Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Our Friend John Burroughs Clara Barrus
The life and works of Sir Charles Barry Alfred Barry
Presidential Candidates: D. W. Bartlett
The story of my childhood Clara Barton
A Story of the Red Cross; Glimpses of Field Work Clara Barton
Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, LLD. F.R.S., late president of the American Philosophical Society, &c. : interspersed with various notices of many distinguished men : with an appendix, containing sundry philosophical and other papers, most of which have not hitherto been published William Barton
The Life of Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross (Vol. 1 of 2) William E. Barton
The Life of Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross (Vol. 2 of 2) William E. Barton
The Soul of Abraham Lincoln William E. Barton
Lettres de Marie Bashkirtseff (French) Marie Bashkirtseff
Marie Bashkirtseff (From Childhood to Girlhood) Marie Bashkirtseff
Pietro Mascagni, con nota delle opere e ritratto (Italian) Giannotto Bastianelli
Seen and Unseen E. Katherine Bates
Sigurd Our Golden Collie, and Other Comrades of the Road Katharine Lee Bates
Henry More Smith: The Mysterious Stranger Walter Bates
Schumann (German) Richard Batka
Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimo : pictures from the life of the Right Reverend John Horden, first Bishop of Moosonee Beatrice Batty
Henri IV en Gascogne (1553-1589) (French) Charles de Batz-Trenquelléon
Journaux intimes (French) Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire, His Life Charles Baudelaire and Théophile Gautier
Ignaz Jan Paderewski Edward Algernon Baughan
A narrative of some remarkable incidents, in the life of Solomon Bayley : formerly a slave, in the State of Delaware, North America Solomon Bayley
Storia di un'anima (Italian) Ambrogio Bazzero
Daughters of the Puritans: A Group of Brief Biographies Seth Curtis Beach
The Citizen-Soldier John Beatty