Footnotes have been collected at the end of each section, and are
linked for ease of reference.
The alphabetic portion of the Glossary (pp. xviii–cxliii), which serves
as an Index, was printed in two columns, which cannot be duplicated in
a ‘pageless’ medium. Nearly all entries reference the physical page in the
main section of the volume where it is discussed, and are linked for
Tables that fell within a paragraph are moved to the nearest
paragraph break.
Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Please
see the transcriber’s note at the end of this text
for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered
during its preparation.
The empty cover image has been modified to contain basic title page
information, and, so modified, is placed in the public domain.
Any corrections are indicated using an underline
highlight. Placing the cursor over the correction will produce the
original text in a small popup.
Any corrections are indicated as hyperlinks, which will navigate the
reader to the corresponding entry in the corrections table in the
note at the end of the text.
[All rights reserved.]
I cannot put forth this attempt without a few words of
apology for having undertaken it at all. The excuse is,
chiefly, the attraction that the subject has had for me for at
least twenty years, from the time when it was first taken up as
matter of amusement. The difficulty of gaining information,
and the inconsistencies of such as I did acquire, convinced me
that the ground was almost untrodden; but the further I
advanced on it, the more I perceived that it required a perfect
acquaintance with language, philology, ethnology, hagiology,
universal history, and provincial antiquities; and to me these
were so many dark alleys, up which I only made brief
excursions to knock my head against the wall of my own
But the interest of the subject carried me on—often far
beyond my depth, when the connection between names and
words has lured me into the realms of philology, or where I
have ventured upon deductions of my own. And I have
ventured to lay the result of my collections before the public, in
the hope that they may at least show the capabilities of the
study of comparative nomenclature, and by classifying the
subject, may lead to its being more fully studied, as an illustration
of language, national character, religion, and taste.
Surnames and local names have been often discussed, but the
Christian name has been usually considered too fortuitous to be
worthy of notice. Camden did indeed review the current ones
of his own day, and gave many correct explanations, chiefly
from the German author Luther Dasipodius. Verstegen followed
him up, but was more speculative and less correct; and since
that date (as far as I am aware) no English author has given
any real trustworthy information to the subject, as a subject. A
vifew lists of names and meanings now and then have appeared
in magazines and popular works, but they have generally been
copies of Verstegen, with childishly shallow and incorrect
additions. One paper which long ago appeared in Chambers’
Journal, was the only really correct information on English
names en masse that I have met with.
The Anglo-Saxon names had been, however, treated of by
Sharon Turner in his history, and Mr. Kemble put forth a very
interesting lecture on Names, Surnames, and Nicknames among
the Anglo-Saxons. Thierry, moreover, gives several explanations,
both of Saxon and Frank ones, in the notes to his
Conquête d’Angleterre and Récits des Rois Mérovingiens. These
were groundwork. Neither Turner nor Thierry is always right,
for want of having studied the matter comparatively; but they
threw light on one another, and opened the way to the dissection
of other names, neglected by them, with the aid of an
Anglo-Saxon dictionary.
The Scriptural class of names was studied with less difficulty.
Every Hebrew one has been fully discussed and examined
by the best scholars; and the Greek, both biblical and classical,
have received the same attention, and are in fact the most easy
of all, as a class. With regard to Latin, much must be doubtful
and inexplicable, but the best information at present attained to
was easily accessible.
The numerous race of German appellations has received full
attention from many ripe German philologists, and I have made
much use of their works. The Scandinavian class has been
most ably treated by Professor Munch of Christiania, in a series
of contributions to the Norsk Maanedskrifts, of which I have
been kindly permitted to make free use, and which has aided
me more than any other treatise on Teutonic nomenclature.
Our Keltic class of names has presented far greater difficulties.difficulties.
for the Cymric department, I have gathered from many
quarters, the safest being Lady Charlotte Guest’s notes to
the Mabinogion and M. de Villemarqué’s elucidations of King
Arthur’s romances, Rees’s Welsh Saints, Williams’s Ecclesiastical
Antiquities, and Chalmers’s Caledonia; the least safe, Davies’s
various speculations on British antiquities and the Cambro-Briton.
These verified by Dr. Owen Pugh’s Welsh Dictionary,
and an occasional light from Diefenbach and Zeuss, together
with a list kindly extracted for me from the Brut, have been
my authorities in the Welsh and Breton departments. In the
Erse and Gaelic names I was assisted by a very kind letter from
viithe lamented Dr. O'Donovan, whose death deprived me of
his promised revision of this extremely difficult class, and
left me to make it out to the best of my ability from his
contributions to the publications of the Archæological Society,
from the notes to those of the Ossianic Society, Chalmers’s
Caledonia, and the Highland Society’s Gaelic Dictionary.
From the first, however, I had perceived that the curiosity of
the study does not lie merely in the meanings of the sounds by
which men in one country are distinguished from one another.
The changes through which the word passes is one great
interest, and for this I had been collecting for years, from
dictionaries, books of travels, histories, and popular tales, whenever
people were so good as to give the genuine word, instead of
translating it into English. Dr. G. Michaelis' Vergleichendes
Wörterbuch der Gebrauchlichsten Taufnamen left in me little to
desire in this respect, especially with regard to German dialects,
and I have used it copiously.
The history of names, however, seemed to have been but little
examined, nor why one should be popular and another forgotten—why
one should flourish throughout Europe, another in one
country alone, another around some petty district. Some of
these questions were answered by history, some by genealogy,
many more by the tracing of patron saints and their relics and
legends. Here my great aid has been a French edition of Alban
Butler’s Lives of the Saints, where, in the notes, are many
accounts of the locality and translations of relics; also, Mrs.
Jamieson’s Sacred and Legendary Art, together with many a
chance notice in histories or books of travels. In each case
I have tried to find out whence the name came, whether it had
a patron, and whether the patron took it from the myths or
heroes of his own country, or from the meaning of the words.
I have then tried to classify the names, having found that to
treat them merely alphabetically utterly destroyed all their
interest and connection. It has been a loose classification, first
by language, then by meaning or spirit, but always with the
endeavour to make them appear in their connection, and to
bring out their interest.
In general I have only had recourse to original authorities
where their modern interpreters have failed me, secure that
their conclusions are more trustworthy than my own could
be with my limited knowledge of the subjects, which could
never all be sufficiently studied by any one person.
Where I have given a reference it has been at times to
viiithe book whence I have verified rather than originally obtained
my information, and in matters of universally known history or
mythology, I have not always given an authority, thinking
it superfluous. Indeed, the scriptural and classical portion is
briefer and less detailed than the Teutonic and Keltic, as being
already better known.
I have many warm thanks to render for questions answered
and books consulted for me by able and distinguished scholars,
and other thanks equally warm and sincere to kind friends and
strangers who have collected materials that have been of
essential service to me.
Lastly, let me again present my apologies for my presumption,
when the necessity of tracing out the source and connections
of a word has led me to wander beyond my proper ken; let
me hope that apparent affectations may be excused by the
requirements of the subject, and express my wish for such
corrections as may in time render the work far more accurate
and complete. Let it be remembered, that it is the popular
belief, not the fact, that spreads the use of a name, and that if
there is besides matter that seems irrelevant, it has been rather
in the spirit of Marmion’s palmers,—
‘To charm a weary hill
With song, romance, or lay.
Some ancient tale, or glee, or jest,
Some lying legend at the least,
They bring to cheer the way.’
March 9th, 1863.
After one-and-twenty years, I have been able to bring out
the revised edition for which I have long wished, having noted
corrections as they were kindly sent to me, and as I was able to
make them. I am sensible that the work is entirely incomplete,
and as I have not studied philology much in the interval, I
fear the book has not gained by the delay as much as it ought
to have done. But at any rate, many errors have been taken
out, as well as much that was entirely useless and irrelevant;
and as no subsequent publication has taken quite the same
ground, I hope that the present form of the History of Christian
Names may occupy the niche all the better for the cutting
off its excrescences. With thanks to the many who have aided
in the correction,
C. M. Yonge.
July 25th, 1884.
Glossary of Christian Names |
xvii |
The Spirit of Nomenclature |
1 |
Hebrew Nomenclature |
7 |
Patriarchal Names |
10 |
§ |
1. |
Adam |
10 |
2. |
Abi |
11 |
3. |
Jacob |
16 |
4. |
Simeon |
19 |
5. |
Judah |
20 |
6. |
Joseph |
22 |
7. |
Benjamin |
24 |
8. |
Job |
26 |
Israelite Names |
27 |
§ |
1. |
Moses and Aaron |
27 |
2. |
Elisheba, &c. |
32 |
3. |
Joshua, &c. |
36 |
4. |
Names from Chaanach |
39 |
5. |
David |
46 |
6. |
Salem |
47 |
7. |
Later Israelite Names |
48 |
8. |
Angelic Names |
52 |
x |
Names from the Persian |
56 |
§ |
1. |
The Persian Language |
56 |
2. |
Esther |
57 |
Names from the Greek |
59 |
Names from Greek Mythology |
61 |
§ |
1. |
61 |
2. |
Names from Zeus |
61 |
3. |
Hera |
63 |
4. |
Athene |
64 |
5. |
Apollo and Artemis |
64 |
6. |
Hele |
66 |
7. |
Demeter |
69 |
8. |
Dionysos |
70 |
9. |
Hermes |
71 |
10. |
Heroic Names |
73 |
Names from Animals, &c. |
76 |
§ |
1. |
The Lion |
76 |
2. |
The Horse |
77 |
3. |
The Goat |
79 |
4. |
The Bee |
80 |
5. |
Names from Flowers |
80 |
Historical Greek Names consisting of Epithets |
82 |
§ |
1. |
Agathos |
82 |
2. |
Alexander, &c. |
83 |
3. |
Aner, Andros |
85 |
xi |
4. |
Eu |
86 |
5. |
Hieros |
89 |
6. |
Pan |
90 |
7. |
Polys |
92 |
8. |
Phile, &c. |
93 |
9. |
Names connected with the Constitution.—Laos, &c. |
95 |
Christian Greek Names |
99 |
§ |
1. |
99 |
2. |
Names from Theos |
99 |
3. |
Names from Christos |
104 |
4. |
Sophia |
106 |
5. |
Petros |
107 |
6. |
Names of Immortality |
109 |
7. |
Royal Names |
111 |
8. |
Irene |
112 |
9. |
Gregorios |
113 |
10. |
Georgos |
114 |
11. |
Barbara |
116 |
12. |
Agnes |
118 |
13. |
Margaret |
119 |
14. |
Katharine |
121 |
15. |
Harvest Names |
123 |
16. |
Names from Jewels |
124 |
17. |
Kosmos and Damianos |
125 |
18. |
Alethea, &c. |
126 |
Latin Nomenclature |
127 |
Latin Prænomina |
131 |
§ |
1. |
Aulus, Caius, Cnæus, Cæso |
131 |
2. |
Lucius |
132 |
3. |
Marcus |
134 |
4. |
Posthumus, &c. |
136 |
5. |
Numeral Names |
137 |
xii |
Nomina |
140 |
§ |
1. |
Attius |
140 |
2. |
Æmilius |
140 |
3. |
Antonius |
141 |
4. |
Cæcilius |
143 |
5. |
Cœlius |
145 |
6. |
Claudius |
145 |
7. |
Cornelius, &c. |
146 |
8. |
Julius |
148 |
9. |
Lælius, &c. |
151 |
10. |
Valerius |
152 |
Cognomina |
155 |
§ |
1. |
155 |
2. |
Augustus |
157 |
3. |
Blasius |
158 |
4. |
Cæsar, &c. |
159 |
5. |
Constantius |
161 |
6. |
Crispus, &c. |
162 |
7. |
Galerius, &c. |
163 |
8. |
Paullus and Magnus |
165 |
9. |
Rufus, &c. |
167 |
Names from Roman Deities |
169 |
§ |
1. |
169 |
2. |
Florentius |
171 |
3. |
Laurentius |
172 |
4. |
Sancus |
175 |
5. |
Old Italian Deities |
176 |
6. |
Quirinus |
177 |
7. |
Sibylla |
178 |
8. |
Saturn, &c. |
179 |
Modern Names from the Latin |
181 |
§ |
1. |
From Amo |
181 |
2. |
” Beo |
182 |
3. |
” Clarus |
185 |
4. |
” Columba |
186 |
5. |
” Durans |
187 |
6. |
Names of Thankfulness |
188 |
7. |
Crescens, &c. |
189 |
8. |
Military Names |
189 |
xiii |
9. |
Names of Gladness |
191 |
10. |
Jus |
192 |
11. |
Names of Holiness |
193 |
12. |
Ignatius |
194 |
13. |
Pater |
195 |
14. |
Grace, &c. |
195 |
15. |
Vinco |
197 |
16. |
Vita |
197 |
17. |
Wolves and Bears |
198 |
18. |
Names from Places and Nations |
199 |
19. |
Town and Country |
202 |
20. |
Flower Names |
203 |
21. |
Roman Catholic Names |
207 |
Names from Holy Days |
209 |
§ |
1. |
209 |
2. |
Christmas |
209 |
3. |
The Epiphany |
210 |
4. |
Easter Names |
215 |
5. |
Sunday Names |
216 |
§ |
1. |
The Keltic Race |
220 |
2. |
The Keltic Languages |
221 |
3. |
Keltic Nomenclature |
222 |
Ancient Keltic Names |
226 |
§ |
1. |
Welsh Mythic Names |
226 |
2. |
Lear and his Daughters |
228 |
3. |
Bri |
232 |
4. |
Fear, Gwr, Vir |
237 |
Gaelic Names |
240 |
§ |
1. |
Scottish Colonists |
240 |
2. |
The Feen |
242 |
3. |
Finn |
243 |
4. |
Cu, Cun, Gal |
245 |
xiv |
5. |
Diarmaid and Graine |
249 |
6. |
Cormac |
250 |
7. |
Cath |
251 |
8. |
Fiachra |
252 |
9. |
Names of Complexion |
253 |
10. |
Feidlim, &c. |
256 |
11. |
Names of Majesty |
257 |
12. |
Devotional Names |
259 |
Names of Cymric Romance |
264 |
§ |
1. |
The Round Table |
264 |
2. |
Arthur |
266 |
3. |
Gwenever |
268 |
4. |
Gwalchmai, Sir Gawain, and Sir Owen |
272 |
5. |
Trystan and Ysolt |
274 |
6. |
Hoel and Ryence |
276 |
7. |
Percival |
278 |
8. |
Llew |
281 |
Teutonic Names |
283 |
The Teuton Race |
283 |
§ |
1. |
Ground occupied by the Teutons |
283 |
Names from Teuton Mythology |
285 |
§ |
1. |
Guth |
285 |
2. |
The Aasir |
289 |
3. |
Odin, or Grîmr |
292 |
4. |
Frey |
294 |
5. |
Thor |
300 |
6. |
Baldur and Hodur |
303 |
7. |
Tyr |
305 |
8. |
Heimdall |
308 |
9. |
Will |
311 |
10. |
Hilda |
317 |
11. |
Ve |
320 |
12. |
Gerda |
321 |
13. |
Œgir |
322 |
xv |
14. |
Ing—Seaxnot |
324 |
15. |
Eormen |
326 |
16. |
Erce |
328 |
17. |
Amal |
329 |
18. |
Forefathers |
331 |
Names from Objects connected with Mythology |
334 |
§ |
1. |
Day |
334 |
2. |
The Wolf |
335 |
3. |
Eber, the Boar |
337 |
4. |
The Bear |
338 |
5. |
The Horse |
340 |
6. |
The Eagle |
342 |
7. |
The Raven |
344 |
8. |
The Swan |
345 |
9. |
The Serpent |
346 |
10. |
Kettle |
347 |
11. |
Weapon Names |
348 |
12. |
Thought |
352 |
Heroic Names of the Nibelung |
355 |
§ |
1. |
The Nibelung |
355 |
2. |
Sigurd |
356 |
3. |
Brynhild |
359 |
4. |
Gunther |
362 |
5. |
Hagen |
364 |
6. |
Ghiseler |
365 |
7. |
Ghernot |
367 |
8. |
Folker |
370 |
9. |
Dankwart |
371 |
10. |
Theodoric |
372 |
11. |
Uta, Ortwin |
375 |
12. |
Sintram |
379 |
13. |
Elberich |
380 |
The Karling Romances |
383 |
§ |
1. |
The Paladins |
383 |
2. |
Charles |
384 |
3. |
Roland, &c. |
387 |
4. |
Renaud |
394 |
5. |
Richard |
399 |
6. |
Astolfo |
400 |
xvi |
7. |
Ogier le Danois |
402 |
8. |
Louis |
403 |
Descriptive Names |
408 |
§ |
1. |
Nobility |
408 |
2. |
Command |
413 |
3. |
Brightness |
414 |
4. |
War |
416 |
5. |
Protection |
419 |
6. |
Power |
421 |
7. |
Affection |
426 |
8. |
Appearance |
427 |
9. |
Locality |
429 |
10. |
Life |
433 |
Names from the Slavonic |
435 |
§ |
1. |
Slavonic Races |
435 |
2. |
Slavonian Mythology |
438 |
3. |
Warlike Names |
440 |
4. |
Names of Might |
441 |
5. |
Names of Virtue |
443 |
6. |
Names of Affection |
444 |
7. |
Names from the Appearance |
445 |
Modern Nomenclature |
446 |
§ |
1. |
Greece |
446 |
2. |
Russia |
447 |
3. |
Italy |
450 |
4. |
Spain |
453 |
5. |
France |
455 |
6. |
Great Britain |
459 |
7. |
Germany |
466 |
8. |
Scandinavia |
469 |
9. |
Comparative Nomenclature |
470 |
The names here given are referred, as far as possible, first to the
language in which the form occurs, then to their root.
The original names, in their primary form, are in capitals, the
shapes they have since assumed are in Roman type, the contractions
in italics. A table is here given of the main stems and branches, with
the abbreviations used for them in the glossary.
Hebrew (Heb.) |
Modern Jew (Jew.) Aramæan (Aram.) |
Ancient Persian (Zend) |
Persian (Pers.) |
Greek (Gr.) |
Modern Greek (Mod. Gr.) Russian (Russ.) |
Latin (Lat.) |
Italian (It.) Venetian (Ven.) Spanish (Span.) Portuguese (Port.) Provençal (Prov.) Wallachian (Wall.) French (Fr.) |
Keltic (Kelt.) |
Cymric (Cym.) |
Ancient British (Brit.) Welsh Breton (Bret.) Cornish (Corn.) |
Gadhaelic (Gad.) |
Ancient Irish (Erse) Modern Irish Dialect (Ir.) Gaelic (Gael.) Scottish (Scot.) Manx |
Teutonic (Teu.) |
Northern (Nor.) |
Icelandic (Ice.) Norwegian (Nor.) Swedish (Swed.) Danish (Dan.) Norman (Norm.) |
Anglo-Saxon (A.S.) |
English (Eng.) Scottish (Scot.) Frisian (Fris.) Dutch Irish American (Am.) |
Old German (O.G.) |
German (Ger.) Bavarian (Bav.) Hamburgh (Ham.) Dantzig (Dan.) Swiss |
Frank |
French |
Gothic (Goth.) |
Spanish (Span.) Portuguese (Port.) |
Lombardic (Lomb.)
Italian (It.) |
Slavonic |
Russian (Russ.) Slovak (Slov.) Bohemian (Bohm.) Polish Hungarian (Hung.) Lithuanian (Lith.) Lettish (Lett.) Illyrian (Ill.) |
- Aaron, m. Eng. Heb. mountain, 27
- Aasbjorn, m. Nor. Ten. divine bear, 290
- Aasir, m. Nor. Teu. the gods, 289.
- Aasolfr, m. Nor. Teu. divine wolf, 290
- Aasta, f. Nor. Teu. love, 401
- Aasvaldr, m. Nor. Teu. divine power, 291
- Abacuck, m. Scot. Heb. embracing, 51
- Abban, m. Fr. Lat. white, 157
- Abel, m. Eng. Heb. breath, 11
- Abelard, m. Eng. Teu. noble firmness.
- Abellona, f. Dan. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Abigail, f. Eng. Heb. father of joy, 12
- Abimelech, m. Eng. Heb. father of the king, 12
- Abishalom, m. Eng. Heb. father of peace, 12
- Abner, m. Eng. Heb. father of light.
- Abiud, m. Eng. Dan. Heb. father of praise, 20
- Abra, f. Cambrai, Heb. father of a multitude, 11
- Abram, m. Eng. Heb. father of height, 11
- Absalom, m. Eng. Dan. Heb. father of peace, 12
- Aby, m. Am. Heb. father of multitudes, 12
- Accepted, m. Eng. Accius, m. Lat. 140
- Achaius, m. Lat. Kelt, horseman, 276
- Achashverosh, m. Heb. Zend, venerable king, 57
- Achill, m. Ger. Gr. without lips (?), 74
- Achilla, f. Lat. Gr. without lips (?), 74
- Achille, m. Fr. Gr. without lips (?), 74
- Achillea, f. It. Gr. without lips (?), 74
- Achilles, m. Eng. Gr. without lips (?), 74
- Achilleus, Gr.(?) without lips, 74
- Achim, m. Ger. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Achsah, f. Eng. Heb. anklet, 38
- Acim, m. Ill. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Actma, f. Ill. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Ada, f. Eng. Teu. happy.
- Adah, f. Eng. Heb. ornament, 7
- Adalard, m. Fr. Teu. nobly firm, 412
- Adalbert, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Adalfieri, m. It. Teu. noble pledge, 409
- Adalgar, m. Lom. Teu. noble spear, 412
- Adalgise, f. Fr. Teu. noble pledge, 409
- Adalgisl, m. Lom. Teu. noble pledge, 409
- Adalhard, m. Ger. Teu. nobly stern, 412
- Adalheid, f. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 412
- Adalpolt, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bold, 412
- Adalrik, m. Goth. Teu. noble king, 412
- Adalrik, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 412
- Adaltac, m. Ger. Teu. noble day, 413
- Adam, m. Eng. Fr. Dutch, Ger. Dan. Heb. red earth, 10
- Adamina, f. Scot. Heb. red earth, 10
- Adamk, m. Lus. Heb. red earth, 10
- Adamnan, m. Scot. Heb. Lat. dwarf Adam, 10
- Adamnanus, m. Lat. Heb. dwarf Adam, 10
- Adamo, m. Ital. Heb. red earth, 10
- Adams, m. Lett. Heb. red earth, 10
- Addala, f. Lett. Teu. noble cheer, 412
- Addo, m. Fris. Teu. noble cheer, 412
- Addy, f. Eng. Teu. noble threatener, 411
- Ade, m. Flem. Heb. red earth, 10
- Adela, f. Eng. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Adelaïda, f. Rom. Russ. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Adelaide, f. Fr. Eng. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Adelaïs, f. Old. Fr. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- xixAdelajda, f. Slov. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Adelar, m. Ger. Teu. noble eagle, 412
- Adelbern, m. Ger. Teu. noble bear, 412
- Adelbert, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
- Adelberta, f. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
- Adelbold, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bold, 412
- Adelbrecht, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
- Adelburg, f. Ger. Teu. noble protection, 412
- Adelchis, m. Lat. Teu. noble pledge, 412
- Adèle, f. Fr. Gr. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Adeleve, f. Eng. Teu. noble gift, 412
- Adelfrid, m. Ger. Teu. noble peace, 412
- Adelgar, noble spear, 412
- Adelgard, m. Ger. Teu. noble guard, 412
- Adelgis, noble pledge, 412
- Adelgonda, f. Rom. Teu. noble war, 412
- Adelgonde, f. Fr. Teu. noble war, 412
- Adelgunde, f. Ger. Teu. noble war, 412
- Adelhart, m. Ger. Teu. nobly firm, 412
- Adelhelm, noble helmet, 412
- Adelhelm, f. Ger. Teu. noble helmet, 412
- Adelhild, f. Ger. Teu. noble battle maid, 413
- Adelhold, m. Ger. Teu. nobly firm, 412
- Adelicia, f. Lat. Teu. noble cheer, 412
- Adelina, f. Eng. Teu. noble manner, 413
- Adelinde, f. Ger. Teu. noble snake, 413
- Adeline, f. Eng. Teu. noble snake, 413
- Adelschalk, m. Ger. Teu. noble servant, 413
- Adelswinde, f. Ger. Teu. noble strength, 413
- Adeltrude, f. Ger. Teu. noble maid, 412
- Adelulf, m. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 412
- Adelwin, m. Ger. Teu. noble friend, 412
- Ademaro, m. Ital. Teu. fierce greatness, 304
- Adeodat, m. Ger. Lat. by God given, 188
- Adeodatus, m. Lat. by God given, 188
- Adhémar, m. Fr. Teu. fierce greatness, 304
- Adilo, m. Ger. Teu. noble, 412
- Ado, m. Fris. Teu. noble, 412
- Adolf, m. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Adolfine, f. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Adolfo, m. Ital. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Adolphe, m. Fr. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Adolphus, m. Eng. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Adoncia, f. Span. Lat. sweet, 196
- Adosinda, f. Span. Teu. fierce strength, 305
- Adriaan, m. Dutch, Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adrian, m. Eng. Ger. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adriana, f. Ital. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adriane, f. Ger. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adriano, m. Ital. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adrianus, m. Lat. N.L.D. Lat. from Adria, 157
- Adrien, f. Fr. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Adrienne, f. Fr. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Aed, m. Welsh. Kelt. fire, 226
- Aeddon, m. Welsh. Kelt. 226
- Aedh, m. Erse. Kelt. fire, 226
- Ægidius, m. Lat. Gr. with the Ægis, 79
- Ælf, m. A. S. Teu. elf, 380
- Ælfgifu, f. A. S. Teu. elf gift, 380
- Ælfhæg, m. A. S. Teu. high as an elf, 381
- Ælfhelm, m. A. S. Teu. elf helmet, 381
- Ælfred, m. A. S. Teu. elf council, 381
- Ælfric, m. A. S. Teu. elf ruler, 381
- Ælfthryth, f. A. S. Teu. threatening elf, 382
- Ælfwine, m. A. S. Teu. elf darling, 382
- xxÆlfwold, m. A. S. Teu.Teu. elf ruler, 382
- Ælianus, m. Lat. Gr. of the sun, 191
- Ælla, m. A. S. Teu. elf friend, 382
- Ælle, m. A. S. Teu. elf friend, 382
- Æmilia, f. Lat. work (?), 141
- Æmiliana, f. Lat. work (?), 141
- Æmilianus, m. Lat. work (?), 141
- Æmilius, m. Lat. work (?), 141
- Æneas, m. Lat. praise (?), 74
- Aenghas, m. Erse, Kelt. excellent virtue, 242
- Æthelbald, m. A. S. Teu. noble prince, 349
- Æthelbryht, m. A. S. Teu. nobly bright, 412
- Æthelfled, f. A. S. Teu. noble increase, 412
- Æthelgifu, f. A. S. Teu. noble gift, 409
- Æthelhild, f. A. S. Teu. noble battle maid, 412
- Æthelred, m. A. S. Teu. noble council, 410
- Æthelric, m. A. S. Teu. noble ruler, 409
- Æthelstan, m. A. S. Teu. noble stone, 412
- Æthelthryth, f. A. S. Teu. noble threatener, 411
- Æthelward, m. A. S. Teu. noble guard, 412
- Æthelwine, m. A. S. Teu. noble friend, 412
- Æthelwolf, m. A. S. Teu. noble wolf, 409
- Aëtius, m. Lat.
- Afanassij, m. Russ. Gr. undying, 109
- Affonso, m. Port. eagerness for war, 305
- Affrica, f. Manx, Irish, Kelt. pleasant, 230
- Afonso, m. Port. eagerness for war, 305
- Agafia, f. Russ. Gr. good, 82
- Agafon, m. Russ. Gr. good, 82
- Agape, f. Gr. love, 113
- Agapit, m. Russ. Gr. loved, 113
- Agata, f. It. Span. Swed. Slov. Ger. good, 82
- Agatha, f. Eng. Hung. Gr. good, 82
- Agathe, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. good, 82
- Agathias, m. Gr. good, 82
- Agathocles, m. Gr. good fame, 82
- Agathon, m. Ger. Gr. good, 82
- Aggate, f. Lett. Gr. good, 82
- Aggie, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 119
- Agilard, m. Fr. Teu. formidably bright, 328
- Agilbert, m. Frank. Teu. formidably bright, 323
- Agilo, m. Ger. Teu. formidable, 322
- Agiltrude, f. Ger. Teu. formidable maiden, 323
- Agilulf, m. Frank. Teu. formidable wolf, 323
- Agilward, m. Norm. Teu. formidable guardian, 323
- Aginhar, m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
- Aglaé, f. Fr. Gr. brightness, 72
- Aglaia, f. Lat. Gr. brightness, 72
- Aglaja, f. Ger. Gr. brightness, 72
- Agmund, m. Nor. awful protection, 323
- Agnar, m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
- Agne, m. Nor. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
- Agnello, m. It. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnes, f. Dan. Eng. Ger. Fr. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnesca, f. It. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnese, f. It. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnesija, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnessa, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 119
- Agneta, f. Eng. Swiss, Gr. pure, 119
- Agnete, f. Dan. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnies, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnizka, f. Pol. Gr. pure, 119
- Agnola, f. It. Gr. angel, 53
- Agnolo, m. It. Gr. angel, 53
- Agnyta, f. Lett. Gr. pure, 119
- Agostina, f. It. Lat. venerable, 158
- Agostinha, f. Port. Lat. venerable, 158
- Agostinho, f. Port. Lat. venerable, 158
- Agostino, m. It. Lat. venerable, 158
- Agoston, m. Hung. Lat. venerable, 158
- Agrafina, f. Russ. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
- Agricola, m. Lat. Lat. field tiller.
- Agrippa, m. Lat. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
- xxiAgrippina, f. Lat. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
- Agrippine, f. Fr. Lat. born with the feet foremost, 156
- Agueda, f. Port. Gr. pure, 57
- Ahasuerus, m. Eng. Pers. venerable king.
- Ahrens, m. Ger. Teu. powerful eagle, 342
- Ahrold, m. powerful eagle, 342
- Aias, m. Gr. Gr. eagle, 342
- Aidan, m. Eng. Kelt. fire, 226
- Aigidios, m. Gr. with the Ægis, 79
- Aileen, f. Ir. Gr. light, 67
- Aileve, f. Eng. Teu. elf gift, 380
- Ailie, f. Scot. Teu. famed war, 406
- Aimable, f. Fr. Lat. lovable.
- Aimée, f. Fr. Lat. loved.
- Aimerich, m. Ger. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Aimery, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Ainè, f. Erse. Kelt. joy, 230
- Aineceallach, m. Gael. Kelt. joyful war, 230
- Aineias, m. Gr. Gr. praise, 174
- Aistulf, m. Ger. Gr. swift wolf, 335
- Akilina, f. Russ. Lat. eagle, 156
- Akim, m. Russ. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Akulnia, f. Russ. Lat. eagle, 156
- Ala, m. Eng. Teu. holy (?), 402
- Alaf, m. Nor. Teu. forefather’s relic, 332
- Alain, m. Fr. It. Lat. cheerful (?), Kelt. harmony, 279
- Alan, m. Scot. Ger. Lat. cheerful (?), Kelt. harmony, 279
- Alane, f. Ger. Lat. cheerful, Kelt. harmony, 279
- Alard, m. Ger. Teu. nobly stern, 409
- Alaric, m. Eng. Teu. noble ruler, 409
- Alarich, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 409
- Alaster, m. Gael. Ger. helper of men, 85
- Alatea, f. Span. Gr. truth, 126
- Alawn, m. Cym. Kelt. harmony, 279
- Alban, m. Eng. Lat. white, 157
- Albanus, m. Lat. white, 157
- Albany, m. Scot. Kelt. white, 157
- Albar, m. Lat. Span. white, 157
- Alberia, f. Span. Lat. white (?), 157
- Alberic, m. Eng. Teu. elf king, 380
- Alberich, m. Ger. Teu. elf king, 380
- Alberico, m. It. Teu. elf king, 380
- Albert, m. Eng. Fr. Russ. Pol. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Alberta, f. Eng. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Albertine, f. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Albertino, m. It. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Alberto, m. It. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Albin, f. Erse. Kelt. white (?), 157
- Albin, m. Ger. Lat. white, 157
- Albina, f. Ger. Lat. white, 157
- Albinia, f. Eng. Kelt. white (?), 157
- Albino, m. Rom. Lat. white, 157
- Alboin, m. Fr. Teu. elf friend, 380
- Alboino, m. Lomb. Teu. elf friend, 380
- Albrecht, m. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 412
- Albwin, m. Ger. Teu. elf friend, 380
- Alcuin, m. Eng. Teu. hall friend, 382
- Alcuinus, m. Lat. Teu. hall friend, 382
- Alda, f. It. Lat. Eng. Teu. rich, 376
- Aldclatha, f. Gael. Kelt. decaying beauty.
- Aldebert, m. Eng. Ger. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Aldegonde, f. Flem. Teu. noble war, 410
- Alderich, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 412
- Aldgitha, f. Eng. Teu. noble gift, 412
- Aldhelm, m. Eng. Teu. noble helmet, 412
- Aldobrando, m. Ital. Teu. battle sword, 318
- Aldonça, f. Span. Lat. the sweet, 196
- Aldrovando, m. Ital. Teu. battle sword, 318
- Aléard, m. Prov. Teu. nobly stern, 412
- Aléarda, f. Prov. Teu. nobly stern, 412
- Aleardo, m. Ital. Teu. nobly stern, 412
- Aleixo, m. Port. God helper, 85
- Alejandro, m. Span. Teu. helper of men, 85
- Alejo, m. Span. Gr. helper, 85
- Aleks, m. Lett. Gr. helper, 85
- Aleksa, m. Serv. Gr. helper, 85
- xxiiAleksajeder, m. Slav. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Aleksander, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Aleksije, m. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Ales, m. Slav.Slav. Gr. helper, 85
- Alessandra, f. Ital. Gr. helper of men, 84
- Alessandro, m. Ital. Gr. helper of man, 85
- Alessio, m. Ital. Gr. helper, 85
- Aletea, f. Span. Gr. truth, 126
- Alethea, f. Eng. Ger. Gr. truth, 126
- Alexander, m. Eng. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Alexandr, m. Bohm. Gr. helper of men, 84
- Alexandra, Eng. Gr. 84
- Alexandre, m. Fr. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Alexandrina, f. Eng. Gr. helper of men, 84
- Alexandrine, f. Fr. Gr. helper of men, 84
- Alexandros, m. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Alexe, m. Fr. Gr. helper, 85
- Alexia, f. Ger. Gr. helper, 84
- Alexis, m. Eng. Ger. Gr. helper, 85
- Alexios, m. Gr. Gr. helper, 85
- Alexius, m. Lat. Gr. helper, 85
- Alfdis, f. Nor. Teu. household spirit, 380
- Alfgejr, m. Nor. Teu. elf spear, 380
- Alfgerdur, f. Nor. Teu. elf woman, 380
- Alfheidur, f. Nor. Teu. elf cheerfulness, 380
- Alfhild, f. Eng. Teu. elf battle maid, 380
- Alfliotr, f. Nor. Teu. elf terror, 380
- Alfonso, m. Span. Teu. eager for battle, 320
- Alfred, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. elf council, 380
- Alfreda, f. Eng. Teu. elf council, 380
- Alfredo, m. It. Teu. elf council, 380
- Alfried, m. Ger. Teu. elf council, 380
- Alfr, m. Nor. Teu. elf, 380
- Algar, m. Eng. Teu. hall spear, 380
- Algernon, m. Eng. Fr. with whiskerswhiskers, 427
- Alice, f. Eng. Teu. noble cheer, 409
- Alicia, f. Ir. Teu. noble cheer, 409
- Alick, m. Scot. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Alienor, f. Prov. Gr. light, 67
- Aline, f. Ger. Teu. noble, 409
- Alison, f. Scot. Teu. famous war, 406
- Alitea, f. It. Gr. truth, 126
- Alix, f. Fr. Teu. noble cheer, 409
- Allan, m. Eng. Lat. cheerful (?), 280
- Allen, m. Eng. Lat. cheerful (?), 280
- Allighiero, m. Ital. Teu. noble spear, 412
- Alma, f. Lat. fair, 224
- Alma, f. Erse, Kelt. all good, 224
- Alma, f. Eng. Russ. (from the river), 224
- Almedha, f. Welsh, Kelt. shapely (?), 273
- Almeric, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Almerigo, m. Sp. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Almund, m. Eng. Teu. hall protection, 382
- Aloïs, m. Ger. Teu. famous war, 405
- Aloisia, f. Ger. Teu. famous war, 405
- Aloïsio, m. It. Teu. famous war, 405
- Aloizia, f. Bohm. Teu. famous war, 405
- Alonso, m. Span. Teu. eager for battle, 320
- Aloys, m. Prov. Teu. famous war, 405
- Alphege, m. Eng. Teu. tall as an elf, 381
- Alphonse, m. Fr. Teu. battle eager, 320
- Alphonsine, f. Fr. Teu. battle eager, 320
- Alphonso, m. Eng. Teu. battle eager, 320
- Alpin, m. Scot. Kelt. elf, 380
- Alpinolo, m. Ital. Teu. elf friend, 380
- Alric, m. Eng. Teu. hall ruler, 380
- Alswytha, f. Eng. Teu. hall strength, 380
- Althea, f. Eng. Gr. wholesome, 126
- Alured, m. Eng. Teu. elf peace, 380
- Alvar, m. Span. Port. Lat. white, 157
- Alwine, f. Ger. Teu. elf friend, 380
- Alysander, m. Eng. Gr. helper of man, 85
- Amabel, f. Eng. Lat. lovable, 182
- Amabilis, m. Lat. lovable, 182
- xxiiiAmable, m. Fr. lovable, 181
- Amadas, m. Eng. Kelt. husbandman, 182
- Amadé, m. Fr. Lat. love God, 182
- AmadeoAmadeo, m. Ital. Lat. love God, 182
- Amadeus, m. Ger. Lat. love God, 182
- Amadigi, m. Ital. Lat. love God, 182
- Amadis, m. Span. Lat. love God, 182
- Amadore, m. Flor. Lat. lover, 182
- Amaethon, m. Kymric. Kelt. husbandman, 182
- Amala, f. Lomb. work, 330
- Amalasontha, f. Lat. Teu. work strength, 330
- Amalaswind, f. Lomb. Teu. work strength, 330
- Amalberga, f. Ger. Teu. work protection, 330
- Amalbert, m. Ger. Teu. work bright, 330
- Amalberta, f. Ger. Teu. work bright, 330
- Amalfried, m. Ger. Teu. work peace, 330
- Amalfrida, f. Ger. Teu. fair work, 330
- Amalgaid, m. Erse, Kelt. work, or spotless (?), 330
- Amalgund, f. Ger. Teu. work war, 330
- Amalia, f. Ital. Teu. work, 330
- Amalie, f. Ger. Teu. work, 330
- Amalija, f. Russ. Slov. Teu. work, 330
- Amalilda, f. Ger. Teu. work battle maid, 330
- Amalina, f. Goth. Teu. work serpent, 330
- Amalrich, m. Ger. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Amaltrude, f. Ger. Teu. work maiden, 330
- Amand, m. Fr. Lat. worthy to be loved, 181
- Amanda, f. Eng. Lat. worthy to be beloved, 181
- Amandine, f. Fr. Lat. worthy to be beloved, 181
- Amando, m. Ital. Lat. worthy to be beloved, 181
- Amandus, m. Lat. worthy to be loved, 182
- Amata, f. Lat. beloved, 181
- Amatus, m. Lat. Lat. beloved, 182
- Amaury, m. Fr. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Amberkelleth, m. Gael. Kelt. joyful war, 231
- Ambrogio, m. Ital. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambroise, m. Fr. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrose, m. Eng. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrosio, m. Span. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrosios, m. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrosius, m. Lat. Gr. 109
- Ambroz, m. Bohm. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrozij, m. Pol. Gr. immortal, 109
- Ambrus, m. Hung. Gr. immortal, 109
- Amé, m. Fr. Lat. loved, 182
- Amedée, m. Fr. Lat. love God, 182
- Amelia, f. Eng. Port. Teu. work, 330
- Amélie, f. Fr. Teu. work, 330
- Amelius, m. Eng. Teu. work, 330
- Amelot, m. Fr. Teu. work, 330
- Amelung, m. Teu. work, 330
- Americo, m. Port. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Amerigo, m. Ital. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Amias, m. Eng. Lat. love God, 182
- Amice, f. Eng. Lat. beloved, 182
- Amicia, f. Eng. Lat. beloved, 182
- Amicie, f. Cambrai. Lat. beloved, 182
- Amlaidh, m. Erse, Teu. forefather’s relic, 332
- Amma, f. Nor. Teu. grandmother, 332
- Amone, m. Ital. Teu. home, 311
- Amos, m. Eng. Heb. burthen, 50
- Amund, m. Nor. Teu. awful protection, 323
- Amvrossij, m. Russ. Gr. immortal, 109
- Amy, f. Eng. Lat. beloved, 182
- Amyas, m. Eng. Lat. love God, 182
- Amyot, m. Eng. Lat. love God, 182
- Ana, f. Span. Bohm. Slov. Heb. grace, 42
- Analo, m. Ger. Teu. ancestral, 332
- Ananias, m. Gr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 42
- Anarawd, f. Welsh, free of shame, 279
- Anastagio, m. Ital. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastase, m. Fr. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastasia, f. Eng. Ital. Russ. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- xxivAnastasij, m. Russ. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastasios, m. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastasius, m. Lat. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastasl, m. Bav. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anastazy, m. Pol. Gr. who shall rise again, 110
- Anatola, m. Fr. Gr. eastern, 200
- Anatolia, f. Gr. Gr. eastern, 200
- Anatolius, m. Gr. Gr. eastern, 200
- Anbiorn, m. Eng. Teu. eagle bear, 342
- Anca, f. Bohm. Heb. grace, 42
- Ancela, f. Pol. Gr. angel, 53
- Ancelin, servant, 262
- Ancelot, m. Fr. Lat. servant, 262
- Ancelote, f. Fr. Lat. servant, 262
- Ancika, f. Bohm. Gr. grace, 42
- Ancilée, f. Fr. Lat. servant, 262
- Anders, m. Dan. Gr. man, 86
- Andragathius, m. Gr. good man, 86
- André, m. Fr. Gr. man, 86
- Andrea, m. Ital. Gr. man, 86
- Andreana, f. Ital. Gr. man, 86
- Andréas, f. Ger. Gr. man, 86
- Andrée, f. Fr. Gr. man, 86
- Andreian, m. Russ. Lat. from Adria, 156
- Andrej, m. Lus. Gr. man, 86
- Andrejek, m. Slav. Gr. man, 86
- Andres, m. Span. Gr. man, 86
- Andrew, m. Eng. Gr. man, 86
- AndrezejAndrezej, m. Pol. man, 86
- Andrien, m. Fr. Gr. man, 86
- Andries, m. N.L.D. Gr. man, 86
- Andrija, m. Serv. Gr. man, 86
- Andronicus, m. Lat. Gr. man’s victory, 86
- Andy, m. Ir. Gr. man, 86
- Ane, f. Lith. Heb. grace, 42
- Anessil, 242
- Aneta, f. Serv. Heb. grace, 42
- Aneurin, m. Welsh, Gr. man of excellence.
- Anezka, f. Bohm. Gr. pure, 119
- Angantyr, m. Nor. Teu. favourite of Tyr, 306
- Ange, m. Fr. Gr. angel, 53
- Angel, f. Eng. Gr. angel, 53
- Angela, f. Eng. Span. It. Gr. angel, 53
- Angèle, f. Fr. Gr. angel, 53
- Angelica, f. Ital. Ger. Gr. angelic, 53
- Angelico, m. Ital. Gr. angelic, 53
- Angelina, f. Eng. Ital. Gr. angel, 53
- Angeline, f. Fr. Gr. angel, 53
- Angelino, m. Ital. Gr. angel, 53
- Angelique, f. Fr. Gr. angelic, 53
- Angelos, m. Gr. Gr. angel, 53
- Angelot, f. Eng. Gr. angel, 53
- Anges, f. Fr. Gr. angels, 53
- Angharawd, f. Welsh, Kelt. free from shame, 279
- Angilbald, Ing’s prince, 325
- Angilrich, Ing’s king, 325
- Angiltrud, Ing’s maid, 325
- Angiolo, m. It. Gr. angel, 53
- Angus, m. Scot. Kelt. excellent virtue, 242
- Anicet, m. Fr. Gr. unconquered, 90
- Aniceto, m. Rom. Gr. unconquered, 90
- Anicsika, f. Serv. Heb. grace, 42
- Aniello, m. Neap. Gr. angel, 53
- Anikita, m. Russ. Gr. unconquered, 90
- Anikke, f. Lith. Heb. grace, 42
- Anisia, f. Eng. Gr. complete, 94
- Anita, f. Span. Heb. grace, 42
- Anjela, f. Bohm. Gr. angel, 53
- Anjelika, f. Bohm. Gr. angelic, 53
- Anjelina, f. Bohm. Gr. angel, 53
- Anjuska, f. Serv. Heb. grace, 42
- Anjutoka, f. Serv. Heb. grace, 42
- Ankaret, f. Eng. Gr. Kelt. free from shame, 279
- Anlaff, m. Eng. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Anmcha, m. Erse, Kelt. courageous, 224
- Ann, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Anna, f. Gr. It. Swed. Serv. Heb. grace, 42
- Annabel, f. Teu. Heb. eagle heroine (?), 41
- Annabella, f. Teu. Heb. eagle heroine (?), 41, 343
- Annali, f. Swiss, Heb. grace, 42
- Annaple, f. Scot. Heb. eagle heroine (?), 41, 343
- Annas, m. Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 41
- Annchen, f. Ger. Heb. grace, 42
- Annchet, f. Flem. Heb. grace, 42
- Anne, f. Eng. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- xxvAnnerl, f. Bav. Heb. grace, 42
- Annes, f. Eng. Gr. complete, 94
- Annetta, f. Ital. Heb. grace, 42
- Annette, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Annibal, } m. 41
- Annibale, } f. Ital. Phœn. grace of Baal, 40
- Annibas, } 40
- Annice, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Annika, f. Dan. Heb. grace, 42
- Anninka, f. Russ. Heb. grace, 42
- Annjuscha, f. Russ. Heb. grace, 42
- Annonciada, f. Span. Lat. announced, 30
- Annonciade, f. Fr. Lat. announced, 30
- Annora, f. Eng. Heb. grace (?), 68, eagle of Thor, 343
- Annot, f. Scot. Heb. Light, 42
- Annunciata, f. Lat. announced, 30
- Annunziata, f. Ital. Lat. announced, 30
- Annusche, f. Lett. Heb. grace, 42
- Annuschka, f. Russ. Lat. grace, 42
- Annusia, f. Russ. Gr. complete, 94
- Annys, f. Eng. Gr. complete (?), 94
- Annze, f. Lith. Heb. grace, 42
- Anquetil, m. Fr. Teu. divine kettle, 290
- Ans, m. Lett. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Ansbrando, m. Pol. Teu. divine sword, 290
- Anschar, m. Ger. Teu. divine spear, 290
- Anselm, m. Eng. Teu. divine helmet, 290
- Anselme, m. Fr. Teu. divine helmet, 290
- Anselmo, m. Rom. Teu. divine helmet, 290
- Anselot, m. Fr. Lat. servant, 263
- Ansgar, m. Frank. Teu. divine war, 290
- Ansgard, f. Eng. Teu. divine guard, 290
- Ansgisil, f. Lom. Teu. divine pledge, 290
- Anshelm, m. Lom. Teu. divine helmet, 290
- Ansis, m. Lett. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Ansketil, m. Frank. Teu. divine cauldron, 291
- Ansmunt, divine protection, 291
- Anso, m. Gr. Teu. divine helmet, 291
- Anstace, f. Eng. Gr. resurrection, 110
- Anstice, m. Eng. resurrection, 110
- Anstys, m. Eng. resurrection, 110
- Ansvald, Gr. Teu. m. divine power, 292
- Anta, m. Lapp. Gr. man, 86
- Antal, m. Hung. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antek, m. Pol. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antelmo, m. It. Teu. divine helmet, 290
- Anthiball, m. Corn. Gr. surrounding.
- Anthonius, m. Dutch, Lat. inestimable, 142
- Anthony, m. Eng. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antoine, m. Fr. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antoinette, f. Fr. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antolin, m. Ger. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Anton, m. Ger. Russ. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonetta, f. Russ. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonetta, f. Swiss, Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antoni, m. Pol. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonia, f. Ital. Span. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonie, f. Ger. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antoniea, f. Rom. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonietta, f. Rom. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonina, f. Ital. Span. Eng. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonino, m. Ital. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonio, m. Ital. Span. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antonius, m. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antons, m. Lett. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antony, m. Eng. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antoonje, m. Dutch, Lat. inestimable, 142
- Antos, m. Pol. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Ants, m. Esth. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- xxviAnty, f. Ir. Gr. resurrection, 110
- Anysia, f. Gr. complete, 94
- Anzioleto, m. Ven. Gr. angel, 53
- Anziolina, f. Ven. Gr. angel, 53
- Anziolo, Ven. Gr. angel, 53
- Aodh, m. Gael. Kelt, fire, 227
- Aodhfin, m. Gael. Kelt, white fire, 227
- Aogostino, m. Pol. Lat. venerable, 158
- Aoibhin, f. Erse, Kelt, pleasant, 227
- Aoibhir Alluin, f. Gad. pleasantly excellent, 227
- Aoibhir Caomha, Gad. pleasantly amiable, 227
- Aoidhne, f. Erse, Kelt, fire, 227
- Aoife, f. Erse, Heb. pleasant, 227
- Aonghas, f. Erse, Kelt, excellent virtue, 242
- Aonio, m. Ital. Gr. inestimable, 142
- Aper, Lat. boar, 152
- Apolline, f. Fr. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Apollodorus, m. Lat. Gr. gift of Apollo, 65
- Apollonia, f. Lat. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Apollos, m. Eng. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Appo, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar, 337
- Aquila, m. Eng. Lat. eagle, 156
- Aquilina, f. Lat. Lat. eagle, 156
- Arabella, f. Eng. Teu. eagle heroine (?), 343
- Arbell, f. Eng. Teu. eagle heroine (?), 343
- Archambault, m. Fr. Teu. holy prince, 328
- Archangel, m. Eng. Gr. archangel, 73
- Archibald, m. Scot. Teu. holy prince, 329
- Archie, m. Scot. Teu. holy prince, 329
- Archimbald, m. Ger. Teu. holy prince, 329
- Arcibaldo, m. Ital. Teu. holy prince, 329
- Ardh, m. Erse, Kelt, high, 266
- Ardisheer, m. Pers. Zend, fire king, 224
- Aregwydd, Cym. Kelt.
- Arch, m. Slov. Teu. ever king, 400
- Arend, m. Dutch, Teu. eagle power, 343
- Areta, f. Corn. Gr. virtuous rule, 64
- Arethusa, f. Gr. Gr. virtuous, 83
- Aretino, m. Ital. Gr. virtuous, 83
- Argyro, f. Gr. Gr. silver, 125
- Ari, m. Nor. Teu. eagle, 342
- Arianwen, f. Welsh, Kelt, silver, 125, 282
- Arinbiorn, m. Nor. Teu. hearth bear, 342
- Ariovistus, m. Lat. Teu. host leader, 342
- Arisa, f. Russ. Arab, 449
- Aristagoras, Gr. Eng. best assembly, 83
- Aristarchus, m. Lat. Gr. best governor, 83
- Aristide, m. Fr. Gr. son of the best, 83
- Aristides, m. Eng. Gr. son of the best, 83
- Aristippus, Gr. Eng. best horse, 83
- Aristobulus, m. Lat. Gr. best council, 83
- Aristocles, Gr. Eng. best fame, 83
- Arje, m. Dutch, Lat. from Adria, 156
- Arkles, m. Eng. Gr. noble fame (?), 63
- Armand, m. Fr. Teu. public, 327
- Armando, m. Span. Teu. public, 327
- Armanno, m. It. Teu. public, 327
- Armantine, f. Fr. Teu. public, 327
- Armine, m. Eng. Teu. public, 327
- Arminius, m. Lat. Teu. public, 327
- Armyn, m. Eng. Teu. public, 327
- Arnaldo, m. Span. Prov. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnalldr, m. Nor. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnaud, m. Fr. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnaut, m. Fr. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnbiorg, f. Nor. Teu. eagle defence, 342
- Arnbiorn, m. Nor. Teu. eagle bear, 342
- Arndis, f. Nor. eagle spirit, 342
- Arne, m. Dutch, Lat. from Adria, 156
- Arneidur, f. Nor. Teu. eagle haste, 342
- Arnfinn, m. Nor. Teu. white eagle, 342
- Arnfridur, f. Nor. Teu. fair eagle, 342
- xxviiArngeir, m. Nor. Teu. eagle spear, 342
- Arngrim, m. Nor. Teu. eagle mask, 342
- Arngrimer, m. Nor. Teu. eagle mask, 342
- Arnhold, m. Ger. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnkatla, f. Nor. Teu. eagle cauldron, 342
- Arnkjell, m. Nor. Teu. eagle cauldron, 342
- Arnlaug, f. Ger. Teu. eagle liquor, 342
- Arnleif, m. Nor. Teu. eagle relic, 342
- Arnliotor, m. Nor. Teu. eagle terror, 342
- Arnmodr, Nor. Teu. eagle wrath, 342
- Arnold, m. Ger. Eng. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnoldine, f. Ger. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnolf, m. Ger. Teu. eagle wolf, 342
- Arnost, m. Bohm. Teu. eagle stone (?), 342
- Arnostinrka, f. Bohm. Teu. eagle stone, 342
- Arnoud, m. Fr. Teu. eagle power, 342
- Arnoul, m. Fr. Teu. eagle wolf, 342
- Arnridur, f. Nor. Teu. eagle haste, 343
- Arnstein, m. Nor. Teu. eagle stone, 342
- Arnthona, f. Nor. Teu. eagle maiden, 343
- Arnthor, m. Nor. Teu. eagle of Thor, 343
- Arnthora, f. Nor. Teu. eagle of Thor, 343
- Arnulf, m. Eng. Teu. eagle wolf, 343
- Arnulv, m. Nor. Teu. eagle wolf, 343
- Arnvalldr, m. Nor. Teu. eagle power, 343
- Arnvid, m. Nor. Teu. eagle of the wood, 343
- Arri, f. Lith. Lat. honourable, 191
- Arrian, m. Dutch, Lat. of Adria, 156
- Arrighetta, f. Ital. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Arrighetto, m. Ital. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Arrigo, m. Ital. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Arrigozo, m. Ital. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Arriguccio, m. Ital. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Arsaces, m. Gr. Zend, venerable, 57
- Arsha, m. Pers. Zend, venerable, 57
- Arshk, m. Pers. Zend, venerable, 57
- Arsinoe, f. Fr. Gr. venerable, 57
- Artabanus, Pers. fire worshipper.
- Artabanus, fire guardian.
- Artamenes, Pers. great minded.
- Artakshatra, m. Zend, fire king, 56
- Artaxerxes, m. Gr. Zend, fire king, 56
- Artemidore, m. Fr. Gr. gift of Artemis, 65
- Artemidorus, m. Lat. Gr. gift of Artemis, 65
- Artemise, f. Fr. Gr. of Artemis, 65
- Artemisia, f. It. Gr. of Artemis, 65
- Arth, m. Scot. Kelt, high, 266
- Arthegal, m. Eng. Kelt, high courage, 266
- Arthgal, m. Erse, Kelt, high courage, 266
- Arthmael, m. Erse, Kelt, high chief, 266
- Arthur, m. Eng. Kelt, high, 266
- Arthurine, f. Eng. Kelt, high, 266
- Arthwys, m. Welsh, 266
- Arturo, m. Ital. Kelt, high, 266
- Artus, m. Fr. Kelt, high, 266
- Arve, m. Dan. Teu. eagle of the wood, 342
- Arviragus, m. Lat. Kelt, high king, 267
- Arwystli, m. Welsh, Gr. best council, 83
- Asbera, f. Nor. Teu, divine bear, 291
- Asbjorg, f. Nor. Teu. divine protection, 291
- Arbjorn, m. Nor. Teu. divine bear, 291
- Asbrand, m. Ice. Teu. divine sword, 291
- Ascelin, m. Eng. Lat. servant, 268
- Asgard, f. Ice. Teu. divine guard, 291
- Asgaut, m. Nor. Teu. divine good, 291
- Asgjer, m. Nor. Teu. divine spear, 291
- xxviiiAsgrim, m. Ice. Teu. divine wrath, 291
- Asher, m. Eng. Heb. blessed, 7
- Askatla, divine cauldron, 290
- Askel, m. Ice. Teu. divine cauldron, 290
- Asketyl, m. Ice. Teu. divine cauldron, 290
- Askjell, m. Nor. Teu. divine cauldron, 290
- Aslak, m. Nor. Teu. divine sport, 290
- Aslavg, f. Nor. Teu. divine liquor, 290
- Asleif, m. Nor. Teu. divine relic, 290
- Asmundr, m. Nor. Teu. divine hand, 290
- Asmus, m. Dutch, Gr. beloved, 113
- Aspamirtas, m. Gr. Pers. horse lover, 78
- Aspasia, f. Gr. Gr. welcome, 60
- Assrenta, f. Ital. Lat. taken up into heaven, 30
- Assur, m. Eng. Teu. the gods, 289
- Asta, f. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Astolfo, m. Ital. Teu. swift wolf, 335, 401
- Astrid, f. Nor. Teu. impulse of love, 401
- Asuerues, m. Fr. Zend, venerable king, 57
- Asvald, m. Nor. Teu. divine power, 290
- Asvard, m. Nor. Teu. divine ward, 290
- Asvor, m. Nor. Teu. divine prudence, 290
- Asvora, f. Nor. Teu. divine prudence, 290
- Ata, m. Lapp. Gr. man, 86
- Atalik, m. Hung. Tatar, father-like, 13
- Atanacko, m. Serv. Gr. undying, 109
- Atanagio, m. Ital. Gr. undying, 109
- Atanasia, m. Ital. Gr. undying, 109
- Atanasio, m. It. Gr. undying, 109
- Athanase, m. Fr. Gr. undying, 109
- Athanasios, m. Gr. undying, 109
- Athanasius, m. Eng. Lat. Ger. Gr. undying, 109
- Athelstan, m. Eng. Teu. noble stone, 349
- Athelwold, m. Eng. Teu. noble power, 349
- Athenagoras, m. Gr. Athene’s assembly, 64
- Athenaios, m. Gr. Gr. of Athene, 64
- Athenais, f. Fr. Gr. of Athene, 64
- Athenodorus, m. Lat. Gr. Athene’s gift, 64
- Atli, m. Nor. Tatar, father-like, 13
- Atte, m. Lett. Teu. rich, 376
- Attila, m. Lat. Tatar, father-like, 13
- Attilius, m. Lat. father-like (?), 13
- Attinsch, m. Lett. Teu. rich, 376
- Attok, m. Lapp. Gr. man, 86
- Atty, m. Ir. Kelt, high, or horseman, 266
- Aubrey, m. Eng. Teu. elf ruler, 380
- Aubri, m. Fr. Teu. elf ruler, 380
- Aud, f. Ice. Teu. rich, 376
- Auda, f. Eng. Teu. rich, 376
- Audafrei, m. Fr. Teu. rich peace, 376
- Audard, m. Fr. Teu. people’s firmness, 375
- Audgrie, m. Nor. Teu. rich helmet, 376
- Audgunnr, f. Nor. Teu. rich war, 376
- Audoacer, m. Goth. Teu. treasure watcher, 376
- Audoenus, m. Lat. Teu. rich friend, 376
- Audofled, f. Frank. Teu. rich increase, 376
- Audoin, m. Lomb. rich friend, 376
- Audovard, m. Nor. Teu. rich guard, 376
- Audr, m. Nor. Teu. rich, 376
- Audrey, f. Eng. Teu. noble threatener, 410
- Audulf, m. Ice. Teu. rich wolf, 335
- Audur, m. Ice. Teu. rich, 376
- Audvakr, m. Goth. Teu. treasure watcher, 376
- Audwine, m. Frank. Teu. rich friend, 376
- Augen, rich war, 376
- Augmund, m. Nor. Teu. awful protection, 323
- August, m. Ger. Lat. venerable, 157
- Augusta, f. Eng. Ger. Lat. venerable, 157
- Auguste, m. Fr. Lat. venerable, 157
- Augusteen, f. Ir. Lat. venerable, 158
- xxixAugustin, m. Eng. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Augustina, f. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Augustine, f. Fr. Lat. venerable, 158
- Augustino, m. Span. Lat. venerable, 158
- Augustinus, m. Lat. Lat. venerable, 158
- Augusts, m. Lett. Lat. venerable, 157
- Augustus, m. Lat. Eng. Lat. venerable, 157
- Augustyn, m. Pol. Lat. venerable, 158
- Auhy, Ir. Kelt. horseman, 276
- Aujusts, m. Lett. Lat. venerable, 157
- Aulus, m. Lat. Lat. sustaining (?), or cockle (?), or hall, 131
- Aurelia, f. Eng. Lat. golden, 143
- Aurélie, f. Fr. Lat. golden, 143
- Aurelius, m. Lat. golden, 143
- Aurora, f. Eng. Ger. Lat. dawn, 169
- Aurore, f. Fr. Lat. dawn, 169
- Austin, m. Eng. Lat. venerable, 158
- Authaire, m. Teu. rich warrior, 378
- Avald, m. Nor. Teu. 323
- Avarddwy, m. Cym. Kelt. 224
- Avel, m. Russ. Heb. breath, 11
- Aveline, f. Norman, Heb. pleasant, 232
- Averil, f. Eng. Teu. wild boar battle maid, 337
- Averkie, m. Wall. Teu. noble ruler, 412
- Avgust, m. Russ. Lat. venerable, 157
- Avgusta, f. Russ. Lat. venerable, 157
- Avgusta, f. Russ. Slov. Lat. venerable, 157
- Avgustin, m. Russ. Slov. Lat. venerable, 157
- Avice, f. Eng. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Avicia, f. Lat. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Avis, f. Eng. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Avraam, m. Russ. Heb. father of multitudes, 12
- Avramij, m. Russ. Heb. father of multitudes, 12
- Awdry, f. Eng. Teu. noble threatener, 310
- Awel, m. Russ. Heb. breath, 11
- Awlay, m. Scott. Kelt. work, 330
- Awnan, m. Ir. Heb. Lat. Adam, the dwarf, 10
- Awst, m. Welsh, Lat. venerable, 157
- Axel, m. Dan. Teu. divine reward, 13
- Ayelt, m. Fris. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Ayldo, m. Fris. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Aylmer, m. Eng. Teu. formidable fame, 323
- Aylward, m. Eng. Teu. formidable guard, 323
- Aylwin, m. Eng. Teu. formidable friend, 323
- Aylwin, m. Eng. Teu. formidable fame, 323; elf friend, 266
- Aymar, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Aymon, m. Fr. Teu. home, 311
- Ayoub, m. Arab. Heb. persecuted, 26
- Azalaïs, f. Prov. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Azalbert, m. Prov. Teu. nobly bright, 411
- Azelin, m. Norman, Tatar, fatherlike, 13
- Azemar, m. Prov. Teu. fierce fame, 412
- Azo, m. Ital. Lat. from Acca, 140
- Azor, m. Norman, Teu. the gods, 289
- Azzo, m. Ital. Lat. from Acca, 140
- Azzolino, m. Ital. Lat. from Acca, 140
- Baaje, m. Nor. Teu. bow, 351
- Bab, f. Eng. Gr. stranger, 117
- Baba, f. Lus. Swiss, Gr. stranger, 117
- Babali, f. Swiss, Gr. stranger, 117
- Babbe, f. Lett. Gr. stranger, 117
- Babeli, f. Swiss, Gr. stranger, 117
- Babet, f. Fr. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Babette, f. Fr. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Babiche, f. Fr. Heb. stranger, 117
- Babichon, f. Fr. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Babie, f. Scot. Gr. stranger, 117
- Babuscha, f. Lus. Gr. stranger, 117
- Baccio, m. Ital. Lat. babbler, 159
- Badezom, m. Bret. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Badilo, m. Ger. Teu. messenger, 413
- Bado, m. Ger. Teu. messenger, 413
- Baez, m. Welsh, Kelt. boar, 152
- Bahee, f. Manx, life, 243
- Bal, m. Lus. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Bal, m. Lus. Lat. healthy, 152
- Balas, m. Hung. Lat. babbler, 159
- xxxBalawn, m. Welsh, Lat. strong, 153
- Balbus, m. Lat. stammerer, 159
- Baldag, m. A.S. Teu. white day, 303
- Baldassare, m. Ital. Pers. war council, 211
- Baldbrecht, m. Ger. princely splendour, 303
- Baldeflede, f. Eng. Teu. princely increase, 303
- Baldegisel, m. Frank. Teu. prince pledge, 303
- Baldemar, m. Ger. Teu. princely fame, 303
- Baldemund, m. Ger. Teu. princely protection, 303
- Balderich, m. Ger. Teu. prince ruler, 303
- Balderik, m. Swiss, Teu. prince ruler, 303
- Balderik, m. Swed. Teu. prince ruler, 303
- Balderyk, m. Pol. Teu. prince ruler, 303
- Baldetrud, f.f. Ger. Teu. princely maid, 303
- Baldfried, m. Ger. Teu. prince peace, 303
- Baldie, m. Scot. Teu. sacred prince, 303
- Baldo, m. Ger. Teu. prince, 303
- Baldovino, m. Ital. Teu. prince friend, 303
- Baldramm, m. Eng. Teu. prince raven, 303
- Baldred, m. Eng. Teu. prince council, 303
- Baldric, m. Eng. Teu. prince ruler, 303
- Baldur, m. Nor. Teu. white, 303
- Baldwin, m. Eng. Teu. prince friend, 304
- Baldwine, m. Eng. Teu. prince friend, 304
- Balint, m. Lith. Lat. strong, 153
- Balk, m. Lus. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Balk, m. Lus. Lat. healthy, 153
- Balsys, m. Lith. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Balta, m. Ill. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Baltasar, m. Span. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Baltasard, m. Fr. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Baltassare, m. Ital. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Baltazar, m. Ill. Pers. war council(?), 211
- Balthasar, m. Ger. Eng. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Balto, m. Ill. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Baltramejus, m. Lith. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Baltras, m. Lith. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Baltyn, m. Lus. Pers. war council (?), 211
- Bältzel, m. Swiss, Pers. war council (?), 211
- Balz, m. Swiss, Pers. war council (?), 211
- Banan, Erse, white, 244
- Banej, m. Slov. Lat. of the city, 202
- Bandi, m. Hung. Gr. man, 86
- Banquo, m. Eng. Kelt. white, 244
- Baothgalach, m. Erse, Kelt. youthful courage, 224
- Baptist, m. Russ. Ger. Eng. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Baptista, m. Port. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Baptiste, m. Fr. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Baptysta, m. Pol. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Barak, m. Eng. Heb. lightning.
- Barba, f. Ill. Span. Eng. Slav. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbara, f. Ger. It. Russ. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbary, f. Eng. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbe, f. Fr. Lett. Ger. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbeli, f. Gr. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbica, f. Slov. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbora, f. Lus. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbota, f. Bohm. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbraa, f. Dutch, Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbule, f. Lett. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barbutte, f. Lith. Gr. stranger, 117
- Barca, m. Lat. Phœn. lightning,
- Bardo, m. Dan. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bardolf, m. Eng. Teu. bright wolf, 335
- Bardr, m. Nor. Ice. beard, 427
- Barend, m. Dutch, Teu. firm bear, 339
- xxxiBarna, m. Ital. Heb. son of consolation, 24
- Barnaba, m. Ital. Ger. Heb. son of consolation, 24
- Barnabas, m. Eng. Heb. son of consolation, 24
- Barnabé, m. Fr. Heb. son of consolation, 24
- Barnaby, m. Eng. Heb. son of consolation, 24
- Barnard, m. Ir. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Barney, m. Ir. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Barry, m. Ir. Kelt. looking straight at the mark, 224
- Bart, m. Dutch, Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartek, m. Pol. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartel, m. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barteo, m. Ill. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barthel, m. Ger. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barthelemi, m. Fr. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartholomœus, Lat. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartholomao, m. Port. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartholomew, m. Eng. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartholomieu, m. Fr. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barthram, m. Scot. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Bartl, m. Bav. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartleme, m. Swiss, Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartley, m. Ir. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartli, m. Swiss, Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartlme, m. Bav. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartlomiej, m. Pol. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barto, m. Lus. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartold, m. Ger. Teu. bright power, 415
- Bartolik, m. Ill. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartolo, m. Span. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartolomée, m. Fr. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartolome, m. Span. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartolomeo, m. Ital. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bartram, m. Litt. Teu. bright raven, 345, 415
- Bartramusch, m. Litt. Teu. bright raven, 345
- Bartulf, m. Ger. Teu. bright wolf, 345
- Bartuo, m. Ill. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Barzillai, m. Eng. Heb. son of iron, 25
- Bascho, m. Swiss, Gr. awful, 111
- Basil, m. Ger. Eng. Gr. kingly, 112
- Basile, m. Fr. Gr. kingly, 112
- Basilia, f. Eng. Gr. kingly, 112
- Basilio, m. Ital. Gr. kingly, 112
- Basine, f. Prov. Gr. kingly, 112
- Baste, m. Nor. Ger. awful, 111
- Basti, m. Bav. Gr. awful, 111
- Bastia, m. Swiss, Gr. awful, 111
- Bastiali, m. Swiss, Gr. awful, 111
- Bastian, m. Ger. Gr. awful, 111
- Bastiano, m. Ital. Gr. awful, 111
- Bastiao, m. Port. Gr. awful, 111
- Bastien, m. Fr. Gr. awful, 111
- Bat, m. Eng. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bathanat, m. Kelt, son of the boar, 224
- Bathilda, f. Eng. Teu. commanding battle maid, 338, 413
- Bathilde, f. Fr. Teu. commanding battle maid, 413
- Bathsheba, f. Eng. Heb. daughter of the oath.
- Bathshua, f. Eng. Heb. daughter of the oath.
- Bâtiste, m. Fr. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Batiste, m. Fr. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Batram, m. Lus. Teu. bright raven 345, 415
- Batramusch, m. Lus. Teu. bright raven, 345, 415
- Battista, f. Fr. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Baud, m. Fr. Teu. prince, 303
- Baudouin, m. Fr. Teu. princely friend, 303
- xxxiiBaudoin, f. Fr. Teu. princely friend, 303
- Baudri, m. Fr. Teu. bold ruler, 303
- Baudhildur, f. Nor. Teu. commanding battle maid, 413
- Baudrand, m. Fr. Teuton, prince raven, 303
- Baudouin, m. Fr. Teu. prince friend, 303
- Bauge, m. Ice. Teu. bow, 351
- Baugisel, m. Ice. Teu. bow pledge, 351
- Bauista, m. Span. Gr. baptizer, 44
- Bazyli, m. Pol. Gr. kingly, 112
- Beadweig, m. A.S. Teu. battle war.
- Brearck, Lat. Ill. babbler, 158
- Beat, m. Fr. Lat. blessed, 183
- Beata, f. Eng. Lat. blessed, 183
- Beate, f. Fr. Lat. blessed, 183
- Beatrica, f. Slov. Lat. blesser, 183
- Beatrice, f. Ital. Eng. Ger. Lat. blesser, 183
- Beatriks, f. Russ. Lat. blesser, 183
- Beatrix, f. French, Port. Lat. blesser, 183
- Beatus, m. Lat. blessed, 183
- Bebba, f. Swiss, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bebbeli, f. Swiss, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bebinn, f. Gael. Kelt. melodious, 224
- Becky, f. Eng. Heb. noosed cord, 14
- Bedaws, m. Cym. Kelt. life, 254
- Bede, m. Eng. Kelt. life, Teu. prayer, 254
- Bedrich, m. Bohm. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Bedriska, f. Bohm. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Bedwulf, m. Eng. Teu. commanding wolf, 335, 413
- Bees, f. Eng. Teu. praying—Kelt. life, 253
- Beffana, f. It. Gr. manifestation, 212
- Bega, f. Eng. Kelt. life—Teu. prayer, 253
- Begga, f. Nor. Kelt. life—Teu. prayer, 253
- Beìeli, m. Swiss, Heb. goodness of the Lord, 49
- Bejmia, m. Lus. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Bela, f. Span. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bela, m. Hung. Teu. nobly bright, 410
- Belinda, f. Eng. Ital. (?) serpent, 464
- Belisarius, m. Lat. Slav. white prince, 211
- Belitzar, m. Slav. white prince, 211
- Belle, f. Eng. Phœn. oath of Baal, 35
- Bellona, f. Eng. Lat. warlike, 169
- Bellovisus, m. Lat. beautiful to behold, 352
- Belphœbe, f. Eng. Gr. far light, 65
- Beltran, m. Span. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Bema, f. Lus. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Ben, m. Eng. Heb. son of the right hand, 7
- Bendik, m. Nor. Lat. blessed, 184
- Bendikkas, m. Lett. Lat. blessed, 184
- Bendzus, m. Lett. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedek, m. Hung. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedetta, f. Ital. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedetto, m. Ital. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedict, m. Eng. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedicta, f. Port. Eng. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedictine, f. Ger. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedicto, m. Port. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedictus, m. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedikt, m. Ger. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedickta, f. Ger. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedit, m. Ill. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedix, m. Ger. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benedykt, m. Pol. Lat. blessed, 184
- Bengt, Swed. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benigna, f. Ger. Lat. kind, 183
- Benigne, m. Fr. Lat. kind, 183
- Benignus, m. Lat. kind, 183
- Beniesch, Lus. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benin, m. Fr. Lat. kind, 183
- Benita, f. Span. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benito, m. Span. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benjamin, m. Eng. Heb. son of the right hand, 7
- Benjamino, m. It. Heb. son of the right hand, 7
- Benjie, m. Scot. Heb. son of the right hand, 7
- Bennéad, m. Bret. Lat. blessed, 184
- Bennéged, m. Bret. Lat. blessed, 184
- Bennet, m. Eng. Lat. blessed, 183
- Benno, m. Ger. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Benoit, m. Fr. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benoite, f. Fr. Lat. blessed, 184
- Benoni, m. Eng. Heb. son of sorrow, 7
- Bent, m. Dan. Lat. blessed, 184
- xxxiiiBenvenuto, m. It. welcome, 185
- Benyna, f. Lith. Lat. kind, 183
- Benzel, m. Swiss, Lat. blessed, 184
- Benzli, m. Swiss, Lat. blessed, 184
- Beorn, m. A.S. Teu. bear, 339
- Beornulf, m. A.S. Teu. bear wolf, 339
- Beornwald, m. A.S. Teu. bear power, 339
- Beorhtric, m. A.S. Teu. bright ruler, 415
- Beowulf, m. A.S. Teu. harvest wolf, 335
- Beppo, m. It. Heb. addition, 23
- Bera, f. Nor. Teu. bear, 339
- Berach, m. Erse, Kelt. looking straight at the mark, 224
- Béranger, m. Fr. Teu. bear spear, 339
- BérengèreBérengère, f. Fr. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Berault, m. Fr. Teu. bear power, 340
- Berchta, f. Ger. Teu. bright, 415
- Berchthilda, f. Frank. Teu. bright battle maid, 415
- Berchtiramm, m. Frank. Teu. bright raven, 345, 415
- Berchtvold, m. A.S. Teu. bright power, 339, 415
- Berdrand, m. Ger. Teu. bright raven, 345, 415
- Berend, m. Ger. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Berengar, m. Ger. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Berengaria, f. Eng. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Berenger, m. Eng. Span. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Berenguela, f. Span. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Berenice, f. Macedonian, Gr. bringing victory, 90
- Berents, Lett. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Berghild, f. Nor. Teu. protecting battle maid, 419
- Bergliot, f. Swed. Teu. mountain terror, 419
- Berge, f. Lett. Kelt. 236
- Bergswain, m. Nor. Teu. protecting youth, 419
- Bergthor, m. Nor. Teu. protecting Thor, 419
- Bergthora, f. Nor. Teu. protecting Thor, 419
- Bernal, m. Span. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernaldo, m. Fr. It. Teu. bear’s power, 339
- Bernard, m. Eng. Teu. firm bear, 340
- Bernardek, m. Slov. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardin, m. Fr. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardina, f. Ital. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardine, f. Fr. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardino, m. Ital. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardo, m. Ital. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernardu, m. Wallach. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernat, m. Hung. Teu. firm bear, 339
- Bernclo, m. Bav. Teu. bear’s claw, 339
- Bernd, m. Fris. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Berner, m. Ger. Teu. bear warrior, 339
- Berngard, m. Russ. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Bernhard, m. Ger. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Berngard, f. Dan. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Bernhardine, f. Ger. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Bernice, Eng. Gr. bringing victory, 90
- Bernold, m. Ger. Teu. bear power, 339
- Berns, m. Lett. Teu. bear firm, 339
- Bersi, m. Nor. Teu. bear, 339
- Berta, f. Ital. Pol. Teu. bright (Epiphany night), 212, 415
- Bertalda, f. Ger. Teu. bright battle maid, 415
- Bertaldo, m. It. Teu. bright firm, 415
- Bertar, m. Ger. Teu. bright warrior, 415
- Bertel, m. Ger. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bertel, Dan. Teu. noble brightness, 415
- Bertelmes, m. Dutch, Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Bertha, f. Eng. Ger. Teu. bright (Epiphany night), 212, 415
- Berthe, f. Fr. Teu. bright (Epiphany night), 212, 415
- Berthilda, f. Ger. Teu. bright battle maid, 414
- xxxivBerthold, m. Ger. Teu. bright firm, 415
- Bertille, f. Fr. Teu. bright battle maid, 414
- Bertin, m. Fr. Teu. bright friend, 415
- Berto, m. Ger. Teu. bright.
- Bertok, m. Hung. Teu. bright raven, 414
- Bertold, m. Ger. Teu. bright power, 414
- Bertoldo, m. Ital. Teu. bright firm, 414
- Bertolf, m. Ger. Teu. bright wolf, 335
- Bertoud, m. Fr. Teu. bright firm, 415
- Bertrade, f. Fr. Teu. bright speech, 415
- Bertram, m. Ger. Eng. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Bertran, m. Prov. Span. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Bertrand, m. Fr. Ger. Teu. bright raven, or shield, 415
- Bertrăo, m. Span. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Bertrich, m. Ger. Teu. bright rule, 415
- Bertrud, f. Ger. Teu. bright maid, 415
- Bertuccio, m. Ital. Teu. bright friend, 415
- Bertulf, m. Ger. Teu. bright wolf, 335, 415
- Bertwine, m. Ger. Teu. bright friend, 415
- Berzske, f. Lett. Kelt. strength, 236
- Bess, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Besse, m. Nor. Teu. bear, 339
- Bessie, f. Scot. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bessy, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bet, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Beta, f. Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Beth, f. Gael. Kelt. life, 253
- Betha, f. Swiss, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bethia, f. Eng. Kelt. life, 253
- Bethlem, m. Hung. Heb. house of bread, 39
- Bethoc, f. Gael. Kelt. life, 253
- Betsey, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Betta, f. It. Lat. blessed, 183
- Bette, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bettina, f. It. Lat. blessed, 183
- Bettine, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bettino, m. Ital. Lat. blessed, 183
- Betto, m. Ital. Lat. blessed, 183
- Bettrys, f. Welsh, Lat. blesser, 183
- Betty, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Bevis, m. Eng. Teu. bow, 351
- Biagio, m. Ital. Lat. babbler, 159
- Bianca, f. Ital. Teu. white, 428
- Biasio, m. Ital. Lat. babbler, 159
- Bibiana, f. Lat. living, 197
- Bibianus, m. Lat. living, 197
- Biddulph, f. Eng. Teu. commanding wolf, 413
- Biddy, f. Ir. Kelt. strength, 235
- Bice, f. It. Lat. blesser, 183
- Bildaberta, f. Ger. 212
- Bilichilde, f. Fr. Teu. resolute battle maid, 314
- Bilippos, m. Macedonian, Gr. loving horses, 79
- Bill, m. Eng. Teu. helmet of resolution, 314
- Bille, f. Lith. Lat. wise old woman, 313
- Bindus, m. Lett. Lat. blessed, 183
- Bine, f. Serv. Lat. kind, 184
- Binkentios, m. Gr. Lat. conquering, 197
- Biorgulv, m. Nor. protecting wolf, 419
- Birge, 419
- Birger, m. Dan. Teu. protecting warrior, 419
- Birre, f. Esth. Kelt. strength, 236
- Bisch, Swiss, Gr. baptism, 44
- Bischeli, Swiss, Gr. baptism, 44
- Bjorgulv, m. Ice. Teu. mountain wolf, 419
- Bjorn, m. Nor. Teu. bear, 339
- Bjornar, m. Nor. Teu. bear warrior, 339
- Bjorngjar, m. Nor. Teu. bear spear, 339
- Bjorngjerd, m. Nor. Teu. bear spear.
- Bjornhard, m. Nor. Teu. stern bear, 339
- Bjornhedinn, m. Nor. Teu. bear fury, 339
- Bjornstern, m. Nor. Teu. bear star, 339
- Bjornulv, m. Nor. Teu. bear wolf, 339
- Blaas, m. Dutch, Teu. babbler, 159
- Blagodvoj, m. Ill. Slav. good war, 444
- Blagogost, m. Slav. good guest, 444
- xxxvBlagoje, Ill. Slav. good war, 444
- Blagorod, m. Ill. Slav. good birth, 444
- Blagoslav, m. Ill. Slav. good glory, 444
- Blaise, m. Fr. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blaisot, m. Fr. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blanca, f. Ger. Span. Teu. white, 429
- Blanch, f. Eng. Teu. white, 428
- Blanche, f. Fr. Teu. white, 429
- Blanchefleur, f. Fr. Teu. white flower, 172, 428
- Blanco, m. Span. Teu. white, 429
- Blas, m. Span. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blase, m. Eng. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasek, m. Ill. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasi, m. Ger. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasia, f. Ger. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasio, m. It. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasius, m. Ger. Lat. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasko, m. Ill. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blasok, m. Bav. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blaszej, m. Pol. Bohm. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blathnaid, f. Erse, Kelt, white flower, 428
- Blaz, m. Ill. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blaze, m. Eng. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blazek, m. Ill. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blazena, f. Slav. Slav, happy, 444
- Blazko, m. Ill. Lat. babbler, 159
- Blenda, f. Swed. Teu. dazzling, 429
- Boadicea, f. Lat. Kelt, victory, 227
- Boaventura, m. Port. Ital. well met, 185
- Bob, m. Eng. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Bobbo, m. Ger. Teu. father, 333
- Bobo, m. Ger. Teu. father, 333
- Bodil, f. Nor. Teu. commanding battle maid, 413
- Bodild, f. Nor. Teu. commanding battle maid, 413
- Bodmod, m. Dan. Teu. battle fury, 414
- Bodnar, m. Dan. Teu. battle leader, 414
- Bodo, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 413
- Bodulf, m. Dan. Teu. commanding wolf, 413
- Bodvulf, m. A.S. Teu. commanding wolf, 413
- Bodvulf, m. Dan. Teu. battle wolf, 414
- Boel, f. Nor. Teu. commanding battle maid, 413
- Boemondo, m. It. Slav. God’s love (?).
- Boethius, m. Lat. Kelt. youthful courage.
- Bogasav, m. Ill. Slav. God’s glory, 438
- Bogdan, m. Slav. Slav. God’s gift, 438
- Bogdana, f. Slav. Slav. God’s gift, 438
- Boge, m. Nor. Teu. bow, 352
- Bogislaus, m. Eng. Slav. God’s glory, 438
- Bogo, m. Ger. Teu. bow, 352
- Bogoboj, m. Slav. Slav. God’s battle, 438
- Bogohval, m. Slav. Slav. God’s praise, 438
- Bogomil, m. Ill. Slav. God’s love, 438
- Bogoslav, m. Slav. Slave, God’s glory, 438
- Bogue, m. Eng. Teu. bow, 352
- Bohdan, m. Bohm. Slav. God’s gift, 438
- Bohdana, m. Bohm. Slav. God’s gift, 438
- Bohemond, m. Eng. Slav. God’s love (?), 438
- Bohumil, m. Bohm. Slav. God’s love, 438
- Bohumir, m. Bohm. Slav. God’s peace, 438
- Boidh, m. Gadhaelic, Erse, yellow, 252
- Boldisar, m. Hung. Pers. war council, 211
- Boleslao, m. Span. Slav. stronger glory, 441
- Boleslas, m. Fr. Slav. strong glory, 441
- Boleslau, m. Port. Slav, strong-glory, 441
- Boleslav, m. Slav. Slav. strong glory, 441
- Bolta, m. Ill. Pers. 211
- Boltazar, m. Slov. Pers. 211
- Bona, f. It. Ger. Lat. good, 185
- Bonaventura, m. It. well met, 185
- Bonaventure, m. Fr. It. well met, 185
- xxxviBondr, m. Nor. farmer, 332
- Bonifac, m. Bohm. Lat. well doer, 185
- Boniface, m. Eng. Fr. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifacij, m. Russ. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifacio, m. It. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifacius, m. Ger. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifacy, m. Pol. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifaz, m. Ger. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonifazio, m. It. Lat. well doer, 185
- Bonne, f. Fr. Lat. good, 185
- Bopp, m. Swiss, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Boppi, f. Swiss, Heb. addition, 23
- Boris, m. Russ. fight, 441
- Borka, m. Russ. Slav. fight, 441
- Borinka, m. Russ. Slav. fight, 441
- Borivor, m. Bohm. Slav. fight, 441
- Borgny, protecting freshness, 419
- Borny, protecting freshness, 419
- Borbola, Hung. stranger, 117
- Boris, Hung. stranger, 117
- Bors, m. Eng. Kelt. boar, 152
- Bortolo, m. It. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Boso, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 413
- Bostej, m. Sl. Gr. awful, 111
- Bostjan, m. Sl. Gr. awful, 111
- Botheric, m. Goth. Teu. commanding king, 413
- Bothild, f. Dan. Teu. commanding heroine, 413
- Botho, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 413
- Botolph, m. Eng. Teu. commanding wolf, 413
- Botzhild, f. Ger. Teu. commanding heroine, 413
- Botzo, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 413
- Botzulf, m. Ger. Teu. commanding wolf, 413
- Boyd, m. Scot. Kelt. yellow, 252
- Bozena, m. Slov. Slav. Christmas child, 438
- Bozicko, m. Slov. Slav. Christmas child, 438
- Bozidar, m. Slov. Slav. God’s gift, 438
- Bozidara, m. Slov. Slave, God’s gift, 438
- Bozo, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 413
- Bozo, m. Slov. Slav. Christmas child, 438
- Bragican, m. Ill. Slav. brother, 444
- Brajan, m. Ill. Slav. brother, 444
- Bram, m. Dutch, Heb. father of nations, 12
- Bran, m. Gael. Kelt. raven, 235
- Bran, m. Cym. Kelt. raven, 235
- Branca, Port. Teu. white, 429
- Brancaleone, m. Ital. arm of a lion, 77
- Brand, m. Ger. Teu. sword, 351
- Brandolf, m. Nor. Teu. sword wolf, 351
- Bratoljub, m. Ill. Slav. brother’s love, 444
- Bravac, m. Ill. Slav. wild boar, 441
- Braz, m. Port. Lat. babbler, 159
- Brazil, m. Manx, Kelt. strong, 235
- Breasal, m. Erse, Kelt. 235
- Brenda, f. Scot. Teu. sword (?), 351
- Brengwain, f. Eng. Kelt. white bosom, 230
- Brenhilda, f. Span. Teu. breast-plate battle maid, 360
- Brennus, m. Lat. Kelt. strong, 232
- Brenzis, f. Esth. Lat. laurel, 174
- Brian, m. Ir. Kelt. strong, 235
- Brichteva, f. Nor. Teu. bright gift, 415
- Brichtfled, f. A.S. Teu. bright increase, 415
- Brichtfrid, m. A.S. Teu. bright peace, 415
- Brichtmar, A.S. Teu. bright fame, 415
- Brichtric, m. A.S. Teu. bright king, 415
- Brichtseg, m. A.S. Teu. bright warrior, 415
- Brichtstan, m. A.S. Teu. bright stone, 415
- Bride, f. Scot. Kelt. strength, 236
- Bridget, f. Eng. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brien, m. Fr. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brietta, f. Ir. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brieuc, m. Bret. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brighid, f. Erse, Kelt. strength, (goddess of smiths,) 236
- Brigida, f. It. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brigide, f. Fr. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brigitta, f. Swed. Ger. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brigitte, f. Fr. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brischia, f. Lus. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brita, f. Swed. Kelt. strength, 236
- xxxviiBrites, f. Port. strength, 236
- Brithomar, m. Kelt. great Briton, 224
- Brithric, m. Eng. Teu. bright ruler, 415
- Britomartis, f. Crete, Gr. sweet maid, 236
- Britle, f. Lett. Kelt. strength, 236
- Brockwell, m. Eng. Kelt. strong champion (?), 236
- Brocmael, m. Welsh, Kelt. strong champion (?), 236
- Bronislav, m. Slav. Slav. weapon glory, 441
- Bronislava, f. Slav. Slav. weapon glory, 441
- Bronwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. white bosom, 229
- Bros, m. Lus. Gr. immortal, 109
- Brosk, m. Lus. Gr. immortal, 109
- Brunehault, f. Fr. Teu. breast-plate battle maid, 360
- Brunilla, f. Nor. Teu. breast-plate battle maid, 360
- Bruno, m. Ger. Teu. brown, 428
- Brush, m. Eng. Gr. immortal, 109
- Bryan, m. Ir. Kelt. strong, 235
- Bryney, m. Ir. Kelt. strong, 235
- Brynhild, m. Ger. Teu. breast-plate battle maid, 360
- Brynjar, m. Nor. Teu. breast-plate warrior, 360
- Brunulf, m. Nor. Teu. breast-plate wolf, 360
- Buadhach, m. Erse, Kelt. victorious, 227
- Budhic, m. Bret. Kelt. victorious, 227
- Buddud, f. Welsh, Kelt. victory, 227
- Buddug, f. Welsh, Kelt. victory, 227
- Bugge, m. Dan. Teu. bow, 352
- Buovo, It. Nor. Teu. bow, 352
- Burac, m. Serv. Slav. storm, 439
- Burgenhild, A.S. Teu. protecting battle maid, 419
- Burja, m. Serv. Slav. storm, 439
- Burrhed, m. A.S. Teu. pledge of council, 419
- Byrger, m. Dan. Teu. protecting warrior, 419
- Cacciaguido, m. It. conquering war, 451
- Cadell, m. Welsh, Kelt. war defence, 251
- Cadfer, m. stout in battle, 251
- Cadffrawd, m. Welsh, Kelt. brother’s war, 252
- Cado, m. Welsh, Kelt. 251
- Cadoc, m. Eng. Kelt. 251
- Cadogan, m. Eng. Kelt. 251
- Cados, m. Fr. Kelt. war, 251
- Caduad, m. Brit. Kelt. war, 251
- Caduan, m. Bret. Kelt. war horn, 251
- Cadvan, m. Welsh, Kelt. war horn, 252
- Cadwaladyr, m. Welsh, Kelt. battle arranger, 252
- Cadwallader, m. Eng. Kelt. battle arranger, 251
- Cadwallon, m. Welsh, Kelt. war lord (?), 251
- Cadwgan, m. Welsh, Kelt. war, 252
- Cæcilia, f. Lat. blind, 144
- Cäcilie, f. Ger. Lat. blind, 144
- Cæcilius, m. Lat. blind, 144
- Caemhan, m. Erse, Kelt. handsome, 256
- Cæsar, m. Lat. hairy (?), 159
- Cäsar, m. Ger. Lat. hairy (?), 159
- Caetano, m. Span. Lat. of Caieta, 132
- Caharija, f. Slov. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Cahir, m. Ir. Kelt. battle slaughter, 252
- Caia, f. Lat. rejoiced in, 131
- Caieta, f. Lat. rejoiced in, 131
- Cailein, m. dove, 261
- Cailleach, f. Erse, Kelt. handmaid, 261
- Cailleach Aonghas, f. Erse, Kelt. handmaid of Angus, 261
- Cailleach Coeimghin, f. Erse, Kelt. handmaid of Kevin, 261
- Cailleach De, f. Erse, Kelt. handmaid of God, 261
- Cain, m. Eng. Heb. possession, 7
- Cainan, m. Eng. Heb. gaining, 7
- xxxviiiCainneach, m. Gael. Kelt. comely, 256
- Caintigern, f. Erse, Kelt. fair lady, 258
- Caio, m. Ital. Lat. rejoiced in, 131
- Cairbre, m. Erse, Kelt. strong man, 250
- Caislav, m. Pol. Slav. honour glory, 442
- Caius, m. Lat. rejoiced in, 131
- Cajetano, m. Span. Lat. of Gaeta, 131
- Caleb, m. Eng. Heb. dog, 38
- Caligula, m. Lat. of the sandal, 131
- Calixtus, m. Lat. of the chalice.
- Callum, m. Gael. dove, 261
- Calvandre, m. Fr. 57
- Camilla, f. Lat. Eng. It. Lat. attendant at a sacrifice, 160
- Camille, m. f. Fr. Lat. attendant at a sacrifice, 160
- Camillo, m. Ital. Lat. attendant at a sacrifice, 160
- Camillus, m. Lat. attendant at a sacrifice, 160
- Camilo, m. Span. Lat. attendant at a sacrifice, 160
- Candide, f. Fr. Lat. white, 270
- Cane, m. It. Lat. dog, 247
- Canute, m. Eng. Teu. hill, 433
- Canutus, Lat. Teu. hill, 433
- Caoimghin, m. Kelt. comely, 256
- Caoimhghin, m. Erse, Kelt. handsome, 256
- Caoin, Erse, Kelt. comely, 256
- Caoineach, Gael. comely, Kelt. 256
- Caoinnach, Erse, Kelt. comely, 256
- Caomh, Erse, Kelt. comely, 256
- Cara, f. Gr. Kelt. friend, 234
- Caractacus, m. Lat. Kelt. beloved, 233
- Caradoc, m. Eng. Kelt. beloved, 234
- Caradwg, m. Welsh, Kelt. beloved, 234
- Carel, m. Dutch, Teu. man, 386
- Carl, m. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Carlina, f. Ital. Teu. man, 386
- Carlo, m. Ital. Teu. man, 386
- Carloman, m. Fr. Teu. strong man, 386
- Carlos, m. Span. Teu. man, 386
- Carlota, f. Span. Teu. man, 386
- Carlotta, f. Ital. Teu. man, 386
- Carmela, f. Ital. Heb. vineyard, 36
- Carmichael, m. Scot. Kelt. friend of Michael, 260
- Carmine, f. Ital. Heb. vineyard, 36
- Carnation, Gyp. Lat. incarnation, 31
- Carolina, f. Ital. Teu. man, 386
- Caroline, f. Eng. Fr. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Carolus, m. Lat. Teu. man, 386
- Carry, f. Eng. Teu. man, 386
- Carvilius, m. Lat. Kelt. friend of power, 224
- Casimir, m. Fr. Slav. show forth peace, 443
- Casimiro, m. Ital. Slav. show forth peace, 443
- Caslav, m. Slav. honour glory, 443
- Casparo, m. Ital. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Cassandra, f. Eng. Gr. 75
- Cassivellaunus, m. Lat. Kelt. lord of great hate, 224
- Castibog, m. Slav. fear God, 444
- Castimir, m. Slav. honour peace, 442
- Castislav, m. Slav. honour glory, 444
- Caswallon, m. Eng. Kelt. lord of great hate (?), 224
- Catalina, f. Span. Gr. purer, 123
- Cataut, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 123
- Categern, m. Eng. Kelt. head chief, 258
- Caterina, f. It. Gr. pure, 123
- Caterino, m. It. Gr. pure, 123
- Cathal, Irish, eye of battle, 252
- Cathaoir, m. Erse, Kelt. battle slaughter, 252
- Catharina, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 123
- Catharine, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 123
- Cathbar, m. Erse, Kelt. battle chief, 252
- Cathbat, m. Gael. Kelt. battle (?), 252
- Catherine, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 123
- Cathir, m. battle slaughter, 252
- Cathmor, m. Gael. great in battle, 252
- Cathuil, m. Gael. Kelt. eye of battle, 252
- Cathwg, f. Welsh, Gr. pure, 123
- Catin, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 123
- Cato, m. Lat. cautious, 164
- xxxixCaton, m. Fr. Lat. cautious, 164
- Caton, m. Fr. Gr. pure, 123
- Cattwg, m. Welsh, Kelt. war, 252
- Ceadda, m. Lat. Kelt. war, 252
- Ceadwalla, m. A.S. Kelt. war lord, 252
- Ceara, f. Erse, Kelt. ruddy, 256
- Cearan, m. Erse, Kelt. black, 256
- Cecca, f. Ital. Teu. free, 299
- Ceccarella, f. It. Teu. free, 299
- Ceccina, f. It. Teu. free, 299
- Cecco, m. Ital. Teu. free, 299
- Cecil, m. f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecile, f. Fr. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecilia, f. It. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecilie, f. Ger. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecilija, f. Ill. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecilio, m. Ital. Lat. blind, 144
- Cecily, f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
- Cedd, m. A.S. Kelt, war, 252
- Cedoljub, m. Sl. child love, 444
- Cedomil, m. Sl. child love, 444
- Ceile Petair, m. Erse, Kelt. vassal of Peter, 261
- Cein, f. Welsh, Kelt. jewel, 260
- Ceinwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. jewel, the virgin, 260
- Ceirin, m. Erse, Kelt. black, 255
- Celamire, f. Fr. 57
- Celeste, f. Fr. Lat. heavenly, 193
- Celestin, m. Fr. Lat. heavenly, 193
- Celestine, f. Fr. Lat. heavenly, 193
- Celestino, m. Ital. Lat. heavenly, 193
- Celia, f. Eng. Lat. 145
- Celie, f. Fr. Lat. 145
- Celine, f. Fr. Lat. 145
- Cenbyrht, m. A.S. Teu. bold brightness, 424
- Cenfus, m. A.S. Teu. bold eagerness, 424
- Cenfuth, m. A.S. Teu. bold peace, 424
- Cenhelm, m. A.S. Teu. bold helmet, 424
- Cenred, m. A.S. Teu. bold council, 423
- Cenvulf, m. A.S. Teu. bold wolf, 423
- Ceol, m. A.S. Teu. ship, 429
- Ceolnoth, m. A.S. Teu. ship compulsion, 429
- Ceolred, m. A.S. Teu. ship council, 429
- Ceolwald, m. A.S. Teu. ship power, 429
- Ceolwulf, m. A.S. Teu. ship wolf, 429
- Ceorl, m. A.S. Teu. man, 386
- Cephas, m. Eng. Aram. stone, 107
- Cesar, m. Fr. Lat. hairy (?), 159
- Cesare, m. It. Lat. hairy (?), 159
- Cesarina, f. It. Lat. hairy (?), 159
- Ceslav, m. Ill. Slav. honour glory, 443
- Cestislav, m. Ill. Slav. honour glory, 443
- Chad, m. Eng. Kelt. war, 252
- Charalmpios, m. Gr. joy lamp, 216
- Charibert, m. Frank. Teu. bright warrior, 417
- Charilaus, m. Eng. Gr. grace of the people, 73
- Charimund, m. Teu. 417
- Charinus, m. Eng. Gr. grace, 73
- Chariovalda, Pat. Teu. warrior power, 417
- Charissa, f. Eng. Gr. love, 73
- Chariton, f. Gr. Gr. love, 73
- Charity, f. Eng. Gr. love, 73
- Chariwulf, warrior wolf, 417
- Charlemagne, m. Fr. Teu. Lat. Charles the Great, 386
- Charles, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. man, 386
- Charlet, f. Eng. Teu. man, 386
- Charley, m. Eng. Teu. man, 386
- Charlie, m. Scot. Teu. man, 386
- Charlot, m. Fr. Teu. man, 386
- Charlotte, f. Eng. Fr. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Chatty, f. Eng. Teu. man, 386
- Chérie, f. Fr. Lat. fair, 196
- Cherry, f. Eng. Gr. love, 73
- Cherubino, m. Ital. Heb. little cherub, 53
- Chiara, f. Ital. Lat. famous, 185
- Childebert, m. Frank. Teu. battle bright, 318
- Childeberte, f. Frank. Teu. battle bright, 318
- Childebrand, m. Frank. Teu. battle brand, 318
- Childerich, m. Frank. Teu. battle ruler, 318
- Chilperic, m. Frank. Teu. helping ruler, 318
- Chim, m. Ger. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- xlChlaus, m. Swiss, Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Chlodhilda, f. Lat. Frank. Teu. famous battle maid, 404
- Chlodoald, m. Frank. Teu. famous power, 404
- Chlodobert, m. Frank. Teu. famously bright, 404
- Chlodobeu, m. Prov. Teu. holy fame, 404
- Chlodio, m. Frank. fame, 404
- Chlodomir, Frank. Teu. loud fame, 404
- Chlodosind, f. Frank. Teu. famous strength, 404
- Chlodoswintha, f. Goth. Teu. famous strength, 404
- Chlodoweh, m. Frank. Teu. holy fame, 404
- Chloe, f. Eng. Gr. blooming, 70
- Chloter, m. Frank. Teu. famous warrior, 407
- Chochilaicus, m. Lat. Teu. sport of thought, 354
- Chosroes, m. Gr. Zend. sun (?), 56
- Chramne, m. Frank. Teu. raven, 345
- Chresta, m. Swiss, Gr. Christian, 105
- Chresteli, m. Swiss, Gr. Christian, 105
- Chrestien, m. Fr. Gr. Christian, 105
- Chrestienne, f. Fr. Gr. Christian, 105
- Chrestoffel, m. Swiss, Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Chrétien, Fr. Gr. Christian, 105
- Chriemhild, f. Ger. Teu. helmeted battle maid, 360
- Chrissanth, m. Russ. Fr. gold flower, 125
- Chris, Eng. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Chrissie, f. Scot. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christabel, f. Eng. fair Christian, 104
- Christackr, m. M. Gr. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christal, m. Scot. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christian, f. Scot. Dan. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christiana, f. Eng. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christiane, f. Nor. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christiern, m. Dan. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christina, m. Eng. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christine, m. Fr. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christinha, f. Port. Gr. Christian, 105
- Christmas, m. Eng. 209
- Christof, m. Russ. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christofer, m. Russ. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christoph, m. Ger. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christophe, m. Fr. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christopher, m. Eng. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christophera, f. Eng. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christophoros, m. Gr. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christophilon, Ger. Gr. Christ loved, 106
- Christophine, f. Ger. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Christovao, m. Port. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Chrodehilde, f. Fr. Teu. famous heroine, 404
- Chrodo, m. Fr. Teu. fame, 404
- Chrodogang, m. Frank. Teu. famed progress, 406
- Chrodoswintha, f. Fr. Teu. famous strength, 407
- Chrysanth, m. Bav. Gr. gold flower, 125
- Chrysanthos, m. Gr. Gr. gold flower, 125
- Chryseis, f. Gr. golden, 125
- Chrysostom, m. Eng. Gr. gold mouth, 43
- Chrysostome, m. Fr. Gr. gold mouth, 43
- Chrysostomos, m. Gr. Gr. gold mouth, 43
- Chrysoucha, f. M. Gr. Gr. golden, 43
- Chuedi, m. Swiss, Teu. bold council, 423
- Chuedli, m. Swiss, Teu. bold council, 423
- Chuered, m. Swiss, Teu. bold council, 423
- Chuonmund, m. Old Ger. Teu. bold protection, 423
- Chuonrath, m. Old Ger. Teu. bold council, 423
- Cian, m. Erse, vast, 258
- Cicero, m. Lat. vetch, 129
- Cicily, f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
- Cila, f. Ill. Lat. blind, 144
- xliCile, f. Hamb. Lat. blind, 144
- Cilika, f. Ill. Lat. blind, 144
- Ciprian, m. Eng. Lat. of Cyprus, 199
- Cipriano, m. It. Lat. of Cyprus, 199
- Ciriaco, m. Ital. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Ciril, m. Ill. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cirilo, m. Span. Ital. Ill. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cirjar, m. Ill. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Cirko, m. Ill. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Ciro, m. Slov. Ill. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cis, f. Eng. Lat. blind, 144
- Cislav, m. Slav. pure glory, 444
- Cistislav, m. Slav. pure glory, 444
- Clair, m. Fr. Lat. famous, 185
- Claire, f. Fr. Lat. famous, 185
- Clara, f. Eng. Span. Lat. famous, 185
- Clare, f. Eng. Lat. famous, 185
- Clarina, m. Eng. Lat. famous, 185
- Claribel, f. Eng. Lat. brightly fair, 185
- Clarice, f. Ital. Lat. rendering famous, 185
- Clarimond, Eng. 185
- Clarinda, f. Eng. Lat. brightly fair, 185
- Clarissa, f. Eng. Lat. rendering famous, 185
- Clarisse, f. Fr. Lat. rendering famous, 185
- Clarus, m. Lat. famous, 185
- Clas, m. Dutch, Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Claud, m. Eng. Lat. lame, 146
- Claude, f. m. Fr. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudia, f. Ger. It. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudie, f. Prov. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudina, f. It. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudine, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudio, m. It. Lat. lame, 146
- Claudius, m. Lat. lame, 146
- Claus, m. Dutch, Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Cleanthe, Fr. Gr. famous bloom, 95
- Clem, m. Eng. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clémence, f. Fr. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clemency, f. Eng. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clemens, m. Ger. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clement, m. Eng. Fr. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clemente, m. It. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clementia, f. Ger. It. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clementina, f. Eng. It. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clementine, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. merciful, 160
- Clemenza, f. It. Lat. merciful, 160
- Cleomachus, m. Gr. famous war, 407
- Cleopatra, f. Eng. Gr. fame of her father, 95
- Clobes, m. Ger. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Clodoveo, m. Span. Teu. holy fame, 404
- Clodius, m. Lat. lame, 146
- Clotilda, f. Lat. Teu. famous battle maid, 404
- Clotilde, f. Fr. Teu. famous battle maid, 404
- Cloud, m. Fr. Teu. famous power, 404
- Clovis, m. Lat. Teu. holy fame, 404
- Cnæus, m. Lat. with a birth mark, 131
- Cnogher, m. Ir. Kelt. strong aid, 247
- Cnud, m. Eng. Teu. hill, 433
- Cœlia, f. Lat. 145
- Cœlina, f. Lat. 145
- Coenrad, m. Dutch, Teu. bold speech, 423
- Cohat, Prov. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Cort, Dan. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Col, Welsh, Kelt.
- Cola, m. It. Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Colan, m. Corn. Lat. dove, 261
- Colas, m. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Colbert, m. Fr. Eng. Teu. cool brightness, 429
- Colbrand, m. Eng. Teu. cool sword, 429
- Colborn, m. Eng. Teu. black bear, 429
- Colin, m. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 92
- Colin, m. Scot. Lat. dove, 261
- Colin, m. Fr. Gr. victor, 90, 388
- Colinette, f. Eng. Lat. dove, 261
- Colman, m. Ger. Lat. dove, 187
- Colombina, f. Ital. Lat. dove, 187
- Columb, m. Eng. Lat. dove, 187, 261
- Columba, m. Lat. dove, 187, 261
- Columbanus, m. Lat. Lat. dove, 187, 261
- xliiColumbine, f. Eng. Lat. dove, 261
- Columbkill, m. Ir. Lat. dove of the cell, 261
- Côme, m. Fr. Gr. order, 125
- Como, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Con, m. Erse, Kelt. wisdom, 247
- Conachar, m. Scot. Kelt. strong help.
- Conan, m. Bret. Kelt. wisdom, 247
- Concepcion, f. Span. Lat. in honour of the immaculate conception, 30
- Concetta, f. It. Lat. in honour of the immaculate conception, 30
- Conchita, f. Span. Lat. in honour of the immaculate conception, 30
- Conchobhar, m. Erse, Kelt. strong help, 248
- Concordia, f. Ger. Lat. concord.
- Congal, m. Erse, Kelt. chief courage, 247
- Coniah, m. Eng. Heb. appointed, 38
- Conmor, m. Ir. Kelt. strength great, 247
- Conn, m. Erse, Kelt. wisdom, 247
- Connaire, m. Gael. Kelt. hound of slaughter, 250
- Connal, m. Ir. Kelt. chief’s courage, 247
- Connel, m. Ir. Kelt. chief’s courage, 247
- Connor, m. Ir. Kelt. hound of slaughter, 250
- Connull, m. Scot. Kelt. wise strength, 247
- Conquhare, m. Scot. Kelt. strong help, 248
- Conrad, m. Eng. Teu. able speech, 423
- Conrade, m. Fr. Teu. able speech, 423
- Conradin, m. Fr. Teu. able speech, 423
- Conrado, m. Ital. Teu. able speech, 423
- Consalvo, m. Ital. Teu. war wolf, 363
- Constança, f. Span. Lat. firm, 161
- Constance, f. Eng. Fr. Lat. firm, 161
- Constancia, f. Eng. Port. Lat. firm, 161
- Constancio, m. Port. Lat. firm, 161
- Constans, m. Ger. Lat. firm, 161
- Constant, m. Ir. Eng. Lat. 161
- Constantine, m. Eng. Lat. firm, 161
- Constantino, m. Ital. Lat. firm, 161
- Constantinus, m. Lat. firm, 161
- Constantius, m. Lat. firm, 161
- Constanz, m. Ger. Lat. firm, 161
- Constanze, f. Ger. Lat. firm, 161
- Conwal, m. Scot. Kelt. strength and valour, 247
- Cooey, m. Irish, Kelt. hound of the meadow, 250
- Coppo, m. Ital. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Coralie, f. Fr. coral,
- Cora, f. Gr. maiden, 60
- Corcran, m. Erse, Kelt. rosy.
- Cordelia, f. Eng. Kelt. jewel of the sea, 230
- Cordelie, f. Fr. Kelt. jewel of the sea, 230
- Cordula, f. Ger. Kelt. jewel of the sea, 220
- Corinna, f. Gr. maiden, 60
- Corinne, f. Fr. a maiden, 60
- Cormac, m. Erse, Kelt. son of a chariot, 249
- Cormick, Irish, Kelt. son of a chariot, 249
- Corneille, m. Fr. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Cornelia, f. Eng. Ital. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Cornelie, f. Fr. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Cornelio, m. Ital. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Cornelius, m. Eng. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Corney, m. Ir. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Corradino, m. It. Teu. bold council, 423
- Cosimo, m. Ital. Gr. order, 125
- Cosmo, m. Ital. Gr. order, 125
- Cospatrick, m. Scot. Gael. Lat. boy of Patrick, 260
- Costanza, f. Span. Lat. firm, 161
- Costanza, f. Ital. Lat. firm, 161
- Cotahelm, m. Ger. Teu. divine helmet, 287
- Cotahram, m. Ger. Teu. good raven, 287
- Cotalint, m. Ger. Teu. divine serpent, 287
- Court, m. Neth. Teu. bold council, 423
- Cradock, m. Eng. Kelt. beloved, 233
- Creirdyddlydd, f. Welsh, Kelt. jewel of the sea, 230
- Creirwy, f. Welsh, Kelt. token, 229
- Crepet, m. Fr. Lat. curly, 162
- Crepin, m. Fr. Lat. curly, 162
- Crescence, f. Fr. Lat. growing, 198
- Crescencia, f. Ital. Lat. growing, 198
- Crescencio, f. Ital. Lat. growing, 198
- xliiiCrescens, m. Lat. growing, 198
- Crescent, m. Fr. Lat. growing, 198
- Crescentia, f. Ger. Lat. growing, 198
- Crescenz, f. Bav. Lat. growing, 198
- Crisostomo, m. Span. Gr. golden mouth, 125
- Crispian, m. Eng. Lat. curly, 162
- Crispianus, m. Lat. curly, 162
- Crispin, m. Eng. Fr. Lat. curly, 162
- Crispino, m. It. Lat. curly, 162
- Crispinus, m. Lat. curly, 162
- Cristiano, m. Rom. Gr. Christian, 105
- Cristina, f. It. Span. Gr. Christian, 105
- Cristinha, f. Port. Gr. Christian, 105
- Cristofano, m. Ital. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Cristoforo, m. Ital. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Cristoval, m. Span. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Crogher, m. Irish, Kelt. strong help, 248
- Crohoore, m. Irish, Kelt. strong help, 248
- Cuchaisil, m. Erse, Kelt. hound of Cashel, 248
- Cuchullin, m. Scot. Kelt. hound of Ulster, 248
- Cuddie, m. Scot. Teu. noted brightness, 423
- Cugan-mathair, m. Erse, Kelt. hound without a mother, 248
- Cuillean, m. Gael. Kelt. whelp, 248
- Cumhaighe, m. Erse, Kelt. hound of the plain, 246
- Cunibert, m. Ger. Teu. bold brightness, 423
- Cunegonda, f. Ital. Teu. bold war, 423
- Cunegundis, Port. Teu. bold war, 423
- Cunegonde, f. Fr. Teu. bold war, 423
- Cunobelinus, m. Lat. Kelt. lord of the sun (?), war (?), 232
- Cunzo, m. Ger. Teu. bold council, 423
- Currado, m. It. Teu. bold council, 423
- Cu-Sionna, m. Erse, Kelt. hound of the Shannon, 248
- Cusliebne, m. Erse, Kelt. hound of the mountain, 248
- Custance, f. Eng. Lat. firm, 162
- Cutha, m. A.S. Teu. skilled, 422
- Cuthbert, m. Eng. Teu. well known splendour, 422
- Cuthburh, f. A.S. Teu. skilled pledge, 422
- Cuthbryht, m. A.S. Teu. noted splendour, 422
- Cuthwald, m. A.S. skilled power, 422
- Cuthwine, m. A.S. Teu. skilled friend, 422
- Cu-Uladh, m. Gadhael. Kelt. hound of Ulster, 248
- Cwenburh, f. A.S. Teu. queen pledge.
- Cwrig, m. Welsh, Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Cyaxares, m. Eng. Zend. beautiful eyed, 56
- Cymbeline, m. Eng. Kelt. lord of the sun, war (?), 232
- Cyndeyrn, m. Welsh, Kelt. head chief, 258
- Cynebald, m. A.S. Teu. prince lineage, 424
- Cynebright, m. A.S. lineage of splendour, 424
- Cyneburh, m. A.S. Teu. pledge of kindred, 424
- Cynefryth, m. A.S. Teu. able kindred of peace, 424
- Cynegundis, f. Port. Teu. bold war (?), 423
- Cynric, m. A.S. Teu. royal kin, 424
- Cynethryth, f. A.S. Teu. threatening kindred, 424
- Cynewald, m. A.S. Teu. kin of power, 424
- Cynthia, f. Eng. Gr. of Cynthus, 65
- Cynvelin, m. Welsh, Kelt. lord of war (?), 258
- Cyprian, m. Eng. Ger. Gr. Lat. of Cyprus, 199
- Cyprianus, m. Lat. of Cyprus, 199
- Cyprien, m. Fr. Gr. Lat. of Cyprus, 199
- Cyr, m. Fr. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Cyran, m. Fr. Lat. spear man, 177
- Cyrenius, m. Gal. Eng. Lat. spear man, 177
- Cyriac, m. Fr. Gr. the Sunday child, 217
- Cyriacus, m. Lat. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Cyriak, m. Ger. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Cyril, m. Eng. Gr. lordly, 217
- xlivCyrill, m. Ger. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cyrilla, f. Ger. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cyrille, m. Fr. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cyrillo, m. Port. Gr. lordly, 217
- Cyrin, m. Gr. Lat. spear man, 177
- Cyrus, m. Eng. Pers. the sun (?), 56
- Cystenian, m. Welsh, Lat. firm, 161
- Czenzi, f. Hung. Lat. increasing, 198
- Daan, m. Dutch, Heb. the judging God, 49
- Daarte, f. Dan. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dabit, m. Lus. Heb. beloved, 46
- Dabko, m. Lus. Heb. beloved, 46
- Dafod, Welsh, 46
- Dag, m. Goth. Teu. day, 334
- Dagfinn, m. Nor. Teu. white as day, 46, 334
- Dageid, cheerful as day, 334
- Dagheid, cheerful as day, 334
- Dagmar, f. Dan. Teu. Dane’s joy, 335
- Dagny, f. Nor. Teu. fresh as day, 334
- Dago, m. Span. Teu. day, 334
- Dagobert, m. Fr. Teu. day bright, 334
- Dagobrecht, m. Frank. Teu. day bright, 334
- Dagolf, m. Ger. Teu. day wolf, 334
- Dagr, m. Ice. Teu. day, 334
- Dagrad, m. Ger. Teu. day council.
- Dalphin, m. Fr. Gr. of Delphi, 66
- Damalis, f. Gr. Gr. taming, 126
- Damaris, f. Eng. Gr. taming, 126
- Damaspia, f. Pers. Pers. horse tamer, 78
- Damian, m. Ger. Eng. Russ. Gr. taming, 126
- Damiano, m. Ital. Gr. taming, 126
- Damianos, m. Gr. taming, 126
- Damianus, m. Lat. Gr. taming, 126
- Damiao, m. Port. Gr. taming, 126
- Damien, m. Fr. Gr. taming, 126
- Damhnait, f. Erse, Kelt. 271
- Dan, m. Eng. Heb. judge, 7, 49
- Dandie, m. Scot. Gr. man, 86
- Daneel, m. Dutch, Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danica, f. Slav. Slav. morning star, 441
- Daniel, m. Eng. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danielle, m. It. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danihel, m. N.L.D. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danil, m. Russ. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danila, m. Slov. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Danjels, m. Lett. Heb. the judging God, 49
- Dankheri, m. Ger. Teu. thankful warrior, 372
- Dankrad, m. Ger. Teu. thankful speech, 372
- Dankmar, m. Ger. Teu. thankful fame, 372
- Dankwart, m. Ger. Teu. thankful ward, 372
- Dannel, m. Swiss, Teu. the judging God, 49
- Dante, m. It. Lat. lasting, 186
- Daphne, f. Gr. Gr. bay tree.
- Darby, m. Ir. Kelt. freeman, 249
- Darcy, m. Eng. Erse, dark, 225
- Darija, f. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Darius, m. Eng. Pers. king, 57 ?
- Darte, m. Lett. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dascha, f. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Daschenka, f. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dathi, m. Erse, Kelt. far darting, 46
- Datsch, m. Danzig, Heb. beloved, 46
- Daulf, m. Ger. Teu. day wolf, 334
- Daveed, m. Russ. Heb. beloved, 46
- David, m. Fr. Eng. Ger. Heb. beloved, 46
- Davidas, m. Lett. Heb. beloved, 46
- Davidde, m. Ital. Heb. beloved, 46
- Davidu, m. Wallach. Heb. beloved, 46
- Davie, m. Scot. Heb. beloved, 46
- Davorin, m. Slav. Slav. of the war god, 445
- Davroslav, m. Slav. Slav. Davor’s glory, 445
- Davroslava, f. Slav. Slav. Davor’s glory, 445
- Davy, m. Eng. Heb. beloved, 46
- Dawfydd, m. Welsh, Heb. beloved, 46
- Dé, m. Fr. Kelt. fire, 227
- Dearbhforgail, f. Erse, Kelt. purely fair daughter, 255
- xlvDearg, m. Erse, Kelt. red, 253
- Deb, f. Eng. Heb. bee, 14
- Deborah, f. Eng. Heb. bee, 2, 14
- Decima, f. Eng. Lat. tenth, 139
- Decimus, m. Lat. tenth, 139
- Decius, m. Lat. tenth, 139
- Dedo, m. Ger. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Degen, Ger. Teu. warrior, 351
- Degenhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm warrior, 351
- Deicola, m. Lat. God’s worshipper, 188
- Deinhard, Ger. Teu. firm warrior, 351
- Deiniol, m. Welsh, Heb. the judging God, 49
- Delia, f. Eng. Gr. of Delos, 65
- Delicia, f. Eng. Lat. delightful, 196
- Delizia, f. Ital. Lat. delightful, 196
- Delphine, f. Fr. Gr. of Delphi, 66
- Delphinia, f. Gr. Gr. of Delphos, 66
- Delphinus, m. Lat. Gr. of Delphi, 66
- Demeter, m. Slov. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Demetre, m. Fr. Ger. of Demeter, 69
- Demetria, m. It. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Demetrios, m. Gr. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Demetrius, m. Lat. Eng. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Demjan, m. Russ. Gr. taming, 126
- Demodokos, m. Gr. people’s teacher, 95
- Demoleon, m. Gr. people’s lion, 95
- Denis, m. Fr. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Denise, f. Fr. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dennet, f. Eng. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dennis, m. Eng. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Denys, m. O. Fr. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Deodati, m. Ital. Lat. God given, 188
- Deodatus, m. Eng. Lat. God given, 188
- Deogratias, m. Lat. thanks to God, 188
- Derdre, f. Erse, Kelt. fear, 224
- Derede, f. Bav. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dergo, m. Scot. Kelt. red, 253
- Dermot, m. Ir. Kelt. freeman, 249
- Derrick, m. Eng. Teu. people’s wealth, 373
- Desideratus, m. Lat. beloved, 188
- Desiderio, m. It. Lat. beloved, 188
- Desiderius, m. Lat. beloved, 188
- Desirata, f. It. Lat. beloved, 188
- Desirée, f. Fr. Lat. beloved, 188
- Desse, f. Ill. Gr. God given, 102
- Detrich, Bohm. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Deusdedit, m. Lat. God gave, 188
- Deusvult, m. Lat. God wills, 188
- Devnet, f. Ir. Kelt. 271
- Devorgil, f. Scot. Kelt. purely fair daughter, 255
- Devoslav, m. Slav. maiden glory, 445
- Devoslava, f. Slav. maiden glory, 445
- Dhuboda, Gael. black, 255
- Dhugal, m. Gael. Kelt. black stranger, 255
- Di, f. Eng. Lat. goddess, 170
- Diago, m. Port. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Diamanto, f. M. Gr. Gr. diamond, 125
- Diana, f. Eng. Lat. goddess, 170
- Diane, f. Fr. Lat. goddess, 170
- Diarmaid, m. Gael. Kelt. freeman, 46, 225, 249
- Dibble, m. Eng. Teu. people’s prince, 374
- Diccon, m. Eng. Teu. firm ruler, 399
- Dick, m. Eng. Teu. firm ruler, 399
- Didders, m. Lett. Lat. beloved, 46
- Didhrikr, m. Nor. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Didier, m. Fr. Lat. beloved, 49
- Didière, beloved, 188
- Diederike, f. Ger. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Didrik, m. Nor. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Didschis, m. Lett. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Didymus, m. Eng. Ger. twin, 22
- Diego, m. Span. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Diel, m. Fr. Lat. God’s worshipper, 188
- Dielle, f. Franche-comté, Lat. God’s worshipper, 188
- Dienes, m. Hung. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Diephold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 374
- Dierk, m. Dutch, Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Dietberga, m. f. Frank. Teu. people’s protection, 375
- Dietbèrt, m. Frank. Teu. people’s brightness, 375
- xlviDietbold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 374
- Dietbrand, m. Ger. Teu. people’s sword, 375
- Dietfrid, m. Ger. Teu. people’s peace, 375
- Dietger, m. Ger. Teu. people’s spear, 375
- Diethard, m. Ger. Teu. people’s firmness, 375
- Diethelm, m. Ger. Teu. people’s helmet, 375
- Dietl, m. Ger. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Dietleib, m. Ger. Teu. people’s relic, 374
- Dietlind, m. Ger. Teu. people’s snake, 375
- Dietman, m. Ger. Teu. people’s man, 375
- Dietmar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s fame, 375
- Dieto, m. Ger. Teu. the people, 374
- Dietolf, m. Ger. Teu. people’s wolf, 374
- Dietram, m. Ger. Teu. people’s raven, 374
- Dieterico, m. It. Teu. people’s rule, 374
- Dieterich, m. Ger. Teu. people’s rule, 374
- Dietrl, m. Bav. Teu. people’s rule, 374
- Dieudonné, m. Fr. Lat. God given, 188
- Diez, Ger. Teu. supplanted, 17
- Diggory, m. Eng. French, the almost lost, 462
- Dimitar, m. Slov. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dimitrij, m. Russ. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dimitrija, m. Ill. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dimitrije, m. Ill. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dinah, f. Eng. Heb. judgment, 26
- Dinis, m. Port. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Ditlev, m. Ger. Teu. people’s relic, 375
- Dinko, m. Slav. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Diodor, m. Ger. Gr. God’s gift, 102
- Dionetta, f. Eng. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionigi, m. It. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionigio, m. It. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionis, m. Span. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionisia, f. Rom. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionisij, m. Russ. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionisio, m. Rom. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionys, m. Ger. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionysia, f. Eng. Ger. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionysio, m. Port. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionysios, m. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionysius, m. Eng. Lat. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dionysos, m. Gr. god of Nysos (?), 70
- Dioro, m. Ger. Teu. dear, 426
- Diotisalvi, m. It. Lat. God save thee, 188
- Diotrich, m. Ger. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Dippold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 374
- Diriks, m. Lett. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Dirk, m. Dutch, Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Disa, f. Nor. Teu. active spirit, 307
- Dith, m. Swiss, Heb. praise, 21
- Ditrik, m. Hung. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Diura, m. Ger. Teu. dear, 426
- Diuthilt, f. Ger. Teu. people’s heroine, 375
- Diutrat, people’s council, 375
- Diwis, m. Bohm. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dix, m. Ger. Lat. blessed, 184
- Djoulija, m. Serv. Gr. well born, 87
- Djuradj, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Djurdj, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Djurica, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Dmitar, m. Serv. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dmitra, f. Slav. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dmitri, m. Russ. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dmitrij, m. Russ. Gr. of Demeter, 70
- Dobrana, f. Slav. Slav. good, 443
- Dobrija, f. Slav. Slav. good, 443
- Dobrogost, m. Pol. Slav. good guest, 443
- Dobroljub, m. Slav. Slav. good lover, 443
- Dobroslav, m. Slav. Slav. good glory, 443
- Dobrovoj, m. Ill. Slav. good warrior, 443
- Dobrovuk, m. Ill. Slav. good wolf, 443
- xlviiDobrotin, m. Slav. Slav. good doer, 443
- Dobrotina, f. Slav. Slav. good doer, 443
- Dodd, m. Eng. Teu. of the people, 374
- Dolfine, f. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 66
- Dolfino, m. Ven. Gr. of Delphi, 66
- Dolly, f. Eng. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dolores, f. Span. Lat. sorrows, 2, 30
- Dolph, m. Eng. Teu. noble wolf, 400
- Dolphin, m. Fr. Gr. of Delphi, 66
- Domas, Lus. Aram. twin, 22
- Domask, Lus. Aram. twin, 22
- Domhnall, m. Erse, Kelt. great chief, 253
- Domingo, m. Span. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Domingos, m. Port. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominic, m. Ger. Eng. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominica, f. It. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominichino, m. It. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominico, m. It. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominicus, m. Ger. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominik, m. Slav. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dominique, m. Fr. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Domnech, m. Ir. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Domogoj, m. Slav. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Domokos, m. Hung. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Don, m. Ir. Kelt. brown, 253
- Donacha, m. Gael. Kelt. brown warrior, 50, 253
- Donald, m. Scot. Kelt. proud chief, 253
- Donath, m. Ir. Lat. given, 188
- Donato, m. It. Lat. given, 188
- Donatus, m. Lat. given, 188
- Donnan, m. Erse, Kelt. brown, 50
- Donnet, f. Eng. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Donnet, f. Eng. Lat. gift of God, 188
- Donoghue, m. Ir. Kelt. brown chief, 50, 153
- Donough, m. Ir. Kelt. brown warrior, 50, 153
- Donumdei, m. Lat. gift of God, 188
- Dora, f. Eng. Ger. Ill. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Doralice, f. Fr. Gr. gift, 102
- Dorcas, f. Eng. Gr. gazelle, 50
- Dorchaide, m. Erse, dark, 225
- Dore, m. Florentine, Lat. lover, 182
- Dore, f. Ger. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorenn, f. Erse, Kelt. sullen, 2
- Dorette, f. Fr. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorfei, f. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorinda, f. Eng. Gr. gift, 102
- Dorka, f. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorlisa, f. Lus. Gr. Heb. Dorothea Elizabeth, 102
- Dornadilla, f. Lat. Kelt. purely fair daughter, 255
- Dorofei, m. Russ. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Doroltya, Hung. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorosia, f. Pol. Bohm. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorota, f. Pol. Bohm. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorotea, f. It. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Doroteja, f. Ill. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorothea, f. Span. Eng. Gr. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorothée, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorotheus, m. Lat. Ger. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorothy, f. Eng. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dorothya, f. Hung. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dort, f. Dutch, Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dortchen, f. Dutch, Gr. gift of God, 102
- Douce, f. Fr. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dougal, m. Scot. Kelt. black stranger, 253
- Douglas, m. Scot. Kelt. dark grey, 259
- Dowsabel, f. Eng. Lat. sweet fair, 196
- Dowsie, f. Eng. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dragan, m. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Dragana, f. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Draganka, f. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Dragija, m. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Dragilika, m. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Dragojila, f. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Dragoslav, m. Slav. Slav. dear glory, 444
- xlviiiDragotinka, m. Slav. Slav. dear, 444
- Drenka, f. Ill. Lat. horn, 146
- Drew, m. Eng. Teu. skilful (?), 451
- Dries, m. Dutch, Gr. manly, 86
- Drogo, m. Ital. Teu. skilful, 451
- Drogon, m. Fr. Teu. skilful, 451
- Drot, m. Nor. Teu. maiden, 318
- Dru, m. Fr. Teu. skilful, 451
- Drust, m. Pict. Kelt. proclaimer, 464
- Drusilla, f. Lat. strong, 162
- Drusus, m. Lat. strong, 162
- Drutje, f. Neth. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Duarte, m. Port. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Dubdaintuath, m. Erse, Kelt. black man of two lordships, 254
- Dubdainber, m. Erse, Kelt. black man of two rivers, 253
- Dubdalethe, m. Erse, Kelt. black, 253
- Dubhan, m. Erse, Kelt. black, 254
- Dubhcohblaith, f. Erse, Kelt. black victory, 254
- Duchomar, m. Gael. Kelt. black well-shaped man, 253
- Dhubdothra, m. Erse, Kelt. black man of the Dodder, 253
- Dubadeasa, f. Erse, Kelt. black beauty, 254
- Dubhessa, f. Erse, Kelt. black nurse, 254
- Dubislav, m. Slav. Slav. oak glory, 438
- Ducia, f. Eng. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dudde, m. Fris. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Dudon, m. Fr. Lat. God-given, 188
- Dudone, m. It. Lat. God-given, 188
- Duessa, f. Eng. Kelt. black nurse, 254
- Dugald, m. Scot. Kelt. black stranger, 253
- Duff, m. Scot. Kelt. black, 253
- Dulce, f. Eng. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dulcia, f. Span. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dulcibella, f. Eng. Lat. sweet fair, 196
- Dulcinea, f. Span. Lat. sweet, 196
- Dummas, m. Lith. Aram. twin, 22
- Duncan, m. Scot. Kelt. brown chief, 255
- Dunstan, m. A. G. S. Teu. hill stone, 350
- Dunulf, m. A. G. S. Teu. hill wolf, 350
- Dunko, m. Slav. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Dunwalton, Cym. Kelt. 254
- Durand, m. Fr. Lat. lasting, 187
- Durante, m. It. Lat. lasting, 187
- Durandarte, m. Span. Lat. lasting, 187
- Durans, m. Lat. lasting, 187
- Duredel, f. Bav. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Durl, f. Bav. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Dusa, f. Ill. Slav. happy, 444
- Duscha, f. Russ. Slav. happy, 444
- Duschinka, f. Russ. Slav. happy, 444
- Dusica, f. Russ. Slav. happy, 444
- Dwynwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. white wave, 270
- Dye, f. Eng. Lat. goddess, 170
- Dyfan, m. Welsh, Greek, taming, 125
- Dymphna, f. Irish, Kelt. 271
- Dynawd, m. Welsh, Lat. given, 188
- Dynval, m. Cym. Kelt. of the weaned couch (?), 252
- Dyonizy, m. Pol. Gr. of Dionysos, 70
- Dyre, m. Dan. Teu. dear, 426
- Dyterych, m. Pol. Teu. people’s ruler, 374
- Each, m. Kelt. Norse, 276
- Eachaid, m. Gael. Kelt. horseman, 276
- Eachan, m. Gael. Kelt. horseman, 276
- Eachmarchach, Erse, Kelt. horse rider, 276
- Eachmilidh, m. Erse, Kelt. horse warrior, 276
- Ead, f. Eng. Teu. rich, 378
- Eadbald, f. m. A.S. Teu. rich prince, 378
- Eadbryht, f. m. A.S. Teu. rich splendour, 378
- Eadburg, f. A.S. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Eadburh, f. A.S. Teu. rich pledge, 378
- Eadfled, f. A.S. Teu. rich increase, 378
- Eadfrith, m. A.S. Teu. rich peace, 378
- Eadgar, m. A.S. Teu. rich spear, 378
- xlixEadgifu, f. A.S. Teu. rich gift, 378
- Eadgyth, f. A.S. Teu. rich gift, 378.
- Eadhild, f. A.S. Teu. rich battle maid, 378
- Eadmund, m. A.S. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Eadred, m. A.S. Teu. rich council, 378
- Eadric, m. A.S. Teu. rich ruler, 378
- Eadswith, f. A.S. Teu. rich strength, 378
- Eadulf, m. A.S. Teu. rich wolf, 336
- Eadwald, m. A.S. Teu. rich power, 378
- Eadward, m. A.S. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Eadwig, m. A.S. Teu. rich war, 378
- Eadwine, m. A.S. Teu. rich friend, 378
- Eal, f. Bret. Kelt. angel.
- Ealhfled, f. A.S. Teu. hall increase, 382
- Ealhfrith, m. A.S. Teu. hall peace, 382
- Ealhred, m. A.S. Teu. hall speech, 382
- Ealhswith, m. A.S. Teu. hall strength, 382
- Ealhwine, f. m. A.S. Teu. hall friend, 382
- Easter, f. Eng. Teu. Easter child, 215
- Ebba, f. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ebbe, Fris. Fris. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ebbert, m. Fries. Teu. formidably bright, 323
- Ebbo, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Eberhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Eberhardine, f. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Eberhild, f. Ger. Teu. wild boar battle maid, 337
- Ebernund, m. Frank. Teu. wild boar protection, 337
- Eberik, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar king, 337
- Ebert, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Eberulf, m. Frank. Teu. wild boar wolf, 337
- Eberwine, m. Goth. Teu. wild boar friend, 337
- Ebilo, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ebles, m. Prov. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ebo, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Eborico, m. Span. Teu. wild boar king, 337
- Ebrimuth, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar protection, 337
- Ebroin, m. Frank. Teu. wild boar friend, 337
- Ebur, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar, 337
- Eburbero, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar bear, 337
- Eccelino, m. It. Tartar, father-like, 13
- Ecgberht, m. A.S. Teu. formidable bright, 323
- Ecgfrith, m. A.S. Teu. formidable peace, 323
- Eckart, m. Ger. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Eckhardt, m. Ger. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Edan, m. Scot. Kelt. fire, 226
- Edanus, m. Lat. Kelt. fire, 226
- Edburg, f. Ger. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Edde, f. Fris. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Eddeve, f. Eng. Teu. rich gift, 378
- Ede, f. Fris. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Ede, Neth. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Eddo, f. Esth. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Edelberge, f. Ger. Teu. noble protection, 411
- Edeline, f. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Edelmar, m. Eng. Teu. noble greatness, 413
- Edeltrud, f. Ger. Teu. noble maid, 411
- Edeva, f. Eng. Teu. rich gift, 378
- Edgar, m. Eng. Teu. rich spear, 378
- Edgard, m. Fr. Teu. rich spear, 378
- Edgardo, m. It. Teu. wealth spear, 378
- Edie, m. Scot. Heb. red earth, 10
- Ediltrude, f. Eng. Teu. noble maid, 411
- Edith, f. Eng. Teu. rich gift, 379
- Edmond, m. Fr. Teu. rich protection. 377
- lEdmund, m. Eng. Teu. rich protection, 377
- Edmondo, m. Ital. Teu. rich protection, 377
- Edom, m. Eng. Heb. red, 10
- Edouard, m. Fr. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Eduard, m. Ger. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Eduardo, m. Ital. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Eduart, m. Dutch, Teu. rich guard, 377
- Eduige, m. f. Ital. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Eduino, m. Ital. Teu. rich friend, 377
- Edvald, m. Ger. Teu. rich power, 378
- Edwald, m. Eng. Teu. rich power, 378
- Edward, m. Eng. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Edwin, m. Eng. Teu. rich friend, 377
- Edwy, m. Eng. Teu. rich war, 377
- Eed, f. Eng. Teu. wealth, 377
- Eegnatie, m. Russ. Lat. fiery, 194
- Eelia, m. Russ. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Eereenia, f. Russ. Gr. peace, 113
- Eernest, m. Lett. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Eernst, Lett. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Eesaia, Russ. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Eers, m. Esth. Teu. eternal rule, 400
- Eesidor, m. Russ. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Effie, f. Scot. Gr. fair speech, 231
- Ega, m. Frank. Teu. formidable, 323
- Egbert, m. Eng. Teu. formidably bright, 323
- Egbertine, f. Ger. Teu. formidably bright, 323
- Eggerich, m. Fries. Teu. formidable king, 323
- Eggert, m. Ger. Teu. formidable king, 323
- Eggo, m. Fries. Teu. formidable king, 323
- Egica, m. Span. Teu. formidable, 323
- Egide, m. Fr. Gr. with an ægis, 79
- Egidia, f. Scot. Gr. with the ægis, 79
- Egidio, m. Ital. Gr. with the ægis, 79
- Egidius, m. Dutch, Gr. with the ægis, 79
- Egiheri, m. Ger. Teu. formidable warrior, 323
- Egilbert, m. Fr. Teu. formidable brightness, 323
- Egilhart, m. Ger. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Egilolf, m. Fr. Teu. formidable wolf, 323
- Egilmar, Ger. Teu. formidable fame, 323
- Egilona, f. Span. Teu. formidable, 323
- Egils, Nor. Teu. formidable, 323
- Eginhard, m. Fr. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Egmond, m. Ger. Teu. terrible protection, 323
- Egor, m. Russ. Gr. husbandman, 116, 325
- Egorka, m. Russ. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Ehregott, m. Ger. Teu. honour God, 468
- Ehrenbrecht, m. Ger. Teu. honour bright, 468
- Ehrenpries, reward of honour, 468
- Ehrenfried, m. Ger. Teu. honour peace.
- Eigils, m. Nor. Teu. awful, 323
- Eilart, m. Ger. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Eilbert, m. Ger. Teu. formidable brightness, 323
- Eileen, f. Ir. Gr. light, 68
- Eilif, m. Nor. Teu. ever living, 400
- Eiliv, m. Nor. Teu. ever living, 400
- Eimund, m. Nor. Teu. ever guarding, 400
- Eilo, m. Ger. Teu. formidable firmness, 323
- Einar, f. Nor. Teu. chief warrior, 323
- Eindride, f. Nor. Teu. chief rider, 323
- Einiawn, m. Welsh, Kelt. just, 282
- Eino, m. Fries. Teu. awful firmness, 323
- Eirenaios, m. Gr. peaceful, 113
- Eirenè, f. Gr. peace, 113
- Eirik, m. Nor. Teu. ever king, 400
- Eisaak, m. Russ. Heb. laughter, 14
- Eisenbart, m. Ger. Teu. iron bright, 348
- Eisenbolt, m. Ger. Teu. iron prince, 348
- Eisenhardt, m. Ger. Teu. iron firm, 348
- Eivind, m. Nor. Teu. island Wend, 431
- liEkard, m. Ger. Teu. formidably firm, 323
- Ekatrina, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 123
- Ekiel, m. Eng. Heb. strength of God, 48
- Ela, f. Eng. Nor. holy (?), 403
- Elaine, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Elayne, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Elberich, m. Ger. Teu. elf king, 380
- Eldred, m. Eng. Teu. battle counsel, 382
- Eldrid, m. Nor. Teu. battle counsel, 382
- Eleanor, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Eleazar, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s help, 33
- Elek, m. Hung. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Elena, f. Ital. Gr. light, 68
- Elene, f. m. Gr. Gr. light, 68
- Eleonora, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Eléonore, f. Eng. Ger. Gr. light, 68
- Eleonorka, f. Slav. Gr. light, 68
- Elfleda, f. Eng. Teu. hall increase, 382
- Elfrida, f. Eng. Teu. elf threatener, 380
- Elgiva, f. Eng. Teu. elf gift, 380
- Elia, m. Ital. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Eliakim, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Elian, m. W. Lat. cheerful, 280
- Elias, m. Eng. Dutch, Heb. God the Lord, 35
- Elie, m. Fr. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Elidure, m. Eng. Gr. sun’s gift.
- Elidi, m. W. Gr. sun’s gift.
- Elidan, f. Welsh, Lat. downy, 151
- Eliezer, m. Heb. God will help, 33
- Elihu, m. Eng. Heb. God the Lord, 35
- Elija, m. Slov. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Elijah, m. Eng. Heb. God the Lord, 35
- Elined, f. Welsh, Kelt. shapely, 273
- Elinor, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Elisa, f. Ital. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elisabet, f. Gr. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elisabetta, f. Ital. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elisabeth, Ger. Fr. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elisavetta, f. Russ. Eng. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elischeba, f. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Elise, f. Fr. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Eliseo, m. It. Heb. God my salvation, 36
- Eliseus, m. Lat. Heb. God my salvation, 36
- Elisha, m. Eng. Heb. God my salvation, 36
- Elisif, f. Russ. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Eliza, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elizabeth, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Ella, f. m. Eng. Teu. elf friend, 382
- Ellanheri, m. Ger. Teu. battle warrior, 382
- Ellanperaht, m. Ger. Teu. battle splendour, 382
- Elle, m. Fris. Teu. battle, 382
- Ellen, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Ellend, m. Nor. Teu. stranger, 432
- Ellin, f. Welsh, Gr. light, 68
- Elling, m. Nor. Teu. 333
- Ellinor, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Ellis, m. Eng. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Ello, m. Fris. Teu. battle, 382
- Ello, f. Esth. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elmark, m. Fris. Teu. helmed king, 351
- Elmo, m. It. Gr. amiable, 113
- Eloi, m. Fr. Lat. worthy of choice.
- Eloïsa, f. Ital. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Eloïse, f. Fr. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Eloy, m. Fr. Lat. worthy of choice.
- Elsabet, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elsbet, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elsbeth, f. Swiss, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Else, f. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Elsebin, f. Dan. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elshender, m. Scot. helper of men, 85
- Elshic, m. Scot. helper of men, 85
- Elsie, f. Eng. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Elspeth, f. Scot. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elspie, f. Scot. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elts, f. Esth. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elvira, f. Span. Lat. white, 382
- Elzbieta, f. Pol. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elzbietka, f. Pol. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Elzea, m. Fr. Heb. God will help, 33
- Ema, f. Span. Teu. grandmother, 331
- Emanuel, m. Ger. Heb. God with us, 36
- Emerence, f. Fr. Lat. deserving, 190
- liiEmerentia, f. Ger. Lat. deserving, 190
- Emerentiana, f. Dan. Lat. deserving, 190
- Emerentius, m. Lat. deserving, 190
- Emeranz, f. Ger. Lat. deserving, 190
- Emerick, m. Slov. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Emery, m. Eng. Teu. work rule, 141
- Emelin, f. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 141
- Emile, m. Fr. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emilia, f. Ital. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emilie, f. Fr. Lat. work, 141
- Emilija, m. Slav. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emilio, m. Ital. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emilius, m. Eng. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emily, f. Eng. Lat. work (?), 141
- Emlyn, f. Eng. Teu. work serpent, 333
- Emm, f. Eng. Teu. grandmother, 333
- Emma, f. Eng. Teu. grandmother, 333
- Emme, f. Fr. Teu. grandmother, 333
- Emmeline, f. Eng. Teu. work serpent, 330
- Emmerich, m. Ger. Teu. work rule, 333
- Emmery, m. Eng. Teu. work rule, 331
- Emmon, Erse, Teu. rich protection, 378
- Emmott, f. Eng. Teu. grandmother (?), 333
- Emrys, m. Welsh, Gr. immortal, 109
- Emund, m. Nor. Dan. island protection, 431
- Encarnacion, f. Span. Lat. being made flesh, 30
- Endrede, f. Nor. Teu. superior rider, 323
- Endres, m. Ger. Gr. manly, 86
- Endrikis, m. Lett. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Endruttis, m. Lett. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enea, m. It. Gr. praise, 74
- Eneca, f. Span. Lat. fiery, 194
- Eneco, m. Span. Lat. fiery, 194
- Enée, m. Fr. Gr. praise, 74
- Engel, m. Ger. Gr. angel, 325
- Engelberga, f. Ger. Teu. angel of protection, 325
- Engelbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright angel, 325
- Engelchen, m. Ger. Gr. angel, 325
- Englefrid, m. Ger. Gr. Teu. angel peace, 325
- Engelhard, m. Ger. Teu. Ing’s firmness, 325
- Engelke, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s battle maid, 325
- Engelschalk, m. Ger. Gr. Teu. angel’s disciple, 325
- Engeltje, f. Dutch, Gr. angelic, 325
- Engelram, m. Ger. Gr. Teu. Ing’s raven, 325
- Engerrand, m. Fr. Gr. Teu. Ing’s raven, 325
- Enghus, m. Scot. Kelt. excellent virtue, 241
- Engracia, f. Span. Lat. grace, 194
- Ennica, m. Sp. Lat. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ennicus, m. Sp. Lat. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ennan, m. Fr. Heb. Lat. Adam the dwarf, 10
- Enoch, m. Eng. Heb. dedicated, 11
- Enos, m. Eng. Heb. mortal man, 11, 241
- Enrichetta, f. It. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enrico, m. It. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enrik, m. Slov. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enrika, f. Slov. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enrique, m. Span. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Enriqueta, f. Span. Teu. home rule, 310
- Enselis, m. Lett. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Ensilo, m. Ger. Teu. divine, 291
- Enskys, m. Lett. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Enz, m. Swiss, Lat. laurel, 174
- Enzeli, m. Swiss, Lat. laurel, 174
- Enzio, m. Ital. Teu. home rule, 309
- Enzius, m. Lat. Teu. home rule, 309
- Eochaid, m. Erse, Kelt. horseman, 276
- Eoghan, m. Gael. Kelt. young warrior, 273
- Eoghania, f. Erse, Kelt. young warrior, 273
- Eoin, m. Erse, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Eorconberht, m. A.S. Teu. sacred brightness, 328
- Eorcongot, m. A.S. Teu. sacred goodness, 329
- liiiEorconwald, m. A.S. Teu. sacred power, 329
- Eorconwine, m. A.S. Teu. sacred friend, 328
- Eormenburg, f. A.S. Teu. public protection, 327
- Eormenburh, f. A.S. Teu. public pledge, 327
- Eormengild, f. A.S. Teu. public pledge, 327
- Eormengyth, f. A.S. Teu. public gift, 327
- Eormenric, m. A.S. Teu. public rule, 327
- Eostafie, m. Slav. Gr. healthy, 88
- Ephraim, m. Eng. Heb. two-fold increase.
- Ephrem, m. Russ. Heb. two-fold increase.
- Epifania, f. Ital. Gr. manifestation, 212
- Epifanio, m. Rom. Gr. of the manifestation, 212
- Epilo, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar, 337
- Epimetheus, m. Gr. after-thought.
- Epiphanie, f. Fr. Gr. manifestation, 212
- Epiphanios, m. Gr. of the manifestation, 212
- Epiphanius, m. Lat. Gr. manifestation, 212
- Eppie, f. Scot. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Eppo, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Epurhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Epurhelm, m. Ger. wild boar helm, 337
- Equitius, m. Lat. Kelt. horseman, 276
- Eraric, m. Ger. Teu. warrior king, 400
- Erasme, m. Fr. Ger. amiable, 113
- Erasmo, m. It. Gr. amiable, 113
- Erasmus, m. Dutch, Lat. Eng. Ger. Gr. amiable, 113
- Erchenold, m. Ger. Teu. sacred prince, 329
- Erchimperto, m. It. Teu. sacred brightness, 328
- Ercole, m. It. Gr. noble fame, 63
- Erdmuth, Ger. earth courage, 328, 468
- Erembert, m. Fr. Teu. public splendour, 327
- Eremburga, f. Eng. Teu. public protection, 328
- Eric, m. Ir. Eng. Teu. ever king, 400
- Erich, m. Russ. Ger. Teu. ever king, 400
- Erik, m. Slov. Teu. ever king, 400
- Erik, m. Swed. Esth. Teu. ever king, 400
- Erika, f. Swed. Teu. ever king, 400
- Eriks, m. Lett. Lett. ever king, 400
- Erivigio, m. Span. Teu. warrior battle, 400
- Erkenoald, m. Frank. Teu. sacred power, 328
- Erl, m. Nor. Teu. earl, 333
- Erlebald, Ger. Teu. earl prince, 333
- Erlebryht, Ger. Teu. bright earl, 333
- Erlher, Nor. Teu. earl warrior, 333
- Erlhild, Nor. Teu. earl maiden, 333
- Erling, earl’s son, 333
- Erlend, f. m. Nor. Teu. stranger, 432
- Erling, m. Nor. Teu. stranger, 432
- Ermas, m. Lith. Teu. public, 327
- Erme, m. Fr. Teu. public, 327
- Ermelinda, f. Ital. Teu. world serpent, 327
- Ermengard, f. Ger. Teu. public guard, 327
- Ermengarde, f. Eng. Teu. public guard, 327
- Ermenigild, m. Russ. Teu. public pledge, 327
- Ermentrud, f. Eng. Teu. maiden of the nation, 327
- Ermesinda, f. Span. Teu. public strength, 327
- Ermin, f. Burg. Teu. public, 327
- Ermin, f. Welsh, Lat. lordly, 147
- Erminia, f. Ital. Lat. lordly, 147
- Ermo, m. Ital. Gr. amiable, 113
- Ermo, m. Ital. Teu. public, 327
- Ermolaj, m. Russ. Gr. people of Hermes, 71
- Ernest, m. Eng. Pol. Teu. eagle stone, 344
- Erneste, m. Fr. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Ernestine, f. Ger. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Ernesto, m. Ital. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- livErneszt, m. Hung. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Ernijo, m. Hung. Gr. peaceful, 113
- Ernst, m. Ger. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Ernstine, f. Ger. Teu. eagle stone (?), 344
- Erszok, f. Hung. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Erulf, m. Ger. Teu. boar wolf, 337
- Ervigo, m. Span. Teu. army war, 417
- Eryk, m. Pol. Teu. ever king, 400
- Erzebet, f. Hung. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Erzok, f. Hung. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Esa, f. A.S. Teu. the gods, 289
- Esaia, m. It. Heb. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Esaias, m. Eng. Ger. Heb. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Esaie, m. Fr. Heb. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Esau, m. Eng. Heb. hairy.
- Esay, m. Eng. Heb. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Esbern, m. Dan. Teu. divine bear, 290
- Esc, f. m. A.S. Teu. ash tree, 324
- Esclairmonde, f. Fr. Lat. Teu. famous protection, 186
- Escwine, m. A.S. Teu. ash friend, 324
- Esdras, m. Eng. Heb. rising of light, 51
- Esmeralda, f. Span. Gr. emerald, 125
- Esperança, f. Span. Lat. hope, 196
- Esperance, f. Fr. Lat. hope, 196
- Esperanza, f. Span. Lat. hope, 196
- Essa, f. Ir. Kelt. nurse, 254
- Essie, f. Eng. Pers. star, 57
- Estanislau, m. Port. Slav. camp glory, 440
- Esteban, m. Span. Gr. crown, 96
- Estella, f. Span. Lat. star, 57
- Estelle, f. Fr. Lat. star, 57
- Ester, f. It. Hung. Pers. star, 57
- Esterre, f. It. Pers. star, 57
- Estephania, f. Port. Gr. crown, 96
- Estevan, m. Span. Gr. crown, 96
- Estevao, m. Port. Gr. crown, 96
- Estevennes, m. Fr. Gr. crown, 96
- Esther, f. Eng. Pers. star, 57
- Estienne, m. Fr. Gr. crown, 96
- Estolfo, m. Span. Teu. swift wolf, 401
- Estrith, f. Dan. Teu. impulse of love, 401
- Esylt, f. Cym. Kelt. fair, 269, 275
- Eth, m. Scot. Kelt. fire, 227
- Ethel, f. Eng. Teu. noble, 410
- Ethelburga, f. Eng. Teu. noble protection, 410
- Etheldred, f. Eng. Teu. noble threatener, 410
- Ethelind, f. Eng. Teu. noble snake, 410
- Ethelmar, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 331
- Ethelred, m. Eng. Teu. noble council, 410
- Ethered, m. Eng. Teu. noble council, 410
- Ethert, m. Eng. Teu. noble council, 410
- Ethfinn, m. Scot. Teu. white fire, 227
- Etienne, m. Fr. Gr. crown, 96
- Etiennette, f. Fr. Gr. crown, 97
- Etta, f. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Etto, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ettore, m. It. Gr. defender, 74
- Etzel, m. Ger. Tartar, father like, 13
- Eubul, m. Ger. Gr. happy council, 88
- Eucaria, f. m. Ital. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Euchaire, m. Fr. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Euchar, m. Ger. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Euchario, m. Port. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Eucharis, f. Gr. happy grace, 88
- Euchary, m. Pol. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Eucheir, m. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Eucherius, m. Lat. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Eudbaird, m. Erse, Teu. rich guard, 376
- Eudes, m. Fr. Teu. rich, 376
- Eudocia, f. Lat. Gr. approval, 87
- Eudocie, f. Fr. Gr. approval, 87
- Eudokhia, f. Russ. Gr. approval, 87
- Eudon, m. Fr. Teu. rich, 376
- Eudora, f. Lat. Gr. happy gift, 87
- Eudore, f. Fr. Gr. happy gift, 87
- Eudossia, f. It. Gr. approval, 87
- Eudoxia, f. Russ. Gr. happy glory, 87
- Eudoxie, f. Fr. Gr. happy glory, 87
- Eufemia, f. It. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Eufrosina, f. Rom. Gr. mirth, 72
- Eugen, m. Ger. Gr. well born, 87
- lvEugene, m. Fr. Eng. Gr. well born, 87
- Eugenes, m. Gr. well born, 87
- Eugenia, f. It. Span. Eng. Gr. well born, 87, 273
- Eugenie, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. well born, 87
- Eugenio, m. Rom. Gr. well born, 87
- Eugenius, m. Lat. Gr. well born, 87
- Eugeniusz, m. Pol. Gr. well born, 88
- Euginia, f. Erse, Kelt. warrior, 273
- Eulalia, f. It. Span. Eng. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Eulalie, f. Fr. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Eunice, f. Eng. Gr. happy victory, 88
- Euphame, f. Scot. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Euphemia, f. Eng. Scot. Dutch, Gr. fair fame, 88
- Euphemie, f. Fr. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Euphrasia, f. Eng. Gr. mirth, 72
- Euphrasie, f. Fr. Gr. mirth, 72
- Euphrosine, f. Fr. Gr. mirth, 72
- Euphrosyne, f. Eng. Ger. Gr. mirth, 72
- Eustace, m. Eng. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustache, m. Fr. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustachia, f. Eng. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustachie, f. Fr. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustachys, m. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustachius, m. Lat. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustathios, m. Gr. healthy, 88
- Eustazia, f. It. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustazio, m. It. Gr. happy in harvest, 88
- Eustathius, m. Russ. Gr. Gr. healthy, 88
- Eustochium, f. Lat. Gr. good thought, 88
- Eva, f. Ger. Dan. Lat. Heb. life, 11
- Evald, f. Fr. Teu. wild boar power, 337
- Evan, m. Scot. Welsh, Kelt. young warrior, 273
- Evangeline, f. Am. Gr. happy messenger, 87
- Evangelista, m. It. Gr. happy messenger, 87
- Eve, f. Eng. Heb. life, 11
- Eveleen, f. Ir. Kelt. pleasant, 231
- Evelina, f. Eng. Kelt. pleasant, 231
- Eveline, f. Eng. Kelt. pleasant, 232
- Evelyn, m. Eng. Lat. hazel nut, 232
- Even, m. Nor. Teu. island Wend, 431
- Everard, m. Fr. Eng. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Everardo, m. It. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Everhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Everhilda, f. Eng. Teu. wild boar battle maid, 337
- Everilda, f. Eng. Teu. wild boar battle maid, 337
- Evers, m. L. Ger. Teu. wild boar firm, 337
- Evert, m. Ger. Teu. wild boar firm, 337
- Evgen, m. Slov. Gr. well born, 87
- Evgenij, f. Slov. Gr. well born, 87
- Evir, f. Scot. pleasant, 231
- Evirallin, f. Scot. Kelt. pleasantly excellent, 231
- Evircoma, f. Scot. Kelt. pleasantly amiable, 231
- Evlalija, f. Slov. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Evrand, m. Fr. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Evre, m. Fr. Teu. wild boar, 337
- Evremond, m. Fr. Teu. wild boar protection, 337
- Evrols, m. Fr. Teu. wild boar wolf, 337
- Evroud, m. Fr. Teu. wild boar power, 337
- Evva, f. Russ. Heb. life, 11
- Ewa, f. Ger. Heb. life, 11
- Ewan, m. Scot. Kelt. warrior, 273
- Ewart, m. Eng. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ewarts, m. Lett. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ewe, f. Lus. Heb. life, 11
- Eweline, f. Ger. Kelt. pleasant, 231
- Ewert, m. Esth. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ewerts, m. Lett. Teu. firm wild boar, 337
- Ewusche, f. Lett. Heb. life, 11
- Eyar, m. Nor. Teu. island warrior, 431
- lviEydis, f. Nor. Ten. island sprite, 431
- Eyfrey, f. m. Nor. Teu. island peace, 431
- Eygerd, f. Nor. Teu. island maid, 431
- Eymund, m. Nor. Teu. island protection, 431
- Eystein, m. Nor. Teu. island stone, 431
- Eythiof, m. Nor. Teu. island thief, 431
- Eyny, f. Nor. Teu. island freshness, 431
- Eyulf, m. Nor. Teu. island wolf, 335
- Eyvar, m. Nor. Teu. island prudence, 431
- Eyvind, m. Nor. Teu. island Wend, 431
- Ezechiel, m. Ger. Heb. strength of God, 48
- Ezekias, m. Gr. Heb. strength of the Lord, 48
- Ezekiel, m. Eng. Heb. strength of God, 48
- Ezra, m. Eng. Heb. rising of light, 51
- Fabia, It. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabian, m. Eng. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabiano, m. It. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabien, f. Fr. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabio, m. It. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabiola, f. It. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabius, m. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabijan, m. Slov. Lat. bean grower, 146
- Fabrice, m. Fr. Lat. mechanic, 147
- Fabricius, m. Lat. mechanic, 147
- Fabron, m. Ger. Lat. mechanic, 147
- Fabronio, m. It. Lat. mechanic, 147
- Fachtna, m. Erse, 224
- Facio, m. It. Lat. good worker, 185
- Fadrique, m. Span. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Faik, f. Bret. Kelt. white wave, 270
- Faith, f. Eng.
- Fanchette, f. Fr. Teu. free, 300
- Fanchon, f. Fr. Teu. free, 300
- Fanny, f. Eng. Teu. free, 300
- Fantik, f. Bret. Teu. free, 330
- Farabert, m. Frank. Teu. travelled splendour, 432
- Faramond, m. Frank. Teu. travelled protector, 432
- Fardorougha, m. Irish, Kelt. blind man, 238
- Farghy, m. Irish, Kelt. excellent valour, 238
- Fargrim, Nor. Teu. travelled Grim, 432
- Farold, m. Ger. travelled power, 432
- Farquhar, m. Scot. Kelt. manly, 238
- Farthegn, m. Nor. Teu. travelled servant, 432
- Farulf, m. Nor. Teu. travelled wolf, 432
- Fastburg, f. Frank. Teu. firm protection, 421
- Fastmann, m. Frank. Teu. firm man, 421
- Fastmund, m. Frank. Teu. firm guard, 421
- Fastolf, m. Ger. Teu. firm wolf, 421
- Fastrade, f. Fr. Teu. firm council, 421
- Fausta, f. It. Lat. lucky, 163
- Faustine, f. m. Ger. Lat. lucky, 163
- Faustina, f. It. Lat. lucky, 163
- Faustine, f. Fr. Lat. lucky, 163
- Fausto, m. It. Lat. lucky, 163
- Faustus, m. Lat. lucky, 163
- Favour, m. Eng. 177
- Faxabrandr, m. Ice. white hair, 427
- Faxi, m. Ice. hair, 427
- Fazio, m. It. Lat. good worker, 185
- Fearachur, m. Gael. manly, 237
- Fearghal, m. Erse, Kelt. man of valour, 237
- Fearghus, m. Erse, Kelt. man of strength, 237
- Feargus, m. Ir. Kelt. man of strength, 237
- Febe, f. It. Gr. light, 65
- Febo, m. Span. Gr. light, 65
- Febronia, f. It. Lat. 176
- Federico, m. It. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Federiga, f. It. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Federigo, m. It. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fedlemi, f. Erse, Kelt. ever good, 256
- Fedlim, m. Irish, Kelt. good, 256
- Fedor, f. m. Russ. Gr. God’s gift, 101
- Feeleep, m. Russ. Gr. lover of horses, 78
- lviiFeidlim, m. Erse, Kelt. ever good, 256
- Feidrik, Bret. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Feithfailge, f. Erse, Kelt. honeysuckle ringlets, 224
- Felice, m. It. Lat. happy, 163
- Felicia, f. Eng. happy, 163
- Felicidad, f. Span. Lat. happiness, 163
- Felicidade, f. Port. Lat. happiness, 163
- Felicie, f. Fr. Lat. happy, 163
- Felicità, f. It. Lat. happiness, 163
- Felicité, f. Fr. Lat. happiness, 163
- Feliks, m. Russ. Lat. happy, 163
- Felim, m. Irish, Kelt. ever good, 163, 257
- Felimy, m. Irish, Kelt. ever good, 163, 257
- Felipa, f. Port. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Felipe, f. m. Span. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Felipinho, m. Port. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Felipo, m. Span. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Felippe, m. Span. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Felise, f. Fr. Lat. happy, 163
- Felix, m. Fr. Eng. Span. Slov. Lat. happy, 163, 257
- Feliz, m. Port. Lat. happy, 163
- Fenella, f. Scot. Kelt. white shouldered, 245
- Feo, m. It. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Feodor, m. Russ. Gr. God’s gift, 101
- Feodora, f. Russ. Gr. God’s gift, 101
- Feodosia, m. Russ. Gr. God given, 103
- Feoris, m. Erse, Gr. stone, 108
- Ferabras, m. Fr. Kelt. strong arm, 234
- Ferahbald, m. Ger. Teu. prince of life, 433
- Ferahmund, m. Ger. Teu. protection of life, 433
- Ferdinand, m. Ger. Fr. Eng. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferdinanda, f. Ger. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferdinandine, f. Fr. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferdinando, m. It. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferdynand, m. Pol. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferencz, m. Hung. Teu. free, 300
- Ferghal, m. Erse, Kelt. man of strength, 237
- Ferhonanths, m. Goth. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Fergus, m. Scot. Kelt. man’s strength, 237
- Fergusiana, f. Scot. Kelt. man’s strength, 237
- Feriga, f. It. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Ferko, m. Hung. Teu. free, 300
- Fernanda, f. Span. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Fernando, m. It. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferrand, m. Prov. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferrante, m. It. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Ferry, m. Fr. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Festus, m. Lat. 224
- Ffraid, f. Welsh, Kelt. fiery dart, 236
- Fiachra, m. Erse, Kelt. eagle, 252
- Fiacre, m. Fr. Kelt. eagle, 252
- Fiamma, f. It. Lat. 451
- Fieko, m. Fris. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Fiddy, f. Ir. Teu. peace strength, 296
- Fidrik, m. Lus. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Fiechen, f. Ger. Gr. wisdom, 107
- Fieke, f. Ger. Gr. wisdom, 107
- Fifine, f. Fr. Heb. addition, 23
- Filep, m. Hung. Gr. horse lover, 79
- Filibert, m. Fr. Teu. bright will, 316
- Filiberto, m. It. Teu. bright will, 316
- Filikitata, f. Russ. Lat. happiness, 163
- Filip, m. Swed. Slav. Wall. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Filippa, f. It. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Filippino, m. It. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Filippo, m. It. Gr. lover of horses, 79
- Filomena, f. It. daughter of light, 207
- Finabhor, f. Erse, Kelt. fair eyelids, 172
- Finbil, f. Erse, Kelt. white blossom, 172
- lviiiFinan, m. Irish, Kelt. fair offspring, 244
- Finbo, f. Nor. Kelt. white bow, 244
- Findath, f. Erse, Kelt. fair colour, 245
- Findelvh, f. Erse, Kelt. fair face, 245
- Fineen, m. Irish, Kelt. fair offspring, 245
- Finella, f. Irish, Kelt. fair shoulders, 245
- Finette, f. Fr. Heb. addition, 23
- Fingal, m. Scot. Kelt. white stranger, 244
- Finghin, m. Erse, Kelt. fair offspring, 244
- Finian, m. Irish, Erse, Kelt. fair offspring, 244
- Finn, m. Nor. Kelt. white, 244
- Finna, f. Nor. Kelt. white, 244
- Finnbogi, m. Nor. Kelt. white bow, 244
- Finngard, m. Nor. Kelt. Nor. white defence, 244
- Finngeir, Nor. Kelt. Nor. white spear, 244
- Finni, m. Ice. Kelt. white, 245
- Finnkatla, f. Nor. Teu. white kettle, 245
- Finnketil, m. Nor. Teu. white kettle, 245
- Finnkjell, m. Nor. Kelt. Nor. white kettle, 245
- Finnleik, m. Nor. Teu. Finn’s sport, 245
- Finnvardr, m. Nor. Kelt. Nor. Finn’s guard, 245
- Finnvidr, m. Nor. Teu. Finn’s wood, 245
- Finscoth, f. Erse, Kelt. white blossom, 245
- Fintan, Irish, Kelt. white, 240
- Finvola, f. Irish, Kelt. white shoulders, 245
- Fionn, m. Gael. Kelt. white, 244
- Fionnagal, m. Erse, Kelt. white, 245
- Fionnghal, m. Gael. Kelt. white stranger, 245
- Fionnghala, f. Erse, Kelt. white shouldered, 245
- Fiore, f. Ital. Lat. flower, 171
- Fiorentino, m. It. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Fithil, m. Erse, Kelt. 171
- Fjorleif, m. Nor. Teu. relic of life, 434
- Flavia, f. It. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flavian, m. Eng. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flavianus, m. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flavilla, f. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flavio, m. It. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flavius, m. Lat. yellow, 147
- Flidrik, m. Breton, Teu. peace rule, 296
- Flipote, f. Fr. Gr. horse lover, 79
- Flobert, m. Fr. Teu. wise splendour, 425
- Floberte, f. Ir. Teu. wise splendour, 425
- Flora, f. Eng. Lat. flowers, 171
- Flore, f. Fr. Lat. flowers, 171
- Florence, f. Eng. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florence, m. Ir. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florentin, m. Fr. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florentine, f. Fr. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florentius, m. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florentz, m. Ger. Lat. flourishing, 171
- Florette, f. Fr. Lat. flowers, 171
- Florian, m. Ger. Lat. flowery, 171
- Florie, f. Gael. Lat. flowery, 171
- Flory, f. Scot. Lat. flowers, 171
- Foka, m. Russ. Gr. a Phocian, 200
- Fokke, m. Nor. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Folkart, m. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Folker, m. Ger. Prov. people’s guard, 371
- Folkwar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s greatness, 371
- Folko, m. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Folkperaht, m. Ger. Teu. people’s brightness, 371
- Folkwart, m. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Folkwine, m. Ger. Teu. people’s friend, 371
- Folrad, m. Ger. Teu. people’s council, 371
- Folkrich, m. Ger. Teu. people’s ruler, 371
- Foma, m. Russ. Aram, twin, 22
- Fomida, f. Russ. Aram, twin, 22
- Fortunatus, m. Lat. fortune, 176
- lixFortune, f. Eng. 176
- Fortunio, m. Span. Lat. fortunate, 176
- Foulques, m. Fr. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Fouques, m. Fr. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Franc, m. Slov. Teu. free, 299
- Frances, f. Eng. Teu. free, 299
- Francesca, f. Ital. Teu. free, 299
- Francesco, m. Ital. Teu. free, 299
- Francie, m. Scot. Teu. free, 299
- Francilo, m. Span. Teu. free, 299
- Francina, f. Dutch, Teu. free, 299
- Francis, m. Eng. Teu. free, 299
- Francisca, f. Port. Span. Teu. free, 300
- Francisco, m. Port. Span. Teu. free, 299
- Franciscus, m. Lat. Teu. free, 299
- Francisek, m. Slov. Teu. free, 299
- Francisk, m. Wall. Teu. free, 299
- Franciska, f. Dan. Teu. free, 300
- Franciske, f. Slov. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Franciskus, m. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Francisque, f. Fr. Teu. free, 300
- Francisquinho, m. Port. Teu. free, 300
- Franciszek, m. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franck, m. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franciszka, f. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franco, m. It. Teu. free, 300
- François, m. Fr. Teu. free, 300
- Françoise, f. Fr. Teu. free, 299
- FrancyntjeFrancyntje, f. Dutch, Teu. free, 300
- Franek, m. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franica, f. Slov. Teu. free, 300
- Franja, f. Slov. Teu. free, 300
- Franjo, m. Slov. Teu. free, 300
- Frank, f. Eng. Teu. free, 300
- Frankel, m. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Franko, m. O. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Frans, m. Swed. Teu. free, 300
- Franse, m. Bret. Teu. free, 300
- Franseza, f. Bret. Teu. free, 300
- FransjeFransje, f. Dutch, Teu. free, 300
- Franta, m. Span. Teu. free lord, 300
- Frantisek, f. Bohm. Teu. free, 300
- Frantiska, f. Bohm. Teu. free, 300
- Franulka, f. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franusia, f. Pol. Teu. free, 300
- Franz, m. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Franzisk, m. Russ. Teu. free, 300
- Franziska, f. Russ. Teu. free, 300
- Franziske, f. Ger. Teu. free, 300
- Freavine, m. Nor. Teu. free friend, 295
- Fred, m. Eng. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Freddy, m. Eng. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fredegonde, f. Fr. Teu. peace war, 295
- Fredegunt, f. Frank. Teu. peace war, 295
- Frederic, m. Fr. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederica, f. Eng. Span. Port. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederick, m. Eng. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederico, m. Port. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederigo, m. Span. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederik, m. Dan. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frederigue, f. m. Fr. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fredewolt, m. Fris. Teu. peace power, 295
- Fredi, m. Fris. Teu. peace power, 297
- Frediswid, f. Eng. Teu. peace strength, 295
- Fredli, m. Swiss, Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fredreg, m. Norm. Ger. peace ruler, 296
- Fredrik, m. Swed. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Fredrika, f. Swed. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Freerik, m. Dutch, Ger. peace ruler, 296
- Freidank, m. Ger. Ger. free thought, 295
- Freimund, m. Ger. Teu. free protection, 295
- Freimuth, m. Ger. Ger. free courage, 295
- Frek, m. Fris. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fremont, m. Fr. Teu. peace protection, 295
- Frenz, m. Dutch, Teu. free, 296
- Freodhoric, m. A.S. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frerk, m. Fris. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Frethesantha, f. Eng. Teu. strength of peace, 295
- Frewen, m. Eng. Teu. free friend, 295
- lxFrewissa, f. Eng. Teu. strength of peace, 295
- Freygerdur, Ice. Teu. free home, 295
- Fridbald, m. Ger. Teu. peace prince, 295
- Fridbert, m. Ger. Teu. peace bright, 295
- Fridburg, f. Ger. Teu. peace protection, 295
- Frideger, f. m. Ger. Teu. spear of peace.
- Frider, m. Ger. Teu. peace warrior, 297
- Friderik, m. Slov. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fridgerda, f. Ger. Teu. peace guard, 297
- Fridgund, f. Frank. Teu. peace war, 297
- Fridhelm, m. Ger. Teu. peace helmet, 297
- Fridheri, m. Ger. Teu. peace warrior, 297
- Fridhrekr, m. O. Nor. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fridiswid, f. Eng. Teu. peace strength, 295
- Fridleifr, m. Nor. Teu. peace relic, 295
- Fridli, m. Swiss, Teu. peace rule, 295
- Fridlib, m. Ger. Teu. peace relic, 295
- Fridlina, f. Ger. Teu. peace snake, 295
- Fridman, m. Ger. Teu. peace man, 295
- Fridmar, m. Ger. Teu. peace fame, 295
- Fridmund, m. Ger. Teu. peace protection, 295
- Frido, m. Ger. Teu. peace, 295
- Fridold, m. Ger. Teu. peace power, 295
- Fridolf, m. Ger. Teu. peace wolf, 295
- Fridolin, m. Ger. Teu. peace, 295
- Fridrad, m. Ger. Teu. peace council, 295
- Fridrada, f. Ger. Teu. peace councillor, 295
- Fridrich, m. Russ. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 295
- Fridrik, m. Hung. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fridrike, f. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fridrikr, m. Nor. Teu. peace ruler, 295
- Fridrun, f. peace wisdom, 295
- Friduheri, m. O. Ger. Teu. peace warrior, 295
- Fridulf, m. Nor. Teu. peace wolf, 295
- Friedel, m. Ger. Teu. peace wolf, 295
- Friedrich, m. Ger. Teu. peace rule, 295
- Friko, m. Fris. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frithiof, m. Nor. Teu. free thief, 295
- Frithlaf, m. A.S. Teu. peace relic, 295
- Frithogar, m. A.S. Teu. peace spear, 295
- Frithswith, f. A.S. Teu. peace strength, 295
- Frithwald, m. A.S. Teu. peace power, 295
- Frithwolf, m. A.S. Teu. peace wolf.
- Fritz, m. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fritze, f. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fritzinn, f. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Froda, m. Nor. Teu. wise, 425
- Frodbert, m. Ger. Teu. wise bright, 425
- Frodberta, f. Ger. Teu. wise bright, 425
- Frodine, f. Ger. Teu. wise friend, 425
- Frodhr, m. Nor. Teu. wise, 425
- Frodwin, m. Nor. Teu. wise friend, 425
- Froila, m. Span. Teu. Lord, 295
- Fromsais, m. Erse, Teu. free, 296
- Frowin, m. Ger. Teu. free friend, 295
- Fruela, m. Span. Teu. Lord, 295
- Fryc, m. Pol. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fryderyk, m. Pol. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Frydryka, f. Pol. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Fulbert, m. Eng. Teu. bright resolution, 316
- Fulcher, m. Fr. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Fulberto, m. Rom. Teu. bright resolution, 316
- Fülip, m. Hung. Gr. horse lover, 79
- Fulk, m. Eng. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- lxiFulko, m. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 371
- Fulrad, m. Ger. Teu. people’s councillor, 371
- Fulvia, f. It. Lat. yellow, 147
- Fulvio, m. It. Lat. yellow, 147
- Fulvius, m. Lat. yellow, 147
- Fynballa, f. Scot. Kelt. fair shouldered, 245
- Fynvola, f. Scot. Kelt. fair shouldered, 245
- Fynwald, f. Scot. Kelt. fair shouldered, 245
- Gab, m. Eng. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabe, m. Bav. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabela, m. Swiss, Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gaberjels, m. Lett. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gaberl, m. Bav. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabilo, m. Ger. Teu. giver, 379
- Gabor, m. Hung. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabriel, m. Span. Eng. Fr. Ger. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabriele, f. Ger. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabriella, f. Span. It. Eng. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabrielle, f. Fr. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabriello, m. It. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gabris, Lett. hero of God, 55
- Gabryell, Pol. hero of God, 55
- Gad, m. Eng. Heb. troop, 7
- Gaddo, m. It. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaetan, m. Fr. Lat. of Gaeta, 132
- Gaetano, m. It. Lat. of Gaeta, 132
- Gaius, m. Eng. Lat. rejoiced, 131
- Gajo, m. Slov. Lat. of Gaeta, 131
- Gal, m. Erse, Kelt. valour, 246
- Galahad, Eng. milky way (?), 263
- Galath, Welsh, milky way (?), 263
- Galdfridus, m. Lat. Teu. good peace, 287
- Galeas, m. Eng. Teu. helmeted, 163
- Galeaz, m. Ger. Lat. helmeted, 163
- Galeazzo, m. It. Lat. helmeted, 163
- Galeran, m. Fr. Teu. or Lat. healthy or slaughter rule, 317
- Galerano, m. It. Teu. slaughter rule, 317
- Galileo, m. It. Kelt. a cock (?) or Galilean, 163
- Gall, m. Gadhael. Kelt. stranger, 246
- Gallo, m. It. Lat. cock, 163
- Gallus, m. Lat. cock, 163
- Gandolf, m. Ger. Teu. progress of a wolf, 434
- Gandolf, m. Ger. Teu. progress of a wolf, 434
- Gandolfo, m. It. Teu. progress of a wolf, 434
- Ganivre, f. Eng. Kelt. white wave, 269
- Ganore, f. Eng. Kelt. white wave (?), 269
- Gappe, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Garalt, m. Fr. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Garcia, m. Span. Teu. spear, 369
- Garcilasso, m. Span. Teu. spear, 369
- Gard, m. Nor. Teu. dwelling place, 322
- Gardhar, m. Nor. Teu. warrior of his country, 322
- Gardbrand, m. Nor. Teu. sword of his country, 322
- Gardmund, m. Nor. Teu. protection of his country, 322
- Garibaldo, m. It. Teu. war prince, 369
- Garnier, m. Fr. Teu. protecting warrior, 369
- Garratt, m. Eng. Teu. spear firm, 368
- Garret, m. Teu. firm spear, 368
- Garsendis, f. Span. Teu. spear strength, 368
- Garsias, m. Span. Teu. spear, 368
- Gaso, m. Ill. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaspar, m. Span. It. Pol. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaspard, m. Fr. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gasparde, f. Fr. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaspardo, m. It. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaspare, m. It. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gasparro, m. It. Pers. treasure master, 211
- lxiiGaspe, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaspero, m. It. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Gaston, m. Span. Fr. 453
- Gastone, m. Span. 453
- Gaton, f. Fr. Gr. pure, 123
- Gattirsch, m. Lett. Teu. God’s firmness, 288
- Gatty, f. Eng. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gaubert, m. Fr. Teu. slaughter bright, 316
- Gaucher, m. Fr. Teu. slaughter spear, 316
- Gaud, m. Fr. Teu. power, 425
- Gaudentius, m. Lat. rejoicing, 191
- Gaudenzio, m. It. Lat. rejoicing, 191
- Gaugl, m. Swiss, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Gauta, m. Swed. Teu. Goth. 288
- Gautrek, m. Swed. Teu. Goth’s king, 288
- Gautulf, m. Swed. Teu. Goth wolf, 288
- Gavin, m. Scot. Kelt. hawk of battle, 272
- Gavra, f. Slav. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gavre, m. Ill. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gavriil, m. Russ. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gavril, m. Ill. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gavrila, f. Slav. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gavrilo, m. Ill. Heb. hero of God, 55
- Gawain, m. Eng. Kelt. hawk of battle, 232
- Gayorgee, m. Russ. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Gebert, m. O. Ger. Teu. strong giver, 378
- Gebhard, m. Ger. Teu. strong giver, 378
- Gebhardine, f. Ger. Teu. strong giver, 378
- Gedde, f. Lett. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gedderts, m. Lett. Teu. God’s firmness, 286
- Gédéon, m. Fr. Heb. destroyer, 38
- Geert, m. Dan. Lus. Teu. firm spear, 370
- Geir, m. Nor. Teu. spear, 332, 370
- Geirmund, f. Nor. Teu. spear protection, 370
- Geirny, f. Nor. Teu. spear freshness, 370
- Geirrandur, f. Nor. Teu. spear house, 370
- Geirridur, f. Nor. Teu. spear impulse, 370
- Geirthiof, m. Nor. Teu. spear thief, 370
- Geirbjorg, f. Nor. Teu. spear protection, 370
- Geirfuss, m. Nor. Teu. spear eagerness, 370
- Geirhilda, f. Nor. Teu. spear heroine, 370
- Geirlaug, f. Nor. Teu. spear drink, 370
- Geirthrud, f. Nor. Teu. spear maid, 370
- Geirulf, m. Nor. Teu. spear wolf, 370
- Geitult, goat heroine, 341
- Geitwald, goat prince, 341
- Gelasius, m. Lat. Gr. laugher, 113
- Gelges, f. Gr. swan white, 246
- Gellies, m. Dutch, Teu. warring, 418
- Gelimir, m. Vandal, Teu. pledge of fame, 366
- Geltfrid, m. Ger. Teu. pledge of peace, 366
- Geltruda, f. It. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gemlorg, f. Er. gem like, 125
- Gemma, f. It. gem, 125
- Genevieve, f. Fr. Kelt. (?) white wave, 270
- Genevion, f. Fr. Kelt. (?) white wave, 270
- Gennaro, m. It. Lat. of Janus, 170
- Genovefa, f. Ger. Kelt. (?) white wave, 270
- Genoveffa, f. It. Kelt. white wave, 270
- Genovefica, f. Ill. Kelt. white wave (?), 270
- Genoveva, f. Port. Kelt. white wave (?), 270
- Genserich, m. Ger. Teu. spear ruler, 369
- Geoffrey, m. Eng. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Geoffroi, m. Fr. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Geordie, m. Scot. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georg, m. Ger. Dan. Gr. husbandman, 115
- George, m. Eng. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georges, m. Fr. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georget, m. Fr. Gr. husbandman, 115
- lxiiiGeorgeta, f. Port. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgette, f. Fr. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgey, m. Eng. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgiana, f. Eng. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgie, m. Wall. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgij, m. Russ. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgina, f. Eng. Ital. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgine, f. Fr. Ger. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgio, m. Ital. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgios, m. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgius, m. N.L.D. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Georgy, m. Eng. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Gerald, m. Eng. Teu. spear power, 369
- Geraldine, f. Eng. Teu. spear power, 369
- Gerard, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerardo, m. Rom. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerart, m. O. Fr. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerasimus, m. Lat. Gr. venerable, 113
- Gerand, m. Fr. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerberge, f. Fr. Teu. spear protection, 369
- Gerbert, m. Fr. Teu. spear bright, 369
- Gerbold, m. Ger. Teu. war prince, 369
- Gerda, f. Nor. Teu. enclosure, 322
- Gerde, f. Lett. Teu. spear maid, 322, 368
- Gerdrud, f. Ger. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gerdur, f. Nor. Teu. enclosure, 322
- Gerel, m. Fris. Teu. spear power, 368
- Gerelt, m. Fris. Teu. spear power, 369
- Geremia, m. Ital. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Gerga, m. Ill. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gergeli, m. Hung. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gergen, m. Slov. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gerhard, m. Ger. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerhardine, f. Ger. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Gerhold, m. A.S. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Gerkis, m. Lett. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Gerlach, m. Ger. Teu. spear sport, 370
- Gerlib, m. Ger. Teu. spear relic, 370
- Germain, m. Eng. Fr. Lat. German, 202
- Germaine, f. Fr. Lat. German, 202
- Germana, f. Span. Lat. German, 203
- Germann, m. Ger. Lat. German, 203
- Germano, m. Ital. Lat. German, 203
- Germanus, m. Lat. German, 203
- Germar, m. Ger. Teu. spear fame, 369
- Gernot, m. Ger. Teu. spear compulsion, 370
- Gero, m. Hung. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gero, f. Nor. Teu. divine wisdom, 286
- Gerold, m. Ger. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Gerolf, m. Ger. Teu. spear wolf, 370
- Geronimo, m. It. Gr. holy name, 89
- Gerontius, m. Lat. Gr. old man.
- Gerramn, m. Ger. Teu. spear raven, 369
- Gerritt, m. Dutch Gr., Teu. firm spear, 370
- Gerte, f. Lett. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gerts, m. Lett. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Gertraud, f. Ger. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gertrud, f. Hung. Ger. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gertruda, f. It. Russ. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gertrude, f. Eng. Fr. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gertrudes, f. Port. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gervais, m. Fr. Teu. war eagerness, 370
- Gerwald, m. Ger. Teu. spear power, 370
- Gervas,[1] m. Eng. Teu. war eagerness, 370
- Gervasio, m. It. Teu. war eagerness, 370
- Gervazij, m. Slav. Teu. war eagerness, 370
- Gerwart, m. Ger. Teu. spear ward, 370
- lxivGerwas, m. Ger. Teu. war eagerness, 370
- Gerwin, m. Ger. Teu. spear friend, 370
- Geta, m. Lat. Teu. Goth. 289
- Gevald, m. Ger. Teu. power giver, 379
- Gherardo, m. It. Teu. spear firm, 370
- Ghita, f. It. Teu. pearl, 121
- Giacinta, f. It. Gr. purple, 81
- Giacinto, m. It. Gr. purple, 81
- Giacobba, f. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Giacobbe, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Giacomma, f. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Giacomo, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Giacopo, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Gian, m. It. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Gianbattista, m. It. Heb. John the Baptist, 108
- Giankos, m. M. Gr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Giannakes, m. M. Gr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Giannes, m. M. Gr. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Gianina, f. It. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Giannino, m. It. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Gianozzo, m. It. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Gib, m. Eng. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gibichs, m. Ger. Teu. giver, 344
- Gibbon, m. Eng. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gideon, m. Eng. Heb. destroyer, 38
- Giertruda, f. Pol. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Gil, m. Span. Lat. downy (?), 149
- Gilavij, m. Russ. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Gilbert, m. Eng. Fr. Ger. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gilberto, m. It. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gilbrid, m. Scot. Kelt. servant of Bridget, 260
- Gilchrist, m. Scot. Kelt. servant of Christ, 260
- Gilcolum, m. Scot. Kelt. servant of Columba, 260
- Gildas, m. Lat. Kelt. servant of God, 260
- Gileber, m. Fr. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Giles, m. Eng. Gr. with the ægis, 79
- Gilescop, m. Gael. Kelt, servant of the bishop, 261
- Gilfred, m. Ger. Teu. pledge of peace, 366
- Gill, f. Eng. Lat. downy, 150
- Gilleneaomh, m. Gael. Kelt, servant of the saints, 260
- Gilles, m. Fr. Gr. with the ægis, 79
- Gillespie, f. Scot. Kelt, bishop’s servant, 260
- Gillet, f. Eng. Lat. downy, 150
- Gilli, Flem. Teu. bright pledge, 336
- Gillian, f. Eng. Lat. downy, 149
- Gillies, m. Scot. servant of Jesus, 261
- Gilmichel, m. Scot. Kelt, servant of Michael, 261
- Gilmory, f. Scot. Kelt, servant of Mary, 261
- Gilmoir, f. Gael. Kelt, servant of Mary, 261
- Gils, m. Nor. Teu. pledge, 224
- Gilpatrick, m. Scot. Kelt, servant of Patrick, 195, 261
- Giodoco, m. It. Lat. joyful, 191
- Giofred, m. It. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Ginevra, f. Ital. Kelt, white wave (?), 270
- Giobbe, m. It. Heb. persecuted, 26
- Gioachimo, m. It. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Gioachino, m. It. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Giolla Brighde, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Bridget, 261
- Giolla Christ, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Christ, 261
- Giolla Cheallaich, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Ceallach, 261
- Giolla Choluin, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Columba, 261
- Giolla Chomhghaill, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Congall, 261
- Giolla De, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of God, 261
- Giolla Dubdh, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of the black, 261
- Giolla Earch, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Earc, 261
- Giolla Josa, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Jesus, 261
- Giolla-na-naomh, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of the saints, 261
- lxvGiolla Phadrig, m. Erse, Kelt, servant of Patrick, 195, 261
- Giolla Rhiobach, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of the swarthy, 260
- Giordano, m. It. Heb. the Jordan, 39
- Giorgio, Gr. It. husbandman, 115
- Gioseffo, m. Ital. Heb. addition, 23
- Giotto, m. Ital. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Giovachino, m. Ital. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Giovanna, f. Ital. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Giovanni, m. Ital. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Giovannina, f. Ital. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Giovanino, m. Ital. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Giovanetto, m. Ital. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Giovio, m. Ital. Lat. of Jupiter, 169
- Girairs, m. Fr. Teu. firm spear, 370
- Giralda, f. Ital. Teu. spear power, 369
- Giraldo, m. Ital. Teu. spear power, 369
- Giraldus, m. Lat. Teu. spear power, 369
- Girart, m. Prov. Teu. firm spear, 369
- Girault, m. Fr. Teu. spear power, 369
- Girioel, m. Welsh, Gr. lordly, 217
- Girroald, m. Fr. Teu. spear power, 369
- Girolamo, m. It. Lat. holy name, 89
- Girzie, f. Scot. Gr. Teu. golden battle maid, 291
- Gisbert, f. m. Ger. Teu. pledge bright, 366
- Gisborn, m. Eng. Teu. pledge bear, 366
- Gisala, f. Ger. Teu. pledge, 366
- Gisbert, m. Dutch, Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gisebryht, m. Dutch, Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Gisel, f. Frank. Teu. pledge, 366
- Giselbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Giselberge, pledged protection, 366
- Gisèle, f. Fr. Teu. pledge, 366
- Giselfrid, m. Ger. Teu. pledge of peace, 366
- Giselhart, m. Ger. Teu. pledge of firmness, 366
- Giselher, m. Ger. Teu. pledge warrior, 366
- Giselhilda, f. Ger. Teu. pledged heroine, 366
- Giselof, pledged relic, 366
- Giselrico, m. Goth. Teu. pledged ruler, 366
- Gisla, f. Nor. Teu. pledge, 366
- Gislaug, f. Nor. Teu. pledge drink, 366
- Gismonda, f. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 366
- Gismondo, m. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 366
- Gissur, m. Ice. Teu. pledged warrior, 366
- Gith, f. Eng. Teu. happy gift, 379
- Giubileo, m. It. Lat. of the jubilee, 191
- Giuda, m. It. Heb. praise, 21
- Giuditta, f. It. Heb. praise, 21
- Giuka, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Giuko, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Giulia, f. It. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Giuliana, f. It. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Giuliano, m. It. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Giulietta, f. It. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Giulio, m. It. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Giuro, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 259
- Giuseppe, m. It. Heb. addition, 23
- Giuseppina, f. It. Heb. addition, 23
- Giusta, f. It. Lat. just, 192
- Giustina, f. It. Lat. just, 192
- Giustino, m. It. Lat. just, 192
- Giusto, m. It. Lat. just, 192
- Gjaflaug, f. Nor. Teu. liquor giver, 343
- Gjavvald, m. Nor. Teu. liquor giver, 343
- Gjerd, m. Nor. Teu. bond, 240
- Gjerhild, f. Nor. Teu. spear battle maid, 370
- Gjerleiv, m. Nor. Teu. spear relic, 370
- Gjermund, m. Nor. Teu. spear protection, 370
- Gjerulv, m. Nor. Teu. spear wolf, 370
- lxviGjorghie, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Gjosta, m. Swed. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gjuko, m. Nor. Teu. giver, 116, 379
- Gjuraj, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Gjurgjija, f. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Gjurginka, f. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 116
- Gjuro, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 259
- Gjutha, f. Nor. Teu. giver, 379
- Gladus, m. Welsh, Lat. lame, 146
- Gladuse, f. Eng. Lat. lame, 146
- Gladys, f. Welsh, Lat. lame, 146
- Glasan, m. Erse, Kelt. blue, 106
- Glaud, m. Scot. Lat. lame, 146
- Gleb, m. Russ. Slav. 460
- Gloukera, f. Russ. Gr. sweet, 80
- Glycère, f. Fr. Gr. sweet, 80
- Glykera, f. Gr. Gr. sweet, 80
- Goçalak, m. Ill. Teu. God’s servant, 286
- Godafrei, m. Prov. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Godard, m. Fr. Teu. divine firmness, 287
- Goddard, m. Eng. Teu. divine firmness, 287
- Godebert, m. Ger. Teu. divine brightness, 288
- Godeberta, f. Frank. Teu. divine brightness, 288
- Godegisel, m. Ger. Teu. divine pledge, 288
- Godefroi, m. Fr. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Godefried, m. Ger. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Gödel, m. Ger. Teu. divine peace, 287
- Godeleva, f. m. Lat. Teu. divine gift, 286
- Godelind, f. Ger. Teu. good serpent, 288
- Godemar, m. Ger. Teu. good fame, 288
- Goderic, m. Fr. Teu. divine king, 286
- Godescalco, m. It. Teu. God’s servant, 286
- Godeskalk, m. Frank. Teu. God’s servant, 286
- Godfrey, m. Eng. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Godfried, m. Holl. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Godgifu, f. A.S. Teu. God’s gift, 286
- Godine, f. m. Cambrai, Teu. divine friend, 286
- Godinette, f. Cambrai, Teu. divine friend, 286
- Godiva, f. Eng. Teu. divine gift, 286
- Godon, m. Fr. Lat. lame, 146
- Godric, m. Eng. Teu. divine king, 286
- Godwin, m. Eng. Teu. divine friend, 286
- Godwine, m. A. G. S. Teu. divine friend, 286
- Godwulf, m. A. G. S. Teu. divine wolf, 286
- Goelen, f. Flemish, Teu. war, 363
- Goetz, m. Ger. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Goffredo, m. It. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Gogo, m. Fr. Gr. pearl, 121
- Gollaa, f. Nor. Teu. divine sea, 286
- Golubica, f. Ill. Slav. dove, 187
- Gombert, m. Fr. Teu. war prince, 363
- Gonçalo, m. Port. Teu. 363
- Gondaberge, f. Ger. Teu. war protection, 363
- Gondebaldo, m. Span. Teu. war prince, 363
- Gondebault, m. Fr. Teu. war bold, 363
- Gondebert, m. Fr. Teu. war bright, 363
- Gondemir, m. Span. Teu. war fame, 364
- Gonderic, m. Frank. Teu. war chief, 364
- Gonderico, m. Span. Teu. war chief, 364
- Gondesind, f. Span. Teu. war strength, 364
- Göndol, f. m. Nor. Teu. good, 364
- Gondoline, f. Ger. Teu. war serpent, 364
- Gondomar, m. Span. Teu. war fame, 364
- Gondomire, m. Span. war fame, 364
- Gonorij, m. Russ. Lat. honoured, 394
- Gonsalve, m. Fr. Teu. war wolf, 363
- Gonsalvo, m. It. Teu. war wolf, 363
- Gonstan, m. Bret. Teu. hill stone, 295
- Gonthery, m. Fr. Teu. war rule, 363
- Gonthier, m. Fr. Teu. war army, 363
- lxviiGonthere, m. It. Teu. war army, 363
- Gontrada, f. Span. Teu. war council, 364
- Gontram, m. Fr. Teu. war raven, 364
- Gönz, m. Ger. Teu. war, 363
- Gonzalo, m. Span. Teu. war wolf, 361
- Gonzalve, m. Fr. Teu. war wolf, 363
- Goratij, m. Russ. Lat. watchman, 114, 148
- Gorm, m. Nor. Teu. war serpent, 363
- Gormfhlait, f. Erse, Teu. blue lady, 253
- Gospatrick, m. Scot. Gael. Lat. boy of Patrick, 195
- Gospava, f. Ill. Slav. lady.
- Gosta, m. Swed. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gostanza, f. Span. Lat. firm, 162
- Gostomil, m. Ill. Slave, hospitality, 439
- Gotardo, m. It. Lat. good firm, 287
- Gotfryd, m. Pol. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Goton, f. Fr. Gr. pearl, 121
- Gottfried, m. Ger. Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Gottgabe, m. Ger. Teu. God’s gift, 288
- Gottgetreu, m. Ger. Teu. faithful to God, 288
- Gotthard, m. Ger. Teu. divine firmness, 286
- Gotthelf, m. Ger. Teu. God’s help, 288
- Gotthold, m. Ger. Teu. God’s power, 288
- Gottleip, m. Ger. Teu. remains of divinity, 288
- Gottlieb, m. Ger. Teu. God’s love, 288
- Gottlob, m. Ger. Teu. God’s praise, 288
- Gottschalk, m. Ger. Teu. Gods servant, 286
- Gottseimitdir, m. Ger. Teu. God be with thee, 288, 468
- Gottwald, m. Ger. Teu. God’s power, 288
- Goule, f. Brabant, Teu. war, 363
- Govert, m. Dutch, Teu. God’s peace, 288
- Gozstav, m. Swed. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Grace, f. Eng. Lat. grace, 195
- Gracie, f. Scot. Lat. grace, 195
- Gradlon, m. Bret. Kelt. love, 250
- Graidhne, f. Erse, Kelt. love, 250
- Graine, f. m. Irish, Kelt. love, 195, 249
- Gratianus, m. Lat. thanks, 195
- Graziella, f. It. Lat. thanks, 195
- Grazian, m. It. Lat. thanks.
- Greagair, m. Erse, Kelt. watchman, 114
- Gredel, f. Bav. Gr. pearl, 121
- Greg, m. Scot. Kelt. fierce, 114
- Grega, m. Slov. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregoire, m. Fr. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregor, m. Ger. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregori, m. It. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregorios, m. Gr. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregorius, m. Lat. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregory, m. Eng. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregos, m. Dan. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregur, m. Slov. Gr. watchman, 114
- Gregus, m. Dan. Ger. Gr. watchman, 256
- Greis, m. Swed. Gr. watchman, 114
- Greis, m. Nor. Teu. stone, 349
- Grel, f. Bav. Gr. pearl, 121
- Greszkus, m. Lith. Gr. watchman, 114
- Greta, f. Lith. Gr. pearl, 121
- Gretchen, f. Ger. Eng. pearl, 121
- Grete, f. Ger. Gr. pearl, 121
- Gretel, f. Bav. Gr. pearl, 121
- Grethe, f. Ger. Gr. pearl, 121
- Gretje, f. Dutch, Gr. pearl, 121
- Gretli, f. Swiss, Gr. pearl, 121
- Gries, watchman, 114
- Griffith, m. Welsh, Lat. ruddy, 167
- Grifone, m. It. Lat. ruddy, 167
- Grigge, m. Lett. Gr. watchman, 114
- Grigorie, m. Wall. Gr. watchman, 114
- Grigorij, m. Russ. Gr. watchman, 114
- Grigory, m. Ill. Gr. watchman, 114
- Grim, m. Nor. Teu. helmeted, 293
- Grimaldo, m. It. Teu. fierce power, 293
- Grimaltos, m. Span. Teu. fierce power, 293
- Grimaud, m. Fr. Teu. fierce power, 293
- Grimar, m. Nor. Teu. helmeted warrior, 293
- Grimbald, m. Eng. Teu. fierce power, 293
- Grimbert, m. Ger. Teu. helmeted warrior, 293
- lxviiiGrimheri, m. Ger. Teu. helmeted warrior, 293
- Grimhild, f. m. Nor. Teu. helmeted battle maid, 293
- Grimketyl, m. Nor. Teu. hidden cauldron, 293
- Grimkjell, m. Nor. Teu. hidden cauldron, 293
- Grimwald, m. Ger. Teu. helmeted power, 293
- Grimulf, m. Eng. Teu. helmeted wolf, 293
- Grischa, f. Russ. Gr. watchman, 114
- Griotgard, f. Nor. Teu. stone maid, 349
- Grischha, f. Russ. Gr. watchman, 115
- Griselda, f. It. Eng. Gr. Teu. stone heroine, 349
- Grisostomo, m. It. Gr. golden mouth, 43
- Grissel, f. Eng. Gr. Teu. stone heroine, 349
- Gristovalo, m. It. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Gritty, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Grizel, f. Scot. Gr. Teu. stone heroine, 349
- Grozdana, f. Serv. Slav. rich in grapes, 438
- Gruach, f. Gael. Kelt. hairy.
- Gruffin, m. Welsh, Lat. ruddy, 167
- Gruffydd, m. Welsh, Lat. ruddy, 167
- Grunja, f. Russ. Lat. born with feet foremost, 156
- Gruscha, f. Russ. Lat. born with feet foremost, 156
- Grygallis, m. Lett. Gr. watchman, 113
- Gryta, f. Lith. Gr. pearl, 121
- Grzegorz, m. Pol. Gr. watchman, 114
- Guadalupe, f. m. Span. 371
- Gualberto, m. It. Teu. slaughter bright, 317
- Gualter, m. Port. Teu. powerful army, 425
- Gualthier, m. Fr. Teu. powerful army, 425
- Gualtiero, m. It. Teu. powerful army, 425
- Guarin, m. Fr. Teu. spear friend, 369
- Guarino, m. It. Teu. spear friend, 369
- Guarniero, m. It. Teu. protecting warrior, 369
- Guérin, m. Fr. Teu. protecting warrior, 369
- Guccio, m. It. Teu. home rule, 310
- Guda, f. Nor. Teu. divine, 285
- Gudbiorg, f. Nor. Teu. divine protection, 286
- Gudbrand, m. Nor. Teu. divine sword, 286
- Gudfinn, divine whiteness, 286
- Gudfinna, divine whiteness, 286
- Gudhr, f. Nor. Teu. divine, 286
- Gudiskako, servant of God, 286
- Gudleif, m. Nor. Teu. divine relic, 286
- Gudleifr, m. Nor. Teu. divine relic, 286
- Gudleik, m. Nor. Teu. divine praise, 286
- Gudmund, m. Nor. Teu. divine protection, 286
- Gudny, m. Nor. Teu. divine freshness, 286
- Gudolv, m. Nor. Teu. divine wolf, 286
- Gudrid, f. Nor. Teu. divine impulse, 286
- Gudridur, f. Nor. Teu. divine impulse, 286
- Gudruna, f. Nor. Teu. divine wisdom, 286
- Gudule, f. Ger. Teu. war, 364
- Gudvar, m. Nor. Teu. divine prudence, 286
- Gudveig, f. Nor. Teu. divine liquor, 286
- Guelfo, m. It. Teu. wolf, 335
- Guendolen, f. Eng. Kelt, white browed, 268
- Guennean, f. Bret. Kelt, angel, 270
- Guennever, f. Eng. Kelt, white lady, 268
- Guennolé, f. Bret. Kelt, white, 268
- Guennolà, f. Bret. Kelt, white, 268
- Guerin, m. Fr. Teu. war friend, 369
- Guglielma, f. It. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guglielmo, m. It. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Gui, m. Fr. Kelt, sense, 228
- Guides, m. Fr. Kelt, sense,228
- Guido, m. It. Eng. Kelt, sense, 228
- lxixGuidon, m. Fr. Kelt. sense (?), 228
- Guidone, m. It. Kelt. sense (?), 228
- Guiette, f. Fr. Kelt. sense (?), 228
- Guilbaldo, m. Port. Teu. bold prince, 314
- Guilhermo, m. Port. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillarn, m. Bret. Teu. will helmet, 315
- Guillerm, m. Bret. Teu. will helmet, 315
- Guillym, m. Welsh, Teu. will helmet, 315
- Guillaume, m. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillaumette, f. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillaumine, f. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillene, m. Prov. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillena, f. Prov. Teu. will helmet, 315
- Guillermo, m. Span. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillette, f. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guillibaud, m. Fr. Teu. resolute prince, 315
- Guillot, m. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Guirauld, m. Fr. Teu. spear power, 369
- Guiscard, m. Fr. Teu. wise war, 321
- Guiscardo, m. It. Teu. wise war, 321
- Gulla, f. Nor. Teu. divine sea, 286
- Gullaug, f. Nor. Teu. divine liquor, 286
- Gullbrand, m. Nor. Teu. war sword, 286
- Gulleik, m. Nor. Teu. war sport, 286
- Gulleiv, m. Nor. Teu. divine relic, 286
- Gulmar, m. Nor. Teu. war greatness, 364
- Gulmund, m. Nor. Teu. divine protection, 286
- Gumpert, m. Ger. Teu. war splendour, 364
- Gunbjorg, f. Nor. Teu. war protection, 364
- Gunbjorn, f. Nor. Teu. war bear, 364
- Gunborg, f. Nor. Teu. war protection, 364
- Gundahari, m. O. Ger. Teu. warrior, 364
- Gundekar, m. Ger. Teu. war spear, 364
- Gundlin, f. Ger. Teu. war serpent, 364
- Gundolf, m. Ger. Teu. war wolf, 364
- Gundrada, f. Ger. Teu. war council, 364
- Gundred, f. Eng. Teu. war council (?), 364
- Gundridur, f. Nor. Teu. war impulse, 364
- Gundula, f. Ger. Teu. war, 364
- Gundulf, m. Norm. Teu. war wolf, 364
- Gundvar, f. Nor. Teu. war prudence, 364
- Gunhild, f. Nor. Teu. war heroine, 364
- Guni, f. Nor. Teu. divine freshness, 286
- Gunlaug, f. Nor. Teu. war liquor, 364
- Gunleif, m. Nor. Teu. war love, 364
- Gunleik, m. Nor. Teu. war sport, 364
- Gunnar, f. Nor. Teu. war, 364
- Gunnderich, m. Nor. Teu. war ruler, 364
- Gunnhildur, f. Nor. Teu. war maid, 364
- Gunnilda, f. Eng. Teu. war battle maid, 364
- Gunnolfr, m. Ice. Teu. war wolf, 364
- Gunnora, f. Eng. Teu. war protection, 364
- Gunnrod, f. Nor. Teu. war council, 364
- Gunnstein, m. Nor. Teu. war stone, 364
- Gunnr, f. Nor. Teu. war, 364
- Gunnulv, m. Nor. Teu. war wolf, 364
- Gunnwald, m. Nor. Teu. war power, 364
- Gunthar, m. Frank. Teu. warrior, 362
- Gunthe, f. Ger. Teu. war, 362
- Gunthram, m. Fr. Teu. war raven, 363
- lxxGuntrud, f. Nor. Teu. war maid, 364
- Gunula, f. Ger. Teu. war, 364
- Guossalvo, m. Prov. Teu. war wolf, 264
- Gurn, f. Nor. Teu. divine wisdom, 286
- Gurth, m. Eng. Teu. bond, 322
- Guru, f. Nor. Teu. divine wisdom, 286
- Gushtasp, m. Pers. Zend. possessing horses, 137
- Gussie, f. Eng. Lat. venerable, 158
- Gust, m. Dutch, Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gusta, f. Lus. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Guste, f. Lus. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Gustel, f. Ger. Lat. venerable, 158
- Gustaf, m. Swed. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gustav, m. Ger. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gustave, m. Fr. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gustavo, m. Rom. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gustavus, m. Eng. Teu. Goth staff, 289
- Gusts, m. Lett. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Gustylka, f. Lus. Lat. venerable, 157
- Gutha, f. Ger. Teu. war, 286
- Guthlac, m. A.S. Teu. war sport, 286
- Guthorm, m. Dan. Teu. war serpent, 286
- Guthrum, m. Eng. Teu. war serpent, 286
- Gutmar, m. Ger. Teu. war strength, 286
- Guttiere, m. Span. Teu. powerful warrior, 286
- Guttorm, m. Eng. Teu. war serpent, 286
- Guy, m. Eng. Kelt. sense (?), 228
- Guyon, m. Fr. Kelt. sense, 228
- Guzman, m. Span. Teu. good man, 288
- Gwalchmai, m. Welsh, Kelt. hawk of battle, 272
- Gwallawg, m. Welsh, Kelt. stammerer, or hawk, 272
- Gwirydd, m. Welsh, Kelt. 281
- Gwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. white, 268
- Gwendolen, f. Welsh, Kelt. white browed, 265
- Gwendolen, m. Welsh, Kelt. white browed, 268
- Gweneal, f. Bret. Kelt. white angel, 269
- Gwenhwyfar, f. Welsh, Kelt. white wave, 269
- Gwenfrewi, f. Welsh, Kelt. white stream, 269
- Gwenwynwyn, m. Welsh, Kelt. thrice fair (?), 269
- Gwethalyn, m. Welsh, Lat. of life, 197
- Gwiawn, m. Welsh, Kelt. sense, 228
- Gwiawn, m. Cym. Kelt. sense (?), 228
- Gwric, m. Welsh, Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Gwril, m. Welsh, Gr. lordly, 217
- Gwrtheyrn, m. Welsh, excelling king, 238
- Gwydyr, m. Welsh, Kelt. wrathful, 363
- Gwynaeth, f. Eng. Kelt. bliss, 271
- Gyda, f. Nor. gift, 379
- Gyllys, m. Fris. Teu. warring, 363
- Gyneth, f. Eng. Kelt. blessed, 271
- Gyrthr, m. Dan. Teu. bond, 322
- Gytha, f. Eng. Teu. gift, 379
- Gysbert, m. Dutch, Teu. bright pledge, 366
- Haagan, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Haakatha, m. Nor. Teu. 365
- Haake, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Haaken, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Haamund, m. Nor. Teu. high protection, 365
- Haavard, m. Nor. Teu. high protection, 365
- Habbakuk, m. Eng. Heb. embracing, 5
- Habor, m. Nor. Teu. dexterous brightness, 365
- Hacco, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Häcke, m. Swiss, Teu. axe (?)
- Hackel, m. Swiss, Teu. axe (?)
- Haco, m. Lat. Teu. high kin, 365
- Hacon, m. Scot. Teu. high kin, 365
- lxxiHada, f. Lus. Teu. war refuge, 304
- Hadamk, m. Lus. Heb. red earth, 10
- Hadassah, Eng. Pers. Heb. myrtle, 57
- Hadrianus, m. Lat. from Adrian, 157
- Hadufrid, m. Ger. Teu. war peace, 305
- Hadufuns, m. Ger. Teu. war eagerness, 305
- Hadulint, f. Ger. Teu. war spear, 305
- Haduman, m. Ger. Teu. Hodur’s man, 304
- Hadumar, m. Ger. Teu. fierce fame, 304
- Hadupald, m. Ger. Teu. fierce prince, 305
- Hadupracht, m. Ger. Teu. war’s brightness, 305
- Haduparc, f. Ger. Teu. war protection, 305
- Haduswinth, f. Goth. Teu. war strength, 305
- Haduwald, m. Ger. Teu. war prince, 305
- Haduwig, f. Ger. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Hafgrim, m. Nor. Teu. sea obscured, 432
- Haflide, m. Nor. Teu. sea wanderer, 432
- Haflok, m. Nor. Teu. sea relic, 432
- Hafthor, m. Nor. Teu. sea Thor, 432
- Hagbart, Nor. Teu. dexterous brightness, 365
- Hagbrand, Nor. Teu. dexterous sword, 365
- Haggai, m. Eng. Heb. festival of the Lord, 51
- Hagan, m. Dan. Teu. hook, 365
- Haggy, f. Eng. Gr. good, 82
- Hagthor, m. Nor. Teu. dexterous Thor, 365
- Hairuwulf, m. Goth. sword wolf, 351
- Hake, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Hakona, m. Nor. Teu. high kin, 365
- Hal, m. Eng. Teu. home rule, 310
- Halbe, m. Ger. Teu. half, 431
- Halbert, m. Scot. Teu. bright stone, 349
- Halbjorg, f. Nor. Teu. stone protection, 349
- Halbdan, m. Nor. Teu. half Dane, 431
- Halbturing, m. Ger. Teu. half Thuringian, 431
- Halbwalah, m. Ger. Teu. stranger, half Wallachian, 431
- Haldanus, m. Lat. Teu. half Dane, 431
- Haldis, f. Nor. Teu. stone spirit, 349
- Halex, m. Lus. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Half, m. Ice. Teu. half, 431
- Halfdan, m. Nor. Teu. half Dane, 431
- Halfrid, f. Nor. Teu. hall fair, 349
- Hali, m. Kaffir, Teu. home rule, 310
- Halldora, f. Nor. Teu. stone of Thor, 349
- Halgerd, f. Nor. Teu. stone fence, 319
- Halgjer, m. Nor. Teu. stone spear, 319
- Hallgrim, f. m. Nor. Teu. stone helmet, 349
- Hallgrima, f. Nor. Teu. stone helmet, 349
- Halkatla, f. Nor. Teu. stone kettle, 349
- Hallkjell, m. Nor. Teu. stone kettle, 349
- Hallrid, f. Nor. Teu. stone vehemence, 349
- Hallthora, f. Nor. Teu. stone of Thor, 349
- Hallward, m. Nor. Teu. stone guardian, 349
- Halvar, m. Nor. Teu. stone prudence, 349
- Hameline, f. Fr. Teu. home, 309
- Hamish, m. Gael. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Hamlyn, m. Eng. Teu. home, 309
- Hamo, m. Nor. Teu. home, 309
- Han, m. Esth. Swiss, Heb. grace of God, 45
- Hananeel, m. Eng. Heb. grace of God, 46
- Hanani, m. Eng. Heb. grace of God, 46
- lxxiiHananiah, m. Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 40
- Hançhen, f. Ger. Heb. grace of the Lord, 42
- Hancicka, f. Lus. Heb. grace, 42
- Handrej, m. Lus. Gr. man, 86
- Hanka, f. Lus. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Hanke, m. Netherlands, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hanna, f. Lus. Heb. grace, 42
- Hannah, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Hanne, f. Ger. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Hanneken, m. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hannes, m. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hannibal, m. Eng. Phœn. grace of Baal, 40
- Hanno, m. Lat. Corn. Phœn. grace, 40
- Hannyball, m. Swiss, Ger. Phœn. grace of Baal, 40
- Hans, m. Ger. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hanschen, m. Ger. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hansel, m. Bav. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hansli, m. Swiss, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hanto, m. Lus. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Hanusia, f. Pol. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Hanza, f. Lus. Gr. pure, 119
- Hanzyzka, f. Lus. Heb. grace, 42
- Happen-to-be, m. Eng.
- Harald, m. Nor. Teu. warrior power, 417
- Harding, m. Nor. Teu. firm, 421
- Hardiknut, m. Dan. Teu. bold and able, 421
- Hardouin, m. Fr. Teu. firm friend, 421
- Hardrada, m. Nor. Teu. hardy, 421
- Hardwig, m. Eng. Teu. hard war, 421
- Hardwin, m. Ger. Teu. firm friend, 421
- Harenc, m. Fr. Teu. army, 416
- Haribert, bright warrior, 417
- Haring, m. Dan. Teu. army, 416
- Harivald, m. warrior power, 410
- Harm, m. NetherlandsNetherlands, Gr. holy name, 89
- Harold, m. Eng. Teu. warrior power, 417
- Haroun, m. Arab. Heb. mountain, 27
- Harriet, f. Eng. Teu. home rule, 310
- Harry, m. Eng. Teu. home rule, 310
- Harthagrepa, f. Nor. Teu. hard grip, 420
- Harthaknut, m. Dan. Teu. firm hill, 420
- Hartrich, m. Ger. Teu. firm ruler, 421
- Hartmod, m. Ger. Teu. firm spirit, 421
- Hartmund, m. Ger. Teu. firm protection, 421
- Hartwig, m. Ger. Teu. firm war, 421
- Harvey, m. Eng. Kelt. bitter, 281
- Hasli, m. Swiss, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Hasting, m. Dan. Teu. swift, 402
- Hati, f. Swiss, Gr. pure, 123
- Hatili, f. Swiss, Gr. pure, 123
- Hatto, m. Ger. Teu. Hessian, 432
- Hatty, f. Eng. Teu. home rule, 310
- Hauk, m. Ice. Teu. hawk, 344
- Hauleik, m. Nor. Teu. sport of thought, 354
- Havisia, f. Lat. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Havoys, f. Eng. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Hawoise, f. Eng. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Haymo, m. Eng. Teu. home, 311
- Haymon, m. Eng. Teu. home, 311
- Hazzo, m. Ger. Teu. Hessian, 422
- Hazzy, m. Eng. Zend. venerable king, 57
- Hector, m. Eng. Gr. defender, 74
- Heddo, m. Fris. Teu. war, 305
- Hedinn, m. Nor. Teu. fury, 305
- Hedviga, f. Hung. war refuge, 305
- Hedviga, f. Fr. war refuge, 305
- Hedwig, f. Ger. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Heerdegen, m. Ger. Teu. warrior blade, 351, 417
- Heimbert, m. Ger. Teu. home bright, 311
- Heimirich, m. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 309
- lxxiiiHeimrad, m. Ger. Teu. home council, 309
- Heimrich, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Hein, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Heine, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Heinel, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Heinrich, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Heintje, m. Dutch, Teu. home rule, 310
- Heintz, m. Ger. Teu. home rule, 310
- Hejba, f. Lus. Heb. life, 11
- Hektor, m. Ger. Gr. defender, 74
- Helbing, m. Ger. Teu. half, 431
- Helaine, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Helen, f. Scot. Gr. light, 68
- Helena, f. Port. Eng. Span. Gr. light, 68
- HélèneHélène, f. Fr. Gr. light, 68
- Helenka, f. Russ. Gr. light, 68
- Helewise, f. Eng. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Helfrich, m. Ger. helping ruler, 420
- Helga, f. Nor. Teu. holy, 403
- Helie, m. Fr. Heb. God the Lord, 36
- Helier, m. Fr. Lat. cheerful, 280
- Helgi, m. Nor. Teu. holy, 403
- Heliodorus, m. Lat. Gr. sun’s gift, 67
- Heliogabalus, m. Lat. Gr. sun’s gift, 67
- Helier, m. Jersey, Lat. cheerful, 191, 280
- Helmar, m. Ger. Teu. helmeted warrior, 351
- Helmbold, m. Ger. Teu. helmed prince, 351
- Helmerich, m. Ger. Teu. helmet king, 351
- Helmich, m. Ger. Teu. helmet, 351
- Helmhart, m. Ger. Teu. firm helmet, 351
- Helmtac, m. Ger. Teu. helmet day, 351
- Helmut, m. Ger. Teu. helmet rage, 351
- Helmine, f. Ger. Teu. will helmet, 351
- Helmold, m. Ger. Teu. helmet power, 351
- Heloise, f. Fr. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Helsa, f. Dan. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Hendrik, m. Dan. Dutch, Teu. home rule, 310
- Hendrika, f. Dutch, Teu. home rule, 310
- Hendrijshka, m. Lus. Gr. man, 86
- Henghist, m. A.S. Teu. horse, 340
- Hennike, m. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 309
- Henning, m. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 309
- Henny, f. Eng. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henri, m. Fr. Teu. home rule, 310
- Henrietta, f. Eng. Teu. home rule, 310
- Henriette, f. Fr. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henrika, f. Swed. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henriot, m. Fr. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henrique, m. Port. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henriqueta, f. Port. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henry, m. Eng. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henryketa, f. Pol. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Henryk, m. Pol. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Heoruward, m. A.S. sword guardian, 351
- Hephzibah, f. Eng. Heb. my delight is in her, 49
- Hepsy, f. Am. Heb. my delight is in her, 49
- Heraclius, m. Lat. Gr. noble fame, 63
- Heraclidas, m. Lat. Gr. noble fame, 63
- Heracleonas, m. Lat. Gr. noble fame, 63
- Herakles, m. Ger. Gr. lordly fame, 63
- Heraric, m. Ger. Teu. warrior king, 417
- Herberge, f. Fr. Teu. warrior protection, 417
- Herbert, m. Eng. Teu. bright warrior, 417
- Herbjorn, m. Nor. Teu. warrior bear, 417
- Herbrand, m. Nor. Teu. warrior sword, 417
- Herchenhold, m. Ger. Teu. sacredly firm, 329
- lxxivHercule, m. Eng. Gr. lordly fame, 63
- Hercules, m. Eng. Gr. lordly fame, 63
- Herdegen, m. Ger. Teu. warrior blade, 351, 417
- Hertag, m. Ger. Teu. army day, 351, 417
- Heremon, m. Erse, Kelt. 241
- Hereward, m. Eng. Teu. sword guardian, 351
- Heruwulf, m. Ger. Teu. sword wolf, 351
- Hergils, m. Ger. Teu. warrior pledge, 417
- Heribert, m. Fr. Teu. warrior bright, 417
- Heribold, m. Ger. Teu. warrior prince, 417
- Herimar, m. Ger. Teu. warrior fame, 417
- Heriold, m. Ger. Teu. warrior power, 417
- Herjolf, m. Nor. Teu. warrior wolf, 417
- Herlaug, f. Nor. Teu. warrior drink, 417
- Herleif, m. Nor. Teu. warrior love relic, 417
- Herleik, m. Nor. Teu. warrior sport, 417
- Herluin, m. Fr. Teu. warrior friend (?), 417
- Hermagoras, m. Gr. assembly of Hermes, 71
- Herma, Swiss, Teu. public, 327
- Herman, m. Ger. Teu. public army man, 327
- Hermangild, m. Goth. Teu. public pledge, 327
- Hermanfried, m. Ger. Teu. public peace, 327
- Hermanfroy, m. Fr. Teu. public peace, 327
- Hermanrich, m. Ger. Teu. public rule, 327
- Hermesind, f. Goth. Teu. public strength, 328
- Hermes, f. Lat. Gr. of the earth, 71
- Hermia, f. Eng. Gr. of Hermes, 71
- Hermine, f. It. Lat. lordly, 147, 327
- Herminius, m. Lat. lordly, 147, 327
- Hermione, f. Lat. Gr. of Hermes, 71
- Hermolaus, m. Lat. Gr. Hermes' people, 71
- Hermocrates, m. Lat. Gr. Hermes' judge, 71
- Hermogenes, m. Lat. Gr. Hermes' descendant, 351
- Hermund, m. Nor. Teu. army protection, 351
- Hernan, m. Span. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Hernanda, f. Span. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Hernando, m. Span. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Hero, f. Eng. Gr. lady, 63
- Herod, m. Eng. Gr. of a hero, 63
- Herodias, m. Eng. Gr. of a hero, 63
- Herodotus, m. Eng. Gr. noble gift, 63
- Herulf, m. Nor. Teu. army wolf, 351
- Hervé, m. Fr. Kelt. bitter, 281
- Herwin, m. Ger. Teu. army friend, 416
- Hery, m. Bret. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Hesekiel, m. Ger. Heb. strength of God, 48
- Hesje, f. Dutch, Pers. star, 57
- Hester, f. Eng. Pers. star, 57
- Hesthera, f. Lat. Pers. star, 57
- Hezekiah, m. Ger. Heb. strength of the Lord, 48
- Hetty, f. Eng. Pers. star, 57
- Heva, f. Lat. Heb. life, 11
- Hew, m. Eng. Kelt. mind, 353
- Hezekiah, m. Eng. Heb. strength of the Lord, 48
- Hialfrek, m. Nor. Teu. helping ruler, 420
- Hialperik, m. Frank. Teu. helping ruler, 420
- Hierom, m. Eng. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronim, m. Pol. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronimo, m. It. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronimus, m. Lat. Ger. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronôme, m. Fr. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronomette, f. Fr. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hieronymus, Lat. Gr. holy name, 89
- Hies, m. Bav. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Hiesel, m. Bav. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Hilaire, m. Fr. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilaria, f. Eng. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilariao, m. Port. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilario, m. Sp. Port. Lat. cheerful, 191
- lxxvHilarion, m. Fr. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilarius, m. Lat. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilary, m. f. Eng. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Hilda, f. Eng. Teu. battle maid, 317
- Hildebert, m. Frank. Teu. battle bright, 318
- Hildaberta, f. Ger. Teu. battle bright,318
- Hildebjorg, f. Nor. Teu. battle maid protection, 318
- Hildebold, m. Ger. Teu. battle prince, 318
- Hildebrand, m. Eng. Teu. battle sword, 318
- Hildegar, m. Ger. Teu. battle spear,318
- Hildegarde, f. Ger. Teu. battle maid protection, 318
- Hildegund, f. Nor. Teu. battle maid’s war, 318
- Hildegunna, f. Ice. Teu. battle maid’s war, 318
- Hildelildis, f. Lat. Teu. battle maid, 318
- Hildemand, m. Ger. Teu. battle man, 318
- Hildemunda, m. Ger. Teu. battle maid’s protection, 318
- Hilderich, m. Ger. Teu. battle rule, 318
- Hilderik, m. Frank. Teu. battle rule, 318
- Hildert, f. Fries. Teu. battle council, 318
- Hildeward, m. Frank. Teu. battle ward, 318
- Hildewig, f. Frank. Teu. battle maid war, 318
- Hildiridur, f. Ice. Teu. battle hastener, 318
- Hildrad, m. Ger. Teu. battle council, 318
- Hilduara, f. Nor. Teu. battle prudence, 318
- Hildur, f. Nor. Teu. battle maid, 318
- Hillert, m. Fr. Teu. battle bright, 318
- Hilperik, m. Frank. Teu. battle rule, 318
- Hilram, m. Ger. Teu. battle raven, 318
- Hilza, f. Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Hilzbeta, Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Hilzizka, Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Hiltrude, f. Ger. Teu. battle maiden, 319
- Hime, m. Fris. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Himmeltrud, f. Ger. Teu. heavenly maid.
- Hinmarc, m. Fr. Teu. Ing’s fame, 325
- Hinko, m. Ger. Teu. Ing, 325
- Hinrik, m. Fris. Swed. Teu. home rule, 310
- Hiob, m. Ger. Heb. persecuted, 20
- Hiordis, f. sword spirit, 351
- Hiorgeir, m. sword war, 351
- Hiorleif, m. sword relic, 351
- Hiorulf, m. sword wolf, 351
- Hippodamus, m. Gr. horse tamer, 78
- Hippodameia, f. Gr. horse tamer, 78
- Hippolyt, m. Ger. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Hippolyta, f. Eng. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Hippolyte, m. Fr. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Hippolytos, m. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Hippolytus, m. Eng. Lat. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Hirsch, m. Ger. Teu. stag.
- Hirus, m. Pol. Gr. with a holy name, 89
- Hjalmar, m. Nor. helmed warrior, 351
- Hjarrande, Nor. Teu. sword horse, 351
- Hlod, m. Frank. Teu. famous, 405
- Hlodio, m. Frank. Teu. famous, 405
- Hlodheri, m. Frank. Teu. famous army, 405
- Hlodhild, f. Frank. Teu. famous battle maid, 405
- Hlodmar, m. Frank. Teu. loud fame, 405
- Hlodwig, m. Frank. Teu. famous war, 405
- Hob, m. Eng. Teu. bright fame, 405
- Hobbie, m. Scot. Teu. bright stone, 417
- Hocke, m. Dutch, Teu. mind, 353
- Hodaiah, m. Eng. Heb. praise, 21
- Hodge, m. Eng. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- lxxviHoel, m. Welsh, Kelt. lordly, 276
- Hogni, m. Dan. Teu. deft (?), 364
- Holda, f. Ger. Teu. gentle, 214
- Holex, m. Lus. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Holger, m. Dan. Teu. holy, 403
- Holla, f. Ger. Teu. faithful, 214
- Homfroi, m. Fr. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Honor, f. Eng. Lat. honour, 190
- Honora, f. Ir. Lat. honour, 190
- Honoratus, m. Lat. honoured, 190
- Honoré, m. Fr. Lat. honoured, 190
- Honoria, f. Eng. Lat. honourable, 190
- Honorine, f. Fr. Lat. honour, 190
- Honorius, m. Lat. honourable, 190
- Horace, m. Fr. Eng. Lat. 148
- Horacio, m. Span. Lat. 148
- Horatia, f. Eng. Lat. 148
- Horatio, m. Eng. Lat. 148
- Horatius, m. Lat. 148
- Horatz, m. Ger. Lat. 148
- Hordaknut, m. Dan. Teu. firm hill, 420
- Horsa, m. A. S. Teu. horse, 340
- Horta, f. Lus. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Hortense, f. Fr. Lat. gardener, 147
- Hortensia, f. Ger. Eng. Lat. gardener, 147
- Hortensius, m. Lat. gardener, 147
- Hortija, f. Lus. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Hosch, m. Walloon, thought, 353
- Hoscha, m. Lus. Lat. bear, 411
- Hoshea, m. Eng. Heb. salvation, 36
- Houerv, m. Bret. Kelt. bitter, 282
- Hovleik, m. Nor. Teu. sport of thought, 354
- Hrafen, m. Ice. Teu. raven, 344
- Hrafenhildur, f. Ice. Teu. raven battle maid, 344
- Hrafenkjell, m. Ice. Teu. raven kettle, 344
- Hrista, m. Ill. Gr. Christian, 105
- Hrodbern, m. Nor. Teu. famous bear, 341
- Hrodhild, f. Ger. Nor. Teu. famous heroine, 393
- Hrodfrid, f. Ger. Nor. Teu. famous peace, 393
- Hroi, m. Teu. Nor. famous, 393
- Hrodny, f. Teu. Nor. famous freshness, 393
- Hrollaug, famous liquor, 393
- Hrollaf, m. Teu. Nor. relic of fame, 393
- Hrodsind, f. Nor. Teu. famous strength, 393
- Hrodstein, m. Nor. Teu. famous stone, 393
- Hrudo, Nor. Teu. fame, 393
- Hroar, m. Nor. Teu. famous spear, 393
- Hrolf, m. Nor. Teu. wolf of fame, 393
- Hrosbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright horse, 341
- Hroshelm, m. Ger. Teu. horse helmet, 341
- Hrosmund, f. m. Teu. famed protection, 341
- Hroswith, f. Lomb. Teu. horse strength, 341
- Hrosswald, m. Nor. Teu. horse power, 341
- Hrothulf, m. Nor. famous wolf, 393
- Hrothgar, A.S., spear of fame, 393
- Hrothmund, m. Nor. Teu. famous protection, 393
- Hrothrekr, m. Nor. Teu. famous king, 393
- Hrorekr, m. Nor. Teu. famous king,393
- Hrothulf, m. Nor. Teu. famous wolf, 393
- Hruodgar, m. Ger. Teu. famed spear, 393
- Hruodgjer, m. Nor. Teu. famed spear, 393
- Hruodland, m. Frank. Teu. fame of land, 393
- Hruodmar, m. Nor. Teu. famed renown, 393
- Hruodperacht, m. Nor. Teu. bright fame, 393
- Hruoderich, m. Nor. Teu. famed rule, 393
- Hrudrolf, m. Nor. Teu. wolf of fame, 393
- Hu, m. Cym. Kelt. mind, 226, 353
- Huard, m. Ger. Teu. firm in mind, 353
- Hubbard, m. Eng. Teu. mind bright, 354
- Hubert, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. mind bright, 354
- Huberto, m. It. Teu. mind bright, 354
- lxxviiHucpraht, m. Ger. Teu. 354
- Hues, m. Fr. Teu. mind, 226, 353
- Huet, m. Fr. Teu. Kelt. (?) mind, 226, 353
- Huette, f. Fr. Teu. Kelt. mind, 226, 353
- Hugh, m. Eng. Teu. mind, 226, 353
- Hugi, m. Nor. Teu. mind, 226, 353
- Hugibald, m. Fr. Teu. mind prince, 353
- Hugibert, m. Ger. Teu. mind bright, 353
- Hugihardt, m. Ger. Teu. firm mind, 353
- Hugleik, m. Nor. Teu. sport of the mind, 353
- Hugo, m. Span. Lat. Port. Teu. mind, 226, 353
- Hugoleik, m. Frank. Teu. sport of the mind, 353
- Hugolin, m. Fr. Teu. mind, 352
- Hugr, m. Nor. Teu. mind, 353
- Hugues, m. Fr. Teu. mind, 353
- Huguenin, m. Fr. Teu. mind, 353
- Hugur, m. Nor. Teu. mind, 353
- Huig, m. Dutch, Teu. thought, 353
- Huldr, f. Swed. Teu. muffled, 214
- Hulla, f. Swed. Teu. muffled, 214
- Humbert, m. Fr. Teu. support of brightness, 350
- Humfrey, m. Eng. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Humfreid, m. Ger. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Humphrey, m. Eng. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Humps, m. Eng. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Hunaud, m. Fr. Teu. support of power, 350
- Hund, m. Dan. Teu. dog, 336
- Hundolf, dog wolf, 336
- Hungerdur, f. Nor. Teu. supporting maiden, 351
- Hungus, m. Scot. Kelt. excellent virtue, 242
- Hunibert, m. Nor. Teu. support of brightness, 350
- Hunnerich, m. Ger. Teu. support ruler, 350
- Hunold, m. Fr. Teu. support of power, 350
- Huon, m. Fr. Teu. mind, 226, 352
- Huprecht, m. Lus. Teu. bright fame, 354
- Hutcheon, m. Scot. Teu. mind, 226, 353
- Hyacinth, m. Ir. Gr. purple, 81
- Hyacinthe, f. Fr. Gr. purple, 81
- Hyacinthie, f. Ger. Gr. purple, 81
- Hygelac, m. A.G.S. Teu. sport of thought, 353
- Hynek, m. Bohm. Lat. fiery, 194
- Hystaspes, m. Gr. Zend. possessing horses.
- Hywel, m. Welsh, Kelt. lordly, 276
- Hywgi, m. Welsh, Teu. mind, 226
- Iachimo, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Iago, m. Span. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Ian, m. Scot. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Iarngard, m. Nor. iron defence, 348
- Ib, f. Eng. Phœn. oath of Baal, 35
- Ibald, m. Ger. Teu. bow prince, 326
- Ibbot, f. Scot. Teu. oath of Baal, 35
- Ibert, m. Ger. Teu. bright bow, 326
- Ibraheem, m. Arab. Heb. father of nations, 12
- Ichabod, m. Eng. Heb. the glory is departed, 2
- Ida, f. m. Ger. Eng. Teu. happy, 411
- Ida, f. Erse, Kelt. thirsty, 224
- Ide, m. Ger. Teu. rich, 376
- Idette, f. Flem. Teu. rich, 376
- Idonea, f. Eng. Teu. she who ever works, 307
- Iduberge, f. Fr. Teu. happy protection, 378
- Idune, f. Ger. Nor. Teu. she who works, 307
- Iggerich, m. Fris. Teu. awful king, 323
- Ignace, m. Russ. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignacij, m. Slov. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignacio, m. Rom. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignacy, m. Pol. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignascha, m. Russ. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignatie, m. Wallach. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignatij, m. Russ. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignatius, m. Eng. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignaz, m. Ger. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignazia, m. Bav. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignazio, m. It. Lat. fiery, 194
- Ignes, f. Span. Gr. pure, 119
- lxxviiiIgor, m. Russ. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Ike, m. Fris. Teu. awful firmness, 323
- Ikey, m. Eng. Heb. laughter, 41
- Ilar, m. Welsh, Gr. cheerful, 191
- Ilaria, m. Russ. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Ilareeij, Russ. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Ilario, m. It. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Ilarion, m. Russ. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Ildefonso, m. Span. Teu. eager for battle, 320
- Ildefonsus, m. Span. Teu. eager for battle, 320
- Ilderico, m. It. Teu. battle rule, 320
- Iliska, f. Slov. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Ilja, m. Russ. Heb. God, the Lord, 36
- Ilona, Hung. Gr. light, 68
- Ilse, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Ilse, f. Ger. Teu. noble cheer, 411
- Imagina, f. Ger.
- Immanuel, m. Eng. Heb. God with us, 36
- Imogen, f. Eng. 233
- Incarnaçion, f. Span. Lat. incarnation, 30
- Indes, Lett. home ruler, 310
- Indrikis, Lett. home ruler, 310
- Indus, Lett. home ruler, 310
- Indride, m. Nor. chief rider, 323
- Iñes, f. Span. Gr. pure, 119
- Inesila, f. Span. Gr. pure, 119
- Iñaz, Port. Gr. pure, 119
- Ing, m. Nor. Teu. Ing, 324
- Ingebera, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s bear, 325
- Ingeberge, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s protection, 325
- Ingebjerg, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s protection, 325
- Ingebrand, m. A. S. Teu. Ing’s sword, 325
- Ingegjerd, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s guard, 325
- Ingeltram, m. Eng. Teu. Ing’s raven, 325
- Ingelief, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s relic, 325
- Ingemund, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s protection, 325
- Ingeridur, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s eagerness, 325
- Inghild, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s battle maid, 325
- Ingjard, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s spear, 325
- Ingoberga, f. Lat. Teu. Ing’s protection, 325
- Ingrimr, m. Nor. Teu. helmeted Ing, 325
- Ingram, m. Eng. Teu. Ing’s raven, 325
- Ingulf, m. Eng. Teu. Ing’s wolf, 325
- Ingulphus, m. Lat. Teu. Ing’s wolf, 325
- Ingunna, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s maiden, 325
- Ingve, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s consecration, 325
- Ingvaldr, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s power, 325
- Ingvar, m. Nor. Teu. Ing’s warrior, 325
- Ingvechild, f. Nor. Teu. Ing’s battle maid, 325
- Iñiga, f. m. Span. Gr. fiery, 194
- IñigoIñigo, m. Span. Gr. fiery, 194
- Innocent, m. Eng. Lat. harmless, 193
- Innocentius, m. Lat. harmless, 193
- Innocenz, m. Ger. Lat. harmless, 193
- Innocenzie, f. Ger. Lat. harmless, 193
- Innocenzio, m. It. Lat. harmless, 193
- Innokentij, m. Russ. Lat. harmless, 193
- Iola, m. Bret. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Iolo, m. Welsh, Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Ippolita, f. It. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Ippolito, m. It. Gr. horse destruction, 78
- Irene, f. Eng. It. Fr. Gr. peace, 113
- Irenæus, m. Lat. Gr. peaceful, 113
- Iring, m. Thuringian, Teu. 327
- Irmanfrit, m. Ger. Teu. public peace, 327
- Irnvrit, m. Thu. Teu. public peace, 327
- Irung, m. bright, 416
- Isa, f. Ger. Teu. iron, 348
- Isaac, m. Fr. Eng. Heb. laughter, 14
- Isaak, m. Russ. Ger. Heb. laughter, 14
- Isabeau, f. Fr. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Isabel, f. Span. Eng. Port. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- lxxixIsabelinha, f. Port. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Isabella, f. It. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Isabelle, f. Fr. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Isaiah, m. Eng. Heb. salvation of the Lord, 48
- Isambart, m. Fr. Teu. iron bright, 348
- Isambaus, m. Fr. Teu. iron prince, 348
- Isbel, f. Scot. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Isbrand, m. Nor. Teu. iron sword, 348
- Isebald, m. Ger. Teu. iron prince, 348
- Isenbrand, m. Ger. Teu. iron sword, 348
- Isengard, m. Ger. Teu. iron defence, 348
- Isengrim, m. Ger. Teu. iron mask, 348
- Isenhard, m. Ger. Teu. iron firm, 348
- Iseulte, f. Fr. Kelt. fair, 275
- Isfundear, m. Pers. Zend.
- Isgar, m. Ger. Teu. iron spear, 348
- Isgier, m. Nor. Teu. iron spear, 348
- Ishmael, m. Eng. Heb. heard of God, 2
- Isidor, m. Span. Ger. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Isadora, f. Span. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Isidore, f. m. Fr. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Isidoro, m. It. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Isidorus, m. Lat. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Ising, m. Nor. Teu. son of iron, 348
- Iskender, m. Turk. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Isobel, f. Scot. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Isolda, f. It. Kelt. fair, 275
- Isolde, f. Eng. Kelt. fair, 275
- Isolt, f. Eng. Kelt. fair, 275
- Isrid, f. Nor. Teu. iron vehemence, 348
- Issachar, m. Eng. Heb. hire, 7
- Issaak, m. Russ. Heb. laughter, 14
- Istvan, m. Hung. Gr. crown, 96
- Isulf, m. Nor. Teu. iron wolf, 348
- Ita, f. Erse, Kelt. thirsty, 224
- Itzig, m. Pol. Heb. laughter, 14
- Ivan, m. Russ. Heb. grace of God, 45
- Ivancica, f. Russ. Gr. Teu. grace of the Lord, 46
- Ivanjuscha, m. Russ. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Ivanku, f. Bulg. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Ivanna, f. Russ. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Ivar, m. Dan. Teu. archer, 325
- Ivbald, m. Ger. Teu. bow prince, 325
- Ivbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright bow, 325
- Iver, m. Dan. Teu. archer, 325
- Ives, m. Eng. Teu. archer, 325
- Ivka, f. Ill. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Ivo, m. Eng. Teu. archer, 325
- Ivon, m. Bret. Teu. bow bearer, 325
- Ivor, m. Scot. Teu. bow bearer, 325
- Ivory, m. Irish, 325
- Izaak, m. Eng. Heb. laughter, 15
- Izabela, f. Pol. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Izabella, f. Hung. Heb. oath of Baal, 35
- Izod, f. Eng. Kelt. fair, 275
- Izoldo, f. Eng. Kelt. fair, 275
- Izydor, m. Pol. Gr. strong gift, 103
- Jaak, m. Esth. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaap, m. Dutch, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaapje, f. Dutch, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jabez, m. Eng. Heb. sorrow, 2
- Jachym, m. Pol. Heb. the Lord’s judgment, 37
- Jacim, Slov. Ill. the Lord’s judgment, 37
- Jacinta, f. Span. purple, 81
- Jacintha, f. Eng. Gr. purple, 81
- Jacinthe, m. Fr. Gr. purple, 81
- Jack, m. Eng. Heb. grace of God, 45
- Jackel, m. Bav. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacob, m. Eng. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 1, 17
- Jacobéa, f. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacobello, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacobina, f. Scot. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacobine f. Ger. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacobo, m. It. Span. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacobus, m. Lat. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacopo, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacot, m. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacov, m. Russ. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacovina, f. Russ. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacques, m. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- lxxxJacqueline, f. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacqueminot, m. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacquetta, f. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jacquette, f. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaddæus, m. Lat. Heb. known of God, 8
- Jaddua, m. Eng. Heb. known of God, 8
- Jadwiga, f. Pol. Teu. war refuge, 305
- Jaga, m. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaggeli, m. Bav. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jagoda, m. Slav. Slav. strawberry, 438
- Jahus, m. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jaime, m. Aram. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaka, m. Slov. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakab, m. Hung. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jako, m. Ill. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakob, m. Esth. Dutch, Ger. Pol. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakoba, f. Dutch, Ger. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakobos, m. Gr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakobine, f. Ger. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakov, m. Russ. Ill. Wall. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakova, f. Hung. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jakobika, f. m. Ill. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaffrez, m. Bret. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- James, m. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jamesina, f. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jamie, m. Scot. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jan, m. Nor. Dutch, Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jannik, m. Bret. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janas, m. Lett. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janak, Pol. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janckzi, m. Hung. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jane, f. Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Janek, m. Scot. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janesika, f. Slov. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Janet, f. Scot. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Janez, m. Slov. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janja, f. Serv. Gr. pure, 119
- Janke, m. Lus. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janne, m. Dan. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jannedik, f. Bret. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janos, m. Hung. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Janotje, f. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jantina, f. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jantje, f. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Januarius, m. Lat. January born, 171
- Janus, m. Dutch, Lat. from Adria, 156
- Jaques, m. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaquette, f. Fr. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jarlar, m. Swed. Heb. earl warrior, 333
- Jaromir, m. Bohm. Slav. firm peace, 333
- Jaropolk, m. Russ. Slav. firm peace, 333
- Jaroslav, f. Russ. Slav. firm peace.
- Jarratt, m. Eng. Teu. spear firm, 369
- Jartrud, m. Nor. Teu. spear truth, 368
- Jascha, m. Russ. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaschenka, m. Russ. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jaschis, m. Lett. Heb. addition, 23
- Jaseps, m. Lett. Heb. addition, 23
- Jasper, m. Eng. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Jatmund, m. Dan. Teu. rich protection, 377
- Jaubert, m. Fr. Teu. good bright, 288
- Jauffré, m. Prov. Teu. God’s peace, 287
- Jantje, m. Dutch, Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Javotte, f. Fr. Kelt. white stream, 270
- Jaward, m. Nor. Teu. rich guardian, 378
- Jayme, m. Sp. Port. Heb. supplanter, 17
- lxxxiJeames, m. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jean, m. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jean, f. Scot. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jeanne, f. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jeannette, f. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jeannetton, f. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jeannot, m. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jebbe, f. Fris. Teu. wild boar battle maid, 337
- Jeconiah, m. Eng. Lat. appointed of the Lord, 38
- Jedert, f. Slov. Teu. war maid, 368
- Jedrzej, m. Pol. Gr. manly, 86
- Jeffrey, m. Eng. Teu. good peace, 287
- Jefronissa, f. Russ. Gr. mirth, 72
- Jehan, m. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jehanne, f. Fr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jehoash, given by the Lord, 37
- Jehoram, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is exalted, 37
- Jehoiachin, m. Eng. Heb. appointed of the Lord, 37
- Jehoiada, m. Eng. Heb. known of God, 37
- Jehoiakim, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Jehu, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is He, 38
- Jeka, m. Lett. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jekups, m. Lett. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jela, f. Serv. Gr. light, 68
- Jelena, f. Slov. Gr. light, 68
- Jelica, f. Russ. Slov. Gr. light, 68
- Jelisavka, f. Serv. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Jelissaveta, f. Russ. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Jellon, m. Scot. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Jemmy, m. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jemima, f. Eng. Heb. dove, 26
- Jendriska, f. Bohm. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Jenkin, m. Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jennifer, f. Corn. Kelt. white wave, 270
- Jenny, f. Eng. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jenovefa, m. Bret. Kelt. white stream, 270
- Jens, m. Dan. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Jeoffroi, m. Fr. Teu. divine peace, 288
- Jeps, m. Lett. Heb. addition, 23
- Jerassim, m. Russ. Gr. beloved, 113
- Jerast, m. Russ. Gr. amiable, 113
- Jera, f. Slov. Teu. war maid, 368
- Jeremej, m. Russ. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremiah, m. Ger. Slov. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremiah, m. Fr. Eng. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremias, m. Fr. Eng. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremie, m. Fr. Wall. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremija, m. Russ. Serv. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jeremy, m. Eng. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jerica, f. Slov. Teu. war maid, 368
- Jerko, m. Serv. Gr. with a holy name, 89
- Jermyn, m. Eng. Lat. German, 416
- Jernej, m. Ill. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Jerolim, m. Serv. Gr. with holy name, 89
- Jerom, m. Ger. Gr. holy name, 89
- Jeromette, f. Fr. Gr. holy name, 89
- Jerome, m. Eng. Fr. Gr. holy name, 89
- Jeronimo, m. Port. Gr. with a holy name, 89
- Jerram, m. Eng. Teu. war raven, 370
- Jerry, m. Eng. Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Jervis, m. Eng. Teu. spear war, 369
- Jervoise, m. Eng. Teu. spear war, 369
- Jerzy, m. Pol. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jesaia, m. Ger. Heb. help of God, 49
- Jesekijel, m. Russ. Heb. strength of God, 49
- Jespers, m. Lett. Pers. treasure master, 211
- Jeshua, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord my salvation, 37
- lxxxiiJessica, f. Eng. 46
- Jesse, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is, 46
- Jessie, f. Scot. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Jettchen, f. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Jette, f. Ger. Teu. home ruler, 310
- Jettje, f. Dutch, Teu. home ruler, 310
- Jeva, f. Serv. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Jeva, f. Lett. Serv. Heb. life, 11
- Jevan, Welsh, young warrior, 273
- Jevva, f. Russ. Heb. life, 11
- Jevchariz, m. Russ. Gr. happy hand, 87
- Jevdoksia, f. Russ. Gr. happy glory, 88
- Jevginnia, f. Russ. Gr. well born, 88
- Jevginij, m. Russ. Gr. well born, 88
- Jevfimija, f. Russ. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Jevlalija, f. Russ. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Jevstachij, m. Russ. Gr. fair harvest, 88
- Jewa, f. Lith. Heb. life, 11
- Jewele, f. Lett. Heb. life, 11
- Jezis, m. Lett. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jill, f. Eng. Lat. downy beard, 150
- Jillet, f. Eng. Lat. downy beard, 150
- Jillian, f. Eng. Lat. downy beard, 150
- Jitka, f. Pol. Heb. praise, 20
- Jim, m. Eng. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jiri, m. Bohm. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jjewa, f. Lus. Heb. life, 11
- Joa, m. Span. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Joachim, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Joachim, m. Russ. Eng. Fr. Heb. God will judge, 38
- Joachime, f. Fr. Heb. God will judge, 37
- Joahim, m. Slov. Heb. God will judge, 38
- Joakim, m. Russ. Heb. God will judge, 38
- Joan, f. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Joanna, f. Eng. Pol. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Joannes, m. Gr. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Joanico, m. Port. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Joaniniha, f. Port. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Joao, m. Port. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Joaozinho, m. Port. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Joaquim, m. Span. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Joaquin, m. Span. Port. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- JoaquimaJoaquima, f. Port. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Joash, m. Eng. Heb. given by the Lord, 38
- Job, m. Eng. Heb. persecuted, 26
- Jobs, m. Ger. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jobst, m. Bav. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jocelin, m. Fr. Eng. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jochebed, f. Eng. Heb. person of merit, 27
- Jocheli, m. Swiss, the Lord will judge, 37
- Johann, m. Bav. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Jock, m. Scot. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jock, m. Swiss, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jockel, m. Ger. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Jockey, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jocosa, f. Eng. Lat. merry, 191
- Jocosus, m. Lat. merry, 191
- Jodel, m. Bav. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jodetel, m. Fr. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jodoca, f. Eng. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jodocus, m. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jodoke, f. Ger. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jodokus, m. Ger. Lat. sportive, 191
- Joar, horse warrior, 341
- Jodis, horse sprite, 441
- Jofan, the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jofred, horse peace, 341
- Jofrid, fair horse, 341
- Jogeir, horse spear, 341
- Jogrim, horse mask, 341
- Jokell, horse kettle, 341
- Joketyl, horse kettle, 341
- Joreid, horse eagerness, 341
- Jostein, horse stone, 341
- Jorunna, horse lady, 341
- Jornandes, Jordan, 39
- Jøren, Nor. Teu. glittering man, 416
- Jørund, Nor. Teu. glittering man, 416
- Joel, m. Eng. Heb. strong willed, 50
- lxxxiiiJoe, m. Eng. Heb. addition, 23
- Joeran, m. Dan. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jofa, m. Lapp. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jofan, m. Lapp. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jogg, m. Swiss, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Joggeli, m. Swiss, Heb. supplanter, 17
- Johan, m. Swiss, Esth. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Johanan, Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Johanna, f. Ger. Esth. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Johanna, f. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Johanne, f. Ger. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Johannes, m. Ger. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- John, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Johnnie, Scot. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Johnny, Eng. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Johum, Dan. Heb. the Lord will judge, 37
- Joletta, f. Eng. Lat. violet, 206
- Joliette, f. Fr. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Jompert, m. Fr. Teu. war splendour, 363
- Jonah, m. Eng. Heb. dove, 26
- Jonas, m. Lat. Heb. dove, 26
- Jonaszus, m. Lith. Heb. dove, 26
- Jonathan, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord’s gift, 25
- Jonelis, m. Lith. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jonka, m. Lapp. Heb. dove, 26
- Jonkus, m. Lith. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jonkuttelis, m. Lith. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jonuttis, m. Lith. Heb. the Lord’s grace.
- Joram, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is exalted, 37
- Jordan, m. Eng. Heb. descender, 39
- Jorens, m. Norse, Lat. laurel, 174
- Jorge, Port. husbandman, 115
- Joris, Dutch, Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jortz, Gr. Prov. husbandman, 115
- Jorwarth, m. Welsh, Teu. rich guard, 378
- Jos, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is salvation, 37
- Joscelin, m. Eng. Lat. just, 192
- Joscelind, f. Eng. Lat. just, 192
- Jose, m. Span. Port. Heb. addition, 23
- Josef, m. Span. Swed. Heb. addition, 23
- Josefa, f. Span. Heb. addition, 23
- Josefina, f. Swed. Heb. addition, 23
- Josep, m. Prov. Fr. Heb. addition, 23
- Joseph, m. Fr. Eng. Ger. Heb. addition, 17
- Josepha, f. Port. Heb. addition, 23
- Josephe, f. Ger. Fr. Heb. addition, 23
- Josephina, f. Port. Heb. addition, 23
- Josephine, f. Fr. Eng. Heb. addition, 23
- Joses, m. Gr. Heb. addition, 23
- Joshua, m. Eng. Heb. the Lord is salvation, 37
- Josiah, m. Eng. Heb. yielded to the Lord, 37
- Jossif, m. Wall. Heb. addition, 23
- Josipe, f. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josip, m. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josipa, f. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josipac, m. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josipica, f. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Joska, f. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josko, m. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Josh, m. Bav. Heb. addition, 23
- Josse, m. Fr. Lat. sportive, 191
- Josselin, m. Fr. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jossif, m. Russ. Heb. addition, 23
- Jossué, m. Fr. Heb. the Lord is salvation, 37
- Jost, m. L. Ger. Lat. just, 192
- Jost, m. Swiss, Lat. sportive, 23
- Jost, m. Ger. Lat. sportive, 191
- Jostli, m. Swiss, Lat. sportive, 191
- Josts, m. Lett. Lat. just, 192
- Jourdain, m. Fr. Heb. descender, 39
- Jov, m. Russ. Heb. persecuted, 26
- Jovan, m. Ill. Swiss, Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jovana, f. Ill. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Jovanna, f. Port. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Jovica, f. Ill. Heb. the Lords grace, 46
- lxxxivJoy, f. Eng. 191
- Joyce, f. Eng. Lat. sportive, 191
- Joycelin, m. Eng. Lat. just, 192
- Joza, m. Slov. Heb. addition, 23
- Joze, m. Port. Heb. addition, 23
- Jozef, m. Pol. Slav. Heb. addition, 23
- Jozefa, f. Pol. Heb. addition, 23
- Jozo, m. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Jozefa, f. Hung. Heb. addition, 23
- Jra, f. Slov. Teu. spear maid, 368
- Juan, m. Span. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Juana, f. Span. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 46
- Juanito, m. Span. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Juczi, f. Hung. Heb. praise, 21
- Judah, m. Eng. Heb. praise, 20
- Judas, m. Scot. Heb. praise, 20
- Jude, m. Eng. Heb. praise, 20
- Judical, m. Bret. Lat. sportive, 191
- Judit, f. Hung. Heb. praise, 21
- Judith, f. Ger. Eng. Heb. praise, 21
- Juditha, f. Ger. Heb. praise, 21
- Judithe, f. Fr. Heb. praise, 21
- Judy, f. Eng. Heb. praise, 21
- Jugge, f. Eng. Heb. praise, 21
- Jukums, m. Lith. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Jukkinum, m. Esth. Heb. the Lord will judge, 38
- Jules, m. Lith. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Jules, m. Fr. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Juli, f. Hung. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julia, f. Eng. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Juliaantje, f. Dutch, Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julian, m. f. Eng. Span. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Juliana, f. Eng. Span. Port. Wall. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Juliane, f. Ger. Lat downy bearded, 150
- Juliano, m. Span. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julianus, m. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Juanito, f. Span. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Juliao, m. Port. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julie, f. Ill. Fr. Wall. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julien, m. Fr. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julienne, f. Fr. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Juliet, f. Eng. Lat. downy bearded, 151
- Julietta, f. Span. Lat. downy bearded, 151
- Juliette, f. Fr. Ger. Lat. downy bearded, 151
- Julij, m. Slav. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julija, f. Russ. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julijan, m. Slov. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Julijana, f. Slov. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julio, m. Span. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julis, f. Hung. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Juliska, f. Hung. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julius, m. Lat. Eng. Ger. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julka, f. Pol. Lat. downy bearded, 149
- Julyan, f. Eng. Lat. downy bearded, 150
- Junius, m. Lat. of Juno, 151
- Jurck, m. Slav. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurgan, m. Fris. Neth. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurgis, m. Lett. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurguttis, m. Lett. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurica, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurisa, m. Ill. Slav. storm.
- Jurn, m. Fris. Esth. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Juro, m. Ill. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurriaan, m. Dutch, Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurric, m. Dutch, Gr. husbandman, 115
- Jurrusch, m. Lett. Gr. husbandman, 115
- Just, m. Ger. Lat. just, 193
- Justa, f. Lat. just, 193
- Juste, m. Fr. Lat. just, 193
- lxxxvJuste, f. Ger. Lat. just, 193
- Justin, m. Eng. Ger. Lat. just, 193
- Justina, f. Eng. Span. Lat. just, 193
- Justine, f. Fr. Ger. Lat. just, 193
- Justinian, m. Ger. Eng. Lat. just, 193
- Justinien, m. Fr. Lat. just, 193
- Justino, m. Span. Lat. just, 193
- Justinus, m. Lat. just, 193
- Justs, m. Lett. Lat. just, 193
- Justyn, m. Pol. Lat. just, 193
- Juthe, f. Hung. Ger. Heb. praise, 21
- Jutka, f. Hung. Heb. praise, 21
- Jutta, f. Ger. Heb. praise, 21
- Juzeth, f. Bret. Heb. praise, 21
- Juzzis, m. Lett. Heb. God will judge, 38
- Jvan, m. Bulg. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jvic, m. Ill. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Jvica, m. Ill. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Kaat, f. Dutch, Gr. pure, 123
- Kaari, m. Nor. Teu. god of the winds, 322
- Kaatje, f. Dutch, Gr. pure, 123
- Kaddo, f. Esth. Gr. pure, 123
- Kadl, f. Bav. Gr. pure, 123
- Kajetan, m. Slov. Lat. of Gaeta, 132
- Kajsa, f. Swed. Gr. pure, 123
- Kalle, m. Swed. Teu. man, 386
- Kaaurentina, f. Bret.
- Kapo, m. Lus. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kapp, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Karel, m. Esth. Dutch, Bohm. Dan. Teu. strong man, 386
- Karen, f. Dan. Gr. pure, 123
- Kalle, m. Swed. Teu. man, 386
- Kantemir, m. Russ. Turk. happy iron.
- Karadek, m. Bret. Kelt. beloved, 233
- Karl, m. Swiss, Teu. god of the winds, 386
- Karin, f. Dan. Teu. pure, 123
- Karl, m. Swed. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Karla, f. Slov. Teu. man, 386
- Karlic, m. Ill. 386
- Karlica, m. Ill. 386
- Karlo, m. Russ. Ill. Teu. man, 386
- Karlmann, m. Ger. Teu. strong man, 386
- Karlko, m. Lus. Teu. man, 386
- Karls, m. Lett. Teu. man, 386
- Karol, m. Pol. Slov. Teu. man, 386
- Karolek, m. Pol. Teu. man, 386
- Karolina, f. Slav. Teu. man, 386
- Karolinka, f. Slov. Teu. man, 386
- Karoly, m. Hung. Teu. man, 386
- Karsten, m. Slav. L. Ger. Teu. Christian, 105
- Karstin, f. Dan. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kasche, f. Dantzig, Gr. pure, 123
- Kasch, m. Dantzig, Teu. man, 386
- Kaschis, m. Lett. Slav. showing peace, 443
- Kasen, f. Dan. Gr. pure, 123
- Kashuk, m. Lett. Slav. show forth peace, 442
- Kasia, f. Pol. Gr. pure, 123
- Kasimir, m. Ger. Slav. show forth peace, 443
- Kasimira, f. Ger. Slav. show forth peace, 443
- Kasimirs, m. Lett. Slav. show forth peace, 443
- Kaspar, m. Ger. Russ. Bohm. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kaspe, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kasper, m. Swed. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kasperl, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kaspers, m. Lett. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kaspor, m. Lus. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kass, m. Bav. Pers. treasure master (?), 211
- Kata, f. Ill. Gr. pure, 123
- Katalin, f. Hung. Gr. pure, 123
- Katarina, f. Swed. Ill. Russ. Gr. pure, 123
- Katarzina, f. Pol. Gr. pure, 123
- Kate, f. Eng. Ill. Gr. pure, 123
- Katel, f. Bret. Gr. pure, 123
- Katelik, f. Bret. Gr. pure, 123
- Katerina, f. Bohm. Gr. pure, 123
- Katharine, f. Eng. Ger. Gr. pure, 123
- Kätchen, f. Ger. Gr. pure, 123
- lxxxviKathe, f. Ger. Gr. pure, 123
- Katherine, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 123
- Kathleen, f. Ir. Gr. pure, 123
- Kathri, f. Swiss, Gr. pure, 123
- Kathrili, f. Swiss, Gr. pure, 123
- Kathrina, f. Dan. Gr. pure, 123
- Kati, f. Hung. Gr. pure, 123
- Katica, f. Ill. Gr. pure, 123
- Katicza, f. Hung. Gr. pure, 123
- Katie, f. Scot. Gr. pure, 123
- Katinka, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 123
- Katya, f. Russ. Gr. pure, 123
- Katla, f. Nor. Teu. cauldron, 346
- Katra, f. Slov. Gr. pure, 123
- Katreij, f. Slov. Gr. pure, 123
- Katrin, f. Bav. Gr. pure, 123
- Katrina, f. Slov. Gr. pure, 123
- Katrine, f. Eng. Bav. Lett. Gr. pure, 123
- Kats, f. Esth. Gr. pure, 123
- Katsche, f. Lett. Gr. pure, 123
- Kattel, f. Bav. Gr. pure, 123
- Katty, f. Ir. Gr. pure, 123
- Kavzma, m. Russ. Gr. order, 125
- Kay, m. Eng. Lat. rejoicing, 131
- Kazimir, m. Ill. Pol. Slov. Bohm. Slav. show forth peace, 211
- Kazimierz, m. Pol. Slav. show forth peace, 211
- Kean, m. Irish, vast, 258
- Kee, f. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Kees, m. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Keetje, f. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Keeldar, m. Scot. Teu. battle army.
- Keereel, m. Russ. Gr. lordly, 217
- Keira, Lapp. Teu. ever king, 56
- Kenneth, m. Scot. Kelt. comely, 256
- Kenny, m. Ir. Kelt. vast, 256
- Kentigern, m. Welsh, Kelt. head chief, 258
- Kentigerna, f. Welsh, Kelt. head chief, 258
- Kephas, m. Gr. Aram. stone, 107
- Kerenhappuch, f. Heb. box of paint, 26
- Kerestel, m. Hung. Christian, 105
- Keresteli, m. Hung. Christian, 105
- Keriadek, m. Bret. Kelt. beloved, 233
- Kerstan, m. Lus. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kerste, f. Lett. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kersti, m. Est. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kerstiteli, m. Ill. Gr. baptizer, 106
- Kersto, m. Ill. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kester, m. Eng. Teu. Christ bearer, 106
- Kert, Esth. Teu. spear maid, 268
- Ketelbiorn, m. Nor. Teu. cauldron bear, 347
- Ketelridir, f. Nor. Teu. cauldron fury, 347
- Ketterle, f. Bav. Gr. pure, 123
- Ketyl, m. Nor. Teu. cauldron, 347
- Kevin, m. Irish, Kelt. comely, 256
- Keyne, f. Eng. Kelt. jewel, 271
- Kezia, f. Eng. Bret. cassia, 26
- Khaoos, m. Pers. Zend. beautiful eyed.
- Kharalamm, m. Russ. Gr. joy of Easter, 216
- Kharalample, m. Russ. Gr. joy of Easter, 216
- Kharitoun, m. Russ. Gr. love, 73
- Khevronia, m. Russ. Lat. purifying, 176
- Khoosroo, m. Pers. Zend. sun (?), 56
- Khur, m. Pers. Zend. sun (?), 56
- Khshayarsha, Zend. venerable king, 56
- Kissey, f. Eng. Heb. cassia, 26
- Kieren, m. Irish, Kelt. black, 256
- Kilian, m. Ger. Lat. blind, 144
- Kina, f. Swiss, Gr. Christian, 105
- Kirin, m. Ill. Lat. spearman, 177
- Kit, m. Eng. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kiogeir, m. Nor. Teu. people’s spear, 375
- Kitto, m. Lus. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kitty, f. Eng. Gr. pure, 123
- Kiodvala, Nor. people’s power, 375
- Kjogjer, Nor. people’s spear, 375
- Kjol, Nor. people’s wolf, 375
- Kjold, Nor. people’s wolf, 375
- Kjoille, Nor. people’s heroine, 375
- Kjoval, Nor. people’s power, 375
- Kjostol, m. Nor. harsh wolf, 419
- Kjartan, m. Nor. Kelt. sea warrior, 146
- Kjelbjorg, f. Nor. Teu. kettle protection, 346
- Kjell, m. Nor. Teu. kettle, 346
- Klaatje, m. Dutch, Lat. famous, 186
- Klaas, m. Dutch, Lat. victory of the people, 90
- Klaasji, m. Dutch, Lat. victory of the people, 90
- Klaada, m. Bret. Lat. lame, 146
- Klara, f. Sl. Lat. famous, 185
- lxxxviiKlas, m. Bav. Dan. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Klasel, m. Bav. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Klassis, m. Lat. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Klaudij, m. Ill. Lat. lame, 146
- Klaus, m. Ger. Esth. Lat. victory of the people, 90
- Klavde, m. Slov. Lat. lame, 146
- Klavdij, m. Russ. Lat. lame, 146
- Klavinsh, m. Lett. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Klavs, m. Lett. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Kleanthes, m. Gr. famous bloom, 95
- Klemen, m. Slov. Hung. Lat. merciful, 160
- Klemente, m. Ill. Lat. merciful, 160
- Klemet, m. Esth. Lat. merciful, 160
- Klemin, m. Ger. Lat. merciful, 160
- Klunans, m. Russ. Lat. merciful, 160
- Kleopatra, f. Gr. fame of her father, 95
- Klothilde, f. Ger. Teu. famous battle maid, 404
- Knelis, m. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Knel, m. Dantzig, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Knud, m. Dan. Teu. hill, 433
- Knut, m. Dan. Teu. hill, 433
- Koadou, m. Bret. Kelt. wood liver.
- Kodders, m. Lett. Gr. divine gift, 101, 282
- Koenraed, m. Netherlands, Teu. bold council, 423
- Kol, m. Ice. Teu. cool, 429
- Kolbein, m. Ice. Teu. cold iron bone, 429
- Kolbjorn, m. Ice. Teu. black bear, 429
- Kolina, f. Swed. Gr. pure, 123
- Kolbiorn, m. Nor. Teu. black bear, 429
- Kolfinn, m. Nor. Teu. cool white, 429
- Kolfinna, f. Nor. Teu. cool white, 429
- Kolgrim, m. Nor. Teu. cool mask, 429
- Kolgrima, f. Nor. Teu. cool mask, 427
- Kolinka, m. Russ. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Kolja, m. Russ. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Koloman, m. Hung. slave council man, 443
- Kolskegg, m. Ice. Teu. black beard, 427
- Kondratij, m. Russ. Teu. bold council, 423
- Konrad, m. Hung. Swed. Ger. Russ. Teu. bold council, 423
- Konradin, m. Ger. Teu. bold council, 423
- Konradine, f. Ger. Teu. bold council, 423
- Konstantia, f. Ill. Slav. Lat. firm, 161
- Konstanij, m. Slav. Lat. firm, 161
- Konstanczia, f. Hung. Lat. firm, 161
- Konstantin, m. Teu. Slav. Russ. Lat. firm, 161
- Konstanz, m. Ger. Lat. firm, 161
- Kore, f. Gr. Gr. maiden, 60
- Kored, bold council, 423
- Koredli, bold council, 423
- Kordel, f. Bav. Kelt. jewel of the sea, 230
- Kordule, f. Gr. Kelt. jewel of the sea, 230
- Kormak, m. Ice. Kelt. son of a chariot, 249
- Koreish, m. Heb. Zend. sun (?), 56
- Kornel, m. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Kornelie, f. Wall. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Kornelij, m. Slav. Lat. horn (?), 146
- Korstiaan, m. Dutch, Gr. Christian, 105
- Kosmos, m. Gr. order, 125
- Kostadin, m. Slov. Lat. firm, 161
- Kostancia, f. Slav. Lat. firm, 161
- Koste, m. Slav. Lat. firm, 161
- Kostja, m. Russ. Lat. firm, 161
- Kostusin, m. Pol. Lat. firm, 161
- Kotka, Ill. Slov. Lat. firm, 161
- Koulma, m. Bret. Lat. dove, 186
- Koulum, m. Bret. Lat. dove, 186
- Kowzma, m. Russ. Gr. order, 125
- Krasislav, m. Slav. Slav. fair glory, 443
- Krasimir, m. Slav. fair peace, 443,445
- Krasomil, m. Slav. fair love, 443
- Kret, f. Esth. Gr. pearl, 121
- Krikshte, m. Ill. Gr. Christian, 105
- lxxxviiiKriemhild, f. Ger. Teu. helmet battle maid, 361
- Krispin, m. Dutch, Lat. curly, 162
- Krista, f. Swiss, Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristal, m. Ger. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristagis, m. Lett. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristoppis, m. Lett. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kriste, f. Lett. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristel, f. Ger. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristi, f. Esth. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristian, m. Swed. Ill. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristiane, f. Slav. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristijan, f. Slav. Gr. Christian 105
- Kristina, f. Slav. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristinsch, m. Lett. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristof, m. Ill. Slav. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristofer, m. Swed. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristoffel, m. Swiss, Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristofor, m. Slov. Ill. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kristscho, m. Lus. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kristuppas, m. Lith. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Kroet, f. Esth. Gr. pearl, 121
- Kruschan, m. Gr. Christian, 105
- Krustinn, f. Bulg. Gr. Christian, 105
- Krustjo, m. Bulg. Gr. Christian, 105
- Kryspyn, m. Pol. Lat. curly, 162
- Kryslof, m. Pol. Gr. Christ bearer, 106
- Krystyan, m. Pol. Gr. Christian, 105
- Ksersas, m. Ill. Zend. venerable king, 56
- Kub, m. Lus. Pol. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Kuba, m. Pol. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Kubischu, m. Lett. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Kunel, m. Bav. Teu. bold speech, 424
- Kuhnhardt, m. Ger. Teu. bold and firm, 424
- Kuhnrat, m. Ger. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kunat, m. Lus. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kundel, f. Ger. Teu. bold war, 424
- Kunds, m. Ger. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kunigunde, f. Ger. Teu. bold war, 423
- Kunimund, m. Ger. Teu. bold protection, 423
- Kuno, m. Ger. Teu. bold, 424
- Kunrad, m. Bohm. Teu. bold speech 423
- Kunrat, m. Russ. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kunsch, m. Slav. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kunz, m. Ger. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kupina, f. Ill. Slav. gooseberry, 438
- Kupjena, f. Ill. Slav. gooseberry, 438
- Kurt, m. Ger. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Kustas, m. Esth. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Kustav, m. Esth. Teu. Goth’s staff, 289
- Kwedders, m. Lett. Gr. divine gift, 182
- Kureish, m. Zend. sun (?), 56
- Kusteninn, m. Bret. Lat. firm, 161
- Kymbelin, m. Eng. Kelt. lord of the lion, 232
- Kygeir, m. Nor. Teu. people’s spear, 374
- Kythe.
- Kyer, m. Nor. Teu. people’s spear, 374
- Kynan, m. Welsh, Kelt. chief, 247
- Kyriakos, m. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Kyrillos, m. Gr. lordly, 217
- Labrenzis, m. Lett. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lachlan, m. Scot. Kelt. warlike, 255
- Lachtna, m. Erse. Kelt. green, 256
- Lacko, m. Ill. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Laco, m. Ill. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Laczko, m. Hung. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Ladislao, m. Span. It. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Ladislas, m. Fr. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Ladislao, m. Port. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Ladislaus, m. Lat. Slav. ruling with fame, 442
- Laidrad, m. Ger. Teu. fierce speech, 418
- lxxxixLaidwald, m. Ger. Teu. fierce power, 418
- Laidwig, m. Ger. Teu. fierce war, 418
- Lælia, f. Lat. 151
- Lælius, m. Lat. 151
- Lætitia, f. Eng. Lat. gladness, 192
- Lajos, m. Hung. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lala, f. Serv. Slav. tulip, 438
- Lalage, f. Lat. Gr. prattler, 463
- Lambert, m. Fr. Eng. Dutch, Ger. Teu. country’s brightness, 431
- Lambertine, f. Ger. Teu. country’s brightness, 431
- Lamberto, m. It. Teu. country’s brightness, 431
- Lambrecht, m. Ger. Teu. country’s brightness, 431
- Lamech, m. Eng. Heb. smitten.
- Lammert, m. Dutch, Teu. country’s brightness, 431
- Lance, m. Eng. Lat. servant, 263
- Lancelot, m. Eng. Fr. Lat. servant, 263
- Lancilotto, m. It. Lat. servant, 263
- Landerich, m. Frank. Teu. land ruler, 431
- Landerico, m. Ital. Teu. land ruler, 431
- Landfranc, m. Eng. Teu. land free, 431
- Landfrang, m. Ger. Teu. land free, 431
- Landfried, m. Ger. Teu. land peace, 431
- Landinn, f. Ger. Fr. Teu. country, 431
- Lando, m. Ger. Teu. country, 431
- Landolf, m. Ger. Teu. country wolf, 431
- Landrad, m. Ger. Teu. country’s council, 431
- Landwin, m. Gr. Teu. country friend, 431
- Landfranco, m. It. Teu. country free, 431
- Lann, f. Erse, Kelt. sword.
- Lantperaht, m. O. Ger. Teu. country’s brightness, 430
- Lanty, m. Ir. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laodamas, Gr. people’s tamer, 95
- Laodamia, f. It. Gr. people’s tamer, 95
- Laodike, f. Gr. people’s justice, 95
- Lapo, m. It. Heb. supplanter, 17
- Lara, f. Finn. Lat. famous, 185
- Laris, m. Fris. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Larkin, m. Eng. Lat. laurel, 174
- Larry, m. Ir. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lars, m. Dan. 174
- Larse, m. Swed. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lasar, m. Russ. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lasche, f. Lett. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lassair, f. Erse, Kelt. flame, 224
- Lassarfhina, f. Erse, Kelt. flame of wine, 224
- Lassla, m. Hung. ruling with fame, 442
- Latte, f. Lett. Teu. man, 386
- Launart, m. Fr. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Laur, m. Lapp. Esth. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laura, f. Eng. Ital. Ger. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laure, f. Fr. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurenza, f. Eng. Port. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurence, m. Eng. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurencho, m. Port. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurençya, f. Port. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurens, m. Nor. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurent, m. Fr. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurentia, f. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurentius, m. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laures, m. Lap. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lauretta, f. Eng. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurette, f. Fr. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurie, m. Scot. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lauris, m. Lett. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lauritz, m. Dan. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laurus, m. Esth. Lat. laurel, 174
- Laus, m. Esth. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Lav, m. Slov. Gr. lion, 77
- Lavinia, f. Eng. of Latium, 176
- Lavoslav, m. Slav. Slav. lion glory, 77
- Lavrentic, m. Wall. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lavrentij, m. Russ. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lavrentija, f. Russ. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lavrenzis, m. Lett. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lawise, f. Lett. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lawrence, m. Eng. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lazar, m. Ill. Hung. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazare, m. Fr. Heb. God will help, 33
- xcLazarillo, m. Span. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazaro, m. Span. It. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazarus, m. Lat. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazarro, m. It. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazarz, m. Pol. Heb. God will help, 33
- Laze, m. Ill. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazo, m. Ill. Heb. God will help, 33
- Lazzaro, m. It. Heb. God will help, 33
- Leah, f. Eng. Heb. weary, 7, 15
- Leander, m. Eng. Gr. lion man, 77
- Leandre, m. Fr. Gr. lion man, 77
- Leandro, m. It. Span. Gr. lion man, 77
- Leandros, m. Gr. Gr. lion man, 77
- Leăo, m. Port. Gr. lion, 77
- Lear, m. Eng. Kelt. sea, 229
- Lebbœus, m. Eng. Aram. praise, 20
- Lebrecht, m. Ger. live right, 468
- Lebwin, m. Ger. Teu. beloved friend, 426
- Lech, m. Pol. Slav, a woodland spirit.
- Lechsinska, f. Pol. Slav. a woodland spirit.
- Leger, m. Teu. people’s spear, 430
- Leen, m. Dutch, Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leendert, m. Dutch, Teu. lion strong, 77
- Left shoulder forward, m. Eng. 10, 463
- Leentje, f. Dutch, Heb. of Magdala, 31
- Leifr, m. Nor. relic, 332
- Leila, f. Moorish.
- Leikny, f. Nor. Teu. fresh sport, 354
- Leiul, m. Nor. Teu. fierce wolf, 418
- Leisje, f. Dutch, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Leks, m. Slav. helper of men, 85
- Leli, f. Swiss, Heb. of Magdala, 30
- Lelia, f. It. Lat. 151
- Lelie, f. It. Lat. 151
- Lelio, m. It. Lat. 151
- Lelika, f. Slov. Gr. fair speech, 308
- Lena, f. Alb. Lett. Gr. light, 68
- Lemet, m. Esth. Lat. merciful, 161
- Lenardo, m. It. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lenort, m. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lenchen, f. Ger. Heb. of Magdala, 31, 68
- Lencica, f. Slov. Gr. light, 68
- Lendrts, m. Lett. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lene, f. Ger. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Lenhart, m. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lenia, f. Alb. Gr. light, 68
- Lenka, f. Slov. Gr. light, 68
- Lenny, m. Eng. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lenore, f. Ger. Gr. light, 68
- Leno, f. Esth. Gr. light, 68
- Lenz, m. Swiss, Lat. laurel, 174
- Leo, m. Ger. Span. Gr. lion, 76
- Leobgytha, f. A.S. Teu. love gift, 426
- Leobhard, m. Frank. Teu. love strength, 426
- Leocadia, f. Span. Gr. 77
- Leocadie, f. Span. Gr. 77
- Leodegarius, m. Lat. Teu. people’s spear, 430
- Leodowald, m. A.S. Teu. people’s power, 430
- Leofric, m. Eng. Teu. beloved rule, 426
- Leofistan, m. A.S. Teu. beloved stone, 426
- Leofwine, m. A.S. Teu. beloved friend, 426
- Leoline, m. Eng. Kelt. Lat. 280, 426
- Leon, m. It. Russ. Gr. lion, 76
- Leonard, m. Eng. It. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonarda, f. Span. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonarde, f. It. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonardine, f. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonardo, m. Rom. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Léonce, m. Fr. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leoncie, f. Fr. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leoncio, m. It. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leone, m. It. Gr. lion, 76
- Leongard, m. Russ. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonhard, m. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- LeonhardineLeonhardine, m. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leonidas, m. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leonie, f. Fr. Gr. lion, 77
- Leonor, f. Span. Gr. light, 68
- Leonora, f. It. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Leonore, f. Fr. Gr. light, 68
- xciLeontia, f. Lat. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leontij, m. Russ. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leontin, m. Ger. Fr. Gr. lion like, 77
- Leontine, f. Ger. Fr. lion like, 77
- Leontius, m. Lat. lion like, 77
- Leonz, m. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leopo, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 430
- Leopold, m. Ger. Fr. Teu. people’s prince, 430
- Leopoldine, f. Ger. people’s prince, 430
- Leopoldo, m. Slav. It. Teu. people’s prince, 430
- Leovigildo, m. Span. Teu. love pledge, 426
- Leszek, m. Pol. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Letitia, f. Eng. Lat. gladness, 192
- Lettice, f. Eng. Lat. gladness, 192
- Lethard, m. Ger. Teu. fierce firmness, 418
- Lethild, f. Ger. Teu. fierce battle maid, 418
- Letizia, f. It. Lat. gladness, 192
- Leto, 64
- Let’y, f. Ir. Gr. truth, 126
- Letty, f. Eng. Lat. gladness, 192
- Leudomir, m. Frank. Teu. people’s fame, 430
- Leufroi, m. Gr. Teu. people’s peace, 430
- Leunairs, m. Fr. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Leupold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 430
- Leutgar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s spear, 429
- Leutgarde, f. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 430
- Leutpold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s prince, 429
- Lev, m. Pol. Slov. Gr. lion, 77
- Levi, m. Eng. Heb. joining, 7, 15
- Lew, m. Slav. Gr. lion, 77
- Levor, m. Nor. Teu. gate ward, 421
- Lewis, m. Eng. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lia, f. It. Heb. dependence, 15
- Libby, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Libusa, f. Bohm. Slav. darling, 443
- Lida, f. Bohm. Slav. people’s love, 432, 443
- Lidvard, m. Nor. Teu. gate ward, 421
- Lidwina, f. Bohm. Slav. people of Vina, 443
- Liebe, f. Flem. Ger. love, 426
- Liebhard, m. Ger. Teu. love strength, 426
- Liebtrud, f. Ger. Teu. love maiden, 426
- Liedulf, m. Nor. Teu. fierce wolf, 418
- Lienhardt, m. Bav. lion strength, 77
- Lienl, m. Ger. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lienzel, m. Russ. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Liert, m. Swiss, Teu. lion strength, 77
- Lieschen, f. Ger. Teu. famous, 405
- Lievina, f. Flem. Teu. love, 426
- Ligach, f. Gael. Kelt. pearly, 224
- Ligaire, m. Fr. Teu. people’s spear, 430
- Likelas, m. Bav. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Lilian, f. Eng. Lat. lily, 145
- Lilias, f. Scot. Lat. lily, 145
- Liliola, f. It. Lat. blind, 144
- Lilla, f. Eng. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Lilly, f. Eng. lily, 145
- Lina, f. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Line, f. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Linet, f. Eng. Kelt. shapely (?), 145
- Linnea, f. Nor. Teu. lime tree, 470
- Lintrude, f. Ger. Teu. serpent maid, 347
- Linuscha, f. Dant. Teu. man, 386
- Lionardo, m. It. Teu. lion strong, 77
- Lionel, m. Eng. Lat. lion, 77
- Lionello, m. It. Lat. little lion, 77
- Liovigotona, f. Span. Teu. love Goth, 426
- Lipo, m. Lus. Teu. remains of divinity, 288
- Lipp, m. Bav. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Lipp, m. Dant. Teu. relic of divinity, 288
- Lippa, m. Bav. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Lippo, m. It. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Lipsts, m. Lett. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Lisa, f. Dan. Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lisbet, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lisbeta, f. Lett. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lise, f. Ger. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Liserli, f. Swiss, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lisette, f. Fr. Teu. famous war, 405
- xciiLisilka, f. Russ. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lisi, f. Bav. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Liska, f. Lus. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Liso, f. Esth. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lisrl, f. Bav. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Liuba, f. Flem. Teu. love, 426
- Liutberga, f. Ger. Teu. people’s protection, 430
- Liutbert, m. Ger. Teu. people’s brightness, 430
- Liutfred, m. Ger. Teu. people’s peace, 430
- Liuthold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s firmness, 430
- Liutmar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s fame, 430
- Liutpold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s valour, 430
- Liutprand, m. Frank. Teu. people’s sword, 430
- Liuva, m. Span. Teu. love, 426
- Liza, f. Russ. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lizbeta, f. Slov. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lizbetha, f. Russ. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lizika, f. Slov. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lizzie, f. Scot. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Ljena, f. Albanian, Gr. light, 68
- Ljodold, m. Nor. Teu. people’s firmness, 430
- Ljot, m. Nor. Teu. people, 430
- Ljubica, f. Serv. Slav. love, 443
- Ljubima, f. Serv. Slav. love, 443
- Ljubka, f. Russ. Slav. love, 443
- Ljubmila, f. Slav. Slave, loving, 443
- Ljubomir, m. Slav. Slav. love peace, 443
- Ljuboslav, m. Slov. Slav. love glory, 443
- Ljubov, f. Russ. Slav. love, 443
- Ljudevit, m. Slov. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ljudomila, f. Slav. Slav. people’s love, 430
- Ljudomir, m. Slav. Slav. people’s peace, 430
- Lles, m. Welsh, Lat. light, 132
- Lleulu, f. Welsh, light, 132
- Lleurwg, m. Welsh, Kelt. light, 281
- Llew, m. Welsh, Kelt. lion.
- Llew, m. Welsh, Kelt. light, 281
- Llewellyn, m. Eng. Kelt. lightning, 281
- Llewfer, m. Welsh, Lat. light, 281
- Llewrwg, f. Welsh, Lat. light, 76
- Llyr, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea, 230
- Lloyd, m. Eng. Kelt. grey, 230
- Llwyd, m. Welsh, Kelt. grey, 230
- Llywelwyn, m. Welsh, Kelt. lightning, 281
- Lobo, m. Port. Lat. wolf, 198
- Lodewick, m. Dutch, Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodoiska, f. Pol. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodovico, m. It. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodowick, m. Scot. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodowig, m. Ger. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodve, m. Nor. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lodward, m. Nor. Teu. famous guard, 405
- Loïs, m. Br. Teu. famous war, 405
- Loiseach, m. Erse, Kelt. 133
- Loïz, m. Bret. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lola, f. Span. Teu. man, 386
- Lolotte, f. Fr. Teu. man, 386
- Lood, m. Dutch, Teu. famous war, 405
- Looys, m. Fr. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lope, m. Span. Lat. wolf, 198
- Lopko, m. Lus. Teu. God’s praise, 288
- Lopo, m. Lus. Teu. God’s praise, 288
- Lora, f. Eng. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lorenço, m. It. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lorenz, m. Ger. Dan. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lorenzo, m. It. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lori, m. Swiss, Lat. laurel, 174
- Lorinez, m. Hung. Lat. laurel, 174
- Loritz, m. Esth. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lorl, f. Ger. Gr. light, 174
- Lorus, m. Lith. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lot, m. Eng. Heb.
- Lot, m. Eng. Kelt. lion, 281
- Lotario, m. Span. It. Teu. famous warrior, 407
- Lothaire, m. Fr. Teu. famous warrior, 407
- Lothar, m. Ger. Teu. famous warrior, 407
- Lothario, m. Eng. Teu. famous warrior, 407
- Lotta, f. Swed. Teu. man, 386
- Lotte, f. Ger. Teu. man, 386
- Lotty, f. Eng. Teu. man, 386
- xciiiLotze, m. Ger. Teu. famous war, 407
- Louarn, m. Kelt. fox, 224, 242
- Louis, m. Fr. Teu. famous war, 405
- Louisa, f. Eng. Teu. famous war, 405
- Louise, f. Ger. Fr. Teu. famous war, 405
- Louison, f. Fr. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lova, f. Swed. Teu. famous war, 405
- Love, f. Eng. Teu. love, 464
- Loveday, f. Corn. Teu. love (?), 464
- Lovisa, f. Swed. Teu. famous war, 405
- Lovisje, f. Dutch, Teu. famous war, 405
- Lovra, f. m. Serv. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lovre, m. Slov. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lovrenika, f. Ill. Lat. laurel, 174
- Lowenhard, m. Frank. Teu. stern lion, 281
- Lowenclo, m. Bav. Teu. lion claw, 281
- Loys, m. Fr. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Lozoik, m. Prov. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Lubin, m. Ir. Eng. Teu. love friend, 426
- Lubomirski, m. Pol. Slav. loving peace, 443
- Luca, m. Fr. Lat. light, 133
- Luca, m. It. Lat. light, 133
- Lucanus, m. Gr. Lat. light, 133
- Lucas, m. Span. Lat. light, 133
- Luce, m. Fr. Lat. light, 133
- Lucia, f. It. Lat. light, 132
- Lucian, m. Eng. Lat. light, 133
- Luciana, f. It. Lat. light, 132
- Luciano, m. It. Lat. light, 133
- Lucianus, m. Lat. light, 133
- Lucie, f. Fr. Lat. light, 132
- Lucien, m. Fr. Lat. light, 133
- Lucienne, f. Fr. Lat. light, 132
- Lucifer, m. Eng. Lat. light bringer, 133
- Luciferus, m. Lat. Lat. light bringer, 133
- Lucile, f. Fr. Lat. light, 132
- Lucilla, f. Eng. Lat. light, 132
- Lucinda, f. Eng. Lat. light, 132
- Lucio, m. It. Lat. light, 133
- Lucius, m. Eng. Lat. light, 133
- Lucrece, f. Fr. Lat. gain (?), 134
- Lucretia, f. Eng. Lat. gain (?), 134
- Lucretius, m. Lat. gain (?), 134
- Lucrezia, f. It. Lat. gain (?), 134
- Lucy, f. Eng. Lat. light, 132
- Lucya, f. Pol. Lat. light, 132
- Lucza, f. Hung. Lat. light, 132
- Ludevic, m. Wall. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Ludgar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s spear, 430
- Ludi, m. Swiss, Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Ludmila, f. Ger. Slav. people’s love, 430, 442
- Ludolf, m. Ger. Teu. people’s wolf, 430
- Ludomilla, f. Ger. Slav. people’s love, 430
- Ludomir, m. Ger. Slav. people’s peace, 430
- Ludomir, m. Ger. Teu. famous greatness, 405
- Ludovic, m. Wall. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Ludovica, f. Swed. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Ludovick, m. Scot. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Ludovico, m. It. Teu. famous holiness, 406
- Ludovicus, m. Lat. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludovike, f. Ger. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludvig, m. Swed. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludvik, m. Pol. Bohm. Slov. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludvika, f. Pol. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludvis, m. Pol. Teu. famous war, 405
- Ludvisia, f. Pol. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luanmaisi, f. Erse, Kelt. fair as the moon, 224
- Lughaid, m. Erse, Kelt. light (?), 133
- Luigi, m. It. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luis, m. Port. Span. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luisa, f. Span. Port. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luise, f. Ger. Teu. famous war, 405
- xcivLuitbert, m. Ger. Teu. people’s brightness, 430
- Luitberga, f. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 430
- Luitbrand, m. Ger. Teu. people’s sword, 430
- Luitger, m. Ger. Teu. people’s spear, 430
- Luitgarde, f. Ger. Teu. people’s guard, 430
- Luithard, m. Ger. Teu. people’s firmness, 430
- Luitmar, m. Ger. Teu. people’s fame, 430
- Luitpold, m. Ger. Teu. people’s valour, 430
- Luiza, f. Port. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luizinha, f. Port. Teu. famous war, 405
- Luka, m. Russ. Wall. Lat. light, 133
- Lukacz, m. Hung. Lat. light, 134
- Lukas, m. Ger. Bohm. Lat. light, 133
- Lukasch, m. Lus. Lat. light, 134
- Lukaschk, m. Lus. Lat. light, 134
- Lukasz, m. Slav. Pol. Lat. light, 134
- Luke, m. Eng. Lat. light, 133
- Lukez, m. Slov. Lat. light, 134
- Luned, f. Welsh, Kelt. shapely (?), 273
- Lunette, f. Fr. Kelt. shapely (?), 273
- Lupo, m. Ital. Lat. wolf, 198
- Lupus, m. Lat. wolf, 198
- Lusche, f. m. Lett. Teu. famous holiness, 405
- Luther, m. Ger. Teu. famous warrior, 405
- Lutters, m. Lett. Teu. famous warrior, 405
- Luzia, f. Rom. Lat. light, 132
- Luzian, m. Russ. Lat. light, 133
- Luziano, m. It. Lat. light, 133
- Luzija, f. Russ. Lat. light, 133
- Luzio, m. It. Lat. light, 133
- Lycos, m. Gr. wolf.
- Lycurgus, m. Lat. Gr. wolf driver.
- Lydia, f. Eng. Gr. of Lydia, 200
- Lyntje, f. Dutch, Gr. light, 132
- Lys, f. Dutch, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lysje, f. Dutch, Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Lyulf, m. Scot. Teu. fierce wolf, 418
- Maatfred, m. Ger. Teu. mighty peace, 422
- Maatulf, m. Ger. Teu. mighty wolf, 422
- Mab, f. Ir. Kelt. mirth (?), 258
- Mabel, f. Eng. Lat. beloved, 258
- Mabelle, f. Fr. Lat. beloved, 258
- Macaire, m. Ir. Gr. happy, 447
- Macario, m. It. Gr. happy, 447
- Macbeath, m. Gael. Kelt. son of life, 253
- Macbeth, m. Scot. Kelt. son of life, 253
- Mace, m. Fr. Aram. gift of the Lord, 15
- Machtild, f. Ger. Teu. mighty heroine, 422
- Makarios, blessed, Gr. 447
- Macias, m. Span. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Maciej, m. Pol. Aram. gift of the Lord, 15
- Macsen, m. Welsh, Lat. greatest, 167
- Madawc, m. Welsh, Kelt. beneficent, 227
- Maddalena, f. Ital. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Maddalene, f. Lett. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madde, f. Pol. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madeleine, f. Fr. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madelena, f. Span. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madeline, f. Eng. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madelina, f. Russ. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madelon, f. Fr. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Maddis, m. Esth. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Madge, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Madlen, f. Bav. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madlena, f. Slov. Lus. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madlenka, f. Lus. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madli, f. Esth. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madlyna, f. Lith. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Madoc, m. Eng. Kelt. beneficent, 227
- xcvMadoc, f. m. Welsh, Kelt. beneficent, 227
- Mads, m. Dan. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Madsche, f. Lett. Ger. pearl, 121
- Madwg, m. Welsh, Kelt. beneficent, 227
- Mael, m. Ir. Kelt. disciple, 259
- Maelbridh, m. Erse, Kelt. disciple of St. Bridget, 259
- Maelclulth, m. Erse, Kelt. youth of the game, 261
- Maelcoluin, m. Gael. Kelt. disciple of Columba, 261
- Maeldearg, m. Erse, Kelt. red chief, 261
- Maeldog, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of the star, 261
- Maeldubh, m. Erse, Kelt. black chief, 261
- Maelduine, m. Gael. Kelt. brown chief, 261
- Maeleoin, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of John, 261
- Maelfhionn, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Finn, 261
- Maelgwas, m. Cym. Kelt. chief, 261
- Maelgwn, m. Cym. Kelt. chief, 261
- Maeliosa, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Jesus, 261
- Maelmordna, m. Erse, Kelt. majestic chief, 261
- Maelpatraic, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Patrick, 261
- Maelruadh, m. Erse, Kelt. 261
- Maelseachlain, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of Secundus, 261
- Maffea, f. Ital. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Maffeo, m. Ital. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mag, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maga, f. Swiss, Heb. bitter, 29
- Magan, m. Nor. Teu. power, 422
- Magdalen, f. Eng. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdalena, f. Russ. Span. Port. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdalene, f. Ger. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdeleine, f. Fr. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdelina, f. Russ. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdolna, f. Hung. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magdosia, f. Pol. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Magge, f. Lett. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maggie, f. Scot. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maginbert, m. Ger. Teu. mighty brightness, 422
- Maginfried, m. Ger. Teu. mighty peace, 422
- Maginhild, f. Nor. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Magmild, f. Nor. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Magnus, m. Nor. Lat. great, 166
- Magsheesh, m. Erse, Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mahault, f. Fr. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Mahe, m. Bav. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mahon, m. Erse, Kelt. bear, 257
- Mahthild, f. Ger. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Mai, f. Esth. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maida, 464
- Maidoc, m. Ir. Kelt. beneficent, 227
- Maie, f. Esth. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Maie, f. Esth. Gr. bitter, 29
- Maieli, f. Swiss, Heb. bitter, 29
- Maije, f. Lett. Gr. pearl, 122
- Maika, f. Russ. bitter, 29
- Maillard, f. Cambrai. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mainfroi, m. Fr. mighty peace, 321
- Mainfroy, m. Eng. mighty peace, 321
- Maion, f. Fr. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mair, f. Welsh, Heb. 29
- Mairgreg, Erse, Gr. pearl, 121
- Maisie, f. Scot. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maja, f. Swiss, Heb. bitter, 29
- Majken, f. Swed. Heb. bitter, 29
- Maksa, f. m. Ill. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maksica, f. Ill. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maksimilian, m. Russ. Lat. greatest Æmilian, 166
- Maksymilian, m. Pol. Lat. greatest Æmilian, 166
- Mal, f. Dutch, Teu. work, 330
- Mal, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mal, f. Esth. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Malachi, m. Eng. Heb. angel of the Lord, 52
- Malaleel, m. Eng. Heb. shining of God.
- xcviMalberg, f. Nor. work protection, 331
- Malchen, f. Ger. Teu. work, 330
- Malcolm, m. Scot. Kelt. servant of Columba, 261
- Male, f. Ger. Teu. work, 330
- Malfrid, f. Nor. Teu. fair work, 330
- Malgherita, f. It. Gr. pearl, 121
- Malgorzata, f. Pol. Gr. pearl, 121
- Malgosia, f. Pol. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mali, f. Kaffir, Heb. bitter, 29
- Malise, m. Scot. Kelt. disciple of Jesus, 260
- Malk, m. Esth. Pers. king, 211
- Malkin, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Maltrud, f. Nor. Teu. workmaid, 330
- Malvina, f. Gael. Kelt. handmaid (?), 250
- Malvine, f. Fr. Kelt. handmaid (?), 250
- Manasseh, m. Eng. Heb. forgetting, 24
- Manasses, m. Lat. Heb. forgetting, 24
- Manda, f. Lat. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Mandelina, f. Serv. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Mandurrath, m. Cym. Kelt. man of black treason, 224
- Manfred, m. Eng. Teu. mighty peace, 421
- Manfredi, m. It. Teu. mighty peace, 421
- Manna, f. Bav. Heb. bitter grace, 29
- Manna, m. Lapp. Lat. great, 327
- Mannas, m. Lapp. Lat. great, 327
- Manoel, m. Port. Heb. God with us, 36
- Manon, m. Fr. Heb. bitter, 29
- Manovello, m. It. Heb. God with us, 36
- Manuel, m. Fr. Eng. Span. Heb. God with us, 36
- Manuelita, f. Span. Heb. God with us, 36
- Manuelito, m. Span. Heb. God with us, 36
- Manus, m. Dutch, Teu. public, 327
- Manus, m. Irish, Lat. great, 327
- Mael Eoin, m. Er. Heb. disciple of John, 260
- Mara, f. Lus. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marc, m. Fr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marca, f. Ger. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcel, m. Fr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcella, f. Ir. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcelli, f. Fr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcellianus, m. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcellin, m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcellino, m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcello, m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcellus, Lat. of Mars, 135
- March, m. Erse, Kelt. horse, 275
- Marchell, Welsh, Lat. horse, 275
- Marcia, f. Ir. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcian, m. Ger. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marciano, m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcianus, m. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcie, f. Fr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcin, m. Pol. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcius, m. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marco, m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcos, m. Span. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marcus, m. Eng. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Mare, Lith. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mareiel, Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mareili, Swiss, Heb. bitter, 29
- Marek, Pol. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Maret, f. Dan. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marete, f. Lett. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marenze, f. Lett. Lat. deserving, 190
- Marczi, m. Hung. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marfa, f. Russ. Heb. becoming bitter, 32
- Margaret, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margareta, f. Hung. Ger. Pol. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarete, f. Swiss, Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarethe, f. Ger. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarida, f. Port. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarita, f. Span. Russ. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarite, f. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margarith, f. Dutch, Gr. pearl, 121
- Margery, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marget, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margherita, f. It. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marghet, Ger. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margit, f. Hung. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margot, f. Fr. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margoton, f. Fr. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margrete, f. Lett. Gr. pearl, 121
- Margryta, f. Lith. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marguerite, f. Fr. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mari, f. Hung. Irish, Heb. bitter, 29
- Maria, f. (Universal) Heb. bitter, 29
- Marialit, f. Jew. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mariam, f. Gr. Heb. bitter, 29
- xcviiMariamna, f. Russ. Heb. bitter grace, 29
- Mariamne, f. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariana, f. Port. Span. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariane, f. Ger. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marica, f. Ill. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marie, f. Ger. Fr. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariedel, f. Slav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marieke, f. Dutch, Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariel, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marietta, f. It. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariette, f. It. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marija, f. Russ. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marike, f. L. Ger. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marina, f. It. Lat. marine, 203
- Marinha, f. Span. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marino, f. It. Lat. marine, 203
- Mario, f. m. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marion, f. Fr. Scot. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariquinhas, f. Port. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mariquita, f. Port. Heb. bitter, 29
- Maritornes, f. Span. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marius, m. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marl, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marja, f. Lapp. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marjarita, Slav. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marjeta, Slav. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marjeta, f. Slov. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marjorie, f. Scot. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mark, m. Eng. Russ. Esth. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marka, f. Hung. Heb. bitter, 121
- Markell, m. Russ. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Markellin, m. Russ. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marko, m. Wall. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Markos, m. Gr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Markota, f. Bohm. Gr. pearl, 131
- Markulf, m. Ger. Teu. border wolf, 426
- Markus, m. Hung. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Markusch, m. Lus. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Markward, m. Ger. Teu. border ward, 426
- Markwin, m. Ger. Teu. border friend, 426
- Marl, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marlena, f. Lus. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Marmaduke, m. Eng. Kelt. sea leader (?), 281
- Marquard, m. Fr. Teu. border ward, 425
- Marret, f. Esth. Gr. pearl, 121
- Marri, f. Esth. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marrije, f. Lett. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marsali, f. Gael. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mart, m. Esth. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marta, f. It. Boh. Heb. becoming bitter, 31
- Marten, m. Swed. Dutch, Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martha, f. Hung. Eng. Port. Heb, becoming bitter, 31
- Marthe, f. Fr. Heb. becoming bitter, 31
- Marthon, f. Fr. Heb. becoming bitter, 31
- Martia, m. Swiss, Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martijn, m. Dutch, Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martili, m. Swiss, Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martin, m. Fr. Russ. Eng. Port. Slov. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martina, f. Eng. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martine, f. Fr. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martinho, m. Port. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martino, m. Span. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martinus, m. Ger. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martius, m. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martoni, m. Hung. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martschis, m. Lett. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Martyn, m. Eng. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Maruscha, f. Lus. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marusche, f. Lett. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marute, f. Lett. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mary, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marya, f. Pol. Heb. bitter, 29
- Maryke, f. Lith. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marynia, f. Pol. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marysia, f. Pol. Heb. bitter, 29
- Marzellin, m. Russ. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marzia, f. It. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Marzocco, m. Ven. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Masaccio, m. Ital. Aram. twin, 22
- Masaniello, m. Ital. Aram. Ger. twin, 22
- Mascha, f. Russ. Heb. bitter, 29
- Masche, f. Lett. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maschinka, f. Russ. Heb. bitter, 29
- Maso, m. It. Aram. twin, 22
- Massimiliano, m. It. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- Massimo, m. It. Lat. greatest, 166
- Massuccio, m. It. Aram. twin, 22
- Mat, m. Eng. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- xcviiiMateo, Span. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mate, Hung. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mataus, m. Bohm. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mateusz, m. Pol. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matfei, m. Russ. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matevz, m. Slov. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mathe, m. Bav. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Math-ghamhain, m. Erse, Kelt. bear, 257
- Mathia, m. Wall. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mathias, m. Swed. Fr. Swiss, Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mathieu, m. Prov. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15, 257
- Mathilda, m. Hung. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Mathilde, f. Ger. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Matija, m. Serv. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matilda, f. Eng. It. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Matilde, f. Fr. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Mattaniah, m. Eng. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mats, m. Swed. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mattea, f. It. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matteo, m. It. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthäus, m. Ger. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthes, m. Ger. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthew, m. Eng. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthia, m. Ger. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthies, m. Fr. Bav. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthieu, m. Port. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthias, m. Eng. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthis, m. Ger. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matthys, m. Dutch, Lett. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mattia, m. Ital. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Mattija, m. Slov. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matty, f. Eng. Heb. becoming bitter, 15
- Matty, f. Eng. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Matvei, m. Russ. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Matyas, m. Pol. Hung. Heb. gift of the Lord, 15
- Maude, f. Eng. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Maudlin, f. Eng. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Maun, f. Eng. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Mauna, m. Lapp. Lat. great, 166
- Maunes, m. Lapp. Lat. great, 166
- Maur, m. Fr. Lat. dark, 200
- Maura, f. It. Ger. Lat. dark, 200
- Maure, f. Fr. Lat. dark, 200
- Maurice, m. Fr. Eng. Lat. Moorish, 201
- Mauricio, m. Port. Span. Lat. Moorish, 201
- Maurids, m. Dan. Lat. Moorish, 201
- Mauritius, m. Lat. Moor, 201
- Maurits, m. Dutch, Lat. Moor, 201
- Maurizio, m. Ital. Lat. Moor, 201
- Mauro, m. Rom. Lat. Moor, 201
- Maurus, m. Lat. Moor, 201
- Maurycij, m. Pol. Lat. Moor, 201
- Mave, f. Irish, Kelt. mirth (?), 258
- Mavia, f. Russ. Lat. dark, 201
- Mavritij, m. Russ. Lat. dark, 201
- Mavruscha, f. Russ. Lat. dark, 201
- Mawkin, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Max, m. Ger. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maxa, f. Ger. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maxime, m. Fr. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maximien, m. Fr. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maximilian, m. Ger. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- Maximiliane, f. Ger. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- Maximiliao, m. Port. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- Maximilien, m. Fr. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- xcixMaximus, m. Lat. greatest, 166
- Maxl, m. Bav. Lat. greatest Æmilianus, 166
- Mawdwen, f. Cym. Kelt. mannerly, 271
- May, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- May, f. Scot. Gr. pearl, 121
- Maynard, m. Eng. Teu. mighty firmness, 421
- Mayne, m. Eng. Teu. mighty, 421
- Mazalein, f. Pro. Heb. of Magdala, 32
- Meadhbh, f. Erse, Kelt. mirth, 258
- Meaghar, m. Erse, Kelt. merry, 259
- Meara, m. Irish, Kelt. merry, 259
- Meave, f. Erse, Kelt. mirth (?), 259
- Mechel, f. Bav. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Mechtild, f. Bav. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Medal, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Médé, f. Fr. my delight, 196
- Meews, m. L.G. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Meg, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Meginhard, m. Ger. Teu. mighty firmness, 421
- Meginheri, m. Ger. Teu. mighty warrior, 421
- Mehaut, f. Fr. Teu. mighty battle maid, 421
- Mehetabel, f. Eng. Heb. beneficent, 26
- Meinbern, m. Ger. Teu. mighty bear, 421
- Meinbert, m. Ger. Teu. mighty brightness, 421
- Meinbot, m. Ger. Teu. mighty commander, 421
- Meinfred, m. Ger. Teu. mighty peace, 421
- Meinhard, m. Ger. Teu. mighty firmness, 421
- Meino, m. Ger. Teu. mighty, 421
- Meinolf, m. Ger. Teu. mighty wolf, 421
- Meinrad, m. Ger. Teu. mighty council, 421
- Meinward, m. Ger. Teu. mighty guard, 421
- Meirchawn, m. Pict. Kelt.
- Meiriadwg, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea protector, 280
- Mekel, m. L. Ger. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Melanell, f. m. Eng. Kelt. honey (?), 282
- Melania, f. Eng. It. Gr. black, 70
- Melanie, f. Fr. Gr. black, 70
- Melany, f. Eng. Gr. black, 70
- Melchior, m. Span. Ger. Pers. king, 211
- Melchiore, m. It. Pers. king, 211
- Melchiorre, m. It. Pers. king, 211
- Melchisedec, m. Eng. Heb. king of righteousness, 15
- Meletius, m. Lat. honied, 282
- Melicent, f. Eng. Teu. work strength, 330
- Melicerte, f. Fr. Teu. work strength, 330
- Melior, f. Eng. Lat. better, 193
- Melisenda, f. Span. Teu. work strength, 330
- Melissa, f. It. Eng. Lat. bee, 80
- Melisse, f. Fr. Lat. bee, 80
- Melite, f. Fr. Lat. bee, 80
- Melitus, m. Lat. honied, 80
- Melony, f. Eng. Gr. dark, 70
- Melusina, f. Eng. Teu. work strength, 80, 330
- Melusine, f. Fr. Ger. Teu. work strength, 80, 330
- Melva, m. Eng. Kelt. chief, 262
- Memba, m. Fris. Teu. mighty bear, 421
- Memmo, m. Fris. Teu. mighty bear, 421
- Mencia, f. Span. Lat. Sunday child (?), or adviser (?), 218
- Mendez, m. Span. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Menica, f. It. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Menico, m. It. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Menie, f. Scot. Heb. bitter, 29
- Menno, m. Ger. Teu. mighty strength, 421
- Meno, m. Ger. Teu. mighty strength, 421
- Mens, m. Ger. Lat. merciful, 160
- Mente, m. Ger. Lat. merciful, 160
- Mentzel, m. Ger. Lat. merciful, 160
- Menz, m. Dan. Lat. merciful, 160
- Menz, Serv. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Menzel, Serv. Lat. Sunday child, 218
- Meo, m. It. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- cMeraud, f. Eng. Gr. emerald, 125
- Mercede, f. It. Lat. favours, 30
- Mercedes, f. Span. Lat. favours, 30
- Mercy, f. Eng.
- Merddhin, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea hill, 280
- Meredith, m. Eng. Kelt. sea protector, 280
- Merewine, m. A.S. Teu. famed friend, 425
- Meriadoc, m. Bret. Kelt. sea protector, 280
- Merica, f. Eng. Teu. work rule, 330
- Merich, m. Ger. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Merrik, m. Ger. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Merlin, m. Eng. Fr. Kelt. sea hill, 280
- Merlino, m. It. Kelt. sea hill, 280
- Merohelm, m. A.S. Teu. famed helm, 425
- Merovée, m. Fr. Teu. famed war, 425
- Meroveus, m. Lat. Teu. famed war, 425
- Merowald, m. A.S. Teu. famed power, 425
- Mertil, m. Ger. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Mertin, m. Bav. Lat. of Mars, 135
- Meriel, f. Eng. Gr. myrrh, 125
- Meroveh, m. Frank. Teu. famed holiness, 425
- Merovine, m. A.S. Teu. famed, 425
- Mervyn, m. Eng. Kelt. sea hill, 280
- Mesdélices, f. Fr. my delight, 196
- Meta, f. Ger. Ger. pearl, 121
- Mete, f. Ger. Gr. pearl, 121
- Metelill, f. Dan. pearl, 121
- Methusalem, m. Eng. Heb. man of the dart.
- Metje, f. Dutch, Gr. pearl, 121
- Metrophanes, m. Ger. Slav. fire glory (?), 440
- Mette, f. Dan. Gr. pearl, 121
- Meurisse, m. Fr. Lat. Moor, 201
- Meuriz, m. Welsh, Lat. Moor, 201
- Mewes, m. Ger. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Meyrick, m. Eng. Teu. work ruler, 330
- Micah, m. Eng. Heb. who is like the Lord, 54
- Micha, m. Ger. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michael, m. Ger. Eng. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaella, f. It. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaele, f. m. It. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaeline, f. Ger. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaelis, m. Ger. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaïl, m. Russ. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michaila, m. Russ. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michal, m. Bohm. Pol. Lus. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michau, m. Fr. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michée, m. Fr. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michej, m. Russ. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michel, m. Fr. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michele, m. It. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michelle, m. Fr. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Micheltje, m. Dutch, Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michiel, m. Dutch, Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Michon, m. Fr. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mick, m. Ir. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mickel, m. Swed. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miedal, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mieke, f. Dutch, Heb. bitter, 29
- Miel, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mieli, f. Swiss, Heb. 29
- Mieral, f. Bav. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mies, m. Swiss, Heb. exalted of the Lord, 49
- Mietje, f. Dutch, Heb. bitter, 29
- Miguel, m. Span. Port. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miguela, f. Port. Span. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miha, m. Slov. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mihail, m. Wall. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mihal, m. Slov. Hung. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- ciMihaly, m. Hung. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miho, m. Serv. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mija, f. Swiss, Heb. bitter, 29
- Mijailo, m. Serv. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mik, m. Esth. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikael, m. Swed. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikas, m. Swed. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mike, f. Dutch, Heb. bitter, 29
- Mikel, m. Esth. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikelina, f. Russ. Lett. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikkas, m. Lett. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikke, m. Lett. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mikkeles, m. Lith. Lett. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miklaoz, m. Slav. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Miklaos, m. Lus. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Mikli, m. Esth. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Miklos, m. Hung. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Mikolaj, m. Pol. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Mikulas, m. Bohm. Gr. people’s victory, 90
- Mila, f. Slav. Slav. lovely, 444
- Mila, f. Lus. Lat. work (?), 141
- Milan, m. Bret. Gr. crusher, 97
- Milan, f. m. Slov. Lat. lovely, 97
- Milari, m. Slov. Lat. cheerful, 191
- Milborough, f. Eng. Teu. mild pledge, 427
- Milburga, f. Lat. Teu. mild pledge, 427
- Milcah, f. Eng. Heb. queen.
- Mildburh, f. A.S. Teu. mild pledge, 427
- Mildgyth, f. A.S. Teu. mild gift, 427
- Mildred, f. Eng. Teu. mild threatener, 427
- Mildreda, f. Lat. Teu. mild threatener, 427
- Mildrid, f. Dan. Teu. mild threatener, 427
- Mildthryth, f. A.S. Teu. mild threatener, 427
- Miles, m. Eng. Gr. crusher, 97
- Milhan, m. Span. Lat. affable, 141
- Milica, f. Slov. Slav. love, 444
- Milicent, f. Eng. Teu. work strength.
- Milidh, m. Erse, Kelt. warrior, 97
- Milivo, m. Slav. Slav. love war, 444
- Miljo, m. Serv. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Milka, m. Lus. Lat. work or affable, 141
- Millicent, m. Eng. Teu. work strength, 330
- Millica, f. Ill. Heb. bitter, 29, 444
- Milly, f. Eng. Teu. work strength, 330
- Milo, m. Lat. Gr. crusher, 97
- Milon, m. Fr. & Gr. Gr. crusher, 97
- Milone, m. Ital. Gr. crusher, 97
- Miloslav, m. Slov. Slav. love glory, 441
- Mimi, f. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Mimmeli, f. Swiss, Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Mine, f. Ger. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Minella, f. Eng. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Minervina, f. Lat. of Minerva, 171
- Minette, f. Fr. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Minka, f. Pol. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Minne, f. Ger. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Minna, f. Scot. Teu. memory.
- Minne, f. Ger. Teu. memory.
- Minnehaha, f. Red Indian, laughing water.
- Miranda, f. Eng. Lat. to be admired.
- Miriam, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Mirko, m. Slov. Teu. work rule, 331
- Miroslav, f. Slav. peace glory, 442
- Misa, m. Serv. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mischa, m. Russ. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mischenka, m. Russ. Heb. who is like God, 54
- ciiMiska, m. Serv. Hung. Heb. who is like to God, 54
- Mistislaus, m. Lat. Slav. avenging glory, 441
- Mitar, m. Serv. Ill. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Mithridates, m. Gr. Pers. given to the sun.
- Mitra, f. Slav. Gr. of Demeter, 69
- Mitrofan, m. Russ. fire glory (?), 440
- Mladen, m. Serv. Slav. young, 445
- Modestine, f. Fr. Lat. modest, 193
- Modestus, m. Lat. modest, 193
- Modesty, f. Eng. Lat. 193
- Medwenna, f. Welsh, Kelt. 271
- Moedog, m. Erse, Kelt. servant of the star, 227
- Moggy, m. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Mogue, m. Erse, Kelt. amiable, 227
- Moina, f. Scot. Kelt. soft.
- Moise, m. Fr. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Moises, m. Port. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Moisi, m. Wall. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Moissej, m. Russ. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Moissey, f. Manx, Heb. bitter, 29
- Mojsia, m. Serv. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mojsilo, m. Serv. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mojzesz, m. Pol. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mojzisch, m. Boh. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mojzija, m. Slov. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Molde, f. Eng. Teu. mighty battle maid, 422
- Molly, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Monacella, f. Lat. little nun, 282
- Moncha, f. Erse, Lat. adviser, 218
- Monegonde, f. Flem. Heb. thoughtful war.
- Mongfinn, f. Erse, Kelt. fair haired.
- Moni, f. Swab. Lat. adviser, 218
- Monica, f. It. Eng. Lat. adviser (?), 218
- Monike, f. Ger. Lat. adviser, 218
- Monique, f. Fr. Lat. adviser, 218
- Moore, f. Scot. Kelt. great, 258
- Mor, f. Erse, Kelt. great, 258
- Morag, f. Scot. Kelt. great, 258
- Morets, m. Dan. Lat. moor, 280
- Morgance, f. m. French, Kelt. sea dweller, 280
- Morgan, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea dweller, 280
- Morgana, f. Eng. Kelt. sea dweller, 280
- Morgue, f. Fr. Kelt. sea dweller, 280
- Morgwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. sea lady, 280
- Morgwn, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea dweller, 280
- Moric, m. Bohm. Slov. Lat. Moor, 201
- Moricz, m. Hung. Lat. Moor, 201
- Moritz, m. Dan. Lat. Moor, 201
- Moritz, m. Ger. Lat. Moor, 201
- Moriz, m. Russ. Lat. Moor, 201
- Morman, m. Bret. Kelt. sea man, 201
- Morna, f. Scot. Kelt. beloved (?), 251
- Morolt, m. Eng. Kelt. sea protection, 280
- Morough, m. Ir. Kelt. sea protection, 280
- Morris, m. Ir. Lat. Moor, 201
- Mortough, m. Ir. Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Morty, m. Ir. Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Morven, m. Bret. Kelt. sea man, 280
- Morvren, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea raven, 280
- Morvryn, m. Welsh, Kelt. sea hill, 280
- Mose, m. It. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Moses, m. Eng. Ger. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mote Mahal, f. Arab. pearl of the harem, 2
- Mousa, m. Arab. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mozes, m. Dutch, Slov. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mozses, m. Hung. Heb. drawn out, 27
- Mrena, f. Serv. Slav. white in the eyes, 445
- Mros, m. Lus. Gr. immortal, 109
- Mrosk, m. Lus. Gr. immortal, 109
- Mstislav, m. Slav. avenging glory, 441
- Muircheartach, m. Erse, Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Muireradhach, m. Erse, Kelt. sea protector, 280
- Muirgis, m. Erse, Kelt. sea, 280.
- Mukkel, m. Bav. Slov. helpless, 43
- Mukki, m. Bav. Slov. helpless, 43
- Mun, m. Eng. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Muna, f. Span. Basque, 460
- ciiiMunghu, m. Gael. Kelt. loveable, 258
- Mungo, m. Scot. Kelt. loveable, 258
- Munila, f. Span. Basque, 460
- Muno, m. Span. Basque, 460
- Murdoch, m. Scot. Kelt. sea protector, 280
- Muriel, f. Eng. Gr. myrrh, 125
- Murphy, m. Ir. Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Murrin, f. Erse, Kelt. long haired, 100
- Murtagh, m. Ir. Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Murtough, m. Fr. Kelt. sea warrior, 280
- Musidora, f. Eng. Gr. gift of the Muses, 72
- Myles, m. Ir. Gr. crusher, 77
- Myne, Lith. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Mynette, Lith. Teu. helmet of resolution, 315
- Myra, f. Eng.
- Mysic, f. Scot. Gr. pearl, 121
- Myvanwy, f. Welsh, Kelt. 279
- Naatje, f. Dutch, Heb. grace, 42
- Nace, m. Slov. Lat. fiery, 194
- Nada, f. Serv. Slav. hope, 439
- Nadan, f. Serv. Slav. hope, 439
- Nadezna, f. Russ. Slav. hope, 439
- Nadine, f. Fr. Slav. hope, 439
- Nafaniel, m. Russ. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Nahum, m. Eng. Heb. comfort, 51
- Nan, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Nancy, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Nandel, m. Ger. Teu. adventuring life, 433
- Nanette, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Nani, f. Hung. Heb. grace, 42
- Nanna, f. Nor. Teu. bold, 304
- Nanna, f. It. Heb. grace, 42
- Nanneli, f. Swiss, Heb. grace, 42
- Nannerl, f. Bav. Heb. grace, 42
- Nanni, m. Ital. Heb. the Lord’s grace, 45
- Nanno, m. Fris. Teu. bold, 304
- Nannon, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Nannos, m. Gr. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Nanny, f. Eng. Heb. grace, 42
- Nanon, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Nanty, m. Scot. Lat. inestimable, 142
- Naomi, f. Eng. Heb. pleasant, 28
- Nap, m. Eng. Lat. of the new city, 200
- Naphthali, m. Eng. Heb. wrestling, 7
- Napo, m. Ger. Lat. of the new city, 200
- Napoleon, m. Fr. Gr. of the new city, 200
- Napoleone, m. It. Gr. of the new city, 200
- Napolio, m. It. Gr. of the new city, 200
- Narcisse, m. Fr. Gr. daffodil, 81
- Narcissus, m. Eng. Gr. daffodil, 81
- Narkiss, m. Russ. Gr. daffodil, 81
- Nastagio, f. m. It. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
- Nastassja, f. Russ. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
- Naste, f. m. Lett. Lat. Christmas child, 210
- Nastenka, f. Russ. Gr. of the resurrection, 110
- Nat, m. Eng. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Natale, m. It. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Natalia, f. It. Span. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Natalie, f. Fr. Ger. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Natalija, f. Russ. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Natalita, f. Span. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Natanaelle, m. It. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Natascha, f. Russ. Lat. Christmas child, 209
- Nataschenka, f. Russ. Lat. Christmas child, 210
- Nathan, m. Eng. Heb. gift, 25
- Nathanael, m. Eng. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Nathanial, m. Wall. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Nathaniel, m. Fr. Heb. gift of God, 25
- Natividad, f. Span. Lat. birth, 209
- Navarino, m. Eng.
- Nazji, m. Bav. Lat. fiery, 194
- Nazarene, m. Ger. Heb. of Nazareth, 39
- civNaze, m. Bav. Lat. fiery, 194
- Nazel, m. Bav. Lat. fiery, 194
- Neal, m. Ir. Kelt. chief, 240
- Neapolio, m. It. Gr. of the new city, 200
- Neapoleon, m. It. Gr. of the new city, 200
- Necek, m. Slov. Gr. man, 86
- Ned, m. Eng. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Neda, f. Bulg. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Nedan, m. Bulg. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Nedelko, m. Bulg. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Nedeljka, f. Bulg. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Nedelschko, m. Ill. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Nedo, m. Ill. Slav. Sunday, 218
- Neeldje, m. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 314
- Nehemiah, m. Eng. Heb. comfort of the Lord, 51
- Neidhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm compulsion, 418
- Neill, m. Gadhael. Kelt. champion, 240
- Nelle, f. Dutch, Lat. horn (?), 146
- Nelle, f. Ger. Gr. stone, 108
- Nelly, f. Eng. Gr. light, 68
- Neot, m. A.S. compulsion, 418
- Nepomucen, m. Pol. Slav. helpless, 43
- Nepomuk, m. Bohm. Slav. helpless, 43
- Nese, f. Lett. Gr. pure, 119
- Nesle, m. Fr. Lat. black, 168
- Nessie, f. Manx, Gr. pure, 119
- Nest, f. Welsh, Gr. pure, 119
- Neto, f. Esth. Gr. pure, 119
- Neza, f. Slov. Gr. pure, 119
- Nezica, f. Slov. Gr. pure, 119
- Nial, m. Nor. Kelt. champion, 240
- Nib, f. Eng. Heb. God’s oath, 35
- Nicholas, m. Eng. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nichon, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Nick, m. Eng. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nickel, m. Bav. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicodème, m. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicodemus, m. Eng. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicol, m. Scot. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicola, m. It. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolaas, m. Dutch, Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolas, m. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolau, m. Port. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicole, m. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolette, f. Fr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolina, f. Gr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nicolo, m. Ital. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nidbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright compelling, 418
- Nidhert, m. Ger. Teu. firm compelling, 418
- Niels, m. Scot. Kelt. champion, 240
- Niel, m. Dan. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nigel, m. Scot. Lat. black, 168, 241
- Nigellus, m. Lat. black, 168
- Niger, m. Lat. black, 168
- Nikias, m. Gr. conquering, 90
- Nikka, m. Lapp. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikkelis, m. Lett. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikki, m. Finn. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikla, m. Bav. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Niklaas, m. Dutch, Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Niklas, m. Ger. Swed. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Niklau, m. Bav. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikodem, m. Gr. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikodemos, m. Gr. Slov. Bulg. victory of the people, 90
- Nikola, m. Russ. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikolaj, m. Russ. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikolas, m. Dutch, Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikolascha, m. Russ. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- cvNikolaus, m. Ger. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nikon, m. Russ. Gr. victory, 90
- Niku, m. Finn. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Niles, m. Finn. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nille, Nor. Gr. stone, 108
- Nillon, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Nilo, m. Finn. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Nils, m. Swed. Gr. victory of the people, 90
- Ninetta, f. Ital. Heb. grace, 42
- Ninette, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Ninian, m. Scot. Kelt. 240
- Ninidh, m. Erse, Kelt. 240
- Ninon, f. Fr. Heb. grace, 42
- Niord, m. Nor. Teu. sea god, 306
- Nithard, m. Ger. Teu. firm compulsion, 418
- Nitz, m. Ger. Teu. firm compulsion, 418
- Njal, m. Ice. Teu. champion, 240
- Noa, m. It. Heb. rest, 9
- Noah, m. Dutch, Heb. rest, 9
- Noachas, m. Gr. Heb. rest, 9
- Noah, m. Eng. Heb. rest, 9
- Noe, m. Fr. Russ. Heb. rest, 9
- Noël, m. Fr. Lat. Christmas, 209
- Noll, m. Eng. Teu. olive, 208
- Nöll, m. Dutch, Lat. horn, 314
- Nona, f. Eng. Lat. ninth, 138
- Nonna, f. Lat. ninth, 138
- Nonne, m. Fris. Teu. bold, 304
- Nora, f. Ir. Lat. honour, 190
- Norah, f. Ir. Lat. honour, 190
- Norbert, m. Ger. Teu. Niord’s brightness, 306
- Nordhilda, f. Ger. Teu. Niord’s battle maid, 306
- Norman, m. Scot. Teu. Niord’s man, 306
- Notberg, f. Ger. Teu. compelling protection, 418
- Notger, m. Ger. Teu. compelling spear, 418
- Notto, m. Nor. Teu. compelling wolf, 418
- Nottulf, m. Nor. Teu. compelling wolf, 418
- Novak, m. Ill. Slov. new.
- Novia, f. Ill. Slav. Lat. new.
- Nozzo, m. It. Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Nuala, f. Ir. Kelt. fair shoulders, 245
- Numps, m. Eng. Heb. staff of peace, 350
- Nuño, f. Span.
- Nuno, m. Span.
- Nunziata, f. It. Lat. announced, 30
- Oado, m. Esth. Heb. red earth, 10
- Obadiah, m. Eng. Heb. servant of the Lord, 50
- Obramas, m. Lith. Heb. father of nations, 11
- Octave, f. Fr. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octavia, f. Eng. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octaviano, m. Rom. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octavianus, m. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octavien, m. Fr. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octavie, f. Fr. Lat. eighth, 138
- Octavius, m. Lat. eighth, 138
- Ocko, m. Fris. Teu. noble rich, 409
- Oda, f. Ger. Teu. rich, 376
- Odbjorg, f. m. Ger. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Odde, m. Ger. Teu. rich, 376
- Oddgrim, m. Nor. Teu. rich helmet, 378
- Oddlaug, f. Nor. Teu. rich liquor, 378
- Oddleif, m. Nor. Teu. rich relic, 378
- Oddmund, m. Nor. Teu. rich protection, 378
- Oddny, m. Nor. Teu. rich freshness, 378
- Oddo, f. m. Nor. Teu. rich, 378
- Oddr, f. m. Nor. Teu. rich, 378
- Oddveig, m. Nor. Teu. rich liquor, 378
- Oddward, m. Ger. rich guard, 378
- Ode, f. Nor. Teu. rich, 376
- Odes, m. It. Teu. rich, 376
- Odelburga, f. Ger. Teu. noble guard, 411
- Odelbrecht, m. Ger. Teu. noble brightness, 411
- Odelgis, m. Ger. Teu. noble pledge, 411
- Odelind, f. Ger. Teu. noble snake, 411
- Odelric, m. Ger. Teu. noble rule, 411
- cviOdgisl, m. Nor. Teu. rich pledge, 411
- Odgjer, m. Nor. Teu. rich spear, 411
- Odgund, f. Ger. Teu. rich war, 411
- Odila, f. Ger. Fr. Teu. rich, 411
- Odile, f. Fr. Teu. rich, 411
- Odilo, m. Ger. Teu. rich, 378
- Odilon, m. Fr. Teu. rich, 378
- Odkatla, f. Nor. rich kettle, 376
- Odkel, m. Nor. rich kettle, 376
- Odli, m. Swiss, Heb. red earth, 10
- Odmar, Nor. Teu. rich fame, 378
- Odo, m. Ger. Eng. Teu. rich, 378
- Odoacer, m. Lat. Teu. treasure watcher, 377
- Odoardo, m. It. Teu. rich guard, 378
- Odolf, m. Ger. Teu. rich wolf, 378
- Odon, m. Fr. Teu. rich, 378
- Odorico, m. It. Teu. rich ruler, 378
- Odulf, m. Ger. Teu. noble wolf, 378
- Odvald, m. Ger. Teu. rich power, 378
- Odvin, m. Ger. Teu. rich friend, 378
- Ody, m. Fr. Kelt. lamb, 140
- Odysseus, m. Gr. hater, 75
- Œgiliv, m. Nor. Teu. Œgir’s relic, 323
- Œgils, m. Nor. Teu. awful, 323
- Œgulv, m. Nor. Teu. awful wolf, 323
- Œgunn, m. Nor. Teu. awful maiden, 323
- Œgwind, m. Nor. awful Wend, 323
- Oëlrich, m. Ger. Teu. noble ruler, 409
- Offa, m. A.G.S. Teu. wild boar (?), 334
- Ofura, f. Lat. Teu. island prudence, 431
- Offy, f. Eng. Gr. divine love, 100
- Oggiero, m. Ital. Teu. holy, 402
- Ogmund, m. Nor. Teu. awful protection, 323
- Ogier, m. Fr. Teu. holy, 402
- Ognoslav, m. Ill. Slav. fire glory.
- Ogvalld, m. Nor. awful power, 323
- Oieif, m. Nor. Teu. island wolf, 431
- Oiel, m. Nor. Teu. island wolf, 431
- Oighrigh, f. Gael. Gr. fair speech, 88
- Oisean, m. Gadhael. Kelt. 243
- Olaf, m. Nor. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Olaüs, m. Lat. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Olav, m. Nor. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Olave, m. Eng. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Olbracht, m. Pol. Teu. noble brightness, 411
- Oldrich, m. Bohm. Teu. nobler ruler, 409
- Ole, m. Nor. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Oleg, m. Russ. Teu. holy, 68
- Olery, m. Fr. Teu. noble ruler, 409
- Olfert, m. Ger. Teu. noble peace, 411
- Olga, f. Russ. Teu. holy, 68
- Olger, m. Dan. Teu. holy, 68
- Olier, m. Bret. Lat. olive, 203
- Olimpia, f. Ital. Gr. Olympian, 97
- Olinka, f. Russ. Teu. holy, 448
- Olive, f. Eng. Lat. 203
- Oliviëros, m. Port. S. Lat. olive, 203
- Oliver, m. Eng. Lat. olive, 203
- Oliverio, m. Port. Lat. olive, 203
- Oliveros, m. Span. Lat. olive, 203
- Olivia, f. Eng. Lat. olive, 203
- Olivier, m. Fr. Lat. olive, 203
- Oliviero, m. It. Lat. olive, 203
- Olop, m. Esth. Teu. ancestor’s relic, 332
- Olve, m. Nor. Teu. ale, 432
- Olver, m. Nor. Teu. ale, 432
- Olympe, f. Fr. Gr. Olympian, 97
- Olympia, f. Eng. Gr. Olympian, 97
- Olympias, f. Eng. Gr. Olympian, 97
- Olympie, f. Ger. Gr. Olympian, 97
- Onan, m. Ir. Heb. Lat. dwarf Adam, 10
- Ondrej, m. Bohm. Gr. man, 86
- Onfroi, m. Fr. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Onofredo, m. Ital. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Onofrio, m. It. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Onora, m. Erse, Lat. honour, 190
- Onoré, m. Fr. Lat. honoured, 190
- Onorij, m. Slov. Lat. honoured, 190
- Onuphrius, m. Lat. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Onufrio, m. It. Teu. support of peace, 350
- Ophelia, f. Eng. Gr. serpent, 346
- Orac, m. Slov. Lat. 148
- Orazia, f. It. Lat. 148
- Orazio, m. It. Lat. 148
- Orban, m. Hung. Lat. citizen, 202
- Ordoño, m. Span. Teu. rich friend (?), 376
- cviiOrflath, f. Erse, Kelt. golden lady, 125
- Orlando, m. Ital. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Orm, m. Ice. Teu. serpent, 346
- Ormar, m. Nor. Teu. serpent warrior, 346
- Ormilda, f. Ice. Teu. serpent battle maid, 346
- Orsch, f. Swiss, Lat. bear, 199
- Orscheli, f. Swiss, Lat. bear, 199
- Orse, f. Hung. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Orseline, f. Dutch, Lat. bear, 199
- Orsike, f. Hung. Heb. oath of God, 35
- Orsola, f. Ital. Lat. bear, 199
- Orsolya, f. Hung. Lat. bear, 199
- Orson, m. Eng. Lat. bear, 199
- Ortensia, f. It. Lat. gardener, 147
- Ortensio, m. It. Lat. gardener, 147
- Ortleip, m. Ger. Teu. rich relic, 378
- Ortgrim, m. Ger. Teu. rich helm, 378
- Ortgar, m. Ger. Teu. rich spear, 378
- Orto, m. Ger. Teu. rich, 378
- Ortwin, m. Ger. Teu. rich friend, 378
- Ortwulf, Ger. Teu. rich wolf, 378
- Orzil, m. Prov. Teu. rich, 378
- Osbert, m. Ger. Teu. divinely bright, 290
- Osberta, f. Ger. Teu. divinely bright, 290
- Osborn, m. Eng. Teu. divine bear, 290
- Osberga, f. Eng. Teu. divine pledge, 290
- Oscar, m. Fr. Kelt. bounding warrior, 251, 291
- Oscetyl, m. A.S. Teu. divine kettle, 291
- Oseep, m. Russ. Heb. addition, 23
- Osfred, m. Eng. Teu. divine peace, 290
- Osgar, m. Gael. Kelt. bounding warrior, 251
- Osgifu, f. m. A.S. Teu. Asagod’s gift, 290
- Osgod, m. Dan. Teu. Asagod, 290
- Oska, f. Lus. Lat. bear, 199, 291
- Oskar, m. Ger. Teu. divine spear, 290
- Osketyl, m. Dan. Teu. divine cauldron, 291
- Oslac, m. Eng. Teu. divine sport, 291
- Oslaf, m. Eng. Teu. divine legacy, 291
- Osmod, Ger. Teu. divine wrath, 291
- Osmond, m. Eng. Teu. divine protection, 291
- Osmont, m. Fr. Teu. divine protection, 291
- Osred, m. Eng. Teu. divine council, 291
- Osric, m. Eng. Teu. divine rule, 291
- Ossian, m. Eng. Kelt. 66.
- Osthryth, f. Eng. divine threatener, 291
- Osulf, m. Eng. Teu. divine wolf, 291
- Oswald, m. Eng. Teu. divine power, 291
- Oswine, m. A.S. Teu. divine friend, 291
- Oswy, m. Eng. Teu. divine holiness, 291
- Osyth, f. Eng. Teu. divine strength, 291
- Otemar, m. Ger. Teu. rich fame, 378
- Otfried, m. Ger. Teu. rich peace, 376
- Othao, m. Port. Teu. rich, 376
- Othello, m. It. Teu. rich, 376
- Other, m. Ger. Teu. happy warrior, 376
- Othes, m. Fr. Teu. rich, 376
- Othilia, f. m. Fr. Teu. rich battle maid, 341
- Otho, m. Lat. Teu. happy (?), 376
- Otpald, m. Ger. happy bold, 376
- Otpraht, m. Ger. happy bright, 376
- Ottavia, f. m. It. Lat. eighth, 138
- Ottavio, m. It. Lat. eighth, 138
- Otte, m. Ger. Teu. happy, 376
- Otthild, f. Ger. Teu. happy battle maid, 376
- Ottilia, f. Lat. Teu. happy battle maid, 376
- Ottmar, m. Ger. Teu. happy fame, 376
- Otto, m. It. Ger. Teu. rich, 376
- Ottokar, m. Ger. Teu. happy spear, 376
- Ottone, m. It. Teu. happy, 376
- Ottorino, m. It. Teu. happy, 376
- Ottur, m. Nor. Ger. awful, 356
- Ouen, m. Fr. Teu. rich friend, 376
- Ougunna, f. Nor. Teu. rich war, 376
- Oulf, Nor. Teu. rich wolf, 376
- Ours, m. Fr. Lat. bear, 199
- cviiiOvind, m. Nor. Teu. island Wend, 431
- Owain, m. Welsh, Kelt. lamb, or warrior, 273
- Owen, m. Eng. Kelt. lamb, or young warrior, 273
- Pablo, m. Span. Lat. little, 165
- Pacifico, m. It. Lat. pacific, 190
- Paddy, m. Ir. Lat. noble, 195
- Padrig, m. Erse, Lat. noble, 195
- Pagano, m. It. Lat. countryman, 202
- Paganus, m. Lat. countryman, 202
- Pain, m. Eng. Lat. countryman, 202
- Pal, m. Hung. Lat. little, 165
- Palko, m. Hung. Lat. little, 165
- Palladius, m. Lat. Gr. of Pallas, 64
- Pallig, m. Dan. 419
- Palne, m. Dan. 419
- Pamela, f. Eng. 464
- Pancrace, m. Ir. Gr. all ruler, 90
- Pancracio, m. Rom. Gr. all ruler, 90
- Pancracy, m. Pol. Gr. all ruler, 90
- Pancras, m. Eng. Gr. all ruler, 90
- Pancrazio, m. Ital. Gr. all ruler, 90
- Pankratios, m. Gr. all ruling, 90
- Panna, f. Hung. Heb. grace, 42
- Panni, f. Hung. Heb. grace, 42
- Pantaleon, m. Fr. Gr. all a lion, 90
- Pantaleone, m. It. Gr. all a lion, 90
- Paola, f. It. Lat. little, 165
- Paolina, f. It. Lat. little, 165
- Paolino, m. It. Lat. little, 165
- Paolo, m. It. Lat. little, 165
- Pappo, m. Ger. Ten, father, 333
- Parascha, f. Russ. Slav. Good Friday child, 216
- Parysatis, f. Gr. Zend. fairy born (?).
- Paraskeva, f. Russ. Slav. Good Friday child, 216
- Pari, m. Fr. Lat. fatherly, 195
- Parnel, f. Eng. Gr. stone, 108
- Parthenois, m. Gr. Gr. of the virgin, 64
- Parthenope, m. Eng. Gr. the virgin’s city, 64
- Pas, m. Pol. Lat. little, 165
- Pascal, m. Span. Heb. passover child, 215
- Pascha, f. Russ. Slav. Good Friday child, 215
- Pascha, f. Russ. Slav. Good Friday child, 215
- Paschal, m. Fr. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Paschina, f. It. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Paschino, m. It. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Pascoal, m. Port. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Pascoe, m. Eng. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Pascual, m. Span. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Pasinek, m. Pol. Lat. little, 165
- Pasquale, m. It. Heb. Easter child, 215
- Passion, m. Eng. Lat. suffering, 215
- Pat, m. Ir. Lat. noble, 195
- Pate, m. Scot. Lat. noble, 195
- Paternus, m. Lat. fatherly, 195
- Patie, m. Scot. Lat. noble, 195
- Patience, f. Eng. Lat. bearing up, 193
- Patiens, m. Lat. patient, 193
- Patrice, m. Fr. Lat. noble, 195
- Patricia, f. Scot. Lat. noble, 195
- Patricio, m. Rom. Lat. noble, 195
- Patricius, m. Lat. noble, 195
- Patrick, m. Eng. Lat. noble, 195
- Patrikij, m. Russ. Lat. noble, 195
- Patriz, m. Ger. Lat. noble, 195
- Patrizia, f. It. Lat. noble, 195
- Patrizio, m. It. Lat. noble, 195
- Patty, f. Eng. Heb. becoming bitter, 29
- Paul, m. Fr. Ger. Eng. Lat. little, 165
- Paula, f. Span. Port. Lat. little, 165
- Paule, f. Ger. Lat. little, 165
- Paulette, f. Fr. Lat. little, 165
- Paulin, m. Ger. Lat. little, 165
- Paulina, f. Rom. Eng. Span. Lat. little, 165
- Pauline, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. little, 165
- Paulino, m. It. Lat. little, 165
- Paulinus, m. Lat. little, 165
- Paulisca, f. Ger. Lat. little, 165
- Paulo, m. Rom. Port. Lat. little, 165
- Paulot, m. Fr. Lat. little, 165
- Paultje, m. Dutch, Lat. little, 165
- Paulus, m. Ger. Lat. little, 165
- Pav, m. Lapp. Lat. little, 165
- cixPava, m. Ill. Lat. little, 165
- Paval, m. Lapp. Lat. little, 165
- Pavek, m. Esth. Lapp. Lat. little, 165
- Pavel, m. Russ. Wall. Pol. Bohm. Lat. little, 165
- Pavelek, m. Pol. Lat. little, 165
- Pavils, m. Lett. Lap. little, 165
- Pavko, m. Ill. Lat. little, 165
- Pavl, m. Ill. Lat. little, 165
- Pavla, f. Russ. Lat. little, 165
- Pavli, m. Esth. Lat. little, 165
- Pavlenka, m. Russ. Lat. little, 165
- Pavlika, f. m. Slav. Lat. little, 165
- Pavlija, m. Ill. Lat. little, 165
- Pavlin, m. Slav. Lat. little, 165
- Pavlina, f. Slav. Lat. little, 165
- Pavluscha, m. Russ. Lat. little, 165
- Pavol, m. Lus. Lat. little, 165
- Pawel, m. Pol. Lat. little, 165
- Payen, m. Fr. Lat. countryman, 202
- Payne, m. Eng. Lat. countryman, 202
- Peace, f. Eng.
- Peder, m. Nor. Gr. stone, 108
- Pedo, m. Esth. Gr. stone, 108
- Pedrinho, m. Port. Gr. stone, 108
- Pedro, m. Port. Span. Gr. stone, 108
- Peggy, f. Eng. Gr. pearl, 121
- Peira, m. Prov. Gr. stone, 108
- Pejo, m. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Pelage, m. Fr. Gr. of the sea, 203
- Pelagia, f. m. Gr. of the sea, 203
- Pelagio, m. Rom. Gr. of the sea, 203
- Pelagius, m. Lat. Gr. of the sea, 203
- Pelayo, m. Span. Gr. of the sea, 203
- Peleg, m. Eng. Heb. dispersion, 15
- Pelei, m. Swiss, Gr. of the sea, 203
- Pelgrim, m. Dutch, Gr. stranger, 203
- Pellegrino, m. It. Lat. pilgrim, 203
- Pen, f. Eng. Gr. weaver, 75
- Penelope, f. Eng. Gr. weaver, 75
- Penny, f. Eng. Gr. weaver, 75
- Pent, m. Lapp. Lat. blessed, 184
- Penta, m. Lapp. Lat. blessed, 184
- Pentecost, m. Eng. Gr. Whitsuntide, 216
- Pentecoste, f. Eng. Gr. Whitsuntide, 216
- Pepa, f. Span. Heb. addition, 23
- Pepe, m. Span. Heb. addition, 23
- Pepin, m. Fr. Teu. father, 333
- Pepino, m. Rom. Teu. father, 333
- Pepita, f. Span. Heb. addition, 23
- Pepito, m. Span. Heb. addition, 23
- Peppo, m. It. Heb. addition, 23
- Pepsa, m. Ill. Heb. addition, 23
- Per, m. Swiss. Gr. stone, 108
- Perahtheri, m. O. Ger. Teu. bright army, 415
- Perahthild, f. O. Ger. Teu. bright battle maid, 415
- Perahtmar, m. O. Ger. Teu. bright fame, 415
- Perahtolf, m. O. Ger. Teu. bright wolf, 415
- Perahtram, m. O. Ger. Teu. bright raven, 415
- Percival, m. Eng. Kelt. companion of the chalice, 278
- Peredur, m. Welsh, Kelt. companion of the chalice, 278
- Pérégrin, m. Fr. Lat. traveller, 203
- Peregrine, m. Eng. Lat. traveller, 203
- Peregrinus, m. Lat. traveller, 203
- Peregrino, m. It. Lat. stranger, 203
- Perent, m. Esth. Teu. bear firm, 340
- Perette, f. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Perino, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Perizada, f. Pers. Pers. fairy born.
- Pernel, f. Eng. Gr. stone, 108
- Pero, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Pero, m. Esth. Teu. bear firm, 340
- Perpetua, f. It. Lat. lasting, 197
- Perrin, m. Fr. Ger. stone, 108
- Perrine, f. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Perronik, Bret. 108
- Pert, m. Esth. Heb. son of furrows, 25
- Pet, m. Esth. Gr. stone, 108
- Petar, m. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Peter, m. Eng. Ger. Gr. stone, 108
- Peteris, m. Lett. Gr. stone, 108
- Peters, m. Lett. Gr. stone, 108
- Petko, m. Lus. Bulg. Gr. stone, 108
- Peto, m. Lus. Gr. stone, 108
- Petr, m. Bohm. Russ. Gr. stone, 108
- Petra, m. Esth. Gr. stone, 108
- Petra, f. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Petraca, f. Ger. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrarca, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Petras, m. Lett. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrica, m. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrija, f. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrik, m. Bret. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrina, f. Scot. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrine, f. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- cxPetrinka, m. Russ. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrisse, f. Ger. Gr. stone, 108
- Petronella, f. Ger. Eng. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Petronelle, f. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Petronilha, f. Port. Gr. stone, 108
- Petros, m. Gr. stone, 108
- Petru, m. Wall. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrus, m. Lat. Gr. stone, 108
- Petrusa, f. Ill. Gr. stone, 108
- Petruscha, m. Russ. Gr. stone, 108
- Petsch, m. Lus. Gr. stone, 108
- Petur, m. Bulg. Gr. stone, 108
- Pewlin, m. Welsh, Lat. little, 165
- Phaddei, m. Russ. Aram. praise, 20
- Phadrig, m. Erse, Lat. noble, 195
- Pharamond, m. Eng. Teu. travelled protector, 432
- Phelim, m. Ir. Kelt. Erse, good, 257
- Phemie, f. Scot. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Pheodor, m. Russ. Gr. divine gift, 101
- Pheodora, f. m. Russ. Gr. divine gift, 101
- Pheodosij, m. Russ. Gr. divine gift, 103
- Pheodosia, f. m. Russ. Gr. divine gift, 103
- Pherenike, f. Gr. bringing victory, 90
- Phil, m. Eng. Ger. love horses, 79
- Philadelphia, f. Eng. Gr. love of brethren, 93
- Philalethes, m. Gr. love of truth, 94
- Philander, m. Eng. Gr. love man, 94
- Philaret, m. Gr. Gr. love virtue, 94
- Philaretos, m. Gr. love virtue, 94
- Phile, f. Gr. love, 93
- Philemon, m. Eng. Gr. loving thought, 94
- Philetus, m. Am. Gr. love, 94
- Philibert, m. Fr. Teu. will bright, 315
- Philine, f. Ger. Gr. love, 94
- Philip, m. Eng. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philipp, m. Ger. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philippa, f. Eng. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philippe, m. Fr. Gr. love hores, 79
- Philippine, f. Ger. Fr. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philippos, m. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Philippot, m. Fr. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philippote, f. Fr. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philippus, m. Lat. Gr. love horses, 79
- Philologus, m. Eng. Gr. love the word, 94
- Philothée, f. m. Fr. Gr. love God, 94
- Philotheus, m. Eng. Gr. love God, 94
- Philumena, f. Lat. daughter of light, 208
- Philumène, f. Lat. daughter of light, 208
- Phillis, f. Eng. Gr. foliage, 81
- Philon, m. Fr. Gr. love, 94
- Philoxène, f. Fr. Gr. loving the stranger, 93
- Phocas, m. Lat. Gr. Phocian, 200
- Phœbe, f. Eng. Gr. shining, 65
- Phœbus, m. Lat. Gr. shining, 65
- Phokas, m. Gr. Phocian, 200
- Photinee, f. Gr. light, 65
- Photius, m. Gr. light, 65
- Phrankiskos, m. M. Gr. Teu. free, 300
- Phroso, f. M. Gr. Gr. mirth, 72
- Phyllis, f. Eng. Gr. green bough, 81
- Pia, f. It. Lat. pious, 193
- Pico, m. It. Lat. woodpecker, 176
- Picus, m. Lat. woodpecker, 176
- Pie, m. Fr. Lat. pious, 193
- Pier, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Pieran, m. Corn. Kelt. black, 255
- Pierce, m. Eng. Gr. stone, 108
- Piere, m. O. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Piero, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Pieron, m. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Pierot, m. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Pierre, m. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Pierrot, m. Fr. Gr. stone, 108
- Piers, m. Eng. Gr. stone, 108
- Pies, m. Pol. Gr. stone, 108
- Piet, m. Dutch, Gr. stone, 108
- Pieter, m. Dutch, Gr. stone, 108
- Pieti, m. Pol. Gr. stone, 108
- Pietro, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Pietruccio, m. It. Gr. stone, 108
- Piety, f. Eng. Lat. piety, 193
- Pij, m. Russ. Lat. pious, 193
- Pikka, f. Lapp. Kelt. strength, 236
- Pikke, f. Lapp. Kelt. strength, 236
- Pil, m. Esth. Lat. wise old woman, 179
- Pilar, f. Span. Lat. pillar, 30
- Pilgrim, m. Eng. Lat. traveller, 203
- cxiPimme, f. Esth. Gr. fair fame, 88
- Pine, f. Ger. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Pinna, m. Lapp. Lat. blessed, 184
- Pint, m. Lapp. Lat. blessed, 184
- Pinus, m. Ger. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Pio, m. It. Lat. pious, 193
- Piotr, m. Pol. Gr. stone, 108
- Pipin, m. Ger. Teu. father, 333
- Pippa, f. It. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Pippin, m. Dutch, Eng. Teu. father, 333
- Pippo, m. It. Gr. loving horses, 79
- Pirket, f. Lapp. Kelt. strength, 236
- Pirimona, m. Maori, Gr. loving thought.
- Pirrit, f. Esth. Kelt. strength, 236
- Pius, m. It. Lat. pious, 193
- Pjetr, m. Lus. Gr. stone, 108
- Pjetrik, m. Lus. Gr. stone, 108
- Plaxy, f. Corn. Gr. active.
- Plectrude, f. Fr. Teu. lightning battle maid.
- Pobjus, m. Lith. Lat. of a bean, 146
- Poldo, m. Slav. Teu. people’s prince, 430
- Polei, m. Swiss, Lat. of the sea, 203
- Polidoro, m. It. Gr. many gifted, 93
- Polieukt, m. Russ. Gr. much desired, 93
- Poliksenija, f. Russ. Gr. much hospitality, 93
- Polly, f. Eng. Heb. bitter, 29
- Polonia, f. Slov. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Polonija, f. Slov. Gr. of Apollo, 65
- Polycarp, m. Eng. Gr. much fruit, 93
- Polydore, m. Eng. Gr. much gifted, 93
- Polydorus, m. Lat. Gr. much gifted, 93
- Polyeuktos, m. Gr. much longed for, 93
- Polyhymnia, f. Eng. Gr. of many hymns, 72
- Polykarpos, m. Gr. much fruit, 93
- Polyksenija, f. Russ. Gr. much hospitality, 93
- Polyxena, f. Gr. much hospitality, 93
- Polyxène, f. Fr. Gr. much hospitality, 93
- Pompée, m. Fr. Lat. of Pompeii, 151
- Pompeio, m. It. Lat. of Pompeii, 151
- Pompeius, m. Lat. of Pompeii, 151
- Pompey, m. Eng. Lat. of Pompeii 151
- Ponce, m. Span. Lat. fifth, 138
- Poncio, m. Rom. Lat. fifth, 138
- Pons, m. Fr. Lat. fifth, 138
- Pontius, m. Lat. fifth, 138
- Ponzio, m. It. Lat. fifth, 138
- Poppo, m. Ger. Teu. father, 333
- Porcia, f. Ger. Lat. of the pigs, 151
- Porcius, m. Lat. of the pigs, 151
- Portia, f. Eng. Lat. of the pigs, 151
- Porzia, f. It. Lat. of the pigs, 151
- Posthumus, m. Lat. the last, 136
- Poto, m. Ger. Teu. commander, 414
- Prancas, m. Lith. Teu. free, 209
- Prascovie, f. Fr. Slav. Good Friday child, 215
- Prassede, f. Ital. Gr. active, 94
- Pravdoslav, m. Ill. Slav. upright glory, 444
- Pravdoslava, f. Ill. Slav. upright glory, 444
- Pravoje, m. Ill. Slav. upright glory.
- Praxedes, f. Lat. Gr. active, 94
- Prechtl, m. Bav. Teu. bright fame, 213
- Premislaus, m. Eng. Slav. thoughtful glory, 444
- Preban, m. Dan. Slav. 444
- Predbiorn, m. Dan. Slav. 444
- Pribislav, m. Slav. 444
- Pribislava, f. Slav. 439
- Priczus, m. Lith. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Pridrik, m. Lett. Teu. peace rule, 296
- Primus, m. Lat. first, 137
- Priscilla, f. Eng. Lat. ancient, 163
- Priscus, m. Lat. ancient, 163
- Priske, f. Ger. Lat. ancient, 163
- Prissie, f. Eng. Lat. ancient, 163
- Prizzis, m. Lett. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Prochoros, m. Gr. leader of the dance, 126
- Prochorus, m. Eng. Lat. leader of the dance, 126
- Procopius, m. Lat. Gr. progressive, 126
- Prokhor, m. Russ. Gr. leader of the dance, 126
- Prokop, m. Bohm. Gr. progressive, 126
- Prokopij, m. Russ. Gr. progressive, 126
- cxiiProkupek, m. Bohm. Gr. progressive, 126
- Prometheus, m. Gr. love thought.
- Prospero, m. It. Lat. prosperous, 192
- Prudence, f. Eng. 193
- Prudentius, m. Lat. prudent, 193
- Prydas, m. Litt. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Prydikis, m. Litt. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Przemysl, m. Bohm. Slav. thoughtful, 439
- Przemyslava, f. Pol. Slav. thoughtful glory, 439
- Psyche, f. m. Gr. soul, 447
- Pulcheria, f. Ger. It. Lat. fair, 196
- Pulcherie, f. Fr. Lat. fair, 196
- Purvan, m. Bulg. Slav. first, 442
- Purvance, m. Bulg. Slav. first, 442
- Quadratus, m. Lat. fourth, 137
- Quartinus, m. Lat. fourth, 137
- Quartus, m. Lat. fourth, 137
- Quenburga, f. Eng. Lat. queen pledge, 319
- Quendrida, f. Eng. Lat. queen threatener, 319
- Quenes, m. Fr. Teu. bold speech, 423
- Quentin, m. Scot. Lat. fifth, 138
- Queran, m. Flem. Scot. Kelt. black, 255
- Quintianus, m. Lat. fifth, 138
- Quintilianus, m. Lat. fifth, 138
- Quintus, m. Lat. fifth, 138
- Quiric, m. Fr. Gr. Sunday child, 217
- Quirinus, m. Lat. spearman, 177
- Quod-vult-Deus, m. Lat. what God wills, 188
- Raadgjer, m. Nor. Teu. spear of fame, 394
- Raadgjerd, f. Nor. Teu. council guard, 394
- Raamund, m. Nor. Teu. council protection, 394
- Rab, m. Scot. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Rabba, m. Fris. Teu. council commander, 394
- Rabbe, m. Fris. Teu. council commander, 394
- Rabbo, m. Fris. Teu. council commander, 394
- Rachel, f. Fr. Eng. Ger. Heb. ewe, 14
- Rachele, f. It. Heb. ewe, 14
- Radagaisus, m. Lat. Teu. council pledge, 394
- Radak, m. Slav. Slav. joy, 439
- Radan, m. Slav. Slav. joy, 439
- Radbert, m. Ger. Teu. council bright, 394
- Radbod, m. Ger. Teu. council commander, 394
- Radegar, m. Lom. Teu. council spear, 394
- Radegisl, m. Lom. Teu. council pledge, 394
- Radegonde, f. Fr. Teu. council war, 394
- RadegondaRadegonda, f. Span. Teu. council war, 394
- Radelchis, m. Lat. Teu. council pledge, 394
- Radfried, m. Ger. Teu. council peace, 394
- Radgund, f. Ger. Teu. council war, 394
- Radinka, m. Slav. joyful peace, 439
- Radinko, m. Slav. joy, 439
- Radko, m. Slav. joy, 439
- Radman, m. Slav. joy, 439
- Radmil, m. Slav. joyful love, 439
- Radivoj, m. Slav. joyful war, 439
- Radoje, m. Slav. joyful war, 439
- Radolf, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Radulfus, m. Lat. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Radoslav, m. Slav, joyful glory, 439
- Rafael, m. Span. Hung. Heb. healing of God, 55
- Rafe, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Raffaelle, m. It. Heb. healing of God, 55
- Raffaello, m. It. Heb. healing of God, 55
- Rafn, m. Nor. Teu. raven, 345
- Rafnulf, m. Nor. Teu. raven wolf, 345
- Ragano, m. O. Ger. Teu. judgment, 396
- Raginbald, m. Ger. Teu. prince of judgment, 398
- Raginfred, m. Frank. Teu. judgment of peace, 398
- cxiiiRaginfrida, f. Ger. Teu. judgment of peace, 398
- Raginhard, m. Frank. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Raginheid, f. Nor. Teu. impulse of justice, 398
- Raginheri, m. A.S. Frank. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Raginhild, f. Frank. Teu. battle maid of judgment, 398
- Raginhold, m. Frank. Teu. judging firmly, 396
- Raginleif, m. Nor. Teu. relic of judgment, 396
- Raginmund, m. Frank. Teu. judge’s protection, 396
- Raginhar, m. Frank. Teu. great judgment, 396
- Raginwald, m. Frank. Teu. judge ruler, 396
- Raginward, m. Nor. Teu. guardian of judgment, 396
- Ragnar, m. Nor. Teu. warrior of judgment, 397
- Ragnfrid, f. Nor. Teu. wise fair one, 398
- Ragnold, m. Frank. Teu. wise judge ruler, powerful judge, 395
- Ragnrid, f. Nor. Teu. wise fair one, 398
- Rahel, f. Pol. Heb. ewe, 15
- Raimond, m. Fr. Teu. judge’s protection, 396
- Raimondo, m. It. Teu. judge’s protection, 395
- Raimons, m. Prov. Teu. council strengthening protection, 397
- Rainiald, m. Eng. Teu. power of judgment, 395
- Rainardo, m. Ital. Teu. firm judgment, 396
- Rainart, m. Prov. Teu. firm judgment, 396
- Rainhard, m. Hung. Teu. firm judgment, 396
- Rainer, m. Eng. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Rainulf, m. O. Fr. Teu. wolf of judgment, 335
- Rajnold, m. Pol. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Ralf, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Ralph, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Rambert, Ger. raven bright, 345
- Ramiro, m. Span. Teu. great judge, 396
- Ramon, m. Span. Teu. judge’s protection, 397
- Rampold, m. raven prince, 345
- Ranald, m. Scot. Teu. power of judgment, 397
- Ramusio, m. Span. Teu. raven, 345
- Randal, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Randi, f. Nor. Teu. wise fair one, 396
- Randid, m. Nor. Teu. wise fair one, 396
- Randle, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 335
- Randolph, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 335, 421
- Randve, m. Nor. Teu. house consecration, 321
- Randver, m. Nor. Teu. house consecration, 321
- Randvid, m. Nor. Teu. house consecration, 321
- Rane, f. Nor. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Ranieri, m. It. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Ranmod, f. Nor. Teu. house courage, 421
- Ranna, f. Lapp. Teu. battle maid of judgment, 396
- Rannmod, m. Nor. Teu. house courage, 421
- Rannog, f. Nor. Teu. house liquor, 421
- Ranssu, m. Finn. Teu. free, 300
- Ranulf, m. Eng. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Ranveig, f. m. Nor. Teu. house liquor, 421
- Raonmill, m. Erse, Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Raoul, m. Fr. Teu. wolf of fame, 335
- Raphael, m. Eng. Fr. Ger. Heb. healing of God, 55
- Rasche, f. Pol. Lat. rose, 204
- Rasia, f. Pol. Lat. queen, 31
- Rasine, f. Lith. Lat. rose, 204
- Rasine, f. Pol. Lat. queen, 31
- Rasl, m. Bav. Gr. amiable, 113
- Rasmus, m. Dutch, Gr. amiable, 113
- Ratulf, m. O. Ger. Teu. council bright, 394
- Raul, m. Rom. Teu. house wolf, 421
- cxivRaulus, m. Lith. Lat. laurel, 174
- Ravelina, f. Mentone, Heb. medicine of God, 55
- Ravelin, m. Eng. Teu. council wolf, 335
- Ravengar, Eng. Teu. raven spear, 345
- Ravenswar, Eng. Teu. raven spear, 345
- Raymond, m. Eng. Teu. wise protection, 397
- Raynard, m. Pol. Teu. firm judgment, 396
- Rayner, m. Eng. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Razoomnik, m. Russ. Slav. wise man, 449
- Rebecca, f. Lat. Heb. noosed cord, 14
- Rebekah, f. Eng. Heb. noosed cord, 14
- Recaredo, m. Span. Teu. ruling by council, 399
- Rechiarius, m. Lat. Teu. ruling an army, 399
- Rechilda, f. Lat. Teu. ruling battle maid, 399
- Rechimiro, m. Span. Teu. ruling fame, 399
- Recimir, m. Goth. Teu. ruling fame, 399
- Redmond, m. Ir. Teu. council protection, 31
- Redwald, m. Eng. Teu. council power, 31
- Regina, f. It. Ger. Lat. queen, 31
- Reginald, m. Eng. Teu. powerful judgment, 396
- Reginard, m. Frank. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Reginand, m. Fr. Teu. powerful judgment, 396
- Reginbert, m. Ger. Teu. splendour of judgment, 396
- Regintag, m. Frank. Teu. judgment day, 396
- Reginwart, m. Frank. Teu. guardian of judgment, 396
- Regl, f. Bav. Lat. queen, 398
- Regnard, m. Fr. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Regnault, m. Fr. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Regnier, m. Fr. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Regulus, m. Lat. king, 355
- Rehur, watchman.
- Reichart, m. Ger. Teu. ruling firmness, 399
- Reigl, f. Ger. Teu. queen, 398
- Rein, m. Esth. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Reinaldo, m. Span. power of judgment, 396
- Reinbold, m. Ger. Teu. prince of judgment, 396
- Reine, f. Fr. Lat. queen, 36
- Reiner, m. Ger. Teu. warrior of judgment, 398
- Reinette, f. Fr. Lat. queen, 31
- Reinfrid, m. Ger. Teu. peace of judgment, 396
- Reingard, m. Russ. Teu. protection of judgment, 398
- Reinger, m. Ger. Teu. spear of judgment, 398
- Reinhard, m. Ger. Teu. firm judge, 398
- Reinhild, f. Ger. Teu. battle maid of judgment, 398
- Reinmer, m. Ger. Teu. great judgment, 398
- Reinhold, m. Ger. Teu. firmness of judgment, 398
- Reinis, m. Lett. Teu. power of judgment, 398
- Reino, m. Ger. Teu. power of judgment, 398
- Reinolf, m. Ger. Teu. wolf of judgment, 398
- Reinward, m. Ger. Teu. guard of judgment, 398
- Rekkerts, m. Lett. Teu. spear of fame, 399
- Remarkable, f. American.
- Rembald, m. Ger. Teu. prince of judgment, 398
- Rembert, m. Fris. Teu. splendour of judgment, 396
- Remi, m. Fr.
- Remma, m. Fris. Teu. guardian of judgment, 396
- Remward, m. Fris. Teu. guardian of judgment, 396
- Renard, m. Fr. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Renart, m. Fr. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Renata, f. m. It. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Renato, m. It. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- cxvRenaud, m. Fr. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Renauld, m. Fr. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Renbold, m. Ger. Teu. prince of judgment, 396
- René, m. Fr. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Renée, f. Fr. Teu. warrior of judgment, 396
- Renfred, m. Eng. Teu. judgment of peace, 396
- Rennert, m. Fris. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Rennold, m. Fris. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Renz, m. Ger. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Renzo, m. It. Lat. laurel, 174
- Res’l, f. Bav. Gr. carrying ears of corn, 124
- Restitutus, m. Lat. restored, 193
- Restyn, m. Welsh, Lat. restored, 193
- Reuben, m. Eng. Heb. behold a son, 7
- Reta, f. Finn. Gr. pearl, 121
- Reynard, m. Eng. Teu. firm judge, 396
- Reynold, m. Eng. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Rhesa, m. Eng. Chal. prince, 277
- Rhoda, f. Eng. Gr. rose, 31
- Rhode, f. Gr. rose, 31
- Rhodeia, f. rosy cheeked, 31, 204
- Rhodopis, f. rosy cheeked, 31, 204
- Rhonwen, f. Welsh, Kelt. white skirt, 239
- Rhydderch, m. Welsh, Kelt. 255
- Rhys, m. Welsh, Kelt. warrior, 277
- Ricardo, m. Port. Teu. stern king, 399
- Riccardo, m. It. Teu. stern king, 399
- Ricbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright king, 399
- Ricciardetto, m. It. Teu. stern king, 399
- Ricciardo, m. It. Teu. stern king, 399
- Rice, m. Eng. Welsh, warrior, 277, 399
- Ricehard, m. A.S. stern king, 399
- Richard, m. Fr. Eng. Teu. stern king, 399
- Richenza, f. Ger. Teu. ruling firmness, 400
- Richer, m. Ger. Teu. ruling warrior, 399
- Richila, f. Span. Teu. ruling battle maid, 399
- Richilde, f. Fr. Teu. ruling battle maid, 399
- Richiza, f. Ger. Teu. ruling firmness, 399
- Rickolf, m. Ger. Teu. king wolf, 400
- Riciberga, f. Span. Teu. ruling guard, 400
- Ricimir, m. Lat. Teu. great king, 399
- Rickel, m. Bav. Teu. noble ruler, 399
- Rictrude, f. Fr. Teu. ruling maid, 400
- Ridolfo, m. It. Teu. fame ruler, 391
- Rietu, m. Finn. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Rieuk, m. Bret. Kelt. warrior, 277
- Right-about-face, m. Eng. 10
- Rigonthe, f. O. Fr. Teu. ruling war, 400
- Riik, m. Neth. Teu. ruling firmness, 400
- Riikert, m. Neth. Teu. ruling firmness, 399
- Rikchen, f. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Rike, f. Ger. Teu. peace ruler, 296
- Rikheri, m. O. Fr. Teu. ruling warrior, 399
- Rikomar, m. Ger. Teu. ruling fame, 399
- Rikulf, m. Ger. Teu. ruling wolf, 399
- Rikwald, m. Ger. Teu. ruling power, 400
- Rinaldo, m. It. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Rinnert, m. Fris. Teu. firmness of judgment, 396
- Riok, m. Bret. Kelt. warrior, 277
- Riowal, m. Bret. Kelt. lordly, 277
- Rita, f. It. Gr. pearl, 121
- Ritchie, m. Scot. Teu. ruling firmness, 399
- Roald, m. Nor. Teu. famous power, 392
- Roar, m. Nor. Teu. spear of fame, 392
- Rob, m. Scot. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Robbie, m. Scot. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Robers, m. Fr. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Robert, m. Eng. Fr. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Roberto, m. Ital. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Robin, m. Fr. Eng. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Robina, f. Scot. Teu. bright fame, 392
- cxviRobinet, m. Fr. Teu. fame bright, 392
- Roderic, m. Fr. Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Roderich, m. Ger. Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Roderick, m. Eng. Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Rodolf, m. Ger. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rodolfo, m. It. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rodolph, m. Eng. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rodolphe, m. Fr. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rodri, m. Welsh, Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Rodrigo, m. Span. Port. Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Rodrigue, m. Fr. Teu. famous king, 255, 393
- Rodulfo, Span. wolf of fame, 391
- Roese, f. Eng. Teu. fame, 204
- Roesia, f. Eng. Teu. fame, 204
- Roger, m. Eng. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- Rogero, m. It. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- Rogier, m. Neth. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- Rognwald, m. Nor. Teu. power of judgment, 396
- Rohais, f. Eng. Teu. fame, 204
- Rohlops, m. Lett. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Roibin, m. Erse, Teu. bright fame, 392
- Roeland, m. Neth. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Roland, m. Ir. Eng. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Rolando, m. Port. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Roldan, m. Span. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Roldao, m. Port. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Rolf, m. Ger. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rollaug, m. Nor. Teu. famous liquor, 393
- Rolleik, m. Nor. Teu. famous sport, 389
- Rolph, m. Eng. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rollo, m. Lat. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rolv, m. Nor. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Romain, m. Fr. Lat. Roman, 178
- Romano, m. It. Lat. Roman, 178
- Roman, m. Slav. Lat. Roman, 178
- Romanus, m. Lat. Roman, 178
- Romao, m. Port. Lat. Roman, 178
- Romeo, m. Ital. Teu. fame, 393
- Romola, f. Ital. Lat. fame (?), 178
- Romolo, m. Ital. Lat. fame (?), 178
- Romuald, m. Fr. Teu. famed power, 390
- Romualdo, m. It. Teu. famed power, 390
- Romulus, m. Lat. fame (?), 178
- Ronald, m. Scot. judge power, 390
- Ronan, m. Scot. Kelt. seal (?), 253
- Ronat, f. Erse, Kelt. seal (?), 253
- Rondolfr, m. Nor. Teu. house wolf, 421
- Ronnan, f. house liquor, 393
- Rory, m. Ir. Kelt. red, 255
- Rosa, f. It. Span. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosabel, f. Eng. Lat. rose fair, 204
- Rosaclara, f. Eng. Lat. rose clear, 204
- Rosalba, f. It. Lat. rose white, 204
- Rosalbe, f. Fr. Lat. rose white, 204
- Rosalia, f. It. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosalie, f. Ger. Fr. Eng. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosalija, f. Russ. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosalind, f. Eng. Teu. fame serpent, 204
- Rosaline, f. Eng. Teu. famed serpent, 204
- Rosamond, f. Eng. Teu. famed protection, 204
- Rosamunda, f. It. Span. Teu. famed protection, 204
- Rosamunde, f. Ger. Teu. famed protection, 204
- Rosanne, f. Eng. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosaura, f. It. Lat. rose, 204
- Roschana, f. Pers. Zend. dawn of day, 58
- Roschen, f. Ger. Lat. rose, 204
- Roscrana, f. Gael. Kelt. rose bush.
- Rose, f. Eng. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosel, f. Swiss, Teu. rose, 204
- Roseli, f. Swiss, Teu. rose, 204
- Rosemonde, f. Fr. Teu. famed protection, 204
- cxviiRoseta, f. Port. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosetta, f. It. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosette, f. Fr. Lat. rose, 204
- Roshilda, f. Ger. Teu. famed battle maid, 206
- Rosi, f. Swiss, Lat. rose, 204
- Rosia, f. Eng. Teu. fame, 204, 398
- Rosilde, f. Ger. Teu. horse battle maid, 341
- Rosimonda, f. It. Teu. horse protection, 341
- Rosina, f. Eng. It. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosine, f. Fr. Ger. Lat. rose, 204
- Rosita, f. Span. Lat. rose, 204
- Rossketyl, horse kettle, 341
- Rosskjell, horse kettle, 341
- Rosmer, m. Dan. Teu. sea horse, 341
- Rosmund, f. Ger. Teu. horse protection, 341
- Rospert, bright horse, 341
- Rostiophus, m. Lat. Teu. horse thief, 341
- Rostislav, m. Slav. increasing fame, 441
- Roswald, m. Scot. Teu. horse power, 341
- Roswald, m. Dan. Teu. horse power, 341
- Roswida, f. Ger. Teu. horse strength, 341
- Roswith, f. Frank. Teu. horse strength, 341
- Rota, m. Maori, Heb.
- Rotholf, m. Fris. Teu. famed wolf, 391
- Rotija, f. Ill. Gr. gift of God, 102
- Rottgers, m. Ger. Teu. famed spear, 392
- Rotlandus, m. Lat. Teu. fame of the country, 389
- Rou, m. Fr. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Roul, m. Fr. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Rowena, f. Eng. Kelt. white skirt, 239
- Rowland, m. Eng. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Roxana, f. Pers. Fr. dawn of day, 58
- Roy, m. Scot. Kelt. red, 255
- Roza, f. Pol. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozalia, f. Pol. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozalija, f. Slov. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozer, m. Russ. Teu. famed spear, 390
- Rozia, f. Pol. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozina, f. Slov. Bohm. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozsi, f. Hung. Lat. rose, 204
- Rozyna, f. Pol. Lat. rose, 204
- Ruadh, m. Erse, Kelt. red, 167, 255
- Ruadri, m. Gael. Kelt. red, 255
- Ruadrigh, m. Gadhael. Kelt. red, 255
- Ruaridh, m. Gael. Kelt. 255
- Rudbert, m. Ger. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Ruben, m. Ger. Heb. behold a son, 7
- Rubert, m. It. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Rudhard, m. Ger. Teu. famed firmness, 392
- Rudiger, m. Ger. Teu. famed spear, 392
- Rudland, m. Ger. Teu. fame of the land, 392
- Rudolf, m. Ger. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rudolphe, m. Fr. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Rudolphine, f. Ger. Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Ruedi, m. Swiss, Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Ruedli, m. Swiss, Teu. wolf of fame, 391
- Ruedolf, m. Bav. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Ruffo, m. It. Lat. red, 167
- Ruffin, m. Fr. Lat. red, 167
- Rufina, f. It. Lat. red, 167
- Rufine, f. Fr. Lat. red, 167
- Rufino, m. It. Lat. red, 167
- Rufinus, m. Ger. Lat. red, 167
- Rufus, m. Am. Lat. red, 167
- Ruggero, m. It. Teu. famed spear, 390
- Ruggiero, m. It. Teu. famed spear, 390
- Rule, m. Scot. Lat. king.
- Ruland, m. Ger. Teu. fame of the land, 389
- Rulef, m. Fris. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Rulf, m. Ger. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Rulves, m. Fris. Teu. wolf of fame, 390
- Rumilde, f. Ger. Teu. famed battle maid, 398
- Rupert, m. Ger. Eng. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Ruperto, m. It. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Ruprat, m. Slov. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Ruprecht, m. Ger. Teu. bright fame, 392
- Rurik, m. Russ. Teu. famed rule, 392
- Rutger, m. Neth. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- Ruth, f. Eng. Heb. beauty, 39
- Ruy, m. Span. Teu. famed rule, 398
- Ruzalia, f. Ill. Lat. rose, 204
- Rycolf, m. Fris. Teu. ruling wolf, 392
- Rydygier, m. Pol. Teu. spear of fame, 390
- Rykert, m. Dutch, Teu. stern king, 399
- Ryklof, m. Fris. Teu. ruling wolf, 390
- Ryszard, m. Pol. Teu. stern king, 399
- Sabas, m. Ger. Heb. rest (?), 216
- Sabea, f. 216
- Sabee, m. Russ. Heb. rest (?), 216
- Sabina, f. It. Eng. Lat. Sabine, 164
- Sabine, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. Sabine, 164
- Sabinus, m. Lat. Sabine, 164
- Sabrina, f. Eng. the Severn, 164
- Sabra, 216
- Sacha, f. Russ. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sachar, m. Russ. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Sacharija, m. Russ. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Sadof, m. Russ. Pers. (?), 49
- Sadovit, m. Ill. Slav. fruitful.
- Sadwrn, m. Welsh, Lat. of Saturn, 179
- Sæbert, m. A.S. Teu. conquering brightness, 356
- Sæmund, m. A.S. conquering protection, 359
- Sæwald, conquering power, 359
- Sæward, conquering protection, 359
- Saffi, f. Dan. Gr. wisdom, 107
- Saher, m. Eng. Teu. conquering army, 359
- Sahlke, f. Ger. Lat. rose, 204
- Sakaria, m. Ill. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- cxviiiSakchej, m. Russ. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Sakerl, m. Dan. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Sakkarias, m. Esth. Heb. remembrance of the Lord, 51
- Sakse, m. Nor. Teu. rock, 51
- Sal, f. Eng. Heb. princess, 13
- Salamans, m. Lett. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salamao, f. Port. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salamon, m. Fr. Hung. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salaun, m. Bret. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Sally, f. Eng. Heb. princess, 13
- Salomao, f. m. Fr. Port. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomaun, m. Bohm. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salome, f. Eng. Russ. Ger. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomea, f. Pol. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomée, f. Fr. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomeli, f. m. Swiss, Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomo, m. Ger. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salomone, m. Ital. Heb. peaceful, 47
- Salvador, m. Span. Lat. saviour, 193
- Salvatore, m. Ital. Lat. saviour, 193
- Salvestro, m. Ital. Lat. woody, 179
- Sam, m. Eng. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Samel, m. Esth. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Sameli, m. Swiss, Heb. asked of God, 20
- Sammel, m. Swiss, Heb. asked of God, 20
- Sampson, m. Eng. Heb. splendid sun, 39
- Samsao, m. Port. Heb. splendid sun, 39
- Samson, m. Eng. Ger. Heb. splendid sun, 39
- Samuel, m. Ger. Eng. Fr. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Samuele, m. It. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Samuil, m. Wall. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Samuls, m. Lett. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Sancha, f. Span. Lat. holy, 175
- Sanchica, f. m. Span. Lat. holy, 175
- cxixSanche, f. Fr. Lat. holy, 175
- Sancho, m. Span. Lat. holy, 175
- Sancia, f. Ger. Lat. holy, 175
- Sancie, f. Fr. Lat. holy, 175
- Sancto, m. It. Lat. holy, 175
- Sanctus, m. Lat. holy, 175
- Sanders, m. Lett. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sandor, m. Hung. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sandrl, f. Bav. Heb. lily, 50
- Sandro, m. Ital. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sandy, m. Scot. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sanerl, f. Bav. Heb. lily, 50
- Sanne, f. Dutch, Heb. lily, 50
- Sanson, Fr. Heb. splendid sun, 39
- Sansone, It. Heb. splendid sun, 39
- Santerl, m. Bav. Gr. gold flower, 125
- Santiago, m. Span. Lat. Heb. holy James, 17
- Santje, f. Dutch, Heb. lily, 50
- Santo, m. Rom. Lat. holy, 175
- Santos, m. Span. Lat. the saints, 175
- Sanzio, m. Ital. Lat. holy, 175
- Sapor, m. Gr. Zend, venerable king, 57
- Sapphero, f. M. Gr. Gr. sapphire, 125
- Sappi, f. Lith. Gr. wisdom, 107
- Sara, f. Fr. Hung. Ill. Ger. Ill. Heb. princess, 13
- Sarah, f. Eng. Heb. princess, 13
- Sarai, f. Eng. Heb. quarrelsome, 13
- Saraid, f. Erse, Kelt. excellent, 13
- Sarica, f. Hung. Heb. princess, 13
- Sarotte, f. Fr. Heb. princess, 13
- Sasan, m. Zend. venerable king, 57
- Sasze, m. Fris. Gr. Christian, 105
- Sativola, f. Lat. Kelt. 282
- Saturninus, m. Lat. of Saturn, 179
- Saul, m. Eng. Heb. longed for.
- Saunders, m. Scot. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Sava, m. Russ. Heb. rest, 216
- Saverij, m. Ill. Arabic, bright, 299
- Savero, m. It. Arab, bright, 299
- Sawney, m. Scot. Gr. helper of men, 85
- Saxo, m. Lat. Teu. rock, 324
- Sayer, m. Eng. Teu. conquering army, 359
- Scezpan, Lus. Gr. crown, 96
- Scezepan, Pol. Gr. crown, 96
- Schelluf, m. Nor. Teu. shield wolf, 35
- Schmul, m. Ger. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Scholastica, f. Eng. Lat. scholar, 184
- Scholastike, f. Ger. Lat. scholar, 184
- Scholastique, f. Fr. Lat. scholar, 184
- Schombel, m. Lus. Heb. asked of God, 20
- Schwanhilde, Ger. Teu. swan maid, 346
- Schwanberge, Ger. Teu. swan protection, 346
- Schymank, m. Lus. Heb. obedient, 19
- Schymanz, m. Lus. Heb. obedient, 19
- Science, f. Eng. Lat. science, 175
- Scientia, f. Eng. Lat. science, 175
- Scipio, m. Eng. Lat. staff, 164
- Scipion, m. Fr. Lat. staff, 164
- Scipione, m. It. Lat. staff, 164
- Scrofa, m. Lat. pig, 152
- Seachnall, m. Ir. Lat. second, 52
- Seabert, m. Eng. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
- Seaforth, m. Eng. Teu. conquering peace, 359
- Sealbflaith, f. Erse, Kelt. lady of possessions, 259
- Sealbhach, m. rich, 359
- Searlus, m. Erse, Teu. man.
- Seaxbald, m. A.S. Teu. rock bold, 324
- Seaxbert, m. A.S. Teu. rock bright, 324
- Seaxburh, f. A.S. Teu. rock pledge, 324
- Seaward, f. m. Eng. Teu. conquering guardian, 359
- Sebald, m. Ger. Fr. Teu. conquering valour, 359
- Sebastian, f. m. Ger. Eng. Span. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastiana, f. It. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastiane, f. Ger. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastiano, m. It. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastianus, m. Lat. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastiao, m. Port. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastien, m. Fr. Gr. venerable, 111
- cxxSebastienne, f. Fr. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebastyan, m. Pol. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebesta, f. Bohm. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebestyen, m. Hung. Gr. venerable, 111
- Sebila, f. Span. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Secundus, m. Lat. second, 137
- Sedecias, m. Lat. Heb. justice of the Lord, 49
- Seemeon, m. Russ. Heb. obedient, 19
- Sefa, f. Swiss, Heb. addition, 23
- Seifred, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 356
- Selbflaith, f. Erse, Kelt. lady of possessions, 259
- Selima, f. Arab. Heb. peace, 47
- Selina, f. Eng. Gr. moon, 67
- Selinde, f. Ger. Teu. conquering snake, 358
- Selma, f. Scot. Kelt. fair (?).
- Selvach, m. Scot. Kelt. rich in cattle, 259
- Selvaggia, f. Ital. Lat. wild, 179
- Selvaggio, m. It. Lat. wild, 179
- Seoin, m. Erse, Heb. grace of the Lord, 46
- Seorgi, m. Erse, Gr. husbandman, 116
- Seph, m. Bav. Heb. addition, 23
- Sepherl, m. Bav. Heb. addition, 23
- Sepp, m. Swiss, Bav. Heb. addition, 23
- Seppeli, f. Swiss, Heb. addition, 23
- Seppi, m. Swiss, Heb. addition, 23
- Seppli, m. Swiss, Heb. addition, 23
- Septime, m. Fr. Lat. seventh, 138
- Septimia, f. Eng. Lat. seventh, 138
- Septimus, m. Eng. Lat. seventh, 138
- Serafina, f. Span. It. Heb. seraph, 53
- Serafino, m. Span. It. Heb. seraph, 53
- Seraphine, Fr. Heb. seraph, 53
- Serena, Dan. Eng. Lat. serene, 164
- Serene, f. Fr. Ger. Lat. serene, 164
- Serge, m. Fr. 152
- Sergio, m. Lom. 152
- Sergius, m. Lat. 152
- Serlo, m. Norseman, Teu. armour, 352
- Sersa, m. Ill. Zend. venerable king, 57
- Sessylt, Welsh, Lat. blind, 144
- Seth, m. Eng. Heb. appointed, 11
- Seumuis, m. Erse, Heb. supplanted, 17
- Sevilla, f. Span. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sextus, m. Eng. Lat. sixth, 138
- Shapoor, m. Pers. Zend. venerable king, 57
- Shawanie-Jassan, Red Indian, fierce wolf, 182
- Shawn, m. Ir. Heb. grace of the Lord, 45
- Sheelah, f. Ir. Lat. blind, 144
- Sholto, m. Scot. Kelt. sower (?), 254
- Siade, m. Fris. conquering firmness, 357
- Siard, m. Fris. Teu. conquering firmness, 311
- Sib, f. Ir. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibbald, m. Eng. Teu. conquering prince, 359
- Sibbaldo, m. It. Teu. conquering prince, 359
- Sibbe, m. Ger. Teu. conquering commander, 359
- Sibbel, m. Eng. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibbern, m. Fris. Teu. conquering bear, 359
- Sibbie, f. Scot. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibel, m. Fris. Teu. conquering prince, 359
- Sibella, f. Eng. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Siber, f. Nor. Teu. conquering protection, 359
- Sibert, m. Fris. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
- Sibila, f. It. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibilla, f. It. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibille, f. Fr. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibo, m. Fris. Teu. conquering messenger, 359
- Sibod, m. Fris. Teu. conquering messenger, 359
- Sibold, m. Fris. Teu. conquering prince, 359
- Siborg, f. Nor. Teu. conquering protection, 359
- Sibrand, m. Fris. Teu. conquering sword, 359
- Sibyl, f. Eng. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- cxxiSibylla, f. Eng. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Sibylle, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. wise old woman, 178
- Siccard, m. Fr. Teu. conquering firmness, 359
- Sicco, m. Nor. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sichelgaita, f. It. Teu. Sicilian goat, 341
- Sidbolt, m. Fris. Teu. conquering prince, 357
- Sidde, m. Fris. Teu. conquering brightness, 357
- Sidders, m. Lith. Lat. beloved, 188
- Sidoine, m. Fr. Lat. of Sidon, 200
- Sidonia, f. m. It. Lat. of Sidon, 200
- Sidonie, f. Ger. Fr. Lat. of Sidon, 200
- Sidwell, f. Eng. Kelt. 282
- Sidonius, m. Lat. of Sidon, 200
- Siegfried, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Siegmund, m. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 359
- Siem, m. S. Ger. Heb. obedient, 19
- Siewars, m. Nor. Teu. conquering peace, 359
- Siffredo, m. It. Teu. conquering peace, 359
- Siffroi, m. Fr. Teu. conquering peace, 359
- Sigbald, m. Ger. Teu. conquering prince, 359
- Sigbert, m. Ger. Teu. conquering brightness, 359
- Sigbod, m. Ger. Teu. conquering commander, 359
- Sigbiorg, f. Nor. Teu. conquering protection, 357
- Sigbrand, m. Ger. Teu. conquering sword, 357
- Sigebald, m. A.S. Teu. conquering prince, 357
- Sigeberg, m. Frank. Teu. conquering brightness, 357
- Sigeburge, f. Ger. conquering protection, 357
- Sigefred, m. A.S. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sigefredo, m. Ital. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sigfreda, f. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sigefroi, m. Fr. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sigehard, m. A.S. Teu. conquering firmness, 357
- Sigehelm, m. Ger. Teu. conquering helmet, 357
- Sigeheri, m. A.S. Teu. conquering warrior, 357
- Sigelind, f. Ger. Teu. conquering snake, 357
- Sigewolf, m. A.S. conquering wolf, 357
- Sigfrid, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 357
- Sigfrida, f. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 358
- Sigfus, m. Nor. Teu. conquering zeal, 358
- Sighar, m. Ger. Teu. conquering warrior, 359
- Sighard, m. Ger. Teu. conquering firmness, 359
- Sighelm, m. Ger. Teu. conquering helmet, 359
- Sigher, m. Ger. Teu. conquering warrior, 358
- Sigismond, m. Fr. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sigismonda, f. Span. It. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sigismondo, m. It. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sigismund, m. Eng. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sigismunda, f. Eng. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sigismundo, m. Port. Teu. conquering protection, 358
- Sikko, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 356
- Sigl, m. Bav. Teu. conquering peace, 356
- Siglind, f. Ger. Teu. conquering snake, 356
- Sigmar, m. Ger. Teu. conquering fame, 356
- Sigmund, m. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 356
- Sigmunda, f. Ger. Teu. conquering protection, 359
- Sigmundr, m. Nor. Teu. conquering protection, 359
- Sigo, m. Ger. Teu. conquering, 359
- cxxiiSigrad, m. Ger. Teu. conquering council, 359
- Sigridur, f. Nor. Teu. conquering impulse, 359
- Sigrada, f. Ger. Teu. conquering council, 359
- Sigri, f. Nor. Teu. conquering impulse, 359
- Sigrich, m. Ger. Teu. conquering rule, 357
- Sigrid, f. Nor. Teu. conquering council, 357
- Sigtrud, f. Nor. Teu. conquering maid, 359
- Sigtrygge, m. Nor. conquering security, 359
- Sigufrit, m. Ger. Teu. conquering peace, 359
- Sigulf, m. Nor. Teu. conquering wolf, 359
- Sigurd, m. Nor. Teu. conquering guard, 359
- Sigvalldr, m. Nor. Teu. conquering power, 359
- Sigvor, m. Nor. Teu. conquering prudence, 359