Books in Browsing: History - British (sorted by popularity)
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 64, No. 395, September, 1848 Various 281 downloads
Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson William Beatty 280 downloads
The Grand Old Man Richard B. Cook 280 downloads
The castles and abbeys of England; Vol. 1 of 2 William Beattie 280 downloads
Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot Richard Cannon 280 downloads
Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets, Vol. 2 (of 2) William Howitt 280 downloads
William Pitt and the Great War J. Holland Rose 280 downloads
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Second Series William Bottrell 280 downloads
Allen's West London Street Directory, 1868 Samuel Allen 280 downloads
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. T. Smollett 279 downloads
Eikon Basilike John Gauden and King of England Charles I 279 downloads
The History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions to Persia, China and Japan, 1856-7-8 George Dodd 279 downloads
The Thirteenth Hussars in the Great War H. Mortimer Durand 278 downloads
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol. 2 E. K. Chambers 278 downloads
Bell's Cathedrals: A Short Account of Romsey Abbey Rev. Thomas Perkins 278 downloads
The Rivers of Great Britain, Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial: Rivers of the East Coast Various 278 downloads
Tommy Atkins at War: As Told in His Own Letters James Alexander Kilpatrick 277 downloads
Curiosities of Street Literature 277 downloads
John Splendid: The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn Neil Munro 277 downloads
William Pitt and national revival J. Holland Rose 277 downloads
Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722 Daniel Defoe 277 downloads
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol. 4 E. K. Chambers 276 downloads
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol. 3 E. K. Chambers 276 downloads
Cedric, the Forester Bernard Gay Marshall 275 downloads
The True History of Tom & Jerry Pierce Egan, Charles Hindley, and W. T. Moncrieff 275 downloads