Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume III. Theophilus Cibber
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume I. Theophilus Cibber
Les femmes et les livres (French) Albert Cim
A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53 Mrs. Charles Clacy
Rodin: The Man and His Art, with Leaves from His Note-book Judith Cladel
Life and Remains of John Clare, The "Northamptonshire Peasant Poet" John Clare
The Violin and Old Violin Makers A. Mason Clarke
The Family Letters of Oliver Goldsmith Ernest Clarke
Browning and His Century Helen A. Clarke
Some Personal Recollections of Dr. Janeway James Bayard Clark
The Early Life of Washington Mary Clark
Under the Stars and Bars Walter A. Clark
A Belle of the Fifties Virginia Clay-Clopton
Female Warriors, Vol. 2 (of 2) Ellen C. Clayton
Female Warriors, Vol. 1 (of 2) Ellen C. Clayton
William Clayton's Journal William Clayton
Chesterton, as seen by his contemporaries Cyril Clemens
Famous funny fellows : Brief biographical sketches of American humorists William Montgomery Clemens
Histoire de la vie et de l'administration de Colbert (French) Pierre Clément
The Story of a Summer Cecilia Pauline Cleveland
Carl Wilhelm Scheele ett minnesblad på hundrade årsdagen af hans död (Swedish) P. T. Cleve
Documents Inédits sur Alfred de Musset (French) Maurice Clouard
Alfred de Musset et George Sand (French) Maurice Clouard
Life of Frances Power Cobbe, as told by herself Frances Power Cobbe
Elijah Cobb : 1768-1848 a Cape Cod skipper Elijah Cobb