Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
El Internet y los idiomas [alrededor del año 2000] (Spanish) Marie Lebert
L'Internet et les langues (French) Marie Lebert
The Internet and Languages [around the year 2000] Marie Lebert
Una corta historia del eBook (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Une courte histoire de l'eBook (French) Marie Lebert
A Short History of EBooks Marie Lebert
La web, una enciclopedia multilingüe (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Technology and Books for All Marie Lebert
Las tecnologías y el libro para todos (Spanish) Marie Lebert
Les technologies et le livre pour tous (French) Marie Lebert
Project Gutenberg (1971-2008) Marie Lebert
Les mutations du livre (French) Marie Lebert
Le Dictionnaire du NEF (French) Marie Lebert
Le Livre 010101, Tome 2 (1998-2003) (French) Marie Lebert
Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use F. H. Leeds and W. J. Atkinson Butterfield
Lectures on Ventilation Lewis W. Leeds
Lace Curtain Cleaning: A Successful Home Business Sarah Ann Leigh
A Manual of Mending and Repairing; With Diagrams Charles Godfrey Leland
Natural Stability and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes W. LeMaitre
Color Cement Handicraft Pedro J. Lemos and Reta A. Lemos
Modern Copper Smelting Donald M. Levy
Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution. Chapters 1 and 2 Steven Levy
Friction, Lubrication and the Lubricants in Horology W. T. Lewis
Workshop on Electronic Texts: Proceedings, 9-10 June 1992 Library of Congress
Petroleum Albert Lidgett