Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted alphabetically)
Improvement in Fire-Arms and in the Apparatus Used Therewith Samuel Colt
India and Indian Engineering. J. G. Medley
Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers Samuel Smiles
Industrial Canal and Inner Harbor of New Orleans Thomas Ewing Dabney
Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois J. E. Lamar
Inside Illinois: Mineral Resources Illinois State Geological Survey
Installation and Operation Instructions For Custom Mark III CP Series Oil Fired Unit Anonymous
instinct of workmanship, and the state of industrial arts Thorstein Veblen
Instruction book on ring spinning Francis L. Lincoln
Instructions for the Management of Harvey's Sea Torpedo Frederick Harvey
Instructions on Modern American Bridge Building G. B. N. Tower
Instruction Théorique du Soldat par lui-même (1914) (French) Félix Chapuis
Intarsia and Marquetry F. Hamilton Jackson
Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments Robert P. Multhauf
Introduction of the Locomotive Safety Truck John H. White
Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design David Allan Low
Invention of the Sewing Machine Grace Rogers Cooper
Invention of the Track Circuit American Railway Association
Inventions of the Great War A. Russell Bond
inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla Thomas Commerford Martin
Iron Horse R. M. Ballantyne
Iron Making in the Olden Times H. G. Nicholls
Irrigation works : the principles on which their design and working should be based, with special details relating to Indian canals and some proposed improvements E. S. Bellasis
Is a Ship Canal Practicable? S. T. Abert
isthme de Panama (French) Michel Chevalier