Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted by popularity)
The Love Affairs of Lord Byron Francis Henry Gribble 204 downloads
Psychoanalysis and Love André Tridon 203 downloads
Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Volume I Margaret Fuller 201 downloads
Memoirs of Emma Courtney Mary Hays 199 downloads
Women's Suffrage: A Short History of a Great Movement Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett 199 downloads
Female Suffrage: A Letter to the Christian Women of America Susan Fenimore Cooper 199 downloads
Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit. (German) Iwan Bloch 198 downloads
The Garden Without Walls Coningsby Dawson 198 downloads
The home-maker Dorothy Canfield Fisher 196 downloads
Les Chansons De Bilitis (French) Pierre Louÿs 195 downloads
The Book of Nature active 1875-1876 James Ashton 194 downloads
Hints for Lovers Arnold Haultain 193 downloads
Sexual ethics Auguste Forel 193 downloads
Aventures de l'abbé de Choisy habillé en femme (French) abbé de Choisy 192 downloads
The Convert Elizabeth Robins 191 downloads
Heroines That Every Child Should Know 191 downloads
A Compilaton on Women Universal House of Justice 191 downloads
El paraiso de las mujeres (Spanish) Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 191 downloads
Why not? A book for every woman Horatio Robinson Storer 191 downloads
Regiment of Women Clemence Dane 191 downloads
Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer D. C. Bloomer 190 downloads
Histoire de la prostitution chez tous les peuples du monde depuis l'antiquité la plus reculée jusqu'à nos jours, tome 4/6 (French) P. L. Jacob 190 downloads
Artist and Model (The Divorced Princess) René de Pont-Jest 189 downloads
Catéchisme libertin (French) Théroigne de Méricourt 189 downloads
The Romance of Biography (Vol 1 of 2) Mrs. Jameson 189 downloads