Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 3 van 3) (Dutch) J. van de Capelle
Belgian Curtain: Europe after Communism Samuel Vaknin
Belgians Under the German Eagle Jean Massart
Belgique héroïque et martyre (French) Various
Belgische omwenteling (Dutch) H. T. Colenbrander
Belgium George W. T. Omond
Belgium Joseph E. Morris
Belgium: From the Roman Invasion to the Present Day Emile Cammaerts
Belgium, Vol. 1 (of 2) Sir James Emerson Tennent
Belgium, Vol. 2 (of 2) Sir James Emerson Tennent
Bellarion the Fortunate : a romance Rafael Sabatini
Belle-Rose (French) Amédée Achard
belles-de-nuit; ou, les anges de la famille. tome 2 (French) Paul Féval
Bem e o Mal: Romance (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco
Benjamin Constant (French) Hippolyte Castille
Beobachtungen über Oesterreichs Aufklärung und Litteratur (German) Aloys Blumauer
Berlin and Sans-Souci; Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends L. Mühlbach
Best Stories of the 1914 European War Various
bêtise humaine (Eusèbe Martin) (French) Jules Noriac
Betrayed Armenia Diana Agabeg Apcar
Better Germany in War Time: Being Some Facts Towards Fellowship Harold W. Picton
Bible in Spain George Borrow
Bible in Spain, Vol. 1 [of 2] George Borrow
Bible in Spain, Vol. 2 [of 2] George Borrow
Biblia en España, Tomo II (de 3) (Spanish) George Borrow