Books in World War I (sorted by popularity)
The Iron Division, National Guard of Pennsylvania, in the World War H. G. Proctor 114 downloads
The Great Discovery Norman Maclean 114 downloads
Canada in Flanders, Volume II Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook 114 downloads
The New Germany George Young 114 downloads
England and the War Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh 114 downloads
With the Allies Richard Harding Davis 114 downloads
Letters from France C. E. W. Bean 113 downloads
A Hero of Liége: A Story of the Great War Herbert Strang 113 downloads
Over There: War Scenes on the Western Front Arnold Bennett 113 downloads
With British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian Achievement Baron Hugh Dalton Dalton 113 downloads
Aviation in Peace and War Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes 112 downloads
Armageddon—And After W. L. Courtney 112 downloads
The New York Stock Exchange in the Crisis of 1914 Henry George Stebbins Noble 112 downloads
Out To Win: The Story of America in France Coningsby Dawson 111 downloads
Over Here Edgar A. Guest 111 downloads
What Peace Means Henry Van Dyke 110 downloads
Worrying Won't Win Montague Glass 110 downloads
To Kiel in the 'Hercules' Lewis R. Freeman 110 downloads
A Short History of the 6th Division: Aug. 1914-March 1919 110 downloads
The Boy Scouts on Belgian Battlefields John Henry Goldfrap 110 downloads
The Red Horizon Patrick MacGill 110 downloads
The Thick of the Fray at Zeebrugge, April 1918 Percy F. Westerman 109 downloads
The Belgians to the Front James Fiske 109 downloads
Letters of a Soldier, 1914-1915 Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier 108 downloads
The Dispatch-Riders: The Adventures of Two British Motor-cyclists in the Great War Percy F. Westerman 108 downloads