Books in Children's Book Series (sorted alphabetically)
Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks Bracebridge Hemyng
Jack Winters' Gridiron Chums Mark Overton
Jane Allen, Junior Edith Bancroft
Jane Allen, Right Guard Edith Bancroft
Janice Day at Poketown Helen Beecher Long
Japanese Twins Lucy Fitch Perkins
Liberty Boys Running the Blockade; or, Getting Out of New York Harry Moore
Little Colonel Annie F. Johnston
Little Colonel: Maid of Honor Annie F. Johnston
Little Colonel's Chum: Mary Ware Annie F. Johnston
Little Colonel's Hero Annie F. Johnston
Little Colonel's House Party Annie F. Johnston
Little Girl in Old Detroit Amanda M. Douglas
Little Girl in Old Salem Amanda M. Douglas
Little Maid of Old Maine Alice Turner Curtis
Little Prudy Sophie May
Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple Sophie May
Little Prudy's Sister Susy Sophie May
Maida's Little Shop Inez Haynes Gillmore
Marjorie at Seacote Carolyn Wells
Marjorie Dean, College Sophomore Josephine Chase
Marjorie Dean, High School Freshman Josephine Chase
Marjorie's Busy Days Carolyn Wells
Marjorie's Maytime Carolyn Wells
Marjorie's New Friend Carolyn Wells