Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted by popularity)
Practical Hand Book of Gas, Oil and Steam Engines John B. Rathbun 180 downloads
The A B C of Mining: A Handbook for Prospectors Charles A. Bramble 180 downloads
Stories of Inventors: The Adventures of Inventors and Engineers Russell Doubleday 180 downloads
A summary of the history, construction and effects in warfare of the projectile-throwing engines of the ancients, with a treatise on the structure, power and management of Turkish and other Oriental bows of mediæval and later times Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey 179 downloads
Handboek voor den kaasmaker in Nederland (Dutch) Pierre Jean Hollman 179 downloads
Die Geschichte der Dampfmaschine bis James Watt (German) Max Geitel 179 downloads
Forge Work William L. Ilgen 178 downloads
Hardware, estimating, and mill design 178 downloads
The Ice Crop: How to Harvest, Store, Ship and Use Ice Theron L. Hiles 178 downloads
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot 178 downloads
An Account of the Bell Rock Light-House Robert Stevenson 178 downloads
Modern ships of war Sir Edward J. Reed and Edward Simpson 178 downloads
Die Säge: Ein Rückblick auf vier Jahrtausende (German) Franz M. Feldhaus 178 downloads
Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., Past President of the Institute of Civil Engineers Sir John Rennie 178 downloads
Fire prevention and fire extinction James Braidwood 178 downloads
Getting Gold: A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners and Students J. C. F. Johnson 178 downloads
Elements of woodwork Charles A. King 178 downloads
Engineering reminiscences contributed to "Power" and "American machinist" Charles T. Porter 177 downloads
How to Make Electrical Machines R. A. R. Bennett 177 downloads
Hawkins Electrical Guide v. 02 (of 10) N. Hawkins 177 downloads
Golf Architecture: Economy in Course Construction and Green-Keeping A. Mackenzie 177 downloads
Lectures in Navigation Ernest Gallaudet Draper 177 downloads
De afsluiting en droogmaking der Zuiderzee. Weerlegging van bezwaren. (Dutch) A. A. Beekman 177 downloads
The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph Henry M. Field 176 downloads
Steam Shovels and Steam Shovel Work Edward Adolph Hermann 176 downloads