Books in Browsing: Encyclopedias/Dictionaries/Reference (sorted alphabetically by author)
The philatelic index William A. R. Jex Long
Engelsk-Svensk och Svensk-Engelsk Ordbok Med Fullständig Uttalsbeteckning (Swedish) Frederick Lönnkvist
Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Zweiter Teil (German) Carl Berendt Lorck
Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Erster Teil (German) Carl Berendt Lorck
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 J. F. Loubat
A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger E. A. Lowe and Edward Kennard Rand
The Coinages of the Channel Islands B. Lowsley
Mittelniederdeutsches Handwörterbuch (German) August Lübben
English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat Frederick Lucas
The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton: A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Editions Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton
The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches of Lord Macaulay Baron Thomas Babington Macaulay Macaulay
Remarks upon the solar and the lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commonly called the golden number, the epact, and a method of finding the time of Easter, as it is now observed in most parts of Europe Earl of George Parker Macclesfield
History of the Mackenzies, with genealogies of the principal families of the name Alexander Mackenzie
Macmillan & Co.'s General Catalogue of Works in the Departments of History, Biography, Travels, and Belles Lettres, December, 1869 Macmillan & Co.
Macmillan's Three-and-Sixpenny Library of Books by Popular Authors December 1905 Macmillan & Co.
Macmillan & Co.'s Catalogue. November 1878 Macmillan & Co.
Macmillan & Co.'s Catalogue. September 1874 Macmillan & Co.
Macmillan & Co.'s Catalogue. April 1888 Macmillan & Co.
Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, A.D. 1598-A.D. 1867 William Dunn Macray
The Early Oxford Press Falconer Madan
The Bodleian Library at Oxford Falconer Madan
The Harmsworth Magazine, v. 1, 1898-1899 The Harmsworth Magazine
Manuel des difficultés les plus communes de la langue française, adapté au jeune âge et suivi d'un recueil de locutions vicieuses (French) Thomas Maguire
Widger's Quotes and Images from Conscience by Hector Malot Hector Malot
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of M. M. Mangasarian M. M. Mangasarian