Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically by author)
Mazaroffin murhajuttu (Finnish) J. S. Fletcher
In the Mayor's Parlour J. S. Fletcher
The Herapath Property J. S. Fletcher
The Orange-Yellow Diamond J. S. Fletcher
The case of the Black Twenty-Two Brian Flynn
The mystery of the Peacock's Eye Brian Flynn
The Billiard Room Mystery Brian Flynn
The Barrel Mystery William J. Flynn
Notes of an Itinerant Policeman Josiah Flynt
Unterm Birnbaum (German) Theodor Fontane
Earth transit Charles L. Fontenay
Thieves' Wit: An Everyday Detective Story Hulbert Footner
Ramshackle House Hulbert Footner
The Owl Taxi Hulbert Footner
The Substitute Millionaire Hulbert Footner
The Woman from Outside Hulbert Footner
The Deaves Affair Hulbert Footner
A Modern Purgatory Carlo de Fornaro
Secret Service; or, Recollections of a City Detective Andrew Forrester
The duplicate death Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard Anatole France
In and Out Edgar Franklin
Chalk face Waldo David Frank
'Doc.' Gordon Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
The D'Arblay mystery R. Austin Freeman