Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted alphabetically)
Protection and Communism Frédéric Bastiat
psychology of speculation : The human element in stock market transactions Henry Howard Harper
Public Lands and Agrarian Laws of the Roman Republic Andrew Stephenson
Queensland, the Rich but Sparsely Peopled Country, a Paradise for Willing Workers Queensland Government Intelligence and Tourist Bureau
Querist George Berkeley
Railroad Problem Edward Hungerford
Railroad Question William Jennings Bryan
Railroad Question William Larrabee
Railroad Reorganization Stuart Daggett
Railroads: Rates and Regulations William Zebina Ripley
Railway Rates: English and Foreign James Grierson
rational wages system : some notes on the method of paying the worker a reward for efficiency in addition to wages Henry Atkinson
Readings in Money and Banking Chester Arthur Phillips
Reconstruction of Georgia Edwin C. Woolley
Regulating Silver Coin, Made Practicable and Easie, to the Government and Subject Samuel Pratt
Religion and the rise of capitalism : A historical study R. H. Tawney
Remarks on the production of the precious metals Léon Faucher
Remedy for Unemployment Alfred Russel Wallace
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Edwin Lefevre
Report on the Cost of Living in Ireland, June 1922 Ireland. Ministry of Economic Affairs
Return Loads' to Increase Transport Resources by Avoiding Waste of Empty Vehicle Running. United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 Ithamar M. Howell
Revision of the Treaty John Maynard Keynes
Riches and Poverty (1910) L. G. Chiozza Money
Rise of Cotton Mills in the South Broadus Mitchell