Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Children of France Ruth Royce
Antwerp to Gallipoli: A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them Arthur Ruhl
America's War for Humanity Thomas Herbert Russell
Negro Migration during the War Emmett J. Scott
The Great War As I Saw It Frederick George Scott
Woodrow Wilson and the World War Charles Seymour
Your Boys Gipsy Smith
My Diary in Serbia: April 1, 1915-Nov. 1, 1915 Monica M. Stanley
Soldier silhouettes on our front William L. Stidger
Tom Willoughby's Scouts: A Story of the War in German East Africa Herbert Strang
A Hero of Liége: A Story of the Great War Herbert Strang
Fighting with French: A Tale of the New Army Herbert Strang
Carry On! A Story of the Fight for Bagdad Herbert Strang
Burton of the Flying Corps Herbert Strang
Frank Forester: A Story of the Dardanelles Herbert Strang
"That's me all over, Mable" Edward Streeter
Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie Edward Streeter
"Same old Bill, eh Mable!" Edward Streeter
History of the American Negro in the Great World War William Allison Sweeney
Aviation in Peace and War Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons: Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
Thoughts on religion at the front N. S. Talbot
The Sequel George A. Taylor
The Leicestershires beyond Baghdad Edward John Thompson