Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
ABC of the Steel Square and Its Uses Fred. T. Hodgson
Die Luftschiffahrt der Gegenwart (German) Hermann Hoernes
Historic Inventions Rupert Sargent Holland
Engineers and their triumphs F. M. Holmes
Opportunities in Engineering Charles M. Horton
Illustrated Catalogue of Cotton Machinery Howard & Bullough American Machine Company
Inventors Philip Gengembre Hubert
Essex Terraplane Six 1933 Owner's Manual of Information Hudson Motor Car Company
American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype S. D. Humphrey
A Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on Glass and Paper. S. D. Humphrey
The Modern Railroad Edward Hungerford
The Story of the Pullman Car Joseph Husband
Transcontinental Telephone Address to Thomas A. Edison Miller Reese Hutchinson
"Undo": A Novel Joe Hutsko
Forge Work William L. Ilgen
The New York Subway, Its Construction and Equipment Interborough Rapid Transit Company
Three textile raw materials and their manufacture International Acceptance Bank
Hoisting Appliances International Correspondence Schools
Airplane Photography Herbert Eugene Ives
Flying Machines: Construction and Operation William J. Jackman, Thomas Herbert Russell, and Octave Chanute
La Cryptographie, ou, l'art d'écrire en chiffres (French) P. L. Jacob
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 Charles M. Jacobs
Vision by radio, radio photographs, radio photograms C. Francis Jenkins
Paint & Colour Mixing Arthur Seymour Jennings
Painting by Immersion and by Compressed Air: A Practical Handbook Arthur Seymour Jennings