Books in World War I (sorted by popularity)
"Brother Bosch", an Airman's Escape from Germany Gerald Featherstone Knight 209 downloads
In the World War Graf Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin von und zu Chudenitz 208 downloads
Why We Are at War (2nd Edition, revised) University of Oxford. Faculty of Modern History 207 downloads
An Aviator's Field Book Oswald Boelcke 202 downloads
1914 Earl of Ypres John Denton Pinkstone French 198 downloads
The Backwash of War Ellen N. La Motte 198 downloads
Turkish Prisoners in Egypt International Committee of the Red Cross 196 downloads
The Salvaging of Civilization H. G. Wells 195 downloads
A Soldier's Sketches Under Fire Harold Harvey 195 downloads
The Journal of Submarine Commander von Forstner Freiherr von Georg-Günther Forstner 195 downloads
The Secret Memoirs of Bertha Krupp Henry W. Fischer 195 downloads
The Angels of Mons: The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War Arthur Machen 194 downloads
The Old Front Line John Masefield 194 downloads
The Crime Against Europe: A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914 Roger Casement 193 downloads
Fighting Without a War: An Account of Military Intervention in North Russia Ralph Albertson 192 downloads
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference Emile Joseph Dillon 191 downloads
A Lively Bit of the Front: A Tale of the New Zealand Rifles on the Western Front Percy F. Westerman 190 downloads
Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons: Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot 188 downloads
With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia Anonymous 188 downloads
America's War for Humanity Thomas Herbert Russell 188 downloads
War Letters of a Public-School Boy Henry Paul Mainwaring Jones 188 downloads
Woodrow Wilson and the World War Charles Seymour 188 downloads
England and Germany Emile Joseph Dillon 185 downloads
Adventures of a Despatch Rider William Henry Lowe Watson 185 downloads
A Visit to Three Fronts: June 1916 Arthur Conan Doyle 184 downloads