Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
Das lebende Lichtbild: Entwicklung, Wesen und Bedeutung des Kinematographen (German) Franz Paul Liesegang
Lichtbild- und Kino-Technik (German) Franz Paul Liesegang
Handbuch der praktischen Kinematographie (German) Franz Paul Liesegang
Sciopticon: Einführung in die Projections-Kunst (German) Franz Paul Liesegang
Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst (German) Otto Lilienthal
Instruction book on ring spinning Francis L. Lincoln
Signalling across space without wires Sir Oliver Lodge
The Dry Collodion Process Charles A. Long
Plaque No. 6 Losey's Orchestra
Plaque No. 2 Losey's Orchestra
Plaque No. 1 Losey's Orchestra
Wireless Possibilities A. M. Low
An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design David Allan Low
Die Casting: Dies—Machines—Methods Chester L. Lucas
English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat Frederick Lucas
Manufacturing Cost Data on Artificial Ice Otto Luhr and Herman Friedl
The Lathe & Its Uses James Lukin
The Young Mechanic James Lukin
The platinum metals Arthur Douglas Lumb
The construction and maintenance of earth roads Richard Roswell Lyman
Experimental glass blowing for boys Carleton John Lynde
The American Printer: A Manual of Typography Thomas MacKellar
Stories of Great Inventors Hattie E. Macomber
Rough and Tumble Engineering James H. Maggard
Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Harold P. Manly