The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 6, April 1888 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 6, April 1888 Author: N.C.) Trinity College (Randolph County Release date: November 20, 2020 [eBook #63822] Language: English Credits: hekula03, David King, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRINITY ARCHIVE, VOL. I, NO. 6, APRIL 1888 *** Produced by hekula03, David King, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) The Trinity Archive (Vol. I, No. 6) Vol. I., No. 6, April 1888 THE TRINITY ARCHIVE PUBLISHED BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES. Monthly. TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. Price, 15 cts. CONTENTS. The World is Round 103-105 The Subjunctive Mood 105-108 Woman's Easter 108 Editorials: The Farmer's Alliance; Self-reliance; Study of History; The German Throne; Sectionalism 108-110 Reviews: The Temperance Movement; English Grammar; Why of Methodism; Political Geography of N. C. 111-112 Exchanges 113-114 Locals 115-116 Alumni 117-118 Miscellaneous 119 MANAGERS' NOTICES. Correspondents will please send all matter intended for publication to Prof. J. L. Armstrong, Trinity College, N. C. Terms of Subscription. One dollar, per scholastic year (nine issues), if paid in advance; if not paid in advance, one dollar and twenty cents. To any one who will send us a Club of Five cash yearly subscribers, we will give a year's subscription, free. Remittances should be made by postal note, postal order, or registered letter, and made payable to "Business Managers of the TRINITY ARCHIVE." Terms of Advertising. 1 column, per issue, $3.00; per scholastic year, $20.00 1/2 " " 1.75; " 12.00 1/3 " " 1.25; " 9.00 1 inch, " .75; " 5.00 All business communications should be forwarded to NICHOLSON & JONES, _Business Managers_, TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C. _Entered as second-class matter in Post Office at Trinity College, N. C._ F. FISHBLATE, THE LEADING CLOTHIER OF NORTH CAROLINA. WE KEEP ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING, HATS, --AND-- Furnishing Goods. Our line of Fine Dress Suits and Overcoats is the largest and finest ever seen. In our Hat and Furnishing Goods Department you can find anything you could ask for. All we ask is a call to convince you that our stock is the largest, finest and cheapest you have ever seen. Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, GREENSBORO, N. C. C. M. VANSTORY, MANAGER. P. S. Suits made to order from samples a specialty. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. ADVERTISEMENTS. A FREE TICKET TO Farrior & Crabtree's Boot and Shoe Store, South Elm St., GREENSBORO, N. C. SOLE AGENTS FOR Zeigler Bros., Jas. Means' $3, And Wm. Dorsch & Son's FINE GOODS. C. B. HAYWORTH, The People's Liveryman, HIGH POINT, N. C. Good Stock and conveyances. Prices reasonable. Patronage of Trinity Students solicited. MOFFITT & BRADSHAW, DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, Next Door above Bank, _High Point, N. C._ DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, &c. We cordially invite students and friends of Trinity College to call and see us when in need of anything in our line. FRIENDS OF TRINITY, SUBSCRIBE FOR _THE TRINITY ARCHIVE_. $1.00 PER YEAR. _Business Friends Send us Advertisements._ Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes. [Illustration] Cigarette smokers who are willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will find this brand superior to all others. The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest cost gold leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations and observe that the firm name as below is on every package. ALLEN & GINTER, MANUFACTURERS, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. GREENSBORO Female College, GREENSBORO, N. C. The Sixty-Sixth Session of this well-equipped and prosperous School will begin on the 11th of January, 1888. Faculty (consisting of three Gentleman and eleven Ladies) able, accomplished and faithful. Instruction thorough in all departments. Superior advantages offered in the departments of Music, Art, Elocution and Modern Languages. Location, healthful and beautiful; fare good. Premises large, with ample walks for out-door recreation. Buildings large, convenient, comfortable, and furnished with all the appliances of A FIRST CLASS FEMALE COLLEGE. Special attention paid to physical health, comfort, and development, and moral and spiritual culture. For catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, PRESIDENT. Group Photographs. I would announce to the students of Trinity College that with a view to doing school work I have specially fitted myself for making LARGE GROUPS, such as Classes, Fraternities, Literary Societies, &c. Will be glad to serve with whatever they need in Photography, in that or any other line of work. I also make Portrait Frames and Mats to Order. Respectfully, =S. L. ALDERMAN=, GREENSBORO, N. C. THE Trinity Archive. Published under Supervision of the Professor of English. TRINITY COLLEGE, APRIL, 1888. THE WORLD IS ROUND. The following is an extract from a modernized version of "The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Kt." He set out in 1322 and was thirty years in making his "Voyages and Travels," an account of which he wrote in French, and this was afterwards Englished, probably by some one else. "And men may prove by experience and their understanding, that if a man found passages by ships, he might go by ships all round the world, above and beneath; which I prove thus, after what I have seen. For I have been towards the parts of Brabant, and found by the astrolabe that the polar star is fifty-three degrees high; and further, in Germany and Bohemia, it has fifty-eight degrees; and still further towards the north it is sixty-two degrees and some minutes; for I myself have measured it by the astrolabe. Now you shall know that opposite the polar star is the other star, called antarctic, as I have said before. These two stars are fixed; and about them all the firmament turns as a wheel that turns on its axle-tree; so that those stars bear the firmament in two equal parts; so that it has as much above as it has beneath.... And if I had company and shipping to go further, I believe certainly that we should have seen all the roundness of the firmament all about. For, as I have told you before, the half of the firmament is between the two stars, which half I have seen. And the other half I have seen towards the north, under the polar star, sixty-two degrees and ten minutes; and towards the south, I have seen under the antarctic thirty-three degrees and sixteen minutes; and the half of the firmament in all contains but one hundred and eighty degrees, of which I have seen sixty-two on the one part, and thirty-three on the other, which makes ninety-five degrees, and nearly the half of a degree; so that I have seen all the firmament except eighty-four degrees and the half of a degree; and that is not the fourth part of the firmament. By which I tell you, certainly, that men may go all round the world, as well under as above, and return to their country, if they had company, and shipping, and guides; and always they would find men, lands, and isles, as well as in our part of the world. For they who are towards the antarctic are directly feet opposite feet of them who dwell under the polar star; as well as we and they that dwell under us are feet opposite feet. For all parts of sea and land have their opposites, habitable or passable.... "They, therefore, that start from the west to go towards Jerusalem, as many days as they go upward to go thither, in so many days may they go from Jerusalem to other confines of the superficialities of the earth beyond. And when men go beyond that distance, towards India and to the foreign isles, they are proceeding on the roundness of the earth and the sea, under our country. And therefore hath it befallen many times of a thing that I have heard told when I was young, how a worthy man departed once from our country to go and discover the world; and so he passed India, and the isles beyond India, where are more than five thousand isles; and so long he went by sea and land, and so environed the world by many seasons, that he found an isle where he heard people speak his own language, calling an oxen in the plough such words as men speak to beasts in his own country, whereof he had great wonder, for he knew not how it might be. But I say that he had gone so long, by land and sea, that he had gone all round the earth; that he was come again to his own borders, if he would have passed forth till he had found his native country. But he turned again from thence, from whence he was come, and so he lost much painful labor, as himself said, a great while after, when he was coming home; for it befell after, that he went into Norway, and the tempest of the sea carried him to an isle; and when he was in that isle, he knew well that it was the isle where he had heard his own language spoken before, and the calling of the oxen at the plough. But it seems to simple and unlearned men that men may not go under the earth, but that they would fall from under towards the heaven. But that may not be any more than we fall towards heaven from the earth where we are; for from what part of the earth that men dwell, either above or beneath, it seems always to them that they go more right than any other people. And right as it seems to us that they be under us, so it seems to them that we are under them; for if a man might fall from the earth unto the firmament, by greater reason the earth and the sea, that are so great and so heavy, should fall to the firmament; but that may not be, and therefore saith our Lord God, 'He hangeth the earth upon nothing.' "Although it be possible so to go all round the world, yet of a thousand persons not one might happen to return to his country; for, from the greatness of the earth and sea, men may go by a thousand different ways, that no one could be sure of returning exactly to the parts he came from, unless by chance or by the grace of God; for the earth is very large, and contains in roundness and circuit, above and beneath, 20,425 miles, after the opinion of the old wise astronomers; and, after my little wit, it seems to me, saving their reverence, that it is more; for I say thus: let there be imagined a figure that has a great compass; and about the point of the great compass, which is called the centre, let there be made another little compass; then, afterwards, let the great compass be divided by lines in many parts, and all the lines meet at the centre; so that in as many parts as the great compass shall be divided, in so many shall the little one that is about the centre be divided, although the spaces be less. Let the great compass be represented for the firmament, and the little compass for the earth; now the firmament is divided by astronomers into twelve signs, and every sign is divided into thirty degrees. Also let the earth be divided into as many parts as the firmament, and let every part answer to a degree of the firmament; and I know well that, after the authorities in astronomy, seven hundred furlongs of earth answer to a degree of the firmament, that is eighty-seven miles and four furlongs. Now, multiplied by three hundred and sixty times, it makes 31,500 miles, each of eight furlongs, according to miles of our country. So much hath the earth in circuit after my opinion and understanding." THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. There is in this fast age a fast-growing tendency, on the part of many so-called English grammarians, to set aside the uses of the subjunctive mood and to attempt to make the indicative perform the functions of both. In the first place, they are striving to do that which is impossible; in the second place, by their efforts to make the indicative do the work of both and by their lack of effort to see and understand and explain the "subtle distinctions involved in the use of the subjunctive mood," they have entangled the mind of the student of English grammar in a net-work of obscurity and have cast the dust of falsehood into his eyes and have thrown the whole subject of the uses of moods into a fog of ambiguity. Many say but little on the subject of moods, and it would have been a great deal better for the student if many of them had said nothing, unless they had approached nearer to the truth. Some in their definitions for the term 'mood,' imply, if they do not say positively, that mood is a certain manner of using verbs. No definition could be more misleading, and none at all would have been far better. "Most English grammars say that the subjunctive mood is used to express uncertainty or to state an action conditionally." This shows again that they are stepping in the dark and that it would be best for them to stand still until their eyes opened, for nothing can be farther from the truth. When an uncertainty or a conditionality has reference to actual fact, it not only _may be_ but _must be_ expressed by a statement in which the indicative mood is used; as, 'If the man is guilty, he ought to be hanged.' Here we have a sentence in which the speaker is dealing with a _fact_, a _reality_, and one about which he is uncertain and for that reason puts a condition in his statement. This gives us a sentence in which both uncertainty and conditionality are expressed, and at the same time one in which the indicative mood is employed; and, if space permitted, we could give numberless examples from good authors. "Of course everybody knows that the subjunctive mood is employed in some sorts of conditional statements;" but this certainly fails to prove that the subjunctive mood is _necessary_ to the expression of a condition. In most conditional statements, there is generally some such conjunction as 'if,' 'lest,' 'unless,' 'though' or 'although' preceding the verb, or else the inverted position of parts of the sentence is such as to show the condition without conjunction. 'If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat.'--_Prov. XV., 21_; 'Cursed be my tribe, if I forgive him.'--_Sh. Merch. Ven. I., 1_; 'Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.'--_Job XIII., 15_; 'My son, if thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice.'-_Prov. XXIII., 15_; 'If this be treason, make the most of it.'--_Patrick Henry_; 'Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit.'--_Colos. III., 18_; and, 'If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.'--_I Tim. III., 1_;--these are a few examples in which conditions are expressed by conjunctions; and we find that condition is expressed by something else than verbs or the moods of verbs. Therefore, if the subjunctive mood is not necessary to express a condition, we are forced to the conclusion that its function is something far different from that of expressing mere conditionality, even when it is used in a conditional statement. And, when we find both a conditional conjunction and a subjunctive mood in the same statement, we are forced to believe that the subjunctive mood adds some new force. 'If he be taken, he shall never more be feared.'--_Sh. King Lear II. I., 8_; 'If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar.'--_I John IV, 20_; 'Tell me ... if he appeal the duke on ancient malice.'--_Rich. II. I., i, 9_, are examples in which the subjunctive mood does not express condition, but something more important. Others of these so-called grammarians speak of moods as being certain "verb-forms," and thus far they are correct; but they err when they say that, because in the course of time the distinctive marks have been worn away and the indicative and subjunctive forms have become alike in appearance, they are identical, and speak of them as "indicative-subjunctive forms." Though two verbs may be spelled alike and look and sound alike, yet that is no reason for saying that they are alike in grammatical function or in the same mood. '_Depart_ from me, all ye workers of iniquity.'--_Luke XIII., 27_; 'When ye _depart_ thence, shake off the dust under your feet ...'--_Mark VI., 11._ Here we have two verbs alike in appearance; but who would say that they are alike in function? or who would dare call them "indicative-imperative forms"? It is no more unreasonable to talk of "indicative-imperative forms" than to talk of "indicative-subjunctive forms." "To talk of 'indicative-subjunctive forms' is like talking of a 'round-square hole.'" May the Goddess of Grammar look with compassion upon such mistakes, and, if the offenders ever repent, by her grace grant them full pardon, for the school-boy never can! The subjunctive mood has a far more important and almost entirely different function from those commonly assigned to it. The word 'mood' comes from the Latin _modus_ (manner) and, as used with reference to verbs, denotes certain variations of their form, by means of which the speaker can show the manner in which the action, being or state of being is connected in his own mind with the things spoken of. The subjunctive mood includes those forms of the verb which the speaker must use when he wishes to show that his statement or supposition is connected in his mind with a matter of mere _conception_ and not a matter of real _fact_, independent of his own thought about it. The term 'subjunctive' comes from the Latin _subjungere_ (to join on-to) and was applied to this mood because it is used more frequently in sub-joined clauses than in principal clauses; but its name does not limit it to dependent clauses, for we have many examples that will prove to the contrary; as 'This single crime, in my judgment, were sufficient to condemn him.'--_Duncan's Cicero, p. 82_; 'Be he who he will.'--_Sh. R._ (_Koch_); 'It were long to tell.'--_Byron's Giaour_; 'To love thee were to love myself.'--_Paradise Lost, IX., 959_; 'The rest were long to tell.--_Ib. I., 507_; Compare the force of the subjunctive in these with its force in the following examples: 'Whatever betide, be thou at least kind to my memory.'--_Byron's Marino Faliero II., 1_; 'He stood resigned to the decree, whatever it were.'--_Ib. I., 2._ Then, if we consider it worth our while to distinguish in our statements between those made in connection with real matter of _fact_ and those made in connection with matter of mere _conception_, the subjunctive mood must remain in our language, for it is the only means by which we can show this important distinction. When ever we lay aside the subjunctive mood we lay aside one of _the_ powers of our language. C. W. WOMAN'S EASTER. BY LUCY LARCOME. With Mary, ere dawn, in the garden, I stand at the tomb of the Lord; I share in her sorrowing wonder; I hear through the darkness a word, The first the dear Master hath spoken Since the awful death-stillness was broken. He calleth her tenderly--"Mary!" Sweet, sweet is His voice in the gloom. He spake to us first, O my sisters, So breathing our lives into bloom! He lifteth our souls out of prison; We, earliest, saw him arisen! The message of his resurrection To man it was woman's to give; It is fresh in her heart through the ages: "He lives, that ye also may live, Unfolding, as He hath, the story Of manhood's attainable glory." --_Woman's Journal._ Editorials. M. C. THOMAS _Hesperian_, } D. C. ROPER, _Columbian_, } EDITORS. The farmer has at last begun to think for himself, and, as a natural consequence, he is acting in defense of himself and his rights. This can truthfully be called an age of organizations. Men of all professions and occupations are uniting themselves in associations. From this general approval, one cannot but conclude that such organizations, well conducted, are beneficial in some way to their respective classes. It, therefore, behooves the farmer so to prepare himself as to be able to declare and maintain his rights among the various other co-operative bodies of the business world. No one, then, will say that the Farmer's Alliance, _if conducted aright_, will not prove successful in the accomplishment of the farmer's purpose; but even the farmer will admit that the natural tendency of such organizations is towards politics. So soon as this corrupting feature takes root in the Farmer's Alliance, not only must the Alliance die, but the socio-political status of the farmer will be lowered. * * * * * Self-reliance is one of the first things that a college student should learn. At the very beginning of his college course he should determine to discard all unnecessary aid, it matters not how anxious he may be to take a high stand in his class and in his Society. Hard labor is the price of all excellence, and if he is not willing to exert himself he should be satisfied with low grades, &c. The young man who uses translations to be able to get along in his class, and plagiarizes in his Society in order to win, among a certain class of students, the reputation of being a good speaker, could not possibly devise a better plan by which to ruin himself. Such a student may get up a short-lived reputation, but he will be found out eventually and will experience a great mortification. The student who does not rely in the main on his own exertions may go to college all his life and yet not be truly educated. Colleges do not exist for the purpose of cramming a student with text-book knowledge, but to teach him to use his mental powers to the best advantage. Every student should use his own brains, and not rely upon translations or fellow students, and thus "beat" his way through college. Let self-reliance be the motto of every student at Trinity. * * * * * The study of history in American colleges has made wonderful progress during the latter part of this century. But still there are many people who consider it almost unorthodox to study anything but the present. Those who venture to write about Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle, they would consider as fit companions for the monks of the Middle Ages who thought that seclusion and a little knowledge of Latin constituted the essence of true religion. There is something in "the olden time" to enlist our love and win our admiration. To many a student, those old Druid priests, sacrificing human victims under Britain's primeval oaks, are objects of wonder. There is an inexplicable peculiarity in their midnight sacrifices which excites the curiosity of the youthful and stimulates the reflecting mind to greater research. But this is not all. The best way to improve the present is to profit by the examples of the past. The great military chieftains of modern times have always studied with great care and consideration the campaigns of Alexander, Caesar and Hannibal, and have therefore escaped defeat. So should every political leader carefully study the policy of Sparta under Lycurgus, of Beotia under Epaminondas, of Athens under Solon and Pericles, and of France under Charlemagne. Indeed, every citizen should have a knowledge of the social and political history of fallen empires, monarchies and democracies in order to avoid their Scylla and Charybdis. William I., King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany, though dead, will ever live in the memory of both American and European people through the lasting results of the past half century's events. No other person has been so uninterruptedly successful in the accomplishment of his plans. No other monarch has held as he has, the affections and conserved the trusts of his people. Hence, it is natural and proper that they should mourn his loss, and tremble at the uncertainty of finding in a successor all the qualities of their late ruler. The Emperor Frederick is slowly dying. It was hoped that on his succession to the throne the German policy would be liberalized and that the strength which the Empire had acquired would be manifested in allowing more freedom in the expression of opinion and in political action. But such hopes must soon prove vain; for the crown will soon pass to the Emperor William's grandson, who is thought to be of quite a different cast from his heroic and hapeless father. He will have the counsel and assistance of Bismarck, but nevertheless the world will breathe uneasily for months, and, it may be, for years to come. The great question with the German people is, will the change bring in its train continued peace or a beginning of war. The recent speeches of several of the most prominent Republicans in the United States Senate, notably that of Mr. Ingalls, reflects discredit not only upon them, but also upon their constituents throughout the North. They prove conclusively that sectional hatred has not yet ceased to exist among a large class of people at the North, and that they still cherish a malignant feeling of resentment toward the South. The spirit displayed in these speeches is contemptible, and the very essence of narrow-mindedness; it would ill become the Middle Ages, much less this enlightened nineteenth century. It is in vain that appeals are made to cause the North and the South to forget the past, and become re-united in the bonds of brotherhood and affection, so long as representatives of the North pursue such a virulent course toward the Southern people. Mr. Ingalls' speech proves him to be a partisan demagogue, and unworthy to hold his present high position. The best class of people of both sections have long since become disgusted with bloody-shirt politics and hearing sectional feeling appealed to, and should see to it that broad-minded men are chosen to represent them in Congress. Then, and not till then, will both sections become fully reconciled. Reviews. J. S. BASSETT, _Hesperian_, } W. J. HELMS, _Columbian_, } EDITORS. THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT: or, The Conflict between Man and Alcohol. By Henry William Blair, United States Senator from New Hampshire. Boston, William E. Smythe Company. 8vo., pp. xxiv 583. 1888. Every voter should read this book. The author, who, by reason of his many philanthropic efforts and high political position, commands the confidence of all, presents for consideration a comprehensive statement of the nature and the physical and moral effects of alcoholic drinks, discusses proposed remedies for the evil it entails, dwells on prohibition, and gives an historical sketch of the efforts made in temperance reform. Those who wish to understand this rapidly growing question would find what they desire in this book. The argument is substantiated by facts, and many valuable tables are given. Maps, colored plates showing the effects of alcohol on the physical organs, and fifty-eight full page portraits of leading workers in the temperence cause, together with a clear, forcible style, good type and attractive binding, add much to the general desirableness of the work. It contains a portrait of Prof. J. C. Price, of Zion Wesley College, Salisbury, N. C., and mention is made of him as "one of the foremost temperance orators now living." An elaborate index and an appendix containing Justice Harlan's opinion on the Kansas cases closes the volume. * * * * * LESSONS IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By Alfred H. Welsh (Ohio State University), Author of "Development of English Literature and Language," &c. pp. vii, 237. Chicago: John C. Buckbee and Company. 1888. This work begins with a treatise on the origin, growth and relations of the English language, which might well form the introductory chapter to any brief work on English literature. In a few words the story of our language is told from the 5th century when the Angles, Saxons and Jutes landed in England to the present time. The fact may also be noted that the author in his treatment of the alphabet, of nouns, and of pronouns, has departed slightly from the "old order of things," and avoided some errors made by other grammarians. The remainder of the book abounds in many errors and contains very little worthy of commendation. The Parts of Speech are defined inductively, and this "Induction," which generally occupies pages of preparatory explanation, leaves the pupil in such a state of bewilderment that he does not recognize the proposition when it is reached. It is to be regretted that the verb should ever have received such treatment as it has here. The disposition of the Moods is almost shocking. The much-mooted "Potential" Mood with its 'may,' 'can,' 'must,' 'might,' 'could,' 'would,' or 'should,' is given special stress, while the Subjunctive is utterly rejected on the following grounds: (1) "There is no peculiar form for it; (2) there is no peculiar meaning for it, it being indicative or potential in meaning according as it has the indicative or potential form." The first objection is frivolous from the fact that in modern English other parts of speech are open to the same criticism. The author himself tells us the word '_that_' may be either a _relative_ or a _demonstrative_ pronoun; yet is not the _form_ the same? The second objection is likewise groundless. [See article "Subjunctive Mood," p. 104, ARCHIVE.] The absurdity of a Potential Mood is well shown by the following from Mason: "The so-called Potential Mood is the product of a series of blunders and misconceptions, and has been discarded by all the best authorities. 'I can write' or 'I must write' is not a _mood_ at all in the sense in which 'I write,' 'I should write,' or 'Write [thou],' is a mood. If you take a subject (say 'John'), and a verb (say 'write'), when the Indicative, Subjunctive, or Imperative Mood is used, the _act of writing_ predicated of John in some manner, affirmatively or negatively, as matter of fact, as matter of conception, or as matter of volition. But if we say 'John can write,' or 'John must write,' we predicate of John not _writing_, but the _ability_ to write, or the _obligation_ to write, which is a totally different affair. Nobody thinks of giving the name 'Potential Mood' to such combinations as 'Scribere possum,' 'Ich kann schreiben,' or 'Je puis écrire.' Its retention in English grammar is anomalous and absurd." * * * * * THE WHY OF METHODISM. By Daniel Dorchester, D. D., New York. Phillips and Hunt, pp., 182, 16m. 1887. This work is the expansion of a line of thought set forth by Dr. Dorchester in a sermon preached at Chlemsford, Mass., in response to the Unitarian minister at that place, who challenged the doctrines of all other denominations. The author discusses the origin, character, influence and polity of the Methodist Church, then adds some practical lessons drawn from what precedes, and gives a table showing the numerical standing of the church up to within the last half decade. To the whole is added an ample index, thus making the book useful for reference. To those who desire to arrive at a concise concept of Methodism, we can confidently say read it and keep it for reference. The printer has also done his duty and the volume presents a very attractive appearance. * * * * * Read the interesting article on the life of Darwin, in the April number of the _Atlantic Monthly_. Exchanges. A. M. SHARP, _Hesperian_, } G. N. RAPER, _Columbian_, } EDITORS. Simplicity, says Pope, is the mean between ostentation and rusticity. The man who does not take this mean as his goal in life will never fulfil the duty for which he was designed. A nation's civilization depends upon the culture and good manners of the citizens who make up that civilization. The South can boast of her good manners springing from the commingled blood of the Cavalier and Huguenot, before the War. Now, since the greatest obstacle was forever obliterated when the requiem of slavery was sounded at Appomatox, what is to hinder people from obtaining the highest type of this development? A recent number of the _College Message_ truly says that the great obstacles of the present are the modern dude and coquette, and the inordinate worship of the "Almighty dollar." * * * * * _The Oak Leaf_ discusses to some extent "The Importance of Literary Society Work," in which many reasons are given why boys should attend to Society duty as well as to the regular routine work of the school room. The writer is broad in his views and his arguments are based on common sense principles. The Society hall is the place to begin public speaking, and debating is mightier than patent systems as a cure for mind-wandering, which is perhaps one of the gravest difficulties that the student has to overcome. Forensic discussion, in addition to wearing away bashfulness, gives the participant the habit of concentrated and continuous thought. * * * * * Carlyle has said that history is nothing but the biographies of great men. Such being the case, the study of the lives and characters of those who have been the chief actors in the drama of the world's history will be an enchanting way by which the civilization and refinement of different people can be understood. The ARCHIVE was glad to see in a recent issue of the _Western Sentinel_ a communication on "Patrick Henry," in which the author briefly describes the career of "the forest born Demosthenes Whose thunder shook the Philip of the seas." No newspaper can do anything which will be of more advantage to its readers than give a column to such articles. * * * * * The February number of the _Thompson Student_ has an article on "Foreign Immigration," which reflects much credit upon the author. This is a question which is pregnant with the most vital issues concerning the welfare of the nation. Although Foreign Immigration has been "one of the most potent factors in the settlement and developement of the country," it has long ceased to be a blessing, and instead has become a curse, which, if not properly checked, will soon overwhelm our country in nihilism, anarchism and atheism. * * * * * The _Thompson Student_ is a new exchange hailing from Siler City, N. C. * * * * * The March number of _The Wake Forest Student_ is up to its usual standard of excellence. Among the articles worthy of notice, are several short pieces on the subject of "The Need of a More Outspoken Sentiment among Students." These articles are brief and to the point. They deal a well directed blow at the mistaken idea, too prevalent among students, of shielding one of their number in his violations of the regulations of law and order. _The Archive_ endorses anything which has for its object the extermination of this evil. * * * * * Who has not heard the story of the hunter who, when about to engage in mortal combat with an infuriated bear, sent up the following touching petition: "O, Lord, I am an old man now, yet I have never asked any favor of you in all my life. It seems to me that there will soon be a considerable difficulty here, and I want you, please, to do one thing for me, and if you will, I'll never ask anything of you as long as I live. I want you, please, to be on my side in this difficulty; this is what I want you to do. But if you can't be on my side, please sit on the fence, as it were, and don't help the bear, and I will show you one of the best bear fights you ever saw in all your life." _The University Magazine_, in an article entitled "The Origin of a good Story," would have us believe that this is only a new version of a prayer offered by some old German before engaging in battle. The deviation is ingeniously worked out, but we like the story better in the shape in which we have always heard it. * * * * * The secret of the success of great men has been found in the improvement of the _spare_ moments. It took only a few drops of water to overthrow the colossal Empire of Napoleon, and so a few unimproved moments may be the cause of failure when those times come which try men's souls. One species of the misuse of time is the school-boy's systematic _loafing_. Some boys are born with this inclination. Others think that their genius will carry them safely through, but too often when called up on recitation they are forced to say, "I didn't have the time to get this lesson." All those who are thus affected will do well to read the editorial on "Loafing" which appeared in the March number of the _Haverfordian_. * * * * * The birth-place of Andrew Jackson need no longer be a subject of dispute. _The College Visitor_ gives us to understand that Waxhaw, S. C., is the place in which the illustrious warrior statesman first saw the light. If this information be authentic, North Carolina will have to resign her claims, and console herself with the hope of being more fruitful of Presidents in the future. Locals. T. E. McCRARY, _Hes._, } L. L. BURKHEAD, _Col._, } REPORTERS. April-showers. Street Lamps. Ham and Eggs. Farmers are busy planting. Smoky-row is still an eye-sore. The tin-roof of the College has been repainted. A bear is reported to have been seen in this vicinity. Several have seen his huge form and heard his frightful grunt. Consult the advertising column of THE ARCHIVE before purchasing your base-ball and tennis goods. Col. Pickett, of Dallas, Texas, was here on the 10th of last month and addressed us in the interest of the Farmers' Alliance. Messrs. Roberts, Holland and Burkhead have returned from the Newberne fair where they had, as they say, the biggest time out of jail. When you go to High Point be sure and stop at the Bellevue. The Proprietor is a friend to Trinity students. Mr. Paul Jones, of Tarboro, a graduate of this College is teaching elocution here. He has twenty pupils. We wish him much success with the boys. "Coffee" is the Ladies-man of the College, but the girls say that he tells them all the same story. Lindsay & Bro., of High Point, are selling their stock of clothing at cost. "Dick" rode at the tournament but did not get a ring. Of course his horse shied! Rev. E. H. Davis, of High Point, was with us a short while back. Come again, Ed. The Greensboro Brass Band has been engaged to give us music for our coming commencement. And we expect to have good music as well as a good time. Come. When you are in Thomasville, stop at Grimes' Hotel, and if you are sick call on Grimes and Strickland. "Possum" still keeps the path warm between here and Archdale. Sometime the boys will have to hunt him up and pull him out of the mud. Mrs. Jefferson Davis returned to her home in LaGrange on the 17th ulto., after a short visit to her parents. A bright Prep, who attended the concert at Thomasville remarked that he did not see the town, but saw lots of pretty girls. We echo "them sentiments." We will have no Senior Presentation this year, as all of the seniors have as much work as they can attend to without writing speeches for that occasion. Everybody is getting ready for Commencement. The Marshal and the Manager are making arrangements to accommodate a large crowd, and also to make that crowd enjoy themselves. The ARCHIVE tenders thanks for the kindness shown our Business Manager at High Point and Thomasville. The young ladies of Thomasville Female College gave a literary and musical entertainment on the 16th. Several of our boys attended and were well pleased, especially with the girls. Behold the effect that studying Poetics has had on some of our boys! We glean the following from the notebook of one of our Juniors. May the muse who was the cause of this be cast into the uttermost depths of the bottomless pit! The March wind it bloweth And the student he goeth To visit the big oyster-fair; But soon he returneth And his teacher discerneth His senses were weakened while there. Tho' the fair maiden chideth, In the tourney he rideth To see what a rep. he could make; But the sunlight it glanceth And his noble horse pranceth And "narry" a ring did he take. Will the Local Editors of the ARCHIVE parse the word "had" in the third item of the local column of the March number and give rule therefor? Please answer through columns of the same. Respectfully, ALUMNUS OF '59. In explanation, we refer to ABBOTT, _How to Parse_, § 386: "(1). 'Better wait a while.' (2). 'You had better be quiet.' Here 'had' is Subjunctive, meaning 'would have;' and the sentence would be in full-- (2). 'You would have (find) it better to be quiet.' (3). 'I had rather be a door-keeper,' _i. e._ 'I soon_er_ ['_rather_' meant 'early,' 'soon'] would have,' _i. e._ 'I prefer to be a door-keeper.'" Base Ball is now the game of the season. Four or five clubs have been formed and there is a match-game nearly every afternoon. Mr. W. H. Johnston is Captain of the first nine, which is named "The Crowell." The Trinity club has been successful in days gone by and expects to keep up its past reputation under its new name and Captain. Mr. C. G. Peacock left on the 1st of March for Philadelphia where he will take a business course at Pierce's Business College, preparatory to entering business. Success to you Charlie! We understand that Mr. Jarrell, of High Point, is leader of a Prohibition Vigilance Committee and those who drink and those who sell will be brought before the authorities every time. Trinity was enlivened by the charming faces of Misses Lena Hudgins, Lizzie Ballance and Lizzie Lawrence, of the G. F. C., who were visiting Miss Mamie Robbins. They returned on the 25th. Next day the "spider-legs" were sick: their webs had been broken. Alumni. G. T. ADAMS, _Hesperian_, } E. K. WOLFE, _Columbian_, } EDITORS. LOUISBURG, N. C., } March 20th, 1888. } EDITOR OF THE ARCHIVE:--After an absence of nearly three years I visited this month the place of my college days, my Alma Mater. Though strange faces meet one on every hand, yet 'tis the place that makes friends of us all. And now, Mr. Editor, as you see, this short letter is directed to you, but I am also addressing myself to the Alumni of Trinity College, and especially to those of '85. The Alumni of this college are many. They are scattered far and wide throughout our State, and all no doubt at the present rejoice as they recognize a bright future for this college. Yes, the future _is_ bright, but not yet reached. New men have been put in to fill long standing vacancies, professors of learning and integrity. The number of students is increasing, and with it reviving the whole community; and mighty efforts are being made in securing an endowment fund. But we must not stop here without hailing with delight and pride the noble enterprise set on foot by the students themselves. For no outsider can be said to be the originator. An undertaking it is that reflects worth an honor not only on the students but also on the Alumni who will respond to the solicitations of these students. There are one hundred students who have obligated themselves to stand, I mean each one of the hundred, for the sum of fifty dollars, payable at a time not as yet determined upon, making, as will be seen, the sum of five thousand dollars, which amount is to be used in the erection of a new building for the Society Halls and for other purposes. Any one who wishes to contribute can send check for any amount to any one of the hundred. Whose duty is it to respond first? I say it is the duty of the Alumni. The faculty may teach, the preachers may preach, the students may come, but the strength of the institution lies in the Alumni. As the tree, so is everything judged by its products. I wish it could be said that the class of '85 gave more money to Trinity College than any other class that has ever left the institution. I have placed my name opposite the sum of fifty dollars to go in aid of the new Building, and I hope, as I am the first of the class of '85, I will not be the last. The Trustees are working faithfully for the Endowment Fund, and let the students continue in their good work, so heartily encouraged by Prof. English, who has given the granite free of charge, a gift that will long stand a monument to his noble character and unwavering hope for the institution in which he is now an instructor. Most respectfully, PAUL JONES. --W. P. Andrews, '86, is principal of Jefferson High School, Jefferson, S. C. --C. W. Ogburn, '62, is agent for the Home Library Association, Greensboro, N. C. --J. W. Alspaugh, '55, is cashier of the First National Bank of Winston, N. C. --Frank Armfield who was here in '86, is merchandising for his father in Monroe, N. C. --R. P. Dicks is a manufacturer at Randleman, N. C. After leaving Trinity and spending a few years in Texas, he decided to make the "Old North State" his home. --E. T. White, '78, is a prominent physician and citizen of Oxford, N. C. --William T. Cheatham, Jr., is merchandising in Henderson, N. C. He was here in '85. --J. J. White, '70, is a successful farmer in Trinity Township. He resides near Trinity College. --A. P. Tyer, who was here in '74, has charge of Pineville Circuit, Pineville, N. C. He is a constant worker and has a promising future. --J. W. Balance, '58, is prospering as a merchant at Lewiston, N. C. He has a son at Trinity. --Geo. M. Bulla, '79, has occupied quite a prominent position in politics since his graduation from college. In '81 he obtained license to practice law, and is now located at Lexington with his father. He represented his county in the House in '85, at which session he received the unanimous vote of his party for Speaker. He was elected clerk in '87, the duties of which office he performed with accuracy and dispatch, meeting the most sanguine expectations of his many friends. --E. L. Cooley, while at College the popular "Harpist," is proprietor of a large Furniture and Undertaking establishment of Hillsboro, N. C. We are glad to learn, Ed., that your efforts are being crowned with brilliant success. --J. G. Brown is cashier of the Citizen's National Bank of Raleigh, N. C. --J. W. Hanes is one of the leading tobacconists of Winston, N. C. --J. W. Payne, '54, is clerk of the United States Court and also a prominent citizen of Greensboro, N. C. --H. L. Coble, '84, will take charge of Kernersville Academy Aug. 6th, in the place of Prof. S. C. Lindsay who has moved to High Point to take charge of the high school there. --J. A. Carpenter, '86, on graduating from college, began teaching at Deep Creek Academy. Shortly afterwards he married Miss Mattie Ratliff, and is now engaged in school-teaching and farming. --Ernest Deans is book-keeper for the wide-awake young firm of C. A. Young & Bro., Wilson, N. C. Miscellaneous. ENGLISH AS SHE IS SPOKEN. Talbut is pronounced Tolbut. Thames is pronounced Tems. Bulwer is pronounced Buller. Cowper is pronounced Cooper. Holburn is pronounced Hobun. Wemyss is pronounced Weems. Knollys is pronounced Knowles. Cockburn is pronounced Coburn. Brougham is pronounced Broom. Norwich is pronounced Nowidge. St. Ledger is pronounced Sillinger. Hawarden is pronounced Harden. Colquhoun is pronounced Cohoon. Cirencester is pronounced Sissister. Grosvenor is pronounced Grovenor. Salisbury is pronounced Sawlsbury. Beauchamp is pronounced Beecham. Marylebone is pronounced Marrabun. Abergavenny is pronounced Abergenny. Marjaribanks is pronounced Marchbanks. Bolingbroke is pronounced Bullingbrook.--_The Christian Union._ * * * * * In the University of Berlin there are three hundred instructors and over seven thousand students. The theological students number eight hundred and one. There are one hundred and sixty-three students from the United States.--_Ex._ * * * * * Self-reliance is one of the highest virtues in which the world is intended to discipline us: and to depend upon our selves even for our own personal safety is a large element in our moral training.--_Froude._ DIKE BOOK COMPANY, Opp. National Bank, GREENSBORO, N. C. Fine Books and Stationery OF ALL KINDS. SETS OF BOOKS By Standard Authors for sale by sets or singly. Books of great value, including History, Biography, Poetry, Travels, &c., for young men and students, at low prices. _FULL LINE OF THE POETS._ Latest Publications of Lovell's Library, Munro's Library and others. IMPORTANT To reduce our stock of clothing, we offer same for 30 days at =PRIME COST= 50 Suits $4.50, $5.50, $6.50; 50 Suits $8.50, $10.50, $12.50; 25 suits, Corkscrew Worsted, $6.50, $8.50, $12.50, up. 150 pairs Men's Pants, 75c to $5. 50 prs childrens pants, 35c. R. J. LINDSAY & BRO. _GRIMES & STRICKLAND_, Pharmacists and Apothecaries, THOMASVILLE, N. C. Keep constantly on hand PURE and FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES. Best brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always on hand. Prescriptions carefully filled at all hours. BELLEVUE HOTEL. J. N. CAMPBELL, MANAGER. Headquarters for Sportsmen and Commercial Travelers. HIGH POINT, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE, TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C., U. S. A. FACULTY.--Separate chairs in History and Political Economy, Latin and French, English and German, Greek and Metaphysics, the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering, Business and Pedagogy. DEPARTMENTS.--_Collegiate_, leading to Degrees of A. B. and Ph. B. _Preparatory_, preparing for admission to college. _Business_, five months' training for business life. _Post-Graduate_, advanced studies beyond graduation. _Pedagogics_, lectures and special work for teachers. _Theological_, preparatory training for the Christian Ministry. EXPENSES.--_Tuition_, $3 to $5 per month. _Board_, $8 to $12 per month. Tuition should be paid in advance, and books at the time of purchase. SPECIAL LECTURES are given weekly to all who may wish to attend, free of extra charge, on topics of interest. The lecture program of prominent speakers for the weeks will be announced later. EXAMINATIONS.--Examinations in course are held twice a year or at the completion of any particular subject. Examinations for admission to college in 1888 to any of the regular classes will be held in June on the day following Commencement, and in September on the day before the opening of college. Students are admitted to the Preparatory and Business Departments without examination, but to no other. The requisites for admission to the Freshman class in 1888 are Arithmetic, including the Metric System; Algebra to Quadratics; U. S. History; English Grammar and Analysis; Geography, Descriptive and Physical; Natural Sciences, Physiology and Hygiene; Latin, three Books of Caesar and Latin Grammar, including Prosody. An extra year's work in Latin and Greek will be required for admission in 1889 to the classical course only (A. B. degree.) LOCATION.--In Randolph county. Reached _via_ High Point, N. C., over the Piedmont Air Line. Healthfulness and quiet location render it peculiarly safe and well adapted to the education of youth and young men. INFORMATION.--Special circulars issued quarterly, and the regular annual catalogue will be sent or any desired information given respecting the Institution, upon application to JOHN F. CROWELL, A. B. (Yale), _President_. WM. PARTRIDGE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Makes a specialty of LADIES' and GENTLEMENS' FINE SHOES, HAND SEWED SHOES, FRENCH CALF SHOES, HAND WELT SHOES, GOODYEAR WELT SHOES, McKAY SEWED SHOES, GENTLEMEN'S GENUINE KANGAROO SHOES. J. FAUST & SON'S FINE SHOES. Dunlap & Youman's block of STIFF HATS, also a fine line of CRUSH HATS. _WM. PARTRIDGE_, Boot, Shoe and Hat Store. BROWN & MATTON, DRUGGISTS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Invite the students and friends of Trinity College to examine their complete line of Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, and all articles usually found in a first-class drug store. THE BEST. THE BEST. Holmes' New Readers, Maury's Geographies, and Holmes' New History are recommended by the State Board of Education for exclusive use in the schools of North Carolina. Best books at lowest prices. Every school should have them, UNIVERSITY PUB. Co., 19 Murray St., NEW YORK. THOMAS BROS., Successors to Thomas, Reece & Co., POWER Book AND Job Printers, GREENSBORO, N. C. _Printers of "The Archive."_ Transcriber's Notes: Archaic and colloquial spelling and punctuation was retained. Missing or obscured punctuation was corrected. Typographical errors were silently corrected. Text that was in italics is enclosed by underscores (_italics_). Text that was in bold face is enclosed by equals signs (=bold=). *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE TRINITY ARCHIVE, VOL. I, NO. 6, APRIL 1888 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. Project Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you charge for an eBook, except by following the terms of the trademark license, including paying royalties for use of the Project Gutenberg trademark. 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