Books in Browsing: Computers & Technology (sorted by popularity)
The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0, 24 Jul 1996 139 downloads
Knott's pop-corn book 138 downloads
Manufacturing Cost Data on Artificial Ice Otto Luhr and Herman Friedl 138 downloads
NorthWestNet User Services Internet Resource Guide (NUSIRG) Jonathan Kochmer 138 downloads
The Library of Work and Play: Electricity and Its Everyday Uses John F. Woodhull 137 downloads
The platinum metals Arthur Douglas Lumb 137 downloads
Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891 Various 137 downloads
Natural Stability and the Parachute Principle in Aeroplanes W. LeMaitre 137 downloads
Stories of Invention, Told by Inventors and their Friends Edward Everett Hale 137 downloads
From Immigrant to Inventor Michael Pupin 137 downloads
Booknologie: Le livre numérique (1971-2010) (French) Marie Lebert 137 downloads
Shafting, Pulleys, Belting and Rope Transmission Hubert E. Collins 137 downloads
La web, una enciclopedia multilingüe (Spanish) Marie Lebert 136 downloads
The BYU Solar Cooker/Cooler Steven E. Jones 136 downloads
Recent discussions on the abolition of patents for inventions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Netherlands : Evidence, speeches, and papers in its favour 136 downloads
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 George C. Clarke 136 downloads
The Oak Ridge ALGOL Compiler for the Control Data Corporation 1604 L. L. Bumgarner 135 downloads
Die Akkumulatoren: ihre Theorie, Herstellung, Behandlung und Verwendung. (German) Willibald Bermbach 135 downloads
Nouveau moyen de préparer la couche sensible des plaques destinées à recevoir les images photographiques (French) Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre 135 downloads
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, December 1899 Various 135 downloads
Soup and Soup Making Emma P. Ewing 135 downloads
Tunneling: A Practical Treatise. Charles Prelini 135 downloads
Pulp and Paper Magazine, Vol. XIII, No. 20, October 15, 1916 Various 134 downloads
Scientific American magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 1 Various 134 downloads
Piece Goods Manual A. E. Blanco 134 downloads