Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet Ed Krol
Lecture on Artificial Flight William G. Krueger
The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated Dionysius Lardner
The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated (Seventh Edition) Dionysius Lardner
Le Livre 010101, Tome 1 (1993-1998) (French) Marie Lebert
Le Livre 010101: Enquête (French) Marie Lebert
Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas (Spanish) (French) Marie Lebert
Entrevistas (1998-2001) (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Entretiens (1998-2001) (French) Marie Lebert
Interviews (1998-2001) Marie Lebert
De l'imprimé à Internet (French) Marie Lebert
From the Print Media to the Internet Marie Lebert
Le multilinguisme sur le Web (French) Marie Lebert
Multilingualism on the Web Marie Lebert
Del libro impreso al libro digital (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Booknologie: Le livre numérique (1971-2010) (French) Marie Lebert
Booknología: El libro digital (1971-2010) (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Booknology: The eBook (1971-2010) Marie Lebert
Les langues sur le web (French) Marie Lebert
Le livre, de l'imprimé au numérique (French) Marie Lebert
El ebook tiene 40 años (1971-2011) (Spanish) Marie Lebert
L'ebook a 40 ans (1971-2011) (French) Marie Lebert
El Internet y los idiomas [alrededor del año 2000] (Spanish) Marie Lebert
L'Internet et les langues (French) Marie Lebert
The Internet and Languages [around the year 2000] Marie Lebert