Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted by popularity)
Karl Marx en zijne voorgangers (Dutch) Jos. Loopuit 113 downloads
Valuation of Real Estate in the Town of Acton. November 2, 1850. Abraham Conant, Nathan Brooks, and Jonathan B. Davis 113 downloads
The Camel and the Needle's Eye Baron Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby 112 downloads
The economic position of women Academy of Political Science in the City of New York 112 downloads
The factory Jonathan Thayer Lincoln 112 downloads
Observations sur l'organisation des postes et messageries, présentées au Corps législatif (French) Joachim de Pérez 111 downloads
War Prisoner Money and Medals Guido Kisch 111 downloads
Money: Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, on the Free Coinage of Silver; in the United States Senate, May 12 and 13, 1890 John P. Jones 111 downloads
Letters to Judd, an American Workingman Upton Sinclair 110 downloads
Emerson on Sound Money Willis George Emerson 110 downloads
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies marquis de Charles Casaux 110 downloads
Economisti del cinque e seicento (Italian) Gasparo Scaruffi, active 1613 Antonio Serra, and Geminiano Montanari 110 downloads
A Caution to the Directors of the East-India Company Anonymous 110 downloads
Social Justice Without Socialism John Bates Clark 109 downloads
Morals of Economic Internationalism J. A. Hobson 109 downloads
O credito agricola em Portugal (Portuguese) Jaime de Magalhães Lima 108 downloads
Railway Rates: English and Foreign James Grierson 107 downloads
The heart of the railroad problem Frank Parsons 107 downloads
Edinburgh Papers. Edinburgh Merchants and Merchandise in Old Times Robert Chambers 107 downloads
Usury; Or, Interest, Premium and Discount S. H. Crittenden 106 downloads
Travels in the interior of Brazil John Mawe 106 downloads
High Finance Otto H. Kahn 106 downloads
Œuvres Complètes de Frédéric Bastiat, tome 7 (French) Frédéric Bastiat 106 downloads
A Stiptick for a Bleeding Nation Unknown 106 downloads
Les manieurs d'argent à Rome jusqu'à l'Empire (French) Antonin Deloume 105 downloads