Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted alphabetically)
economische toestand der vrouw (Dutch) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Educated working women: Essays on the economic position of women workers in the middle classes Clara E. Collet
Education of Catholic Girls Janet Erskine Stuart
Education of Women M. Carey Thomas
Egalité des hommes et des femmes : A la Reyne (French) Marie Le Jars de Gournay
Ehzuchtbüchlein (German) Hermann Oeser
Eighteen months in the war zone : the record of a woman's work on the western front Kate John Finzi
Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897 Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Éloge du sein des femmes (French) Claude-François-Xavier Mercier de Compiègne
első fecske, és egyéb elbeszélések (Hungarian) Ferenc Herczeg
Emily Brontë A. Mary F. Robinson
Employments of Women: A Cyclopædia of Woman's Work Virginia Penny
Enfranchisement of women : Reprinted from the Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, for July 1851 Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill
Equal Suffrage in Australia Various
Erotic Motive in Literature Albert Mordell
Escal-Vigor (French) Georges Eekhoud
espada de Alexandre (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
essay in defence of the female sex Mary Astell and active 1696-1707 Judith Drake
Essays in medical sociology, Volume 1 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
Essays in medical sociology, Volume 2 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
Essays in War-Time: Further Studies in the Task of Social Hygiene Havelock Ellis
Ethics of George Eliot's Works John Crombie Brown
Étude Médico-Légale: Psychopathia Sexualis (French) R. von Krafft-Ebing
Evolution of Love Emil Lucka
Facts and Fictions of Life Helen H. Gardener