Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : Including accounts of Tripoli, the Sahara, the remarkable kingdom of Bornu, and the countries around Lake Chad Heinrich Barth
Mud and Khaki: Sketches from Flanders and France Vernon Bartlett
Daybreak in Turkey James L. Barton
Cambridge Noel Barwell
Al fronte (maggio-ottobre 1915) (Italian) Luigi Barzini
The Lost Fruits of Waterloo John Spencer Bassett
The Anglo-French Entente in the Seventeenth Century Charles Bastide
In Sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael Katharine Lee Bates
Henri IV en Gascogne (1553-1589) (French) Charles de Batz-Trenquelléon
Das Geschlechtsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit (German) Max Bauer
German Culture Past and Present Ernest Belfort Bax
German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages Ernest Belfort Bax
Archaic England : an essay in deciphering prehistory from megalithic monuments, earthworks, customs, coins, place-names, and faerie superstitions Harold Bayley
On an Irish Jaunting-Car Through Donegal and Connemara Samuel G. Bayne
La Sarcelle Bleue (French) René Bazin
Il castello di Trezzo: Novella storica (Italian) Giambattista Bazzoni
The Churches of Paris, from Clovis to Charles X Sophia Beale
Heroines of French Society Mrs. Bearne
Pictures of the old French court : Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Bavière, Anne de Bretagne Mrs. Bearne
Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson William Beatty
La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 1 (French) A. de Beauchesne
La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 2 (French) A. de Beauchesne
Childéric, Roi des Francs, (tome second) (French) comtesse de Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul
Childéric, Roi des Francs, (tome premier) (French) comtesse de Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul
Canada in Flanders, Volume II Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook