Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically by author)
Over the top with the 25th: Chronicle of events at Vimy Ridge and Courcellette R. Lewis
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916 Edward G. D. Liveing
With the British Army in The Holy Land H. O. Lock
On the King's Service: Inward Glimpses of Men at Arms Innes Logan
Food in War Time Graham Lusk
The Irish at the Front Michael MacDonagh
The Irish on the Somme Michael MacDonagh
The Amateur Army Patrick MacGill
The Red Horizon Patrick MacGill
The Angels of Mons: The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War Arthur Machen
The Tale of a Trooper Clutha N. Mackenzie
The Great Discovery Norman Maclean
My War Experiences in Two Continents S. Macnaughtan
Over Here: Impressions of America by a British officer Hector MacQuarrie
How I Filmed the War Geoffrey H. Malins
History of the World War, Volume 3 (of 7) : An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war Jr. Francis A. March and Richard J. Beamish
History of the World War : An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war Jr. Francis A. March and Richard J. Beamish
The War After the War Isaac Frederick Marcosson
The world war : a history of the nations and empires involved and a study of the events culminating in the great conflict Logan Marshall
The Old Front Line John Masefield
How Jerusalem Was Won W. T. Massey
General Bramble André Maurois
The World in Chains: Some Aspects of War and Trade John Mavrogordato
The Next of Kin: Those who Wait and Wonder Nellie L. McClung
Three Times and Out Nellie L. McClung and Mervin C. Simmons