Books in Browsing: Engineering & Construction (sorted by popularity)
James Watt und die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine (German) Georg Biedenkapp 161 downloads
Jacquard Machines: Instruction Paper H. William Nelson 160 downloads
The American Practical Brewer and Tanner Joseph Coppinger 160 downloads
The Submarine in War and Peace: Its Development and its Possibilities Simon Lake 160 downloads
From Paper-mill to Pressroom William Bond Wheelwright 160 downloads
Motion Picture Operation, Stage Electrics and Illusions Henry Charles Horstmann and Victor H. Tousley 160 downloads
A System of Pyrotechny James Cutbush 159 downloads
Modern shipbuilding and the men engaged in it David Pollock 159 downloads
Die Technik der Lastenförderung einst und jetzt (German) Otto Kammerer 159 downloads
Húsabætur á sveitabæjum: Uppdrættir og áætlanir (Icelandic) Jón Sveinsson 159 downloads
Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Ordnance 159 downloads
L'isthme de Panama (French) Michel Chevalier 158 downloads
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Harold E. Babbitt 158 downloads
Aeroplane Construction and Operation John B. Rathbun 158 downloads
The Economy of Workshop Manipulation John Richards 158 downloads
The Dwelling House George Vivian Poore 157 downloads
L'A. B. C. de l'aviation: Biplans et monoplans (French) Louis Gastine 157 downloads
The manufacture of earth colours : With thirty-one illustrations Josef Bersch 157 downloads
Pneumatic conveying Ernest George Phillips 156 downloads
Aeroplane construction : A handbook on the various methods and details of construction employed in the building of aeroplanes Sydney Camm 156 downloads
The Seaman's Friend Richard Henry Dana 156 downloads
How To Build A 20-Foot Bi-Plane Glider Alfred Powell Morgan 156 downloads
The Aeroplane Speaks. Fifth Edition H. Barber 156 downloads
Hoisting Appliances International Correspondence Schools 156 downloads
Reminiscences of Glass-making Deming Jarves 156 downloads