seeks to estimate the influence of recent events in giving impetus to the reform movement in Russia” and “an appendix, ... a reply by Count von Bülow to a Reichstag interpellation concerning the Königsberg trial of last July, when certain German subjects were prosecuted for smuggling revolutionary literature into Russia.” (Outlook.) “The volume deserves a wide reading.” + + =Ann.= Am. Acad. 26: 588. S. ‘05. 120w. “Very interesting and informing book.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 505. Jl. 29, ‘05. 410w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 643. Jl. 8, ‘05. 170w. =Devine, Edward T.= Principles of relief. **$2. Macmillan. Dr. Devine’s experience as general secretary of the New York charity organization society has put him in vital touch with the practical aspects of a great cause. His convincing treatment is arranged under four heads: Part I “is a strong, clear, logical presentation of the essential ‘principles of relief.’ The fundamental and most fruitful idea of this discussion is that there is a normal standard of living which can be known and approximately measured, and that all relief work is to be judged by its success in aiding social debtors to find their place in a normal and well-balanced life.... In Part II is printed a most interesting and instructive collection of typical relief problems.... Part III is a sketch of certain aspects of relief. Part IV gives the story of relief methods at times of disaster.” (Am. J. Soc.) “While a certain amount of repetition of thoughts already published was inevitable in a systematic treatise, every chapter and paragraph has its justification. Looking back over the literature of charity produced during the last twenty years in America, we are bound to place this volume in the very front rank, with few companions in the specific field; and we must regard it as indispensable to the serious student of the general subject.” Charles Richmond Henderson. + + + =Am. J. Soc.= 10: 554. Ja. ‘05. 670w. “In it are brought to consciousness, perhaps for the first time fully, the underlying principles on which the charity organization society movement is based. Moreover it undertakes to give a comprehensive statement of the elementary principles upon which all relief giving, whether public or private, should rest; and it correlates these principles with the general facts of economics and sociology in such a way as to leave no doubt in the mind of the reader that the author has mastered his subject. The point of view of the book is constructive throughout; and it is safe to say that for many years to come it will be, both for the practical worker and for the scientific student, the authoritative work upon the ‘principles of relief.’ I cannot help feeling, after careful reading, that the book shows too much the bias of the author’s personal field of labor. Its point of view is too exclusively that of the charity organization society worker.” Charles A. Ellwood. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 143. Ja. ‘05. 870w. “No one who is interested either historically or practically in the subject of charity can afford to neglect this volume.” Winthrop More Daniels. + + =Atlan.= 95: 556. Ap. ‘05. 340w. “The book will help us to give a quantitative value to our vague notions about the standard of living and the minimum wage; and no writer has applied this definite standard to the methods of poor relief more thoroughly. Especially valuable to a student is the analysis of typical relief problems, which enables one to arrive at principles of relief much as a study of court decisions takes one to the heart of legal principles. The work will be recognized as one of the chief contributions on this vital subject.” Charles Richmond Henderson. + + + =Dial.= 38: 155. Mr. 1, ‘05. 330w. “The book as a whole will be a standard to all charity workers and professional philanthropists, but while not exactly over technical it is too heavy for the average reader, and will probably not interest him to any great extent.” + + =Ind.= 58: 900. Ap. 20, ‘05. 300w. “While Mr. Devine’s statement of principles is not very lucid, his practical suggestions are instructive.” + =Nation.= 80: 235. Mr. 23, ‘05. 610w. “The first [volume] stirs the sympathies and supplies the motives for Christian charity; the second broadens the horizon and shows the problem in its world aspects; the third gives the practical and, so far as we can judge, wise counsel in dealing with the problem as it presents itself in American cities.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 902. Ap. 8, ‘05. 1440w. “Dr. Devine’s book is a manual at once of theory and of practice.” + + =R. of Rs.= 30: 760. D. ‘04. 190w. “Aside from these few passages [pp. 12, 13, 462], which appear somewhat visionary, the book is eminently sane and practical.” David I. Green. + + — =Yale R.= 14: 81. My. ‘05. 1190w. =Devins, John Bancroft.= Observer in the Philippines. $2. Am. tract. This report is the result of two months’ careful investigation in Luzon. It gives interesting notes of travel and fully covers the social, political and religious field. It tells what American missionaries are doing and shows that many of the Americans in the Philippines are of a type as greatly in need of missionaries as the Filipinos themselves. “Dr. Devins’s book is non-discriminating and simple-minded in a high degree.” H. Parker Willis. + — =Dial.= 39: 37. Jl. 16, ‘05. 390w. “Has included in his volume much useful information and much matter interesting and entertaining for one reason and another.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 580. S. 2, ‘05. 1080w. + + + =Outlook.= 80: 142. My. 13, ‘05. 270w. + =R. of Rs.= 31: 767. Je. ‘06. 140w. =Dexter, Edwin Grant.= History of education in the United States. **$2. Macmillan. The work comprises in less than seven hundred pages of text “a survey of education in this country from the landing of the Cavaliers and of the Puritans to the opening of the twentieth century, including in it an historical survey and an analysis of contemporary conditions of education in every state in the Union, of every stage of education from kindergarten to popular lecture courses for adults, and of every phase of educational activity from an account of early schoolbooks to newspapers and periodicals of the various periods, the publication of learned societies and the work of libraries.... The general organization of the work is into three parts: the growth of the people’s schools, higher and special education, and educational extension.” (Educ. R.) “This book is very attractive in its make-up, but it will prove disappointing to those who hold that the history of education should be history. The declared purpose of the author is to present a mass of fact rather than discussions of historical trend. But instances are far too numerous in which the fact is not even fact.” Elmer Ellsworth Brown. + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 657. Ap. ‘05. 420w. “To compress so much in one volume is a task of no small magnitude, and to say that Professor Dexter has done this with excellent judgment and discrimination is only to give due praise. It is no detraction from the character of the text to say that the most valuable feature of the work is the elaborate bibliography at the end of each chapter and the marginal references which are to be found on every page.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 128. Ja. ‘05. 310w. “The best work of its class yet published. So far as it goes, it is most thoroughly and skilfully done.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 286. Mr. ‘05. 100w. “The handling of statistics is skilfully done. There is no unity, whole episodes in the history of education are absent, as are also the majority of the important personalities. A more accurate title would have been ‘A historical encyclopedia of American education.’” Henry Davidson Sheldon. + — =Dial.= 38: 270. Ap. 16, ‘05. 330w. “The merits of this book are those of comprehensiveness, organization, accurate analysis and classification, and excellent selection of the material to be included in a single volume dealing with so extended a subject; its demerits are an unfortunate lack of accuracy in many details, not all of them unimportant, and a tendency ... to accept stereotyped generalizations without adducing facts to support them, and the omission of any attempt to interpretation. No other single work, of even more than one volume, has ever attempted so much, so that there is little basis for comparison, and little room for criticism, so helpful is the general result. It is easily first of treatises upon the subject.” Paul Monroe. + + — =Educ. R.= 29: 202. F. ‘05. 2320w. “A work of truly encyclopedic comprehensiveness, but nevertheless readable.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 273. Ag. 3, ‘05. 80w. + + =Nature.= 72: 147. Je. 15, ‘05. 1550w. =Dexter, Edwin Grant.= Weather influences; an empirical study of the mental and physiological effects of definite meteorological conditions. **$2. Macmillan. A monograph based upon a series of investigations of the committees of New York and Denver, and the effects of the weather changes of their divergent climates, upon their inhabitants. A comparison of the school, criminal, hospital, mortuary, and other records with the meteorological charts of the weather bureau gives the principal data for statistics as to the effect of wind and weather upon disease, drunkenness, insanity, crime, suicide, natural depravity of school children, errors of bank officials, etc. Reviewed by E. T. B. =Atlan.= 95: 135. Ja. ‘05. 320w. =Ind.= 58: 728. Mr. 30, ‘05. 510w. =Dexter, Henry Martyn, and Dexter, Morton.= England and Holland of the Pilgrims. **$3.50. Houghton. “The history of the Mayflower ‘Pilgrims’ is an important part of the history of the Protestant reformation in England.... Their most eminent historian was the late Dr. Dexter. The present volume, left unfinished at his death, completes their history by a full account of the environment and experience in which the reforming movement slowly struggled and groped towards the decisive venture, by which the door was opened at Plymouth rock to its great success.... Dr. Dexter’s draft of history, rewritten and edited by his son after further researches in England and Holland, now stands in a completeness to which it is likely that little can be added.”—Outlook. * “It is a book made by bookmen. Sometimes, as we read, our vision is obstructed; we cannot see the forest on account of the trees. The grand human story seems lost in a mass of antiquarian detail.” Wm. Elliot Griffis. + + — =Dial.= 39: 306. N. 16, ‘05. 860w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 762. N. 11, ‘05. 600w. “A loving hand and diligent investigation of the original sources of information to the minutest details are apparent throughout the work.” + + + =Outlook.= 81: 575. N. 4, ‘05. 420w. =Dicey, A. V.= Law and opinion in England. *$3. Macmillan. Professor Dicey “lays bare to the general reader the dominating influences, intellectual and moral, which characterize the general body of law-making or operating to change it.” (Ath.) “His careful soundings and observations lead him to mark on his chart of the nineteenth century three main currents—the first, the period of old Toryism or legislative quiescence extending from 1800-1830; ... the second is designated as the period of Benthamism or individualism; ... the third is described as the period of ‘collectivism,’—the growth of opinion ‘which favors the intervention of the State even at some sacrifice of individual freedom.’” (Lond. Times.) + + + =Acad.= 68: 727. Jl. 15, ‘05. 1130w. + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 5. Jl. 1, 1820w. “Mr. Dicey adds a familiarity with English literature and a simplicity of style in dealing with the most intricate topics and summarising the most extensive developments that will save his work from being relegated to the shelves of law libraries alone.” Robert C. Brooks. + + =Bookm.= 22: 282. N. ‘05. 1260w. “A masterly exposition of the forces which have promoted the course of our modern legislation and a penetrating analysis of the counter-currents and cross-currents of opinion which have delayed or diverted it.” R. + + + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 829. O. ‘05. 250w. “This is a careful examination of a complex subject.” + + — =Lit. D.= 31: 626. O. 28, ‘05. 500w. “We know no better piece of work of its kind.” + + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 214. Jl. 7, ‘05. 1930w. “His chapter on judicial legislation—a most difficult subject—is a model.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 102. Ag. 3, ‘05. 2180w. * + + =Outlook.= 81: 884. D. 9, ‘05. 1000w. “A work of unusual incisiveness and value.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 571. O. 28, ‘05. 460w. + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 510. O. ‘05. 90w. “We get a history of public opinion from a special point of view, and if it is far from being a history of opinion in its wider aspects during the nineteenth century, it deals with sufficient breadth and in sufficient detail with opinion as it affects the practical interests dealt with by legislation. Much of the best reading in Professor Dicey’s book consists of personal sketches.” + + =Sat. R.= 100: 86. Jl. 15, ‘05. 1810w. “Granted the difficulty of the subject, it may be fairly said that there is no other living scholar who could have handled it in a style so masterly and yet so attractive. Like all Professor Dicey’s books, it is easy to read, and the simplicity and orderliness of the narrative disguise the labour and thought involved in its preparation. There is no novel dogma propounded, but an accepted doctrine is brilliantly worked out in detail. For anyone who wishes a guide to that difficult thing, the intellectual life of a nation, we can imagine no more lucid and stimulating handbook.” + + + =Spec.= 95: 16. Jl. 1, ‘05. 880w. =Dick, Stewart.= Arts and crafts of old Japan. **$1.20. McClurg. “If we would understand Japanese art we must accept the conventions,” says the author. The sympathetic attitude which grows out of a careful survey of the forces of Japanese development is necessary for connoisseur and beginner alike. Painting, color printing, sculpture and carving, metal work, keramics, lacquer, and landscape gardening and the arrangement of flowers are covered in the treatment. “It is by far the best short introduction to the subject of which it treats that has yet appeared.” + + — =Dial.= 39: 278. N. 1, ‘05. 290w. * “He talks entertainingly and correctly, and yet rather as a student and reader in Europe, than as an observer in Japan itself.” + =Ind.= 59: 1478. D. 21, ‘05. 50w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 523. O. 28, ‘05. 90w. =Dickberry, F.= Storm of London. $1.50. Turner, H. B. The earl of Somerville, weary of purposeless social life, decides upon suicide one night during a violent storm. When he awakens he looks upon a London from which every vestige of clothes and furniture had been swept away thus removing all outward signs of social distinction. “Yet even when we recognize that the book is in a way an allegory, and a satire upon the shams of modern life, nothing can alter the fact that here is a story which, chapter after chapter, pictures the fashionable life of London, the crowds in the street, the dinners and receptions and public functions, all thronged with men and women in the garb of Adam and Eve before the fall.” (Bookm.) “The volume may have a certain incisive irony, but it is sadly deficient in good taste.” — =Bookm.= 22: 37. S. ‘05. 300w. “An elaborate and tiresome extravaganza, in which the author handles the idea of an unclothed society with cumbrous and offensive satire. There is enough ability in the book to suggest that the writer might do something better.” — =Critic.= 47: 476. N. ‘05. 40w. “It is worth reading. It is undeniably smart.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 468. Jl. 15, ‘05. 500w. =Dickens, Charles.= Christmas carol, and Cricket on the hearth. $2. Baker. The illustrations of George Alfred Williams add much to this very attractive edition of the two Dickens’ stories which have come to be perennially a part of the holiday season. * + =Critic.= 47: 582. D. ‘05. 40w. * + =Dial.= 39: 388. D. 1, ‘05. 150w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1389. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * + =Nation.= 81: 381. N. 9, ‘05. 80w. * “On the whole it is an excellent book to put into the hands of young people who are nevertheless old enough to appreciate the qualities both of literary and artistic workmanship.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 110w. =Dickens, Charles.= Tale of two cities. $1.25. Crowell. Dickens’ “popular and picturesque” and thoroly authentic aid to the understanding of the terrible days of the French Revolution has ever taken its place beside the histories. This reprint is uniform with the “Thin paper classics.” * =Dickens, Charles.= Tales from Dickens, ed. by Hallie Erminie Rives. †$1.50. Bobbs. A short cut to the best selections from the best of Dickens’ works has been provided here for the uninitiated Dickens reader as well as the Dickens lover who desires to refresh his memory. On an average of four or five tales have been taken from each story, and many characteristic drawings reproduced. * + =Dial.= 39: 450. D. 16, ‘05. 50w. * =Dickerson, Mary Angela.= Wonderful wishes of Jacky and Jean. †$1. Wessels. The story of two children who had a fairy sparrow that made wishes realities for them. But the sport had trials too which mingle with the wonders of the tale. =Dickerson, Mary C.= Moths and butterflies. *$1.25. Ginn. An elementary text-book for use in the upper grammar grades and lower high school classes. The life histories of eighteen moths and nine butterflies are given in parts 1 and 2. Part 3 is devoted to Relationship—practical suggestions. There is also a chapter on how to collect, keep, and study moths, butterflies and caterpillars. The book contains a glossary, an index and over 200 photographs made from life, by the author. “It will be found a very useful book for the nature study library in schools and for private ownership by pupils of the upper grammar and high school grades.” + + =Ind.= 59: 272. Ag. 3, ‘05. 70w. “A great deal of useful general information is given in the book, and it seems on the whole to be careful and accurate.” + + — =Nature.= 72: 76. My. 25, ‘05. 280w. “None more suitable from thoroughness of treatment, photographic illustration, and moderate price to do its work in the schools for which it was intended.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 538. Ag. 19, ‘05. 100w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 867. Je. 3, ‘05 100w. “The work is untechnical, and well adapted to cultivate the intelligent minds of young persons in America.” + + =Spec.= 94: 919. Je. 24, ‘05. 130w. =Dickinson, Edward.= Study of the history of music; with an annotated guide to music literature. **$2.50. Scribner. An aid to the understanding of musical history and criticism prepared by the professor of the history of music at Oberlin. “This volume is intended to clear the way by indicating the problems, the method and the materials” necessary for the study; further, “the narrative and critical portions give a terse and comprehensive summary of music history, show what are the important subjects involved and their connections and relations. The bibliographical sections lead the student to the best critical commentaries in the English language on every phase and detail of the subject.” “His book is certainly almost unique in its clearness of statement and general usefulness; it is a marvel of condensed information.” + + + =Nation.= 81: 304. O. 12, ‘05. 780w. “There is nothing else in English that is comparable in completeness and suggestiveness for students of musical history.” Richard Aldrich. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 604. S. 16, ‘05. 540w. “We know of no short history of music which is its equal. This volume is about equally valuable for reading, for study, and for reference.” + + + =Outlook.= 81: 384. O. 14, ‘05. 190w. “A very thorough and illuminating work on the development of music. The biographical and explanatory notes to this volume are very valuable, supplying, with the text, a consecutive narrative of the history of music.” + + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 511. O. ‘05. 110w. * =Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes.= Modern symposium. **$1. McClure. “This purports to be an account of a meeting of philosophers representing all the various political and social systems of the world. The Conservative, the Radical, the Socialist, the Anarchist, the Scientist, the Poet, and many more, each pleads his own cause. The closing speaker, noted simply as a man of letters, distinctly represents Mr. Dickinson’s theories of life, and attempts to sum up all the virtues of all the other systems.”—Dial. * “The charm of his style adds a pleasing force to his arguments.” + =Dial.= 39:314. N. 16, ‘05. 160w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 636. N. 11, ‘05. 130w. =Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes.= Religion: a criticism and a forecast. **50c. McClure. An attempt to discover a religious ideal that can be accepted by the logically constituted mind of modern man, which involves a keen, reverential analysis of the virtues and failings of established religions. “Not merely is the writer a man of genius; not merely is he master of a style which seems to sweep the whole gamut of human emotion, and to make language rise and fall like the notes of a violin; but he has written a book which should make many think. Its importance lies in its object.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 110. Jl. 22. 230w. “Mr. Dickinson is especially happy in stating certain general attitudes of mind in order to give us a clear glimpse of where we or others stand in so important a subject as religion.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 220. Ag. 12, ‘05. 480w. * “These articles were frank and definite discussions of the relation of religion to knowledge. Mr. Dickinson has a clear and suggestive style.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 766. Je. ‘05. 180w. =Dickson, Harris.= Ravanels. (†)$1.50. Lippincott. The setting of this story is the South just after the reconstruction period, and its hero haunted by the memory of his father’s murder in those troublous times, feels called upon to avenge it. But his revenge is not sweet, for he is overwhelmed with the horror of his deed, and is only saved from insanity by the soothing influence of the girl he loves. “Is even better than his first novel.” + + =Critic.= 47: 93. Jl. ‘05. 150w. “The novel has both strength and character, besides a romantic plot of much dramatic interest.” Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 39: 208. O. 1, ‘05. 100w. “While Mr. Dickson possesses a peculiarly charming literary style and a gift for portraying genial human qualities, he has blundered in the symmetry of his story.” + — =Ind.= 58 :1423. Je. 22, ‘05. 150w. “The tragedy of the story is admirably mellowed with its pathos. The characters are skillfully drawn and a genuine depth of interest is aroused which never flags until the books ends, amid all its sorrows, with happiness and cheer.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 246. Ap. 15, ‘05. 480w. “A dramatic and skilfully written romance of the South, exceptional for the conspicuous absence of all reference to the issues usually raised in novels of this section.” + =Outlook.= 79: 1015. Ap. 22, ‘05. 30w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 713. My. 6, ‘05. 150w. “Is an interesting story, well told, which holds the reader’s attention to the end.” + =Reader.= 6: 242. Ag. ‘05. 350w. “The book contains one of the best trial scenes in recent fiction.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 760. Je. ‘05. 60w. =Dilke, Lady Amelia Frances Strong.= Book of the spiritual life, with a memoir of the author by the Rt. Rev. Sir Charles W. Dilke. *$3. Dutton. The larger part of this volume is taken up with the memoirs of Lady Dilke by her second husband. “It shows her as a girl, as an art student, as the wife of Mark Pattison, and the correspondent of many eminent persons, as an art critic, and as the cultured and kind friend of young people and of all movements for the amelioration of human life. ‘The book of the spiritual life’ ... is a series of Lady Dilke’s mature reflections on the problems of existence and our duty as sojourners here.”—Lond. Times. “Not even her work, however, remarkable as it was, and in so many spheres of art and thought, will erect in the future such a monument to Lady Dilke as that raised to her by her husband in the brief memoir which precedes ‘The book of the spiritual life.’” + + + =Acad.= 68: 774. Jl. 29, ‘05. 2300w. “Sir Charles Dilke, in writing the memoir, has accomplished his difficult task with tact and dignity.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 679. Je. 3. 3150w. * + =Critic.= 47: 435. N. ‘05. 680w. “The little memoir ... is a model of what such work should be—informing, sympathetic, and restrained. ‘The book of the spiritual life’ ... gives evidence of wide reading and a sympathetic outlook.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 179. Je. 9, ‘05. 730w. + + — =Nation.= 81 :305. O. 12, ‘05. 970w. “The memoir dwells (naturally) much upon spiritual and literary aspects, and will be found dull by readers who are not already immensely interested in the woman which it commemorates.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 467. Jl. 17, ‘05. 530w. “To come into appreciative touch with such a life as hers is to receive an inspiration.” + =Outlook.= 80: 835. Jl. 29, ‘05. 240w. + + =Sat. R.= 99: 843. Je. 24, ‘05. 1450w. =Dill, Samuel.= Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. *$4. Macmillan. “Prof. Samuel Dill, in his new volume ... deals principally with the inner moral life of the time, and gives very little space to its external history and the machinery of government. He treats at some length of the relation of the senate to the emperor in the first century, and the organization of the municipal towns. He also gives a complete survey of the literature and inscriptions of the period.” (N. Y. Times). Each page is supplied with explanatory and reference notes. “He has mastered with praiseworthy assiduity every authority on his subject, old and new. Yet, though this material is ample, the author makes no attempt to co-ordinate it in such a way as to give the reader a picture of the age as a whole, and of the great psychological laws which governed its development.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 47. Ja. 14, ‘05. 540w. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 125. O. ‘05. 1520w. “In view of the great importance of this book, and the certainty that it will be regarded as the best work on this period in English, we have taken some trouble to collect matter which will help towards its improvement.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 362. Mr. 25. 1600w. “Taking the volume as a whole, Professor Dill’s Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius must, it seems to me, occupy a place in the first rank of the histories of social life. That place is secured for it by the sanity of its judgments on social phenomena, by the vigour of its not-faultless literary style, and by its very great learning.” Henry Jones. + + + =Hibbert J.= 4: 200. O. ‘05. 2800w. “Nowhere else can so full and true an account be found of the conditions of Roman society at this time as in this admirable book.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 870. O. 12, ‘05. 1070w. “And, aside from its inherent importance, its thoughts are so lucidly and attractively expressed that no intelligent reader, whether a Latinist or not, can fail to find it pleasant reading.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 356. My. 4, ‘05. 2890w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 64. Ja. 28, ‘05. 370w. “There is an almost incredible richness and fulness of detail, and yet it is so presented that an intelligible and well-proportioned picture is the result.” + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 601. S. 16, ‘05. 1320w. “Professor Dill has laid under lasting obligation those readers who seek to understand the inner life and moral condition as well as the political and external affairs of a given period. While Professor Dill’s prescribed limitation seems to forestall criticism, the question can hardly be repressed whether his picture of society in pagan Rome is quite complete without mention of the great regenerative force which was gathering strength within its bosom and advancing through bitter conflict to victory.” + + — =Outlook.= 79: 499. F. 25, ‘05. 880w. “This is preëminently a book for scholars.” + + =R of Rs.= 31: 509. Ap. ‘05. 40w. “His style is rather that of an essayist than of an historian, and he lacks that precision, that careful explicitness, and, above all, that direct citation of authorities which in a learned work are indispensable, while in the selection and use of his materials he often disappoints our hopes. Mr. Dill has learning, industry, and, as numerous passages show, a brilliant pen. If his separate chapters had been published as single essays, they would most of them, we think, have been justly considered excellent. They are rich in what is interesting and delightful.” + — =Spec.= 94: 291. F. 25, ‘05. 2040w. “The author’s literary skill has enabled him even to make the dry bones of the inscriptions part and parcel of the literature of the period, with which he is indisputably more familiar than any other Englishman living. A work that deserves to rank with Lecky’s ‘History of European morals.’” + + + =Westminster Review.= 168: 231. F. ‘05. 210w. =Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope.= Samuel de Champlain. $5. Morang & co. “For material, M. Dionne has gone chiefly to Champlain’s own writings and to the reports of missionaries. Designed as a contribution to a popular series [“Makers of Canada”] we do not meet in this book with any long discussion of disputed or technical points; but M. Dionne takes time to consider large issues such as the expediency of Champlain’s attack upon the Iroquois, and is not prevented from breaking a lance at intervals with Faillon. For us the most interesting portion of the narrative is concerned with the taking of Quebec by the English in 1629.”—Nation. “We do not think that Mr. Dionne praises him too highly in a volume in which the only serious fault we detect is a certain lack of sequence.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 314. S. 29, ‘05. 560w. “These and all cognate topics are dealt with by M. Dionne with both sympathy and information.” + + =Nation.= 81: 145. Ag. 17, ‘05. 490w. * =Spec.= 95: 822. N. 18, ‘05. 200w. =Ditchfield, Peter Hampson.= Picturesque English cottages. **$2. Winston. To “Old cottages and domestic architecture in southwest Surrey,” and “The old cottages, farm houses and other stone buildings of the Cotswold district” “must now be added Mr. Ditchfield’s ‘Picturesque English cottages,’ less technical than the others, equally well illustrated, and covering the field more broadly.... The text, covering as it does such subjects as methods of construction, influence of material, the evolution of the cottage, foreign influence upon it, the cottage garden and its flowers, is entertaining, and by no means too technical for the uninstructed reader.” (Nation.) “Were it not for its binding, the book would be wholly without blemish. So tasteless, so utterly inappropriate a cover.” + + =Nation.= 81: 267. S. 28, ‘05. 910w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 636. S. 30, ‘05. 240w. =Dix, Beulah Marie.= Fair maid of Graystones. †$1.50. Macmillan. Graystones is a great country house in Suffolkshire, and the action takes place in the time of Cromwell after the surrender of the Cavalier stronghold of Colchester to the Parliamentary forces. The story opens upon a group of Cavalier prisoners. “The hero, Jack Hetherington, prisoner, is fighting a big Roundhead for kicking a dying Cavalier.... All through the brilliantly told tale, Jack fights his way against great odds. He weds the Fair Maid, a neglected orphan, dependent of a great family, and the two young things go out penniless to seek a home.” (Outlook.) * “The plot, which hinges on a case of mistaken identity, is ingenious, if scarcely probable, and the interest fresh and well sustained.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 794. D. 9. 160w. * “The story reads agreeably, and adds another leaf to its author’s wreath of laurel.” + =Nation.= 81: 488. D. 14, ‘05. 260w. * “There is not much history to trouble about ... but there is good style here, and lively characterization in Miss Dix’s now known manner.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 839. D. 2, ‘05. 210w. “While there is nothing extraordinary about the plot, it has no tinge of the commonplace, and it is handled with so high an appreciation of artistic values and human interest that one wishes there were more writers like Miss Dix.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 381. O. 14, ‘05. 160w. =Dixon, Amzi Clarence.= Lights and shadows of American life. William H. Smith, 25 Stanhope St., Boston. Christian talks which will find favor in many Christian homes because they combine orthodox thought, humorous expression, and broad common sense. Such subjects as: Our homes; Our money makers; Our boys and girls; Our amusements; Our Sabbath; Our politics; Our churches; and Our destiny, are discussed. =Dixon, Thomas, jr.= Clansman. †$1.50. Doubleday. “The clansman” is the second book of Mr. Dixon’s trio of historical novels. The first, “The leopard’s spots,” as the author states in his preface, “was the statement in historical outline of the condition of the negro from the enfranchisement to the disfranchisement.” “The clansman” is the sequel, and “develops the true story of the Ku Klux Klan which overturned the revolution régime.” The great issues of the reconstruction period create a giant force which the dignity and strength of Lincoln grapple with for a brief period, and which the evil genius of “The great commoner,” Austin Stoneman, Thaddeus Stevens in thin disguise, dominates thruout the story. Congress’ policy of revenge towards the new South, the impeachment of Johnson, the radical faction’s determination to bestow civic rights upon negroes, the resulting reign of terror in the South under the sway of negroes and carpetbaggers, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan provide stirring scenes thru which runs a double love story. + + =Acad.= 68: 336. Mr. 25, ‘05. 180w. “The clansman may be summed up as a very poor novel, a very ridiculous novel, not a novel at all, yet a novel with a great deal to it; a novel that very properly is going to interest many thousands of readers, of all degrees of taste and education, a book which will be discussed from all points of view, voted superlatively good and superlatively bad, but which will be read.” F. Dredd. — — + =Bookm.= 20: 559. F. ‘05. 920w. “One reads not far in the present volume until he is convinced that Mr. Dixon is not to be waved aside as a mere argumentative pamphleteer, but that he has in him literary possibilities of a high order. The advance from the crudities of ‘The leopard’s spots’ is marked, and is seen in every feature.” W. H. Johnson. + + =Critic.= 46: 277. Mr. ‘05. 780w. “Book shows from beginning to end the effort of an unscrupulous partisan to become an artist. The story appears to have been got out of the Congressional Record and pieced together with two or three charming love affairs.” — — + =Ind.= 58: 325. F. 9, ‘05. 1050w. “A thrilling romance. It is by no means equally certain that the book paints in any too vivid colors the chaos of blind passion that in the North followed Lincoln’s assassination or the reign of terror that resulted in the South.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 34. Ja. 21, ‘05. 1020w. “Deliberately uses such talent as he has to arouse the worst passions in his readers. There is less vulgarity in the story than might be expected, but restraint has not yet done its full work. The best men, both North and South, will turn from this repellant portrayal of our country and our countrymen.” — — + =Outlook.= 79: 348. F. 4, ‘05. 230w. “The dramatic intensity, the color, the incisiveness of Mr. Dixon’s style. It is in the expression of personal opinion, and the characterization of individuals that the strong partisan bias of the book is most plain. Three-fourths of the book are given up to the epoch-making events and radical legislation, that prepared the way for the Ku Klux Klan. ‘The clansman’ consists of a bitter arraignment of Thaddeus Stevens, some vivid portrayals of great scenes, some impassioned pleading, and a modicum of fiction. As a novel it may reinforce, but it will not displace the more artistic presentment of the reconstruction period that another Southerner has given us in ‘Red rock.’” + + — =Reader.= 5: 379. F. ‘05. 500w. + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 508. Ap. ‘05. 160w. “Mr. Dixon ... is so impressed with the tremendous interest of his country’s history that he has lost his sense of perspective.” — =Sat. R.= 99: 636. My. 13, ‘05. 250w. =Dixon, Thomas, jr.= Life worth living. **$1.20. Doubleday. This group of essays and papers sets forth the beauties of nature and the joys of country life. The opening chapter, Dreams and disillusions shows the “horrors of city life”; there are other chapters upon such subjects as—The music of the seasons, The fellowship of dogs, Some sins of nature, The shouts of children, In the haunts of wild fowl, and What is life? Reviewed by G. W. Adams. + — =Bookm.= 22: 70. S. ‘05. 620w. — =Ind.= 58: 1422. Je. 22, ‘05. 150w. “It is not often we are given such an insight into a public man’s private life.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 974. Je. 24, ‘05. 220w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 127. Jl. ‘05. 160w. =Dods, Rev. Marcus.= Bible, its origin and nature. **$1. Scribner. “This is the first volume published on the foundation which Lieutenant-Governor Bross, of Illinois, provided in 1879, with a view to the defense of ‘the religion of the Bible ... as commonly received in the Presbyterian and other evangelical churches.’” (Outlook.) It contains the lectures given at Lake Forest college in May, 1904. * “The book is a polemic, but a gracious polemic.” + + =Am. J. Theol.= 9: 741. O. ‘05. 670w. “His work will be of service in disarming prejudice and allaying fears as to the critical study of the Bible.” + + =Ind.= 59: 214. Jl. 27, ‘05. 200w. “What is peculiar to himself is the clarity of exposition, the brightness of sympathy, the sound sanity and sincerity of his treatment of a subject which more than anything lends itself to exaggeration and lip service.” + + =N. Y. Times= 10: 364. Je. 3, ‘05. 750w. “He states his argument with great ability, and meets objectors with ingenuity and skill.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 758. Mr. 25, ‘05. 90w. =Dole, Nathan Haskell.= comp. Latin poets: an anthology. $2. Crowell. A companion volume to the author’s “Greek poets.” There have been included Latin poets from Plautus and Terence to Juvenal and Lucian. A sketch of each poet’s life followed by representative selections from his works, bringing together material for a complete survey of Roman literature. * “As far as the originals are concerned, the selections are excellently made, but the versions are very uneven, and had to be.” + — =Nation.= 81: 408. N. 16, ‘05. 400w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 863. D. 2, ‘05. 380w. “It is, however, a charming collection in which few will miss any favorites.” + =Outlook.= 81: 577. N. 4, ‘05. 140w. Dolly Winter: the letters of a friend which Joseph Harold is permitted to publish. †$1.25. Pott. Letters from the hero to his friends give the romance of a man of the world who, while temporarily following the simple life in a secluded village, becomes interested in Dolly, whose mother as a result of ill doing, is insane. “The letters are written in a graceful style and unfold a romantic story with much keenness of wit and other elements of the now almost lost art of letter writing.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 395. Je. 17, ‘05. 160w. “An innocuous tale upon well-worn lines.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 908. Ap. 8, ‘05. 16w. =Donne, William Bodham.= William Bodham Donne and his friends; ed. by Catharine B. Johnson. *$3. Dutton. “A volume of letters to and from ‘William Bodham Donne and his friends,’ ed. by Donne’s granddaughter, Catherine B. Johnson.... The letters selected attempt to give a connected idea of W. B. Donne’s life and to illustrate his character.... [He] numbered among his ‘friends’ the best-known literary personages of his day.... There are 16 illustrations, including portraits of William Bodham Donne, Fanny Kemble, FitzGerald, John Mitchell Kemble, Trench, Bernard Barton, Blakesley, and others.”—N. Y. Times. “Considering the difficulty of the task before her, Mrs. Johnson has succeeded remarkably well.” + + =Acad.= 68: 233. Mr. 11, ‘05. 1120w. + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 431. Ap. 8. 770w. “Most of the letters in this book were written by Donne, but a great many were written to him, and it is hard to say which are the more interesting.” Jeanette L. Gilder. + + =Critic.= 47: 159. Ag. ‘05. 1580w. “The workmanship of both editor and printer is good.” Percy F. Bicknell. + + =Dial.= 39: 10. Jl. 1, ‘05. 2380w. * “Miss Johnson has done her part admirably in editing the letters.” + + =Ind.= 59: 989. O. 26, ‘05. 260w. “It is altogether a model of what such a record should be.” + + =Nation.= 81: 206. S. 7, ‘05. 720w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 281. Ap. 29, ‘05. 170w. “They are the letters of a true literary man, letters that are worth the permanent form in which they are now embodied.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 602. S. 16, ‘05. 570w. “These letters of Donne and his friends ... form a worthy memorial of him.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 593. Jl. 1, ‘05. 170w. =Donnell, Annie Hamilton.= Rebecca Mary; with eight illustrations in color by Mary Shippen Green. †$1.50. Harper. Rebecca Mary, a little New England girl, figures thru these sketches. She lives with a prim severe aunt with whom she possesses in common certain family traits. “Being a Plummer meant a great deal. It meant that by no chance must one ever display any of the emotions that one experiences. Neither must one ever show one’s affection; one must have courage to do what is right, no matter how unpleasant; one must be conscientious to a fault, and above all one must do one’s duty if it kills one.” (N. Y. Times.) “On the whole, Rebecca Mary is worth knowing.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 650. O. 7, ‘05. 270w. * “There is no doubt that Rebecca will find her niche in the affections of readers beside that occupied by the immortal Emmy Lou.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 150w. * “A charming study of child life.” + =Outlook.= 81: 711. N. 25, ‘05. 30w. =Dopp, Katharine Elizabeth.= Place of industries in elementary education. *$1. Univ. of Chicago press. In this third edition a chapter upon “Ways of procuring a material equipment” and “Ways of using it so as to enhance the value of colonial history” is added in order to make the book serviceable as a teacher’s manual. The chapters are entitled—Significance of industrial epochs, Origins of attitudes that underlie industry, and Practical applications. The illustrations are from photographs. “The most suggestive single work that can be placed in the hands of teachers.” W. I. Thomas. + + =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 272. S. ‘05. 120w. + + =Dial.= 39: 170. S. 16, ‘05. 180w. “It is a great satisfaction to meet with a book that moves along an unbeaten path to new points of view on current problems. Such a book is this.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 446. Je. 17, ‘05. 270w. + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 126. Jl. ‘05. 90w. =Dorman, Marcus R. P.= History of the British empire in the 19th century, v. 2. The campaigns of Wellington and the policy of Castlereagh (1806-1825). *$4. Lippincott. “A consecutive account of British foreign and domestic policy.... Mr. Dorman pays little attention to affairs in France and central Europe. His point of view is always British and his desire is to elucidate the part played by British statesmen and soldiers in continental affairs.... He introduces a considerable body of new information drawn from the correspondence of British representatives in other countries. He throws light on the Welcheren expedition, on the part played by General Chitroff in betraying information to the British government, on the negotiations between Alexander and Napoleon in 1811, and on the position of Prussia in February, 1812.... The second portion of the history, dealing with the period from 1815 to 1825, is chiefly concerned with the policy of Castlereagh.”—Am. Hist. R. “The attitude assumed throughout is that of a fair-minded and impartial narrator.” Charles M. Andrews. + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 664. Ap. ‘05. 1560w. =Dorsey, George Amos.= Mythology of the Wichita. $1.50. Carnegie inst. A volume “collected under the auspices of the Carnegie institution by the Curator of anthropology of the Field Columbian museum of Chicago.... In this collection are sixty myths. The author has written an introductory chapter of twenty-four pages, telling of the history and social life of the Wichita, a group of the Caddoan stock who have stood high among the Indians as regards home life and morality.”—Ann. Am. Acad. =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 339. Mr. ‘05. 120w. =Nature.= 71: 417. Mr. 2, ‘05. 230w. =Dorsey, George Amos,= ed. Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee. *$6. Pub. for the American folklore society by Houghton. “As a faithful narrator, Mr. Dorsey translates the indecorous into Latin. The stories he divides into several groups, the ‘Cosmogonous,’ the ‘Boy heroes,’ ‘Medicin,’ ‘Animal tales’; then comes ‘People marry animals or become animals.’ Then there are many stories which are placed under the general heading of ‘Miscellaneous.’ ... The Pawnee delighted in boy heroes.... Indian maidens figure as heroines. A fairly ideal one is ‘the girl who married a star.’ ... The coyote figures in many of the traditions.... The Pawnees have also their medicine bundles. Some of these bundles are believed to have the power of inducing rain to fall.”—N. Y. Times. Reviewed by Frederick Starr. + + — =Dial.= 39: 166. S. 16, ‘05. 1570w. “The book is a very important contribution to American folk lore.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 10. Ja. 5, ‘05. 230w. + + =Nature.= 71: 417. Mr. 2, ‘05. 160w. “The notes at the conclusion of this volume add very much to one’s comprehension of the folk-lore of the Pawnees.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 52. Ja. 28, ‘05. 540w. =Doub, William Coligny.= History of the United States. *$1. Macmillan. To show that civics forms an integral part of the history of a nation, Professor Doub combines the two subjects in one text, doing away with the necessity of separate books. =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 217. O. ‘05. 30w. “In the hands of a well-equipped educator this volume will render a separate study of civics unnecessary.” + + =Ind.= 59: 267. Ag. 3, ‘05. 70w. “The author is successful, it appears to us, in his desire to make government so completely an integral part of the history of a nation that the people will rightly see and understand this relationship.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 692. Jl. 15, ‘05. 70w. * Double-knot and other stories. †$1.25. Benziger. Mary T. Waggaman, Anna T. Sadlier, Magdalen Rock, Mary E. Mannix, Mary G. Bonesteel, Eugene Uhlrich, Maurice Francis Egan, and seven other Roman Catholic writers have written the thirty stories which make up this volume. Nearly all of them are sweet, simple little love stories, but some are merry ones, like the story of the pretty stenographer, who, thru a misdirected letter, succeeded in marrying a millionaire, and some are sad, like the story of the two lovers who, parted for a life time, met at last as inmates of the Home which the Little Sisters of the Poor provide for the needy and aged. =Dougall, Lily.= Summit House mystery. $1.50. Funk. The events recorded here transpire in the shut-away section of the mountains of northern Georgia, where two women seek seclusion. “The story concerns a mysterious crime, and a strong-willed, long-suffering religious woman is the central figure. It recalls, in the solution of the mystery, and in one powerfully dramatic passage, Miss Braddon’s famous ‘Henry Dunbar.’ It also recalls (as vividly) superficial facts of the Borden murder mystery at Fall River about sixteen years ago.” (N. Y. Times). “One class of fiction lovers will read it for the ‘mystery,’ while another will care more for its delicate, and subtle observations of nature and character, and the admirable English the author commands.” + =Critic.= 46: 477. My. ‘05. 220w. “Miss Dougall’s frequently too fluent descriptive facility is freely exercised. There is beauty, however, in her descriptive phrases, and she can place a scene before the reader’s eyes with just the effect she aims at. The plot is ingenious and sufficiently original, and is remarkably well worked out. Miss Dougall is one of the cleverest of contemporary story tellers. Better still are the studies of character. The novel has value, too, as an impartial comparison by an outsider of Northern and Southern traits of character. It is a readable book, and it deserves success.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 102. F. 18, ‘05. 280w. “The plot is ingenious and original and remarkably well worked out.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 391. Je. 17, ‘05. 160w. “The plot of this novel is managed with much skill, holding one’s interest without disclosing the solution of the puzzle until the very end. It is a cleverly told tale, with many original points.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 504. F. 25, ‘05. 80w. “This book was published in England under the title ‘The earthly purgatory,’ and the title was well chosen. For the lover of adventure the book is to be commended.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 38: 429. Mr. 18, ‘05. 190w. * =Douglas, Amanda Minnie.= Little girl in old San Francisco. †$1.50. Dodd. “The little girl first reached San Francisco in its earliest days. When the book closes, San Francisco is the great metropolis of the West. Giving the life story of the ‘little girl’ from her childhood past her wedding-day, the author also pictures the changes and growth of the city.”—Outlook. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 780. N. 18, ‘05. 80w. * “The book has not only human interest but some historical value.” + =Outlook.= 81: 383. O. 14, ‘05. 60w. =Douglas, James.= Old France in the new world. $2.50. Burrows. This detailed description of Quebec in the seventeenth century forms a study of the French occupation of Canada, their explorations into the wilderness, and their struggle with England for supremacy. The volume is fully illustrated with reproductions of old pictures, maps, diagrams and portraits. * “An important addition to the historical literature of Northern America.” + =Critic.= 47: 580. D. ‘05. 80w. “In fact, though Dr. Douglas has trod in paths that had been pretty well blazed out and explored before him, he has achieved a work of value.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 673. O. 14, ‘05. 630w. “Dr. Douglas’s book may find fit place alongside Sir Gilbert Parker’s ‘In old Quebec,’ Sir John Bourinot’s ‘The story of Canada,’ and the dozen volumes of Parkman’s histories.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 528. O. 28, ‘05. 50w. =Douglas, James.= Theodore Watts-Dunton: poet, novelist, critic. *$3.50. Lane. Mr. Douglas has exhibited Mr. Watts-Dunton to the world mainly as a novelist and poet. This view does not accord with Mr. Joseph Jacobs’ notion, for instance, which maintains that Mr. Watts-Dunton’s highest place is one among the critics. “The work comprises: (1) Reminiscences and anecdotes concerning Watt-Dunton’s distinguished friends and associates; (2) Watts-Dunton’s last words about Rossetti, and the campaign of slander in connection with his relations with his wife; (3) Unpublished poems by Watts-Dunton; (4) Letters from George Meredith, Thomas Hardy, and other distinguished men; (5) An account of the life at the Pines, and the relations between Swinburne and Watts-Dunton; (6) Extracts from Watts-Dunton’s articles in the London Athenæum.” (Int. Studio). The illustrations include Welsh and English landscapes, works of art by Rosetti and others, and both outside and inside views of the Pines, the joint home of Watts-Dunton and Swinburne. “The volume is precisely what it claims to be—a biographical and critical study, and the subject has been extremely fortunate in his biographer; for Mr. James Douglas is not only a fascinating and discriminating critic, but is in such perfect rapport with Watts-Dunton and his dearest literary companions that the rare sympathy of deep friendship lights up a story that even without warmth would have been fair and fascinating, and gives to it a peculiar charm.” + + + =Arena.= 33: 336. Mr. ‘05. 990w. Reviewed by H. W. Boynton. =Atlan.= 95: 426. Mr. ‘05. 510w. Reviewed by H. W. Boynton. =Atlan.= 95: 837. Je. ‘05. 1030w. “The author is an enthusiastic admirer of his subject, not a calm and critical biographer.” Jeannette L. Gilder. + — =Critic.= 46: 451 My. ‘05. 900w. “The object of Mr. Douglas in this work is to give a general view of the man and his writings. As far as the man is concerned, the work is by no means a formal biography, but rather a series of dissolving views of a strong personality. His [Douglas’] own commentary is rambling and possibly overwrought, but will be found serviceable as a sort of connective tissue whereby the reprinted passages are held together.” W. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 38: 78. F. 1, ‘05. 2880w. + =Ind.= 59: 157. Jl. 20, ‘05. 300w. * + — =Ind.= 59: 1163. N. 16, ‘05. 70w. “There is no doubt whatever that Mr. Watts-Dunton’s reminiscences, collected and arranged by one so eminently able as Mr. James Douglas, form a very important addition to contemporary records of the leading lights of the nineteenth century in the literature and art of America and England.” + =Int. Studio.= 24: sup. 100. F. ‘05. 280w. (Detailed statement of contents.) “Mr. Douglas’s vicarious autobiography of the mind of Theodore Watts-Dunton is in plan and execution pretty much everything that a study of a living man of letters ought not to be. The chief value of the book is as an anthology of Mr. Watts-Dunton’s scattered and too little known work in criticism, in fiction, and in verse.” + — =Nation.= 80: 176. Mr. 2, ‘05. 1710w. “Mr. Douglas in this book has chosen to represent Mr. Watts-Dunton as critic by very few, and those for the most part badly selected, specimens. This book does less than justice to the great position of Mr. Watts-Dunton in contemporary English letters. He lays stress upon the wrong thing, praises his hero for his lesser qualities, reproduces too little of his criticism, and too much of his poetry. Whoever wants to know Mr. Watts-Dunton in his capacity as poet and novelist will find his merits more than sufficiently exemplified and insisted upon in Mr. Douglas’s book.” Joseph Jacobs. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 4. Ja. 7, ‘05. 2890w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 381. Mr. ‘05. 60w. =Dowden, Edward.= Montaigne. **$1.50. Lippincott. The initial volume in the “French men of letters series.” With a clever distribution of detail which Montaigne bequeathed to the world about himself, Professor Dowden “seeks to interpret the author not merely by the facts of his life but also by what he reveals of himself in his writings. And ... Montaigne lays himself bare for the inspection of the reader.” (Dial.) “He has told the old tale clearly and simply, as far as possible in Montaigne’s own words, and we know no handbook better fitted to enlighten those readers who have not the time or industry to read the essays themselves.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 975. S. 23, ‘05. 1470w. * “In the admirable biography ... Montaigne’s life and work are considered with sympathetic discretion.” Edward Fuller. + + =Critic.= 47: 566. D. ‘05. 790w. “It is no cut-and-dried biography, but an illuminated record of the mind and soul of the man whom Sainte-Beuve called ‘the wisest Frenchman that ever lived.’” + + =Dial.= 39: 168. S. 16, ‘05. 790w. “For the book itself is evidently no quickly commissioned and machine-made production. It is the result rather of affectionate assiduity, or serious collection of materials, and collation of authorities.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 293. S. 15, ‘05. 1760w. “What makes this volume specially pleasing is that, in the spirit of ‘entente cordiale,’ it shows the desire to appreciate, with the graceful help of a winning style, the essentially French writer, who nevertheless finds a literary home in all countries.” + + =Nation.= 81: 383. N. 9, ‘05. 300w. “Prof. Dowden’s ‘Montaigne’ has the quality we always look for in the work of that capable critic. This writer is not a virtuoso among biographers; but what he lacks in brilliancy is more than made up for in sober force.” H. W. Boynton. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 665. O. 14, ‘05. 2280w. * “And it is the distinctive characteristic of Mr. Dowden’s work that in it Montaigne lives for us again. This effect, moreover, is produced with a deftness which defies analysis. The treatment is essentially impressionistic but it is none the less convincing.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 715. N. 25, ‘05. 280w. “A critical and sympathetic account which every genuine lover of Montaigne will prize.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 542. O. 21, ‘05. 390w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 511. O. ‘05. 40w. “He makes Montaigne as interesting as a man’s biography can be made whose real life is contained in his books. Our feeling about the book is rather that it is too much biographic; and that more space should have been given to the study of Montaigne’s influence on French and on English literature.” + + — =Sat. R.= 100: 501. O. 14, ‘05. 1640w. * “Professor Dowden’s work is entirely worthy of its attractive setting. We do not think he has ever made a literary sketch so satisfactory.” + + + =Spec.= 95: sup. 908. D. 2, ‘05. 500w. =Dowson, Ernest.= Collected poems. *$1.50. Lane. This volume contains all of the poetical works of Ernest Dowson, including “Verses,” published in 1896; “The Pierrot of the minute,” in 1897; and a posthumous collection entitled “Decorations.” Mr. Arthur Symons has written an appreciative memoir to the book. “[He] wrote in verse with sad sincerity, and in exquisite lingering rhythms and a diction poignant in its reserved perfection.” Ferris Greenslet. + + =Atlan.= 96: 416. S. ‘05. 700w. “The delicate talent of Ernest Dowson is appraised with intelligence, and the subtle sympathy which it so peculiarly needs, in the introductory essay by Mr. Arthur Symons which accompanies the final edition of Dowson’s ‘Poems.’” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 272. N. 1, ‘05. 270w. “We quote a poem which will illustrate both his musical grave way and the destructive and unpoetical philosophy that he had acquired.” + =Lond. Times.= 4: 177. Je. 9, ‘05. 910w. “A volume of decadent poetry, so called, of exceptionally fine quality.” + + =Nation.= 81: 302. O. 12, ‘05. 440w. “The poems before us justify the praise Mr. Symons bestows upon them. They vibrate with feeling, and are stamped with reality, as having been lived before they were phrased.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 678. O. 14, ‘05. 660w. “We may well believe that a few of these poems at least will live and be treasured, never indeed by the many, but by those who are sensitive to music and choice expression, and to sentiment that is genuine, however fatally stamped with too much sadness, born of disease.” + + — =Sat. R.= 99: 808. Je. 17, ‘05. 1430w. =Doyle, (Arthur) Conan.= Return of Sherlock Holmes. $1.50. McClure. Thirteen short stories which chronicle the last adventures of the famous detective, who now retires from the public gaze to end his days on his Sussex bee-farm. There is the story of the mystery of the second stain, the adventure of the priory school, the adventure of the six Napoleons and others of equal mystery. “Mr. Holmes is so interesting that he might easily be more so. Moreover, he is not so accurate as of yore.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 397. Ap. 1. 530w. “The novelist has not shown anything like as much ingenuity in the construction of fresh problems as the detective shows in solving them.” Herbert W. Horwill. + + — =Forum.= 37: 106. Jl. ‘05. 1340w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 394. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. “Speaking generally, this volume does not average as high as its predecessors; but this is only because its best are not quite equal to the best he has told before.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 708. Mr. 18, ‘05. 360w. “The stolen examination paper, the missing foot-ball player, and the professional blackmailer, for all his miserable death, seem rather small game for the redoubtable Holmes after the stirring scenes of his earlier days.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 346. Mr. 4, ‘05. 380w. “The new stories are not so fresh as the old, not so ingenious, nor do they offer that full measure of breathless suspense without which the fiction of crime is only weariness and vexation.” + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 762. Je. ‘05. 170w. =Doyle, Edward.= Haunted temple and other poems. $1. Edward Doyle, 247 W. 125th st., N. Y. “The haunted temple” by the blind poet of Harlem is a criticism of life. The temple is builded of “the lifeless dross of the heart and the spirit,” the law of construction is “antipodal—not one, with that of the ascending stars and the sun.” Introspection and poetic fervor mark this work and the accompanying poems. + =Critic.= 47: 383. O. ‘05. 50w. “A daring and somewhat unregulated imagination is the chief characteristic.” Wm. M. Payne. + — =Dial.= 39: 68. Ag. 1, ‘05. 190w. “Many of his verses are deeply religious in tone and are healthily, almost buoyantly trustful, with an entire absence of morbidness.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 585. S. 9, ‘05. 270w. =Drayton, Michael.= Poems. $1.25. Scribner. “The latest edition to the ‘Newnes’ pocket classics.’ ... Instead of attempting to show every side of Drayton’s work in so narrow a compass, the editor has wisely selected only the best side, and has accordingly presented a very full collection of his shorter pieces.”—Outlook. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 296. My. 6, ‘05. 80w. + =Outlook.= 79: 1015, Ap. 22, ‘05. 90w. =Driscoll, Clara.= Girl of La Gloria; il. by Hugh W. Ditzler. †$1.50. Putnam. This love story of Texas, which pictures the rough but romantic life on the plains, is the story of a young New Yorker who falls in love with a girl who is the last of an old Mexican family whose estates have gradually been taken from them by the Americans. “Miss Driscoll can tell a tale with freshness and an engaging individuality. She has not quite got the knack either of omitting unessential details, or of saving essential ones from being a trifle tedious.” + — =Acad.= 68: 495. My. 6. ‘05. 310w. “The author’s diction is commonplace, and her grammar none too sound.” — — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 556. My. 6. 120w. “The story is really too good, as stories go, to be treated altogether flippantly.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + — =Bookm.= 21: 601. Ag. ‘05. 170w. “It is a very little story and very simple.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 160. Mr. 11, ‘05. 270w. “And nothing in particular to recommend or condemn it.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 705. Mr. 18, ‘05. 20w. + — =Reader.= 6: 120. Je. ‘05. 90w. =Drummond, William Henry.= Voyageur, and other poems. **$1.25. Putnam. The new French-Canadian poems which make up this volume sing sadly and gayly, by turns, of the hunter, and the pioneer, of home and of country, of youth and of “The last portage” when “De moon an’ de star above is gone, yet somet’ing tell me I mus’ go on.” “It is only when the author forsakes his patois, and writes in the English tongue, that he lays himself open to serious fault-finding.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 300. S. 2. 390w. “Heartily can we commend every page of Dr. Drummond’s latest volume.” + + =Critic.= 47: 287. S. ‘05. 190w. “The patois is not beautiful in itself, and to many readers it may seem a little barbarous; but it is Mr. Drummond’s true material, for the dialect songs have a merit which is absent in the few pieces written in ordinary English.” + =Spec.= 95: 391. S. 16, ‘05. 500w. =Dubois, Dr. Paul.= Psychic treatment of nervous disorders; tr. from the French by Smith Ely Jelliffe, and William A. White. *$3. Funk. The author both a psychologist and physician gives in this volume of nearly 450 pages the experience and principles of psychic treatment of nervous disorders based upon twenty years of successful specialization and practice in this branch of medical skill. “The strong optimistic tenor of the book, its simple untechnical language, and the directness with which its philosophy is applied to life, make it capable of becoming a vital fact not merely to physicians but to every one who has pondered on the relations between the psychic and the physical.” “The charm of Dr. Dubois’s style is preserved in spite of the difficulties and occasional errors of translation. The entire absence of pedantry, the constant good nature and wit, a marked dramatic and rhetorical instinct and honest zeal make his book one of the most readable in medical or psychological literature.” + + + =Lit. D.= 31: 497. O. 7, ‘05. 940w. =Duckworth, W. L. H.= Morphology and anthropology: a handbook for students. *$4.50. Macmillan. “Mr. Duckworth defines the subject-matter of his book as an inquiry into (1) man’s zoölogical position: (2) the nature of his ancestry.... In the classification adopted by Mr. Duckworth, man retains the position assigned to him by Huxley.... Nor has the evidence which has accumulated in the last thirty-three years permitted Mr. Duckworth to make a more definite statement as to the ancestral chain ... of man than was made by Darwin in his first edition of the ‘Descent of man’ in 1871.”—Nature. “Within the limits at his disposal he has been able to marshal his facts and inferences in a methodical and convincing manner.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 533. Ap. 29. 740w. “It would not be just to close this review without acknowledging the number of original facts and fresh opinions that mark the pages of this work. The opening chapters are perhaps too condensed. The chapters on the cerebral organization are specially well done, and contain the best exposition yet published of our knowledge of that part of the Primate organization.” A. K. + + + =Nature.= 71: 433. Mr. 9, ‘05. 1690w. “Duckworth’s observations strike us in the main very favorably, as both candid and judicious. A very good and useful handbook.” T. D. + + =Science,= n.s. 22: 398. S. 29, ‘05. 680w. “Is an invaluable piece of exact work, somewhat beyond the needs of the general reader, but admirably adapted to those of the student.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 787, My. 27, ‘05. 180w. * =Duclaux, Mary (Mary Darmesteter) (Agnes Mary Frances Robinson).= Fields of France: little essays in descriptive sociology. $6. Lippincott. Madame Duclaux’s interesting description of France and the French is now reissued as “a beautiful quarto with twenty reproductions of water-color sketches by W. B. Macdougall, chiefly in illustration of French dwellings from farm-houses to chateaux.... The seven divisions of the book carry one from Normandy to Provence with apparently equal sympathy and shrewd observation.” (Nation.) * “One of the most gorgeous of holiday books, and one that deserves to be read from cover to cover, not only because of its subject but for its literary style as well.” + =Critic.= 47: 580. D. ‘05. 30w. * “Altogether this is a delightful book.” + =Nation.= 81: 446. N. 30, ‘05. 310w. * “Altogether she has made an instructive and attractive book.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 877. D. 9, ‘05. 420w. * “The artist’s work is often amateurish and the arrangement of the pictures awkward.” + — =Sat. R.= 100: 692. N. 25, ‘05. 180w. =Dudley, Albertus True.= In the line. †$1.25. Lee. The third volume in the “Phillips Exeter” series tells the story of a sturdy Boston boy who having worked up to the position of guard on the football team is forbidden by his father to play in one of the crucial games of the season. Opportunity is thus given for arguments on both sides of the much-discussed football question. “Except in so far as it lends encouragement to football ... the book is bent to encourage all sorts of good things—honesty, democracy, morality, courage, a harmless gayety.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 572. S. 2, ‘05. 230w. =Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant.= Notes from a diary, 1896-1901. 2v. *$4. Dutton. These volumes close the notes from a diary which contains the record of half-a century ending as the reign of Edward VII. begins. Sir Mountstuart has avoided the chief interests of his life, politics and administration but has preserved “some interesting and amusing things that would otherwise have soon disappeared,” anecdotes, bits of verse, stories of travels, of dinners, and of visits among the most brilliant men of his time. “Very entertaining volumes. They paint the manners of the time more graphically than any novelist has been able to do.” + + =Acad.= 68: 356. Ap. 1, ‘05. 1090w. “They are a treasure-house of entertainment. There is a good deal of pleasant classical lore; there are riddles, too, and jokes galore, so that the ordinary man as well as the scholar should be pleased.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 456. Ap. 15. 1610w. * “A mirror of the times indeed and it is with sincere regret that I read Sir Mountstuart’s ultimatum that these volumes are his last.” Jeannette L. Gilder. + + =Critic.= 46: 508. Je. ‘05. 950w. “Though by no means dull reading are a little cloying if taken in course and at a sitting.” + =Dial.= 38: 419. Je. 16, ‘05. 450w. + + =Nation.= 80: 508. Je. 22, ‘05. 1080w. “They are bed-candle reading. As such they will divert, interest, and offer diverse suggestion to different people.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 316. My. 13, ‘05. 1350w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 388. Je. 17, ‘05. 170w. “Not an unkind word enters these pages. The author is amiable both by nature and grace. He is an accomplished raconteur.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 542. Je. 24, ‘05. 1020w. + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 124. Jl. ‘05. 130w. “He has made such a contribution to the gaiety of the world as seldom comes from a single pen.” + + =Spec.= 94: 641. Ap. 29, ‘05. 1960w. =Duignan, W. H.= Worcestershire place names. *$2.40. Oxford. A glossary which brings the history and place names of Worcestershire down to date and “has more than a merely local interest; for the English place names, which nearly all have their root in Anglo-Saxon, occur again and again throughout the whole country, and in them England’s early history is latent.” (Nation.) + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 236. Ag. 19. 250w. “It is not surpassed in excellence by any other work of its class with which I am acquainted.” Henry Bradley. + + + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 603. Jl. ‘05. 590w. =Nation.= 80: 501. Je. 22, ‘05. 200w. =Dumas, Alexandre.= Three musketeers. $1.25. Crowell. This novel running almost to the six hundred page limit, depicting the court life of France during the closing years of Louis XII’s reign and the opening years of the Grand Monarch is in this edition fashioned after the “Thin paper classics” model. It offers a complete revised translation with introduction and cast of characters by J. Walker McSpadden. =Dumas, Alexandre.= Twenty years after. $1.25. Crowell. An edition of Dumas’ novel which is uniform with the “Thin paper classics.” =Dunbar, Agnes B. C.= Dictionary of saintly women. 2v. ea. *$4. Macmillan. In volume one “the author has collected the facts and legends concerning thousands of Catholic saints, canonized or beatified maids and matrons, from ancient Britain to the Japan of the seventeenth century, their austerities and charities, their martyrdoms and miracles.” (Outlook.) Volume two draws its material mainly from the “Acta sanctorum,” and “the author’s survey extends over the whole church before the parting of the East from the West, the Western church as a whole to the Reformation, and afterward the Roman church. Besides being of value as a pious work, the dictionary will also be useful as a work of reference.” (N. Y. Times.) “It is written with ardent sympathy and with a highly respectable erudition.” + + =Cath. World.= 81: 843. S. ‘05. 160w. (Review of v. 1.) “Every statement is accredited to a certain writer.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 261. Ap. 22, ‘05. 280w. (Review of v. 1.) + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 726. O. 28, ‘05. 110w. (Review of v. 2.) * “But Miss Dunbar has worked out the problem in each case, and made a remarkably complete book—the only one of the kind in English we think.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 899. D. 16, ‘05. 480w. (Review of v. 2.) + =Outlook.= 79: 960. Ap. 15, ‘05. 90w. (Review of v. 1.) + + =Outlook.= 81: 574. N. 4, ‘05. 60w. (Review of v. 2.) =Dunbar, Charles Franklin.= Economic essays. **$2.50. Macmillan. “The volume now before us brings together fifteen essays which had been published in various journals, chiefly in the Quarterly journal of economics, and adds thereto five others which have never before seen the light. With the former, the task of the editor was comparatively simple; the latter, by the pious care of a disciple, have been brought ‘as nearly as possible into the form which the author would have wished’ to give them. The introduction by Professor Taussig, carefully avoiding mere eulogy, is the fit tribute of a student to a revered master. While the book cannot repair, except in slightest measure, the loss which economic science suffered in Professor Dunbar’s death, it is a worthy memorial to one who contributed so much, as teacher, editor, and investigator, to the progress of economic study in the United States.”—Nation. “Especially helpful are the chapters on the panic of 1857 and the description of the state banking systems in the middle of the century. Serve as admirable examples of interesting and intelligible generalizations based upon trade and banking statistics.” D. R. D. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 203. O. ‘05. 300w. “Some of those essays are models of careful research. The easy literary style in which they are written should make the volume one of unusual interest to the general public as well as of value to the student.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 339. Mr. ‘05. 250w. “He separates fact from fancy, and presents the results of scientific inquiry, largely in the field of banking and currency, in an eminently judicious and scholarly manner.” Arthur B. Woodford. + + =Dial.= 39: 112. S. 1, ‘05. 320w. + + =Ind.= 59: 395. Ag. 17, ‘05. 160w. “While it does not do full justice to his attainments, the present volume gives sufficient evidence of Professor Dunbar’s firm hold upon his science in its broadest relations, his skill in handling questions of the day, and his special aptitude for patient and fruitful historical research. All [the five now printed for the first time] display the nice workmanship of the author, and must be reckoned with by him who would write the definitive history of our banking system.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 159. F. 23, ‘05. 830w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 510. Ap. ‘05. 80w. * “It is hardly too much to say that an hundred pages may be selected from Professor Dunbar’s writings which are as well worth preservation and careful study as a similar number of pages in the works of any of the great masters of the science since Adam Smith. Certainly there is no American economist whose writings deserve a higher rank.” G. S. C. + + + =Yale. R.= 14: 328. N. ‘05. 1000w. * =Dunbar, Paul Laurence.= Howdy, honey, howdy. **$1.50. Dodd. “In this collection of verse the ... many-gifted lyrist of his race strikes again almost exclusively those chords of pathos and humor, in purely dialect verse, which have won for the author a quite unique position among America’s ‘minor poets’ of to-day. The publishers have rendered the volume very attractive by adding to the racy metrical text characteristic photographs and tasteful decorations; the former by Leigh Richmond Miner; the latter by Will Jenkins.”—Critic. * + =Critic.= 47: 583. D. ‘05. 80w. * “Mr. Dunbar’s part in the volume needs no description, save to say that it is in his characteristic vein and well up to his usual standard in quality.” + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 130w. * + =Nation.= 81: 381. N. 9, ‘05. 60w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 746. N. 4, ‘05. 290w. =Dunbar, Paul Laurence.= Lyrics of sunshine and shadow. **$1. Dodd. About eighty poems are grouped here which range from the grave to the gay. The author keeps well to his special field of folk lore. A number of the poems are in negro dialect, “portraying the pranks and plottings of a rollicking pickaninny world.” “His present volume is in no wise disappointing: as in its predecessors we find in ‘Lyrics of sunshine and shadow’ a rich sympathy with the homely characteristic themes treated and a happy deftness in the management of rhyme and rhythm.” + + =Critic.= 47: 383. O. ‘05. 100w. “Mr. Dunbar’s poetic inspiration is slender but sincere. He is at his best in simple ballad measures, writing of the common joys of health and out-of-doors.” + =Nation.= 81: 17. Jl. 6, ‘05. 190w. =Duncan, Edmondstoune.= Schubert. $1.25. Dutton. Modern methods of compilation are employed, modern demands for the conditioning forces of a career are met, and the modern accompaniment of illustrative matter is supplied in this complete life of Schubert recently added to the “Master musicians series.” The biography of Schubert, Schubert the man, and Schubert the musician constitute the three divisions for treatment. * “His little book is for the most part dull, flat and prosy, overloaded with trivial details, in the midst of which the real essentials are lost sight of.” — — =Ind.= 59: 990. O. 26, ‘05. 250w. “The chief fault of Mr. Duncan’s book is a curious habit of repeating biographic details or criticisms in different sections of it. Some of his best and most important things are printed in footnote type in the bibliography.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 170. Ag. 24, ‘05. 700w. “An agreeable and generally trustworthy biography.” Richard Aldrich. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 604. S. 16, ‘05. 730w. “It brings out facts not before known, though it is far from being an ideal biography.” + + — =Outlook.= 80: 695. Jl. 15, ‘05. 330w. * “His own observations are marked not only by the warm personal affection which Schubert invariably inspires in his admirers, but by excellent taste and sound critical judgment.” + + =Spec.= 95: 763. N. 11, ‘05. 310w. =Duncan, Frances.= Mary’s garden and how it grew. †$1.25. Century. Mary is typically the child enthusiast, while her instructor, the kind Herr Trummel, “gardener, horticulturist, retired florist, and above all, Switzer,” teaches her the simple forms of practical, scientific gardening. Aside from the tale of good comradeship existing between the gray haired gardener and the little “Liebchen,” the book is a practical handbook of instruction for all garden makers. It covers the possibilities for the different months, showing what may be accomplished in winter as well as in the favorable summer time. The illustrations by Lee Woodward Zeigler are suggestively good. “Miss Duncan’s little book, with its helpful illustrations, will do the best sort of missionary work. Her knowledge of her subject is intimate and her teaching technically sound; her graceful English....” + + =Critic.= 46: 287. Mr. ‘05. 160w. =Duncan, Norman.= Dr. Grenfell’s parish, the deep sea fishermen. **$1. Revell. In this book the author’s “freight is fact ... and the language is vigorous. What he calls Dr. Grenfell’s parish is the long, rocky coast of Labrador and of Newfoundland ... where Dr. Grenfell has labored, and is laboring, sailing the icy seas in fog and storm and tending the bodies (and minding somewhat also the souls) of the scattered dwellers in a vast, drear, country, which is less desolate since he came into it. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell is an Englishman, and he is commissioned by the ‘Royal national mission to deep sea fishermen.’ ... Mr. Duncan’s account is chiefly concerned, not with the doctor, but with his monster parish and the inhabitants of it.”—N. Y. Times. “It is a better and more interesting piece of work than either of its predecessors from the same pen.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 591. My. 13. 450w. “By his literary gift Mr. Duncan opens the eyes of the least imaginative to the significance of the work he describes.” + =Critic.= 46: 471. My. ‘05. 280w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 182. Mr. 25, ‘05. 670w. (Condensed narrative of book). + =Outlook.= 79: 705. Mr. 18, ‘05. 170w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 508. Ap. 1, ‘05. 130w. “This is indeed a different, and a better tale from any figment of the imagination. It reaches the heart with the force of verity.” + + =Reader.= 6: 117. Je. ‘05. 460w. =Spec.= 94: 598. Ap. 22, ‘05. 500w. =Duncan, Norman.= Dr. Luke of the Labrador. †$1.50. Revell. Mr. Duncan “has added a new province to the realm of literature. The gray ice-bound fields of Labrador, those stern, grim seas, that virile, simple folk, and its life of tragic monotony,—these things are now possessions to the imagination, possessions of enduring value.” (R. of Rs.) “Doctor Luke is a philanthropist, who, putting aside an early career of dissipation, devotes his life to relieving distress on the bleak coasts of Labrador.” (Ind.) Reviewed by G. W. A. + + =Bookm.= 21: 543. Jl. ‘05. 500w. “With his keen faculty for seizing the essentials and dismissing the superfluous, Mr. Duncan has brought us face to face not only with the rigors and romance of life on the Labrador coast, but with its humor as well—and a varying humor it is, now droll and again grim, but always an accurate depiction. A romance full of interest and charm.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 210. Ja. 26, ‘05. 280w. “There is a group of figures of excellent variety and of the best sort of originality, self-stamped as made up of discovery and sympathetic interpretation. The story is perfectly fitted into the strange, wild surroundings.” + + =Nation.= 80: 97. F. 2, ‘05. 540w. “As an organic, thoroughly-developed novel, it is a failure.” + — =Reader.= 5: 789. My. ‘05. 210w. “A novel of unusually high merit. But Mr. Duncan has not only a new field to exploit, he has style. The swift yet long and undulating sentences move with a distinctive rhythm that is as fresh as it is new. They tell a strong, beautiful love story. Altogether, ‘Dr. Luke of the Labrador’ is one of the season’s two or three best books.” + + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 118. Ja. ‘05. 170w. =Duncan, Norman.= Mother. †$1.25. Revell. Mr. Duncan “lets heaven into the attic shekinah of a vaudeville actress, where she kept her child. Her love for him was the holy effulgence that covered her pitiful, painted life, and sanctified her. It is a fine argument for the way to heaven in women, dramatically expressed and quaintly proved, even if we leave out the philosophy of the ‘dog-face’ man, which to appreciate one must read.”—Ind. * “The treatment is at once realistic and idealistic, and the two elements do not at all times blend quite harmoniously.” + — =Critic.= 47: 577. D. ‘05. 170w. “Norman Duncan’s new story, ‘The mother,’ gives the impression that he wrote it with his light turned a trifle too high and with his keynote of pathos taken an octave above where the reader’s sympathies reach comfortably.” + — =Ind.= 59: 986. O. 26, ‘05. 130w. * “Altogether, in delicate balance of humor and pathos, in quick clutch upon the heartstrings, in revealing vividness of imagination, the art and spirit of ‘The mother,’ put it in the noble class of ‘Rab and his friends.’” + + =Lit. D.= 31: 753. N. 18, ‘05. 540w. * =Outlook.= 81: 683. N. 18, ‘05. 60w. * + — =Outlook.= 81: 711. N. 25, ‘05. 50w. “Mr. Duncan has consistently progressed in his art, but in no instance more than in ‘The mother.’” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 574. O. 28, ‘05. 200w. =Duncan, Robert Kennedy.= New knowledge: a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in their relation to the new theory of matter. **$2. Barnes. “A popular account of the new theory of matter and the relations of the new physics and new chemistry to other sciences.... The discovery of Becquerel and the Curies and its consequences form mainly the subject matter of the book. The author treats of current conceptions, the periodic law, gaseous ions, natural radio-activity, the resolution of the atom, inorganic evolution, and the new knowledge and old problems. There are numerous illustrations.”—N. Y. Times. “Although some little fault might be found with the arrangement of the book, Prof. Duncan has succeeded in his main object. When allowance is made for the faults here enumerated, the book remains the best of its kind that we have read.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 787. Je. 24. 1450w. + + — =Critic.= 47: 287. S. ‘05. 100w. “It is not too much to say that no intelligent person can afford to permit this book to go unread. We have failed to find in the book any important inaccuracy, despite the fact that the field covered is so large and the subject-matter so difficult.” + + + =Educ. R.= 30: 310. O. ‘05. 740w. “The style out-flammarions Flammarion in its vividness and its occasional verse quotations. So also is its all-embracing scope an expression of the author’s literary enthusiasm rather than of his scientific earnestness.” + + — =Engin. N.= 53: 641. Je. 15, ‘05. 490w. + + + =Ind.= 58: 1015. My. 4, ‘05. 360w. “This work is the first attempt which I have seen to bring into suitable compass, in an intelligible manner, the various problems which are occupying the attention of many physicists and chemists. There are few errors, and these are unimportant. Whether the author might not have omitted much fine writing is a question of taste.” W. R. + + — =Nature.= 72: 241. Jl. 13, ‘05. 1310w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 121. F. 25, ‘05. 300w. “His descriptions and explanations are clear even to a layman.” + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 514. Ag. 5, ‘05. 1060w. “The author has the rare faculty of infusing life into scientific discussion.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 194. My. 20, ‘05. 210w. * “Its author shows himself to be a man of wide reading, thorough scholarship, broad horizon and unmistakable literary talent. I do not find in it one single incorrect statement of fact.” R. A. Millikan. + + + =Science,= n.s. 22: 787. D. 15, ‘05. 520w. “His book shows an admirable power of exposition, and the only fault that one can find with it is that its proofs have not been read with sufficient care, so that a certain number of slips have crept into its pages.” + + — =Spec.= 95: 154. Jl. 29, ‘05. 820w. * =Dunham, Edith.= Jogging round the world. †$1.50. Stokes. A book with an educational value for children. It is designed to give an idea of interesting characteristics of many parts of the world; it shows riders and drivers, with curious steeds or vehicles in strange lands and at home. Their story is further told by the pictures which give glimpses of the life and manners of remote people. * + =Nation.= 81: 503. D. 21, ‘05. 30w. =Duniway, Mrs. Abigail Scott.= From the West to the West: across the plains to Oregon. †$1.50. McClurg. This account of a trip by wagon from Illinois to Oregon is too homely to be romantic. The details or daily hardships are given, and there are many characters each with its own story. The squaw-man, the Indian, the run-away slave, and the Mormon all appear in the course of the long journey. Death by the wayside, cholera, a stampede of cattle, and other happenings accentuate the reality of the story and of the long list of characters playing a part in it. “The book affords an interesting though somewhat idealized picture of the early days, but makes no pretensions to historical or geographical accuracy.” + =Dial.= 39: 45. Jl. 16, ‘05. 150w. “The book is one which possesses no value as a novel, though it may inspire interest as a curiosity, not of literature, to be sure, but of story writing.” — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 547. Ag. 19, ‘05. 370w. =Dunkerley, S.= Mechanism. *$3. Longmans. This new text book “opens with an introductory chapter in which the usual definitions occur relating to machines, kinematic chains, lower and higher pairs ... this is followed by a chapter ... on simple machines and machine tools. Chapters 3 and 4 deal chiefly with mechanisms of the quadric crank and double slider crank chain forms ... the pantograph finds an important place here.... The next two chapters deal with velocity and acceleration diagrams.... The remainder of the book deals with gear wheels, non-circular wheels and cams.... There is also a section devoted to gear-cutting machinery.... The illustrations are mainly line drawings.... A series of numerical examples at the end of the book will be of much value to students.”—Nature. “A valuable text-book on mechanism.” E. G. C. + + =Nature.= 72: 4. My. 4, ‘05. 610w. =Dunn, Henry Treffry.= Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his circle. **$1. Pott. The author was at one time a pupil of Rossetti’s and an inmate of the house on Cheyne walk, and he gives reminiscences of the painter-poet and his circle, which are interesting, reliable, and full of anecdote. “The editor has made too much of his function; the copiousness of his annotation is out of keeping with the sketchy character of the text, and his introduction is turbid and grandiloquent. Mr. Dunn’s reminiscences are rendered engaging by a certain simplicity and suavity. He gives a clear human outline to that figure of Rossetti of which the commentators have seemed disposed to make a kind of bogy.”—H. W. Boynton. + + — =Atlan.= 95: 422. Mr. ‘05. 760w. “Simplicity of style. A graphic contribution to Rossettiana.” + =Critic.= 46: 283. Mr. ‘05. 60w. =Dunn, Jacob Piatt, jr.= Indiana: a redemption from slavery. $1.25. Houghton. “A revised edition of ‘Indiana’ in the ‘American commonwealth series.’ The author has increased its value in the revision by adding a chapter of about fifty pages on the history of the state since its admission to the Union. Otherwise, the changes made are slight.”—Am. Hist. R. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 724. Ap. ‘05. 60w. =Dial.= 38: 277. Ap. 16, ‘05. 50w. + =Nation.= 81: 64. Jl. 20, ‘05. 270w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 358. Je. 3, ‘05. 710w. =Dunn, Martha Baker.= Cicero in Maine, and other essays. **$1.25. Houghton. Nine delightful essays republished from the “Atlantic,” including, besides the title essay: A plea for the shiftless reader; The meditations of an ex-school committee woman; Piazza philosophy; The Browning tonic; The book and the place; Concerning temperance and judgment to come; Book dusting time; and Education. “Mrs. Dunn’s style is delightful.” + =Dial.= 39: 242. O. 16, ‘05. 500w. “Thorough comprehension of the value of a sound, sensible, and cultivated upbringing for young people, added to clear-sighted judgment of present conditions and the mellowing glow of good reading spread over all, make an enviable equipment for a writer. All these are evident.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 428. O. 21, ‘05. 310w. “Whether dispensing a mild dose of ‘Piazza philosophy’ or a strong potion of ‘Browning tonic,’ Mrs. Dunn may be counted on to cheer and not inebriate.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 636. N. 11, ‘05. 150w. * =Dunning, William Archibald.= History of political theories from Luther to Montesquieu. **$2.50. Macmillan. This volume “carries forward to the middle of the eighteenth century the work begun in the former volume, which was confined to ancient and mediaeval history.... Beginning with the reformation, Professor Dunning traces the history of anti-monarchic doctrines of the sixteenth century, the work of the Catholic controversialists and jurists, the law of nations as developed by Hugo Grotius, English political philosophy before and during the Puritan revolution, Continental theory during the age of Louis XIV., and finally, the epoch-making work of Montesquieu himself.”—R. of Rs. * “The book is a piece of sound and conscientious work, and bears abundant testimony to the wideness of the Professor’s reading.” + + =Acad.= 68: 1134. O. 28, ‘05. 100w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 758. N. 11, ‘05. 550w. * “The author is not obscure and is judicial.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 886. D. 9, ‘05. 610w. * =R. of Rs.= 32: 510. O. ‘05. 110w. =Durham, M. Edith.= Burden of the Balkans. $4. Longmans. The author was sent to the Balkans by sympathetic English people to distribute relief to the starving inhabitants. She gives an interesting account of the discomforts she endured in the performance of her numerous duties, and the things which she saw among the peasants and in the hospitals. There is much of politics, and she pictures vividly the “lava bed of raw primeval passion ... into which no power dared thrust its fingers for fear of having them burned off.” “It is easily and pleasantly written, and will give the reader who knows not the Near East a clearer insight into an irritating and unsolved problem than other more weighty and pretentious works.” + + =Acad.= 68: 338. Mr. 25, ‘05. 610w. “A parting tribute must be paid to Miss Durham’s nervous and idiomatic English, characteristically that of an educated and refined woman, unspoiled by grammars.” Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 384. Je. 1, ‘05. 560w. “Gives a positive picture of conditions there.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 245. Ap. 15, ‘05. 1370w. “Her enthusiasm adds to the charm and does not detract from the value of these descriptions by an intelligent eyewitness of little known conditions in obscure places.” + =Reader.= 6: 241. Jl. ‘05. 310w. =Dwight, Henry Otis,= ed. Blue book of missions for 1905. **$1. Funk. A book containing detailed facts and statistics regarding all missions and missionary societies, both Protestant and Roman Catholic thruout the world. Its information is indexed in handy compendium form for clergymen, missionaries and students. =Outlook.= 79: 906. Ap. 8, ‘05. 110w. =Dwight, Henry Otis; Tupper, Henry Allen R.; and Bliss, Edwin Munsell=, eds. Encyclopedia of missions; descriptive, historical, biographical, statistical. **$6. Funk. In this second and revised edition there is less than two-thirds the amount of matter given in the first edition of thirteen years ago. It contains “data relating to some 5000 cities and towns and villages which are of present importance to the missionary enterprise.” There is also a number of special articles of unusual value, prepared by experts. Another excellent feature is the bibliography that follows special articles upon countries, mission boards, religion and races, as well as some other subjects. (Ind.) “We commend the general appearance of the work, its clear typography and evidence of careful editing. There is much in this new and admirable encyclopedia to commend. The absence of an index is inexcusable.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 614. Mr. 16, ‘05. 770w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 574. S. 2, ‘05. 680w. =Dyer, Henry.= Dai Nippon: a study in national evolution. *$3.50. Scribner. The latest book on Japan by Dr. Henry Dyer, “a hard-headed, thick-skinned Scotchman,” belongs to the literature of knowledge, and will interest especially those who like unembroidered facts and plenty of statistics and tables, and who hate anything like “fine writing,” eloquence or “gush.” The author who established the College of engineering in Japan, has since his return to Great Britain kept in touch with the makers of modern Japan, and “out of the intellectual kinship thus engendered has grown the present work, designed to afford the foreign reader an adequate idea of the spiritual, moral, mental, and material Japan of to-day.” (Outlook). The book does not aim to be a history of Japan, but is rather a study of the influences which have made the country “a member of the community of nations.” The subjects discussed at length are education, the army and navy, means of communication, industrial development, art industries, commerce, food supply, colonization, constitutional government, administration, finance, international relations, foreign politics, social results, the future, and recent events. “Excellent as the present volume is—among the most lucid and fruitful that have appeared in recent years upon Japan—it is, of necessity, uncritical—accepts the Japanese estimate of themselves and the estimates of their perfervid admirers almost without examination.” + + — =Ath.= 1905. 1: 8. Ja. 7. 1430w. “States all that he sees and knows in terms of plainest common sense. In one point Dr. Dyer has excelled all other writers on Japan. He shows clearly and forcibly, as well as copiously, what the great army of Yatoi, hired assistants and salaried organizers and advisers, in the days of their youth and strength thirty years ago, did for the Japanese in raising their ideals and pointing the way to future success.” + + — =Dial.= 38: 92. F. 1, ‘05. 540w. * “He marshals many facts frequently overlooked by writers on twentieth century Japan, but essential to a proper appreciation of the problems—social, religious, economic, and political—now confronting the country.” + + =Lit. D.= 31: 625. O. 28, ‘05. 270w. “Untrustworthy in theories, perhaps no other single volume gives so wide and correct a view of the main facts in the several phases of Japanese national life.” + — =Nation.= 80: 337. Ap. 27, ‘05. 2710w. “A treatise of so comprehensive and illuminating a character as to warrant its inclusion in the front rank of works aiming to present in compact form an authoritative account of the evolution and present stage of development of the Island empire. It is in the author’s discussion of Japanese problems that the highest value of his work lies. Mr. Dyer gives a far better idea than do the majority of writers of the part played by foreigners in the growth of Japan. It is heavy with repetitions not only of idea but of phrase; its diction is at times strangely awkward and at times imbued with the flavor of the ‘blue book’; while inexactitudes of statement are occasionally to be detected.” + + + =Outlook.= 79: 497. F. 25, ‘05. 1720w. =Dyer, Louis.= Machiavelli and the modern state. *$1. Ginn. “The volume is made up of three chapters, originally delivered as lectures in England in 1899, under the titles ‘The prince and Cæsar Borgia,’ ‘Machiavelli’s use of history,’ ‘Machiavelli’s idea of morals.’ The author was formerly an assistant professor at Harvard.”—Ann. Am. Acad. “What we have is a series of remarks, some of them on Machiavelli and none on the modern state.... The ‘brilliant allusiveness’ of the style, the great number of irrelevancies, and the florid overtranslations....” Edward S. Corwin. + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 685. Ap. ‘05. 240w. “A valuable little volume.” =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 381. Ap. ‘05. 310w. =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 129. Ja. ‘05. 40w. “Mr. Dyer, however, without any of Mr. Morley’s charm or Macaulay’s zest, does contrive to say a good deal that is valuable in the course of these most interesting lectures.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 462. Ap. 15, 510w. E =Earle, Maria Theresa (Mrs. Charles W. Earle).= Garden colour; with fifty full-page il. by Margaret Waterfield. *$6. Dutton. “An English collaborated production ... fifty-one colored plates ... which are from water colors by Miss Margaret Waterfield. Miss Waterfield herself writes the garden notes for the various months, giving advice in regard to cultivation only incidentally, but chiefly in regard to artistic arrangement—those methods of planting whereby each plant or shrub shows its own beauties to best advantage, while at the same time enhancing those of its neighbors.... It is the principles rather than the actual facts that the various writers wish in this case to enforce. Miss Waterfield’s collaborators include Mrs. C. W. Earle, Miss Rose Kingsley, and other well-known English garden lovers and writers.”—Dial. =Country Calendar.= 1: 109L. Je. ‘05. 90w. “One who has considered the subject only casually will certainly get some inspiring suggestions from both pictures and text.” Edith Granger. + + =Dial.= 38: 380. Je. 1, ‘05. 480w. + + =Ind.= 58: 1257. Je. 1, ‘05. 130w. “The contributed text is not so uniformly good as the plates.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 445. Je. 1, ‘05. 420w. “This book is notable both from the standpoint of nature lover and bibliophile.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 369. Je. 10, ‘05. 480w. =Eastman, Charles A.= Red hunters and the animal people. **$1.25. Harper. “In the red man’s philosophy, as interpreted by the author, himself a full blooded Sioux, the beasts of the fields and the birds of the air are the brothers of their human fellow creatures. The four-footed and feathered tribes also, in the same philosophy, regard the red man as a brother. They are the animal people, and these stories are stories of them as such—stories which differ not as widely as might be wished from the white man’s animal tales now so numerous.”—N. Y. Times. “One of the most original and delightful books about animal life that have appeared for a long time, full of interest and information not to be found in text-books. The book is simply and pleasantly written, with no affectation or mannerism.” + + =Acad.= 68: 105. F. 4, ‘05. 210w. “With no literary art whatever at his command, he has mistakenly chosen to cast his material in the form of short stories, and has failed with them.” — =Critic.= 46: 478. My. ‘05. 120w. “Is likely at first to be a little disappointing, it is so plain, so lacking in art or artifice. After Mr. Long and Mr. Thompson-Seton, it is like bread-and-butter after dessert. But it nearly, if not quite, justifies the simile, for if the reader sustains his interest long enough his taste will approve the rather homely fare.” + + =Dial.= 38: 158. Mr. 1, ‘05. 230w. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 47. Ja. 21, ‘05. 430w. “The book is entertaining as fiction, valuable because of the light it throws on Indian life, and largely interesting as one of the few contributions to our literature made by an Indian.” + + =Reader.= 6: 118. Je. ‘05. 230w. “This is a very pleasing book.” + + =Spec.= 94: 683. My. 6, ‘05. 180w. =Eastman, Helen.= New England ferns and their common allies; an easy method of determining the species. *$1.25. Houghton. “It is a merit of this book that it includes ... the lycopodiums and equisetums, club-mosses and horse-tails. Each plant is provided with a picture, from the press ... and even the unusual varieties and hybrids are included.... The descriptions are good and brief.”—Ind. “We wish the author had not given us so many fancy English names that have no authority. But it is a good book, and we are particularly glad for the horse-tails and club-mosses.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 268. F. 2, ‘05. 320w. =Eccles, Robert Gibson.= Food preservatives, their advantages and proper use; the practical versus the theoretical side of the pure food problem; with an introd. by E. W. Duckwall. $1; pa. 50c. Van Nostrand. A volume which sets forth the pure food problem as it is found in practice and theory. “A valuable part of the book is that devoted to showing how little evidence there is for the assumption, commonly made even by chemists, that the process of fermentation is so similar to that of digestion that whatever prevents the one must impair the other.” (Ind.) “It contains much special pleading, but this is justified by the excessive amount of special pleading that has been done, both in and out of court, against the use of preservatives.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 960. Ap. 27, ‘05. 430w. * =Eckel, Edwin C.= Cements, limes and plasters: their materials, manufacture, and properties. *$6. Wiley. The composition and character of the raw materials, the methods of manufacture, and the properties of the various cementing materials are treated in this volume, which is designed for the use of the working engineer. Complete reference lists are given for the benefit of those who wish to make a further study of the subject treated. * “This is an exceedingly valuable and well-nigh exhaustive work. It is by far the most valuable work on the several subjects that it treats that we have met, and in our judgment may be rightly considered a masterpiece of compilation.” + + + =Science,= n.s. 22: 522. O. 27, ‘05. 450w. =Eckenrode, Hamilton James.= Political history of Virginia during the reconstruction. 50c. Hopkins. The author “concerns himself almost altogether with the political parties of the reconstruction era. He relates the history of the Alexandria government, ... and discusses quite fully President Johnson’s attitude toward the Southern states at the close of the Civil war.... He shows that the Republican party in Virginia was for the most part opposed to unlimited negro suffrage, until the Philadelphia convention of 1866, when ‘manhood’ suffrage became a party measure.”—R. of Rs. “The method of the author is truly critical, the use of the sources satisfactory, ... and the conclusions arrived at are unquestionably justifiable and as accurate as the nature of the subject will permit.” William E. Dodd. + + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 700. Ap. ‘05. 450w. =R. of Rs.= 30: 756. D. ‘04. 140w. =Eckman, George P.= Young man with a program, and other sermons to young men. *50c. Meth. bk. The purpose of these sermons is to offer practical reasons to young men for yielding themselves to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ. They treat of the young man and his capital, the young man in his house, at his work, the young man with ambition, the young man and his meditation, and his opportunities, and finally the young man and the supreme passion. =Edgington, T. B.= Monroe doctrine. $3. Little. The author, an attorney of over forty years’ practice at the bar of Memphis, Tenn., has brought to his task a long professional experience and an extended study of original sources of information. Altho new material abounds in this presentation of the Monroe doctrine,—including the treaty establishing the Hague tribunal, the Venezuelan boundary case, the settlement of the European claims against Venezuela, and the Panama canal treaty and concession, “its origin, its history, and its application to various exigencies are in this book described with no little narrative skill, with clearness, and with judicial spirit.” (Outlook). “The book contains errors of fact as well as of judgment. The most serious imperfections are due to a lack of experience in handling sources, especially a lack of acquaintance with public documents. Notwithstanding grave defects the book is interestingly written and suggestive.” John H. Latané. + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 601. My. ‘05. 370w. Reviewed by Winthrop More Daniels. =Atlan.= 95: 553. Ap. ‘05. 360w. “Mr. Edgington preserves a calm and historical spirit in all his comments on the interesting subjects of which he treats, and the argumentation in which he not infrequently indulges is that of a candid jurisconsult rather than that of a partisan.” James Oscar Pierce. + + + =Dial.= 38: 122. F. 16, ‘05. 1190w. =Edmunds, Albert Joseph.= Buddhist and Christian gospels: being Gospel parallels from Pali texts. *$1.50. Open ct. The third edition, complete, and edited with notes by Prof. Anesaki of the imperial University of Tokio. The editor “holds to the independence of the fundamental documents of the Buddhist and the Christian scriptures. He only raises the question whether the Gospel of Luke, ‘in certain traits extraneous to the synoptical narrative,’ is indebted to a Buddhist source. This question he submits to the reader who compares the parallel texts here presented. Much more than merely such parallels are presented; pretty nearly every book of the New Testament supplies matter for a comparison with the Buddhist scriptures, which even the amateur in such studies will find interesting. The New Testament suffers nothing in the comparison.” (Outlook.) “As a contribution to the study of comparative religion from a Japanese scholar, this volume has a peculiar interest as well as a positive value for the student.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 331. O. 7, ‘05. 160w. =R. of Rs.= 32: 512. O. ‘05. 90w. =Edwards, Amelia Blandford.= Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys: a midsummer ramble in the Dolomites. $2.50. Dutton. In this third edition the text is the same as that of the first edition of 1873, but the footnotes and other explanatory matter that appeared in the second edition of the book have been included in the present volume. The district here described is in that part of the Southeastern Tyrol lying between Botzen, Brunecken, Innichen and Belluno; within this space are the limestone Dolomite mountains. There are numerous illustrations in half-tone. “Now as twenty-five years ago, the indispensable work is Miss Edwards’ ‘Untrodden peaks.’” + + =Nation.= 80: 529. Je. 29, ‘05. 480w. “A pleasant volume of travel and guidebook information.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 478. Jl. 22, ‘05. 340w. “A new and welcome edition of a thoroughly readable book of travels.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 143. My. 13, ‘05. 80w. =Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham-.= Home life in France. *$2.50. McClurg. Miss Betham-Edwards’ first hand knowledge of French family and school life has been the outgrowth of years of service as an officer of public instruction. This insight tempers her treatment with sympathy and enthusiasm. She describes every phase of life from the home-keeping which is “the glorification of simplicity,” to the city keeping which is presided over by “indefatigable workers to whom fireside joys and intellectual pleasure are especially dear, and to whom self-abnegation ... becomes a second nature.” “It is brightly written, and full of entertaining little personal reminiscences of the kind which do more to explain France to the average English mind than pages of psychological studies appealing only to the cultivated few.” + + =Acad.= 68: 561. My. 27, ‘05. 1360w. * “Writes with knowledge on a subject she may be said to have made her own, and what is more, she writes sympathetically.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 656. My. 27. 310w. * “The point of view is impartial, but friendly, and both knowledge of the subject and charm of style characterize the book.” + =Critic.= 47: 581. D. ‘05. 180w. * “Miss Betham-Edwards discourses with intelligent vivacity and good humor, lightening our darkness, gently removing the prejudice born of ignorance, and steadily building up the respect that rests on knowledge.” Josiah Renick Smith. + + — =Dial.= 39: 300. N. 16, ‘05. 1180w. “The value of a book which is in the main not less valuable than interesting is somewhat impaired by this persistent ignoring of the seamy side of life.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 175. Je. 9, ‘05. 570w. * “She has succeeded on the whole, in writing a very entertaining book full of detailed information, with statistics that here and there need slight correction.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 491. D. 14, ‘05. 1010w. “An extremely interesting, and in many ways valuable, book.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 727. O. 28, ‘05. 1000w. “The book is an excellent one for the intending sojourner in France, and it will, of course, interest those who have sojourned in that country.” + =Outlook.= 81: 526. O. 28, ‘05. 120w. * “A description of French domestic life and conditions which is written with sympathy and enthusiasm.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 636. N. ‘05. 50w. “Miss Betham-Edwards selects matter which on the whole may be intended more for women than for men, but the latter will not enjoy it the less on that account.” + =Sat. R.= 99: 676. My. 20, ‘05. 230w. * “There are also here and there signs of hurry and awkwardness in the style. All this could easily be put right in another edition, which the book, if only for the valuable amount of detail it contains, certainly ought to reach.” + + — =Spec.= 95: 259. Ag. 19, ‘05. 1570w. =Edwards, William Seymour.= Into the Yukon. **$1.50. Clarke, R. In a series of papers which were originally home letters, the author tells of the travels of himself and wife thru the Canadian northwest, the gulfs and fjords of the North Pacific, the valley of the upper Yukon, the golden Klondike, and some parts of California and the Middle west. The book gives an apparently unbiased view of conditions on the Canadian Yukon in the summer of 1903. It is profusely illustrated with snap shot photographs. “If it says nothing new, at least says it brightly and interestingly.” Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 91. F. 1, ‘05. 100w. “Mr. Edwards seems to be a clear-sighted observer, and his narration is straightforward and unpretentious. He appears to possess the knack of gathering and summarizing popular opinion without the exaggeration or superficiality usually characteristic of hasty news-gatherers. The most interesting portion of the book is naturally that relating to the Klondike region.” + + =Nation.= 80: 141. F. 16, ‘05. 920w. “A readable narrative.” + =Outlook.= 79: 759. Mr. 25, ‘05. 50w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 255. F. ‘05. 70w. =Eggleston, George Gary.= Daughter of the South. †$1.50. Lothrop. A war’s-end romance which follows the adventurous career of the Commodore of a cotton-buying fleet. While braving great danger for the sake of great profit he encounters the heroine in distress and carries her northward on one of his boats to love and to safety. “His art must be described as crude. Nevertheless, he tells a story of some interest, and keeps fairly in touch with reality.” Wm. M. Payne. + — =Dial.= 39: 208. O. 1, ‘05. 160w. “‘Decent under difficulties’ should be the title of this last story.” — =Ind.= 59: 987. O. 26, ‘05. 60w. “Exactly like all the rest of his novels.” — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 557. Ag. 26, ‘05. 290w. “Altogether, while not by any means a great book, this story is agreeable reading.” + =Outlook.= 81: 44. S. 2, ‘05. 130w. =Eggleston, George Gary.= Our first century. **$1.20. Barnes. “The design of this book ... is ... to present in a connected and picturesque narrative those facts of American history during the seventeenth century which were characteristic as to life and manners and customs. The book has the story element in a marked degree. It is liberally illustrated.”—Outlook. + + =Dial.= 39: 91. Ag. 16, ‘05. 390w. * + + =Ind.= 59: 1390. D. 14, ‘05. 40w. “After reading this lively little narrative one can without hesitation commend it to those who find the ordinary one-volume histories dry and meagre, and who have not the time or inclination to consult the larger works.” Robert Livingston Schuyler. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 480. Jl. 22, ‘05. 280w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 446. Je. 17, ‘05. 60w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 797. D. 16, ‘05. 90w. + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 123. Jl. ‘05. 140w. =Eggleston, George Gary.= Rebel’s recollections. *$1. Putnam. A fourth edition of a book first published in 1874, with an additional article upon “The old regime in the Old Dominion.” It contains much that is interesting, and gives a good idea of the Confederate soldier, and the Confederate commissary, also civil administration. + =Ind.= 58: 1312. Je. 8, ‘05. 100w. “The book contains in a very readable form a deal of information about the Confederacy, which Mr. Eggleston had first hand. Mr. Eggleston overemphasizes certain features, but there is a certain advantage in that, for they are just the features which other writers have been apt to ignore.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 275. Ap. 29, ‘05. 390w. “The book still outranks in interest almost all other reminiscences of the Civil war.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 1061. Ap. 29, ‘05. 60w. =Eldridge, George Dyre.= Milibank case. †$1.50. Holt. A detective story whose scene is laid in Maine near the Canadian border. The plot centers about the murder of a young lawyer, supposedly without enemies, and involves prominent state politicians. The tangle undertaken by two detectives contains at its close a surprise for detective and reader alike. “The story is fluently told, and is not ungenial as murders go.” + — =Nation.= 81: 123. Ag. 10, ‘05. 200w. “Is only a fair example of the art.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 432. Jl. 1, ‘05. 260w. =Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe.= East African protectorate. $5. Longmans. “Up to the time of his recent resignation, the author had been commissioner for the British government in the protectorate. He describes the country, its peoples, gives its history, and discusses its prospects as a field for European colonization; he also describes the present system of administration in the protectorate, and writes about the Uganda railway, trade, slavery, missions, a trip down the Nile, animals, etc. The volume is illustrated, and contains several maps.”—N. Y. Times. “The book gives a great deal of minute and not always interesting geographic information, but it was written by neither a geographer nor an economist, and often produces a sense of vagueness by omitting factors essential to an understanding of the country in its relation to human welfare. Other parts of the book are interesting, and the sociologist might find some useful information in the accounts of the native races.” + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 589. S. ‘05. 170w. “Sir Charles Eliot has here provided a much more compact and, within its limits, comprehensive handbook on the subject than was previously available.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 363. Mr. 25. 1260w. “... Throughout makes the book a most readable one, even to those who have no intention of being lured to it by the glowing pictures he paints.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 278. Ap. 29, ‘05. 1790w. “Nothing could exceed the interest, the deep research and the knowledge shown in the present work.” + + + =Sat.= R. 99: 808. Je. 17, ‘05. 1600w. “One of the best of recent travel books on a subject which is growing daily in interest and importance. The book is an encyclopedia of information, but the reader is never bewildered among the details, and the main problems of the future are lucidly and undogmatically discussed. The style is simple and colloquial, but it is never slipshod.” + + + =Spec.= 94: 552. Ap. 15, ‘05. 2030w. =Eliot, Charles William.= Happy life. 75c. Crowell. A new edition of this forceful, kindly book by the President of Harvard university. Under the headings: The moral purpose of the universe; Lower and higher pleasures; Family love; Pleasure in bodily exertion; The pleasure of reading; Mutual service and co-operation; The selection of beliefs; and The conflict with evil, he shows how to “cultivate the physical mental, and moral faculties through which the natural joys are won.” * “The material is abundantly worth preserving in its new form.” + =Critic.= 47: 572. D. ‘05. 30w. * “The points are concrete and practical, and the style is very simple, with a ring of nobility and sincerity about it that is worth more than many epigrams.” + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 150w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 629. N. 11, ‘05. 20w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 37: 732. D. 2, ‘05. 80w. =Eliot, George.= Adam Bede. $1.25. Crowell. This volume of “Adam Bede” is uniform with the “Thin paper classics.” It takes up little space on the library shelf, and its flexible cover and thin paper make it specially desirable for a pocket edition. =Eliot, George.= Romola. $1.25. Crowell. “Romola” in this edition is uniform with the “Thin paper classics.” =Eliot, John.= Logick primer. *$6. Burrows. “A reprint of John Eliot’s ‘Logic primer’ of 1672. The ‘Primer’ is an interlinear translation of the Indian text and the reprint is made from a photographic reproduction of the entire book (40 leaves) made in 1889 at the expense of the late James C. Pilling.”—Am. Hist. R. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 716. Ap. ‘05. 50w. =Elkin, William Baird.= Hume: the relation of the Treatise of human nature, bk. I, to the Inquiry concerning human understanding. *$1.50. Macmillan. “As a stepping-stone in philosophy from the old to the new, Hume still furnishes staple material to the student. Dr. Elkin here undertakes to make clear the exact ground held by him in his principal philosophical works, the ‘Treatise on human nature’ and the ‘Inquiry concerning the principles of morals.’”—Outlook. + + — =Nation.= 81: 53. Jl. 20, ‘05. 410w. =Outlook.= 79: 1059. Ap. 29, ‘05. 120w. “Taken all together, the book is a scholarly, clear-headed, thorough piece of work, straightforward in expression and substantially convincing in the large.” A. K. Rogers. + + + =Philos. R.= 14: 615. S. ‘05. 1260w. =Elliott, Mrs. Maude Howe (Mrs. John Elliott.)= Two in Italy. *$2. Little. Italian studies and sketches, so chatty in form as to be largely in dialog, which give glimpses of Italian life and character under the chapter headings: Anacrap; The inn of Paradise; Buona Fortuna; The Castello; Savonarola Finnerty; In old Poland; and, The hermit of Pietro Anzieri. There are six full page illustrations from drawings by John Elliott. * “Mrs. Elliott knows Italy better than most Americans, and she knows how to write.” + =Critic.= 47: 580. D. ‘05. 40w. * “Readers of ‘Roma beata’ will enjoy this second volume, which, though of slightly different type, is equally permeated by Mrs. Elliott’s individual and entertaining point of view.” + =Dial.= 39: 386. D. 1, ‘05. 140w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 832. D. 2, ‘05. 130w. * + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 826. D. 23, ‘05. 100w. =Ellis, Edward Sylvester.= Deerfoot in the forest. †$1. Winston. This is the first of a new series of Indian stories which continues the adventures of the author’s famous character Deerfoot, the Shewanoe. The time and incidents depicted are those of the Lewis and Clark expeditions. The plot of “Deerfoot in the forest” centers about the rescue of two boys by Deerfoot, and the thrilling adventures attending their return to safe territory. “All Mr. Ellis’ tales, like those of Castlemon, Oliver Optic and other writers of this class, are replete with interest, action and excitement, and the present volume ... is fully up to the standard set by Mr. Ellis in his popular series of tales that have preceded the present books.” + =Arena.= 34: 557. N. ‘05. 570w. * =Ellis, Edward Sylvester.= Deerfoot in the mountains. †$1. Winston. This third and last volume of the “New Deerfoot series,” takes the Indian guide and his two boy companions in a whirl of adventure from the Pacific ocean to their home in Ohio. The recapture of Deerfoot’s wonderful stallion, Whirlwind, a single handed encounter with five ferocious braves, and a hair breadth escape in a raging mountain torrent, are among the incidents which will recommend this story to all boy readers. * =Ellis, Edward Sylvester.= Deerfoot on the prairies †$1. Winston. In this second volume of the “New Deerfoot series,” the popular Indian hunter accompanied by his two boy friends and his Blackfoot guide makes the dangerous journey from the Ohio to the mouth of the Columbia river successfully, altho the hostile Indians, wild horses, grizzly bears, and other dangers of one hundred years ago beset their path and create many strange adventures for them. =Elton, Charles Isaac.= William Shakespeare, his family and friends; ed. by A. H. Thompson. *$4. Dutton. A series of papers, disconnected and sometimes unfinished, which would doubtless have been expanded into an exhaustive work had the author lived, have been collected by and published by Mr. Thompson, with a memoir written of the author by Mr. Andrew Lang. There are chapters on Shakespeare’s early life, on Stratford and London in Shakespeare’s time; on his family and descendants; on the history of Blackfriars’ theatre, and many other subjects of both interest and value. There is a complete and accurate index, which renders this work, with its wealth of facts, of great value to the student. “Indeed, so much material is furnished, and the learned antiquary ranges so very far afield, that the drift of his argument is not seldom obscured. The book abounds in the best kind of biographical material. It is a work of the very greatest value to the student of Shakespeare.” Charles H. A. Wager. + + — =Dial.= 38: 194. Mr. 16, ‘05. 1600w. “This work is a large and scholarly one, with perhaps more of detail about the great poet’s life and surroundings than would be essential to such an idea of the man himself as is given by Mr. Mabie in his picture. Mr. Elton’s volume, however, will be welcomed by scholars.” + =R. of Rs.= 30: 758. D. ‘04. 80w. =Ely, Helena Rutherford.= Another hardy garden book. $1.75. Macmillan. A book which is not intended to be a treatise upon any of the subjects referred to, or to take the place of other books upon gardening. It is, the author states in the preface, “a brief statement of simple methods of conducting gardening operations, particularly in the small home garden,” and it contains the result of the author’s own experiences in raising vegetables, fruits and flowers. There are chapters on the vegetable garden, fruits, trees—deciduous and evergreen, perennials and other flowers, a garden of lilies and iris, autumn work in the flower garden, and the flower garden in spring. There are many half-tone illustrations from photographs of flowers, trees and gardens, taken at various seasons of the year. “The new book is wider in its scope than its predecessor.” + =Country Calendar.= 1: 9g. My. ‘05. 100w. + + =Critic.= 46: 565. Je. ‘05. 120w. “Her books are far from being sentimental, but are infused with a very vigorous personality, and with occasional touches of humor that prove she is not taking herself too seriously.” Edith Granger. + =Dial.= 38: 381. Je. 1, ‘05. 370w. “The charm of the book rests in the reader’s companionship with an intelligent, agreeable woman, who loves her garden.” + =Ind.= 58: 1254. Je. 1, ‘05. 150w. “The author of this work places before us her quiet statements in an unobtrusive and instructive manner, and, here and there, gives touches to her sketch which makes the book more than usually readable.” + + =Nation.= 80: 338. Ap. 27, ‘05. 620w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 137. Mr. 4, ‘05. 160w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 388. Je. 17, ‘05. 200w. “It seems a quite practical book for the amateur gardener.” + =Outlook.= 79: 704. Mr. 18, ‘05. 50w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 867. Je. 3, ‘05. 90w. =Ely, Richard T.,= ed. See =Adams. T. S.= and =Sumner, Helen L.= Labor problems. =Ely, Richard Theodore.= Labor movement in America. *$1.25. Macmillan. A new and enlarged edition of a standard authority first issued nearly twenty years ago. * “At present we have no book that could be a satisfactory substitute for Professor Ely’s volume.” A. W. S. + + =Am. J. Soc.= 11: 431. N. ‘05. 50w. =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 589. S. ‘05. 50w. =Dial.= 39: 20. Jl. 1, ‘05. 30w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 386. Je. 17, ‘05. 520w. =Outlook.= 80: 542. Je. 24, ‘05. 50w. =Yale R.= 14: 230. Ag. ‘05. 120w. =Emch, Arnold.= Introduction to projective geometry and its applications: an analytic and synthetic treatment. $2.50. Wiley. “The first chapter derives the usual theorems of projective ranges and pencils, perspective and involution by means of the anharmonic ratio.... The second chapter deals with collineation.” There is “a chapter on the theory of conics.... The next chapter discusses the conics which pass through four fixed points; ... the cubic curve, defined by a pencil of conics and a projective pencil of lines, is treated at some length.... The fifth chapter, of over forty pages, is devoted to applications to mechanics.”—Engin. N. “A knowledge of trigonometry and plane analytical geometry is all that is required to understand the book, which is clearly and carefully written.” Virgil Snyder. =Engin. N.= 53: 183. F. 16, ‘05. 370w. “The author is a very clever draughtsman, and his skill as a writer is equally pronounced.” + + + =Nature.= 72: 77. My. 25, ‘05. 210w. “The exposition of the interesting connection between collineations and the surprisingly beautiful doctrine of linkages deserves special mention, as do also the clearness, directness and swiftness of style in which the book is written.” Cassius J. Keyser. + + + =Science.= n.s. 22: 114. Jl. 26, ‘05. 290w. =Emerson, Ralph Waldo.= Works. 12 vol. ea. $1.75. Houghton. Edward Waldo Emerson has carefully edited this twelve volume centenary edition of his father’s works, culling some valuable new material from the author’s note books, “his savings-bank,” he called them. The three volumes recently added to complete the twelve are, “Lectures and biographical sketches,” “Miscellanies,” and “Natural history of intellect and other papers.” “The last of them is provided with an elaborate general index to the entire edition. No less than five papers in this closing volume are now printed for the first time. The editing of these volumes, done by the pious hands of Mr. Edward Waldo Emerson, offers a shining example of what such editorial work should be, and makes the present form of the writings far more desirable than any of the earlier ones.” (Dial). “The present edition, in its Notes by Dr. Emerson, contains the first complete commentary on the author’s writings.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 283. Mr. ‘05. 220w. =Dial.= 38: 22. Ja. 1, ‘05. 120w. “Is manifestly the definitive edition, since it is the most comprehensive and perfect in matter and form.” + + + =Ind.= 58: 40. Ja. 5, ‘05. 780w. =Emerson, Ralph Waldo.= Emerson calendar; ed. by Huntington Smith. **50c. Crowell. Suggestions for each day of the year taken from Emerson’s works. By giving cullings which show clear perception of life and its obligations, the editor hopes to render an aid along the line of simpler living. * + =Dial.= 39: 387. D. 1, ‘05. 100w. English essays, selected and edited by Walter Cochrane Bronson. *$1.25. Holt. The chief purpose of this book is to cultivate a liking for good English prose in the college student who is taking introductory work in literature. The material chosen is therefore interesting in thought and style and the selections are complete in themselves even when entire chapters or essays are not given. Essays by Bacon, Milton, Swift, Addison, Johnson, Goldsmith, Lamb, De Quincey, Carlyle, Macaulay, Ruskin, Newman, Stevenson and others are included, and the volume is fully annotated for class use. + =N. Y. Times= 10: 730. O. 28, ‘05. 100w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 681. N. 18, ‘05. 60w. =Erasmus, Desiderius (surnamed Roterdamus).= Epistles of Erasmus, arranged in order of time: English translations from the early correspondence, with a commentary confirming the chronological arrangement and supplying further biographical matter, by Francis Morgan Nichols. 2v. ea. *$6. Longmans. “The first volume published in 1901, contained a selection of the letters of Erasmus up to the date of his receipt in Rome of the news of the death of King Henry VII of England (April 21, 1509).... The second volume carries the extant correspondence of Erasmus to the year 1517, when he took up his residence at Louvain. Many of the later letters are not those of Erasmus himself but were written by his correspondents.”—N. Y. Times. “On the whole this volume fairly maintains the interest roused by the first and must be regarded as a highly important contribution to the whole subject of the new learning.” E. E. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 686. Ap. ‘05. 240w. (Survey of contents of vol. II.) “These minor writings of the great humanist are chiefly valuable for the light which they shed upon his intensely interesting career. They are strongly marked with the well-known Erasmian characteristics, an easy elegance, a classical spirit, a strong tendency to flattery, a decided turn for quiet irony, and an impulse to break out once in a while into sarcastic flings at religious orders and the Roman Curia.” + + =Cath. World.= 80: 684. P. ‘05. 290w. “The same qualities of careful rendering and intelligent conjecture mark the work of this as of the first volume, and the same little formalities and tricks of usage occur here as there. It offers an indispensable starting-point for every future study of the great humanist.” + + =Nation.= 80: 39. Ja. 12, ‘05. 570w. (Review of Vol. II.) “The appendices contain many hitherto inaccessible documents of value to the student of the Reformation epoch.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 40. Ja. 21, ‘05. 160w. =Erskine, Mrs. Steuart.= London as an art city. *$1. Scribner. In her little monograph Mrs. Erskine “shows why London is a field for her artistic study on account of its wonderful architecture and wonderful art collections; a literary center with a past as the home of such writers as Dickens, Thackeray ... Goldsmith ... and others, and the home of present workers in art—George Frampton, T. Brock, A. Gilbert, and other sculptors; while among the painters are Sir Edward Poynter, Luke Fildes, John S. Sargent, and a number of others. The volume is fully illustrated with half-tone pictures of buildings, reproductions of well-known paintings, &c.” (N. Y. Times). =Int. Studio.= 24: sup. 76. Ja. ‘05. 90w. =Nation.= 80: 33. Ja. 12, ‘05. 310w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 14. Ja. 7, ‘05. 340w. =Esty, William.= Alternating current machinery. $6. American school of correspondence at Armour institute of technology, Chicago. “The author of the present volume declares that it has been prepared with the special object of giving the beginner, and the so-called practical electrician, a working knowledge of alternating current apparatus, so that he may know how to install and operate it intelligently.... The book is divided into nine different headings, and treats of the alternator, commercial types of alternators, synchronous motor, switchboard and station appliances, special switchboard apparatus, and lightning arresters.”—Engin. N. Reviewed by David B. Rushmore. + + =Engin. N.= 53: 637. Je. 15, ‘05. 590w. =Evans, Henry Ridgely.= Napoleon myth. bds. *75c. Open ct. The Napoleonic myths in both literature and art the author measures according to historical fact. The book also contains an introduction by Dr. Paul Carus and a reprint of “The grand erratum” by Jean Baptiste Peres. “The whole is a summary of the results of ‘higher criticism’ as applied to the Napoleon of the popular imagination.” (R. of Rs.) * “The author does little or nothing to emphasize the difference between fact and legend, or point out the means of distinguishing between the two spheres.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 526. Ap. 29, 200w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 160. Mr. 11, ‘05. 360w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 512. Ap. ‘05. 60w. =Everett, William.= Italian poets since Dante. $1.50. Scribner. The author has converted his lectures, delivered in the famous Lowell course in Boston, into book form with slight revision. His aim is “to show that Italy from the ‘trecento’ down to the end of the eighteenth century gave forth a literature which is great without the contributions of Dante, but which is often neglected and thought of lightly owing to the transcendent genius of that one man. Petrarca, Pulci, Boiardo, Berni, Ariosto, Vittoria Colonna, Michelangelo, Tasso, Marino, and the dramatists Goldoni and Alfieri are among the writers concerning whom Dr. Everett discourses with fine academic appreciation and a charming disregard of modern criticism.” (N. Y. Times). “His attitude towards his subjects is sympathetic, his appreciation is sincere, his criticisms are just and moderate. It is therefore all the more regrettable that he should have allowed his work to stand disfigured by so many slip-shod, loosely constructed and even absolutely ungrammatical sentences.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 646. Je. 17, ‘05. 300w. + + — =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 379. Ap. ‘05. 260w. “Dr. Everett’s survey, indeed, embraces only about a dozen names, and treats those for the most part rather sketchily.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 719. Je. 10. 660w. + + =Critic.= 46: 380. Ap. ‘05. 60w. “The work is luminous and vivid in style, and a delight to the instinct of every lover of literature. Eloquent panegyric upon Milton, and many another purple patch revealed in these pages. From the point of view of the scholar, little exception is to be taken to this work. To say that the book is readable is to do it much less than justice.” + + =Dial.= 38: 49. Ja. 16, ‘05. 700w. “A carelessness in the use of language which is often slovenly and sometimes ungrammatical. The most vexatious quality of the book, however, is due to Dr. Everett’s scorn of all methods and opinions save his own. We admit that his views are sometimes refreshingly independent. But his egoism, which is piquant when it wanders away from his subject, is disastrous when he attempts a serious comparison of the Italian poets. Dr. Everett’s short biographies of the poets are generally interesting and clever. His criticisms are erratic, but the copious extracts from Italian poetry with which he illustrates them are very valuable to the general reader.” + — — =Ind.= 58: 210. Ja. 26, ‘05. 450w. “His textual illustrations show him to be not only a translator in the finest sense, but also a poet of broad and subtle imagination and of a most delicate harmonic sensibility. The torch of classical effulgence dropped from the hand of Ticknor, of Longfellow, and of Lowell, he has caught up and illuminates anew what once passed for history. On one point, however, we think the doctor might have made a concession to the moderns as a gentle hint for his own permanency. He might have furnished an index. He is also cruel to kill off the poet Carducci, who at this writing is very much alive.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 38. Ja. 21, ‘05. 430w. “Mr. Everett’s sketches of their lives and works seem adequate and the translations, some of which are original, are vigorous. The author would have improved his work if he had pruned the rhetoric, more suitable for lectures than essays.” + + — =Sat. R.= 99: 746. Je. 3, ‘05. 310w. “He is generally just. We do not much like the fun that he makes of the romances. It is somewhat cheap.” + — =Spec.= 94: 718. My. 13, ‘05. 240w. * =Eytinge, Rose.= Memories of Rose Eytinge. **80c; **$1.20. Stokes. Into her own autobiography Rose Eytinge has introduced a wealth of sidelight information on the American drama of the past fifty years. She was an associate and personal friend of Edwin Booth, J. W. and Lester Wallack, E. L. Davenport and Augustin Daly, and her observations are all from the vantage point of first hand knowledge. F =Fairless, Michael, pseud.= Grey Brethren, and other fragments in prose and verse. $1.25. Dutton. Four fairy tales, five papers and five poems make up this posthumous volume. “‘The grey brethren,’ which gives its title to the volume, is a tenderly and reticently touched reminiscence of two maidenly ladies.... A German Christmas eve is a descriptive sketch of characteristic domestic charm. A Christmas idyll is an imaginative fantasy full of fine feeling and thoughtful religion.... Luvly Miss ... is the simple record of a poor child, dying from an accident, and her devout worship of an altogether ridiculous doll.” (Acad.) “Though slender and unambitious, they are written in a refined style. The poems, as a whole, are the least successful work in the volume.” + =Acad.= 62: 520. My. 13, ‘05. 600w. “This little volume will be welcome to all lovers of ‘The road mender.’ It has, not, indeed, the finished perfection of that book, but some of the stories and poems display the same fine artistic sense, and the same sacramental reverence for natural glory, the same deep tenderness and sympathy.” + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 560. My. 6. 300w. “Is marked by an exquisite simplicity of diction and a delicacy of spiritual insight that are far out of the common.” + + =Dial.= 39: 71. Ag. 1, ‘05. 110w. =Fairlie, John Archibald.= National administration of the United States of America. **$2.50. Macmillan. Written chiefly from official records such as the Constitution of the United States, statutes of Congress, administrative reports and judicial decisions, this volume gives an account of the administrative system, treating the legislative and judicial branches only in their direct relations to the executive administration. There are chapters on the powers of the president, the senate, congress, the cabinet, and the various departments and bureaus. A complete bibliography is provided. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 948. Jl. ‘05. 30w. “Dr. Fairlie’s treatise on this subject is marked by all the scholarly treatment, painstaking accuracy and thoroughness which characterized his work on municipal administration.” + + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 589. S. ‘05. 160w. “The book is written in a readable style. For the most part it is easily understood.” David Y. Thomas. + + =Dial.= 39: 12. Jl. 1, ‘05. 1380w. “A book that is at the same time full, readable and authoritative.” + + + =Ind.= 59: 332. Ag. 10, ‘05. 330w. “The author has done his work carefully, and his book may be accepted as a generally trustworthy guide.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 466. Je. 8, ‘05. 1040w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 374. Je. 10, ‘05. 570w. “In style the work is direct and incisive, in treatment accurate and objective, in presentation logical.” + + + =Outlook.= 80: 194. My. 20, ‘05. 240w. “Is perhaps the first comprehensive work on this subject that has ever been published.” + + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 126. Jl. ‘05. 110w. * =Fairweather, Rev. William.= Pre-exilic prophets. *35c. Lippincott. In this volume in the “Temple series of Bible handbooks” “Mr. Fairweather treats of the prophets from Amos down to Jeremiah—Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Jeremiah. The general character of the eighth century before Christ is discussed in the opening chapter, which is followed by a consideration of the value of written prophecy in relation to the Israelitish history of the period, the significance of prophecy for Divine revelation, ‘The older and the new prophecy,’ ‘The golden age of Hebrew prophecy,’ ‘The religious ideal of the prophets,’ ‘The century before the exile.’”—N. Y. Times. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 568. Ag. 26, ‘05. 140w. * “In the brevity prescribed for it could not be easily improved upon.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 345. Je. 3, ‘05. 40w. =Falkiner, C. Litton.= Illustrations of Irish history and topography. $7. Longmans. The period covered by this book is mainly that of the 17th century. The author treats of the history and development of Dublin, and “follows the history of the counties of Ireland giving their origin, constitution, and gradual elimination. What to us is of the greater interest are the accounts of the Irish people by contemporaneous authors. Fynes Moryson describes Ireland as he saw it at the close of the reign of Elizabeth.... The convivial habits of the Elizabethan Irish are dwelt on.... Luke Vernon’s “Discourse of Ireland” it is believed was written about 1619.... The last two chapters give the impressions of Sir William Brereton and a rather dandy Frenchman, M. Jorevin de Rocheford. The latter giving this account of his impression of Ireland, 1666.” (N. Y. Times). “The notes to these papers are numerous and characterized by scholarly care. In general Mr. Falkiner must be credited with a volume which will be permanently serviceable to students of Irish history.” Edward Porritt. + + =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 920. Jl. ‘05. 520w. + + =Dial.= 38: 273. Ap. 16, ‘05. 390w. “For the rest Mr. Falkiner writes with such exceeding care that he has left little for a critic to find fault with. Here and there, we think, he might with advantage have developed his subject more fully.” R. Dunlop. + + — =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 796. O. ‘05. 1750w. “Mr. Falkiner has been successful in his choice of descriptions determined by their rarity, representative character, and difficulty of procurement by the ordinary reader.” + =Nation.= 80: 254. Mr. 30, ‘05. 1230w. (Survey of contents.) + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 115. F. 25, ‘05. 1480w. Famous battles of the nineteenth century, 1875-1900, ed. by Chas. Welsh. **$1. Wessels. This fourth and last volume of “Famous battles of the nineteenth century,” contains an account of the famous battles fought from 1875 to 1900. It includes descriptions of The storming of Kars by Major Arthur Griffiths, The Boer war of 1881, by Archibald Forbes; The bombardment of Alexandria, by Max Pemberton; Port Arthur, 1894; The battle of Manila; and With Roosevelt on San Juan hill, by A. Hilliard Atteridge and other descriptions by these and other authors. * “The book is designed for boys, who will undoubtedly find it quite to their taste.” + =Critic.= 47: 581. D. ‘05. 40w. * “It is not possible to name the collection one of absorbing interest or to praise always either the fairness or the dramatic quality of the battle-pieces, but the book has considerable interest and some value.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 785. N. 18, ‘05. 810w. =Fandel, Peter.= Judgment of Paris. $1. Badger, R. G. The story of the judgment of Paris cast in dramatic form. The awarding of the apple, the chariot race which brings Paris to the notice of his father, Priam, the indignation of princes and people, and the flight of Paris are dealt with in four short acts. =Fanshawe, Anne Harrison (Lady Richard Fanshawe).= Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, bt., embassador from Charles II to the courts of Portugal and Madrid, written by herself; containing extracts from the correspondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe; ed. with introd. by Beatrice Marshall, and a note on the illustrations by Allan Fea. *$1.50. Lane. “The memoirs were first published in 1830, and were well worth a place in ‘The crown library’ series.... Both Sir Richard and his wife were representative of the highest type of Royalist—cultured, refined and humane. Sir Richard, who died in 1666, devoted his leisure years under the Commonwealth to literary labours of love.... The memoirs yield much information as to the events and social practices of a most interesting period in history.”—Ath. “Attractive memoirs, which we have read with very great pleasure in the delightful form in which they now appear.” + + =Acad.= 68: 730. Jl. 15, ‘05. 990w. “Certainly the memoirs have a charm which is by no means dependent on the time of which they treat.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 142. Jl. 29. 320w. * “Holds a high place in the biographical literature of the Stuart era.” + + =Nation.= 81: 447. N. 30, ‘05. 470w. “Her memoirs are bright and full of good stories of the doings of two and a half centuries ago.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 745. N. 4, ‘05. 760w. “The editing might have been done with greater skill and energy than Miss Marshall has brought to her task.” + — =Spec.= 95: 189. Ag. 5, ‘05. 1380w. =Farmer, James Eugene.= Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. *$3.50. Century. A beautiful book profusely illustrated. The sketch is a four-fold one including The palace, The park, The king and The court, each of which divisions presents the subject inductively and so prepares the way for the next. Beginning with the plans for the palace and the laying out of the grounds the author leads up to the finished work. With this for a back-ground, the king is presented and viewed from the standpoint of his daily life, methods of work, personal appearance and character, and the intricacies of court etiquette. Then the stage throngs with the gay and the wicked courtiers who were as perfect in manners as corrupt in morals. * “Our author has given us a volume of real value as an admirable pen-picture of the court.” + =Arena.= 34: 659. D. ‘05. 600w. * “An interesting subject is interestingly handled.” + =Critic.= 47: 580. D. ‘05. 130w. * + + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 34. D. ‘05. 180w. * “He does, indeed, depend upon the memoir writers very largely, but he uses them with intelligence, and makes his book a study in the physiology of court life.” + =Nation.= 81: 426. N. 23, ‘05. 420w. * “Mr. Farmer has joined his threads skillfully; there is no suggestion of patchwork about his book, which is entertaining to its last page.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 811. N. 25, ‘05. 770w. * “The reader feels that he has been in excellent company when he lays the volume down with a regret that it is not longer, or one of a series.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 833. D. 2, ‘05. 210w. * =Outlook.= 81: 706. N. 25, ‘05. 100w. =Farmer, John S., and Henley, William Ernest.= Dictionary of slang and colloquial English. *$2.50. Dutton. This is an abridgment of the seven-volume work by the same authors entitled “Slang and its analogues.” It contains slang expressions and their analogues in English and American usage. A list of more than fifty books to which reference and acknowledgment is made in this volume, is given. The first of these is dated 1440. * + =Nation.= 81:75. Jl. 27, ‘05. 110w. =N. Y. Times.= 10:276. Ap. 29, ‘05. 220w. “For ordinary use the present book is ample.” + + =Outlook.= 79:1013. Ap. 22, ‘05. 130w. =Farquhar, Edward.= Poems. $1.50. Badger, R: G. Under three divisions, History, Man and nature, and Devotion, are included poems as varied in length and verse as in subject. They range from long poems such as “King Herod,” and “Christianity in the apostles,” which are cast in poem-drama form, to little verses such as “Microcosm,” and “Clouds and dawn.” “In his volume of collected poems Mr. Farquhar takes a deeper plunge into the psychological mysteries of youthful hearts, and now and then succeeds in striking a truly poetic note.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10:585. S. 9, ‘05. 90w. =Fenn, Frederick, and Wyllie, B.= Old English furniture. *$2.50. Scribner. Mr. Fenn has written the chapters on oak furniture, the walnut period, and the introduction of the making of furniture, while those upon chairs, sofas, painted furniture, and inlaid mahogany and satinwood, are by B. Wyllie. There are ninety-four illustrations of articles either owned by the authors or in collections to which they have access. The volume belongs to the “Newnes library of applied arts.” “Is ... trustworthy, but it leaves us with a somewhat unpleasant feeling of having been ‘taken in hand.’” Edith A. Browne. + — =Acad.= 68:79. Ja. 28, ‘05. 320w. “The accompanying text is full of valuable information and pregnant hints to the inexperienced amateur.” + =Int. Studio.= 25:82. Mr. ‘05. 120w. “What we like especially about the text is its reserve, and quiet tone, and plain statement of the impossibility of fixing dates very closely.” + + =Nation.= 80:319. Ap. 20, ‘05. 790w. “Its style is intimate rather than didactic, impressionistic rather than scientific.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10:179. Mr. 25, ‘05. 260w. + — =Sat. R.= 99:846. Je. 24, ‘05. 660w. =Fernández Guardia, Ricardo.= Cuentos ticos. $2. Burrows bros. co. These ten short stories of Costa Rica, have been translated into English by Gray Casement. The author, who is a writer of reputation among Central Americans has strikingly set forth the social, political and religious ideas of Costa Rica in these brief narratives, which combine both pathos and humor. There is a good introduction by the translator; there are also many illustrations of street and country scenes. “Although here and there reminiscent of Castillian story tellers, the tales and the style in which they are related make one wish to know more of Señor Ricardo and his works.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10:3. Ja. 7, ‘05. 400w. =Ferree, Barr.= American estates and gardens. $10. Munn. The title of this book misleads one, as the author writes of the country houses, or rather palaces, of our American millionaires. These houses are monuments, not of the taste and personality of the owners, but of the skill and training of the architects and decorators, and there is much grandeur and little domesticity. What is lacking in “Estates,” however, the author amply makes up to us in “Gardens,” and gives most delightful illustrations, many of which are drawn from the well-known Falkner and Bellefontaine farms. “Whether we regard his book as a record of contemporary and domestic architecture of a certain sort, or as a contribution to sociology, it will be of scarcely less interest a hundred years hence than it is to-day.” + + =Nation.= 80: 160. F. 23. ‘05. 470w. =Fetter, Frank Albert.= Principles of economics; with applications to practical problems. *$2. Century. A book which will be particularly valuable to students and teachers, as it represents the course of instruction which Dr. Fetter has given in his classes. “The theory is illuminated by constant references to practical life, and to such sides of life as college students are likely to come into contact with, and it is also used to shed light on the larger problems of our current social life.” (J. Pol. Econ.) “In the wealth of material treated, in the judicious employment of all methods of economic study, in the sanity and lucidity of discussion, the book has hardly an equal. Moreover, it is the most readable book on economics that the reviewer has had the good fortune to peruse.” A. S. Johnson. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 144. Ja. ‘05. 1840w. “Professor Fetter’s book may challenge comparison, on the ground of its intrinsic excellence, with any systematic treatise on economics that has appeared since the days of John Stuart Mill.” Winthrop More Daniels. + + =Atlan.= 95: 563. Ap. ‘05. 850w. “Tho having acquaintance with the new, his philosophy is essentially of the old and reveals but few modifications due to an understanding of modern thought and modern conditions.” + — =Ind.= 59: 333. Ag. 10. ‘05. 240w. “Among the numerous text-books of economics which have appeared in England and America in the last year or two, Professor Fetter’s book is likely to take high rank. For those who share his views on fundamental economic doctrines, his work may well serve as a first-class text-book. The present writer, while admiring the structure of Dr. Fetter’s course, and appreciating the fact that students following such a course are likely to have a keen interest in economics developed, finds himself in the position of a critic compelled to assail the very foundations of Dr. Fetter’s economic system.” A. W. Flux. — + =J. Pol. Econ.= 13: 109. D. ‘04. 2020w. * “As an economic synthesis bottomed on the accepted modern theory of value and extended to all phases of economic analysis, it stands unsurpassed.” + + + =Nation.= 81 :367. N. 2, ‘05. 1000w. =Fiebeger, Gustave Joseph.= Civil engineering. *$5. Wiley. A book intended to give military cadets who have to master many sciences and languages as well as military science and tactics an elementary knowledge of civil engineering. Reviewed by H. N. Ogden. + + — =Science,= n.s. 22: 397. S. 29, ‘05. 690w. =Field, Edward Salisbury. (Childe Harold, pseud.).= Child’s book of abridged wisdom. **75c. Elder. A little book of rhymed advice amply illustrated with humorously grotesque drawings. The binding is artistic and the wisdom will amuse the parent rather than edify the child. It is upon this order, “At dinner use your fork and spoon; It may prolong your life, My grandfather once cut himself While eating with his knife.” * “A series of irresistibly comic verses containing good advice for the young.” + + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 150w. * “The decorations are clever, and so is the verse it contains.” + =Ind.= 59: 1384. D. 14, ‘05. 25w. =Fielding, Henry.= Selected essays, ed. by Gordon Hall Gerould. *60c. Ginn. A book designed to introduce Fielding as an essay writer to both college students and general readers. It contains selected essays from his novels, and some of the best work from the “Miscellanies” of 1743 and the periodicals. The text is in most cases based on the first and second editions. A biographical sketch, an introduction, full notes, and an index are provided. “To the present volume there is prefixed an introduction ... by which we can see that the praise is lavish rather than discriminating.” + — =Acad.= 68: 870. Ag. 26, ‘05. 1230w. =Finerty, John Frederick.= Ireland: the people’s history of Ireland. *$2.50. Dodd. The first history of the Irish people “pro-Irish rather than pro-English in spirit and view” since McGee’s “History of Ireland,” three-quarters of a century ago. Mr. Finerty, the president of the United Irish league of America, aims to throw “more light in a simple and comprehensive manner on the history of that beautiful island, the blood of whose exiled children flows in the veins of not less than twenty millions of the American people.” The history, two volumes, is a very rapid survey of Ireland from the earliest period down to the career and ascendency of the fearless avenger of Irish liberty, Parnell. * “Writes from that patriotic point of view, but with no obvious bias that would prevent him from being fair and trustworthy in regard to opposing views.” + + =Critic.= 47: 190. Ag. ‘05. 80w. * “It will not do to say that his style is everywhere excellent. If Mr. Finerty had studied the history of his native land in the light of European events, the policies of England would have become intelligible to him, and the ‘People’s history of Ireland’ would have been a far more trustworthy work.” Laurence M. Larson. — — + =Dial.= 38: 412. Je. 16, ‘05. 1230w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 162. Mr. 18, ‘05. 630w. “The work before us, despite its prefatory promise of breadth and fair-mindedness, is itself a striking example of the way in which Irish history should not be written. In so far as the ‘political misfortunes’ of Ireland are concerned, bias prevails—the bias of a narrative constructed along pronounced pro-Catholic lines by an uncompromising sympathizer with the Irish cause. Strictly speaking, moreover, the work is not a history, but merely a chronicle in which the familiar superlatives, epithets, and errors of overstatement and understatement are painfully in evidence. There is also room for criticism from the standpoint of proportion.” — — =Outlook.= 79: 705. Mr. 18, ‘05. 340w. =Firth, Charles Harding.= Plea for the historical teaching of history: an inaugural lecture delivered on November 9, 1904. *35c. Oxford. In this lecture Prof. Firth finds fault with the present school of history. He also declares history to be neither a science nor an art, “but it partakes of the nature of both. A twofold task lies before the historian. One-half of his business is the discovery of the truth, and the other half its representation.” “A very plain-spoken expression of opinion, and, as it is always well to have ideals set before us, likely to be useful.” + =Spec.= 94: 23. Ja. 7, ‘05. 370w. =Firth, John Benjamin.= Constantine, the first Christian emperor. **$1.35; **$1.60. Putnam. “There is ample room for a brief biography of the Emperor Constantine along the lines on which Mr. Firth has constructed his present book. Going directly to contemporary sources, and examining them with an eye keen to the detection of bias, Mr. Firth gives in small compass a careful exposition not only of the career and personality of the first imperial champion of Christianity, but of the period to which he belonged and of the nature and extent of the influence exerted by him on his generation and on posterity. In other words, an analysis is made of the elements essential to a correct evaluation of the validity of Constantine’s claim to greatness.”—Outlook. “We may, however, fairly criticize the author for having taken no account of some recent investigations which ought not to be ignored.” — + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 649. My. 27. 1470w. “Of this period and of its central figure the author has written sensibly and satisfyingly.” + + =Dial.= 38: 324. My. 1, ‘05. 570w. “Mr. Firth makes a slip at the beginning of the book in speaking of the conquerors of Valerion as the Parthians.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 170. My. 26, ‘05. 710w. “Though written as a volume for a popular series, this book should not escape the attention of scholars, since it is based on a first-hand study of the authorities, and is the fruit of independent reflection.” + + =Nation.= 81: 128. Ag. 10, ‘05. 1250w. “It is on the whole, a well balanced piece of work. The book opens with an absurdly bad genealogical table, and continues to practically a dateless limit.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 125. F. 25, ‘05. 780w. “Indeed we cannot but feel that, if only through an excess of impartiality, he paints the shadows at times all too deeply. And, for a similar reason, we gain the impression that here and there the pagan receives more and the Christian less than his due. We could wish, too, less disquisition regarding the untrustworthiness of the annalists of the period, less detailed picking of flaws—a habit so pronounced as to become tedious. These blemishes, however, are not vital defects. The work is well arranged, well written, and, with the exceptions noted, well balanced.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 501. F. 25, ‘05. 290w. * “We have little but praise of the writer’s treatment of the ecclesiastical and theological side.” + + =Sat. R.= 100: 528. O. 21, ‘05. 810w. “Mr. Firth’s account of him is an excellent performance.” + + =Spec.= 95: 360. S. 9, ‘05. 460w. “Is an interesting biography and an excellent study of an important phase in the earlier history of Europe.” + + + =Yale R.= 14: 230. Ag. ‘05. 90w. =Firth, John Benjamin.= Highways and byways in Derbyshire. $2. Macmillan. “Mr. Firth remarks that his book is of ‘narration rather than description.’ He tells the reader where he may profitably go, and what he may expect to see ... [and] takes occasion to mention the literary and historical associations of the places which he visits.”—Spec. “Mr. Firth’s ‘Derbyshire’ is to the full as thorough and as companionable as any of its predecessors.” + =Acad.= 68: 609. Je. 10, ‘05. 1040w. “Mr. Firth, has, beyond doubt, produced some five hundred pages of attractive and interesting reading.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 551. My. 6, 2160w. “Above all, there is a style that stamps the book as more than a guide, yet takes nothing away from its usefulness.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1111. N. 9, ‘05. 210w. * “Mr. Firth has a talent for description.” + =Nation.= 81: 407. N. 16, ‘05. 1220w. “There are a few other references to people and scenes of especial interest to the scientific world, but the book will not be valued by these so much as for its bright narrative of literary and historical centers of Derbyshire, and its fine illustrations.” + =Nature.= 72: 100. Je. 1, ‘05. 320w. “The drawings ... are singularly charming—are, in fact, when all is said, the best part of a very good book.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 356. Je. 3, ‘05. 710w. “The book is rich in literary associations and personal anecdotes, and is decidedly readable.” + =Outlook.= 80: 192. My. 20, ‘05. 60w. “If a little slapdash at times and opinionated, Mr. Firth writes with real spirit.” + — =Sat. R.= 99: 748. Je. 3, ‘05. 270w. “Full of interesting matter.” + =Spec.= 94: 718. My. 13, ‘05. 270w. =Fischer, George Alexander.= Beethoven: a character study; with Wagner’s Indebtedness to Beethoven. **$1.40. Dodd. In this study of the great composer’s life and character is given not only the influences under which he developed but the effect which his work had upon the music of to-day and upon the work of Wagner. “Is perhaps the most rational, convincing, shrewd, and sympathetic estimate yet made.” + + + =Dial.= 39: 70. Ag. 1, ‘05. 350w. “His method is straightforward enough, but his style is an exasperating journalese, without distinction of any kind. It is not of any special value or significance.” + — =Ind.= 59: 695. S. 21, ‘05. 200w. “It is a character study rather than a biography and criticism. The chapter on humor is one of the best in the book.” + =Nation.= 80: 380. My. 11, ‘05. 190w. “It is presented in a straightforward style, though without much distinction; and what the author has added in the way of critical estimate is unimportant. Nor has he thrown any new light upon the character and artistic nature of Beethoven.” Richard Aldrich. — + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 308. My. 13, ‘05. 290w. “A simple, straightforward, and readable biography. An excellent and useful book for the young amateur of music.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 906. Ap. 8, ‘05. 50w. =Fisguill, Richard, pseud. (Richard H. Wilson).= Venus of Cadiz. †$1.50. Holt. An American novel with a decided French twang. The scene is laid in Kentucky with an unsophisticated country girl for a heroine and a mushroom grower for her Adonis. Impossible situations follow one another in rollicking succession which involve cases of mistaken identity, mishaps, and weird meetings of moonshiners in caves. It is rightly called an extravaganza. “The plot is nought, and the manner everything. A racy and rollicking book it is, warranted to dispel the most chronic case of blues.” Wm. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 39: 116. S. 1, ‘05. 160w. “It is a rollicking and impossible tale, in which the author gets rather beyond his depth, while the reader is just sufficiently amused to flounder after him in astonishment.” — =Nation.= 81: 123. Ag. 10, ‘05. 80w. “Mr. Fisguill’s story is one which might well have remained in manuscript.” — =Pub. Opin.= 29: 221. Ag. 12, ‘05. 60w. =Fish, Carl Russell.= Civil service and the patronage. *$2. Longmans. “This volume deals with a subject which primarily concerns the citizens of the United States ... the history of the ‘Spoils system.’”—Spec. “The most valuable part of the book is the second section, dealing with the genesis of the spoils system. This is a genuine contribution to the history of the subject.” L. M. S. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 172. O. ‘05. 1260w. “This book is distinctly a history of the patronage, and as such deserves recognition as a valuable contribution in this particular field.” Ward W. Pierson. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 26: 606. S. ‘05. 380w. + + =Dial.= 39: 169. S. 16, ‘05. 420w. “His book is brief but thorough.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 318. S. 2, ‘05. 130w. =Spec.= 94: 559. Ap. 15, ‘05. 170w. * =Fisher, Ruth B.= On the borders of Pigmy land, **$1.25. Revell. “A record of missionary experiences in Central Africa, with interesting descriptions of the country and its people.”—Outlook. * + =Outlook.= 81: 942. D. 16, ‘05. 15w. * “Very interesting is the story she tells in this volume—tells with an admirable combination of the humorous and the serious.” + + =Spec.= 95: 294. Ag. 26, ‘05. 450w. =Fitch, William Edwards.= Some neglected history of North Carolina, including the battle of Alamance, the first battle of the American revolution. $2. Neale. “North Carolina’s claim to be the first battleground of the Revolution is zealously advocated in this monograph, which is, briefly, a study of the ‘viper’ episode of 1765.... In it also is incorporated some interesting documentary matter in the way of legislative acts, Regulator’s ‘Advertisements,’ and contemporary letters and addresses.”—Outlook. “The work is flimsy, incoherent, prejudiced.” + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 951. Jl. ‘05. 270w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 179. Mr. 25, ‘05. 960w. (Abstract of contents.) + — =Outlook.= 79: 709. Mr. 18, ‘05. 260w. * =FitzGerald, Edward.= Euphranor: a dialogue on youth. *75c. Lane. This fifteenth volume of the “New pocket library” contains Euphranor “very fitly presented after the text of the first edition of 1851. Mr. Frederick Chapman, who supplies a preface, dwells upon the value of the little work ... not only as a classic specimen of English prose, but as reflective of Cambridge and its contemporary life, and the author as a part of them.” (Nation.) * “To possess ‘Euphranor’ in the present convenient form will give pleasure to many lovers of the famous letters and the more famous quatrains.” H. W. Boynton. + =Atlan.= 96: 850. D. ‘05. 390w. * + =Nation.= 81: 339. O. 26, ‘05. 90w. * “A pleasing preface. There are some sixty Greek words and more than twenty mistakes.” + — =Spec.= 95: 397. S. 16, ‘05. 160w. =Fitzgerald, Edward and Pamela.= Edward and Pamela Fitzgerald; being an account of their lives; compiled by Gerald Campbell. $3.50. Longmans. “A volume compiled by Gerald Campbell [their great grandchild] from the letters of those who knew them, in which is told the ‘life story’ of the Irish rebel leader and his wife. Unlike other memoirs of Lord FitzGerald, this is not founded on Thomas Moore’s ‘Life and death of Lord Edward FitzGerald,’ which appeared in 1831. The letters cover in all a period of sixty years—from 1770 to 1831. The object of the first part of the volume is to give a picture of the home life of Lord Edward’s family, and incidentally portraits of the writer of the epistles. No attempt has been made to give a connected account of the story of his life. The letters have been left to show how he was regarded by those who knew and loved him best.”—N. Y. Times. “On the whole the work of the editor has been well done.” G. H. O. + + =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 613. Jl. ‘05. 590w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 10. Ja. 7, ‘05. 400w. (Outlines contents). =Fitzgerald, Percy.= Lady Jean, the romance of the great Douglas cause. *$3.60. Wessels. A revival of the famous Douglas case, the story of Lady Jean Douglas, who at the age of 50 married a broken down gambler in order to provide heirs for her brother’s estates. The author takes the side of the Hamiltons and contends that Lady Jane’s twin boys were hers not by birth but by purchase. “Mr. Fitzgerald has, in fact, given us a somewhat repellant chapter of gossip, narrated in a style so slipshod as to suggest doubts as to its accuracy in other points.” — =Acad.= 68: 147. F. 18, ‘05. 650w. + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 779. Je. 24. 490w. * =Fitzgerald, Sybil.= In the track of the Moors. *$6. Dutton. “These essays contain no personal reminiscences; they are interpretative rather than descriptive, and they often run far afield into legend, history, politics, race characteristics and development, the inter-play of one race upon another, and other problems remote from the point of view of the guide-book.... It is as a luxurious and leisurely commentary upon travels past or to come, as a collection of delightful essays and beautiful pictures, that ‘In the track of the Moors’ should be judged and enjoyed. The book is the result of collaboration by Sybil and Augustine Fitzgerald, the former furnishing the essays and the latter the pictures. There are sixty-three full-page illustrations excellently printed in color.”—Dial. * “If the author displays here no great erudition, she certainly shows a real and sympathetic acquaintance with the lands in question, considerable powers of observation, and a pretty taste in the literature of travel.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 729. N. 25, ‘05. 130w. * “The essayist is equipped for her task by a thorough knowledge of the subject, a gift for analysis, and the ability to put the results of analysis into trenchant and finished form.” + + =Dial.= 39: 382. D. 1, ‘05. 480w. * “The feature of ‘In the track of the Moors’ lies essentially in its illustrations.” + =Ind.= 59: 1381. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * “The pictures, much the more satisfactory element, are often charming, although also at times very trivial in subject.” + =Nation.= 81: 463. D. 7, ‘05. 240w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 765. N. 11, ‘05. 310w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 705. N. 25, ‘05. 60w. =Fitzmaurice, Edmond George Petty.= Life of Granville. 2v. $10. Longmans. The materials used for Lord Fitzmaurice’s biography are mainly extracts from Lord Granville’s diaries and correspondence, from letters from his mother, from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and from a large group of his political colleagues. “The most striking letters which it contains are those which explain the relations of Queen Victoria to her ministers in respect of the conduct of foreign affairs.... The pleasantest portion of the first volume consists of the diary jottings of Lord Granville contained in his letters to the Governor-General of India.... The most important matter treated in the second volume is Home rule, and here again we find new facts which are material.... There are many interesting passages scattered throughout the portions of the book which deal with modern politics.” “Impartiality is a virtue of which he never loses sight, and though his book does not give us a clear portrait of Lord Granville, it holds within its covers a mass of facts and documents, with which the historian of the nineteenth century will never be able to dispense.” + + =Acad.= 68: 1121. O. 28, ‘05. 1650w. “Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice’s book is both interesting and important.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 497. O. 14. 2800w. “Lord Edmond has put together a vast amount of interesting and entertaining information about many people besides Lord Granville. Lord Granville’s own personal charm was perhaps too evanescent a quality to be reproduced on paper.” + + =Lond. Times.= 4: 338. O. 13, ‘05. 3880w. “Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice has done a very good piece of work in his life of Lord Granville.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 746. N. 4, ‘05. 1270w. + + =Sat. R.= 100: 558. O. 28, ‘05. 2320w. “Even Mr. John Morley has not drawn so full a picture of the unfortunate Cabinet of 1880 as Lord Edmond has been able to supply, and it is certain that no future writer will be able to address himself to this period unless he has thoroughly studied Lord Edmond’s volumes.” + + + =Spec.= 95: 609. O. 21, ‘05. 1760w. =Flandrau, Rebecca Blair=, tr. See =Kielland, Alexander.= Professor Lovdahl. =Fletcher, A. E.= Thomas Gainsborough. *$1.25. Scribner. A volume in the “Makers of British art” series. “If, in the present volume, we are not taught much as to Gainsborough’s technique we gain a good picture of Gainsborough’s age and its degradation in taste; of Gainsborough’s family; of the famous Bath period (the turning point in the painter’s career of Gainsborough’s landscape work) and its relation to Constable’s; of the London life, the king’s favor, the Academy, and, finally, the noble passing. Of the great triumvirate of English portrait painters—Reynolds, Gainsborough, and Romney—working at the same time, Gainsborough was not only the most brilliant artist in, but also the founder of the English landscape school.” (Outlook). “Excellent thought and carefully gauged appreciation is conveyed in a too dramatic, one might almost say, journalistic, tone.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 16. Mr. ‘05, 190w. “Mr. Fletcher has nothing new or important to tell us of Gainsborough’s art, but he has succeeded, in spite of the handicap of a wordy and inefficient style, in writing a fairly entertaining biography.” + — =Nation.= 80: 194. Mr. 9, ‘05. 140w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 92. F. 11, ‘05. 550w. “Mr. Fletcher’s is the latest of the rapidly increasing number of Gainsborough biographies. His is a good biography, but not a remarkable book of criticism. For that one will seek Sir Walter Armstrong’s book; not that entire satisfaction is to be had from it either.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 96. Ja. 7, ‘05. 150w. =Fletcher, Banister, and Fletcher, Banister Flight.= History of architecture. *$6. imp. Scribner. A fifth edition, revised and enlarged. The volume is intended for students, craftsmen, and the general reader. It contains over 2000 illustrations including photographs of buildings, exteriors and interiors, maps, plans, and diagrams, and includes a bibliography, a glossary, and a full index. “The present edition is certainly an improvement on the former ones in clarity and fulness of information.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 440. Ap. 8. 300w. “Is a veritable encyclopedia of its subject, and presents in compact form an immense amount of information.” + + =Dial.= 38: 277. Ap. 16, ‘05. 70w. “The peculiar excellence and convenience of this work....” + + =Nation.= 80: 229. Mr. 23, ‘05. 100w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 169. Mr. 18, ‘05. 290w. =Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie.= Introductory history of England, from the earliest times to the close of the middle ages. *$2. Dutton. “Mr. Fletcher’s book is ‘introductory’ in a double sense. Besides being intended for boys, it stops at the beginning of the Tudor period. In style, it is explanatory, and the author is enabled, by excising a large number of subjects, to treat those that remain with tolerable fulness of detail.”—Nation. “He gives a fresh and really interesting connected narrative of England’s emergence from barbarism and the beginnings of her national and institutional life. There are surely very many older readers who will find the book more fascinating than most novels.” + =Ind.= 58:671. Mr. 23, ‘05. 490w. “Mr. Fletcher’s avowed object is to avoid intolerable dulness, even when discoursing of the Norman conquest; and without further delay we may as well state that he has succeeded. The dry-as-dust critic might pick holes in some of his statements. But Mr. Fletcher has a grasp of essentials, and some lapses may well be condoned in the case of one whose light touch really does lend interest to the mediaeval history of England.” + + — =Nation.= 80:235. Mr. 23, ‘05. 560w. “The book he has now given us is eminently characteristic, full of his own energetic, practical activity, his love of health, fresh air, and good exercise. Mr. Fletcher’s story is, in the main, highly intelligible and adequately consecutive. He has certainly given us here a sketch of living men by a living man. Peculiarly interesting is the picture attempted of an imaginary village in pre-Norman, Norman, and post-Norman times. A word must also be said in praise of the capital little chapter of geological history.” + + =Nature.= 71:385. F. 23, ‘05. 470w. =Fletcher, Margaret.= Light for new times: a book for Catholic girls. 60c. Benziger. Four essays which aim to help Catholic girls to enter upon the life which succeeds school days with some practical warning as to what the realities of life will be. They are entitled, Without the way there is no going; Liberty; Responsibility; and Professional life. * “Miss Fletcher really meets a serious want. Her work is of a high order; her aim is in the right direction.” + =Cath. World.= 82:262. N. ‘05. 540w. =Flint, Austin.= Handbook of physiology. *$5. Macmillan. The author states that this book is the outgrowth of “a desire to present to students a work that may serve to connect pure physiology with the physiology especially useful to physicians.... I have endeavored to adapt it to the curricula of medical schools where the subject is taught in the English language.... The subject has been treated from a medical standpoint, not unduly neglecting, it is hoped, pure physiology and biology.” “We cannot leave it without a word of recognition for the extraordinarily lucid style which this veteran professor ... has achieved. It might well be the envy if not the despair of professional writers.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10:649. O. 7, ‘05. 680w. =Flint, George Elliot.= Power and health through progressive exercise. *$1.50. Baker. In a plea for heavy work in the gymnasium, the author lays aside light weight systems, and outlines a course in heroic strength-development. He maintains that “it is not much work requiring many slight efforts, but much less work requiring great efforts that make the best quality of brain and brawn.” + =Dial.= 38: 422. Je. 16, ‘05. 300w. * =Flood, William H. Grattan.= Story of the harp. *$1.25. Scribner. The history of the harp is given in this volume, from its earliest form in Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia, also its use in the Jewish temples and Christian churches, its appearance in Ireland, with a full description of Irish harps and harpists, and a discussion of the increasing use of the harp in the orchestra. There are appendices upon the Æolian harp, and Epochs in the history of harp-making. The volume is illustrated. * + =Nation.= 81: 467. D. 7, ‘05. 190w. * “A more definite plan, a more skillful presentation, a more detailed and critical discussion and description would have made a book more valuable to the student and not less agreeable to the general reader.” Richard Aldrich. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 604. S. 16, ‘05. 360w. =Flower, Elliott.= Best policy. †$1.50. Bobbs. Dave Murray, special insurance agent, is the central figure about whom center the incidents which fill these twelve stories. All phases of the life insurance plea are presented, including comedy, tragedy, speculation, failure, error, sacrifice and grievance. “Considered as fiction the book is one of the brightest and best volumes of short stories of the season.” + + =Arena.= 34: 551. N. ‘05. 180w. * “The insurance companies of the country should pay Mr. Flower a royalty on this book.” + =Lit. D.= 31: 966. D. 23, ‘05. 360w. “This is a timely book, unique and interesting.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 771. N. 11, ‘05. 200w. “It would make an excellent guide for young insurance agents in the art of soliciting business.” + =Outlook.= 81: 524. O. 28, ‘05. 40w. “The fact that his stories are good ones, or would be if it were not for the trail of the serpent of bitter knowledge that lies over them, only adds to the seriousness of his offense.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 601. N. 4, ‘05. 180w. =Flower, Elliott.= Slaves of success. †$1.50. Page. These eight short stories form a study in state politics. The grafter, the boss, the spoilsman, the reformer, the honest country member of the legislature, all are true to their parts and serve to bring out the various phases of American business and political methods as viewed from the inside. “The eight chapters of ‘Slaves of success’ are rather as many narratives than stories.” Churchill Williams. + — =Bookm.= 22: 173. O. ‘05. 1030w. “Is rather a series of sketches than a novel, and the chapters have very unequal merit.” + — =Ind.= 59: 452. Ag. 24, ‘05. 70w. “One of the many merits of his book is that it is not one of unalloyed pessimism. ‘Slaves of success’ is not only of absorbing interest, but, if as widely read as it deserves, cannot fail of being a power for good.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 326. My. 20, ‘05. 480w. + =Outlook.= 79: 1016. Ap. 22, ‘05. 40w. + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 676. Ap. 29, ‘05. 320w. =Flux, A. W.= Economic principles: an introductory study. *$2. Dutton. Prof. Flux has written an introductory text book and has rendered it unsatisfactory for advanced work by giving no references, save in a general way. His object is to avoid introducing controversies which would interest only students more advanced than those for whom he wrote, and to give himself more freedom of expression than would be possible if he gave credit for each point of doctrine to those who first defined it. The work is, on the whole, of the classical point of view, as found in Marshall, but whatever the economic prejudices of the reader, he will find the work accurate and thoro, as well as modern. * + — =Ind.= 59: 931. O. 19, ‘05. 230w. “It is not too much to say that the book is pretty nearly everything else than a textbook could be fairly expected to be; but it is not that. It is accurate, thoughtful, forceful, thorough, critical, logical, learned, temperate, clear; but it is difficult, abstract, and over-condensed; even for the practised economist it is hard reading. This is not to imply that it is not surpassingly well worth while, a positive contribution to the literature and thought of the science—it is all of this; but that only very advanced classes will find the book possible of handing; and for these it covers too wide a field, and can be of great service only for reference purposes or for collateral reading. On the whole, a work of great merit and significance. So much the more could better treatment from the publisher, especially in point of binding, have fairly been expected.” H. J. Davenport. + + — =J. Pol. Econ.= 13: 114. D. ‘04. 660w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 53. Ja. 28, ‘05. 370w. (Outlines scope of book). “It is in some important respects one of the most satisfactory systematic treatises on economics to appear within recent years.” + + — =Outlook.= 80: 92. My. 6, ‘05. 330w. =Forbes, J. T.= Socrates. $1.25. Scribner. The latest in the “World’s epoch makers” series. The political conditions of Socrates’ time, the civic ideal, and the religion of the Greeks are discussed in the introduction. With the environment of the philosopher’s activity established, the author shows how he developed his great system which looks upon the individual as the moral unit. “Mr. Forbes has done a real service to the educated public by issuing a bright, sound estimate, biographical and critical, of the charm and limitations attaching to the Greek primal path.” James Moffatt. + + =Hibbert J.= 4: 227. O. ‘05. 760w. “While his work is conscientious and sufficiently thorough, it is not always interesting, nor do the discussions leave a clean and clear impression.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 247. S. 21, ‘05. 630w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 444. Jl. 1, ‘05. 260w. “It is an exacting as well as a fascinating subject, and its demands for a comprehensive view and critical insight are well met in the present volume.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 839. Jl. 29, ‘05. 160w. * =Ford, Paul Leicester.= His version of it. †$1.50. Dodd. “The pretty little fiction of the horses’ interest in the love affairs of Miss Fairley—who was ‘a beauty, but not what her mother was at her age’—and the noble Major, while the odious Mr. Lewis played the despicable role of villain, is told with great vivacity by the prime movers, the horses.... The book is attractively illustrated by Mr. Henry Hutt, and should be a pretty addition to any Ford collection.”—N. Y. Times. * “Charming story.” + =Critic.= 47: 582. D. ‘05. 40w. * + =Dial.= 39: 387. D. 1, ‘05. 110w. * “One of the cleverest of this author’s short stories.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1378. D. 14, ‘05. 30w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 160w. * =Outlook.= 81: 526. O. 28, ‘05. 20w. =Forman, Justus Miles.= Island of enchantment. †$1.75. Harper. A romance of Italy in the fourteenth century. The hero is a young captain sent by the Doge of Venice to rescue the island of Arbe from the forces of the Ban of Bosnia. “The story is full of passionate doings and conflicts of love and honor.” (N. Y. Times.) “Told with gentle and straightforward English that must surely charm. The very simplicity and directness of the plot and prose give the volume its chief character.” + =Critic.= 47: 477. N. ‘05. 60w. * “Mr. Forman knows how to mingle love, war and intrigue in a way to compel his reader’s interest, and he has never succeeded better than in this novelette.” + + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 90w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1377. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 821. D. 2, ‘05. 150w. + =Outlook.= 81: 382. O. 14. ‘05. 50w. =Forman, Justus Miles.= Tommy Carteret. †$1.50. Doubleday. “The story, which has its beginning in a New York ballroom, goes far. It takes Tommy from his first lovemaking, and assigns him to the nobler role of volunteer scapegoat for the amatory sins of a handsome and heedless father. It exiles the young man ... to ... the back country. It exposes him to weird temptations, comes within an ace of marrying him to a dark-eyed, black-haired hill beauty, threatens him with tar and feathers, puts a bullet into his head, and when hospitals and the doctors....”—N. Y. Times. “‘Tommy Carteret’ is poor stuff. It is a réchauffé.” — — =Acad.= 68: 984. S. 23, ‘05. 280w. “This story is fundamentally unsound, superficially clever, and for the most part entertaining.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 298. S. 2. 280w. “The story is one of unusual cleverness, and full of surprises to the end.” Frederic Taber Cooper. + + =Bookm.= 21: 517. Jl. ‘05. 520w. “‘Tommy Carteret’ is quite readable, even entertaining, though it is the kind of book some superior persons sneer at and consign to the limbo of nothingness.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 166. Mr. 18, ‘05. 390w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 393. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. “The book is full of sentimental absurdities and affectation, and in the end degenerates into a most unpleasant pseudo-pathological study.” — =Outlook.= 79: 761. Mr. 25, ‘05. 90w. “A book that unites so much power and charm, so much insight and kindliness and truth.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 758. Je. ‘05. 260w. “In spite of its faults, therefore, it is impossible to condemn the novel entirely, though it is difficult to read it without feelings of sorrow that so vigorous a pen should be employed in so vulgar a manner.” — + =Spec.= 95: 532. O. 7, ‘05. 180w. =Forman, Samuel Eagle.= Advanced civics: the spirit, the form, and the function of the American government. *$1.25. Century. Dr. Forman says, “I have constantly kept in mind the truth that instruction in Civics should have for its aim the indoctrination of the learner in sound notions of political morality.... In Part I. the underlying principles of our government are presented. The essentials are placed first in order.... In Part II. is an account of the governmental machine. In Part III. the every-day work of government is considered and the practical problems connected with the work are discussed.” “A thoughtful, compact, direct, and comprehensive account of the machinery, operation, and problems of the governmental system.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 628. N. 11, ‘05. 110w. =Fortier, S.= Progress report of co-operative irrigation investigations in California. “One of the most interesting lines of work here described is an investigation of pumping water for irrigation, by Prof. J. N. Le Conte, of the University of California, and others. Thus far descriptions of 750 pumping plants have been secured. Both field and laboratory tests of pumping plants have been made. These are here summarized briefly, but will be reported on more fully at a later date. Studies of evaporation and methods of applying water to land are also described in the pamphlet.”—Engin. N. =Engin. N.= 53: 185. F. 16, ‘05. 100w. =Foster, John Watson.= Arbitration and the Hague court. **$1. Houghton. “A brief review of events dealing with arbitration up to the convention of The Hague peace conference. It gives the circumstances under which that conference was called, the reasons why The Hague was appropriate for such an assemblage, and the eminent men employed and spirit of the conference.”—Bookm. “The exposition is clear, the conclusions logical.” + + + =Critic.= 46: 383. Ap. ‘05. 100w. + + =Dial.= 38: 275. Ap. 16, ‘05. 190w. “This is a valuable hand book. His book, however, has the peculiar value of being historical and impersonal.” + + =Ind.= 58: 269. F. 2, ‘05. 350w. “His publication, important in more than one respect, is, so far as we know, the first to give, in a small compass and an interesting way, the present status of arbitration and its practice under the Hague convention.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 19. Ja. 5, ‘05. 1390w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 247. F. ‘05. 80w. =Fox, Frances Margaret.= Rainbow bridge. †$1.25. Wilde. From the “little pilgrims’ home” Marian Lee traverses her rainbow bridge to the ideal home of her dreams where love and privileges abound. * “Another interesting, natural story.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 911. D. 23, ‘05. 40w. =Fox, John, jr.= Following the sun-flag: a vain pursuit through Manchuria. **$1.25. Scribner. One of our war correspondents who never reached the front gives his impressions of Japan and her people. The account of his experiences in Tokio and in Manchuria, which he traversed in the trail of the Japanese army, is amusing and interesting. “A book very pleasing in its literary finish. Mr. Fox is very guarded, and is as self-controlled as a Japanese in his intimations.” William Elliot Griffis. + =Critic.= 47: 265. S. ‘05. 170w. “He has made the work interesting by the sketchy, breezy manner in which it is written, although it is imbued with ... race prejudice against men of darker skin.” Wallace Rice. + — =Dial.= 38: 416. Je. 16, ‘05. 550w. + =Nation.= 81: 42. Jl. 13, ‘05. 540w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 265. Ap. 22, ‘05. 280w. “Mr. Fox has made some very pretty copy out of his four months’ stay in Tokio.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 300. My. 6, ‘05. 600w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 388. Je. 17, ‘05. 170w. — + =Outlook.= 80: 245. My. 27, ‘05. 130w. “There are some bits of very fine description in this volume.” + =R. of Rs.= 32: 125. Jl. ‘05. 140w. “The book is written in an amusing high-coloured style, and as a record of nothing at all is, in its way, an achievement.” — =Spec.= 95:51. Ag. 8, ‘05. 130w. =Fox, Middleton.= Child of the shore; a romance of Cornwall. (†)$1.50. Lane. Eery incantations on the Cornish shore bring to a farmer’s wife one of the “merry-maids” of the sea as her longed-for child. The girl’s strange beauty and her sympathy with the sea’s moods cause the villagers to regard her with suspicion, and when she is gone they believe the story that she and her sea-sisters have avenged her life’s tragedy by pulling down to the depths of the sea her aristocratic betrayer. Smugglers, wreckers and fisher-folk enter into the story. “Mr. Fox’s novel is atmospheric, with the result that in spite of occasional passages of some beauty in the actual writing, and an attractive way of introducing his story ... it is tedious.” — =Acad.= 68:785. Jl. 29, ‘05. 320w. “The book, however, is pleasingly written.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1:651. My. 27. 210w. * “It is, perhaps, unfortunate, that material of such unusual possibilities should have been squandered in a ‘first book,’ for as yet the writer’s equipment is lacking in dramatic force.” + — =Critic.= 47:477. N. ‘05. 80w. “Mr. Fox tells his story well, in a way to touch both the heart and the imagination, but in addition to the story there is the interest of the vivid picture of a quaint, old village and a mode of life long past.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10:584. S. 2, ‘05. 550w. =Francis of Assisi, St. (Giovanni Francisco Bernadone Assisi).= Words of St. Francis; sel. and tr. by Anne MacDonell. *60c. Dutton. “Friends of St. Francis have left records of what in other men might be called ‘Table talk.’ Others of his sayings have come down to us at one further remove, from friends of the Saint’s friends. Some of these things Miss MacDonell has put together in this volume, trying, as she tells us, ‘to reflect his spirit, his temperament, and his attitude to life rather than his doctrine.’”—Spec. “An admirable little book.” + =Spec.= 94:23. Ja. 7, ‘05. 160w. =Francis, M. E., pseud.= See =Blundell, Mary. E. (Sweetman).= =Frankau, Julia (Frank Danby, pseud.).= Eighteenth century artists and engravers. 2v. *$1.50. Macmillan. “In the regal portfolio of forty engravings, which forms part of her work, [Mrs. Frankau] gives most of her plates to William Ward, who reproduced paintings like Hoppner’s famous Miranda in noble fashion, when he was not designing and stippling dainty circular or oval portraits of feminine types. But in the octavo which contains her text, she fills much of her space with a biographical sketch of James Ward, who valued his gifts as a painter.... The thirty photogravures from his works, which she scatters through her text, are important to the student.”—Atlan. Reviewed by Royal Cortissoz. + + =Atlan.= 95:274. F. ‘05. 530w. =Franklin, Benjamin.= Selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin; ed. by U. Waldo Cutler. 35c. Crowell. One of the thirteen new titles lately added to the “Handy volume classics.” There is an introduction, which sketches the life of Franklin, and notes by the editor. “The selections in the book are well chosen.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10:730. O. 28, ‘05. 120w. =Franklin, Benjamin.= Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin; printed from the full and authentic text, ed. by William MacDonald. *$1.25. Dutton. The editor has made this book a complete biography by providing a biographical preface and an account of Franklin’s later life and his relation to the history of his time. =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 947. Jl. ‘05. 30w. + + =Dial.= 38: 423. Je. 16, ‘05. 50w. “The editor seeks to describe Franklin as the complete citizen—of his city, his country, and the world. The task is superficially done, and is marred by the strong prejudices of the writer.” + — =Nation.= 81: 142. Ag. 17, ‘05. 80w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 372. Je. 10, ‘05. 180w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 244. My. 27, ‘05. 90w. =Sat. R.= 99: 849. Je. 24, ‘05. 140w. =Fraser, Edward.= Famous fighters of the fleet. $1.75. Macmillan. These “Glimpses through the cannon smoke in the days of the old navy,” set forth the gallant fights fought by the insignificant little English crafts which used to rule the sea. The past and present is strikingly contrasted in the opening chapter, and then follow accounts of the capture of the French ship Foudroyant by a little Monmouth whose namesake today makes her seem a mere toy, the famous ships that bore the name Formidable, the Zebra, whose fighting captain, Faulkner, carried, by storm, a French fort in the West Indies, and others. The requiem of the Téméraire. the subject of Turner’s picture and Ruskin’s oration, is fittingly sounded and the book closes with an account of how Lord Charles Beresford successfully took the little Condor into action during the bombardment of Alexandria in 1882. + — =Nation.= 80: 414. My. 25, ‘05. 350w. =Fraser, Mary Crawford (Mrs. Hugh Fraser).= Maid of Japan. †$1.25. Holt. The tale of a Japanese girl with the music of the sea and the glory of the cliffs in her nature. Sixteen years before, her mother had walked into the sea because the Englishman who had wed her sailed away and left her. The young girl’s simple life as shell gatherer is disturbed one day by the coming of a young Englishman who sings love songs to her over the water, clears up the mystery of her parentage, and takes her back to his England. “She has a wonderful vocabulary, mastery of language, fine literary finish, and a keen sense of the dramatic. There is no false step or slip of the pen in her word drawing and shadings of Japanese life.” William Elliot Griffis. + + =Critic.= 47: 265. S. ‘05. 140w. “The volume is quite unworthy of the author of the ‘Letters from Japan.’” Adachi Kinnosuké. + — =Ind.= 59: 389. Ag. 17, ‘05. 130w. + =Nation.= 81: 101. Ag. 3, ‘05. 310w. “The plot is slight, but the story is told with surpassing grace, and possesses to a rare degree both atmosphere and temperament.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 446. Jl. 8, ‘05. 1400w. “The moral tone is high, the literary finish good, the general effect idyllic, and the typographical presentation unique and agreeable.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 592. Jl. 1, ‘05. 80w. “Whatever this author does is done well, and when she touches Japan she is securely at home. There is nothing sensational or thrilling in the book, but it is bathed deep in Japanese atmosphere.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 160. Jl. 29, ‘05. 200w. =Fraser, William Alexander.= Sa’-Zada tales. †$2. Scribner. “Stories supposed to be told by the animals in a ‘Zoo’ in India. The keeper, Sa’ (or Sahib) Zada, in the warm summer nights lets the animals out of their cages, and brings them together to tell stories.... Each of the animals in turn tells of his life in the jungle and how he came to be captured.... They indulge in repartee and sometimes in bad temper, but they are on the whole a happy family, united by their love for their keeper. The book is strikingly illustrated by Arthur Heming.”—Outlook. * + — =Critic.= 47: 576. D. ‘05. 40w. * “Will be a treasure-trove to children who love animals and who love to hear them talk.” May Estelle Cook. + — =Dial.= 39: 374. D. 1, ‘05. 200w. * “Though not a brilliant story-teller, is interesting, and apparently knows a great deal about the creatures that he presents to us.” + =Nation.= 81: 511. D. 21, ‘05. 140w. * “The author’s knowledge of natural history, his skill in story telling, and his humorous sympathy, enable him to thrill the lover of forest creatures and even to thrall jaded readers who may scorn all popular nature books.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 707. O. 21, ‘05. 160w. * + =Outlook.= 81: 718. N. 25, ‘05. 120w. =Free, Richard.= Seven years’ hard. *$1.50. Dutton. A record of the Rev. Richard Free’s seven years of pioneer missionary work in that section of the London slums known as the Isle of Dogs, or Millwall. The author himself calls it “a city of desolation,” and he and his wife fight a long and gallant fight against rowdyism and intemperance. Tho the Thames flows through that section, “its waters have become loathsome by human selfishness and folly,” and young and old toil from dawn till dark for a mere pittance; factories fill the district, and dirt and foul odors are everywhere. The erection of the mission building, the establishment of guilds, and the problems to be met with, are well described in this volume. “It is not a story and it is not a system of sociology, but a series of snap-shots of the life of people ground to earth by employers, debased by drink and ignorance, and indifferent to art, science, history, morals, and religion.” Charles Richmond Henderson. + =Dial.= 38: 156. Mr. 1, ‘05. 160w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 84. F. 11, ‘05. 1330w. (Review of contents). “For a picture or series of pictures of an unknown people living in the midst of a Christian civilization, we have seen nothing so graphic as this book of Mr. Free’s since Jacob A. Riis’s ‘How the other half lives.’” + + =Outlook.= 79: 902. Ap. 8, ‘05. 180w. =Freeman, Edward Augustus.= Western Europe in the eighth century and onward. *$3.25. Macmillan. The late Professor Freeman left the manuscript of this work in the rough, some chapters being merely fragmentary and the editors who are first publishing the book, twelve years after the author’s death, can give it only in an unfinished form; but it is a welcome addition to a period upon which there is little historical light. The period covered opens with the rise and fall of the British Constantine and closes with Theodoric and Chlodowig. It is put before us with the great historian’s usual breadth of view, and accuracy of detail; it is learned and even heavy, but it contains many beautiful and vivid passages, and is the result of the faithful researches of one who was thoroly steeped in the subject and in the times. “The volume is plainly meant for the specialist, who will find profit in the discussions of the patriciate and donation and in the detailed account of Pippin’s campaigns, in spite of the amount of more or less relevant comparison and allusion with which the author was in the habit of overloading his writings.” + + — =Am. Hist.= R. 10: 913. Jl. ‘05. 450w. + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 43. Ja. 14. 540w. “Excellent as is Freeman’s work, even without his own revision, it is unfortunately impossible to say the same of the editing.” E. W. Brooks. + — =Eng. Hist.= R. 20: 548. Jl. ‘05. 1330w. “This book is thoroughly readable, even if all critics may not find it thoroughly convincing from beginning to end.” + + =Spec.= 94: 222. F. 11, ‘05. 420w. “The task of editing the MS. has been performed with scrupulous care. Its difficulty could hardly be exaggerated, for Mr. Freeman had at times only indicated the sources of the references. Our knowledge of this period is so meagre that we are grateful for the light thrown on it by the researches, unfortunately incomplete, of one who had made the subject peculiarly his own.” + + =The Westminster Review.= 163: 231. F. ‘05. 180w. * =Freeman, Mrs. Mary Eleanor (Wilkins).= Debtor. †$1.50. Harper. “The ‘Debtor’ preys upon his fellow-men because he has himself been ruined in business by a scoundrel, and has not the skill and strength to make an honest fight. His amiable, unreasoning wife, who thinks all creditors mean and vulgar persons; his worn and disillusioned sister, who knows all his faults, but fights for him to save the family; his queer little son with impish instincts and inherited traits ... and, above all, his innocent and faithful daughter, who really saves her father by the intensity and unselfishness of her love—all these are real people. So, too, are the creditors.”—Outlook. * “As it is the novel seems to lack unity, and in spite of much subtlety and fine workmanship the effect is that of a succession of disconnected studies of character rather than of a single well-proportioned whole.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 396. N. 17, ‘05. 400w. * “The first interest of the book lies in its fidelity to the small things that make up manners and customs.” + =Nation.= 81: 488. D. 14, ‘05. 490w. * “One misses the crispness of style that marked ‘Pembroke’ and ‘Jerome’; one sometimes finds involved sentences and careless phrasing; but the reality, intensity, and force of the novel are remarkable.” + + — =Outlook.= 81: 709. N. 25. ‘05. 270w. =Freer, A. Goodrich-.= Inner Jerusalem. *$3. Dutton. In telling “what Jerusalem is like” Miss A. Goodrich Freer commands a view from the Holy City itself, with her vantage ground right under the shadow of the Russian tower. Among other noteworthy facts brought out as to life in modern Jerusalem is one which the author presents in these words: “While we sing ‘They call us to deliver their land from error’s chain,’ let us realize that here we may send out our youngest maid, with no further caution than not to get her pocket picked; we may take a cab, certain that our driver, unless he be a Christian, will not get drunk.” (R. of Rs.) There are many full-page illustrations, chiefly from photographs. “Has contrived to answer a great many interesting questions regarding life in the Holy City, so that the reader rises from the work with a sense of having at last learned just what Jerusalem means to its widely assorted inhabitants, especially to those who comprise the European colonies there. The knowledge displayed in the book is such as could have been acquired only by long residence, and is used with discrimination and a sympathetic outlook upon the curious ramifications of temporal and spiritual power.” Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 91. F. 1, ‘05. 310w. * “She has withal, a very pretty wit, racy descriptive power and a clever knack of relating her subject to its graver scientific issues, with the sure result that we are both informed and entertained.” + + =Ind.= 59: 992. O. 26, ‘05. 430w. “The style, however, is the same throughout—amusing and light, without being irreverent. The book gives a pleasant and entertaining and, in spite of its limitations, probably the best available picture of actual living conditions in Jerusalem at the present day.” + + =Nation.= 80: 340. Ap. 27, ‘05. 1380w. + =R. of Rs.= 31: 123. Ja. ‘05. 120w. =French, Anne Warner (Mrs. Charles Ellis French).= Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary. †$1.50. Little. Aunt Mary, “dreadfully deaf and fearfully arbitrary,” is also seventy years old, immensely wealthy, and unreasonably devoted to her nephew Jack. After getting him out of various scrapes, she becomes discouraged and disinherits him. The body of the book is taken up with an account of the good time which Jack and his college chums give the old lady when she comes to New York on a visit. Knocking about town, indulging in late suppers, motorcar spins and other joys prove so alluring that she forgives Jack, who promptly marries a beautiful young widow, who has played an important part in the story, and Aunt Mary goes to New York to live with them and continue to enjoy the giddy whirl offered by the metropolis. “Considered as a bright and humorous story, this tale is incomparably superior to the author’s previous work, ‘Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop.’ The general moral atmosphere, especially of the earlier part of the story, leaves much to be desired.” + + — =Arena.= 35: 556. N. ‘05. 780w. * “There is plenty of dialogue in this story, and the plot is lively enough to hold the most frivolous spirit.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 800. N. 25, ‘05. 250w. * “Clever little comedy.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 822. D. 2, ‘05. 150w. “She has only succeeded in producing a broad farce.” + — =Outlook.= 81: 579. N. 4, ‘05. 70w. =Frenssen, Gustav.= Jorn Uhl; tr. by F. S. Delmer. †$1.50. Estes. Jörn Uhl was the youngest son of a drunken brute. His mother died neglected, his brothers followed his father’s mode of living and Jörn worked the great farm while the others caroused. His career is followed in detail as his character unfolds and he dully plods toward the light, until at last he comes to be a man of mark. “Really is a fine novel and deserves to be taken seriously. The present translation is good, but fails, we think, to reach the highest excellence.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 588. My. 13. 450w. “It is a rich, homely book, seemingly artless in its simple sincerity, intensely human in its appeal, touched with poetic feeling that can glorify the humblest material, and genuine in the best sense of the word.” Wm. M. Payne. + + — =Dial.= 39: 40. Jl. 16, ‘05. 650w. “The translation shows remarkable poetic insight and is faithful rather than literal.” + =Ind.= 58: 1311. Je. 8, ‘05. 280w. “Freely offered advice to the reader of Jorn Uhl is to skip the story and read the reflections and sermons.” + =Nation.= 81: 123. Ag. 10, ‘05. 430w. “On the whole not ill translated.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 326. My. 20, ‘05. 430w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 392. Je. 17, ‘05. 180w. “Unusual story. For many chapters the reader is absorbed in quiet but intensely vivid pictures full of real poetry and throbbing with convincing truth.” + =Outlook.= 80: 192. My. 20, ‘05. 220w. “Is powerful rather than original, deliberately thoughtful and carefully wrought rather than striking; ... it is the culmination, not the creation, of a genre.” + + =R. of Rs.= 31: 764. Je. ‘05. 320w. “There are tedious passages. There is a want of proportion; there are abrupt transitions from tragedy to a somewhat childlike jollity. But it is for all its artlessness, an attractive story.” + — =Sat. R.= 99: 779. Je. 10, ‘05. 340w. “While Mr. Delmer’s translation is in the main workmanlike and straightforward, his method of occasionally representing the Low German dialect by using Scotch forms is most disconcerting.” + — =Spec.= 94: 788. My. 27, ‘05. 1150w. =Friedenwald, Herbert.= Declaration of independence. **$2. Macmillan. “Dr. Herbert Friedenwald has written an interpretation and analysis of ‘The Declaration of independence.’ As preliminary to his chapters on adopting and signing of the declaration its purpose and philosophy, Dr. Friedenwald points out the close interrelation between the development of the authority and jurisdiction of the Continental congress and the evolution of the sentiment for independence. He shows that as the authority and jurisdiction of congress were extended it adopted various means to further the desire for independence; that the highest point of power was reached by the congress on July 4, 1776, and that it was never again so powerful as on the day it declared independence of England.”—R. of Rs. “The independence campaign has never been so carefully studied as in this valuable monograph. The book as a whole represents an amount of study that gives great credit to the author’s conscientious scholarship.” C. H. Van Tyne. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 148. Ja. ‘05. 910w. “Very suggestive study.” Winthrop More Daniels. + + =Atlan.= 95: 550. Ap. ‘05. 700w. “An elaborate and careful monograph.” H. E. E. + + — =Eng. Hist. R.= 20: 612. Jl. ‘05. 250w. “This is the most scholarly study of the Independence campaign that has been made. The book is a credit to the author’s conscientious scholarship. Written in a rather heavy style.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 1423. Je. 22, ‘05. 320w. * “A careful and deep study of the evolution of the spirit that produced that famous document.” + =Ind.= 59: 1156. N. 16, ‘05. 30w. “It is the first attempt to give the general reading public an adequate treatment of the period concerned, and within its compass it does what has been pressingly needed. Here we have knowledge kept within bounds, original authorities sifted and their pith extracted.” + + =Nation.= 81: 287. O. 5, ‘05. 460w. + =R. of Rs.= 30: 761. D. ‘04. 110w. =Friedlander, M.=, tr. See =Maimonides, Moses.= The guide for the perplexed. From servitude to service: the history and * work of Southern institutions for the education of the negro. *$1.10. Am. Unitar. A book for students of Southern educational institutions and their problems. There is an outline of the history and work of six of the leading Southern institutions engaged in negro education: Howard university, Berea college, Tuskegee institute, Hampton institute, Atlanta university, and Fisk university. * “A book of great interest.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 911. D. 23, ‘05. 760w. * =Frost, Arthur Burdett.= Book of drawings; with introd. by Joel Chandler Harris, and verse by Wallace Irwin. $3. Collier-Fox. “A new edition of the happy combination of the humor of these men already firm in the hearts of their public.”—Critic. * + =Critic.= 47: 582. D. ‘05. 20w. * + =Ind.= 59: 1376. D. 14, ‘05. 50w. =Frost, Thomas Gold.= Incorporation and organization of corporations created under the “Business corporation acts” of all the states and territories of the United States. *$3.50. Little. “A treatise describing and comparing the incorporation laws of the various states and territories of the Union. Every step in obtaining a charter, incorporating, issuing stock, and going into bankruptcy is fully described for every class of corporation and with reference to the statutes of every commonwealth. The legislative, judicial, and executive powers of the various branches of the federal and state governments over corporations are given clearly and succinctly, and 185 pages are devoted to a synopsis-digest of the incorporation acts of the several states and territories.”—N. Y. Times. “It teaches the whole important art of incorporation in a very satisfactory way, and without an excess of citations.” + + =Nation.= 80: 443. Je. 1, ‘05. 610w. “This digest is remarkable for its careful condensation of the very wordy acts into a form available for quick and reliable reference. Nothing essential is omitted, and nothing unnecessary is included. As a book for the reference of the lawyer and the information of the prospective incorporator, we do not know of any work comparable to this.” + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 285. Ap. 29, ‘05. 350w. =Fuchs, Carl Johannes.= Trade policy of Great Britain and her colonies since 1860, tr. by Constance H. M. Archibald. *$2.50. Macmillan. “An admirable translation by Miss Constance Archibald of the well-known work of Prof. Fuchs on the fiscal question.... The drawback to the book is that the original was published in 1893, and that the figures are out of date.”—Ath. “With the exception of a few blemishes, the book is one which it was right to translate. The work of translation and editing has been admirably performed.” + + — =Ath.= 1905. 1: 748. Je. 17. 1310w. “It is a drawback that the book is not brought up to date; Dr. Fuchs has changed his mind at least as to one point since he wrote.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 166. My. 26, ‘05. 670w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 377. Je. 10, ‘05. 320w. “We unreservedly welcome this translation of a Freiburg professor’s work.” + + + =Sat. R.= 100: 312. S. 2, ‘05. 1050w. =Fuller, Anna.= Bookful of girls. †$1.50. Putnam. “A half-dozen sketches of as many different types of winsome young womanhood—Blythe, enthusiastic and lovable; Madge, the artistic; Olivia, the young philanthropist; Polly, capable and devoted sister; Di, the dear peacemaker; but best of all, Nannie, who floured her face and did Lady Macbeth in a nightgown to an admiring audience of one—Miss Becky Crawlin, seamstress, whom she afterward took to a real theatre, with many amusing results.”—Outlook. “The book is adapted for young girls’ reading and has a wholesome and stimulating tone. It should be popular.” + + =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 30w. “A very rare and pleasing collection of girls are these.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 338. My. 27, ‘05. 430w. =Outlook.= 79: 906. Ap. 8, ‘05. 70w. =Fuller, Robert Higginson.= Golden hope: a story of the time of King Alexander the Great. †$1.50. Macmillan. An accurate picture of the life of the time, with the wars and conquests of Alexander as a background. The story follows the adventures of Clearthus, a rich young Athenian, in his search for his betrothed, Artemesia, who had been taken from him on the eve of their wedding, thru the influence of a relative who covets the young Greek’s fortune. A Theban and a Spartan accompany him and they become involved in Alexander’s campaigns. “The characters are conventional, the plot is laboured, and an air of unreality hangs about the whole.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 746. Je. 17. 320w. “The book ends peacefully, and is one to absorb the attention.” + + =Ind.= 58: 959. Ap. 27, ‘05. 230w. “It is as good as many other historical novels of the day.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 180. Mr. 25, ‘05. 320w. “To readers with a predilection for historical fiction this romance of Alexander’s wars of conquest will more especially commend itself. Others may find it over long and rather too heavily freighted with descriptive detail.” + — =Outlook.= 79: 759. Mr. 25, ‘05. 30w. “Not without signs of ability and interest.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 762. Je. ‘05. 20w. =Fullerton, Edith Loring.= How to make a vegetable garden: a practical and suggestive manual for the home garden. **$2. Doubleday. “The illustrations!—truly, they illustrate—everything from seedlings and tools to the aspect of the garden in winter.” (Dial.) “Besides being a good picture book, it contains practical and detailed directions for making the best use of a small garden from the preparation of the soil to the cooking of the vegetables.”—Ind. “Mrs. Fullerton’s book is a pleasing record of experience.” + =Country Calendar.= 1: 109L. Je. ‘05. 140w. “The writer has managed to avoid everything dull and prosy, without omitting anything essential.” Edith Granger. + + + =Dial.= 38: 382. Je. 1, ‘05. 300w. + + + =Ind.= 58: 1255. Je. 1, ‘05. 120w. “A very worthy contribution to the world’s sanity.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 370. Je. 10, ‘05. 600w. + + =Outlook.= 80: 838. Jl. 29, ‘05. 60w. =Furness, Horace Howard=, ed. See =Shakespeare, Wm.= New variorum edition of Love’s labour’s lost. =Fyvie, John.= Women of wit and beauty of the time of George IV. **$3. Pott. The lives of eight famous women are dealt with in this volume: Mrs. Fitzherbert; Lady Hamilton; Mrs. Montagu; Lady Blessington; Mrs. Lennox; Mrs. Grote; Mrs. Norton; and Lady Eastlake. Excellent portraits add much to the interest of this collection of biographies. “We must be grateful, however, for Mr. Fyvie’s addition to our materials, although we still await the wizard who shall transform them into flesh and blood.” + — =Acad.= 68: 871. Ag. 26, ‘05. 1130w. * “As a whole, Mr. Fyvie’s sketches are agreeably and discreetly written, but they contain little evidence of original research.” + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 205. Ag. 12. 350w. * + =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 40w. “The biographies are told con amore, the women placed before us with firm strokes and careful shading; and the result is wholly pleasing.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 672. O. 14, ‘05. 230w. * “In all, Mr. Fyvie, who is indefatigable in research and clever in arranging his ‘finds,’ makes the best of his theme.” + =Spec.= 95: 229. Ag. 12, ‘05. 420w. G =Gallatin, A. E.= Whistler’s art dicta and other essays. $3.50. Goodspeed. A collection of five essays which originally appeared in the International studio, the Lamp, the Critic, the Weekly critical review of Paris, and the Literary collector. The title essay deals with Whistler’s “Gentle art of making enemies,” “Aubrey Beardsley: man of letters,” contains a review of his last writings as found in “Under the hill, and other essays in prose and verse,” (John Lane). “Notes on three hitherto unpublished drawings by Beardsley,” describes three unfinished sketches here reproduced, a border design for Mallory’s “Le morte d’Arthur.” The closing papers are “Whistler’s realism” and “Whistler’s memorial exhibition,” in Boston, February and March, 1904. “The volume has little interest but for those already much interested in Whistler and his work.” + =Critic.= 46: 380. Ap. ‘05. 50w. =Dial.= 38: 327. My. 1, ‘05. 50w. + =Int. Studio.= 24: sup. 100. F. ‘05. 300w. (Reviews each essay.) “The title of this little volume is somewhat misleading, and its price out of proportion to its value.” — =Int. Studio.= 25: 366. Je. ‘05. 120w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 16. Ja. 7, ‘05. 290w. “This exquisite volume will be a valuable keepsake to those who admire Whistler. It is remarkable, first, because of its superb print, secondly, because of some remarkable facsimiles, and, thirdly, because of a criticism which may well be a vade mecum to those who would better understand Whistler—to those who have thought him an impressionist, for instance.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 400. F. 11, ‘05. 110w. =Gallizier, Nathan.= Castel del Monte; a romance of the fall of the Hohenstaufen dynasty in Italy. †$1.50. Page. A novel with a most involved and exciting plot which concerns a wicked duke and ex-monk, his lovely kinswoman, Lady Helena, and the beautiful Francesca whom he has taken from a nunnery. There are witches and sorcerers, plots and counterplots, murders and battles. A young nobleman, who loves Lady Helena, is again and again entangled by the wicked duke and dies in her arms at the tragic close of the story. — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 180. Mr. 25, ‘05. 230w. * =Ganz, Henry F. W.= Practical hints on painting, composition, landscape, and etching. *$1. Lippincott. This volume “supplies the advice and suggestion, hung on the frame work of graded lessons in drawing and painting, that are ordinarily to be had only in class.... In twelve preliminary lessons the author sets the beginner various tasks in drawing and in painting, with representative illustrations.”—Int. Studio. * “While perhaps a trifle categorical to the reader, this book should prove a convenient walking stick to many who start along the road of painting alone.” + =Int. Studio.= 28: sup. 22. N. ‘05. 120w. * + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 571. S. 2, ‘05. 250w. =Ganz, Hugo.= The land of riddles. $2. Harper. This book is translated from the German and edited by Herman Rosenthal. The author, a German journalist of Vienna, sent his work originally to the Austrian newspapers in the form of letters. It gives in detail his visit to Russia, the land of riddles, early in 1904, and his conversations with men of all classes of social and official life. He treats of the war; the political situation; the universities, which are “only political camps awaiting the call to arms, and nothing more”; the Jewish question, which there seems no hope of solving, and the unsteady financial standing of Russia, whose foreign credit is a mere bubble. There is a chapter on Ryepin, the great Russian painter, the sale of whose paintings is forbidden abroad, and an account of a visit to Tolstoy. The book as a whole gives a vivid and unpleasing picture of corruption and riddles to which there is at present no answer. “After reading the introduction, one is apt to get the impression that Mr. Ganz went to Russia with a mind receptive, to say the least, to ‘horrors,’ and that quite naturally he was horrified. The volume has the defects usually inherent to a collection of letters written for popular consumption—prolixity. The writer assumes that his readers are ignorant of everything east of the Vistula.” + — =Boston Evening Transcript.= F. 8, ‘05. 1130w. “Toward solving the ‘riddles,’ the author’s guesses imply only average insight or acumen, but the book is readable, and the style is pleasing.” + =Critic.= 46: 564. Je. ‘05. 170w. “There is little in the book that adds to the recent knowledge poured forth so profusely concerning that unhappy land. The translation, by Mr. Herman Rosenthal, is into excellent English.” Wallace Rice. + =Dial.= 38: 89. F. 1, ‘05. 220w. + + =Ind.= 58: 1073. My. 11, ‘05. 420w. + =Nation.= 80: 180. Mr. 2, ‘05. 530w. “In its present English dress the book contains, however, much additional matter, and some of it valuable. He states throughout the truth boldly, as he sees it, and in most cases gives his authority, or authorities, for his facts and conclusions.” Wolf von Schierbrand. + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 36. Ja. 21, ‘05. 1800w. “Mr. Rosenthal’s translation is excellently well done. The style is smooth and interesting.” + + =R. of Rs.= 30: 757. D. ‘04. 310w. =Gardenhire, Samuel M.= Silence of Mrs. Harrold. $1.50. Harper. The author is a New York lawyer and has chosen his home town as the setting for his novel. The plot hinges upon a marriage in which both a man and a woman promise to ask no questions relative to their respective pasts. The compact is kept, but the husband’s jealousy is aroused, and finally it develops that “Mrs. Harrold” in her youth had eloped with a member of a circus troupe. Her father, following them to the man’s home in Austria, kills her husband, whose own father suffers imprisonment for the crime, the real murderer being shielded by his daughter. There are many complications but the book ends with the complete vindication of the silent wife. “Had it been half as long, ‘The silence of Mrs. Harrold’ might have been twice as good.” + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 746. Je. 17, 260w. “A novel of strong and complex interest.” W. M. Payne. + =Dial.= 38: 391. Je. 1. ‘05. 280w. “I am firmly inclined to believe that the new novel of intricate plot which Mr. Gardenhire has given us in ‘The silence of Mrs. Harold’ will be warmly welcomed and meet with as wide an appreciation as its merit deserves. Mr. Gardenhire possesses remarkable constructive ability. He knows how to tell a story. The author has handled this question with a dignity and justice and fine feeling that will make the book appeal strongly to women.” James MacArthur. + + =Harpers Weekly.= 49: 131. Ja. 28, ‘05. 1340w. “He knows much that is behind the scenes to the general, and yet his novel lacks atmosphere. One looks on at a carefully constructed Coney Islandish reproduction of New York; one does not feel the throb of ‘the mighty heart’ of the living city. The chief defect of the book is the one most surely fatal to fiction—it is tedious. The author is fluent, ingenious, inventive; but the long and stilted conversations ‘get on to our nerves.’ Now and again we applaud, but before the last page is reached we are exceedingly weary. In short, the novel is not the work of an artist, and so fails to take the reader with it.” — — + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 92. F. 11, ‘05. 260w. “It has rarely been our fate to read more prolix, tiresome, and unnatural dialogue than that in this book, while in substance and plot the story is valueless.” — — =Outlook.= 79: 605. Mr. 4, ‘05. 40w. “The book is carefully and easily written.” + =Pub. Opin.= 38: 215. F. 11, ‘05. 290w. “The discovery of relationships, the linking together of scattered and seemingly unrelated facts, the many ramifications, show constructive skill of a high order. As a study—thorough, logical and strong—of some complex, sophisticated aspects of New York life the book will rank high.” + + =Reader.= 5: 620. Ap. ‘05. 520w. =Gardiner, Ruth Kimball.= Heart of a girl. †$1.50. Barnes. A book about a child, but one whose contemplative phase belongs to grown-ups. The story traces the workings of a silent, lonely, albeit resourceful girl’s heart from childhood thru her High School days. “We follow Margery to Margaret, and know we are always with a real girl, independent, faulty, sensitive, and generous, imperious among her fellows, yet a favorite and a born leader.” (Outlook.) “Mrs. Gardiner’s story represents a phase in the psychology of childhood to the study of which such writers as Kenneth Grahame, George Madden Martin, and Marion Hill have contributed.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 492. Jl. 22, ‘05. 270w. “The book is well written, with much sympathy for the little joys and sorrows that loom so large in childhood, and for the intense loves, ambitions, disappointments, triumphs of the older schoolgirl.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 620. S. 23, ‘05. 650w. “The strength of this little story lies in the frequent responses it calls up in the mind of the reader, if that reader knows girls.” + =Outlook.= 81: 279. S. 30, ‘05. 190w. =Gardner, Percy.= Grammar of Greek art. **$1.75. Macmillan. This volume “presents an attempt to set forth the underlying conventions of Greek art, and the changes which ... they gradually underwent. The mental fashions of the Greek mind in building and sculpture and in painting, are presented with a discussion of the relation between epic, lyric and dramatic poetry to painting and vase decoration. An informing chapter is devoted to the subject of dress and drapery.... Such sculptural problems as the decoration of pediments are carefully analyzed. Interesting light is thrown upon the formation of sculptural types and the Greek tendency to impressionalism.... Illustrations in outline and half tone are sufficiently plentiful to point in every case the discussion and argument.”—Int. Studio. “Dr. Gardner’s book, though brief, covers a wide range, and is rich in illustration; but we could wish that the beauty of the originals had been better rendered, even at a sacrifice of number.” + =Acad.= 68: 660. Je. 24, ‘05. 540w. =Am. Hist. R.= 10:938. Jl. ‘05. 70w. “In all his treatment is suggestive, not exhaustive. Information he supplies, but his aim is rather to teach how to understand. The English style leaves something to be desired.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 184. Ag. 5. 1080w. “A valuable volume whose only fault is that it fails as an attempt to provide an elementary study of the subject, and presupposes considerable classical training on the part of the reader.” + + — =Dial.= 39: 92. Ag. 16, ‘05. 330w. =Ind.= 58: 1424. Je. 22, ‘05. 320w. “Dr. Gardner’s book is one which should be helpful and attractive to all who are familiar with its general subject, and who go to it for illumination and suggestion, with the proper equipment of familiarity with forms not to be had in a mere perusal or study of books.” + + =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 88. Je. ‘05. 260w. * “A handbook that will probably be found very useful by teachers in schools.” + =Int. Studio=, 27: 184. D. ‘05. 180w. “Simplicity is one of the most marked characteristics of the style of the whole book. The principle underlying the treatment is sound.” + + + =Nation.= 80: 416. My. 25, ‘05. 1710w. “It offers an intelligent and practically unerring method for the judgment of the art of Hellas.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 431. Jl. 1, ‘05. 230w. + + =Spec.= 95: 324. S. 2, ‘05. 330w. * =Gardner, William.= Life of Stephen A. Douglas. $1.50. Eastern pub. A brief biography compiled mainly from original sources and intended by the author as a dispassionate study. It is a history of the career of Douglas rather than an intimate life story. A detailed account of his work presents him as lawyer, judge, and politician, but while what the man has done is faithfully given there is little of the man himself. The author announces in his preface that he has “not attempted to pronounce judgment on Douglas and his contemporaries but to submit the evidence,” this and this only has he done. The volume has no index. * “Mr. Gardner has done something toward solving the Douglas riddle.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 891. D. 16, ‘05. 460w. =Garis, Howard R.= Isle of black fire. $1.50. Lippincott. This is a boy’s book of adventure. A New York merchant sends out an expedition to an uncharted island where a great lump of radium supposedly worth fifty-five million dollars, is guarded by priests in asbestos robes, who worship it and offer up passing strangers in sacrifice to the “black fire.” There are stirring scenes in which two thousand savages are mowed down by the ship’s guns, and barbaric games and combats, which celebrate the coming of an office boy, George the Fat, as king of the savage kingdom. A comic Irishman relieves the tense situations. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 69. F. 4, ‘05. 310w. (Gives plot.) =Garland, Hamlin.= Tyranny of the dark. †$1.50. Harper. A western girl, beautiful and endowed with uncanny psychic powers, struggles between love and hypnotism; the first, represented by a young chemist and biologist, the second, by a clergyman. The story passes thru death and excitement to a happy ending. “Pleasing and interesting as is the romance considered merely as a novel, its supreme excellence lies in its detailed presentation of certain psychical phenomena.” + + =Arena.= 34: 206. Ag. ‘05. 8100w. “It is a good and interesting tale.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 685. Je. 3. 330w. “It is very delicate and exacting material that Mr. Garland has chosen for his latest novel, and very crudely has he handled it.” — =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 70w. “With all his exposition, Mr. Garland does not make clear his own view of spiritualism, and, by closing the story where he does, he evades the most difficult of the problems which he raises.” Herbert W. Horwill. + — =Forum.= 37: 113. Jl. ‘05. 310w. — =Ind.= 59: 575. S. 7, ‘05. 200w. “The scientific portions of the book are the finest and the most absorbing.” + =Nation.= 81: 122. Ag. 10, ‘05. 470w. “Regarded as fiction simply ‘The tyranny of the dark’ is too much encumbered with laborious arguments and citations. Has told his story well.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 343. My. 27, ‘05. 530w. “Four characters outlined with vigor. A book of more than ordinary power to hold the reader.” + + =Outlook.= 80: 248. My. 27, ‘05. 60w. “The story is an interesting one; in places it grips you. But, compared to some of Mr. Garland’s earlier writings, it must be said regretfully that the book is a disappointing piece of work.” + — =Pub. Opin.= 39: 26. Jl. 1, ‘05. 330w. =Reader.= 6: 105. Je. ‘05. 280w. “It is based on a theme of absorbing interest and it is exceedingly well written.” + + =Reader.= 6: 357. Ag. ‘05. 290w. “That the story ... lacks genuine literary attractiveness or convincingness on its supernatural side, it would be absurd to deny.” + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 763. Je. ‘05. 130w. =Garnett, Richard.= William Shakespeare, pedagogue and poacher: a drama. $1.25. Lane. This play, written apparently for study and not dramatic presentation, deals with Shakespeare’s traditional roles of school teacher and poacher. It is necessarily unsatisfactory to Shakespeare lovers and students, who find that his character as here portrayed falls short of the man as shown to us in his works, and the words which Mr. Garnett puts into his mouth, while perhaps Shakespearean, are obviously not Shakespeare. — =Critic.= 46: 192. F. ‘05. 310w. “Among the most ingenious and successful experiments upon this baffling theme [attempt to portray Shakespeare as he lived and moved among his fellows] must surely be reckoned the little two-act drama of Dr. Garnett.” + + =Dial.= 38: 46. Ja. 16, ‘05. 880w. “While Dr. Garnett’s play is equally open to the charge of being a subject dressed in poetry, rather than poetry incarnate in a fit subject, it is a remarkably readable and pleasant little book.” — + =Nation.= 80: 73. Ja. 26, ‘05. 380w. “Dr. Garnett’s respect for the great Elizabethan is not to be doubted, but his drama lends to it no emphasis. It contains agreeable lines, but it is not interesting in development, nor is there any reality in the general effect. Moreover, the figure of Shakespeare is trivial and his speech frequently is elaborate and dull. In no respect is he realized with the distinction and art demanded by a subject so far from the ordinary.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 83. F. 11, ‘05. 480w. “It is all work at a high level, and the way in which the characters are made to speak in lines which are echoes of the later Shakespeare is extremely skilful. There is a humour, too, in many of the scenes, and much accomplished verse. But it is rather a chapter of Mr. Sidney Lee’s Life turned into dialogue than a substantive drama.” + + — =Spec.= 94: 114. Ja. 28, ‘05. 60w. =Garrison, William Lloyd.= Words of Garrison. **$1.25. Houghton. The hundredth anniversary of the birth of William Lloyd Garrison occurs in December, and to commemorate it there appears a small volume of characteristic sentiments from his writings dedicated “to all who hate cruelty, oppression, and war, and believe in the equal rights and perfectibility of mankind.” * + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 797. D. 9. 560w. * “Interesting and really valuable little volume.” + =Critic.= 47: 575. D. ‘05. 60w. * + =Dial.= 39: 391. D. 1, ‘05. 70w. + + =Nation.= 81: 240. S. 21, ‘05. 200w. * =R. of Rs.= 32: 756. D. ‘05. 50w. =Gaspe, Philippe Aubert de.= Cameron of Lochiel; tr. by Charles G. D. Roberts. †$1.50. Page. What Gaspé did in his Canadian narrative of the early sixties was “to gather up,” says Mr. Roberts, “and preserve in lasting form the songs and legends, the characteristic customs, the phases of thought and feeling, the very local and personal aroma of the rapidly changing civilization.” The story turns to the days of the last struggle of the English and the French, and tells the life history of two young men, a Scot and a Frenchman, both of whom were educated at the Jesuits’ college in Quebec, and later fought against each other on the plains of Abraham. “He makes on the whole a very satisfactory translator.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 482. Jl. 22, ‘05. 590w. =Gasquet, Rt. Rev. Francis A.= Henry the third and the church. *$4. Macmillan. “A careful study of the relations between England and Rome, from the submission of John to the Papal see on Ascension day, 1213, to the close of his son’s reign. It is written with no desire to defend the Papacy from the charges which were made even by the faithful at the time, and it may fairly claim to represent an unbiased survey of the evidence. The author’s principle has been to let the original documents speak for themselves.” Lond. Times. “A trustworthy contribution to the story of this long reign on the very points upon which most historians are either silent or provokingly brief.” + + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 102. Jl. 22. 2590w. “It is somewhat dull and colorless. His conclusions, as it seems to us, are sound, if not novel. His book will be indispensable to the student of the reign of Henry III.” + + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 243. Jl. 28, ‘05. 640w. * “The high literary merit and abundant learning of this investigation into the relationship between Rome and England in the thirteenth century are all that we might expect.” + + — =Spec.= 95: sup. 787. N. 18, ‘05. 2020w. =Gass, Patrick.= Gass’s journal of the Lewis and Clark expedition, ed. by Jas. K. Hosmer. *$3.50. McClurg. Dr. Hosmer, who contributed to the centennial interest in the Lewis and Clark expedition thru his “Story of the Louisiana purchase,” has added further to the commemoration in the present work. The original jottings of Patrick Gass being no longer extant, nothing of them could be included in Thwaites’ recent “Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition,” but the chronicles trimmed and shaped by David McKeehan, under the supervision of Gass, are of so great importance that the re-issue after sixty years is well warranted. A full introduction leads up to the records, and a time-saving analytical key follows the text. The volume is uniform in style with other volumes of McClurg’s “Americana,” with reproductions of the original illustrations. “Dr. Hosmer has confined his editorial work to supplying an introduction. The volume contains no new contribution, nor does it make the journal of Gass much more valuable as a source. The introduction, in an easy though sometimes rather personal style, always with a view to the picturesque, is a convenient summary of the results of recent research.” + + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 450. Ja. ‘05. 510w. “This excellent reprint.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 131. Ja. ‘05. 90w. + =Critic.= 46: 191. F. ‘05. 80w. * =Gates, Errett.= Disciples of Christ, **$1. Baker. As one of “The story of the churches” series, this volume takes up the origin, development, and history of the denomination called The disciples of Christ, beginning with the withdrawal of Thomas Campbell from the Seceder Presbyterian church in Western Pennsylvania 1809, thru the time of union with the Baptists, the later separation of the Reformers from the Baptists, the union of the Reformers as Disciples of Christ, their growth and organization down to the present time. There are chapters upon Evangelism, journalism, education and church growth, and Recent tendencies and problems; there is also a bibliography and an index. * =Gates, Josephine Scribner.= Story of the three dolls. $1.25. Bobbs. A group of stories for little people including the story of the gold beads which were lost and found on the dog’s neck, the story of the candy heart, which was devoured “lick by lick” by two little girls, and various anecdotes of dogs, birds, horses and fish, “which are absolutely true,” says the author. * + =Dial.= 39: 450. D. 16, ‘05. 50w. =Gautier, Theophile.= Russia, by Theophile Gautier, and by other distinguished French travelers and writers of note; tr. from the French, with an additional chapter upon the struggle for supremacy in the Far East, by Florence MacIntyre Tyson. 2v. **$5. Winston. The entire first volume and one-fourth of the second, treating of the empire of the czars from the beginning to the most recent times, are by Gautier, while separate papers by other well known French writers complete the work. These include: The mir, by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu; The press and censorship, by Gustave Lejeal; The Russian army and navy, by Désiré Lacroix; Religion and sects, by Gustave Lejeal; Literature, by L. Lejar; Russian art, by Marius Vachon; Siberia, by Jules Legras; and others. Fifty photogravures illustrate the volumes. * “As literature, and as a mine of information, these volumes call for special notice.” + + =Arena.= 34: 659. D. ‘05. 360w. * “There is much interesting information and picturesque writing in these volumes.” + =Critic.= 47: 580. D. ‘05. 20w. * “The translation ... is mechanical, but on the whole fairly satisfactory.” + =Dial.= 39: 447. D. 16, ‘05. 170w. * =Ind.= 59: 1380. D. 14, ‘05. 40w. =Gavit, Helen E.= Etiquette of correspondence. *50c. Wessels. A thoroly modern compendium, being, as the sub-title states, illustrations and suggestions as to the proper forms in present usage of social, club, diplomatic, military, and business letters, with information on heraldic devices, monograms, and engraved addresses. “Is the best of its kind.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 157. Mr. 11, ‘05. 960w. “An excellent compendium, covering everything that pertains to the subject.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 652. Mr. 11, ‘05. 30w. =Gaye, R. K.= Platonic conception of immortality and its connection with the theory of ideas. *$1.50. Macmillan. “Mr. Gaye’s object in this book is to investigate the connection between the theory of ideas and the theory of the immortality of the soul as held by Plato, and in this way to make clear the nature of Plato’s conception of immortality and to determine in what sense he believed in the continued existence of the individual soul: this subject has involved the consideration of the Platonic conception of the soul and of the relation of soul and body.”—Int. J. Ethics. “Yet, whatever we may think of his assumptions, Mr. Gaye’s essay shows decided ability, and is written in a good, clear style.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 1: 429. Ap. 8. 600w. =Bookm.= 21: 519. Jl. ‘05. 580w. “The main criticism of the book, however, is that though it makes its points clearly and is for that reason of considerable value for all students of Plato, it has failed to establish satisfactorily that the interpretation of Plato which it adopts is the only possible interpretation or that Plato was really influenced by the difficulties and arguments by which Mr. Gaye assumes him to have been influenced.” A. R. Ainsworth. + — =Int. J. Ethics.= 15: 381. Ap. ‘05. 1500w. “It is lucidly written and scholarly, but not remarkable for novelty and originality.” + + — =Nation.= 81: 106. Ag. 3, ‘05. 310w. Reviewed by Paul Shorey. + — =Philos. R.= 14: 590. S. ‘05. 1950w. “Deals in a clear and diligent manner with points in Plato’s doctrine of immortality, and reflects ... with somewhat over-exclusiveness the views of the great gods of Trinity.” + + =Sat. R.= 99: 742. Je. 3, ‘05. 40w. =Gayley, Charles Mills, and Young, Clement C.= Principles and progress of English poetry. $1.10. Macmillan. “Profs. Charles Mills Gayley and Clement C. Young, in their volume on ‘The principles and progress of English poetry, with representative masterpieces and notes,’ have attempted to show through extracts and by a scientific study of rhythm, melody and movement as well as by historical analysis, how English poetry has developed, and how it has been touched by external and internal influences since the days of Chaucer down to those of Tennyson. Each chapter has a separate introduction descriptive of the school to which the poems included in it are supposed to belong.”—N. Y. Times. “Merits the attention both of the studious reader of poetry, and of the mechanician in verse—particularly of the youthful apprentice in the art of poesy.” + + =Critic.= 47: 187. Ag. ‘05. 150w. “With Professor Gayley’s artistic theory we cannot always agree. It has the great advantage of putting a large amount of poetic phenomena into shape for the student’s use.” + + — =Ind.= 59: 260. Ag. 3, ‘05. 200w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 41. Ja. 21, ‘05. 310w. (Outlines scope.) “There is a preface ... devoted to the principles of poetry—a valuable book in itself.” + + =School R.= 13: 274*. Mr. ‘05. 140w. =Geddie, John.= Romantic Edinburgh. $2.50. Dutton. A reissue, without revisions, of a suggestive guide to the study of the landmarks of Old Edinburgh. =Nation.= 81: 198. S. 7, ‘05. 60w. “A map is needed—a map or plan, such as Baedeker prints in his guide books. That, and either no photographs or better ones, would make Mr. Geddie’s a well-nigh perfect hand book to Auld Reekie.” + + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 576. S. 2, ‘05. 1120w. =Geere, H. Valentine.= By Nile and Euphrates. $3.50. Scribner. A book of both discovery and adventure. The author, at Professor Flinders Petrie’s request, was given an appointment on the staff of the expedition which was sent out to Mesapotamia by the University of Pennsylvania in 1895 to continue the excavation of the ruins of Nippur. He writes of “unsettled, poverty-stricken and neglected Mesapotamia, and well-ordered, flourishing Egypt,” and gives detailed accounts of the work of investigation carried on at Behnesch, Nippur and Babylon. “So far as we know, there is no other book which paints so vividly the camp of the excavator, or sketches the scenery and life of the Nile and Euphrates valleys, as the one before us.” George L. Robinson. + + =Bib. World.= 26: 235. S. ‘05. 950w. Reviewed by Wallace Rice. =Dial.= 38: 90. F. 1, ‘05. 310w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 38. Ja. 21, ‘05. 450w. “Mr. Geere writes in a pleasant, lucid style, which rises almost into eloquence when he describes the evening at Mohammerah when the charms of the East first stole upon him.” + =Spec.= 94: 119. Ja. 28. ‘05. 430w. =Geffroy, Gustave.= National gallery (London); with an introd. by Sir Walter Armstrong. ¼ vel. *$10. Warne. “The author has treated his subject by subdivision into schools corresponding to the arrangement of the pictures on the walls (an arrangement quite unsurpassed in excellence in any public gallery). The English, Italian, Flemish, Dutch, German, Spanish, and French schools are all covered both in the charmingly written text, and the profuse illustrations.”—Int. Studio. * “One of the most elaborate, as well as one of the most authoritative, art books of the season. His style is often brilliant, and always clear and definite.” + + + =Dial.= 39: 442. D. 16, ‘05. 420w. “M. Gustave Geffroy’s essays are one and all marked by the keen insight into peculiarities of the style that distinguish him; and they have about them a freshness and originality that is, alas, daily becoming more rare.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 25: 81. Mr. ‘05. 120w. “The work is a magnificent one—one which makes us feel grateful to author and publisher.” + + — =Int. Studio.= 25: sup. 14. Mr. ‘05. 450w. * “Great pains have been taken with the mechanical perfection of the reproductions, and the work ranks well.” + + =Int. Studio.= 27: sup. 31. D. ‘05. 70w. * “Unfortunately, many of the photogravures are but mediocre, and most of the process cuts are wretched, so that what should have been a feast of art is little more than an aid to memory.” — + =Nation.= 81: 449. N. 30, ‘05. 150w. * “The text is discriminating as well as informative.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 836. D. 2, ‘05. 130w. + + =Spec.= 94: 115. Ja. 28, ‘05. 200w. =Geikie, Sir Archibald.= Landscape in history, and other essays. *$2.75. Macmillan. “Ten essays and addresses.... Half of them deal with scenery in its geological relations and in its influence on human progress.... They are entitled ‘Landscape in history,’ ‘Landscape and the imagination,’ ‘Landscape and literature,’ ‘The origin of the scenery of the British islands,’ and ‘The centenary of Hutton’s Theory of the earth.’ The others discuss the problem of the age of the earth, ‘Geological time’; two are biographical, ‘The life and letters of Charles Darwin’ and ‘Hugh Miller: his work and influence’; one deals with the place of science in modern education, and the book closes with a paper on the Roman campagna.”—N. Y. Times. “Sir Archibald Geikie in those thoughtful essays has done something toward elucidating the dependence of man’s intellectual achievement on his physical environment.” + =Acad.= 68: 193. Mr. 4, ‘05. 1450w. “A charming contribution to the literature of his favorite science.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 504. Ap. 15. 980w. “These essays are very charming, written with great clearness and distinction.” + =Ind.= 59: 989. O. 26, ‘05. 270w. * “The essays are popular, rather than technical; and there is very little in them beyond the reach of the average educated man.” + + =Nation.= 81: 167. Ag. 24, ‘05. 3030w. “A most readable book, the several parts of which hang well together.” + + =Nature.= 71: 577. Ap. 20, ‘05. 1560w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 164. Mr. 18, ‘05. 160w. (Outline of contents). “Charming style in which this volume of varied essays is written. Altogether this volume is stimulating and enlightening, a distinct contribution to the literature of science.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 857. Ap. 1, ‘05. 290w. “It is the interweaving of history, mythology, and imagination with the dry light of scientific fact that constitutes the particular fascination of this book.” + + =Sat. R.= 100: 312. S. 2, ‘05. 1010w. “This is a very entertaining and useful field of research, in which we could desire no better guide than Sir Archibald Geikie.” + + =Spec.= 94: 677. My. 6, ‘05. 650w. =Geikie, James.= Structural and field geology for students of pure and applied science. *$4. Van Nostrand. Addressed primarily to beginners in field geology, this handbook is intended also for students preparing to be mining or civil engineers, architects, agriculturists, or public health officers, to whom some knowledge of structural geology is important. It covers the course gone over in the summer course of geology in the University of Edinburgh, a course instituted to give students a further knowledge of practical geology than could be presented in the winter courses. There are numerous illustrations and full-page plates. “Written with the knowledge and authority of a professor of wide experience, the work is likely to be of much use far beyond the range of University classes. Perhaps the most valuable part of Prof. Geikie’s work is that devoted to geological surveying.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 183. Ag. 5. 430w. * “The work is excellent in plan, in presentation. It will be very helpful, not only to beginners, but to those who have been well trained in the science of geology.” N. S. Shaler. + + — =Engin. N.= 54: 529. N. 16, ‘05. 1250w. “A very useful handbook, admirable in the freshness and terseness of its descriptions, and the clearness and abundance of its illustrations.” + + =Nature.= 72: 223. Jl. 6, ‘05. 1620w. * “A full and well-considered hand-book for use in the sober work of geological surveying or economic investigation, in a country like Scotland, where there are no active volcanoes, earthquakes or glaciers.” B. K. Emerson. + + — =Science=, n.s. 22: 628. N. 17, ‘05. 970w. Genealogical records, $1. W. G. DeWitt, 201 E. 12th St., N. Y. A book of blanks for those who wish to record their family history in systematic form. The spaces for names, notes, dates, and index are indicated, and when filled out will constitute a neat and handy volume for genealogical reference. =Genung, John Franklin.= Ecclesiastes. **$1.25. Houghton. A philosophical rather than a critical study. “The author, together with most modern students of the book, rightly discards the word ‘Ecclesiastes,’ the Greek translation of ‘Koheleth,’ in the first place because it is almost certainly an incorrect translation, and, in the second place, as the author appropriately observes, because it ‘entitles what is of all Scripture books the least ecclesiastical.’” (Bib. World.) “He dwells but slightly on the historical background, and then introduces us to the theory that Koheleth was a reaction against the immortality doctrine, recently adopted from the Greeks and pushed into prominence by the Pharisees. The preacher contends against living for a vague futurity, and insists upon living this present life to its utmost.” (Cath. World). “Genung’s thesis is admirably set forth and strongly buttressed by references to modern literature. But the impression remains that he has rather read into Koheleth a view which one would like to discover there, than revealed the actual nature of the book itself.” + — =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 168. Ja. ‘05. 530w. + + =Atlan.= 95: 703. My. ‘05. 480w. “To a full two hundred pages of discussion the author has added a new translation and a running commentary. Both are excellent, but the latter especially ripples along in clear, crisp sentences that show how much a deft literary touch may do even for a commentary. In fact, the book as a whole exhibits in language and treatment the author’s nice literary taste. In the opinion of the present writer, Professor Genung is not at his best when he discusses, or rather makes fun of, Siegfried’s analysis of Koheleth. Satire is not convincing. The reviewer also feels impelled to enter a non liquet against Professor Genung’s contention that Koheleth represents a reaction against contemporary views of immortality. The solid merit of the serious and painstaking work that has gone into the book will win for it an honored place on many shelves.” William Frederic Badé. + + — =Bib. World.= 25: 311. Ap. ‘05. 940w. “Mr. Genung would have done far better to have examined the book without a philosophical theory as to its nature, but with a critical openness of mind for straightforward evidence. Still, in the introductory portion of the volume, and in the exegetical notes accompanying the translation, there are useful suggestions.” + — =Cath. World.= 80: 546. Ja. ‘05. 390w. “His discussion reveals a well-balanced sense of the literary and spiritual values that are to be found in Koheleth.” Ira M. Price. + + =Dial= 38: 45. Ja. 16, ‘05. 230w. =Ind.= 58: 1368. Je. 15, ‘05. 120w. + + — =Outlook.= 79: 190. Ja. 21, ‘05. 710w. =George, Hereford B.=, ed. See =Thiers, Adolphe.= =Gerard, Dorothea (Mme. Longard de Longarde).= Sawdust: a Polish romance of the Carpathian timberlands. $1. Winston. Self made, a lover of work for work’s sake, Josef Mayer, has at last achieved success and erected a saw-mill in the Polish Carpathians, having beggared Count Rutkowski and secured his timber lands in a shrewd business deal. Then comes a pretty romance between the count’s daughter and Meyer’s son, which is opposed more strenuously by the peasant than by the nobleman, but which ends satisfactorily in the loss of the Meyer fortune. Royalty, the village folk and the disaffected Jews figure in the story. “There is also a certain delicacy in the treatment of the love scenes and fidelity to truth in the descriptions of natural scenery that give the story a charm not present in most present-day novels.” + + =Arena.= 34: 552. N. ‘05. 160w. “There is, moreover, much skill displayed in the delineation of character and situations alike, and the writer is thoroughly familiar with her material.” Wm. M. Payne. + + =Dial.= 39: 207. O. 1, ‘05. 320w. “The story is told naturally and carefully.” + =Nation.= 81: 101. Ag. 3, ‘05. 370w. “It is full of freshness and originality.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 455. Jl. 8, ‘05. 480w. “A charming combination of capital and labor, with an absorbing love-plot, is ‘Sawdust’.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 383. S. 16, ‘05. 190w. =Gerson, Virginia.= More adventures of the happy Heart family. $1. Fox. Another book for the very young in which little mother Heart, papa Goodheart, and the little Hearties all appear, also the Jolly-jumpers and the Valentines, who were “a very elegant family because their grandfather was a saint, so Mrs. Fancy Valentine always wore white lace.” Quaint drawings illustrate the volume. * “Another one of those delightful children’s books which the grown-ups like as much as the little people.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 795. N. 25, ‘05. 290w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 767. D. ‘05. 60w. =Gettemy, Charles Ferris.= True story of Paul Revere. **$1.50. Little. A short biography of the American patriot whom Longfellow’s poem saved from historical oblivion. His midnight ride is told in his own words, and he appears as a patriotic engraver and dentist as well as public messenger, soldier, and juror. Both Revere and the historical events in which he played a part lose in romance but gain much in reality by this accurate account. Original documents are quoted and Revere’s copper-plate engravings are fully described. * + =Critic.= 47: 573. D. ‘05. 90w. “The book shows scholarly work, and is of value historically apart from its narrative of Paul Revere.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 580. N. 4, ‘05. 70w. * “The real value of the book lies in the light which it throws on local Revolutionary history, and especially on the alliance with France and the adoption of the Constitution.” + + =R. of Rs.= 32: 756. D. ‘05. 80w. =Ghent, W. J.= Mass and class. $1.25. Macmillan. “Mr. W. J. Ghent, author of ‘Our benevolent feudalism,’ has written ‘Mass and class: a survey of social divisions.’ In his present work, Mr. Ghent seeks to analyze the social mass into its component classes; to describe these classes, not as they may be imagined in some projected benevolent feudalism, but as they are to be found here and now in the industrial life of the nation; and to indicate the current of social progress which, in spite of the blindness of the workers, the rapacity of the masters, and the subservience of the retainers, makes ever for an ultimate of social justice.”—R. of Rs. “Brilliant arraignment of modern society.” + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 129. Ja. ‘05. 120w. Reviewed by Owen R. Lovejoy. =Current Literature.= 38: 309. Ap. ‘05. 2180w. (Abstract of book.) Reviewed by Charles Richmond Henderson. + — =Dial.= 38: 155. Mr. 1, ‘05. 140w. “The one criticism offered concerns a fundamental point—Mr. Ghent’s failure to grasp the full meaning of the doctrine of economic interpretation on which he professes to base his whole discussion.” Wesley C. Mitchell. — + + =J. Pol. Econ.= 13: 281. Mr. ‘05. 2290w. * “Probably most psychologists would attach more importance to the part played by ideals than the author does, but in tracing back our present conditions of war between labor and capital to a play of motives that were the direct result of the rapid economic development of our country, he is fundamentally correct. The book is to be criticised in this respect as being too schematic, as not going sufficiently into detail to be at all satisfactory to one’s historical sense.” Amy E. Tanner. + — =Psychol. Bull.= 2: 413. D. 15, ‘05. 790w. =R. of Rs.= 30: 760. D. ‘04. 100w. + + =Yale R.= 14: 106. My. ‘05. 270w. =Ghosh, Sarath Kumar.= Verdict of the gods. †$1.50. Dodd. “With prologue, epilogue, and interludes between the great king, sick unto death, and his faithful chronicler beguiling the painful hours, this Oriental romance details the ordeals—a horrid half-dozen, including burial alive, exposure to wild beasts, and the poison cup—to which Navayan Lal was put for daring to love the Princess Devala. Great bravery and a canny knowledge of hypnotism and other mysteries occult carry him through in safety.”—Outlook. “Its lucid English style and its fascinating plot. For all these trifling cavils, ‘The verdict of the gods’ must rank as a novel of unusual interest.” Louis H. Gray. + =Bookm.= 21: 310. My. ‘05. 1530w. =Ind.= 59: 575. S. 7, ‘05. 110w. “Can be recommended as an antidote for ennui in several of its forms.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 570. S. 2, ‘05. 740w. =Outlook.= 79: 910. Ap. 8. ‘05. 110w. “Here are more ‘Arabian nights,’ murmurous, beguiling, enchanting in their beauty and strangeness.” + =Reader.= 6: 595. O. ‘05. 220w. =Gibbons, Alfred St. Hill.= Africa from south to north through Marotseland. **$7.50. Lane. The account of a thoro exploration of Marotseland, made in 1898 by an experienced African traveler. The objects of the expedition were to fix a British boundary line; to determine the Congo-Zambesi watershed; to discover the real source of the Zambesi; and to make such surveys and general investigations as should determine the best place for the Rhodesian railway company to push its line across the river. The account is interesting and valuable, the more so because the Cape to Cairo railway, soon to be completed, will make it possible for the tourist to cover this same ground. Native life and conditions, present government and economic possibilities are treated in detail. “Is written in a charming style, simple, direct and convincing. Quite apart from its interest and special worth to the Englishman, is its value on account of the new and interesting geographical information it contains. Is one of the most important works of travel of recent years.” + + + =Arena.= 33: 561. My. ‘05. 790w. “There are at least half a dozen reasons why it should be welcome and why it will take a permanent place among the standard books on African exploration. The best authority in print today concerning the country. There is much detail in the book. Still it is all very readable.” + + =Ind.= 58: 499. Mr. 2, ‘05. 670w. =Gibbons, Hughes Oliphant.= History of old Pine street; being the record of an hundred and forty years in the life of a colonial church. Winston. “Pine Street church in Philadelphia, the third Presbyterian church founded in that city, is the only one dating from colonial times still on its original site. In the churchyard some three thousand lie interred, including many Revolutionary officers and soldiers. It has been served by a succession of remarkably able ministers.... Originally in a fashionable center, now in a slum neighborhood ... it remains there, consecrated by its history and pledged by its endowment to a perpetuity of service in its changed environment. This handsome and finely illustrated volume is a worthy memorial of seven generations to many more to come.”—Outlook. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 587. S. 9, ‘05. 520w. + + =Outlook.= 81: 135. S. 16, ‘05. 170w. =Gibbs, Philip.= Facts and ideas. $1.25. Longmans. Short studies of life and literature, which have appeared in various weekly newspapers. There is a brief treatment of a great many subjects, including the French revolution, and the Transvaal war. “The book aspires to be a sort of elementary substitute for liberal education—a university extension course on things one should know.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 333. My. 20, ‘05. 270w. “We think that occasionally, in his desire to point a moral, Mr. Gibbs exaggerates. The writer does not go to the heart of his subject.” — =Spec.= 94: 293. F. 25, ‘05. 340w. * =Gibson, Charles.= Among French inns: the story of a pilgrimage to characteristic spots of rural France. **$1.60. Page. “Most daintily attired, all gray and silvery and splendidly pictured, comes ‘Among French inns’ ... with ... an automobile, an indulgent American papa, a managing American mamma, a double love match, and an enviable collection of French, English, and Italian types. Moreover, there is real information about the inns, their table d’hotes, their relative expensiveness and inexpensiveness, and a plenty of historical data.”—N. Y. Times. * “He defaces almost every page of his book by his badly chosen vocabulary, or his disregard for the rules of English syntax.” + — =Dial.= 39: 444. D. 16, ‘05. 240w. * “This new book may well deserve that quaintly descriptive old word ‘fetching.’” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 460. D. 2, ‘05. 500w. * =Gibson, Charles Dana.= Our neighbors. **$4.20. Scribner. The present collection, which it is announced, contains Mr. Gibson’s last work in black and white, “is uniform in size, shape, and binding with the nine volumes which have preceded it. It is entitled ‘Our neighbors,’ a phrase generally interpreted to mean all sorts and conditions of men and women. The Gibson Girl is charmingly portrayed, as well as the Gibson Man, the Gibson Dowager, and the Gibson Old Gentleman. There are also the street types ... and cartoons.” (Dial.) * “Perhaps Mr. Gibson has done his best in black-and-white; at least he will have to do something very good indeed to surpass the general level of ‘Our neighbors.’” + + =Dial.= 39: 382. D. 1, ‘05. 260w. * “Whatever else may be said of Gibson and his work, certain it is that he makes you see what he sets out to show you, and he does it pleasantly and with a deal of humor.” + + =Ind.= 59: 1379. D. 14, ‘05. 170w. * “He leaves us quite at his best, and his humor has never been keener or his technical ability more astonishing than in the present collection.” + + =Nation.= 81: 449. N. 30, ‘05. 150w. * =N. Y. Times.= 10: 835. D. 2, ‘05. 200w. * =R. of Rs.= 32: 751. D. ‘05. 50w. * “The artist is as fresh and interesting as ever.” + + =Spec.= 95: sup. 793. N. 18, ‘05. 110w. =Gibson, William Hamilton.= Our native orchids. **$1.35. Doubleday. Mr. Gibson had only begun to record his observations on orchids of the Northwestern United States at the time of his death. Mrs. Jelliffe has supplemented his portfolio of sketches and scattering notes with her own results of study, and has produced an orchid handbook of particular value to the amateur botanist, which practically includes all the sixty species of our native orchids, giving keys, descriptions, illustrations and notes. “This is a book which supplies a want long felt by the amateur botanist, and we give it a cordial welcome.” + + =Dial.= 39: 46. Jl. 16, ‘05. 60w. “A volume, unassuming though it is, of substantial value and interest.” Edith Granger. + + + =Dial.= 39: 109. S. 1, ‘05. 440w. + + =Ind.= 59: 271. Ag. 3, ‘05. 50w. “Satisfactory and intelligible volume.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 477. Jl. 22, ‘05. 1680w. =Gide, Charles.= Principles of political economy; second American ed.; tr. by C. Wm. A. Veditz. $2. Heath. The eight editions through which the original French “Principes d’economie politique” has gone, mark a succession of changes in certain sections of the book, but leave the fundamental purpose the same,—that of giving to the reader “a plain statement of the accepted principles of economics, a summary of the unsettled problems of the science, and a clear, brief, and impartial outline of the various solutions that have been proposed. The author is almost as felicitous in presenting a subject that in the hands of most scholars is extremely dull as was Henry George. This work has been brought down to the latest date and evidently no pains have been spared, within certain limits, to present the subject in a broad, up-to-date and comprehensive manner. A third excellence is found in its concrete presentation of the subject.” (Arena). “Perhaps much of the popularity of the book is due to its catholicity. The arrangement of the material is open to criticism as unnatural and liable to interrupt and confuse the thought. This is not true as regards the general plan of the book, but only as regards topics under the chief heads. Professor Veditz must be given credit and congratulation for the vitality and the up-to-dateness of this book.” Walter E. Kruesi. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 347. Mr. ‘05. 380w. “It is written in a charmingly lucid manner. By the author’s method of presentation the interest in the subject and its intelligibility have gained rather than lost by the concise and direct treatment. The division and arrangement of the work are also admirable and with the fairly good index enable the reader to find anything he desires with little loss of time. This work, though far less open to criticism than many conventional political economies, falls, in our judgment, far short of meeting the demands of an up-to-date political economy that claims to present impartially the various present-day theories of government. The claim of the publishers, that the book is impartial, is not borne out by the facts.” + — =Arena.= 33: 107. Ja. ‘05. 820w. =Gilder, Jeannette Leonard.= Tom-boy at work. †$1.25. Doubleday. In this sequel to her “Autobiography of a tom-boy,” Miss Gilder tells of her heroine’s varied career as a bread-winner. At sixteen she was employed as a copyist by a historian, later she worked in the Philadelphia mint, then became in turn a tinter of photographs, an auditor’s clerk, a proofreader, and, finally, a successful newspaper woman. She gives her impressions of New York thirty years ago; and many distinguished literary men, singers and actors of that day enter into her story. “She has interpreted the whole situation with that shrewd, honest, impersonal intelligence which is founded upon humor and common sense rather than upon the usual sentimental pose of such a writer to her theme.” + + =Ind.= 58: 786. Ap. 6, ‘05. 370w. “Miss Gilder writes in a breezy and unconventional style, suitable to the pace at which her tomboy lived and changed professions. Nothing could be more American than the atmosphere and point of view of this book.” + + =Nation.= 80: 100. F. 2, ‘05. 750w. =Gilder, Richard Watson.= In the heights. *$1. Century. A little volume of verses containing elegiac poems, poems suggested by music, songs of experience, impromptus, etc. The book closes with The white tsar’s people, reprinted, with additional stanzas suggested by recent events. “Into almost all of his verse the poet has woven high, fine thoughts that will appeal to the artistic, the intellectual or the conscience sides of life. This is one of the few volumes of verse that we can heartily recommend to our readers.” + + =Arena.= 34: 550. N. ‘05. 650w. * =Critic.= 47: 583. D. ‘05. 30w. * + =Nation.= 81: 507. D. 21, ‘05. 270w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 748. N. 4, ‘05. 450w. * “Mr. Gilder’s limpidity and chastity of style are a constant delight, and the turn of his fancy is pleasing.” + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 699. N. 25, ‘05. 120w. =Gilfillan, Joseph Alexander.= Ojibway; a novel of Indian life of the period of the early advance of civilization in the great Northwest. $1.50. Neale. The Ojibway in relation to his own kindred and tribe is pictured in this narrative so humane that were it not for his wilderness surroundings, his crude equipments, his superstitious fear, one might count him the owner of some developed instincts. But the recital of the horrible and bloodthirsty relations with the Sioux tribe reveals such abject savagery that the reader fairly recoils from it. The book is made up of these two phases, with many incidental allusions to traits and customs. “To call the book a novel was a misnomer. It is rather a series of moving pictures in which we see real people doing real things. In spite of careless proofreading, conspicuous faults of diction and unfortunate lack of experienced editing, the story is told with ... simplicity and vividness.” + + — =Ind.= 58: 960. Ap. 27, ‘05. 260w. * =Gillette, Halbert Powers.= Handbook of cost data for contractors and engineers: a reference book giving methods of construction and actual costs of materials and labor on numerous engineering works. *$4. Clark, M. C. “The reviewer believes this to be the first handbook on the cost of engineering work that has been published.... The book is divided into fourteen sections, under heads that facilitate quick reference ... preparing estimates, cost keeping, and its corollary, the organization of forces ... earth and rock excavation ... cost of roads, pavements and walks ... stone masonry ... the cost of concrete construction of all kinds ... the cost of water-works, sewers, vitrified conduits and tile drains ... structures in which timber dominates ... steam and electric railways ... the erection and painting of steel bridges ... the cost of railway and topographic surveys ... and the cost of many miscellaneous structures.... The book is illustrated with cuts wherever they add to the text.”—Engin. N. * “The subject is presented in an attractive manner. Although much information is given, yet the users of the book will desire more. Its usefulness will only be limited by its sale.” + + + =Engin. N.= 54: 527. N. 16, ‘05. 1550w. =Gilman, Lawrence.= Phases of modern music. **$1.25. Harper. “A study of the more important phases of music to-day, grouped about appreciative chapters on Richard Strauss, Edward McDowell, Grieg, Wagner, Verdi, Edward Elgar, and Charles Martin Loeffler, with vigorous essays on ‘Parsifal and its significance’ and ‘Women and modern music.’ Mr. Gilman has been the musical critic of Harper’s Weekly since 1901.”—R. of Rs. “Mr. Gilman writes with penetration and a more than common sympathy, and has a distinctive and charming mode of expression. His work is unusual in appealing both to the technical and the lay reader, and its judgments and illuminations will be valued by students.” + + =Critic.= 46: 287. Mr. ‘05. 150w. “The author is endowed with grace of style, and he knows how to bring into relief the interesting features of unattractive subjects.” Ingram A. Pyle. + =Dial.= 38: 238. Ap. 1, ‘05. 240w. “It is not often possible to follow him in all his ways; for they are sometimes oversubtle and elusive. He has not yet the weight of reason and the authority of judgment that will no doubt come to one who reflects and thinks seriously as he does.” Richard Aldrich. + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 308. My. 13, ‘05. 330w. “He writes with vividness and sympathy.” + + =R. of Rs.= 30: 761. D. ‘04. 80w. =Gilman, N. P.= Methods of industrial peace. **$1.60. Houghton. This book will be gladly received by the student of social movements, as there is increasing demand for new works upon the “labor question,” due to the rapid growth of knowledge thru investigation, and the steady change in facts and phases of the question itself. “The book takes an Anglo-Saxon point of view, since it draws almost as much upon English as upon American experience, besides making considerable reference to Australian and New Zealand developments. It undertakes a good deal more than a discussion of the special machinery designed to further industrial peace, giving a brief but concise statement of the chief facts incidental to the history and present position of trade unionism. [Then the author shows the necessity for the efficient organization of both employers and employed, discusses the “sliding scale,” raises the question of the legal constitution and liability of trade unions.] ... The ensuing chapters deal at some length with the aims and methods of unions, their conduct of strikes and boycotts, and the place borne by the public in relation to their actions. The remainder of the book is given to a general account of trade boards of conciliation, state boards of arbitration, and the methods of legal regulation in force in New Zealand.” (Int. J. Ethics). “The treatment is characterized by insight, sobriety, and accurate learning.” C. R. Henderson. + + =Am. J. Soc.= 10: 557. Ja. ‘05. 280w. “If a general criticism might be ventured on the whole book, it would be that too much ground has been covered and that in consequence too little intensity of treatment is shown. On the other hand, the author exhibits an admirable breadth of view and impartiality which must appeal to all readers.” James T. Young. + + — =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 602. My. ‘05. 550w. “The chief value of the book will be the statement, dispassionate, and in clear form, of the main facts of the case and of the principles in accordance with which industrial organization would appear to be moving. Mr. Gilman has traveled over so much ground that he has at times become a little sketchy in his treatment. Description rather than economic analysis is the strong point of the book. In a subject so far reaching, however, it is perhaps unfair to expect more than a broad presentation of the material which will enable others to formulate particular problems and to attempt independent judgments. This Mr. Gilman has done in a manner so interesting as to command the gratitude of all interested in current labor problems.” C. J. Hamilton. + + — =Int. J. Ethics.= 15: 237. Ja. ‘05. 1400w. “Upon the whole, however, the book is of value. In spite of its inaccuracies and occasional unfairness, it contains much information presented in a readable way, with many references to secondary and some to primary sources. It must also be said that he has generalized too broadly on insufficient evidence, and has been influenced too much by his prepossession for state regulation to give an unbiased interpretation of the strivings of the leaders of employers and of employes towards satisfactory methods of industrial peace.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 178. Mr. 2, ‘05. 1420w. “He writes with skill and precision. The data on which his conclusions are based are abundant and have been carefully sifted.” Frederick Stanley Root. + + + =Yale R.= 14: 84. My. ‘05. 1110w. =Gissing, Algernon.= Broadway, village of middle England, *50c. Dutton. A topographical description of one of the villages of the Cotswolds, which dates from the time of Shakespeare, and is the home of some of the distinguished folk of to-day. The little volume is illustrated by Mr. Edmund New. =Nation.= 80: 247. Mr. 30, ‘05. 280w. =N. Y. Times.= 10: 137. Mr. 4, ‘05. 270w. “The present volume should appeal to the lover of England by its clear description of topography and by its apt references to history. In some pages it also reflects the peculiar atmosphere and poetic charm of a typical English village.” + =Outlook.= 79: 398. F. 11, ‘05. 60w. =Gissing, George Robert.= By the Ionian sea; notes of a ramble in Southern Italy. *$1.75 Scribner. “It was a short journey the writer took, from Naples to Reggio, miserably punctuated by an illness in the most depressing inn on the route. The author, deeply moved by such traces of ancient life as he could find, refreshed his mind by study and memoirs of the great men of classic time who dwelt in or wrote of Calabrian hills and streams.”—Outlook. “His narrative is the expression of a highly cultivated intelligence, but it does not enchant; and its lighter touches are particularly unsuccessful.” + — =Critic.= 47: 190. Ag. ‘05. 80w. Reviewed by Wallace Rice. + + =Dial.= 38: 385. Je. 1, ‘05. 320w. “The book is worth reading from beginning to end.” + + =Nation.= 80: 464. Je. 8, ‘05. 1720w. “Full of the marked personal touch. A veil of slight melancholy hangs over the whole picture, which in a way adds to its charm.” + =Outlook.= 80: 137. My. 13, ‘05. 110w. =Gissing. George.= Veranilda. †$1.50. Dutton. As the posthumous historical novel of one who was essentially a modern realist, this unfinished work has called forth much comment and speculation upon the author’s change of style. It is a romance of Rome in the sixth century, and deals with the historical persons and events of the time of Justinian and Belisarius. Mr. Frederic Harrison, who writes the introduction, considers it the author’s most important work, showing, “his poetical gift for local color, his subtle insight into spiritual mysticism, and ... his really fine scholarship and classical learning.” “Throughout the style is stilted, the conversations absurd, the action tiresomely slow, and the story destitute of a single throb of real humanity.” — — =Critic.= 46: 478. My. ‘05. 180w. “Besides being cold and formal, ‘Veranilda’ is a rather incoherent tale.” — + =Nation.= 80: 441. Je. 1, ‘05. 470w. “A more complete or less welcome metamorphosis in style, subject matter, purpose—everything for which the name of George Gissing has always stood in the minds of those who counted him among the strongest of the latter day novelists—than is to be found in his posthumous historical novel, ‘Veranilda,’ it would be as hard to imagine. What is published is in no sense a fragment or preliminary sketch, but is finished and polished in Mr. Gissing’s best manner.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 118. F. 25, ‘05. 1260w. “In manner the narrative is dignified and careful. The human and story interests are strong and well maintained. The book is easily one of the best of modern attempts at classical romance.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 606. Mr. 4, ‘05. 220w. + — =R. of Rs.= 31: 762. Je. ‘05. 60w. =Gissing, George.= Will Warburton: a romance of real life. †$1.50. Dutton. In this story of self sacrifice in every-day life Will Warburton, when his extensive sugar business fails because of the extravagances of his incompetent partner, supports his mother and sister by secretly becoming a shopkeeper. When his friends at last discover that he has degenerated into a mere grocer, a girl whom he thought he loved, an artist whom he had befriended, and others turn against him, but he finds, when they are gone, that his true friends and his true love still remain. “‘Will Warburton’ is a monument of ‘art for art’s sake.’ Its arrangement is not quite flawless; we would not quarrel with some of the sequences of chapters: but on the whole, it is a thing of noble shape.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 710. Jl. 8, ‘05. 860w. “A gain in power, in grasp, and in sympathy. But apart from this important development there is no change observable in the style.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 41. Jl. 8. 500w. “Where he fails, it is for lack of the supreme touch of art, not of the high and ardent intention.” + =Critic.= 47: 284. S. ‘05. 450w. “It is characteristic Gissing, but not good Gissing. His familiar effects are reproduced in a fainter form than of old, and there are no new effects indicating how, with further experiences of life, his talents would have developed.” + — =Lond. Times.= 4: 209. Je. 30, ‘05. 660w. “Each character, however lightly touched, is true, true to a hair, stepping forth from the page a rounded, breathing figure. It is excellent in workmanship and large of vision.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 487. Jl. 22, ‘05. 590w. “Certainly it leaves one with a warmer personal feeling toward the author than did some of his earlier and abler books.” + =Outlook.= 80: 644. Jl. 8, ‘05. 110w. “Although not by any means the best of his books, shows no failure in power.” + =Sat. R.= 100: 251. Ag. 19, ‘05. 600w. + =Spec.= 95: 19. Jl. 1, ‘05. 750w. =Given, Charles Stewart.= Fleece of gold. *35c. Meth. bk. Five lessons derived from Jason’s quest of the Golden fleece are the contents of this work added to the “Modern messages” series. They are The ruling element, The golden quality, The messenger of fate, The active hand, and Ethics of activity. * =Gladden, Rev. Washington.= Christianity and socialism. *$1. Meth. bk. “The subjects of these lectures, which were delivered before the students of the Drew theological seminary, are as follows: The Sermon on the Mount as a basis of social reconstruction, labor wars, the programme of socialism, and lights and shadows of municipal reform. Dr. Gladden’s attitude on most of these topics has been made known in earlier works. It has been his endeavor ... to bring Christianity and socialism into ‘more intelligible and more friendly relations.’”—R. of Rs. * “His volume may be characterized in a word as one of wise counsels.” + + =Outlook.= 81: 680. N. 18, ‘05. 130w. * + =R. of Rs.= 32: 752. D. ‘05. 120w. =Gladden, Washington.= Where does the sky begin? **$1.25. Houghton. Twenty sermons by the present moderator of the national council of Congregational churches. “They are concerned with the difficulties and needs of the religious life of the individual, rather than with the social problems to which Dr. Gladden hitherto has been more inclined.” (Ind.) “Those who are fortunate enough to read ‘Where does the sky begin?’ will be convinced that he is a preacher of marked spirituality.” + + =Am. J. of Theol.= 9: 600. Jl. ‘05. 120w. =Atlan.= 95: 706. My. ‘05. 180w. “He treats large and serious themes in a large and serious way, with a simple, direct and grave diction.” + + =Bib. World.= 26: 154. Ag. ‘05. 100w. “They are good sermons from the points of view of easy style and sincere moral enthusiasm; but very saddening sermons from their feeble content of doctrine.” + =Cath. World.= 80: 547. Ja. ‘05. 200w. “The twenty sermons here published are earnest, original and thoughtful, with forceful religious appeal and in excellent literary style.” + + =Ind.= 58: 500. Mr. 2, ‘05. 80w. =Gladys, Evelyn, pseud.= Thoughts of a fool. $1.50. Rosenthal. Twenty-six chapters “of virile iconoclasm ... of challenge to all the schools, with unfailing good humor to temper its plain speaking.” “A message to the inner life of man. In keen words the book endeavors to lay bare the heart and mind of the world. Satire, irony, and derision in all their forms are used to expose human nature to its own gaze.” (Bookm.) “A new writer of vigor and point.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 384. Mr. ‘05. 100w. =Glasfurd, A. I. R.= Rifle and romance in the Indian jungle: being the record of thirteen years of Indian jungle life. *$5. Lane. The author has aimed “to present an old, though still engrossing subject in what is perhaps a novel manner: to carry the reader into more direct contact with the surroundings of the Indian sportsman and naturalist, and, while avoiding as much as possible the recital of personal experience with its stereotyped accompaniments, to lead him into the jungle, with all its fascinating variety of scene and season, hill and plain, where in spirit he may make acquaintance or renew an intimacy with its shy denizens and their habits.” The illustrations are taken from photographs or from sketches by the author. “Has succeeded in preparing a most cunning and admirable blend of fact, romance, weird mystery and sound advice. Search where one will through this entertaining book, one happens always upon sound literature, fine descriptions, good natural history and lively adventure.” + + + =Acad.= 68: 632. Je. 17, ‘05. 890w. “As sound and readable a book of its class as we have seen for many a day. The book generally, though occasionally a little slack in its phrasing, may be commended to young sportsmen as a guide, and to old as recalling pleasant reminiscences.” + + — =Ath.= 1905, 2: 45. Jl. 8. 530w. Reviewed by H. E. Coblentz. * + =Dial.= 39: 377. D. 1. ‘05. 290w. “That out of such materials Capt. Glasfurd has succeeded in composing so excellent a book is greatly to his credit.” + =Nation.= 81: 206. S. 7, ‘05. 840w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 399. Je. 17, ‘05. 260w. + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 527. Ag. 12, ‘05. 960w. “He is an observer and a naturalist, as well as a sportsman, and he imports at times into his narrative an air of mystery and of romance which adds greatly to the charm of his work.” + + + =Sat. R.= 99: 848. Je. 24, ‘05. 260w. =Glover, T. R.= Studies in Virgil. $3. Longmans. “It falls naturally into four parts. The first is a chapter on the age and the man, and in it we are shown how Virgil, himself the child of a darker period, had a vision of a brighter day to come, and taught his countrymen to look forward hopefully to the age which was opening before them. The next consists of three chapters of literary studies: the first treats of the literary influences to which Virgil was subject, the second of his contemporaries, and the third about the growth of the myths about Aeneas. The third portion of the book deals, in three chapters, with the land and the nation, the three topics being Italy, Rome, and Augustus. The last part of the book is on Virgil’s interpretation of life, and here we have chapters on Dido, Aeneas, Hades, and Olympus, and a final summary.”—Nation. “In the long list of writings on Virgil and his poetry, Mr. Glover’s new book deserves a high place. The chapter about Dido is perhaps the best in the book, and certainly it is one of the most interesting and sensible essays on that famous episode of the Aeneid which we have ever read. The chapter on Aeneas is unconvincing, and almost a failure. Neither do we care much for the last chapter. But as a whole the book ought to be of great assistance to all who wish to get a true conception of the powers and the weaknesses of the greatest of the Roman poets.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 160. F. 23, ‘05. 760w. =Spec.= 94: 367. Mr. 11, ‘05. 1220w. =Glyn, Elinor.= Vicissitudes of Evangeline. †$1.50. Harper. The autobiography of a distracting and unconventional red-haired girl. She is the granddaughter of an earl, but her grand parents “forgot to marry,” and she is brought up by a rich old lady who leaves her to the bachelor heir as a part of his estate. Then come the vicissitudes. There are many characters, a handsome guardsman, a Scotch family, a lovely selfish married woman, and many others. The story is cleverly told and ends happily. + =Acad.= 68: 241. Mr. 11, ‘05. 360w. — + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 395. Ap. 1. 420w. “It has the whipped-cream consistency of its predecessors. It is mildly amusing.” William Morton Payne. + =Dial.= 38: 389. Je. 1, ‘05. 110w. “This Evangeline, though not without the serene egotism of lovely youth, is mighty good company. The men are not half bad, and the book is full of cleverness.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 156. Mr. 11, ‘05. 690w. + — =Outlook.= 79: 762. Mr. 25, ‘05. 40w. =Pub. Opin.= 38: 943. Je. 17, ‘05. 190w. “The intention of the book seems to be to present a ‘naughty’ heroine. Evangeline is ‘not nice’.” — =Reader.= 6: 476. S. ‘05. 220w. “The story is witty, fluent, and amusing.” + =R. of Rs.= 31: 758. Je. ‘05. 60w. =Gocher, W. H.= Wadsworth; or, The charter oak. $2. W: H: Gocher, Hartford, Conn. “It purports to give all that is ascertainable relating to the hiding of the colonial charter, in 1687, in the famous oak tree at Hartford,—an incident of which Captain Joseph Wadsworth, according to doubtful tradition, was the hero. Wadsworth himself, is made to tell the story of the charter and its hiding, in language that is undisguisedly hodiernal, and with many interpolations of matter remotely or not at all connected with the main theme. The chapters on the Royal oak, on Cromwell, and on the regicides, are of this irrelevant nature. The wording, and still more the spelling, of Joseph Wadsworth’s will, which is printed in full, are so strikingly in contrast with the modernity of his supposed narrative, that not the faintest touch of illusion can cling to the latter. Mr. Gocher’s work is lavishly illustrated from old prints, old portraits, and modern photographs, and is provided with numerous footnotes bearing evidence of painstaking research.”—Dial. “A mingling of fiction and somewhat delusive fact gives the text ... a doubtful historic value.” + — =Am. Hist. R.= 10: 720. Ap. ‘05. 50w. “Mr. Gocher has shown commendable antiquarian zeal in prosecuting his researches; yet his readers will probably wish he had not chosen to weave fact and fiction into the same web in a book that professes to be history rather than a novel.” + — =Dial.= 38: 130. F. 16, ‘05. 410w. “A book showing long and careful historical research, this volume will add much to the lore of the Connecticut colony, for the author treats of the story of the regicides, of the New Haven and other colonies, and includes interesting memoirs of Roger Ludlow, John Hooker, John Winthrop, and others who worked so effectively for the establishment of the first pure democracy in the New World.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 32. Ja. 14, ‘05. 1690w. =Goddard, Pliny Earle.= Morphology of the Hupa language. $3.50. Univ. of Cal. press. Volume III. of the “American archæology and ethnology” series issued by the University of California. An extended examination of the Hupa language in which the various words and forms have been studied, analyzed and assembled into classes “that an adequate conception of the language as a whole might be obtained.” =Goff, Clarissa (Mrs. Robert Goff).= Florence and some Tuscan cities. *$6. Macmillan. “‘The purpose of Colonel and Mrs. Goff in this handsome volume is to describe the most characteristic monuments of Tuscany and to introduce into the account, legends and stories which are not always within reach of the traveler.... On a basis of historical narrative ... Mrs. Goff has given her readers a vivid picture of a city with a passion for politics, a passion for war, and a passion for art. Large attention is given to the churches of Florence.... The volume is richly illustrated in colors by Colonel Goff and issued with a decorative cover.”—Outlook. “To this charming series of pictures Mrs. Goff has provided an agreeable and easily-written commentary. Too easily written, we fear, to be quite exact in all its information. Mrs. Goff is at her best when she leaves the town for the country, and when she turns from history to describing the life of the Tuscan people of to-day, their festivals, quaint observances and ancient superstitions. The last chapter of the book is devoted entirely to such subjects, and it is one of the most enjoyable.” + + — =Acad.= 68: 235. Mr. 11, ‘05. 430w. “Mrs. Goff is an excellent guide round Florence, and supplies just the right sort of gossipy commentary for a book of this sort.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 312. S. 2. 120w. =Ind.= 58: 1069. My. 11, ‘05. 130w. “Altogether the book is a charming one, likely to be of real value to the traveller, as well as a pleasing memento of some of the fairest scenes in Italy.” + + =Int. Studio.= 25: 273. My. ‘05. 520w. “The book seems the most satisfactory of the series.” + + =Nation.= 80: 381. My. 11, ‘05. 410w. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 166. Mr. 18, ‘05. 960w. + + =Outlook.= 79: 856. Ap. 1, ‘05. 140w. “Mrs. Goff’s text is the pleasantest reading. Her touch is light, her knowledge wide, her style entirely natural, her sympathy and insight vivid and kindly. Slips in the book are more numerous than they should be.” + + — =Sat. R.= 99: 777. Je. 10, ‘05. 1030w. “The letterpress is written by Mrs. Goff, and contains much disconnected information. It is not quite safe to assume that it is all accurate.” + — =Spec.= 95: 261. Ag. 19, ‘05. 120w. =Goldenberg, Samuel L.= Lace; its origin and history. *$1.50. Brentano’s. The different kinds of lace are arranged alphabetically, with particulars as to their characteristics, their various subdivisions, and the manner in which they are made. The illustrations are especially clear and useful for purposes of lace study. The book contains much valuable information on machine-made laces, with diagrams and explanations of the lace and embroidery machines now in use. It tells also of the nets made for the foundations of certain kinds of lace. The opening article treats of the origin and history of lace. “The book is well adapted for its purpose, the enlightenment of ‘the busy man of affairs,’ but it is evident our author is hampered by having to express his meaning in English, and sometimes fails to convey what he intends.” + — =Nation.= 80: 158. F. 23, ‘05. 330w. =Goldring, W.= Book of the lily. *$1. Lane. “The author gives a clear general statement in regard to the cultivable species, hybrids, and varieties, and illustrates the handy treatise by exquisite pictures of a few of the best kinds and their most artistic setting.”—Nation. “It is written for those who delight in flowers and who love their gardens rather than for the connoisseur.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 2: 85. Jl. 15. 500w. + + =Nation.= 80: 290. Ap. 13, ‘05. 160w. “The introductory chapter on the geography and history of the lily is particularly interesting, as well as the treatise upon diseases and insect pests—that closes the book.” Mabel Osgood Wright. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 369. Je. 10. ‘05. 290w. “The great value of the book, however, is that it enables one without much trouble to get a conspectus of the whole lily-group. A much too ambitious title.” + + — =Sat. R.= 100: 156. Jl. 29, ‘05. 150w. =Gomperz, Theodor.= Greek thinkers: a history of ancient philosophy. v. 2 and 3. ea. *$4. Scribner. Volume I covered the period of Greek philosophy previous to Socrates, volumes II. and III. contain a discussion of Socrates, his life, his followers, and the great philosophical movement which he fathered; also an account of Plato and his philosophy. 13 chapters are given wholly to a critical analysis of the course and structure of Plato’s works. “It will admirably serve the purpose of the general reader who is interested in philosophy as an element in the history of human culture. And for the technical student who has mastered some of the more rigorous treatises, it will be useful in completing and vivifying his picture of the great thinkers of Greece.” Walter G. Everett. + + =Am. Hist. R.= 11: 123. O. ‘05. 560 w. (Review of v. 2 and 3.) “It may be said with confidence that Prof. Gomperz has succeeded admirably in accomplishing his design of composing ‘a comprehensive picture’ of the development of Greek thought, in which the historical setting of the narrative, the background of the picture, is ‘not unduly contracted.’ It is written in a vigorous, lively style.” + + =Ath.= 1905, 1: 520. Ap. 29. 2690w. (Review of v. 1-3.) “It offers not merely a cold technical enumeration of the tenets of the Greek philosophers, but a broad and rational discussion of the permanent significance of each great thought as it presents itself in historical sequence.” Paul Shorey. + + =Dial.= 39: 31. Jl. 16, ‘05. 3110w. “Mr. Berry, like Mr. Magnus, has managed to give his translation the air of real English, and his version is on the whole a great improvement on the curiously abrupt and disjointed style of the original German. It is his moderation, his avoidance of extreme views, that makes Professor Gomperz so satisfactory a critic. The proof-reading of the English translation is far from perfect.” + + — =Nation.= 80: 442. Je. 1, ‘05. 1550w. (Review of v. 2 and 3.) “The arguments are concisely stated. A rich subject, it is richly treated by this veteran scholar.” + + =Outlook.= 79: 759. Mr. 25, ‘05. (Review of Vols. II. and III.) “In his last two volumes Professor Gomperz proves himself to be a thinker and a writer of distinction.” + + =Sat. R.= 99: 596. My. 6, ‘05. 1940w. =Goodhart, Simon P.= See =Sidis, Boris=, jt. auth. =Goodhue, Isabel.= Good things and graces. **50c. Elder. The following recipe shows the character of the group: Hygienic bread, Mix together the flour of love, made from the whole kernel (giving the all-inclusive flavor and quality); the leaven of spirit; the salt of common sense; the water of life appreciated. Let this rise in the encouraging atmosphere of patience. Knead and mold in the silence. Butter with cheerfulness, and serve to the entire family. * “In both form and spirit it is a thorough-going holiday booklet.” + =Dial.= 39: 385. D. 1, ‘05. 130w. * “The book is better than its outward appearance suggests, and is not one to be thrown aside after a single reading.” + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 797. N. 25, ‘05. 130w. * “The idea is cleverly carried out, and the directions for breakfast food, game pie, deviled tongue, and so on, are often witty as well as admonitory.” + =Outlook.= 81: 835. D. 2, ‘05. 110w. =Goodloe, Carter.= At the foot of the Rockies. †$1.50. Scribner. “Capital short stories of Canadian military and social life in the Northwest, with Indian customs and superstitions as the background.”—Outlook. “While lacking in individuality, are yet pleasantly readable.” + — =Bookm.= 22: 87. S. ‘05. 330w. “In her treatment, as well as in her situations, Miss Goodloe is rather too markedly Kiplingesque.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 365. Je. 3, ‘05. 220w. “The tales have originality and force, with the added element of quiet humor.” + =Outlook.= 80: 244. My. 27, ‘05. 40w. =Goodnow, Frank Johnson.= City government in the United States. *$1.25. Century. Professor Goodnow of Columbia university contributes this volume to “The American state series.” He is known for his authoritative works on “Municipal home rule,” and “Municipal problems.” “In the present work, the author confines himself almost exclusively to a study of American conditions, and at the same time broadens the scope of the inquiry so as to embrace the entire field of city government, so far as that is regarded from the viewpoint of organization and structure.” (R. of Rs.) “Professor Goodnow’s book will be found eminently readable and useful as a text.” James T. Young. + + =Ann. Am. Acad.= 25: 348. Mr. ‘05. 670w. Reviewed by Winthrop More Daniels. =Atlan.= 95: 554. Ap. ‘05. 420w. =R. of Rs.= 31: 128. Ja. ‘05. 100w. * =Goodnow, Frank Johnson.= Principles of administrative law of the United States. *$3. Putnam. “In his ‘Comparative administrative law,’ published twelve years ago, Professor Goodnow gave an analysis of the administrative system, national and local, of the United States, England, France, and Germany. The rapid growth of the public interest in our system was thought by Professor Goodnow a sufficient justification for a new book giving a fuller account of American conditions, with special emphasis upon the legal side.”—Dial. * “The volume is a notable contribution to the literature of public law, and will prove of great use, not only to students, but also to officials in the actual work of administration. But to the writer there appears to be a few omissions of importance, some of which would probably indicate a defect in our constitutional law.” David Y. Thomas. + + — =Dial.= 39: 304. N. 16, ‘05. 1410w. * “By his masterly grasp of the subject and his power of lucid exposition Prof. Goodnow has rendered great service to students and administrative officers. He has also made a distinct contribution to political science.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 776. N. 18, ‘05. 330w. =Goodwin, Maud Wilder.= Claims and counterclaims. †$1.50. Doubleday. A young physician, the hero of Mrs. Goodwin’s story, has been rescued from death by a young man for whom he conceives a strong dislike. The situation becomes complicated by the fact that both men love the same girl, and Dr. Dilke is called upon by the father of the girl to endorse the character of a dishonest rival. “How to adjust the heroic savior of one’s life with the counterclaim of truth and of loyalty to a woman beloved is the problem Mrs. Goodwin’s hero has to solve.” (N. Y. Times.). “One can hardly help feeling that in ‘Claims and counterclaims’ Mrs. Maud Wilder Goodwin has not done justice to a motif and scheme which were very good. Mrs. Goodwin botches her climaxes by improbability or cumbrous narration.” — + =Lit. D.= 31: 666. N. 4, ‘05. 620w. “Its unique plot, its life-like characters, its brilliant execution in both dialogue and movement, are all crowned by a novel’s raison d’etre—its absorbing interest.” + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 542. Ag. 19, ‘05. 1260w. =Gordon, Armistead C.= Gift of the morning star. $1.50. Funk. “He that overcometh ... I will give him the morning star.” The blood of a French mother flowing warm in the veins of her Dunker son sends him out in the world at the age of forty to seek his fortune, his whole being crying out against the repressed life of silent labor on the farm with which his older brother and sister are content. He wins his fortune as a boomer, he loses it in a single night, and in the end comes home again self conquered and content with his Dunker life and his Dunker sweetheart. “Mr. Gordon has made his book of somewhat incongruous material.” + — =N. Y. Times.= 10: 450. Jl. 8, ‘05. 550w. “A truly original story of Dunkard character. His pictures have all the vividness of reality.” + — =Outlook.= 80: 192. My. 20, ‘05. 100w. “A forcible and an original tale.” + + =Pub. Opin.= 39: 93. Jl. 15, ‘05. 150w. =Gordon, John Brown.= Reminiscences of the civil war. $1.50. Scribner. “A new and moderate-priced edition of one of the very best of Southern books of reminiscences, written by a famous Southern soldier.”—Outlook. + + =N. Y. Times.= 10: 717. O. 21, ‘05. 140w. + =Outlook.= 81: 282. S. 30, ‘05. 20w. =Goss, Charles Frederick.= Husband, wife and home. **$1. Vir. A collection of forty-six s