Summary |
"Youngling: A Terran Empire story" by Ann Wilson is a science fiction novel set in the far future, specifically in the year 2559 CE. The story revolves around the complex relationship between an interrogating officer of the Traiti race, Joste, and a human prisoner, Major Horst Marguerre. The novel explores themes of honor, trauma, and the complexities of identity within the context of an intergalactic conflict. The plot begins with Joste questioning Marguerre, who initially withstands his interrogator's brutal tactics but ultimately succumbs to the horror of his situation. After a traumatic binge of torture, Marguerre triggers a mind-wipe conditioning mechanism, reminiscent of a self-inflicted mental death to avoid betraying his comrades. This act transforms him into a state akin to a newborn child mentally, causing Joste to question the depth of Marguerre's sacrifice and honor. As the narrative unfolds, Joste takes responsibility for Marguerre, who is left without memory, ultimately leading to Joste's unexpected adoption of the human as part of his clan. The story culminates in an examination of the characters' pasts, revealing the nuances of honor in a universe governed by vastly different moral codes. (This is an automatically generated summary.)