Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically by author)
La Constantin Alexandre Dumas
Joan of Naples Alexandre Dumas
Derues Alexandre Dumas
Nisida Alexandre Dumas
Urbain Grandier Alexandre Dumas
Karl Ludwig Sand Alexandre Dumas
Mary Stuart Alexandre Dumas
Massacres of the South (1551-1815) Alexandre Dumas
The Borgias Alexandre Dumas
Cenci Alexandre Dumas
Doris Force at Locked Gates; Or, Saving a Mysterious Fortune Julia K. Duncan
Uncle Sam, Detective William Atherton DuPuy
The crooked cross Charles J. Dutton
The Merriweather Girls in Quest of Treasure Lizette M. Edholm
The Bombay City Police: A Historical Sketch, 1672-1916 S. M. Edwardes
Sons and Fathers Harry Stillwell Edwards
Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog Leo Edwards
Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure Leo Edwards
The Mystery of Metropolisville Edward Eggleston
The Millbank Case: A Maine Mystery of To-day George Dyre Eldridge
The Vanishing Comrade: A Mystery Story for Girls Ethel Cook Eliot
The phantom hunter; or, love after death Edward Sylvester Ellis
The Launch Boys' Cruise in the Deerfoot Edward Sylvester Ellis
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