Summary |
"The Rough Road" by William John Locke is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the life of James Marmaduke Trevor, affectionately known as "Doggie," who is depicted as a rather sheltered and effeminate young man shaped by the overprotective upbringing of his mother. As world events unfold, including the backdrop of World War I, the narrative explores Doggie's transition from a life of delicate comforts to confronting the stark realities of war. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Doggie’s pampered childhood in the quaint cathedral town of Durdlebury, where he is raised in isolation and kept away from the roughness of life. His upbringing, laden with maternal affection and excessive care, leads to his naivety about the world. As the war looms, Doggie is reluctantly compelled to navigate this new, unpredictable reality, grappling with his own identity, family connections—particularly with his cousin Oliver, a figure of contrasting masculinity—and the intricate social dynamics revolving around love and duty. This opening segment sets the stage for themes of personal growth, societal expectations, and the profound changes brought about by the war, indicating a journey of self-discovery for Doggie amid the chaos. (This is an automatically generated summary.)