Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted by popularity)
Modern Woman: Her Intentions Florence Farr 135 downloads
A Woman for Mayor: A Novel of To-day Helen M. Winslow 135 downloads
Women in All Ages and in All Countries, v 1-10: An Index 135 downloads
Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 3 Marietta Holley 135 downloads
Mobilizing Woman-Power Harriot Stanton Blatch 135 downloads
Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 4 Marietta Holley 135 downloads
Egalité des hommes et des femmes : A la Reyne (French) Marie Le Jars de Gournay 134 downloads
The Woman Movement Ellen Key 134 downloads
A Woman of Genius Mary Austin 134 downloads
Woman in Political Evolution Joseph McCabe 133 downloads
Recueil des exemples de la malice des femmes, et des malheurs venus à leur occasion (French) Anonymous 133 downloads
A marrying man G. B. Stern 133 downloads
Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 6 Marietta Holley 133 downloads
Revolted Woman: Past, present, and to come Charles G. Harper 133 downloads
Unveiling a Parallel: A Romance Alice Ilgenfritz Jones and Ella Merchant 133 downloads
Über die Probenächte der teutschen Bauermädchen (German) Friedrich Christoph Jonathan Fischer 133 downloads
A book of women's verse 133 downloads
The Social Emergency: Studies in Sex Hygiene and Morals 133 downloads
The frantic master Mrs. Douglas Pulleyne 132 downloads
Projet d'une loi portant défense d'apprendre à lire aux femmes (French) Sylvain Maréchal 132 downloads
Az első fecske, és egyéb elbeszélések (Hungarian) Ferenc Herczeg 132 downloads
An Outline of Sexual Morality Kenneth Ingram 132 downloads
A Word to Women Mrs. Humphry 132 downloads
Java Head Joseph Hergesheimer 132 downloads
What Great Men Have Said About Women 131 downloads