Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically by author)
Disturbed Ireland : being the letters written during the winter of 1880-81 Bernard H. Becker
Italy; with sketches of Spain and Portugal William Beckford
Het geval België (Dutch) James M. Beck
Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa, from Tripoly eastward : in MDCCCXXI. and MDCCCXXII., comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the pentapolis Frederick William Beechey and H. W. Beechey
Maerten Harpertsz. Tromp: Een zeemanszoon uit de 17de eeuw (Dutch) Johannes Hendrik Been
Le registre d'écrou de la Bastille de 1782 à 1789 (French) A. Bégis
Paris: A Sketch Book Eugène Béjot
My Three Years in a German Prison Henri Béland
Studi intorno alla storia della Lombardia (Italian) Cristina Belgioioso
Osservazioni sullo stato attuale dell'Italia e sul suo avvenire (Italian) Cristina Belgioioso
Il Conte di Virtù vol. 2/2 (Italian) Carlo Belgiojoso
Notices on the outlasting war sites Belgium. Ministère de la défense nationale
The Yankee mining squadron : or, laying the North Sea mine barrage Reginald Rowan Belknap
Guernsey pictorial directory and stranger's guide : embellished with numerous wood-cuts of Guernsey Thomas Bellamy
Portuguese portraits Aubrey F. G. Bell
Portugal of the Portuguese Aubrey F. G. Bell
The Magic of Spain Aubrey F. G. Bell
Life of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 1 (of 2) Henry Glassford Bell
Life of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 2 (of 2) Henry Glassford Bell
Hills and the Sea Hilaire Belloc
The River of London Hilaire Belloc
The Two Maps of Europe, and Some Other Aspects of the Great War Hilaire Belloc
Tourcoing Hilaire Belloc
The Jews Hilaire Belloc
Crécy Hilaire Belloc