Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted by popularity)
Pigments, Paint and Painting: A practical book for practical men George Terry 178 downloads
Jacquard Machines: Instruction Paper H. William Nelson 178 downloads
Experimental glass blowing for boys Carleton John Lynde 178 downloads
A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, Including the Practice of the Collodion Process T. Frederick Hardwich 177 downloads
Seattle Car & Foundry Company, Catalogue No. 3, December, 1913 Seattle Car and Foundry Company 177 downloads
The story of rope : The history and the modern development of rope-making Plymouth Cordage Company 177 downloads
Time and Clocks: A Description of Ancient and Modern Methods of Measuring Time Sir Henry H. Cunynghame 177 downloads
Metal Spinning C. Tuells and William A. Painter 177 downloads
Copper Work: A Text Book for Teachers and Students in the Manual Arts Augustus F. Rose 177 downloads
How To Build A 20-Foot Bi-Plane Glider Alfred Powell Morgan 177 downloads
Airplane Photography Herbert Eugene Ives 177 downloads
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, 1914 Canadian Kodak Company 176 downloads
Cutting and draping : a practical handbook for upholsterers and decorators John W. Stephenson 176 downloads
Tomato products: pulp, ketchup, and chili sauce. National Canners Association, W. D. Bigelow, and A. E. Stevenson 175 downloads
Cotton Weaving and Designing John T. Taylor 175 downloads
Scientific American Supplement, No. 647, May 26, 1888 Various 175 downloads
Ketchup: Methods of Manufacture; Microscopic Examination K. G. Bitting and A. W. Bitting 175 downloads
Elementary Course in Woodwork George Alexander Ross 174 downloads
Home-made Toy Motors Alfred Powell Morgan 174 downloads
Scientific American Supplement, No. 633, February 18, 1888 Various 173 downloads
A Historical Account of Useful Inventions and Scientific Discoveries George Grant 173 downloads
Hawkins Electrical Guide v. 07 (of 10) N. Hawkins 173 downloads
Hardware, estimating, and mill design 172 downloads
Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891 Various 172 downloads
Up in the Clouds: Balloon Voyages R. M. Ballantyne 172 downloads