Summary |
"Cry Chaos!" by Dwight V. Swain is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around Gar Shane, a rugged Earthman and leader of the Chonyas, who is embroiled in a conflict against a malevolent slaver, Quos Reggar, amidst a chaotic backdrop of interstellar politics and warfare. The narrative explores themes of power, identity, betrayal, and the struggle for freedom, ultimately depicting Shane's desperate fight against both his captors and the societal structures that enable slavery. The opening of the novel introduces Gar Shane in a precarious situation, having just been captured and thrown out of a spaceship. We quickly learn about his gritty demeanor, storied past, and the significant iron belt symbolizing his chieftaincy and power among the Chonyas. His vulnerability is contrasted by a fierce desire to reclaim his position and battle against Reggar, who is portrayed as a cunning, merciless antagonist. As Shane grapples with threats from both captors and the insidious influence of the mind-control technology employed against him, readers are drawn into a tale that promises high-stakes confrontation and the exploration of complex moral choices in a sci-fi setting. (This is an automatically generated summary.)