Books in Animal (sorted by popularity)
Geographic Range of the Hooded Skunk, Mephitis macroura E. Raymond Hall and Walter Woelber Dalquest 94 downloads
The Subspecific Status of Two Central American Sloths E. Raymond Hall and Keith R. Kelson 94 downloads
A New Bog Lemming (Genus Synaptomys) From Nebraska J. Knox Jones 93 downloads
The Subspecies of the Mexican Red-Bellied Squirrel, Sciurus aureogaster Keith R. Kelson 92 downloads
Taxonomic Notes on Mexican Bats of the Genus Rhogeëssa E. Raymond Hall 92 downloads
A New Species of Wood Rat (Neotoma) from Northeastern Mexico Ticul Alvarez 91 downloads
A New Species of Frog (Genus Tomodactylus) from Western México Robert G. Webb 91 downloads
A Synopsis of the American Bats of the Genus Pipistrellus E. Raymond Hall and Walter Woelber Dalquest 90 downloads
A New Chipmunk (Genus Eutamias) from the Black Hills John A. White 89 downloads
Food of the Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm, in South-central Kansas Dwight R. Platt 89 downloads
Cottontail Rabbits in Relation to Trees and Farm Crops David E. Lantz 89 downloads
A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys), from Eastern Colorado E. Raymond Hall 86 downloads
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats Sydney Anderson 85 downloads
An Annotated Checklist of Nebraskan Bats J. Knox Jones and Olin L. Webb 83 downloads
The Tadpoles of Bufo cognatus Say Hobart M. Smith 82 downloads
A New Pocket Mouse (Genus Perognathus) from Kansas E. Lendell Cockrum 80 downloads
Geographic Variation in Red-backed Mice (Genus Clethrionomys) of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region E. Lendell Cockrum and Kenneth Leonard Fitch 77 downloads