Books in Browsing: Art & Photography (sorted alphabetically by author)
Wackenroders "Herzensergießungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders" in ihrem Verhältnis zu Vasari (German) Ernst Dessauer
"The spirit of '76": Some recollections of the artist and the painting Henry Kelsey Devereux
Impressionist painting: its genesis and development Wynford Dewhurst
The House in Good Taste Elsie De Wolfe
Scenes and Characters from the Works of Charles Dickens Charles Dickens
Cruikshank's Water Colours Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, and W. H. Maxwell
Hellenistic Sculpture Guy Dickins
Glass Edward Dillon
Porcelain Edward Dillon
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul Arthur Dimock
The Cathedrals of Great Britain: Their History and Architecture P. H. Ditchfield
The Abbeys of Great Britain H. Claiborne Dixon
The Etchings of Charles Meryon Campbell Dodgson
Grundzüge der Perspektive nebst Anwendungen (German) Karl Doehlemann
Donahey's Cartoons J. H. Donahey
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Gustave Doré Gustave Doré
Two Hundred Sketches Humorous and Grotesque Gustave Doré
I mattoidi al primo concorso pel monumento in Roma a Vittorio Emanuele (Italian) Carlo Dossi
The Dance of Death Francis Douce
Composition Arthur W. Dow
American renaissance; a review of domestic architecture Joy Wheeler Dow
Manners & Cvstoms of ye Englyshe Richard Doyle
The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson Richard Doyle
Principles of Decorative Design Christopher Dresser
Edmund Dulac's Picture-Book for the French Red Cross Edmund Dulac