Books in Browsing: Art & Photography (sorted alphabetically by author)
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Lichfield A. B. Clifton
Essays on Art A. Clutton-Brock
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of York A. Clutton-Brock
The ideal book or book beautiful : A tract on calligraphy printing and illustration & on the book beautiful as a whole T. J. Cobden-Sanderson
The Arts and Crafts Movement T. J. Cobden-Sanderson
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Stile in der bildenden Kunst. Erster Band.: Vom Altertum bis zur Gotik (German) Ernst Cohn-Wiener
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Stile in der bildenden Kunst. Zweiter Band.: Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart (German) Ernst Cohn-Wiener
Norwich: A Sketch Book Elsie Vera Cole
Holman Hunt Mary E. Coleridge
Ruskin Relics W. G. Collingwood
Cathedral Cities of England W. W. Collins
Cathedral Cities of Spain: 60 Reproductions from Original Water Colours W. W. Collins
Hoe men schilder wordt (Dutch) Hendrik Conscience
Forgers and Forgeries W. G. Constable
Estudio descriptivo de los monumentos árabes de Granada, Sevilla y Córdoba (Spanish) Rafael Contreras
The Book of Art for Young People Agnes Ethel Conway and Sir William Martin Conway
Ernesto Garcia Cabral: A Mexican Cartoonist G. R. G. Conway
Travels in South Kensington Moncure Daniel Conway
Lehrbuch der Perspective (German) Gustav Conz
Art in England: Notes and Studies Dutton Cook
Giorgione Herbert Frederick Cook
Essays on Taste John Gilbert Cooper and John Armstrong
Rodin à l'hotel de Biron et à Meudon (French) Gustave Coquiot
Lautrec; ou, Quinze ans de mœurs Parisiennes, 1885-1900 (French) Gustave Coquiot
Paul Cézanne (French) Gustave Coquiot