Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted alphabetically by author)
John Baskerville, type-founder and printer, 1706-1775 Jr. Josiah H. Benton
The Memoirs of Admiral Lord Beresford Baron Charles William De la Poer Beresford Beresford
Current Superstitions Fanny D. Bergen
The Querist George Berkeley
A concise history and directory of the city of Norwich for 1811 Christopher Berry
My Experiences as an Executioner James Berry
The Harvest of the Sea James Glass Bertram
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: A Sketch-Book Robert J. S. Bertram
The Case for India Annie Besant
Early London: Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon and Norman Walter Besant
Mediæval London, Volume 1: Historical & Social Walter Besant
The Queen's Reign and Its Commemoration Walter Besant
The Orange Girl Walter Besant
London in the Time of the Stuarts Walter Besant
For Faith and Freedom Walter Besant
London in the Time of the Tudors Walter Besant
East London Walter Besant
London Walter Besant
London City Walter Besant
The History of London Walter Besant
Fifty Years Ago Walter Besant
The Strand District Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton
Eminent doctors: Their lives and their work; Vol. 2 of 2 G. T. Bettany
Eminent doctors: Their lives and their work; Vol. 1 of 2 G. T. Bettany
The Towns of Roman Britain J. O. Bevan