Summary |
"Under a Charm: A Novel. Vol. II" by E. Werner is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds around the life of Waldemar Nordeck, a estranged heir returning to his family estate, Wilicza, where he grapples with familial relationships and the past, especially concerning his cousin Wanda, who is engaged to his brother Leo. This complex setting introduces themes of love, rivalry, and societal expectations, providing a glimpse into the interpersonal dynamics of the Polish nobility. The opening of the novel introduces the family background and immediate tensions as Waldemar arrives at the family castle during a gathering of guests, including his cousin Wanda and her father. Initial interactions reveal a sense of cold detachment from Waldemar, who exhibits a stern demeanor, particularly towards Wanda, hinting at a shared, unresolved history. His reluctance to engage in social niceties contrasts sharply with the more congenial atmosphere cultivated by his mother, the Princess. As family dynamics unfold, Waldemar's character emerges as a solitary figure, indicating deeper emotions and conflicts rooted in personal history and ambiguous relationships within the family. The narrative sets the stage for potential emotional and relational conflicts to develop further as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)