Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Set Down in Malice: A Book of Reminiscences Gerald Cumberland
The Enormous Room E. E. Cummings
The Great Musicians: Purcell William Hayman Cummings
Birket Foster, R.W.S. H. M. Cundall
Biografia di Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian) Gian Battista Cuneo
The Pilot's Daughter: an account of Elizabeth Cullingham Francis Cunningham
Pierre Curie Marie Curie
Life of James Buchanan, Fifteenth President of the United States. v. 1 (of 2) George Ticknor Curtis
Life of James Buchanan, Fifteenth President of the United States. v. 2 (of 2) George Ticknor Curtis
Prue and I George William Curtis
Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis to John S. Dwight; Brook Farm and Concord George William Curtis
Abraham Lincoln William Eleroy Curtis
Baron d'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France Max Pearson Cushing
"Boots and Saddles"; Or, Life in Dakota with General Custer Elizabeth Bacon Custer
Tenting on the Plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas Elizabeth Bacon Custer
My life on the plains : or, personal experiences with Indians George A. Custer
Recollections of a Long Life: An Autobiography Theodore L. Cuyler
Essai sur Talleyrand (French) Baron Henry Lytton Bulwer Dalling and Bulwer
John Hus: A brief story of the life of a martyr William Dallmann
The Waterloo Roll Call Charles Dalton
The Real Captain Kidd: A Vindication Cornelius Neale Dalton
John Call Dalton, M.D., U.S.V. John Call Dalton
The life savers of Cape Cod J. W. Dalton
The Brothers Dalziel Edward Dalziel and George Dalziel
My Musical Life Walter Damrosch