Books by Rogers, W. A. (William Allen) (sorted alphabetically)
Displaying results 1–10
America's Black and White Book: One Hundred Pictured Reasons Why We Are At War W. A. Rogers
Boy Settlers: A Story of Early Times in Kansas Noah Brooks
Canoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades Kirk Munroe
Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines Kirk Munroe
cruise of the Canoe Club W. L. Alden
Fur-Seal's Tooth: A Story of Alaskan Adventure Kirk Munroe
Rick Dale, A Story of the Northwest Coast Kirk Munroe
Snow-shoes and Sledges Kirk Munroe
Teddy and Carrots: Two Merchants of Newpaper Row James Otis
Tim and Tip : or, The adventures of a boy and a dog James Otis
Displaying results 1–10