Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted alphabetically)
Captain Desmond, V.C. Maud Diver
Captain Ravenshaw; Or, The Maid of Cheapside. A Romance of Elizabethan London Robert Neilson Stephens
Carbonels Charlotte M. Yonge
Cardinal Pole; Or, The Days of Philip and Mary: An Historical Romance William Harrison Ainsworth
Cariboo Trail Agnes C. Laut
Caroline the Illustrious, vol. 1 (of 2) : Queen-Consort of George II. and sometime Queen-Regent; a study of her life and time W. H. Wilkins
Cartas de Inglaterra (Portuguese) Eça de Queirós
Case for India Annie Besant
Case of Mrs. Clive Mrs. Clive
case of Oscar Slater Arthur Conan Doyle
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 1 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 2 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 3 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 4 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 5 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 6 (of 8) Anonymous
Caste William Alexander Fraser
Castle Inn Stanley John Weyman
castles and abbeys of England; Vol. 1 of 2 William Beattie
castles and abbeys of England; Vol. 2 of 2 William Beattie
Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum. Vol. 4 British Museum. Department of Manuscripts and Pascual de Gayangos
Catalpa Expedition Zeph. W. Pease
Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.] Hartley Withers
Cathedral Church of Oxford Percy Dearmer
Cathedral Cities of England George Gilbert