Title: Coloured engravings of heaths; vol. 2
Author: active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Release date: February 15, 2023 [eBook #70045]
Language: English
Original publication: United Kingdom: Self Published, 1802
Credits: Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by Biodiversity Heritage Library.)
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In Latin and English.
Printed by R. Taylor and Co. 38, Shoe Lane.
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THE unabating ardour that still prevails in the science of botany, and rather increases than diminishes, renders it almost impossible (from the extreme minutiæ annexed to this elegant tribe) for the pencil of the artist to keep pace with the numerous importations from the Cape (at present the sole emporium of the genus Erica); the limits of the genus it is impossible at present to prescribe, but by the termination of the next volume we have no doubt of being able to ascertain, in some measure, its extent. The author’s intention is therefore to figure (first) all the most elegant and desirable of the genus, including many very beautiful varieties, of recent introduction, that far surpass those from which they derive their name; reserving, as a dernier ressort, the most uninteresting and least attractive, to subjoin at the termination of the genus, as necessary links in the chain of this extensive family. The great difficulty attending the cultivation of many of the species, so generally complained of, can only be surmounted by great care and attention to keep them from the partial damps and fogs so prevalent in this island. Among the most tender and difficult to preserve, and which require the most care, are the E. obbata, E. retorta, E. ampullacea, E. Aitonia, E. Jasminiflora, E. vestita alba, and E. Massonia; the last of which is perhaps the most tender, owing most likely to the closeness of the leaves, joined with the soft hairs that surround them, which is a great encourager of secreted damps: this, assisted by the great succulence that pervades the upper part of the plant, and its rather abrupt commencement from the wood, renders it so difficult to be preserved. They should by no means be intermixed with other plants, but kept in a house entirely appropriated to them, and so arranged that the air may have as free an egress and regress as possible to them all; as undoubtedly the mixing of them with plants whose foliage is so much larger, although it may produce a pleasing contrast, must exclude the free approach of the atmosphere, to which they are so much exposed in their native clime, and to which the nearest approximation [Pg 8][Pg 7][Pg 6]must certainly be most congenial.
Erica antheris cristatis, inclusis; floribus ternis; foliolis calycis ciliatis, apicibus setaceis; corollis urceolatis, purpureis; foliis subulatis, erectis, mucronatis, quaternis.
Caulis erectus, pedalis, gracilis; rami pauci, filiformes, erecti; ramuli plurimi, brevi, erecti.
Folia quaterna, subulata, mucronata, glabra, rigida, erecta; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in apice omnium ramulorum terni, cernui; pedunculi longitudine florum, bracteis tribus, ciliatis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis lanceolatis, ciliatis, apice setaceis.
Corolla urceolata, purpurea, glabra; laciniis limbi, acutis, parum reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta capillaria, curvata. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio, in Julium.
1. Folium, auctum. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 4. Corolla. 5. Stamina et Pistillum, auctum. 6. Pistillum et Germen, auctum. |
Heath with crested tips, within the blossom; flowers grow by threes; leaflets of the cup fringed, with bristles at the ends; blossoms pitcher-shaped and purple; leaves awl-shaped, upright, sharp-pointed and growing by fours.
Stem upright, a foot high, slender; branches few, thread-shaped, upright; small branches many, short, upright.
Leaves grow by fours, awl-shaped, sharp-pointed, smooth, harsh and upright; foot-stalks very short and pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow by threes at the end of all the smaller branches, nodding; the foot-stalks the length of the flowers, having three fringed floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets lance-shaped, fringed, and bristled at the end.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, purple, smooth, segments of the border pointed, a little reflexed.
Chives. Threads, hair-like, curved. Tips crested within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till July.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. A Flower of the natural size. 4. A Blossom. 5. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 6. The Pointal and Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 9] |
Erica antheris muticis, inclusis, stylo exserto; floribus subterminalibus, verticillatis; corollis tubuloso-clavatis, villosis, rubro-purpureis, pollicaribus; foliolis senis, rigidis, serrato-ciliatis.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis; rami erecti, simplices; ramuli pauci, patento-erecti.
Folia sena, linearia, rigida, patentia, margine serrato-ciliata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in summitate ramorum subterminales, verticillati, patenti; pedunculi brevi, bracteis tribus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis, apicibus parum reflexis, hispidis, viscosis.
Corolla tubuloso-clavata, pollicaris, villosa, rubro-purpurea, viscosa; laciniis erectis.
Stamina. Filamento octo, capillaria, apice incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subovatum, octo-sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Novembrem.
1. Calyx, lente auctus. 2 Flos, magnitudine naturali. 3 Stamina et Pistillum. 4 Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 5 Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, within the blossom, shaft without; flowers nearly terminate the branches in whorls; blossoms tubularly club-shaped, hairy, of a red-purple colour, and an inch long; leaves grow by sixes, harsh, and sawed at the edge as if fringed.
Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high; branches upright, simple; small branches few, grow upright-spreading.
Leaves grow by sixes, linear, harsh, spreading, sawed like a fringe at margin; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow nearly terminal at the top of the branches in whorls, spreading; foot-stalks short, with three floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets between egg and lance-shaped, points a little reflexed, hairy and clammy.
Blossom tubularly club-shaped, an inch long, hairy, of a red-purple colour, and clammy; segments upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads turned inwards at the top. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly egg-shaped, eight-furrowed, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August, till November.
1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. [Pg 13]5. The Seed-bud, magnified. |
Erica, antheris cristatis inclusis, floribus lateralibus subternis cernuis subglobosis, laciniis erecto-incurvis, foliis ternis subulatis reflexis.
Caulis fruticosus, semipedalis et ultra, flexuosus, ramulis erectis, patentibusque.
Folia ternata, subulata, reflexa, petiolis brevibus, adpressis.
Flores laterales, sæpe ternati, cernui, speciosi; pedunculi floribus sere duplo longiores, bracteis tribus, distantibus, coloratis, instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis ovato-acuminatis, concavis, incurvatis.
Corolla subglobosa, ignea, laciniis erecto-incurvis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ cristatæ inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme; stylus inclusus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Junium.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx cum pedunculo, lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamen lente auctum. 6. Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 7. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with crested tips within the blossom, flowers lateral chiefly in threes bowing nearly globose, with the segments erect-incurved, leaves in threes awl-shaped and bent backwards.
Stem shrubby, half a foot high and upwards, flexuose, with branches erect, and spreading.
Leaves, in threes, awl-shaped, bent backwards, with short footstalks pressed to the stems.
Flowers lateral, chiefly in threes, bowing, showy; the peduncles almost twice as long as the flowers, with three distant, coloured, floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaves egg-acuminated, concave, and incurved.
Blossom somewhat globular, of a fiery colour, with segments erect-incurved.
Chives. Eight, hair-like; tips crested within the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped; shaft within the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till June.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement with the peduncle, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. A Chive magnified. 6. The Pointal, with the summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 17] |
Erica antheris muticis, subinclusis, stylo exserto; floribus subterminalibus verticillatis; corollis cylindricis, pollicaribus, aurantiis; foliis senis, linearibus, glabris, horizontalibus.
Caulis erectus, fruticosus, pedalis; rami verticillati, patentes, rigidi.
Folia sena, linearia, glabra, seniora teretiuscula, juniora plana, apice incurvata, patentia; petiolis brevissimis.
Flores horizontaliter verticillati prope ramorum summitatem; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, glabris, adpressis.
Corolla cylindracea, glabra, aurantia; laciniis oris parum reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ subinclusæ, muticæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, apice concavum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Julii, in Septembrem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una diducta et aucta. 4. Pistillum, Stigma diductum et auctum. 5 Germen, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, just within the blossom, shaft without; flowers nearly terminate the branches in whorls; blossoms cylindrical, an inch long, and of a gold colour; leaves grow by sixes, linear, smooth, and horizontal.
Stem upright, shrubby, a foot high; the branches grow in whorls, spreading, and stiff.
Leaves grow by sixes, linear, smooth; the older ones rather cylindrical, the younger smooth, turned inward at the end, and spreading; very short foot-stalks.
Flowers grow horizontally in whorls near the summit of the branches; foot-stalks very short, having three floral leaves on them.
Empalment. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, smooth, pressed to the blossom.
Blossom cylinder-shaped, smooth, gold coloured; segments of the mouth a little reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips just within the blossom, beardless.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed, hollow at the top, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of July, till September.
1. A Flower. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, one of the tips detached and magnified. 4. The Pointal, the summit detached and magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 21] |
Erica antheris cristatis, inclusis; stylo sub-exserto; corollis urceolatis, albis, pilosis; pedunculis longissimis, bracteis distantibus; floribus umbellatis, terminalibus; foliis quaternis, ovatis, barbatis, patentibus, subtus concavis.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, flexuosus; rami filiformes, laxi, pauci; ramuli villosiusculi, patenti.
Folia quaterna, ciliata, ovata, parum curvata, patentia, subtus concava, supra glandulosa; petiolis adpressis.
Flores in ultimis ramulis terminales, umbellati, cernui, pedunculi pilis obsiti, foliis longiores, bracteis distantibus.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis, spathulatis, barbatis, glanduloso-pilosis adpressis.
Corolla urceolata, alba, pilosa, viscosa, oris laciniis erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum, pilosum. Stylus filiformis, subexsertus. Stigma obsoletè tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio; in Augustum.
1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla, magnitudine naturali. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 6. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 7. Pistillum, lente auctum. |
Heath with crested tips, within the blossom, shaft just without; blossoms pitcher-shaped, white, hairy; foot-stalks very long, floral leaves distant from the blossom; flowers grow in umbels at the end of the branches; leaves grow by fours, egg-shaped, bearded, spreading, concave beneath.
Stem shrubby, grows a foot high and zigzaged; branches are thread-shaped, limber and few; small branches are a little hairy and grow spreading.
Leaves grow by fours, fringed, oval, rather curved, spreading, concave beneath, glandular above; with foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels, nodding; foot-stalks covered with hairs, longer than the leaves, leaflets distant from the blossom.
Empalment. Cup four-leaved; leaflets spathula shaped, bearded, glandularly-hairy and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, white, hairy, viscous, segments of the mouth upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips crested and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped, furrowed, hairy. Shaft thread-shaped, just without the blossom. Summit bluntly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till August.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Blossom, natural size. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 6. A Chive, magnified. 7. The Pointal, magnified.[Pg 25] |
Erica, antheris cristatis, sub-exsertis, stylo exserto; corollis urceolatis, albis, pilosis; pedunculis longissimis; bracteis distantibus; floribus umbellatis, terminalibus; foliis quaternis, ovatis, barbatis, patentibus, glanduloso-ciliatis.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, flexuosus; rami filiformes, laxi, pauci; ramuli, villosiusculi, patenti.
Folia quaterna, ciliata, ovata, parum curvata, patentia, subtus concava, supra glandulosa; petiolis adpressis.
Flores in ultimis ramulis, terminales, umbellati, cernui, pedunculi pilis obsiti, foliis longiores, bracteis distantibus.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis, spathulatis, barbatis, glanduloso-pilosis, adpressis.
Corolla urceolata, alba, pilosa, viscosa, oris laciniis patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, sub-exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum, pilosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Novembrem.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 6. Germen, auctum. |
Heath, with crested tips, just without the blossom, shaft without; blossoms pitcher-shaped, white, hairy; foot-stalks very long, floral leaves distant from the blossom; flowers grow in umbels at the end of the branches; leaves grow by fours, egg-shaped, bearded, spreading, and glandularly fringed.
Stem shrubby, grows a foot high, and zig-zagged; branches are thread-shaped, limber, and few; small branches are a little hairy, and grow spreading.
Leaves grow by fours, fringed, oval, rather curved, spreading, concave beneath, glandular above; foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels, nodding; foot-stalks covered with hairs, longer than the leaves, leaflets distant from the blossom.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets spathula-shaped, bearded, glandularly hairy, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, white, hairy, viscous, segments of the mouth spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips crested, and just without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped, furrowed, hairy. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August, till November.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 29] |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, floribus tubulosis terminalibus patulisque in ramulis lateralibus, foliis pubescentibus ternatis.
Caulis bipedalis, flexuoso-erectus, ramis paucioribus, ramulis numerosis erectis pubescentibus.
Folia ternata, obtuse-subulata, paululum incurvata, villosa, subtus sulcata.
Flores tubulosi, terminales in ramulis lateralibus, in fasciculis trifloris, sub-patulis.
Calyx duplex, dense ciliatus, coloratus, exterior 3-phyllus, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, interior tetraphyllus, longior.
Corolla uncialis, inferne rubro-purpurea, superne viridis, laciniis minime recurvatis.
Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, subfuscæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme; stylus filiformis, apice hamatus, corolla longior; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Februarii ad Aprilem.
1. Inferior pars Folii lente aucta. 2. Calyx cum Corollà. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, tubular rather spreading flowers terminating the lateral branches, and downy leaves in threes.
Stem two feet high, flexuose-erect, with few large branches, and numerous erect downy small ones.
Leaves in threes, obtusely awl-shaped, a little incurved, villose, and furrowed beneath.
Flowers tubular, terminal on the little branches, in three-flowered bunches, which spread a little.
Empalement double, densely ciliated, coloured, outer three-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped and pressed to the inner, which is four-leaved and longer.
Blossom an inch long, the lower part red-purple, the upper green, with the segments very slightly bent back.
Chives eight hair-like threads, tips beardless, within the blossom, brownish.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped; shaft thread-shaped, hooked at the point, longer than the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February till April.
1. The under-side of a Leaf magnified. 2. The Calyx with the Corolla. 3. The Calyx magnified. 4. The Stamina and Style, with one tip magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 33] |
Erica antheris muticis, inclusis; corolla ventricosa, alba, parva, ore arctata, laciniis patentibus; foliolis calycis ciliatis; floribus terminalibus, congestis, comosis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, obtusis, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, subpedalis, ramosus; rami, virgati, penduli; ramuli brevi, filiformes, numerosi.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, patentia, parva, glabra.
Flores in ramulis terminales, quasi spicam comosam densam formantes; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis adpressis.
Calyx. Perianthiam tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acutis, ciliatis.
Corolla ventricosa, alba, basi inflata, apice arctata; oris laciniis acutis, patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, minuta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum, octo-sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Junio in Septembrem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, stigma auctum. 6. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips within the blossom, which is bellied, white, small and narrowed at the mouth, segments spreading; leaflets of the cup fringed; flowers terminal, crowded together in tufts; leaves grow by fours, linear, blunt, and smooth.
Stem shrubby, almost a foot high, branching; branches grow twiggy and hang down; small branches short, thread-shaped, numerous.
Leaves grow by fours, blunt, spreading, small and smooth.
Flowers terminate the small branches, forming as it were a thick, tufted spike; foot-stalks very short, floral leaves pressed to the cup.
Empalment. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, fringed.
Blossom bellied, white, swelled at the base, narrowed at the mouth; segments of the mouth sharp-pointed, spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, small. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, eight furrowed.
Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom. Summit
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from June till September.
1. A Flower. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 37] |
Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis; corolla ventricosa, carnea, parva, ore arctata, laciniis patentibus; foliis calycis ciliatis; floribus terminalibus, congestis, sub-comosis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, obtusis, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; rami erecti, virgati; ramuli brevi, filiformes, numerosi.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, patentia, parva, glabra.
Flores in ramulis terminales, quaterni, quasi spicam densam formantes; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis ciliatis, calyci adpressis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acutis, ciliatis.
Corolla ventricosa, carnea, basi inflata, apice arctata; oris laciniis acutis, patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, minuta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum, octo-sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Decembrem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 6. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossom, which is bellied, flesh-coloured, small and narrowed at the mouth, segments spreading; leaflets of the cup fringed; flowers terminal, crowded together, rather tufted; leaves grow by fours, linear, blunt, and smooth.
Stem shrubby, grows a foot high, branching; branches grow twiggy and upright; small branches short, thread-shaped, numerous.
Leaves grow by fours, blunt, spreading, small and smooth.
Flowers terminate the small branches, forming as it were a thick spike; foot-stalks very short, floral leaves pressed to the cup, and fringed.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, fringed.
Blossom bellied, flesh-coloured, swelled at the base, narrowed at the mouth; segments of the mouth sharp pointed, spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, small. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, eight-furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August, till December.
1. A Flower. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, Summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 41] |
Erica antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus in medio ramorum fasciculatis, suberectis; corollis subcylindricis, basi attenuatis, carneis, pubescentibus; foliis subsenis, glabris, patentibus.
Caulis erectus, fruticosus, tripedalis, pyramidatus, glaber; rami pauci, erecti; ramuli verticillati, subsimplices, erecto-patentes.
Folia sub-sena, glabra, linearia, patentia; petiolis brevissimis.
Flores in medio ramorum fasciculati, terminales, umbellati, umbellæ 3-10-floræ; pedunculi brevissimi; bracteæ subulatæ, calyci adpressæ, ciliatæ.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliola basi latiora, ciliata, adpressa.
Corolla subcylindrica, ore parum arctata, carnea, pubescens; laciniis patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, supra concavum, margine crenulato. Stylus filiformis, rubicundus. Stigma sub-capitatum, atro-rubens.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Octobre, in Decembrem.
1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una lente aucta. 4. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 5. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips within the blossom; flowers grow in small bundles about the middle of the branches, rather upright; blossoms nearly cylindrical, tapered to the base, flesh-coloured, downy; leaves grow mostly by sixes, smooth and spreading.
Stem upright, shrubby, grows three feet high, pyramidally, smooth; branches few, upright; small branches whorled, nearly simple, between upright and spreading.
Leaves grow mostly by sixes, smooth, linear, spreading, with very short foot-stalks.
Flowers grow bundled about the middle of the branches, terminal, and in umbels, 3-10 flowers in each umbel; foot-stalks very short; floral leaves awl-shaped, pressed to the cup, fringed.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets broader at the base, fringed, pressed to the stem.
Blossom nearly cylindrical, the mouth a little narrowed, flesh-coloured, downy; segments spreading.
Chives. Threads eight, hair-like. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed bud top-shaped, concave at the top, with the margin scolloped. Shaft thread-shaped, reddish. Summit nearly headed, of a deep red.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from October, till December.
1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal; one Tip magnified. 4. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 5. The seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 45] |
Erica antheris muticis, subinclusis floribus consertissime capitatis erectis, terminalibus, globosis; caule simplicissimo, strictissimo, robusto; foliis quaternis, subulatis, glabris, rigidis, senioribus retrofractis.
Caulis simplex, erectus, robustus, bipedalis; ramuli brevi, horizontales, verticillati.
Folia quaterna, subulata, rigida, glabra, mucronata; seniora retrofracta; juniora erecta, subtus tenuissime sulcata, petiolis brevibus adpressis.
Flores terminales, in apice ramulorum consertissimi capitati, erecti, plurimi, sæpe duodecim; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteæ tres: duæ ovatæ adpressæ, infima subulata, triplo longior.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, membranaceis, apicibus distantibus.
Corolla globosa, glabra, subalbida, laciniis limbi obtusis, suberectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Octobre in Februarium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Idem, lente aucta. 5. Germen, et Pistillum, Stigma diducta lente auctum. 6. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, just within the blossom; flowers crowded together in heads, upright, terminal and globular; stem quite simple, very straight and stout; leaves grow by fours, awl-shaped, smooth, stiff, the older ones appearing broke back.
Stem simple, upright, stout, two feet high; small branches short, horizontal, and growing in whorls.
Leaves grow by fours, awl-shaped, stiff, smooth, sharp pointed, the old ones appearing broke-back, the younger upright, furrowed slightly beneath, with short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminal, crowded very close together at the ends of the small branches, in heads, upright, a good many, often twelve; foot-stalks very short, three floral leaves, two pressed to the stem and egg-shaped, the lower awl-shaped, twice as long.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, skinny, away from the blossom at the ends.
Blossom globular, smooth, whitish, the segments of the border blunt and nearly upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, just within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud globular, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from October till February.
1. A flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The same, magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal, the Summit detached, magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 49] |
Erica, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis sub-campanulatis, purpureis, oris laciniis patulis, maximis, ovatis, concavis; floribus sub-terminalibus, umbellatis; foliis quaternis, patentibus, obtusis, glabris.
Caulis erectus, teres, ramosus, fruticosas, palmaris; rami et ramuli filiformes, verticillati, patenti.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, reflexa, glabra, nitida; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores sub-terminales, sub-umbellati, horizontales; pedunculis longissimis, coloratis, bracteis binis, minutis, concavis, coloratis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, concavis, coloratis, apicibus viridibus, adpressis.
Corolla sub-campanulata, purpurea; tubo brevissimo; limbo maximo; laciniis concavis, ovatis, expansis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, longitudine tubi. Antheræ bifidæ, acuminatæ, muticæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, purpureus, corolla longior. Stigma obsoletum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Novembrem.
1. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 2. Calyx, valde auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina, aucta. 5. Pistillum, magnitudine naturali. 6. Idem, valde auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips, just without the blossom; shaft without; blossoms nearly bell-shaped, purple, segments of the border spreading, large, egg-shaped, concave; flowers nearly terminate the branches in umbels; leaves grow by fours, spreading, blunt and smooth.
Stem upright, cylindrical, branching, shrubby, grows a span high; the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped, grow in whorls and spreading.
Leaves grow by fours, blunt, reflexed, smooth, shining; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches.
Flowers grow near the ends of the branches in umbels and horizontal; foot-stalks very long, coloured, two floral-leaves, small, concave and coloured.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets spathula-shaped, concave, coloured, with green ends and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom nearly bell-shaped, purple, tube very short; border very large; segments concave, egg-shaped, spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, the length of the tube. Tips two-cleft, tapered, and beardless.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, purple, longer than the blossom. Summit obsolete.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till November.
1. A Flower, natural size. 2. The Cup, very much magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives, magnified. 5. The Pointal, natural size. 6. The same, greatly magnified.[Pg 53] |
Erica, antheris basi bicornibus inclusis, stylo exerto, corollis subcylindraceis, laciniis revolutis, foliis quaternis.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, ramosus, ramulis erectis, subsimplicibus.
Folia quaterna, erecta, linearia, viridia, supra plana, subtus sulcata, minutissime pubescentia.
Flores fasciculati, terminales, in ramulis lateralibus terni et quaterni; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus ternatis, setæformibus, basin instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis adpressis, linearibus, basi dilatatis, dorso sulcatis, lente ciliatis.
Corolla subcylindrica, aliquo recurvata, uncialis, læte fusco-aurantia, lente pubescens, laciniis latissime ovatis, revolutis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis, cornibus lente bifurcatis.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme; stylus filiformis; stigma tetragonum, antheras superans.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Julium.
1. Flos, cum pedunculo brevissimo. 2. Stamina et Pistillum, a corolla diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 3. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 4. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with tips two-horned at the base within the blossom, the shaft without, blossom nearly cylindric, with its segments rolled back; leaves in fours.
Stem shrubby, erect, two feet high, branched, with the little branches erect and nearly simple.
Leaves in fours, erect, linear, green, plane above, furrowed beneath, and very slightly pubescent.
Flowers bundled, terminal, in the lateral branches in threes and fours; the very short footstalks furnished with three ternate, bristle-shaped, floral leaves at the base.
Empalement four-leaved, the leaves pressed to the blossom, linear, dilated at the base, furrowed on the back, and in the magnifier ciliated.
Blossom nearly cylindrical, a little recurved, an inch long, of a bright brown orange colour, pubescent when magnified, with the segments very broad-ovate and rolled back.
Chives eight, hair-like, with the tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom, with the horns bifurcated when magnified.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped; shaft thread-shaped; summit four-cornered, higher than the tips.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till July.
1. A Flower with its very short foot-stalk. 2. The Chives and Pointal, detached from the blossom, with one of the tips magnified. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the stigma magnified. 4. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 57] |
Erica, antheris aristatis, inclusis, stylo exserto; floribus terminalibus, subternis, subsessilibus; corollis grossis, flavescentibus; foliis quaternis, crassiusculis, obtusis, nitidis; ramis depressis; caule robusto.
Caulis fruticosus, robustus, spithamæus; rami divaricati, flexuosi, depressi; ramuli frequentissimi, brevi.
Folia quaterna, linearia, crassiuscula, obtusa, nitida, seniora reflexa; petiolis brevissimis adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, subterni, subsessili; bracteis adpressis, imbricatis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acutis, margine membranaceis, carinatis, adpressis.
Corolla subcylindrica, grossa, subpollicaris, flava.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsersus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio in Augustum.
1. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 2. Calyx cum bracteis aucta. 3. Stamina, a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 4. Pistillum et Germen. |
Heath, with bearded tips, within the blossom, shaft without; flowers terminal, mostly by threes, fitting nearly close to the stem; blossoms swelled and yellow; leaves grow by fours, thickish, blunt, shining; branches bent downward; sturdy stem.
Stem shrubby, sturdy, a span in height; branches straddle, grow zig-zagged, and pressed downward; small branches numerous and short.
Leaves grow by fours, linear, thickish, blunt, shining, the older ones turned back; very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminate the small branches by threes, in general, fitting close to the stem; floral leaves tiled and pressed to the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, skinny edged, keeled, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom nearly cylindrical, swelled, near an inch long and yellow.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till August.
1. A Flower natural size. 2. The Cup, with the floral leaves magnified. 3. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud.[Pg 61] |
Erica, antheris muticis, exsertis; stylo exserto, apice torto; floribus spicatis, maximis, tomentosis, aurantiis; foliis quaternis, sæpe quinis; caule sub-arborescente.
Caulis erectus, sexpedalis et ultra, parum ramosus; ramuli plurimi, brevi, tomentosi.
Folia quaterna, sæpe quina, patentia, glabra, teretiuscula, obtusa; petiolis adpressis.
Flores in apicibus ramorum solitarii, spicam, formantes; pedunculi brevi, bracteis tribus, spathulatis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, obtusis, adpressis.
Corolla clavata, curvata, tomentosa, maxima, aurantia; oris laciniis revolutis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, curvatæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus exsersus, apice tortus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Julio, in Septembrem.
1. Calyx, lente auctus. 2. Stamina, et Pistillum. 3. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 4. Pistillum, Stigma lente auctum. 5. Germen, auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips, without the blossom; shaft without, twisted at the end; flowers grow in spikes, very large, downy, orange coloured; leaves grow by fours, often by fives; with the stem approaching in size to a tree.
Stem upright, grows six feet high or more, branching but little; small branches many, short and downy.
Leaves grow by fours, often by fives, spreading, smooth, roundish, obtuse; with the foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow at the ends of the branches solitary, forming a spike; foot-stalks short, having three spatula-shaped floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, concave, blunt, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom club-shaped, curved, downy, very large, orange colour; segments of the mouth rolled back.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, without the blossom, curved.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed, glandular at the base. Shaft without the blossom, twisted at the end. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from July, till September.
1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Chives, and Pointal. 3. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 4. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 65] |
Erica, antheris cristatis, inclusis, stylo exserto; floribus dense spicatis, suaveolentibus, subcarneis; corollis urceolatis, laciniis maximis, patentibus; foliis senis, villosis, obtusis, patentibus.
Caulis debilis, filiformis, pedalis; rami et ramuli filiformes, laxi.
Folia sena, linearia, conserta, villosa, obtusa, horizontalia, petiolis adpressis.
Flores in medio ramorum et ramulorum densissimé spicati, horizontaliter siti; pedunculi brevissimi bracteis tribus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliola linearia, villosa, distantia, folia similia sed minora.
Corolla urceolata, subalbida, fragrantissima; laciniis maximis, obtusis, patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio in Augustum.
1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina valdé aucta. 6. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 7. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with crested tips, within the blossom, shaft without; flowers grow in a close spike, sweet scented and slightly flesh-coloured; blossoms pitcher-shaped, with the segments very large and spreading; leaves grow by sixes, hairy, blunt, and spreading.
Stem weak, thread-shaped, a foot high; the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped and loose.
Leaves grow by sixes, linear, close, hairy, blunt and horizontal; with the foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers in very close spikes in the middle of the large and small branches, standing out horizontally, with very short foot-stalks, having three floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved; leaflets linear, hairy, distant, like the leaves but smaller.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, nearly white, and very sweet; segments very large, blunt, spreading.
Chives. Threads eight hair-like. Tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till August.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives very much magnified. 6. The Pointal, the summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 69] |
Erica antheris muticis, exsertis; corolla urceolata, alba, calyce lanato vestita; floribus capitatis, lanatis, numerosis; foliis ternis, linearibus, pilosis, obtusis, erectis.
Caulis erectus filiformis, spithamæus; rami et ramuli divaricati, filiformes, pilosi, numerosissimi.
Folia terna, linearia, pilosa, obtusa, erecta, parum incurvata, petiolis brevissimis adpressis.
Flores in ramulorum apice umbellati seu capitati, copiosi; pedunculi capillares, longitudine corollarum, colorati, bractæis tribus pilosis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, concavis, lanugine albicante densissimè obsitis.
Corolla urceolata, alba, tenuissime alba-lanata, foliolis calycis vestita; laciniis obtusis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, longissimè exsertus. Stigma capitatum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio in Augustum.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 6. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 7. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom, which is pitcher-shaped, white and covered by a woolly cup; flowers grow in heads, woolly and numerous; leaves grow by threes, linear, hairy, blunt, and upright.
Stem upright, thread-shaped, a span high; the larger and smaller branches grow straddling and thread-shaped, hairy and very numerous.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, hairy, blunt, upright, a little incurved, with very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers grow at the end of the small branches in umbels or heads, very numerous; fruit-stalks hair-like, the length of the blossoms, coloured, having three hairy floral-leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets lance-shaped, concave, being thickly covered with whitish wool.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, white, slightly covered with white wool, cloathed with the leaflets of the cup; segments blunt, upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud globular, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, very far without the blossom. Summit headed.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till August.
1. A leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. A flower, natural size. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. One Chive, magnified. 6. The Pointal, Summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 73] |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, foliis quaternis linearibus glabris; floribus quaternis subsessilibus fastigiatis.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, flexuosus, cortice fusco, ramulis numerosis patentibus.
Folia quaterna, erecta, linearia, glabra, nitida, petiolis longiusculis.
Flores terminales, quaterni, fastigiati, subsessiles.
Calyx tetraphyllus, duplex, appressus, foliolis ovatis acutis, marginibus membranaceis, irregulariter serrulatis, virescentibus.
Corolla albissima, pellucida, ovato-conica, laciniis subovatis, recurvis.
Stamina, filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, fuscæ.
Pistillum inclusum. Germen tiaræforme. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Dec. ad Mai.
1. Pagina inferior folii lente aucta. 2. Corolla cum Calyce. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum expansa, antherâ solitariâ lente auctâ. 5. Pistillum cum stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, leaves in fours linear smooth; flowers in fours nearly sessile in level-topped bunches.
Stem shrubby, a foot high, flexuose, with brown bark, and numerous spreading branches.
Leaves in fours, erect, linear, smooth, shining, with longish footstalks.
Flowers terminal, in fours, nearly sitting, forming level-topped bunches.
Empalement four-leaved, double, pressed to the blossom, with leaflets ovate-acute, with skinny, greenish, irregularly serrulated margins.
Blossom very white, pellucid, egg-cone-shaped, with segments nearly egg-shaped, and recurved.
Chives, eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless within the blossom, brown.
Pointal included in the blossom. Seed-bud turban-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from December to May.
1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. The Blossom with the Empalement. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal expanded, with one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 77] |
Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis tubuloso-campanulatis, purpureis; floribus verticillatis, axillaribus, subterminalibus, pendulis; pedunculis flores triplo longioribus capillaribus, coloratis; foliis senis, oblique-verticillatis, linearibus, tenuibus, tremulantibus.
Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis rami verticillati, simplices, erecto-patentes, filiformes, longi.
Folia sena, oblique verticillata, tremulantia, linearia; tenuia, glabra, acuta; petiolis capillaribus.
Flores axillares, sub-apice ramorum verticillati, numerosissimi, spicum sere formantes; pedunculi longissimi, filiformes purpurei, bracteis tribus, distantibus, lanceolatis, instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lineari-subulatis, adpressis; apicibus viridibus, ad basin dilatatis, ciliatis.
Corolla tubulosa-campanulata, purpurea, semiuncialia apice dilatata; limbo patente; laciniis obtusis, reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen villosum turbinatum, apice truncatum, plumosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Novembre in Aprilem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Idem, auctum. 5. Germen, auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossom; blossoms tubular bell-shaped, purple; flowers grow in whorls, from the insertion of the leaves, nearly terminal and hanging down; foot-stalks thrice the length of the blossom, hair-like and coloured; leaves grow by sixes, obliquely-whorled, linear, slender, tremulous.
Stem upright, a foot and a half high; branches grow in whorls, simple, upright-spreading, thread-shaped, long.
Leaves grow by sixes, obliquely whorled, tremulous, linear, slender, smooth and pointed, foot-stalks hair-like.
Flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves, near the end of the branches in whorls, very numerous, almost making a spike; foot-stalks very long, thread-shaped, purple, with three floral-leaves, set at a distance and lance-shaped on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets linearly-awl-shaped, pressed to the blossom, with the ends green, widened at the base and fringed.
Blossom tubularly-bell-shaped, purple, half an inch long, widened at the top; border spreading; segments blunt and reflexed.
Chives. Threads eight hair-like. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud hairy, top-shaped, appearing cut off at the top and feathered. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from November till April.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The same, magnified. 5 The Seed-bud, magnified.[Pg 81] |
Erica antheris muticis, inclusis; stylo exserto, corollis tubiformibus, rectis; floribus laxè spicatis, subsecundis, palide luteis, apicibus subalbidis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, erectis, glabris.
Caulis erectus strictissimus, flexilis, parum ramosus, bipedalis, fruticosus; rami tenui, pauci, erecti; ramuli filiformes, virgati.
Folia quaterna, in apicibus ramulorum sæpe terna, obtusa, glabra, erecta, linearia, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, racemum formantes prope caulis summitatem; pedunculi brevissimi; bracteis tribus ad basin calycis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, glaberrimis.
Corolla tubiformis, recta, subpubescens, subpollicaris, pallide lutea, apice subalbida, laciniis brevissimis, obtusis, parum reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma obsolete tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Octobre in Februarium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, Anthera una lente aucta. 4. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, within the blossom; shaft without; blossoms trumpet-shaped, and straight; flowers grow in loose spikes, all rather turned one way, of a pale yellow with white ends; leaves grow by fours, linear, upright, and smooth.
Stem upright, very strict, flexile, branching but little, grows two feet high, shrubby; the branches are slender, few and upright; the smaller branches are thread-shaped and twiggy.
Leaves grow by fours, at the ends of the small branches often by threes, blunt, smooth, upright, linear, with very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers are terminal on the small branches, making a long bunch or spike near the summit of the stem; foot-stalks very short; three floral leaves at the base of the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, pressed to the blossom, very smooth.
Blossom trumpet-shaped, straight, rather downy, almost an inch long, of a pale yellow, the end whitish, segments of the border very short, blunt, a little reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, tips beardless within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped, furred. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit obscurely four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from October ’till February.
1. A flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, with one Tip magnified. 4. The Pointal, Summit magnified.[Pg 85] |
Erica, antheris muticis subinclusis, marginibus foliorum ternatorum asperiusculis, corollâ ovatâ costatâ sub-quadrilineari.
Caulis fruticosus, suberectus, cortice fulvo, ramis distantibus, paucis, simplicibus, suberectis.
Folia ternata, suberecta, dein patula, denique expansa et flexuosa, linearia, crassiuscula, lucida, subtus sulcata, marginibus lente minutissime cartilagineo-ciliatis, et inde tactu asperiusculis.
Flores numerosi, subcongesti, infra apices ramorum, nutantes vel cernui; pedunculi corollâ longiores, bracteis tribus distantibus muniti.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis subulatis, marginibus minutissime ciliatis.
Corolla ovata, costata, læte lutea, laciniis patentibus obtusissimis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret Autumno ad Vernum.
1. Calyx. 2. Corolla. 3. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips just within the blossom, the margins of the ternate leaves roughish, and with the blossom egg-shaped ribbed and near four lines long.
Stem shrubby, erectish, with brown bark, branches distant, few, simple, and nearly erect.
Leaves in threes, erectish, then patulous, finally expanded and flexuose, linear, thickish, shining, and furrowed beneath, with margins in the magnifier very minutely cartilaginous-ciliated, and thence slightly rough to the touch.
Flowers numerous, rather crowded, beneath the tips of the branches, nodding or cernuous; peduncles longer than the blossom, and furnished with three remote floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped, with most minutely ciliated edges.
Blossom egg-shaped, ribbed, and bright yellow, with extremely blunt spreading segments.
Chives eight, capillary; tips beardless, and just within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-angled.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from Autumn till the Spring-time.
1. The Empalement. 2. A Blossom. 3. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 89] |
Erica antheris muticis, subexsertis; floribus axillaribus, verticillatis, horizontalibus, coccineis; corolla clavata, pollicaris, subrecurva; foliis subsenis, linearibus, patentibus.
Caulis erectus, fruticosus; rami ramulique pauci, verticillati, erecti.
Folia subsena, linearia, glabra, rigida, acuta, patentia, parum curvata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in apicibus ramorum verticillati, axillares et horizontales, subspicati; pedunculis bracteatis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, erectis, adpressis.
Corolla clavata, pollicaris, parum curvata, glabra, coccinea; oris laciniis expansis, maximis, subrecurvis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, apice incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, subexsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen obovatum, sulcatum, apice concavum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma peltato-tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Augusti in Decembrem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina a pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 4. Germen, Stylus et Stigma, Stigma auctum. 5. Germen auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, just without the blossom; flowers grow from the base of the leaves close to the stem in whorles, horizontally, and are scarlet; blossom club-shaped, an inch long, rather recurved; leaves grow by sixes in general, linear and spreading.
Stem shrubby, upright; the larger and smaller branches grow in whorles and upright.
Leaves grow mostly by sixes, linear, smooth, harsh, sharp pointed, spreading and a little curved; the foot-stalks very short, and pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow in whorles at the top of the branches, close to the stem at the insertion of the leaves, horizontally, and rather in a spike; foot-stalks with floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, upright, and pressed to the stem.
Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, a little curved, smooth, scarlet; the segments of the mouth are spread out, very large and a little turned back.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, turned inward at the end. Tips beardless, just without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud inversely egg-shaped, furrowed, concave at the top. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit between shield-shaped and four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of August till December.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, the Summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 93] |
Erica, antheris exertis basi bicornibus, foliis ternatis subulatis, corollis campanulatis.
Caulis fruticosus, semipedalis, valde ramosus, ramis patentibus.
Folia ternata, subulata, erecta, glauca, supra plana, subtus sulcata, petiolis breviusculis.
Flores subternati, laterales et terminales, parvi, pedunculis longiusculis.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis ovatis, cuspidatis, et carinatis, tribracteatus.
Corolla campanulata, fragrans, pallide purpurea, laciniis majusculis, revolutis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ basi bicornes exertæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum, apice villosum; stylus exertus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret Martio ad Maium.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Idem subtus. 3. Flos, cum calyce et pedunculo, 4. Calyx lente auctus. 5. Stamina et Pistillum lente aucta. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with tips two-horned at the base without the blossom, leaves in threes awl-shaped, and bell-shaped flowers.
Stem shrubby, half a foot high, very much branched, with the branches spreading.
Leaves in threes, awl-shaped, erect, glaucous green, plane above, furrowed beneath, with shortish foot-stalks.
Flowers somewhat in threes, lateral and terminal, small, with longish peduncles.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets egg-shaped, sharp-pointed, and keeled; furnished with three floral leaves.
Blossom bell-shaped, sweet-scented, pale purple, with largish revolute segments.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips without the blossom, two-horned at the base.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed, villous at the top; shaft without the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March to May.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The under-side of the same. 3. A Flower, with the calyx and peduncle. 4. The Empalement magnified. 5. The Chives and Pointal magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 97] |
Erica antheris aristatis, inclusis; floribus verticillatis, spicatis, dependentibus; corolla pollicaris, cylindrica, albicanto-virescens, basi quadrifariam sulcata, apice arctata, atro-virens; foliis quaternis senisve, curvatis, patentibus, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, strictissimus, tripedalis; rami pauci, erecti; ramuli verticillati, simplices.
Folia ramulorum subquaterna, ramorum sena, linearia, glabra, curvata, acuta, patentia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in ultimis ramis axillares, spicati, imbricati, dependenti; pedunculi curvati, bracteis tribus, membranaceis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium, tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis acutis, margine membranaceis, adpressis.
Corolla cylindrica, apice arctata, basi quadrata, sulcata, pollicaris, albicanto-virescens, apice atro-virens.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Aprile, in Julium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, Anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips within the blossom; flowers grow whorled, in spikes, hanging down; blossoms an inch long, cylindrical, of a whitish green, four-furrowed at the base and narrowed at the mouth, which is dark-green; leaves grow by fours or sixes, curved, spreading and smooth.
Stem shrubby, very upright, grows three feet high; the large branches are few and upright; the small branches grow in whorles and are simple.
Leaves of the small branches grow mostly by fours, those on the large by sixes, linear, smooth, curved, pointed, spreading; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow at the top of the branches, close to the stem, in spikes, tiled, hanging down; foot-stalks curved, having three skinny floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, skinny at the edge, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom cylindrical, narrowed at the top, squared and furrowed at the base, an inch long, of a whitish green, and dark green at the end.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April, ’till July.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives and Pointal, one Tip magnified, 5. The Pointal, the Summit magnified.[Pg 101] |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, foliis quaternis late linearibus pilis glandulosis ciliatis, floribus umbellatis terminalibus.
Caulis fruticosus, subpedalis, fuscus, valde flexuosus; ramis numerosis, senioribus decumbentibus, apicibus adscendentibus.
Folia quaterna, expansa, vel recurva, ciliata pilis apice glandulosis; petiolis brevissimis, appressis.
Flores terminales, umbellati, nutantes, vel cernui, 4-6 in singula umbella.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis inæqualibus purpureis pilis glanduliferis ciliatis.
Corolla ovata, nitida, purpurea, laciniis subrotundis, erectis.
Stamina, filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, valde sulcatum. Stylus superans tubum corollæ. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret Mai, in Januar.
1. Pagina inferior folii lente aucta. 2. Corolla cum Calyce. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum expansa, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Pistillum et Germen, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, leaves in fours broad-linear edged with glandular hairs, flowers umbelled terminal.
Stem shrubby, nearly a foot high, brown, extremely flexuose; with numerous branches, the oldest bent downwards, with ascending points.
Leaves in fours, expanded, or recurved, edged with hairs which are glandular at the points; with very short footstalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminal, umbelled, nodding, or cernuous, from 4 to 6 in each umbel.
Empalement four-leaved, with unequal purple leaflets edged with gland-bearing hairs.
Blossom egg-shaped, shining, purple, with roundish, erect segments.
Chives, eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped, very much furrowed. Shaft higher than the tube of the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till January.
1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. A Blossom with the Empalement. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal spread open, with one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal and Seed-bud, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 105] |
Erica, antheris inclusis basi bicornibus, corollis subquaternis subglobosis terminalibus, foliis linearibus erectis itidem quaternis.
Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, suberectus, ramulis filiformibus, pergracilibus, numerosis.
Folia quaterna, linearia, tenuia, glabra, erecta, petiolis minutis, adpressis.
Flores plerumque quaterni in capitulis terminalibus, pedunculis capillaribus, corollâ longioribus, bracteis tribus, linearibus, instructis.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis, coloratis, glabris, adpressis.
Corolla parva, subglobosa, læte purpurea, ore paululum contracta, laciniis subrotundis, erecto-patulis.
Stamina octo capillaria, brevia; antheræ bicornes, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, purpureum, ad basin nectariferum; stylus filiformis, flexuosus, inclusus, purpurascens; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Februarii in Maium; et iterum ab Augusto ad Octobrem.
1. Inferior pars Folii lente aucta. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum Corollâ diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Pistillum et Germen lente aucta. |
Heath, with tips two-horned at the base included within the blossom, blossoms nearly in fours somewhat globose and terminal, leaves linear erect and likewise in fours.
Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, nearly erect, thread-shaped, very slender, and numerous.
Leaves in fours, linear, thin, smooth, erect, with minute foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers chiefly in fours in terminal heads, with capillary foot-stalks which are longer than the blossom, and furnished with three linear floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets egg-lance-shaped, coloured, smooth, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom small, rather globose, bright purple, with the mouth a little contracted, with its segments roundish, and between erect and spreading.
Chives eight hair-like threads; tips two-horned, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, purple, having honey-cups at the base; shaft thread-shaped, flexuose, within the blossom, purplish; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of February to May; and again from August to October.
1. The under-side of a Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified, 4. The Chives and Pointal detached from the Blossom, with one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal and Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 109] |
Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus subternis, terminalibus; corollis inflatis, amplissimis, palide-luteis; oris laciniis acuminatis, obtusis, conniventibus; foliis ternis, lævibus, trigonis.
Caulis robustus, pedalis, valde ramosus; rami divaricati, rigidi; ramuli breves, divaricati, plurimi, tomentosi, oppositi.
Folia terna, subulata, recurvata, trigona, glabra, breviter petiolata.
Flores subterni, nutantes, terminales; pedunculi foliis breviores, nudi.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, interius tetraphyllum, foliolis, lato-ovatis, concavis, acutis, adpressis, coloratis; exterius tetraphyllum, foliolis minoribus.
Corolla ovata, inflata, maxima, palide-lutea; laciniis erectis, acuminatis, conniventibus, obtusis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, plana, linearia, curvata. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, bifidæ, apice acutæ, dorso concavæ, leviter cohærentiæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, erectus. Stigma obsolete tetragonum, viride.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio in Julium.
1. Calyx. 2. Stamina, et Pistillum. 3. Eodem, filamenta expansa. 4. Stamen unum, lente auctum dorso monstrato. 5. Germen, Stylus et Stigma, lente aucta. |
Heath, with beardless tips, within the blossom; flowers mostly by threes terminate the branches; blossoms inflated, and very large, of a pale yellow; the segments of the mouth are tapered, blunt ended, and approaching together; leaves grow by threes, smooth and three-sided.
Stem sturdy, a foot high, very branching; the branches straddle, and are stiff; the smaller branches straddle, are numerous, downy, and opposite.
Leaves grow by threes, awl-shaped, recurved, three-sided, smooth, foot-stalks short.
Flowers grow mostly by threes, nodding, and terminating the branches; the foot-stalks shorter than the leaves, naked.
Empalement. Cup double, the inner four-leaved, leaflets broad egg-shaped, concave, pointed, pressed to the blossom and coloured; the outer three-leaved, the leaflets smaller.
Blossom egg-shaped, inflated, very large, of a pale yellow; segments erect, tapered, approaching, and blunt-ended.
Chives. Eight flat threads, linear, curved. Tips beardless, within the blossom, two-cleft, pointed at the top, concave at the back, slightly adhering together.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, upright. Summit slightly four-cornered, green.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till July.
1. The Empalement. 2. Chives and Pointal. 3. The same, with the threads spread open. 4. A Chive magnified, shewn from the hind part. 5. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified.[Pg 113] |
Erica antheris muticis, subexsertis; stylo exserto; floribus axillaribus, racemosis, terminalibus; corollis subglobosis, parvulis, glabris, incarnatis; foliis quaternis, obtusis, hispidis, patentibus.
Caulis erectus, pedalis; rami et ramuli filiformes, erecti, rigidi, numerosi, verticillati, hispidi.
Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, patentia, subtus sulcata, hispida; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, racemosi, sub-nutantes, incarnati; racemi pollicares usque digitales; pedunculi capillares, villosi longitudine corollæ, bracteis distantibus.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, obtusis, villosis, adpressis, brevissimis.
Corolla subglobosa; laciniis limbi erectis, parvulis, obtusis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, subexserta, brunneæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, pilosum ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, staminibus longior. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Novembrem.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Corolla. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 7. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom; shaft without; flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves in terminal bunches, blossoms nearly globular, small, smooth and flesh-coloured; leaves grow by fours, blunt, hairy and spreading,
Stem upright, a foot high; large and small branches are thread-shaped, upright, harsh, numerous, grow in whorls and hairy.
Leaves grow by fours, linear, blunt, spreading, furrowed beneath, hairy; foot-stalks very short, pressed to the stern.
Flowers grow at the end of the branches in bunches a little drooping and flesh-coloured; bunches from an inch to two inches in length; foot-stalks hair-like, hairy, the length of the blossom; floral leaves at a distance from the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, blunt, hairy, pressed to the blossom and very short.
Blossom nearly globular; segments of the border upright, very small, blunt.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, just without the blossom and brown.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed, hairy and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, longer than the chives. Summit four-cornered,
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till November.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Blossom. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 117]. |
Erica, antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo exserto, corolla clavata, pollicaris; floribus terminalibus, ternis bicoloribus; bracteis calyciformibus, hirtis; foliis ternis, linearibus; obtusis, semicylindricis, hirtis.
Caulis erectus, ramosus, bipedalis, villosus; rami et ramuli oppositi, suberecti.
Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, hirta, supra rotundata, subtus sulcata, recta, patentia, petiolis, brevibus adpressis.
Flores terminales, terni, cernui; pedunculi brevissimi; bracteæ 3, lanceolatæ, ciliatæ, longitudine calycis adpressæ.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, ciliatis, dorso sulcatis.
Corolla clavata, sub apice ventricosa, pollicaris profundè rubro purpureo, apice virescens; ore parum arctato, laciniis obtusis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subovatum, apice truncatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma, subpeltatum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Januario in Aprilem.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Pistillum, Stigma diducta auctum. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera sena diducta et aucta. 5. Germen, auctum. |
Heath, with bearded tips, within the blossoms, shaft without; blossom club-shaped, an inch long; flowers terminal by threes, two-coloured; floral leaves of the shape of the cups and hairy; leaves grow by threes, linear, blunt, half cylindrical, hairy.
Stem upright, branching, two feet high, hairy; large and small branches opposite, nearly upright.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, blunt, hairy, rounded above, furrowed beneath, straight, spreading; short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the branches by threes, nodding; very short foot-stalks; three floral leaves, lance-shaped, fringed, the length of the cup and pressed to it.
Empalment. Cup four-leaved; leaflets lance-shaped, fringed, furrowed at the back.
Blossom club-shaped, bellied near the end, an inch long, of a red purple, greenish at the end; a little narrowed at the mouth, segments blunt, upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly egg-shaped, appearing cut off at the end and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit nearly shield-shaped.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from January, till April.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Pointal, the Summit detached, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal, one Tip detached, and magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 121]. |
Erica antheris muticis, exclusis; floribus terminalibus, quaternis; foliolis calycis spathulatis, margine serratis; laciniis corollæ hastatis, erectis, atro-purpureis; foliis quaternis, obtusis, horizontalibus.
Caulis erectus, subpedalis, ramosus; rami horizontals, rigidi; ramuli pauci, rami similes.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, linearia, horizontalia, glabra; petiolis minutis, adpressis.
Flores in ultimis ramulorum umbellati, cernui, quaterni, sæpe terni; pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus, spathulatis, imbricatis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, concavis, viscosis, marginibus serratis, adpressis.
Corolla ovata, glabra, basi alba, apice purpurea; oris laciniis hastatis, erectis, atro-purpureis.
Stamina. Filamenta capillaria, longitudine tubi. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, lineariæ, longitudine filamentorum.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum compressum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma obsoletum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Julio, in Novembrem.
1. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla, magnitudine naturali. 4. Idem, aucta. 5. Stamina, et Pistillum. 6. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, aucta. 7. Pistillum. 8. Idem, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom; flowers terminate the branches by fours; the leaflets of the cup are spathula-shaped and sawed at the margin; segments of the blossom halbert-shaped, upright and dark-purple; leaves grow by fours, obtuse, and horizontal.
Stem upright, near a foot high, branching; branches grow horizontal and stiff; smaller branches few, like the larger ones.
Leaves grow by fours, obtuse, linear, horizontal, smooth; foot-stalks very small and pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow in umbels at the end of the smaller branches, nodding, and by fours, often by threes; foot-stalks very short, with three spathula-shaped, tiled floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup double, leaflets spathula-shaped, concave, clammy, sawed at the edges, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom egg-shaped, smooth, white at the base, purple at the top; the segments of the mouth halbert-shaped, upright and of a deep purple.
Chives. Threads hair-like, the length of the tube. Tips beardless, without the blossom, linear, of the length of the threads.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, flattened, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit obsolete.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from July, till November.
1. A Flower of the natural size. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom, of the natural size, 4. The same, magnified. 5. The Chives, and Pointal. 6. The Chives detached from the Pointal; magnified. 7. The Pointal. 8. The same, magnified[Pg 125]. |
Erica, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis; stylo longè exserto; apice germinis glandulis coronato; corollis clavatis, subpollicaribus, rubro-coccineis; floribus solitariis, sessilibus, terminalibus; foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris.
Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, glaber; rami erecti; ramuli virgati, suberecti, filiformes.
Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, acuta; petiolis brevissimis adpressis.
Flores terminales, solitarii, spicam formantes prope caulis summitatem; pedunculis sere nullis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, ciliatis, apicibus parum reflexis.
Corolla tubulosa, tomentosa, ad basin gibbosa, oris laciniis spathulatis, reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ subexsertæ, muticæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum, ad basin apiceque glandulis cinctum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma obsoletum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Martio in Junium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum, anthera una lente aucta. 4 Germen auctum. 5 Pistillum, magnitudine naturali. |
Heath, with beardless tips, just without the blossom; shaft a long way without; the top of the seed-bud crowned with glands; blossoms club-shaped, near an inch long, and of a red-scarlet colour; flowers solitary, sitting close on the ends of the branches; leaves grow by fours, linear and smooth.
Stem upright, a foot and a half high, smooth; branches upright; small branches twiggy, rather upright, thread-shaped.
Leaves grow by fours, linear, smooth, pointed; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminal, solitary, forming a spike near the summit of the stem; scarcely any footstalks.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, fringed, a little reflexed at the ends.
Blossom tubular, downy, gouty at the base, segments of the mouth, spathula shaped and reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips just without the blossom and beardless.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped, furrowed, surrounded at the base and top with glands. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit blunt.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March till June.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud magnified. 5. The Pointal natural size[Pg 129]. |
Erica, antheris cristatis, inclusis; corollis subglobosis, inflatis, glabris, albis; oris laciniis ad basin utrinque gibbis, parum imbricatis, erectis; foliolis calycinis patentibus; foliis ternis, acuminatis, reflexis.
Caulis fruticosus, subpedalis; rami et ramuli divaricati, suberecti.
Folia quaterna, acuminata, glabra, juniora erecto-patentia, seniora reflexa; petiolis brevibus, adpressis.
Flores in medio ramulorum solitarii vel terni, cernui; pedunculi colorati, longitudine corollarum, bracteis tribus coloratis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato-acuminatis, coloratis, concavis, patentibus.
Corolla subglobosa, inflata, alba, glabra, magnitudine pisi majoris, laciniis subimbricatis, ovatis, ad basin gibbis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subcylindricum, sulcatum. Stylus subinclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio in Julium.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina, aucta. 6. Pistillum, Stigma diductum, et auctum. 7. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath, with crested tips, within the blossoms, which are nearly globular, swelled out, smooth and white; segments of the border hunched at the base on both fides, slightly lapped and upright; leaflets of the cup spreading; leaves grow by threes, tapered, and bent back.
Stem shrubby, near a foot high; large and small branches grow straddling, rather upright.
Leaves grow by fours, tapered, smooth, the younger ones upright-spreading; the older ones reflexed; with short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow in the middle of the small branches, solitary or by threes, and nodding; foot-stalks coloured, the length of the blossoms, with three coloured floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved; leaflets egg-shaped, tapered, coloured, concave, and spreading.
Blossom nearly globular, swelled out, white, smooth, the size of a large pea; segments a little tiled, egg-shaped, hunched at the base, upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly cylindric, furrowed. Shaft just within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till July.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives, magnified. 6. The Pointal; the Summit detached and magnified. 7 The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 133]. |
Erica antheris muticis, exsertis; floribus axillaribus umbellatis, ternis, pendulis, læte rubris; pedunculis corollis triplo longioribus; corollis subglobosis; foliis ternis, latissimis, ovato-acuminatis, pilis supra tectis, marginibus revolutis.
Caulis fruticosus, flexuosus, ramosus, pedalis; rami verticillati; ramuli pauci, suberecti.
Folia terna, latissima, ovato-acuminata, supra pilis vestita, convexa, subtus concava, albida, margine revoluta.
Flores in medio ramulorum spicati, umbellati, sub-terni, ex axillis foliorum, cernui; pedunculi colorati, longitudine corollarum, bracteis tribus minutis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, erectis, concavis, adpressis, apicibus viridibus.
Corolla subglobosa, glabra, læte-rubra; ore arctato, limbo erecto, minuto.
Stamina. Filamenta octo plana, longitudine corollæ. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, sulcatum, pilosum. Stylus filiformis exsersus. Stigma concavum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio, in Augustum.
1. Folium, magnitudine naturali. 2. Idem, auctum. 3. Flos. 4. Calyx, lente auctus. 5. Stamina, et Pistillum. 6. Stamina et Pistillum, lente aucta. 7. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 8. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom; flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves in umbels, by threes, hanging down and bright red; with the foot-stalks thrice the length of the blossom; blossoms nearly globular; leaves grow by threes, very broad, egg-shape-tapered, covered on the upper surface with hairs and rolled back at the edges.
Stem shrubby, zig-zagged, very much branched, a foot high; branches in whorls; small branches few, nearly upright.
Leaves grow by threes, egg-shaped-tapered, clothed on the upper surface with hairs and convex, concave beneath and whitish, rolled back at the edge.
Flowers in the middle of the small branches in spikes, grow from the insertion of the leaves in umbels of threes, hanging down; foot-stalks coloured the length of the blossoms, with three small floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, upright, concave, pressed to the stem, with green ends.
Blossom nearly globular, smooth and of a bright red; mouth narrowed, border upright, small.
Chives. Eight flat threads, the length of the blossom. Tips beardless, without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular, furrowed and hairy. Shaft thread-shaped and without the blossom. Summit concave.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till August.
1. A leaf, natural size. 2. The same, magnified. 3. A flower. 4. The Empalement, magnified. 5. The Chives, and Pointal. 6. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 7. The Pointal, magnified. 8. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 137]. |
Erica antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis clavatis, villosis, albis; floribus sub-sessilibus, terminalibus, racemosis; foliolis calycinis dentatis; foliis ternis, linearibus, ciliatis, consertis.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus; rami pauci, erecti; ramuli frequentissimi, brevissimi, pilosi.
Folia terna, linearia, ciliata, recta, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, racemum formantes longum, densissimum; pedunculis fere nullis; bracteis adpressis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato-acuminatis, dentatis, adpressis.
Corolla clavata, alba, diaphana, pilosa; laciniis obtusis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen globosum, sulcatum, pilosum. Stylus filiformis, subinclusus. Stigma capitatum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Martii in Junium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma diductum, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, within the blossom; blossoms club-shaped, hairy, and white; flowers almost without foot-stalks, terminate the smaller branches, forming long bunches; the leaflets of the cup are toothed; leaves grow by threes, are linear, fringed, and crowded together.
Stem shrubby, upright; branches few, upright, smaller branches numerous, very short, hairy.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, fringed, straight out, furrowed beneath, with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the smaller branches, making a long, close bunch; foot-stalks hardly any; floral leaves close to the blossom.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, tapered, toothed, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom club-shaped, white, transparent, hairy; segments blunt, upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud globular, furrowed, hairy. Shaft thread-shaped, just within the blossom. Summit headed.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of March till June.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, the Summit detached, magnified[Pg 141]. |
Erica, antheris muticis, inclusis, corollis sub-cylindricis, grossis, villosis; floribus sub-sessilibus, ramulos terminantibus; foliis quaternis, linearibus, pilosis, consertis.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, et patens. Ramuli numerosi, pilosi.
Folia quaterna, linearia, pilosa, patentia, et subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, sub-quaterni, horizontaliter; pedunculis fere nullis; bracteis adpressis.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, pilosis, adpressis.
Corolla sub-cylindracea, grossa, et pilosa, ad basin purpurea, et superne alba; laciniis ovatis, patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum, pilosum. Stylus filiformis, sub-exertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Januarii ad Maium.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Flos, magnitudine naturali, 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto, 6. Germen lente auctum, |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom. Blossoms nearly cylindrical, swelled, and hairy. Flowers almost without foot-stalks, terminating the small branches. Leaves grow by fours, are linear, hairy, and crowded together.
Stem shrubby, upright, and spreading. The smaller branches are numerous and hairy.
Leaves by fours, linear, hairy, spreading, and furrowed beneath, with very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the smaller branches mostly by fours in a horizontal direction. Scarcely any foot-stalks. Floral leaves pressed to the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved; leaflets lance-shaped, hairy, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom nearly cylindrical, swelled, and hairy, purple at the base, and white at the upper part; the segments are ovate, and spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed, and hairy. Shaft thread-shaped, just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of January till May,
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified, 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 145]. |
Erica antheris cristatis, inclusis; floribus capitatis, congestis, terminalibus; corollis urceoli-formibus, albicantibus; foliis ternis, erectis, adpressis, longitudine internodiorum; rami filiformes.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis; rami et ramuli filiformes et capillares.
Folia terna, linearia, adpressa, trigona, glabra, obtusa, longitudine internodiorum.
Flores in ramulis terminales, conferti, racemosi; pedunculi brevi, capillares, bracteis tribus, linearibus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis concavis, sub-ovatis, apicibus tenuissime serratis.
Corolla urceolata, alba, subcylindrica; laciniis obtusis, suberectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ, bifidæ.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum, sulcatum, apice concavum, basi glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, erectus, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Januario in Martium.
1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, lente auctum. 4. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with crested tips, within the blossom; flowers grow in small heads, crowded together, terminating the branches; blossoms pitcher-shaped and whitish; leaves grow by threes, upright, pressed to the stem, the length of the intervals; branches thread-shaped.
Stem shrubby, a foot high, the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped and hair-like.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, pressed to the stem, three-sided, smooth, blunt, the length of the intervals.
Flowers terminate the small branches, clustered together, forming long bunches; foot-stalks short, hair-like, having three, linear floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets concave, nearly egg-shaped, with the ends slightly sawed.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, white, rather cylindrical; segments blunt and nearly upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips crested, within the blossom, and two-cleft.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, and furrowed, concave at top, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, upright, within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from January ’till March.
1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 149]. |
Erica, antheris cristatis subinclusis, floribus terminalibus ternatis campanulatis, foliis itidem ternatis lucidisque.
Caulis fruticosus, strictus, gracilis, bipedalis; rami plerumque ternati, patentes, itidem graciles, ramulis sæpe oppositis.
Folia ternata, subulata, erecta, brevissime petiolata, lævia, lucida, viridia, sed sæpe tincturâ fuscedinis.
Flores terminales in umbellulis trifloris; pedunculi circiter longitudinem florum, superne bracteis tribus, coloratis, ciliatisque, instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis late ovatis, acutis, ciliatisque.
Corolla breviter campanulata, laciniis patulis, pallide carneis, et lucidis.
Stamina filamenta octo, capillaria; antheræ cristatæ, subinclusæ.
Pistillum, germen tiaræforme; stylus columnaris, basi dilatatus, antheras superans.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Junium.
1. Pagina inferior folii lente aucta. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx lente auctus, cum pedunculo. 4. Corolla lente aucta. 5. Stamina et Pistillum lente aucta. 6. Pistillum lente auctum, diductum. |
Heath, with crested tips just within the blossom, flowers terminal in threes bell-shaped, leaves likewise in threes and shining.
Stem shrubby, streight, slender, two feet high; branches chiefly in threes, spreading, also slender, with the lesser branches often opposite.
Leaves in threes, awl-shaped, erect, very shortly petiolate, smooth, shining, green, but often with a tincture of brown.
Flowers terminal in little three-flowered umbels; footstalks about the length of the flowers, furnished above with three coloured, ciliated, floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the little leaves broad egg-shaped, sharp-pointed and ciliated.
Blossom shortly bell-shaped, with rather spreading segments, of a pale, shining, flesh colour.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips crested, just within the blossom.
Pointal, seed-bud turban-shaped; shaft columnar, dilated at the base, higher than the tips.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till June.
1. The under-side of a leaf magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement magnified, with the peduncle. 4. The Blossom magnified. 5. The Chives and Pointal magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified, detached[Pg 153]. |
Erica antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo exserto; floribus terminalibus ternis; calyce duplici, albo; corollis oblongo-ovatis, candidissimis, fauce arctatis; foliis ternis, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sexpedalis et ultra; rami erecti, pauci; ramuli frequentissimi, brevi.
Folia terna, glabra, in ramis adultioribus latiora, obtusa, in ramulis junioribus linearia, acuta, minora; petiolis brevissimis.
Flores in ramulorum apice terni, nutantes, albi, spicam quasi formantes prope caulis summitatem; pedunculi fere nulli.
Calyx. Perianthium, duplex, exterium tetraphyllum; foliolæ oblongæ, membranaceæ, obtusæ apice reflexæ, liberæ, coloratæ; interium foliolis similibus sed duplo majoribus priori.
Corolla oblongo-ovata, acuminata, glabra, fauce arctata, candidissima; laciniis reflexis, obtusis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ inclusæ, aristatæ, nigræ.
Pistillum. Germen oblongum, glabrum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, parum curvatus. Stigma tubulosum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio, in Julium.
1. Folia terminalia ramulorum ad basin florum. 2. Calyx 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una diducta, lente aucta. 5. Germen auctum. 6. Pistillum, magnitudine naturali, Stigma auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips, within the blossom; shaft without; flowers terminate the branches by threes; cup double, white; blossoms oblong-egg-shaped, of a very clear white, and narrowed at the mouth; leaves grow by threes, and smooth.
Stem shrubby, upright, grows six feet high, and more; branches upright, and few; smaller branches numerous, short.
Leaves grow by threes, smooth, on the older branches broader and blunt, on the younger linear, pointed and smaller; very short foot-stalks.
Flowers grow by threes at the end of the smaller branches, hanging down, and white, forming as it were a spike near the top of the stem; hardly any foot-stalks.
Empalement. Cup double, the outer four-leaved; the leaflets oblong, skinny, obtuse, turned back at the top, loose and coloured; the inner with leaflets like the other but twice the size.
Blossom oblong egg-shaped, tapered, smooth, narrowed at the mouth, of a very clear white; segments reflexed, blunt.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips within the blossom, bearded and black.
Pointal. Seed-bud oblong, smooth, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, a little curved. Summit tubular.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till July.
1. The terminating leaves of the smaller branches at the base of the flowers. 2. The Empalement. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives and Pointal, one Tip detached, magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified. 6. The Pointal, natural size. Summit magnified[Pg 157]. |
Erica antheris muticis, exsertis; corollis cylindraceo-urceolatis, costatis; floribus axillaribus, subterminalibus; pedunculis flore triple fere longioribus, ternatis; foliis quaternis seu quinis, linearibus, patentibus, obtusis, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, ramosus; rami et ramuli rigidi, erecti.
Folia quaterna seu quina, patentia, obtusa, glabra, linearia, recta.
Flores axillares, sub-terminales, sub-spicati, ternati; pedunculi capillares, longissimi, corollæ triplo longiores, bracteis tribus, minutis, instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis, ovatis, concavis, coloratis.
Corolla cylindraceo-urceolata, costata, sub-carnea; laciniis minutis, reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, longitudine corollæ. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, nigræ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, quadri-sulcatum, apice arctatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat in Lusitania.
Floret ab Octobre in Decembrem.
1. Umbella florum. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una aucta. 4. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom, which is of a cylindrical pitcher shape and ribbed; flowers grow from the base of the leaves nearly terminal, with flower stems nearly thrice the length of the blossom, growing by threes; leaves grow by fours or fives, linear, spreading, obtuse and smooth.
Stem shrubby, upright, branching; large and small branches harsh, upright.
Leaves grow by fours or fives, spreading, blunt, smooth, linear, and straight.
Flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves, nearly terminal, almost spiked, ternate; foot-stalks hair-like, very long, thrice the length of the blossom, with three floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, concave, coloured.
Blossom cylindrically pitcher-shaped, ribbed, slightly flesh-coloured, segments small, reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, the length of the blossom. Tips beardless, without the blossom and black.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, four-furrowed, narrowed at the top. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of Portugal.
Flowers from October till December.
1. An umbel of flowers. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 161]. |
Erica antheris basi bicornibus, exsertis; corollis subturbinatis, costatis, purpureis, laciniis revolutis; foliolis calycinis apice barbatis; floribus terminalibus, umbellatis; foliis ternis, lato-linearibus, obtusis, marginibus hispidis.
Caulis fruticosus, palmaris, ramosus; rami et ramuli divaricati, patentes.
Folia terna, lato-linearia, obtusa, margine pilis longissimis obsita, subtus sulcata, patentia.
Flores terminales, umbellati; pedunculi longissimi, capillares, bracteis tribus foliolis calycis similibus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, denticulatis, viscosis, apice barbatis.
Corolla subturbinata, costata, fauce parum arctata, purpurea; laciniis revolutis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, torta. Antheræ bicornutæ, exsertæ, nigræ, lineariæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovale, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, parum curvatus, exsersus. Stigma obsoletum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Februario in Junium.
1. Folium. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, auctum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with tips two-horned at the base, without the blossom; blossoms nearly top-shaped, ribbed, purple, segments rolled back; leaflets of the cup bearded at the tip; flowers terminate the branches in umbels; leaves grow by threes, broadly linear, blunt, margins with strong hairs.
Stem shrubby, a hand high, very branching; the large and small branches grow straddling, and spreading.
Leaves grow by threes, broadly linear, blunt, beset with long hairs at the edge, furrowed beneath, and spreading.
Flowers terminate the branches in umbels; foot-stalks very long, hair-like, with three floral leaves like the leaflets of the cup on them.
Empalement. Cup three-leaved, leaflets spathula-shaped, slightly toothed, clammy, and bearded at the point.
Blossom nearly top-shaped, ribbed, a little drawn in at the mouth, and purple; segments rolled back.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, twisted. Tips two-horned, without the blossom, black, linear.
Pointal. Seed-bud oval, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, a little curved, and without the blossom. Summit obsolete.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February till June.
1. A Leaf. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 165]. |
Erica, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; flores quaterni, terminales, erecti, ventricosi; limbus maximus, laciniis patentibus, rotundatis, crenulatis; glandulæ octo fauci circumpositæ; foliis quaternis, reflexis, rigidis, ciliatis.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis ramosus; rami laxi, filiformes, sub-erecti.
Folia quaterna, reflexa, rigida, ciliata, subtus sulcata; petioli brevissimi.
Flores terminales, quaterni, erecti, glaberrimi, sessili; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus ovatis, ciliatis, adpressis, instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, ciliatis, adpressis.
Corolla ventricosa, basi quadrata, ore arctata, leviter striata, glaberrima; limbus maximus, laciniis crenulatis, rotundatis, patentibus; glandulæ octo, fauci circumpositæ.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ inclusæ, bifidæ, basi bicornes.
Pistillum. Germen acuminatum, basi glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, subexsertus. Stigma subtetragonum, purpureum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprilis, in Junium.
1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Lacinia una limbi, aucta. 5. Stamina, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, lente auctum. |
Heath, with tips two horned at the base, within the blossom; flowers grow by fours terminating the branches, upright and bellied; border very large, segments spreading, rounded, slightly scolloped; eight glands placed round the mouth; leaves grow by fours, reflexed, harsh, and fringed.
Stem shrubby, a foot high, branching; branches loose, thread-shaped, rather upright.
Leaves grow by fours, reflexed, harsh, fringed, furrowed beneath; very short foot-stalks.
Flowers terminate the branches by fours, are upright, smooth, and sit close on to the branch; foot-stalks very short, having three egg-shaped, fringed floral leaves, which are pressed to the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, concave, fringed, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom bellied, squared at the base, straitened at the mouth, slightly striped, and very smooth; border very large, segments a little scolloped, rounded and spreading; eight glands surrounding the mouth.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips within the blossom, two-cleft, and two horns at the base.
Pointal. Seed-bud tapered, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, nearly without the blossom. Summit a little four-cornered, and purple.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of April, till June.
1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. One segment of the border, magnified. 5. The Chives, one tip, magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 169]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, corollâ subtrilineari pubescente, foliisque quaternis pubescentibus, tubo anguste campanulato, laciniis brevibus.
Caulis tenuis, et flexuosus, ramis divaricatis itidemque tenuibus, ramulis numerosis brevibusque.
Folia quaterna, expansa, vel recurvata, linearia, obtusa, et pubescentia.
Flores terminales in ramulis lateralibus et numerosi, subverticillati, et sæpius ternati; pedunculi corollis duplo breviores, basi bracteis tribus minutis vestiti.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis subulatis, minutimque ciliatis.
Corolla sub-cylindrica, vel potius angustissime campanulata, pubescens, incarnata, sive pallide coccinea, laciniis patulis, ovatis, obtusis, albidis, vel melius eleganter cerinis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme et sulcatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Maii ad Octobrem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2 Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless included tips, blossom near three lines long pubescent, leaves in fours and also pubescent, and a narrowly bell-shaped tube, with short segments.
Stem slender, and flexuose, with divaricating slender branches, and numerous short lesser branches.
Leaves in fours, expanded, or recurved, linear, blunt-ended, and downy.
Flowers terminal on the small lateral branches and numerous, somewhat whorled, and frequently in threes; peduncles only half the length of the blossom, and furnished at the base with three minute floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped, and minutely ciliated.
Blossom somewhat cylindrical, or rather very narrowly bell-shaped, downy, flesh-coloured, or pale coccineous, with the segments spreading, egg-shaped, blunt-ended, and whitish, or rather of a fine waxen colour.
Chives eight, capillary; tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of May till October.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement magnified, 3. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 173]. |
Erica antheris muticis, sub-inclusis, clavatis; floribus terminalibus, ternis; corollis campanulatis, purpureis, tubo brevissimo, laciniis maximis, expansis; foliis ternis, ovalibus, concavis, ciliatis, flaccidis.
Caulis futicosus, erectus, bipedalis; rami filiformes, verticillati; ramuli frequentissimi, virgati, patentes.
Folia terna, ovalia, concava, ciliata, obtusa, patentia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in apice ramulorum terni, copiosi; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus adpressis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis elipticis, concavis, ciliatis, adpressis.
Corolla campanulata, purpurea; tubo brevissimo; laciniis ovatis, concavis, maximis, expansis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, curvata. Antheræ muticæ, clavatæ, subinclusæ longitudine staminum.
Pistillum. Germen sub-globosum, sulcatum, tomentosum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Februario in Junium.
1. Folium, auctum. 2. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 3. Calyx auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum, aucta. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, aucta. 6. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, just within the blossom and club-shaped; flowers terminate the branches by threes; blossoms bell-shaped, purple, tube very short, with very large spreading segments; leaves grow by threes oval, concave, fringed and flaccid.
Stem shrubby, upright, grows two feet high; large branches thread-shaped, whorled; small branches numerous, twiggy and spreading.
Leaves grow by threes, oval, concave, fringed, blunt, spreading; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminate the small branches by threes and very numerous; foot-stalks very short, having three floral leaves pressed to the cup.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved; leaflets eliptic, concave, fringed and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom bell-shaped, purple; tube very short; segments egg-shaped, concave, very large and spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, curved. Tips beardless, club-shaped, just within the blossom, the length of the threads.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular, furrowed, downy and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February till June.
1. A leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 177]. |
Erica antheris muticis, exsertis, penicillatis; corolla conica, purpurea, laciniis luteis, minutis, erectis; floribus spicatis, solitariis, pendulis; foliolis calycinis dorso canaliculatis, basi, auriculatis, coloratis; bracteis minutis, remotis; foliis ternis, fasciculatis, linearibus, glabris.
Caulis erectus, fruticosus; rami subsimplices, longi; ramuli brevissimi conserti.
Folia terna, linearia, glabra, acuta, patentia, fasciculata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores solitarii, penduli, medio ramorum spicati; pedunculi colorati, longi, bracteis tribus, minutis, remotis, instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis, dorso canaliculatis, auriculatis, coloratis, acutis, adpressis.
Corolla conica, purpurea; laciniis, minutis, erectis, luteo-virentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, plana. Antheræ muticæ, penicillatæ, exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen conicum, striatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, staminibus longior. Stigma subpeltatum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio, in Augustum.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 6. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom and formed like a pencil; blossom conical, purple, segments yellow, small, and upright; flowers grow in spikes, solitary, hanging down; the leaflets of the cup are channelled at the back, eared at the base and coloured; floral leaves very small, distant; leaves grow by threes, bundled, linear, and smooth.
Stem upright, shrubby; branches nearly simple, long; small branches close together.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, smooth, pointed, spreading, and bundled; with very short footstalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow solitary, hanging down making a spike from the middle of the branches; footstalks coloured, long, having the small floral leaves on their lower part.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved; leaflets channelled at the back, eared, coloured, pointed and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom conical and purple; segments small, upright, greenish-yellow.
Chives. Eight chives, flat. Tips beardless, pencil-like and without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud conical, streaked. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, longer than the chives. Summit nearly shield-shaped.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May, till August.
1. A Flower. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 181]. |
Erica, antheris muticis, exsertis; corolla conica, aurantia, incurvata, pollicaris, limbo inflato clauso; calycinis foliolis imbricatis, subovatis, mucronatis, rigidis; floribus subternis, terminalibus; foliis ternis, linearibus, rigidis, obtusis, patentibus.
Caulis erectus sesquipedalis, fuscus; rami tecti ramulis ternis, consertis, patentibus.
Folia terna, linearia, rigida, sub-scabra, subtus sulcata, obtusa, patentia.
Flores sub-terni, ramulorum terminales incurvati, penduli; pedunculi brevissimi.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, exterium, tetraphyllum, foliolis lato ovatis, rigidis, luteis, adpressis, imbricatis; interium, tetraphyllum, foliolis priori similibus sed duplo longioribus.
Corolla conica, calyce triplo longior, aurantia; laciniis limbi ovatis, erectis, inflatis, incurvis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, linearia, plana. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, lineares, corollæ longitudine, planæ, rubro-fuscæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus, filiformis longitudine antherarum. Stigma obsolete-tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Martio in Maium.
1. Flos. 2. Calyx auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina libera, anthera una diducta lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, magnitudine naturali. 6. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with beardless tips, without the blossom, which is cone-shaped, orange, incurved and an inch long, the border swelled and shut; leaflets of the empalement tiled, nearly egg-shaped, pointed, harsh; flowers mostly by threes, terminal; leaves by threes, linear, harsh, blunt, and spreading.
Stem upright, a foot and a half high, brown; branches covered by smaller branches growing by threes, close together and spreading.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, harsh, rather rough, furrowed beneath, blunt and spreading.
Flowers grow mostly by threes, terminating the small branches, turned inwards and hanging down; foot-stalks very short.
Empalement. Cup double, the outer, three-leaved, leaflets broad-egg-shaped, harsh, yellow, pressed to the inner ones and tiled; the inner, four-leaved, leaflets like those of the outer, but twice the length.
Blossom conical, thrice the length of the cup, orange-coloured; segments of the border egg-shaped, upright, swelled out and incurved.
Chives. Eight linear, flat threads. Tips beardless, without the blossom, linear, the length of the blossom, flat and of red-brown.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-shaped, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, the length of the tips. Summit bluntly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March till May.
1. A Flower. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives free, one tip detached, magnified. 5. The Pointal, natural size. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 185]. |
Erica, antheris muticis exertis, longissimis, corollis pendulis clavatis incurvis, foliis hirsutis.
Caulis erectus, inferne ramulis numerosis.
Folia ternata, subulata, hirsuta, parum flexuosa, petiolis adpressis, juniora patula, seniora reflexa.
Flores terminales in ramulis lateralibus, 1-3. nati, penduli, incurvi, pedunculis brevibus.
Calyx duplex, læte ruber et lucens, tinctura flavedinis, exterior 3-, interior 4-phyllus, foliolis omnibus late ovatis.
Corolla clavata, incurva, uncialis, læete rubra et lucens, basi tumida quadrifida, oris laciniis incurvis filamentis adpressis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, incurva, receptaculo affixa; antheræ muticæ longissimæ exertæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret Januario in Aprilem.
1. Inferior pars Folii lente aucta. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Corolla calyce diducta. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Eadem expansa, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 6. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. |
Heath, with very long beardless tips without the pendulous club-shaped incurved blossoms; and with hairy leaves.
Stem erect, furnished with numerous small branches downwards.
Leaves in threes, subulate, hairy, a little flexuose, with foot-stalks pressed to the branches; the younger leaves rather spreading, the older reflexed.
Flowers terminal on the small lateral branches, one to three together, pendulous, incurved, with short foot-stalks.
Empalement double, bright shining-red, tinctured with yellow, the outer three-, the inner four-leaved, with all the leaflets broad egg-shaped.
Blossom club-shaped, incurved, an inch long, bright-shining-red, swelled and quadrifid at the base, with the segments of the mouth incurved and pressed to the filaments.
Chives eight hair-like incurved threads fixed to the receptacle; tips beardless very long, and without the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from January till April.
1. The under-side of a Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. A Blossom detached from the Empalement. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The same spread open, with one tip magnified. 6. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified[Pg 189]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, floribus dense verticillatis tubulosis, foliis consertis subsenis incurvis.
Caulis fruticosus, brevis, robustus, paululum flexuosus, cicatricibus foliorum asper; rami foliis dense tecti, numerosi, subverticillati, patentes, atque expansi, apicibus adscendentibus.
Folia plerumque sena, perconferta, linearia, subuncialia, lente obsolete pubescentia, subtus sulcata, seniora recurva, sed post medium incurvo-adscendentia, et inde sæpe hamata; petiolis adpressis.
Flores verticillatim spicati, conferti, nutantes, coccinei; pedunculi sesquilineares, pubescentes, irregulariter bracteati.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis lineari-subulatis, valde pubescentibus, adpressis.
Corolla tubulosa, apicem versus paululum recurvula, laciniis revolutis obtusis, obsoletissime crenulatis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, antheris sub-inclusis, muticis.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, superne dilatatum, lanatum; stylus filiformis, sub-exclusus, antheras paulo superans; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Maii in Aprilem.
1. Calyx cum pedunculo lente auctus. 2. Flos. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Idem expansa, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Pistillum diductum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, flowers densely whorled tubular, leaves crowded chiefly in sixes and incurved.
Stem shrubby, short, stout, a little flexuose, rough with the cicatrices of the leaves; the branches densely covered with leaves, numerous, whorled, spreading, and expanded, with ascending points.
Leaves chiefly in sixes, very crowded, linear, about an inch long, obscurely pubescent when magnified, furrowed beneath; the older ones, recurved, but beyond the middle incurvedly ascending, and thence often hook-shaped; with footstalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers verticillately spiked, crowded, nodding, scarlet; peduncles a line and a half long, pubescent, and irregularly bracteated.
Empalement four-leaved, the little leaves linear-awl-shaped, very pubescent, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom tubular, slightly recurved towards the point, with segments rolled back, blunt, and very obsoletely crenulated.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, with the tips just with the blossom, beardless.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, dilated above, woolly; shaft thread-shaped, just without the blossom, a little higher than the tips; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till April.
1. The Calyx with the foot-stalk magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The same expanded, with one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal detached, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 193]. |
Erica antheris aristatis, stylo incluso; corollis urceolatis, purpureis, glabris; calyce colorato, villoso; floribus axillaribus, pendulis, verticillatis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, obtusis, villosis.
Caulis fruticosis, flexuosus; rami et ramuli glabri, filiformes, suberecti.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, villosa, patentia, linearia, subtus sulcata; petiolis adpressis.
Flores axillares, verticillati, subsolitarii, cernui; pedunculi longitudine florum, colorati, bracteis tribus, hirsutis, instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium, tetraphyllum, foliolis pilosis, coloratis, apicibus viridibus.
Corolla urceolata, glabra, purpurea; laciniis erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subglobosum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus. Stigma capitatum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Martio in Julium.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Corolla. 5. Stamina et Pistillum. 6. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 7. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 8. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 9. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips; shaft within the blossoms, which are pitcher-shaped, purple, and smooth; cup coloured, and hairy; flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves, hanging down, in whorles; leaves grow by fours, linear, blunt, and hairy.
Stem shrubby, taking different directions; the small and large branches are smooth, thread-shaped, and rather upright.
Leaves grow by fours, blunt, hairy, spreading, linear, furrowed beneath; foot-stalks pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves, whorled, mostly solitary, nodding; foot-stalks the length of the flowers, coloured, having three hairy floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets hairy, coloured, and green ends.
Blossom pitcher-shaped, smooth, purple, segments upright.
Chives. Eight threads, hair-like. Tips bearded, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly round, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom. Summit headed.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March till July.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Blossom. 5. The Chives and Pointal. 6. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 7. A Chive, magnified. 8. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 9. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 197]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, foliis quaternis ciliatis et aristatis, floribus terminalibus umbellatis.
Caulis fruticosus subpedalis, ramosus, ramis erectis.
Folia quaterna, recurva, late linearia, ciliata et aristata, subtus sulcata.
Flores speciosi, terminales, in umbellis nutantibus 6-10-floris; pedunculi colorati, bracteis tribus instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis lineari-lanceolatis, carinatis, ciliatisque.
Corolla ovato-clavata, inflata, lævigata, læte rubicunda, ore arctata, laciniis subrotundis revolutis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum; stylus paulo inclusus, filiformis; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Maio ad Octobrem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, antherâ unicâ diductâ et lente auctâ. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, leaves in fours, ciliated and aristated, and terminal umbelled flowers.
Stem near a foot high, branched, with the branches erect.
Leaves in fours, recurved, broad-linear, ciliated and aristated, and furrowed beneath.
Flowers showy, terminal, in nodding umbels of 6 to 10 flowers; peduncles coloured, with three floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets linear-lanced, keeled and ciliated.
Blossom ovate-club-shaped, inflated, polished, and of a glowing red colour, narrowed at the mouth, with roundish segments rolled back.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed; shaft just within the blossom, thread-shaped; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May to October.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, with one tip detached and magnified. 4. Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 201]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, floribus subgeminatis pendulis campanulatis pubescentibus, foliis linearibus quaternis itidem pubescentibus.
Caulis fruticosus, subpedalis, flexuosus, ramis flexuoso-patentibus, ramulis floriferis pendulis.
Folia quaterna, linearia, pubescentia, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevibus, adpressis; seniora reflexa.
Flores terminales in ramulis lateralibus, pendulis; plerumque binati; pedunculi colorati, bracteis tribus ad calycem instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis ovatis acuminatis, concavis, pubescentibus, coloratis, adpressis.
Corolla campanulata, rubro-purpurea, laciniis late ovatis, patentibus.
Stamina octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen breve tiaræforme; stylus filiformis inclusus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Julii in Octobrem.
1. Pagina inferior folii, lente aucta. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Eadem expansa. 6. Stamen lente auctum. 7. Pistillum, stigmate lente auctum. 8. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, flowers chiefly twinned pendulous bell-shaped pubescent, and leaves linear in fours also pubescent.
Stem shrubby, near a foot high, flexuose, with flexuose, spreading branches, and with the little flower-bearing branches pendulous.
Leaves in fours, linear, pubescent, furrowed beneath, with short footstalks, pressed to the branches; the old leaves bent downwards.
Flowers terminal in small, lateral, pendulous, branches; chiefly in pairs; the peduncles coloured, and furnished with three floral leaves near the empalement.
Empalement of four leaves, with the little leaves egg-shaped, acuminated, concave, pubescent, coloured, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom, bell-shaped, red-purple, with the segments broad egg-shaped, and spreading.
Chives eight hair-like threads, the tips beardless and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud short, turban-shaped; shaft thread-shaped within the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of July till October.
1. The under-side of a Leaf magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The same expanded. 6. A Chive magnified. 7. The Pointal, with the summit magnified. 8. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 205]. |
Erica antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo subexserto; floribus terminalibus, umbellatis; corollis ovatis, pubescentibus, purpureis; foliis quaternis, erectis, obtusis, hirtis.
Caulis sesquipedalis fruticosus, ramosus, pilosus; rami et ramuli pilosi, filiformes, virgati, erecti.
Folia quaterna, sæpe terna, obtusa, hirta, erecta, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, umbellati, numerosi, purpurei; pedunculi capillares, bracteis tribus, hirtusis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis pilosis, subulatis, adpressis.
Corolla ovata, obtusa, villosa; laciniis minutis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen obovatum, quadratum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, arcuatus, purpureus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Octobre, in Martium.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Corolla et Calyx. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum, lente auctum. 5. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips, within the blossom; shaft just without; flowers terminate the branches in umbels; blossoms egg-shaped, downy and purple; leaves grow by fours, upright, blunt, and hairy.
Stem grows a foot and a half high, shrubby, branching and hairy; the larger and smaller branches are hairy, thread-shaped, twiggy, and upright.
Leaves grow by fours, often by threes, are blunt, hairy, upright, and furrowed beneath; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the stem.
Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels, are numerous and purple; the foot-stalks are hair-like, with three hairy floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets hairy, awl-shaped, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom egg-shaped obtuse, covered with soft hairs; segments of the border small and upright.
Chives. Threads hair-like. Tips bearded, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud inversely egg-shaped, squared and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, bowed and purple. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from October, till March.
1. A leaf, magnified. 2. The Blossom and Empalement. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 209]. |
Erica, antheris aristatis inclusis, corollis minutis, urceolata, læte purpurea, villosa, foliis quaternis.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus, pilosus; ramuli pilosi, virgati, filiformes.
Folia quaterna, obtusa, villosa, incurva, arcuata.
Flores in ultimis ramulis, terminales, umbellati, cernui; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis lanceolatis, villosis.
Cordula minuta, urceolata, læte purpurea, villosa.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ aristatæ inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, ad basin nectariferum; stylus filiformis, inclusus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Novembri ad Aprilem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Calyx cum Bracteis lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Idem lente auctus. 5. Pistillum et Germen lente aucta. |
Heath, with bearded tips within the blossom, blossoms very small, pitcher-shaped, bright purple and hairy, leaves by fours.
Stem shrubby, a foot high, branching and hairy; the branches are hairy, twiggy, and thread-shaped.
Leaves by fours, blunt, covered with soft hairs, turned inwards, and bowed.
Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels, nodding; peduncles short, furnished with three floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with lanceolate, hairy leaflets,
Blossom very small, pitcher-shaped, bright purple, and covered with soft hairs.
Chives eight hair-like threads; tips bearded, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, with honey-cups at the base; shaft thread-shaped, and within the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of November till April.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement and floral Leaves magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The same magnified. 5. Seed-bud and Pointal magnified[Pg 213]. |
Erica antheris cristatis, inclusis; stylo incluso; floribus terminalibus, quaternis; corollis globosis purpureis; calyce reflexo; foliis quaternis, ciliatis, flaccidis.
Caulis debilis, sesquipedalis; rami plurimi, virgati; ramuli frequentissimi, erecto-patentes.
Folia quaterna, linearia, ciliata, flaccida, subtus lævissime sulcata, petiolis brevissimis.
Flores in apice ramulorum quaterni, cornui, purpurei; pedunculi filiformes, florum longitudine, bracteis tribus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, reflexis, ad basin coloratis.
Corolla globosa, purpurea, glabra; laciniis limbi minutis, obtusis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, atropurpureum. Stylus filiformis, inclusus, staminibus parum longior. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Junii in Augustum.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina et Pistillum, antheræ liberæ. 6. Stamen, auctum. 7. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with crested tips, within the blossom; shaft within; flowers terminate the branches by fours; blossoms globular, and purple; cup reflexed; leaves grow by fours, fringed and flaccid.
Stem weak, a foot and a half high; branches many, twiggy; smaller branches very numerous, upright-spreading.
Leaves grow by fours, linear, fringed and flaccid, slightly furrowed beneath, with very short foot-stalks.
Flowers grow by fours at the end of the smaller branches, nodding and purple; the foot-stalks thread-shaped the length of the flowers, having three floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, reflexed and coloured at the base.
Blossom globular, purple, smooth; segments of the border very small, obtuse, upright.
Chives. Threads hair-like. Tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed, dark purple. Shaft thread-shaped, within the blossom, a little longer than the chives. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of June till August.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives and Pointal, the chives free. 6. A Chive, magnified. 7. The Pointal, magnified[Pg 217]. |
Erica, antheris muticis plerumque inclusis, foliis subsenis setaceis longiusculis, in petioles capillares attenuatis, floribus sublateralibus clavatis roseis.
Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, ramis ramulisque erectis, et sæpe alternis.
Folia plerumque quinata vel sena, erecta, setacea, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuata.
Flores 2-3-nati, fere laterales, nutantes; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus instructis.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis subulatis, adpressis.
Corolla cylindrica, paululum curvata, uncialis, læte rosea, laciniis subrectis.
Stamina filamenta octo capillaria, mutica, plerumque inclusa.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, basi poris melliferis instructum. Stylus filiformis, sæpe subexclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate tente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips chiefly within the blossom, leaves nearly in sixes bristle-shaped longish, and attenuated into capillary foot-stalks, flowers somewhat lateral club-shaped and rosy.
Stem shrubby, two feet high, with the branches and branchlets erect, and often alternate.
Leaves chiefly in fives or sixes, erect, bristle-shaped, attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks.
Flowers growing in twos and threes, nearly lateral, nodding; foot-stalks short, furnished with three floral leaves,
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom cylindrical, very slightly curved, an inch long, bright rose-colour, with the segments nearly erect.
Chives eight hair-like threads, beardless, chiefly within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furnished with honey-bearing pores at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, often just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 221]. |
Erica, antheris cristatis inclusis, foliis quaternis, corollis late ovatis terminalibus.
Caulis fruticosus, suberectus, ramis patentibus, vel subinde pendulis.
Folia quaterna, erecta, linearia, glabra, subtus sulcata, petiolis adpressis, brevibus.
Flores terminales, in umbellis nutantibus, vel cernuis, 3-8-floris; pedunculi longiusculi, tri-bracteati.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis late ovatis, et longe acuminatis.
Corolla late ovata, glabra, rubro-purpurea, laciniis obtusis.
Stamina filamenta octo, capillaria; antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum; stylus paulo inclusus.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Junii ad Septembrem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Calyx lente auctus, 3. Stamina et Pistillum, antherâ unicâ diductâ lente auctâ. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with crested tips within the blossom, leaves in fours, and broad-egg-shaped terminal blossoms.
Stem shrubby, nearly upright, with branches spreading, or sometimes drooping.
Leaves in fours, erect, linear, smooth, furrowed beneath, with short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminal in nodding or cernuous umbels, of from three to eight flowers; the peduncles longish, and furnished with three floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the little leaves broad-egg-shaped, and much acuminated.
Blossom broad-egg-shaped, smooth, red-purple, with obtuse segments.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed; shaft just within the blossom.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from June to September.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, with one tip detached and magnified. 4. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 225]. |
Erica, antheris aristatis inclusis, foliis quaternis obtusissimis margine cartilagineis, corollis terminalibus ternatis campanulatis trilinearibusque.
Suffrutex pygmæus, humifusus, inter rupes.
Caulis sub-trientalis, ramosus, ramulis divaricatis et decumbentibus.
Folia quaterna, conferta, patula, linearia, at latiuscula et crassiuscula, obtusissima, lucida, marginibus, præcipue ad lentem, cartilagineis, subtus sulcata.
Flores terminales, plerumque ternati, nutantes, vel cernui, vel subinde erectiores; pedunculi longitudine corollæ, rubri, bracteis tribus alternis muniti.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis adpressis, sublanceolatis, obtusissimis, obtuseque carinatis, marginem versus membranaceis.
Corolla campanulata, alba, laciniis semirotundis, patentibusque.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ barbatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen coronæforme. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Julii ad Novembrem.
1. Pagina inferior Folii. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with bearded tips within the blossom, leaves in fours very obtuse and cartilaginous on the margin, blossoms terminal in threes bell-shaped and three lines long.
A dwarfish little shrub, spread about upon the ground amongst rocks.
Stem three inches high, branched, with the little branches divaricating and decumbent.
Leaves in fours, crowded, spreading a little, linear, but broadish and rather thick, very obtuse, shining, and on the margin, especially in the magnifier, cartilaginous, and furrowed beneath.
Flowers terminal, and chiefly in threes, nodding, or cernuous, or sometimes more erect; peduncles the length of the blossom, red, and furnished with three alternate floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets close pressed to the blossom, somewhat spear-shaped, very blunt, and bluntly keeled, and membranaceous towards the margin.
Blossom bell-shaped, white, with the segments half round and spreading.
Chives eight, capillary; tips bearded, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud crown-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-angled.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of July to November.
1. The under side of a Leaf. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 229]. |
Erica, antheris muticis, exertis, longissimis. Corolla clavata, incurvata, sulcata, saturate coccinea. Flores terni, terminales, conferti, formantes spicam longam. Caulis simplex, elongatus.
Caulis erectus, bipedalis. Rami pauci, ramulis brevissimis tecti, conferti.
Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, sub-trigona, reflexa, apice acuta, brevissime petiolata.
Flores terni, in apice ramulorum penduli; pedunculis brevissimis.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex; exterius triphyllum, ovatum, membranaceum, adpressum, imbricatum; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis majoribus.
Corolla clavata, incurvata, saturate coccinea, sulcata; laciniis limbi obtusis, incurvis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, linearia; antheræ muticæ, exertæ, penicillatæ, longissimæ, lineares, attenuatæ in filamenta.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum, basi glandulis melliferis instructum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus paulo brevior. Stigma obsolete tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Septembri ad Decembrem.
1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una lente aucta. 4. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips, without the blossom, and very long. Blossom club-shaped, and turned inwards, furrowed, and of a deep scarlet-colour. Flowers grow mostly by threes, terminating the branches, crowded together, and forming a long spike. Stem simple, and lengthened out.
Stem upright, grows two feet high. Branches few, covered with short branches, and crowded together.
Leaves by threes, linear, curved, and crowded, nearly three-sided, reflexed, sharp-pointed, with very small foot-stalks.
Flowers grow by threes, at the ends of the small branches hanging down, with foot-stalks very short.
Empalement. Cup double; the outer three-leaved, egg-shaped, skinny, pressed to the inner ones, and tiled; the inner four-leaved, with larger leaflets.
Blossom club-shaped, turned inwards, of a deep scarlet, and furrowed; the segments of the mouth are blunt, and turned inwards.
Chives. Eight linear flat threads; tips beardless, without the blossom, pencilled, long, linear, and tapering into threads.
Pointal. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, furrowed, and furnished at the base with honey-bearing glands. Shaft thread-shaped, a little shorter than the chives. Summit slightly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from September till December.
1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 233]. |
Erica antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo-exserto; floribus densissimè imbricato-spicatis, horizontalibus, sessilibus; corollis clavatis, sesquipollicaribus, albidis, apicibus viridibus; foliis quaternis; subulatis, glabris.
Caulis strictissimus, rigidus, bipedalis; rami paucii erecti; ramuli verticillati, patentes, plurimi.
Folia quaterna, subulata, glabra, patentia, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores sub apice ramorum spicati, imbricati, sessiles, horizontaliter siti.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, exterius, triphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, concavis, carnosis, imbricatis; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis obcordatis, concavis, mucronatis.
Corolla clavata, albo-virescens, sesquipollicaris; laciniis obtusis, erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria, longitudine ferè corollæ. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, sub-exsertus, apice curvatus. Stigma obsoletè tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto in Octobrem.
1. Calyx, lente auctus. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, anthera una diducta et aucta. 4. Pistillum, magnitudine naturali, stigma auctum. 5. Germen, auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips, within the blossom; shaft without, flowers grow in very close, tiled spikes, horizontal and close to the stem; blossom club-shaped, an inch and a half long, white with green ends; leaves grow by fours, awl-shaped, smooth.
Stem grows very upright, stiff, and two feet high; branches few, upright; small branches grow in whorls, spreading and numerous.
Leaves grow by fours, awl-shaped, smooth, spreading, foot-stalks very short and pressed to the stem.
Flowers grow in spikes near the end of the branches, tiled, without foot-stalks, and horizontal.
Empalement. Cup double; the outer, three-leaved, leaflets spatula-shaped, concave, fleshy and tiled; the inner, four-leaved leaflets inversely-heart-shaped, concave, with a small pointed end.
Blossom club-shaped, of a whitish green, an inch and a half long; segments blunt, upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, the length nearly of the blossom. Tips bearded within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud top-shaped, furrowed and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, just without the blossom, curved at the end. Summit bluntly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August, till October.
1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Chives and Pointal; one tip detached and magnified. 4. The Pointal, natural size, the Summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 237]. |
Erica, antheris basi bicornibus, longe exsertis atro-purpureis; stylo exserto; corollis ovatis calyce imbricato brevioribus; floribus ternis, sessilibus, terminalibus, albis; soliis ternis, trigonis, glabris, sexfariam imbricatis.
Caulis erectus, subpedalis, glaber; rami pauci, erecti; ramuli simplices, subverticillati, rigidi.
Folia terna, trigona, obtusa, glabra, parum incurvata, patentiuscula, sexfariam posita, crassiuscula.
Flores in ramulorum apice terni, sessili, candidi.
Calyx. Perianthium duplex, exterium, triphyllum, foliolis subrotundis, undulatis, coloratis, subpatentibus; interium, tetraphyllum, soliolis carinatis, adpressis, concavis, subrotundis, longitudine corollæ.
Corolla ovata, glabra, membranacea, alba, calyce paulo breviora; limbi laciniis erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo plana. Antheræ basi bicornutæ, exsertæ, atropurpureæ.
Pistillum. Germen sub-globosum, sulcatum, glabrum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus longior. Stigma obsolete-tetragonum, atropurpureum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a Martio in Julium.
1. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 2. Calyx. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Corolla, Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina, valdè aucta. 6. Pistillum, auctum. |
Heath with tips two-horned at the base, far without the blossom and dark purple; shaft without; blossoms egg-shaped, shorter than the tiled cup; flowers grow by threes, sitting close upon the ends of the branches and white; leaves grow by threes, smooth, three-sided, and tiled in six divisions.
Stem upright, near a foot high, smooth; branches few, upright; small branches simple, grow nearly in whorls and stiff.
Leaves grow by threes, three-sided, blunt, smooth, a little turned inwards, rather spreading, forming six angles, thickish.
Flowers grow in threes at the end of the small branches, sitting close, and of a shining white.
Empalement. Cup double, the outer three-leaved, leaflets roundish, waved, coloured, and rather spreading; the inner four-leaved, leaflets keeled, pressed to the blossom, concave, roundish, the length of the blossom.
Blossom egg-shaped, smooth, skinny, white, a little shorter than the cup; the segments of the border upright.
Chives. Eight flat threads. Tips two-horned at the base, without the blossom, and dark purple.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, furrowed, smooth. Shaft thread-shaped, longer than the chives. Summit bluntly four-cornered, dark purple.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from March till July.
1. A Flower, natural size. 2. The Empalement. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Blossom, Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives, very much magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified[Pg 241]. |
Erica, antheris cristatis subinclusis, floribus capitatis cernuis subcampanulatis, foliis quaternis linearibus, ramulisque hispidis.
Caulis suffrutescens, semipedalis, flexuosus, valde ramosus, ramulis filiformibus, patentibus, hispidis, itidemque flexuosis.
Folia quaterna, brevia, linearia, obtusa, valde hispida; seniora patentia, vel recurva.
Flores capitatim aggregati, terminales, parvuli.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis erectis, subulatis, hispidis, corollâ brevioribus.
Corolla parva, nuda, obsolete campanulata, incarnata, laciniis subovatis, patulis.
Stamina octo capillaria, antheris cristatis, inclusis.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme. Stylus filiformis, subinclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Martii ad Maium, iterumque ab Augusto in Septembrem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Pagina inferior folii lente aucta. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Calyx cum Corollâ. 5. Corolla, calyce diducto. 6. Stamina et Pistillum. 7. Eadem lente aucta. 8. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with crested tips just within the blossom, flowers headed nodding and bell-shaped, branches and leaves hispid, the latter in fours and linear.
Stem shrubbyish, half a foot high, flexuose, very much branched, with the branches thread-shaped, spreading, hispid, and likewise flexuose.
Leaves in fours, short, linear, obtuse, very hispid; the older ones spreading, or recurved.
Flowers terminal in crowned heads, and small.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets erect, awl-shaped, hispid, and shorter than the blossom.
Blossom small, naked, obscurely bell-shaped, flesh-coloured, with the segments rather egg-shaped and patulous.
Chives eight hair-like threads, with the tips crested and within the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped, just within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of March till May, and again from August to September.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The under side of a Leaf magnified, 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Empalement and Blossom. 5. A Blossom divested of the empalement. 6. The Chives and Pointal. 7. The same magnified. 8. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 245]. |
Erica, antheris aristatis inclusis, foliis ternatis linearibus villosis, floribus lateralibus ternatis tubulosis et viscosis.
Caulis fruticosus bipedalis, erectus, ramosus, ramulis plerumque oppositis, erectis, et plus minus pubescentibus.
Folia ternata, linearia, obtusa, subtus sulcata; juniora erecta, pubescentia; senioria expansa, vel recurva, et villosa; omnia petiolis brevibus adpressisque instructa.
Flores 2-4-nati, sed plerumque ternati; cernui, terminales in ramulis lateralibus, pedunculis coloratis calyce longioribus.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis subulatis, ciliatis, bracteis tribus adpressis ad basin.
Corolla cylindrica, uncialis, curvata, viscosa, lucida, saturate et læte rubra, sed apicem versus viridis, et quadrifida, laciniis superne patentibus.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, sulcatum, deorsum paulo attenuatum, viride; stylus filiformis, uncinatus, inferne roseus, superne viridis; stigma itidem viride, atque obtuse tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Junio ad Septembrem.
1. Calyx cum pedunculo. 2. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 3. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 4. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with bearded tips within the blossom, leaves in threes linear and villose, and lateral flowers in threes tubular and viscous.
Stem shrubby, two feet in height, erect, branched, with the branchlets chiefly opposite, erect, and more or less downy.
Leaves in threes, linear, obtuse, furrowed beneath; the younger ones erect, pubescent; the older expanded, or recurved, and villose; all of them furnished with short footstalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers in twos to fours, but chiefly in threes; bowing, terminating the lateral branches, with coloured peduncles longer than the empalement.
Empalement 4-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped, ciliated, and furnished at the base with three close-pressed floral leaves.
Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, curved, viscous, shining, deep bright red, but towards the apex green, and quadrifid, with the upper parts of the segments spreading.
Chives eight, capillary; tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped, furrowed, rather attenuated downwards, green; shaft thread-shaped, hooked, its lower part rosy, but towards the apex green; summit likewise green, and bluntly four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from June until September.
1. The Empalement with its peduncle. 2. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 4. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 249]. |
Erica antheris cristatis, inclusis, stylo exserto; corollis subovatis, ore arctatis, purpureis; floribus umbellatis, terminalibus; foliis quaternis, horizontalibus, obtusis, glabris.
Caulis erectus, fruticosus, sesquipedalis; rami erecti, rigidi; ramuli verticillati, erecti.
Folia quaterna, glabra, obtusa, supra, plana, subtus sulcata, horizontaliter-patentia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis.
Flores terminales, umbellati, cernui, umbellæ 6. ad 10 floræ; pedunculi colorati, longitudine florum, bracteis tribus, subulatis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis, concavis, viridibus, glabris, obtusis.
Corolla subovata, glabra, cærulea-purpurea, ore arctata, laciniis minutis, reflexis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen subrotundum, costatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat in Lusitania.
Floret ab Augusto in Novembrem.
1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 6. Stamen unum, auctum. 7. Pistillum, stigma auctum. 8. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with crested tips within the blossom, shaft without; blossom nearly egg-shaped, narrowed at the mouth, purple; flowers grow in umbels at the end of the branches; leaves grow by fours, horizontal, blunt, and smooth.
Stem upright, shrubby, grows a foot and a half high; branches upright, stiff; small branches grow in whorles, upright.
Leaves grow by fours, smooth, blunt ended, smooth above, furrowed beneath, horizontally spreading; very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the branches, in umbels hanging down, umbels from 6 to 10 flowers; foot-stalks coloured, the length of the flowers having three floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets between lance and egg-shaped, concave, green, smooth and blunt.
Blossom nearly egg-shaped, smooth, of a blue purple, narrowed at the mouth, segments small, reflexed.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips crested, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud roundish, ribbed, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of Portugal.
Flowers from August ’till November.
1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 6. A Chive, magnified. 7. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 8. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 253]. |
Erica antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; corollis ventricosis, laciniis suberectis; floribus erectis, capitatis, terminalibus, dilute-purpureis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, minutis.
Caulis spithamæus, erectus, fruticosus; rami, filiformes, virgati, divaricati; ramuli superiores verticillati, frequentissimi.
Folia quaterna, tenuia, linearia, glabra, parum recurvata; petiolis minutis, adpressis.
Flores in ramulis terminales, congesti, capitati, numerosi, suberecti; pedunculi capillares, longitudine florum, bracteis tribus, linearibus instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis, lanceolatis, glabris, adpressis.
Corolla ventricosa, parva, pallide purpurea, ore parum arctata, laciniis ovatis, erecto-patentibus.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria, brevia. Antheræ bicornutæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen sub-globosum, sulcatum, ad basin nectariferum. Stylus filiformis, erectus, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Octobris, in Martium.
1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 5. Pistillum, lente auctum. Obs. Afinis E. comosæ. |
Heath, with tips two-horned at the base and within the blossom; blossoms bellied, segments nearly upright, flowers upright, grow in small heads, terminating the branches, and light purple coloured; leaves grow by fours, are linear and small.
Stem about a span high, upright and shrubby, branches twiggy and straddling; the upper small branches grow in whorles, and are very numerous.
Leaves grow by fours, are thin, linear, smooth, a little turned back, with small foot-stalks, pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the branches in clustered small heads, are very numerous, and grow nearly upright; foot-stalks hair-like, the length of the flowers, having three floral leaves on them.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, leaflets lance-shaped, smooth and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom bellied, small, of a pale purple, the mouth a little narrowed, segments egg-shaped, between upright and spreading.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads, short. Tips two horned and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly globular and furrowed, having honey-cups at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, upright, within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of October, till March.
1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. A Chive, magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified. Obs. It is allied to the E. comosa[Pg 257]. |
Erica, antheris bicornibus inclusis, corollis axillaribus solitariis urceolatis, foliis ternatis cordato-ovatis ciliatis.
Caulis suffruticosus, spithameus, dumosus, perflexus, ramulis filiformibus, expansis decumbentibusque, superne numerosioribus.
Folia ternata, cordato-ovata, ciliata, subtus glauca.
Flores axillares, solitarii, pedunculis basi bracteis duabus instructis.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis subulatis ciliatisque.
Corolla parva, urceolata, saturate rosea, laciniis expansis, subtus concavis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, antheris bicornibus subinclusis.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, basi glandulis melliferis instructum; stylus filiformis, exertus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Martii ad Julium.
1. Pagina inferior Folii lente aucta. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamen diductum et lente auctum. 6. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 7. Germen auctum. |
Heath, with tips two-horned and within the blossom, blossoms axillary solitary and pitcher-shaped, and leaves in threes, heart-egg-shaped and ciliated.
Stem shrubbyish, a span high, bushy, very much bent, with the branchlets thread-shaped, expanded and decumbent; more numerous upwards.
Leaves in threes, heart-egg-shaped, ciliated, glaucous beneath.
Flowers axillary, and solitary, with the peduncles furnished with two floral leaves at the base.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped and ciliated.
Blossom small, pitcher-shaped, deep rose colour, with the segments expanded, and concave beneath.
Chives eight hair-like threads, tips two-horned, and just within the blossom.
Pointal. Germen turban-shaped, furnished with honey-bearing-glands at the base; shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of March till July.
1. The under side of a Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. A Chive detached and magnified. 6. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 261]. |
Erica, antheris muticis subexertis, corollis clavatis pollicaribus saturate et læte rubris, foliis senis setaceis, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuatis.
Caulis fruticosus, tripedalis, ramosus, ramis plerumque erectis, subsimplicibus.
Folia plerumque sena, setacea, deorsum in petiolos capillares attenuata, et inde tremulentia, subtus sulcata.
Flores supra medium ramorum, conferti, numerosi, patuli, pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus instructis.
Corolla uncialis et ultra, clavata, læte et saturate rubra.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis ovatis, et longissime acuminatis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, receptaculo affixa, antheris muticis, paulo exertis.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme; stylus filiformis, exertus; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Junio ad Septembrem.
1. Folium. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Calyx et Corolla. 4. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips just without the blossom; blossoms club-shaped, an inch long, deep bright red; leaves in sixes, bristle-shaped, and attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks.
Stem shrubby, three feet high, with the branches mostly erect and simple.
Leaves chiefly in sixes, bristle-shaped, attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks, and thence tremulous, and furrowed beneath.
Flowers above the middle of the branches, crowded, numerous, patulous, with short peduncles, furnished with three floral leaves.
Blossom above an inch long, club-shaped, of a deep bright red colour.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets ovate, and very much acuminated.
Chives eight hair-like threads, affixed to the receptacle, with the tips beardless, and just without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped; shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of June till September.
1. A Leaf. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Empalement and Blossom. 4. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 265]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, foliis 6-8-nis setaceis longissimis, in petioles capillares attenuatis, floribus conferte verticillatis inferne albidis, superne læte roseis.
Caulis fruticosus, rectus, bipedalis, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus, venuste foliosis.
Folia sena, septena, vel octona, erecta, aggregata, setacea, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuata, et inde pereleganter tremulosa.
Flores aggregatim verticillati supra medium ramulorum, patuli; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus foliiformibus instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis late subulatis, adpressis.
Corolla clavata, uncialis, parum curvata, basin versus albicans, superne læte rosea.
Stamina octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, basi poris melliferis instructum. Stylus filiformis, aliquo inclusus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spæi.
Floret mense Maii ad Augustum.
1. Folium. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, leaves in sixes to eights bristle-shaped very long, and attenuated into capillary foot-stalks, flowers whitish downwards, and bright flesh-colour above.
Stem shrubby, upright, two feet high, with simple, ascending, and beautiful leafy branches.
Leaves in sixes, sevens, or eights, erect, crowded, bristle-shaped, and attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks, and thence very elegantly tremulous.
Flowers in crowded whorls above the middle of the branches, patulous; peduncles short, furnished with three leaf-shaped floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets broad awl-shaped, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, a little curved, whitish towards the base, upwards of a bright rose colour.
Chives eight hair-like threads, tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furnished with honey-bearing pores at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, just within the blossom. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of May until August.
1. A Leaf. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Calyx magnified. 4. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 269]. |
Erica, antheris muticis sub-exsertis; corollis clavatis, pollicaribus, roseis; foliis octonis, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuatis.
Caulis erectus, plus minusve flexuosus, ramis longis, simplicibus, foliosis.
Folia plerumque octona, conferta, setacea, semilinearia, obtusa, deorsum in petiolos capillares attenuata, et inde eleganter tremula.
Flores aggregatim verticillati, apices versus ramorum robustiorum, expansi vel nutantes; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus alternis medio instructi.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis adpressis, inferne lanceolato-ovatis, superne longissime acuminatis.
Corolla per-rosea, uncialis et ultra, basin versus magis attenuata, et sub apicem magis inflata, quam in aliis varietatibus hujus speciei.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, sub-exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, superne sericeum, basi glandulis melliferis instructum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Julio ad Octobrem.
1. Folium. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina diducta et expansa, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips rather without the blossom; blossoms club-shaped, an inch long, and rosy; leaves in eights, and attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks.
Stem upright, but more or less flexuose, with the branches long, simple, and leafy.
Leaves chiefly in eights, crowded, bristle-shaped, half a line long, blunt, attenuated downwards into capillary foot-stalks, and thence elegantly tremulous.
Flowers crowdedly whorled, near the ends of the stoutest branches, expanded or nodding; peduncles short, furnished near the middle with three alternate floral leaves.
Empalement four-leaved, with the leaflets pressed to the blossom, near the base lance-egg-shaped, upwards extremely acuminated.
Blossom deep rosy, above an inch long, towards the base more attenuated, and near the apex more inflated, than the other varieties of this species.
Chives eight hair-like threads; tips beardless, rather without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, upwards silky, and furnished at the base with honey-bearing glands.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month of July till October.
1. A Leaf. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives detached and spread open, with one tip magnified. 5. The Seed-bud and Pointal, with the summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 273]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, corollis confertim verticillatis cylindricis viscosis asperiusculis, foliis senis expansis.
Caulis fruticosus, erectus, ramis plerumque simplicibus, erectis, et rigidis.
Folia sena, linearia, obtusiuscula, expansa, vel demum declinata.
Flores infra apices ramorum, confertim verticillati ex axillis foliorum, breviter pedunculati, horizontales.
Calyx tetraphyllus, viscosus, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, bracteis tribus itidem adpressis.
Corolla cylindrica, uncialis et ultra, saturate viridis, viscosa, asperiuscula, laciniis revolutis.
Stamina octo, capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, pubescens; stylus filiformis; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret Maio ad Septembrem.
1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Calyx, et Bracteæ adpressæ. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 5. Pistillum stigmate diducto lenteque aucto. 6. Germen pubescens et album, lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, blossoms crowdedly-whorled cylindric clammy roughish, and leaves in sixes and expanded.
Stem shrubby, upright, with the branches chiefly simple, erect, and rigid.
Leaves in sixes, linear, obtusely pointed, expanded, or finally bent downwards.
Flowers springing from near the ends of the branches, crowdedly whorled from the bosoms of the leaves, shortly peduncled, and horizontal.
Empalement four-leaved, clammy, with awl-shaped leaflets, pressed to the blossom, with three floral leaves pressed to them.
Blossom cylindrical, an inch long or upwards, deep green, clammy, and roughish, with segments rolled back.
Chives eight, hair-like; tips beardless, within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, downy: shaft thread-shaped; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from May till September.
1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Calyx and close pressed floral Leaves. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives detached, with one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, with the summit detached and magnified. 6. The downy and white Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 277]. |
Erica antheris aristatis, sub-exsertis; stylo exserto, apice curvato; corollis clavato-tubulosis, tomentosis, sanguineis, basi quadratis, apicibus virentibus; floribus solitariis, terminalibus; foliis, ternis, glabris.
Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, rami pauci, erecti; ramuli frequentissimi, erecto-patenti.
Folia terna, linearia, glabra, patentia, subtus sulcata; petiolis adpressis.
Flores terminales, solitarii, racemum formantes in apice ramorum; pedunculi crassiusculi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, quadratum; foliolis ovato-acuminatis, marginatis, intus viscosis, adpressis.
Corolla clavato-tubulosa, tomentosa, sanguinea, apice virescens, basi quadrata, viscosa; laciniis limbi erectis, subincurvis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, sub-exsertæ.
Pistillum. Germen sub-ovatum, costatum, ad basin summaque glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, apice curvatus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto, in Septembrem.
1. Calyx auctus. 2. Flos. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, Stigma auctum. 6. Germen, lente auctum. |
Heath with bearded tips, just without the blossom; shaft without the blossom, curved at the end; blossoms tubularly club-shaped, downy, blood-coloured, squared at the base, green at the ends; flowers solitary, terminal; leaves grow by threes, and smooth.
Stem shrubby, grows two feet high, large branches few and upright; smaller branches numerous, upright and spreading.
Leaves grow by threes, linear, smooth, spreading, furrowed beneath; foot-stalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the small branches, grow solitary, forming a long bunch at the top of the branches; foot-stalks rather fleshy, having three small floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, squared; leaflets pointed egg-shaped, bordered, clammy on the inside, pressed to the blossom.
Blossom tubularly club-shaped, downy, blood-colour, green-ended, squared at the base, clammy; segments of the border upright, rather turned inwards.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded just without the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud nearly egg-shaped, ribbed, glandular at the base and the top. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, curved at the point. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till September.
1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified[Pg 281]. |
Erica, antheris aristatis inclusis; stylo exerto, apice curvato; corollis clavato-tubulosis, curvatis, pilosis, rubro-purpureis, apicibus virentibus; floribus terminalibus; foliis ternis, pilosis.
Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis. Rami pauci, erecti; ramuli frequentissimi, erecto-patentes.
Folia terna, linearia, pilosa, subtus sulcata; petiolis adpressis.
Flores terminales, sub-bini, numerosi; pedunculi crassiusculi, bracteis duabus minutis instructi.
Calyx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, canaliculatum; foliolis ovato-acuminatis, intus viscosis, adpressis.
Corolla clavato-tubulosa, curvata, pilosa, rubro-purpurea, apice virescens, viscosa; laciniis limbi erectis.
Stamina. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, ad basin summumque glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exertus, apice curvatus. Stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret ab Augusto in Decembrem.
1. Inferior pars Folii lente aucta. 2. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 3. Calyx cum bracteis lente auctus. 4. Stamina libera, antherâ unâ diductâ lente auctâ. 5. Germen et Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 6. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with bearded tips within the blossom; shaft without, and curved at the end. Blossoms tubularly club-shaped, curved, and hairy, of a red purple, green at the ends; flowers terminal; leaves by threes, and hairy.
Stem shrubby, grows two feet high. Large branches few and upright; the small branches numerous, upright, and spreading.
Leaves by threes, linear, hairy, and furrowed beneath; footstalks pressed to the branches.
Flowers terminate the small branches, mostly by twos, and numerous; footstalks rather fleshy, having two small floral leaves.
Empalement. Cup four-leaved, channelled; leaflets pointedly egg-shaped, clammy on the inside, and pressed to the blossom.
Blossom tubularly club-shaped, curved, and hairy, of a red purple, green-ended and clammy. Segments of the border upright.
Chives. Eight hair-like threads; tips bearded, and within the blossom.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, glandular at the base and top. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, curved at the point. Summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from August till December.
1. The under side of a Leaf magnified. 2. A Flower, natural size. 3. The Empalement and floral leaves magnified. 4. The Chives free, one tip detached magnified. 5. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 285]. |
Erica, antheris muticis exertis, corollis umbellatis globoso-conicis, laciniis erectis, foliis ternis brevibus.
Caulis fruticosus, flexuoso-erectus, ramulis filiformibus, patulis.
Folia ternata, patula, perbrevia, linearia, obtusa, subtus sulcata.
Flores umbellati, terminales, 3-8 in singulâ umbellâ, pedunculis filiformibus, fere bilinearibus, lente pubescentibus.
Calyx duplex, adpressus, exterior minor, triphyllus, superior tetraphyllus, foliolis viridibus, dorso sulcatis.
Corolla globoso-conica, pallide rubro-purpurea, laciniis erectis, subrotundis.
Stamina octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheræ muticæ, exertæ, fuscæ.
Pistillum. Germen ovato-oblongum, sulcatum; stylus filiformis, corollâ duplo longior, antherasque longe superans; stigma tetragonum, rubrofuscum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Aprili in Julium.
1. Calyx cum pedunculo lente aucto. 2. Stamina et Pistillum, a corollâ diducta, lente aucta. 3. Pistillum et Germen, stigmate lente aucto. 4. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips without the blossom, blossoms umbellated globose-conic, with erect segments, leaves in threes and short.
Stem shrubby, flexuose-erect, with the branches thread-shaped and a little spreading.
Leaves in threes, rather spreading, very short, linear, blunt, furrowed beneath.
Flowers umbelled, terminal, 3 to 8, in each umbel, with peduncles thread-shaped, nearly two lines long, and pubescent when magnified.
Empalement double, outer less, three-leaved, upper four-leaved, the little leaves green, and furrowed on the back.
Blossom globose-conic, pale red-purple, with the segments erect, and roundish.
Chives. Eight, hair-like, inserted into the receptacle, tips beardless, without the blossom, brown.
Pointal. Seed-bud egg-oblong, furrowed; shaft thread-shaped, twice as long as the blossom and far surpassing the tips; summit four-cornered, red-brown.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from April till July.
1. The Empalement with the peduncle magnified. 2. The Chives and Pointal, detached from the blossom, magnified. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud, with the summit magnified. 4. The Seed-bud magnified[Pg 289]. |
Erica, antheris muticis inclusis, foliis quaternis brevissime petiolatis, umbellis fastigiatis quadrifloris.
Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, flexuoso-erectus, ramis sæpe subfasciculatis, patulis, cortice fusco.
Folia quaterna, patula, linearia, glabra, nuda, nitida, petiolis brevissimis.
Flores quaterni, ad apices ramulorum terminales, in capitulis sessilibus.
Calyx duplex, exterior triphyllus, foliolis subulatis, marginibus membranaceis; interior tetraphyllus, foliolis duplo longioribus, appressis, serrulatolaceris.
Corolla ovato-conica, levigata, nitida, carnea, laciniis subovatis recurvis.
Stamina, filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, fuscæ.
Pistillum. Germen tiaræforme, subsulcatum; stylus altitudine tubi corollæ; stigma tetragonum.
Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei.
Floret a mense Februarii in Junium.
1. Calyx lente auctus. 2. Corolla. 3. Stamina et Pistillum, antherâ unicâ lente auctâ. 4. Pistillum, stigmate lente aucto. 5. Germen lente auctum. |
Heath, with beardless tips within the blossom, leaves in fours with very short footstalks, and four-flowered level-topped umbels.
Stem shrubby, a foot high, flexuose-erect, with branches often a little bundled, rather spreading, and a brown bark.
Leaves in fours, rather spreading, linear, smooth, naked, shining, with very short footstalks.
Flowers in fours, terminal on the lesser branches, in little sessile heads.
Empalement double, the outer three-leaved, with the leaflets awl-shaped, with skinny margins; the inner four-leaved, with leaflets twice as long, pressed to the blossom, and serrulate-torn.
Blossom ovate-cone-shaped, polished, shining, flesh-coloured, with segments nearly egg-shaped and recurved.
Chives, eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, within the blossom, brown.
Pointal. Seed-bud turban-shaped, slightly furrowed. Shaft as high as the tube of the blossom; summit four-cornered.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from February till June.
1. The Empalement magnified. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Chives and Pointal, with one of the tips magnified. 4. The Pointal, with the summit magnified. 5. The Seed-bud magnified.[Pg 293] |
73. Erica acuta.
74 —— Archeria.
75 —— ardens.
76 —— aurea.
77 —— barbata, major.
78 —— barbata, minor.
79 —— bicolor.
80 —— comosa.
81 —— comosa, rubra.
82 —— concinna.
83 —— conferta.
84 —— cubica, minor.
85 —— cylindrica.
86 —— depressa.
87 —— elata.
88 —— empetroides.
89 —— eriocephala.
90 —— fastigiata.
91 —— filamentosa.
92 —— flammea.
93 —— flava.
94 —— formosa.
95 —— fragrans.
96 —— gelida.
97 —— glandulosa.
98 —— gracilis.
99 —— halicacaba.
100 —— hispida.
101 —— hirta.
102 —— horizontalis.
103 —— ignescens.
104 —— Lambertia.
105 —— latifolia.
106 —— Linnæaus.
107 —— Linnæoides.
108 —— leucanthera.
109 —— lucida.
110 —— Monsoniana.
111 —— multiflora.
112 —— Nivenia.
113 —— obbata.
114 —— palustris.
115 —— patens.
116 —— penicillata.
117 —— Petiveriana, aurantia.
118 —— Petiveriana, hirsuta.
119 —— pinifolia, coccinea.
120 —— plumosa.
121 —— princeps.
122 —— propendens.
123 —— pubescens, minor.
124 —— minima.
125 —— quadriflora.
126 —— rosea.
127 —— rubens.
128 —— rupestris.
129 —— Sebana, spicata.
130 —— sessiliflora.
131 —— sexfaria.
132 —— Solandra.
133 —— speciosa.
134 —— stricta.
135 —— tenella.
136 —— thymifolia.
137 —— vestita, fulgida.
138 —— vestita, incarnata.
139 —— vestita, rosea.
140 —— viridis.
141 —— Uhria.
142 —— α .... pilosa.
143 —— umbellata.
144 —— Walkeria, rubra.
[Pg 297]
[Pg 296]
Taken from the shape of the tips, and the number of leaves which surround the stem in one whorl.
Antheræ aristatæ. | Tips bearded. |
Foliis ternis. | Leaves by threes. |
E. Monsoniana | Monson. H. |
— speciosa | Specious. |
— Uhria | Uhr. |
— β ... pilosa | β ... hairy. |
— hirta | Hairy-leaved |
Foliis quaternis. | Leaves by fours. |
— plumosa | Feathery-leaved. |
— pubescens, minor | α Small downy. |
— β minima | β very small. |
— rupestris | Rock-growing. |
— sessiliflora | Sessile-flowered. |
— gelida | Cool-flowered. |
— depressa | Depressed. |
Antheræ cristatæ. | Tips crested. |
Foliis sparsis. | Leaves scattered. |
— rosea | Rose-coloured. |
Foliis ternis. | Leaves by threes. |
— ardens | Glowing. |
— leucanthera | White-tipped. |
— lucida | Shining. |
Foliis quaternis. | Leaves by fours. |
— Solandra | Solander. |
— Lambertia | Lambert. |
— acuta | Acute-leaved.. |
— quadriflora | Four-flowered. |
— rubens | Red-flowered. |
— stricta | Upright. |
— barbata, major | β Bearded-leaved. |
β ... minor | β ... small. |
Foliis senis. | Leaves by sixes. |
— empetroides | Empetrum-like. |
Antheræ bicornutæ. | Tips two-horned. |
Foliis ternis. | Leaves by threes. |
— Nivenia | Niven. |
— fragrans | Sweet-smelling. |
— sexfaria | Six-angled. |
— thymifolia | Thyme-leaved. |
Foliis quaternis. | Leaves by fours. |
— cylindrica | Cylinder-flowered. |
— tenella | Tender. |
— gracilis | Slender. |
— obbata | Bottle-flowered. |
Antheræ Muticæ. | Tips beardless. |
Foliis ternis. | Leaves by threes. |
E. Linnæa | Linnæus. H. |
— patens | Spreading. |
— halicacaba | Winter Cherry. |
— eriocephala | Woolly-headed. |
— flava | Yellow. |
— bicolor | Two-coloured. |
— umbellata | Umbelled. |
— latifolia | Broad-leaved. |
Foliis quaternis. | Leaves by fours. |
— Linnæoides | Linnæa-like. |
— Walkeria, rubra | Walker, red. |
— princeps | Princely. |
— propendens | Hanging. |
— palustris | Marsh-growing. |
— ignescens | Fiery. |
— elata | Lofty. |
— cubica, minor | Square-flowered, small. |
— conferta | Crowded. |
— fastigiata | Level-topped. |
— horizontalis | Horizontal-leaved. |
— flammea | Flame-coloured. |
— comosa | Tufted. |
β ... rubra | β ... red. |
— hispida | Bristly-leaved. |
— multiflora | Many-flowered. |
— glandulosa | Glandular-leaved. |
Foliis senis. | Leaves by sixes. |
— Archeria | Archer. |
— aurea | Gold-coloured. |
— concinna | Spruce. |
— filamentosa | Long flower-stemmed. |
— formosa | Comely. |
— pinifolia, coccinea | Scarlet pine-leaved. |
Foliis octonis. | Leaves by eights. |
δ vestita, rosea | δ Rose-coloured tremulous. |
ε incarnata | ε Flesh-coloured tremulous. |
ζ fulgida | ζ Shining tremulous. |
Antheræ penicillatæ. | Tips pencilled. |
Foliis ternis. | Leaves by threes. |
— penicillatæ | Pencilled. |
— Sebana, spicata | Seba-spik’d. |
α Petiveriana, aurantia | α Petiver-like orange. |
β ... hirsuta | β ... hairy. |