Books in Browsing: Economics (sorted alphabetically)
Sophisms of the Protectionists Frédéric Bastiat
Source-Book of English Social History M. E. Monckton Jones
South America and the War F. A. Kirkpatrick
Speculations from Political Economy Charles Baron Clarke
Speech on the Principles of Finance Victoria C. Woodhull
Stages in the Social History of Capitalism Henri Pirenne
Stiptick for a Bleeding Nation Unknown
Stock Exchange Charles Duguid
Stock Exchange from Within William C. Van Antwerp
Story of the Bank of England Henry Warren
Successful Stock Speculation John James Butler
Supplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports: Turkey, Harput Leslie A. Davis
Supply and Demand Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson
Synthetic resins and their raw materials United States Tariff Commission
System of Economical Contradictions; Or, The Philosophy of Misery P.-J. Proudhon
Tariff in Our Times Ida M. Tarbell
Ten Dollars Enough: Keeping House Well on Ten Dollars a Week Catherine Owen
terminal market system, New York's most urgent need : some observations, comments, and comparisons of European markets Madeleine Black
Theory of Stock Exchange Speculation Arthur Crump
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies marquis de Charles Casaux
Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property Milivoy S. Stanoyevich
Tract on Monetary Reform John Maynard Keynes
transformaciones de la sociedad argentina y sus consecuencias institucionales (1853 à 1910) (Spanish) Horacio Carlos Rivarola
Travels in the interior of Brazil John Mawe
Treatise of Taxes and Contributions Sir William Petty