Books in US Civil War (sorted by popularity)
Widger's Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Works of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln 92 downloads
The Last Campaign of the Twenty-Second Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. June and July, 1863 George Wood Wingate 92 downloads
His Sombre Rivals Edward Payson Roe 91 downloads
The history of Company C, Seventh Regiment, O.V.I Theodore Wilder 90 downloads
The Littlest Rebel Edward Peple 89 downloads
The Empty Sleeve Henry H. Meacham 88 downloads
The Crisis — Volume 01 Winston Churchill 85 downloads
Tom of the Raiders Austin Bishop 85 downloads
The Story of the Raising and Organization of a Regiment of Volunteers in 1862 Ellis Spear 84 downloads
The Crisis — Volume 08 Winston Churchill 84 downloads
Winning His Way Charles Carleton Coffin 83 downloads
Beechenbrook Margaret Junkin Preston 82 downloads
Reminiscences of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment, Mass. Vol. Infantry William H. Clark 81 downloads
Reminiscences of service with the Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, and a memorial of Col. George H. Browne Pardon Elisha Tillinghast 80 downloads
The Crisis — Volume 07 Winston Churchill 79 downloads
Frank on a Gun-Boat Harry Castlemon 75 downloads
Our Battery; Or, The Journal of Company B, 1st O.V.A. O. P. Cutter 74 downloads
Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) Abraham Lincoln 74 downloads
Marcy the Blockade Runner Harry Castlemon 73 downloads
"Miss Lou" Edward Payson Roe 72 downloads
True To His Colors Harry Castlemon 59 downloads