Books in Bestsellers, American, 1895-1923 (sorted alphabetically)
Kingdom Round the Corner: A Novel Coningsby Dawson
Laddie: A True Blue Story Gene Stratton-Porter
Lady Baltimore Owen Wister
Lady of Quality Frances Hodgson Burnett
Lady of the Decoration Frances Little
Lady Rose's Daughter Mrs. Humphry Ward
Lamp in the Desert Ethel M. Dell
Land of Deepening Shadow: Germany-at-War D. Thomas Curtin
Laugh and Live Douglas Fairbanks
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son George Horace Lorimer
Letters to His Children Theodore Roosevelt
Lewis Rand Mary Johnston
Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay Maurice Hewlett
Life and Gabriella: The Story of a Woman's Courage Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I Burton Jesse Hendrick
Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume II Burton Jesse Hendrick
Light in the Clearing: A Tale of the North Country in the Time of Silas Wright Irving Bacheller
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Jr. John Fox
Lone Star Ranger: A Romance of the Border Zane Grey
Long Roll Mary Johnston
Lord Loveland Discovers America C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
Lovey Mary Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice
Lure of the Mask Harold MacGrath
Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Major Ralph Connor