Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Art and Practice of Silver Printing H. P. Robinson and Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney
Textile Fabrics Daniel Rock
English and American tool builders Joseph Wickham Roe
Young Engineer's Guide J. V. Rohan
Something about sugar : Its history, growth, manufacture and distribution George M. Rolph
Copper Work: A Text Book for Teachers and Students in the Manual Arts Augustus F. Rose
Modern Machine-Shop Practice, Volumes I and II Joshua Rose
Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught Joshua Rose
Glass Manufacture Walter Rosenhain
Elementary Course in Woodwork George Alexander Ross
Darstellende Geometrie des Geländes (German) Rudolf Rothe
Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms H. Ling Roth
The Silicon Jungle David H. Rothman
NetWorld! What People Are Really Doing on the Internet and What It Means to You David H. Rothman
Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century Robert Routledge
Bamboo, Considered as a Paper-making Material Thomas Routledge
Gas and Oil Engines, Simply Explained Walter C. Runciman
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects Edward J. Ruppelt
The Atlantic Telegraph (1865) Sir William Howard Russell
Home-made cider vinegar Walter G. Sackett
How Paper Boxes Are Made Robert F. Salade
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise P. Gerald Sanford
My Airships; The Story of My Life Alberto Santos-Dumont
Making a Fireplace Henry H. Saylor
QREAD, Etext Reader for Windows Dan Scavezze