Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Crime Club W. Holt-White
Herr Corpwieth, gentleman-detektiv (Swedish) Olaf Homén, Henning Söderhjelm, and Emil Hasselblatt
Physician and patient : or, a practical view of the mutual duties, relations and interests of the medical profession and the community Worthington Hooker
The Samurai Strategy Thomas Hoover
Syndrome Thomas Hoover
Life Blood Thomas Hoover
Beaumaroy Home from the Wars Anthony Hope
The Secret of the Tower Anthony Hope
Six little Bunkers at Grandma Bell's Laura Lee Hope
The Mystery of the Deserted Village Elbert M. Hoppenstedt
Israel Rank : The autobiography of a criminal Roy Horniman
The Amateur Cracksman E. W. Hornung
Raffles: Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman E. W. Hornung
The Amateur Cracksman E. W. Hornung
A Thief in the Night: A Book of Raffles' Adventures E. W. Hornung
Young Blood E. W. Hornung
The Thousandth Woman E. W. Hornung
Witching Hill E. W. Hornung
The Shadow of the Rope E. W. Hornung
A Thief in the Night: Further adventures of A. J. Raffles, Cricketer and Cracksman E. W. Hornung
No Hero E. W. Hornung
The Camera Fiend E. W. Hornung
Mr. Justice Raffles E. W. Hornung
The Crime Doctor E. W. Hornung
Dead Men Tell No Tales E. W. Hornung